Whose and What Social Media Complaints
Have Happier Resolutions? Evidence from
PRIYANGA GUNARATHNE (priyanga.gunarathne@simon.rochester.edu) is a Ph.D. can-
didate in computer information systems at the Simon Business School of the
University of Rochester. Before joining Simon Business School, she worked as a
software engineer in financial markets. Her primary research interests are consumer
and organizational behavior on social media, and the use of deep learning and
natural language processing in business.
UAXIA RUI ([email protected]ter.edu) is the Xerox Assistant Professor at the
Simon Business School of the University of Rochester. He received his Ph.D. from
the University of Texas at Austin in 2012. His work has been published in
Management Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management
Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, Production and Operations Management,
and others.
BRAHAM SEIDMANN ([email protected]chester.edu; corresponding author) is
the Xerox Professor of Computers and Information Systems and Operations
Management at the Simon Business School of the University of Rochester. His
research and consulting work focuses on the development of advanced analytical
tools for solving real business problems in information-intensive industries, most
recently in health care, web services, software development, digi tal supply chains,
and automated manufacturing. His research also involves the economic aspects of
information technology and its strategic interactions with organizations, markets,
and value chain operations. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the INFORMS
Information Systems Society.
BSTRACT: Many brands try to manage customer complaints on social media, help-
ing their customers on a real-time basis. Inspired by this popular practice, in this
study, we aim to understand whose and what complaints on social media are likely
to have happier resolutions. We analyzed the complaint resolution experience of
customers of a major U.S. airline, by exploiting a unique data set combining both
customerbrand interactions on Twitter and how customers felt at the end of these
interactions. We find that complaining customers who are more influential in online
social networks are more likely to be satisfied. Customers who have previously
complained to the brand on social media, and customers who complain about
process-related rather than outcome-related issues are less likely to feel better in
the end. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to identify the key
factors that shape customer feelings toward their brandcusto mer interactions on
Journal of Management Information Systems / 2017, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 314340.
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN 07421222 (pr int) / ISSN 1557928X (online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07421222.2017.1334465
social media. Our results provide practical guidance for successfully resolving
customers complaints through the use of social mediaan area that expects expo-
nential growth in the coming decade.
EY WORDS AND PHRASES: airline industry, CLASS methodology, complaint manage-
ment, customer service, Klout score, online complaints, social influence, social
media, Twitter.
On March 13, 2014, Lauren Munhoven, a customer in Ketchikan, Alaska, turned to
Twitter after wasting an hour on the phone with General Motors (GM), trying to get
help with her 2006 Saturn Ion regarding a GM vehicle recall [16]. After she wrote a
public tweet—“@GM your agents keep telling me to take my car to a GM dealer for
the recall, after Ive explained I live on an isl and in Alaska! Help!!!!”—a member of
GMs Twitter team helped. The company agreed to pay the $600 cost of a round-trip
ferry to ship Ms. Munhovens car to the nearest dealer, about 300 miles away in
Juneau, and to pay for a rental car for the time she would be without the Saturn. Ms.
Munhoven credited the public nature of complaining on social media with getting
GMs attention, and she was so pleased that she posted a public thank-you to GM on
Empowered by social media and mobile technologies, more and more customers
are turning to social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to post their
complaints to brands in real-time. In response, brands are striving to monitor and
quickly respond to those complaints to prevent them from festering and damaging
their reputation. Many consumer brands equip their social media teams with sig-
nificant organizational customer relationship management (CRM) experience, as
well as access to the associated CRM system, so that complaints can be effectively
and efficiently managed online. For instance, airline social media teams today can do
flight reservations and rebooking for customers in real-time. In the pre-social-media
era, customers directly contacted the brands custo mer service call center to begin
the organizational complaint management process, and the communication between
the customer and the brand was always kept private and confidential. In contrast,
social media has enabled customers to publicly express their dissatisfaction about a
brand, and the brands dedicated social media team starts a conversation with the
customer openly. Such conversations are typically open to third-party audiences such
as the followers of the customer, or to anybody if the posts do not assume any
privacy. The simplicity and timeliness of delivering customer service through social
media might quickly turn an angry or unhappy customer into a calm, relieved, or
even happy customer at the end of the interaction, thereby making it more likely that
the brand will retain the customer.
Inspired by this growing phenomenon, in this study, we aim to understand whose
and what complaints on social media are likely to have happier resolutions. On the
customer side (i.e., whose complaint), we first examine whether a custo mers online
social influence is related to whether the customer would feel better after
complaining to and interacting with a brands social media team. Second, we
examine whether a customers past complaints are related to the c ustomers com-
plaint resolution experience on social media. A customers online influence and
complaint history on social media are probably the two most salient and relevant
customer characteristics in our context. Both are likely to a ffect a customers
satisfaction with the complaint resolution, and both can be directly measured and
easily used by a brand to customize its social media custo mer service. On the
complaint side (i.e., what complaint), we investigate whether customers complaining
about outcome-related issues (i.e., operations) and customers complaining about
process-related issues (i.e., employees) have different degrees of satisfaction about
their complaint resolution experience on social media. Prior literature [4, 34] has
suggested different customer perceptions of outcome-related service failure and
process-related service failure. Therefore, it is both intellectually interesting and
practically important to understand whether the distinction between these two types
of complaints has any implications for customer satisfaction regarding complaint
resolution on social media.
