California Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Occupational Safety & Health
Publications Unit
How to Find Your Exact Coordinates with Your iPhone
Why Your Locaon is Important
Having your locaon and GPS coordinates available is vital when accidents, injuries, or deaths happen on the job. This
informaon allows faster response me for rst responders and gives Cal/OSHA important informaon if there is a
complaint or accident invesgaon conducted as a result of the incident. This document will walk through the ways an
iPhone user can get their locaon or GPS coordinates.
Locaon Sengs
Allowing Access to Your Locaon
You can turn Locaon Services on during Setup or later through the Locaon Services seng. When Locaon Services
are o, apps can’t use your locaon. You may be asked to allow access to your locaon. Select Allow While Using App if
Turn Locaon Services on:
1. Go to Sengs
2. Click Privacy
3. Click Locaon Services
1. Go to Sengs
2. Click Privacy Sengs
3. Make sure Locaon Services is On
Improve GPS Accuracy
GPS accuracy depends on visible GPS satellites. High GPS
accuracy provides a beer locaon result. This seng lets
your phone use local Wi-Fi, data networks, or Bluetooth
devices without connecng to them to track your locaon.
To improve your GPS accuracy:
Make sure that your date, me, and me zone are
Keep in mind walls, vehicle roofs, tall buildings,
mountains, and other objects can block signals to GPS
satellites. When this happens, your device uses Wi-Fi
or cellular networks to determine your posion unl
the GPS satellites are visible again.
Using Applicaons for Your Locaon
Finding Your Coordinates on an iPhone
There are mulple ways to see your GPS coordinates.
1. Siri
a. Siri requires you to have internet connecon. To get your GPS coordinates using
Siri, say, “Hey Siri, what are my GPS coordinates?” or “Hey Siri, whats my current
b. A map will appear with your address (if applicable), longitude, and latude.
NOTE: If Siri doesn’t respond, hold the Siri buon (right side of your phone on newer
models, or the home buon on older models). If Siri sll doesn’t respond or you get an error
message, you may have bad internet connecon.
Learn more about using Locaon and Services
to track your locaon in Maps and other apps
in your products user guide.
App Request
(Connued on next page)
2. Compass
Your iPhone has a built-in compass.
The Compass app will work no maer
how you are connected to the internet.
Before using it, you will need to enable
it in your Sengs.
a. Open Sengs and tap Compass.
b. Tap on Locaon.
c. Turn on Locaon and Use True
d. Go to the Compass app. It will
show your current locaon and GPS
3. Apple Maps
Apple Maps can give your current longitude and latude.
a. Open Apple Maps
b. Tap your Locaon
c. Scroll down and view your coordinates
NOTE: Siri gives you the same
informaon but with fewer steps
4. Google Maps (3
party app)
Google Maps tends to have more of cies and unpopulated area
informaon than other apps. There are two ways to use Google Maps to
get GPS coordinates.
a. Go to and type in your address. Look at the address
bar to see your coordinates in the URL (aer a series of words). For
b. Tap the arrow icon at the top right. A blue circle showing your current
locaon will appear. Tap inside this circle or dot. the My Locaon tab
will show your coordinates.
Get the Air Quality for Your Locaon
You may need to know the air quality of your locaon. You can get this
with the following tools:
The U.S. EPA AirNow
The U.S. Forest Service
The Interagency Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program
The California Air Resources Board
The local air polluon control and air quality management districts
October 2023
This document is available with acve links atons
For assistance regarding this subject maer, employers may contact
Cal/OSHA Consultaon Services at 1-800-963-9424 oron.html
© 2023 California Department of Industrial Relaons