To address our research questions, we first developed our Closed Loop Analytical
Social Survey (CLASS) methodology, which is an innovative way of learning how
happy a customer felt about an interaction in complaining to a brands social media
customer service team. We directly queried 1,500 randomly selected customers with
recent complaints to a major U.S. airline on Twitter.
We then analyzed the profiles of the complaining customers, their complaints, and
their responses to our survey questions to estimate an ordered logit model. The
estimation results suggest that a customers satisfaction with the complaint resolution
experience on social media is positively associated with the customers online social
influence and is negati vely associated with whether the customer has complained
previously to the airline on social media. We also find that a customers satisfaction
is positively associated with whether the complaint is outcome-related. To alleviate
the concern about potential nonresponse bias, as complaining customers who are
unhappier about their social media interaction may also be more likely to respond to
surveys such as ours, we augmented our data with customers who did not respond to
our survey and employed a Heckman-type procedure to estimate our model. The
results are quali tatively the same as our benchmark model and indicate that non-
response bias is not likely a major concern in this study.
Our study makes important contributions to the field of information systems (IS)
and service management in the social media era. Previous studies mostly looked at
the causes and the sources of consum er complaint behavior [11, 15, 32, 37], and the
procedural determinants of the organizational compl aint management process, with
specific focus on repurchase intentions, potential word-of-mouth, and customer
satisfaction with the outcomes [4, 7, 9, 34]. To the best of our knowledge, our
study is the first to investigate factors that may potentially affect how complaining
customers would actually feel after their interaction with customer service on social
media. Given the growing importance of using social media to deliver customer
service and the sparse literature studying this new phenomenon, our arti cle offers
timely and much-needed empirical evidence to guide managers in practice. For
example, our findings suggest that it is worthwhile to customize a brands response
to a customer complaining on social media based on the customers complaint
history, rather than treating each complaint as completely new. Although a brand
may track complaints received via the traditional complaint management process,
whether the same is true for the complaints received via social media is not evident.
Thus, our findings on the importance of accounting for customers past complaints
on social media in providing happier complaint resolutions contribute to the current
literature on customer complaint management in the age of social media.
Another important contribution of our research is the CLASS methodology that we
used to directly survey customers who received customer service through social
media. Although many studies have used social media data to study various inter-
esting questions, we leverage the power of social surveillance to establish the
missing link between researche rs and actual customers by using social media data
in an active rather than passive manner. Such a methodology can be easily auto-
mated and leveraged to generate large amounts of customer satisfaction data, which
could be extremely valuable to researchers, companies, and policymakers.
Literature Review
The study of complaint management is challenging because complaints and their
handling are only triggered by a service failure, making systematic empirical
research almost impossible to conduct in either a laboratory or a field environ-
ment [34]. As a result, it is difficult to find an ideal setup to do causal inference
in a strict sense. Nevertheless, studies in traditional complaint management have
used hypothetical service failure scenarios or incident recall techniques to capture
customer perceptions about organizations complaint-handling processes.Thus,
several complaint management frameworks have been developed over the years
to model satisfaction, and other postcomplaint customer attitudes and behaviors
[5 , 9, 34, 41].
Tax et al. [41] examined the influence of a customers justice evaluations on
complaint-handling satisfaction, trust, and commitment, differentiating between the
distributive, procedural, and interactional justice aspects of service. Distributive
justice in complaint handling refers to whether the complaint outcome was perceived
to be deserved, met the customers needs, or was fair. Procedural justice refers to the
perceived fairness of the complaint-handling process, including quality attributes
such as accessibility, timing/speed, flexibility, process control (i.e., freedom to
communicate views on a decision process), and decision control (i.e., the extent to
which the customer is free to accept or reject an outcome). Interactional justice
refers to the treatment the complainant receives in the direct interaction with the
employees of the organization, which includes quality attributes such as explanation/
causal account, empathy, politeness, honesty, and effort. This justice-evaluation
approach provides a comprehensive list of complaint management quality attributes
and calls for a dimensional structure, if the different types of perceived justice are
interpreted as quality dimensions of complaint management [36].
Another empirically tested approach to conceptualize customer satisfaction with
service encounters involving failure and recovery was presented by Smith et al. [34].
Their model provided a framework for considering how the context of service failure
(failure type, magnitude) and the attributes of service recovery (compensat ion,
response speed, apology, initiation) influence customer evaluations through discon-
firmation and perceived justice, thereby influencing satisfaction with the service
encounter. Their findings suggest that satisfaction is related positively to perceptions
of distributive, procedural and interactional justice. Also, a customers satisfaction
level after a service failure is shown to depend on both the type and the magnitude of
the failure. Moreover, all the service recover y attributes show positive effects on
perceptions of justice, thereby positively influencing complaint satisfaction.
Davidow [9] presented a comprehensive framework of organizational complaint
management, empirically differentiating between organizational response dimen-
sions, customer satisfaction, and postcomplaint customer behaviors such as word-
of-mouth acti vity and intention to repurchase. His model subsumed six organiza-
tional response dimensions (timeliness, facilitation, redress, apology, credibility, and
attentiveness) that incorporated almost all the dimensions mentioned in prior studies
of complaint management. His empirical study found only timeli ness, credibility,
redress, and attentiveness to have significant positive impacts on satisfaction.
Several other studies on traditional complaint management also showed mixed
results regarding which aspects of organizational responses to complaints are most
effective in shaping postcomplaint customer behavior [10]. Levesque and
McDougall [25] investigated the connection between the type of problem and
customer dissatisfaction with issues associated with service outcomes, service pro-
cess, pricing, and location. Their findings suggest that customers are more likely to
voice a complaint than to exit when they encounter problems and the importance of
the problem is link ed to the rate of taking action. Estelami [13] examined the impact
of various procedural determinants of complaint handling such as compensation,
employee behavior, and promptness, on the creation of outstanding complaint
resolutions. The author found that consumer delight and disappointment with com-
plaint outcomes are primarily influenced by the compensatory aspects of complaint
resolutions. Strauss and Hill [39] explored company responses to genuine com-
plaints via e-mails, and consumer reactions to those responses. They found 47
percent of the firms responded to the complaint e-mails, which in turn resulted in
higher customer satisfaction and purchase likelihood. Additionally, response e-mails
that were sent quickly, addressed the specific problem, and were signed with an
employees name resulted in higher customer satisfaction.
Although delivering customer service on social media has become very popular
today, there is little empirical research about the effectiveness of this practice. Our
research thus fills this gap and contributes to the stream of research literature on
customer complaint management in the digital age by investigating the key factors in
postcomplaint customer satisfaction in the context of social media and offering
guidance on how customer service can be successfully delivered through social
media platforms.
Development of Hypotheses
Building on the current research literature on complaint management, theories from
social psychology, and anecdotal evidence on social customer service, in this sec-
tion, we discuss the theoretical background of our hypotheses.
Social Influence
Online social influence is an important concept arising from the popularity of social
media and companies grow ing desire to identify potential opinion leaders and
influential word-of-mouth (WOM) on social media [31, 40]. One popular measure
of a persons online social influence is the persons Klout score . According to
Klouts official website, klout.com, the Klout score algorithm uses more than 400
signals from several leading online social networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, Foursquare, Blogger, Tumblr, Google+, and LinkedIn) and data from
places such as Bing and Wikipedia to construct Klout scores. Since its launch in
2008, the Klout score has become a popular marketing tool, as several leading
brands offer free and exclusive products and experiences (i.e., perks) to high Klout
scorers, who are often happy to spread the brand message on social medi a, even
though they are not required to do so. For example, for limited periods in recent
years, American Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways granted high Klout scorers
access to their exclusive airport lounges, which would otherwise have been available
only to their first-class or business-class passengers. Therefore, it is natural to
examine the role of online social influence in shaping the satisfaction judgments
of customers complaining to brands on social media.
There can be at least three potential mechanisms through which customers online
social influence might be associated with their judgment about satisfaction regarding
the resolution of a complaint received via social media: (1) the preferential customer
service that may be offered to customers of high social influence, (2) certain
personality characteristics of highly influential individuals, and (3) highly influential
customers likely higher level of expectations of social media customer servi ce.
Next, we discuss each of these three mechanisms in detail.
Preferential Customer Service
First, a customer with greater online social influence might have a better relationship
with a brand as a result of preferential treatment (e.g., access to airport lounges). A
more positive relationship between a customer and a brand moderates the customers
emotional reaction to, and results in higher satisfaction with a complaint resolution
experience [ 44]. Preferential treatment is the practice of giving some customers
elevated recognition, and additional or enhanced products and services above and
beyond standard firm value propositions and customer service practices [23]. For
example, a company may offer preferential treatment to a customer by placing the
customer higher on a priority list if there is a queue, and giving the customer more
attention or faster service than other customers [35]. Practitioners and academic
researchers have long been interested in identifying high-value customers [8 ]. The
traditional view of preferential treatment assumes that the customers earned the
special treatment through loyalty (i.e., their economic value) or effort. For example,
frequent flyer programs offer priority boarding and first-class/busin ess-class
upgrades to airlines frequent travelers. However, in the age of social media,
customers online social influence has become an important factor driving a brands
prioritization decisions. As Allon and Zhang [1] argue, it is not only the value that
customers bring in that matters to a company, but also the ability of those customers
to influence others in the social network. Pr ioritization based on a customers online
social influence has also become technically convenient in recent years. For exam-
ple, Genesys, a global omnichannel customer experience and contact center solution
provider for business clients, including major airlines, banks, and telecommunica-
tions companies, integrated the Klout score into its solutions. This enabled compa-
nies that used the Genesys platform to recognize their customers with high Klout
scores and route them to specialized customer service agents, if they wished to do
so. Althoug h it is unclear how widely and to what extent preferential customer
service that is based on online social influence has been adopted in practice, recent
research [20] finds evidence that in the airline industry, customers with larger online
social influence are more likely to receive a response, and also are more likely to
receive a response faster when they complain through social media.
While preferential treatment might make a customer happier with the brand and
thus happier with the complaint resolution experience, less-influential customers
may feel unhappy about their overall complaining experience on social media not
only because of the poorer treatment or a less-positive relationship due to poorer
treatment, but also because they perceive influence-based preferential treatment as
unfair [20]. Previous research indicates that perceived service unfairness induces
negative emotional reactions, such as feelings of betrayal and anger, as well as
behavioral responses, such as venting and revenge.
Customer Personality Traits
Certain personality characteristics might drive both a customers online social
influence and satisfaction with complaint resolution. For instance, customers with
greater online social influence may be happier people in general, so even in the
absence of preferential treatment, the very personalities of these influential custo-
mers could lead to more-positive feelings about the complaint resolution experi ence.
In fact, empirical studies in psychology show that happy people tend to be more
likable and thus more popular than unhappy people [3, 14]. Although many
definitions of happiness have been used in the literature, in general, happy indivi-
duals are characterized as those who experience frequent positive emotions, such as
joy, interest, and pride, and infrequent (though not absent) negative emotions such as
sadness, anxiety, and anger [27]. Social influence is often associated with social
dominance [42]. Lucas et al. [26] found that across the world, positive feelings were
associated with tendencies for affiliation, dominance, excitement seeking, and social
interaction. Furthermore, influence has been shown to be associated with the Big
Five personality trait, emotional stability, which is a persons ability to remain calm
when facing press ure or stress [26 , 29].
Does this imply that the unobserved
personality features related to a persons general level of happiness and emotional
stability cause people to be more influential in online social networks? Although the
literature in psychology seems to support this claim, we may never know for sure.
However, if this is the ca se, the positive emotions and emotional stability that make
a customer influential in online social networks might make the customer perceive
the experience with a brand as more pleasant.
Differential Customer Expectations
A customer who is highly influential online might have higher expectations for customer
service and be less likely to be satisfied with the complaint resolution experience. This
conjecture may be supported by theories from behavioral psychology, where influence
has long been studied as a prominent style of human behavior. For instance, the
celebrated psychologist, William Marston, who proposed the dominance, inducement,
submission, and compliance model of human behavior (DISC) [28], recognized influ-
ence as inducement behavior, characteristic of people who can persuade, attract,
convince, convert, and lead other people. Recently, the DISC model of human behavior
has been adapted and customized to customer service [22], where the inducement
behavior is characteristic of the influential customers, who are optimistic, persuasive,
inspiring, and trusting in their approach toward customer service organizations and
expect the same in return. Such influential customers have a need for social recognition,
and always want to be accepted. Therefore, we could expect influential customers to
have higher than normal expectations for social media customer service.
Hence, from a purely theoretical perspective, it is not clear which mechanism
would dominate in shaping a customers satisfaction regarding the resolution of a
complaint. However, considering the nature of individuals of higher online social
influence, it is more likely that the first two mechanisms would dominate the third
mechanism. Thus, if we use a customers Klout score to measure his or her online
social influence, we might observe a positive or negative correlation between the
Klout score and the customers satisfaction with the complaint resolution. To
investigate this, we propose the following hypothesis for empirical testing:
Hypothesis 1 (The Social Influence Hypothesis): The higher a complaining
customers Klout score is, the more likely the customer will feel better at the
end of a conversation with a brand on social media.
Prior Complaint Experience
The effect of past behavior on individuals attitudes, intentions, and behavior has
long been recognized in studies of personality and social psychology. The idea that
the extent of past complaining experiences becomes assimilated into an indivi-
duals attitude tow ard complaining, is consistent with the behavioris t and situa-
tionist theories of psychology, which explain how past behaviors and exposure to
situations shape and reinforce an individuals behavioral dispositions in future
situations [33]. From the perspective of customerbrand relationship, customers
with prior complaint experience are likely to have a weaker relationship with the
brand than customers without prior complaint experi ence do. Prior literatures
suggest that there is a buffering effect of relationship strength. For example, Xia
[44] finds that consumers with a stronger existing relationship with a brand will
perceive a defens ive reaction toward criticism by the brand as less inappropriate
than those with a weaker existing relationship. Hence, the threshold for successful
complaint resolution tends to be higher for customers who have had a negative
experience with the brand in the past than for customers who have had no such
experience. The se differences in expectations may lead to differences in postcom-
plaint satisfaction. Based on these arguments, we propose the following hypothesis
for empirical testing:
Hypothesis 2 (The Prior Complaint Experience Hypothesis): A complaining
customer is more likely to feel worse at the end of a conversation with a brand
on social media if the customer has prior complaint experience with the brand.
Complaint Type
When customers deal with service firms, the two main reasons for complaints are
the failure to deliver the service and how the service was delivered [4]. The
marketing literature recognizes these two types of servi ce failures as outcome
and process failures [4, 19, 25]. The outcome dimension involves what customers
actually receive from the service, or the performance aspects of the service, and the
ability of the organization to keep its promises and to solve problems when they
arise [19]. Processes involve the functional or people aspects of the service and are
a consequence of the behavior and customer-oriented service-mindedness of the
employees [19]. Therefore, in an outcome failure, the organization does not fulfill
the core service need, whereas in a process failure, the delivery of the core service
is flawed or deficient in some way [34]. For example, in the airline industry,
outcome-related complaints might include flight delays, flight cancellations, mis-
handled baggage, in-flight service-related issues (e.g., seats, wi-fi, meals), long
queues at check-in counters, and boarding issu es. Process-related complaints may
include issues such as unprofessional employees, and issues related to the airlines
dedicated customer service (e.g., long on-hold times, pending refunds, mishandled
As per social exchange and equity theories [21, 43], a complaint encounter can
be viewed as an exchange in which the customer experiences a loss due to the
failure and the organization attempts to provide a gain, in the form of effective
handling of the complaint, to make up for the customers loss. Service failures can
result in the loss of economic resources (money, time) or psychological /social
resources (status, empathy, esteem) for customers, and organizations often offer
customers economic resources in the form of compe nsation, or psychological/social
resources such as an apology [34 ]. An outcome failure involves a loss of economic
resources, whereas a process failure involves a loss of psychological/social
resources. Thus, we expect customers complaint satisfaction judgments to differ
by the type of complaint, as outcome and process failures represent different
categories of loss to the customer. The marketing literature provides very limited
evidence on which type of failure has more influence on customers postcomplaint
satisfaction. Smith et al. [34] found that customers who experienced process
failures were more dissatisfied than those who experienced outcome failures.
Bitner et al. [ 4 ] found that a large percentage of unsatisfactory service encounters
were related to employees inability or unwillingness to respond effectively to
service failure. Furthermore, prior studies indicate that operational failures them-
selves do not necessarily lead to customer dissatisfaction, since most customers
accept that things may sometimes go wrong [12]. However, if it is the organiza-
tions employees who failed to live up to customer expectations of service, it is
less likely that the customers will be satisfied with their experience. Based on these
arguments, we propose the following hypothesis for empirical test:
Hypothesis 3 (The Complaint Type Hypothesis): A complaining customer is
more likely to feel better at the end of a conversation with a brand on social
media if the complaint is outcome-related rather than process-related.
Data, Measures, and Methodology
Data Collection
We used the Twitter API (application program interface) to collect all the user tweets
mentioning the official Twitter account of a major U.S. airline, which we have
purposely kept anonymous, as well as all the tweets posted by that airline, from July
2014 to January 2015. We processed the tweets daily, when constructing our main
data set of complaint-based conversations between the users (i.e., customers) and the
airline on Twitter. We define a conversation as a dialogue between a customer and
the airline on Twitter, containing all the tweets the customer sent to the airline
regarding a particular complaint and the associated reply tweets from the airline. We
obtained a variety of conversations users had with the airline, particularly on
complaints, compliments, and on information sharing in general. Then we processed
our data to identify all the complaint-based conversations, and randomly selected 40
percent of the conversations for further analysis. Taking the concise nature of
communication on Twitter into account, we picked only conversations with at least
two replies from the airline, for our main data set. This process was repeated until we
obtained 1,500 single-complaint-based conversations of different customers. On
average, a conversation contained 6.4 total tweets (i.e., both user tweets and airline
tweets), and 2.75 airline tweets. Customers interacted with the airline to complain
mostly about flight delays, flight cancellations, mishandled baggage, in-flight ser-
vice-related issues (e.g., seats, wi-fi, meals), long queues at check-in counters,
boarding issues, rude flight attendants, and issues related to the airlines dedica ted
customer service. To learn how these customers felt at the end of the conversation
they had with the airline on Twitter, we developed the Closed Loop Anal ytical
Social Survey (CLASS) approach to survey these customers using Twitter.
CLASS Methodology
We began by creating a dedicated Twitter account and started following each
customer, as the instantaneous Twitter notification this creates is likely to capture
the customers immediate attention. Next, we sent out a tweet to the customer
asking her to follow us back, so we could communicate via direct messages (DM),
keeping the conversation private and confidential. This tweet took the following
form: Hi Amy, we are studying how airlines treat customers on Twitter. Could
you follow us so we can DM you 2 short questions? Thanks! If the customer
followed us back indicating a preference to interact, we sent a couple of direct
messages asking two short questions: Thx Amy. We are collecting voices on
@airline to monitor their service. We want to learn your Twitter experience with
them on December 7
and then (Q1) Did @airline solve your problem? (Q2)
Did your conversation with @airline make you feel better, worse, or the same?
Upon receiving respon ses from the customer, we ended the conversation with a
thank-you note. In Figure 1, we present a more general framework for this
proposed new survey method. It can easily be adapted to any other social media
user survey such as ours.
As expect ed, not all the customers followed us back. Some customers followed
us, but did not respond to our DMs. Some customers who responded to our DMs
did not stop at providing the answers, but explained their actual experience with
the airline in detail. We offered the survey to 1,500 different customers and heard
back from 503 of them, which is a response rate of 33.54 percent. Although our
data collection methodology can be completely automated to increase the sample
size, we are currently prevented from doing so due to Twitter API rules and rate
As a result, we did the survey manually and could only obtain a few data
points each day.
Surprisingly, 53.2 percent of t he customers reported that they felt worse at the
end of the conversation with the airline on Twitter, while only 19.8 percent of the
customers felt better and 27 percent felt the same. Among the various types of
complaints present in the conversations, flight delays, cancellations, mishandled
baggage , i n-f li gh t se r vi ce, and other operati on s-r e late d issues co ntr i but ed to
about 65 percent of the total complaints. The rest of the complaints were
process-related, including complaints related to unprofessional employees or the
airlines dedicated customer service. Furthermore, only 10.6 percent of the
customers believed that the airlines social media team resolved their problem.
This was more evident among the customers who felt worse at the end, as 94.36
percent of them did not perceive their problem as resolved. Moreover, 39 percent
of the customers reported handoffs, instead of having their complaint rectified by
the social media team.
Dependent variable: Our dependent variable is Emotional Outcome, which equals 1
if the customer felt better, 1 if the customer felt worse, and 0 if the customer felt the
same at the end of the conversation with the airline.
Did the
follow back?
Send a tweet to the customer
mentioning the research purpose
and requesting to follow back
Follow the customer on Twitter
[Did the customer
respond to the
Send the survey
questions to the customer
via direct message (DM)
Send a thank-you message.
Design corrective measures
Track a customer
complaint on Twitter
Observe the conversation between the
customer and the Customer Service Team
of the target brand on Twitter
Figure 1. The CLASS Methodology
Independent variables: The primary independent variables of interest are
the custo mers Klout score, whether the customer has prior experience complaining
to the airline, and the complaint type (i.e., whether the complaint is outcome-related
or process-related). Users Klout scores were obtained using the Klout API. To
capture users prior experience for complaining to the airline, we used the Twitter
API to collect the users historical tweets up to a maximum of 3,200, and examined
whether they contained complaints sent to the airline at least 24 hours before the
start of the conversation under consideration.
Control variables: We include a set of control variables to account for unobserved
heterogeneity at the conversation level and the customer level. The first set of
control variables includes the characteristics specific to the conversation between
the customer and the airline such as whether:
the airline apologized, provided an explanation, expressed gratitude, made a
handoff during the conversation, or posted consecutive tweets during the
the customer had their problem solved, ended the conversation, warned the
airline about potential brand switching in future, or posted consecutive tweets
during the conversation; and
the airline or customer mentioned using direct mess aging.
In addition, we controlled for the airlines average response time, and the total
number of tweets exchanged during the conversation.
The second set of control variables includes characteristics specific to the custo -
mer, such as gender, race, whether the customer had a verified Twitter account, the
age of the Twitter account, whether the customer s location/website/profile descrip-
tion was publicly available on Twitter, and the customers personality.
Controlling for the customers personality is important here, as personality traits
are likely to influence a customers evaluation of the outcome. Therefore, for each
customer, we derived the Big Five personality traits (openness, consci entiousness,
extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) via a lexicon-based approach, using the
customers past tweets as input to the linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC)
dictionary [ 17, 30]. Past tweets could be collected for only 453 customers, as some
user timelines were private and some other profiles were no longer on Twitter. We
augment our empirical model with the derived Big Five personality traits, account-
ing for the likely omitted variable bias due to differences in customer personality.
The details on how we derived the personality traits are reported in Section A1 of the
Online Appendix.
Table 1 explains the key variables in our empi rical analysis. The summary
statistics are presented in Table 2. The correlation matrix is presented in Section
A2 of the Online Appendix.
Some of the service quality variables (e.g., handoff, apology) required manual
coding. They are presented in Table 3, along with some sample tweets used to
identify the respective constructs.
Table 1. Definitions of Variables
Variable Description
Emotional Outcome How the customer felt at the end of the conversation (obtained from
Q1 of the survey)
(1 = worse, 0 = the same, 1 = better)
Klout Score Klout score of the customer as obtained via the Klout API (numeric
value between 1 and 100)
Complaint Type Binary variable indicating the complaint type (1 = outcome/
e.g., flight delay/cancellation, mishandled baggage, in-flight
service, non-employee-related issues at airports, etc.)
0 = process/employees/dedicated customer service-related
e.g., rude flight attendants, longer than usual holding times in
contacting customer service, delays in responses from customer
service, etc.)
Prior Complaint
Binary variable indicating whether the customer has prior
complaining experience with the airline on Twitter (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Handoff Binary variable indicating whether the social media team handed the
customer off to some other department (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Problem Solved Binary variable indicating whether the airline resolved the complaint
on social media (obtained from Q2 of the survey) (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Apology Binary variable indicating whether the airline apologized (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Explanation Binary variable indicating whether the airline provided an explanation
(1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Gratitude Binary variable indicating whether the airline expressed its gratitude
to the customer (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Total Tweets
Total number of tweets exchanged during the conversation
Average Airline
Response Time
Average of response times between airline tweets and their
respective parent user tweets, in seconds
Direct Messaging
Binary variable indicating whether the customer or the airline
mentioned direct messaging (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Ended by Customer Binary variable indicating whether it was the customer who ended the
conversation (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Brand Switch
Binary variable indicating whether the customer warned the airline
about possible brand switching in the future (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Consecutive User
Binary variable indicating whether consecutive user tweets exist in
the conversation (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Consecutive Airline
Binary variable indicating whether consecutive airline tweets exist in
the conversation (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Gender Categorical variable indicating the customers gender, as obtained
via Kairos (kairos.com) face detection API (1 = Female, 2 = Male,
3 = Unidentifiable)
Race Categorical variable indicating the customers race, as obtained via
Kairos face detection API (1 = White, 2 = Black, 3 = Other,
4 = Unidentifiable)
Verified Account Binary variable indicating whether the customers account is verified
on Twitter (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Econometric Analysis
Benchmark Model
The latent perceived satisfaction from complaining to an airline on social media for
customer i in conversation j is Y
; where
¼ β
þ D
þ C
þ ε
Here, D
refers to the vector of observable characteristics of conversation j, and
refers to the vector of observable characteristics of customer i in conversation j.
ε is an error term with cumulative distribution function G such that
GxðÞ¼1 G xðÞ.
Let Y
be an ordered outcome of whether the customer felt worse, the same, or
better at the end of the conversation with the brand, taking on the values { 1, 0, +1}
respectively. Let τ
< τ
be unknown thresholds such that:
¼1 if Y
¼ 0 if τ
¼þ1 if Y
> τ
For simplicity, we denote by X
all independent variable s including
the conversation and custom er-related variab les as w ell as the unit for th e
Table 1. Continued
Variable Description
Customer Account
Number of days since the creation of the customers Twitter account
Public Web Site/
Binary variable indicating whether the users location, website, or
profile description is publicly available (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
Agreeableness Numeric value representing a persons tendency to be
compassionate and cooperative toward others (altruism,
cooperation, trustworthiness, empathy)
Conscientiousness Numeric value representing a persons tendency to be organized and
dependable (organization, persistence, self-assurance)
Extraversion Numeric value representing a persons tendency to seek stimulation
in the company of others (outgoingness, sociability, energy,
positive emotions, assertiveness, sociability, talkativeness)
Neuroticism Numeric value representing a persons tendency to experience
unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, and
Openness Numeric value representing the extent to which a person is open to
experiencing a variety of activities (creativity, intellect, preference
for novelty)
constant term, a nd we denote by β the vector of all coefficients including the
constant term β
. The conditional dist ribution of Y
given X
can be defined as
Pr Y
¼ PrðY
Þ¼G τ
Pr Y
¼ 0jX
¼ Pr τ
¼ G τ
G τ
Pr Y
¼ 1jX
¼ PrðY
> τ
Þ¼1 G τ
The log likelihood function is given by:
τ; βðÞ¼1 Y
log G τ
þ 1 Y
¼ 0
log G τ
G τ
þ 1 Y
¼ 1
log 1 G τ
Table 2. Summary Statistics (N = 453)
Variable Mean Std. dev.
Emotional Outcome 0.34 0.79
Klout Score 30.70 14.29
Complaint Type 0.70 0.46
Prior Complaint Experience 0.20 0.40
Handoff 0.39 0.49
Problem Solved 0.10 0.31
Apology 0.72 0.45
Explanation 0.34 0.48
Gratitude 0.25 0.44
Total Tweets Exchanged 6.57 2.74
Log of Average Airline Response Time (seconds) 1,056.60 1,141.71
Direct Messaging (DM) 0.16 0.37
Ended by Customer 0.24 0.43
Brand Switch Warning 0.23 0.42
Consecutive User Tweets 0.34 0.48
Consecutive Airline Tweets 0.01 0.09
Gender 1.81 0.73
Race 3.19 1.20
Verified Account 0.01 0.105
Customer Account Age (days) 1,514.76 632.93
Public Web Site/Location/Profile Bio 0.86 0.35
Agreeableness 5.69 1.33
Conscientiousness 1.83 0.70
Extraversion 2.42 0.98
Neuroticism 1.38 0.63
Openness 7.87 2.53
We further assume that the error term ε follows a logistic distrib ution, and we
estimate an ordered-logit model to test our hypotheses. Here we adopt the propor-
tional odds assumpt ion [18] or the parallel regression assumption such that the
relationship between each pair of outcome categories of the dependent variable is the
same. To test this assumption, we performed a Brant test [6]; it generated nonsigni-
ficant test statistics, providing evidence that the parallel regression assumption had
not been violated. The regression results are reported in Columns (1) and (2) of
Table 4.
Table 3. Sample Tweets for Manually Coded Service Quality Variables
Variable Sample Tweets
@user Sonya; have you reached out to our Customer Relations
team? They can help you with past date travel issues.
@user Were sorry to hear this. Contact our Central Baggage
Services for assistance with this.
@user Our agents will help you with available options. Please see
them as soon as you can
@user No one likes delays; especially on their birthday. We
apologize for the inconvenience.
@user We hear your frustration. Please accept our apology.
@user We expect our team to always be cordial at all times; Ashley.
Our apologies that you experienced otherwise.
@user We show the equipment is out of service; Justin. Safety of
our customers and crew is always our top priority.
@user Were sorry your flights delayed. There are major Air Traffic
Control delays beyond our control.
@user Weather can back up Air Traffic Control flows once things
get moving again; Bianca. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
@user Were glad we have you to Sacramento. Have a good rest of
your Sunday and thanks for flying with us.
@user We appreciate you feedback and thank you for the kind
words for our staff.
@user Our goal is to provide exceptional customer service. Were
sorry we missed the mark today. We appreciate your loyalty.
Direct Messaging
@user Please send us a DM with your bag tag number.Well take
a look.
@user Were very sorry to hear this; Sharina. Did you file a report at
<URL>? If so; DM your CR file number.
@user Rachel; please DM your record locator or Baggage Report
number. Wed like to check on that for you.
Brand Switch
@airline Never Again! 4 flight changes lost luggage. And my
UNACCOMPANIED minor still not where she needs to be. 1st and
last <airline> flight.
@airline . . . Worst customer service. My mom has been through hell
with you. Now both of us wont fly with you. @airline2 wins again
Stuck on a plane for over an hour; gets told to wait at least another
20mins before further info? Never EVER flying with @airline again
Estimation Results
From Table 4, we see that Klout Score is positive and statistically significant
(0.032, p < 0.01). In terms of magnitude, for a one-unit increase in Klout Score,
the odds of feelin g bett er i ncrease by a factor of 1. 032 ( 3.2 p ercent ) mor e tha n
Table 4. Ordered Logistic Regression: Benchmark Model
Ordered Logit
Ordered Logit
Odds Ratio
Klout Score 0.032*** (0.008) 1.032*** (0.008)
Complaint Type 0.643*** (0.232) 1.903*** (0.441)
Prior Complaint Experience 0.528** (0.256) 0.590** (0.151)
Handoff 0.465** (0.213) 0.628** (0.134)
Problem Solved 1.381*** (0.330) 3.981*** (1.314)
Apology 0.295 (0.233) 1.343 (0.313)
Explanation 0.178 (0.219) 0.837 (0.184)
Gratitude 0.609*** (0.226) 1.838*** (0.415)
Total Tweets Exchanged 0.145*** (0.048) 0.865*** (0.042)
Log of Average Response Time 0.018 (0.105) 1.018 (0.107)
Direct Messaging (DM) 0.355 (0.277) 1.426 (0.395)
Ended by Customer 0.407* (0.245) 0.666* (0.163)
Brand Switch Warning 0.659** (0.258) 0.518** (0.133)
Consecutive User Tweets 0.283 (0.247) 1.327 (0.328)
Consecutive Airline Tweets 0.056 (1.016) 1.058 (1.075)
GenderMale (base: Female) 0.117 (0.232) 0.890 (0.206)
GenderUnidentifiable (base: Female) 0.203 (0.784) 1.226 (0.961)
RaceBlack (base: White) 0.323 (0.740) 0.724 (0.536)
RaceOther (base: White) 0.399 (0.525) 1.490 (0.781)
RaceUnidentifiable (base: White) 0.053 (0.316) 0.949 (0.300)
Verified Account 1.478 (0.976) 0.228 (0.223)
Customer Account Age 0.000 (0.000) 1.000 (0.000)
Public Web Site/Location/Profile Bio 0.426 (0.332) 0.653 (0.217)
Agreeableness 0.104 (0.142) 0.901 (0.128)
Conscientiousness 0.514* (0.274) 1.673* (0.459)
Extraversion 0.033 (0.191) 1.033 (0.197)
Neuroticism 0.055 (0.318) 0.946 (0.301)
Openness 0.141 (0.097) 0.869 (0.084)
Cut 1 Constant 0.174 (0.998) 0.840 (0.839)
Cut 2 Constant 1.312 (1.000) 3.713 (3.714)
Observations 453
Log likelihood 404.155
AIC 868.340
BIC 991.786
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. Significance: ***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *
p <
the odds of feeling the same or feeling worse.
This finding suggests that as
the Klout score incre ases, there is a corresponding increase in the probability
of the customer feeling better at the end of a conversation with the airline
on social media, thereby providing support for the Social Influence
Hypothesis (H1).
To better evaluate how the probabilities of each emotional outcome changes as
Complaint Type and Prior Complaint Experience vary, we generate their respective
predicted probabilities while keeping the rest of the variables at their means. The
results are reported in Table 5.
From Table 4, we also see that Prior Complaint Experience is negative and
statistically significant (0.528, p < 0.05). In terms of magnitude, having prior
complaint experience decreases the odds of feeling better by a factor of 0.59 (41
percent), than the odds of feeling the same or feeling worse. Moreover, the predicted
probabilities (Table 5) indicate that there is 64.4 percent chance that the customer
feels worse if the customer has had prior complaint experience, as opposed to a 51.7
percent probability of feeling worse if the customer has had no such experience.
Thus, our findings suggest that a customer who previously complained is more
likely to feel worse than to feel the same or better, thereby providing support for the
Prior Complaint Experience Hypothesis (H2).
Finally, we see in Table 4 that Complaint Type is positive and statistically
significant, (0.643, p < 0.01). In terms of magnitude, customers with outcome-
related complaints are more likely to feel better than those with process-related
complaints by a factor of 1.903 (90.3 percent) more than the odds of feeling the
same or feeling worse. As per the predicted probabilities (Table 5), there is a 65
percent chance that the customer feels worse at the end when the complaint is
process-related, and just a 49.4 percent chance when the complaint is outcome-
related. Accordingly, our findings suggest that process-related complaints are
less likely to make a customer feel better at the end of a conversation with an
airline on social media, thereby providing support for the Complaint Type
Hypothesis (H3).
Table 5. Predicted Probabilities
Variable Emotional outcome Probability at 0 Probability at 1
Complaint Type Worse 0.650*** (0.045) 0.494*** (0.031)
Same 0.242*** (0.030) 0.318*** (0.026)
Better 0.109*** (0.021) 0.188*** (0.022)
Prior Complaint
Worse 0.517*** (0.029) 0.644*** (0.053)
Same 0.309*** (0.025) 0.245*** (0.034)
Better 0.175*** (0.020) 0.111*** (0.025)
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. Significance: ***p < 0.01
We found that several other variables were statistically significant. For example,
Handoff is negative and statistically significant (0.465, p < 0.05). In terms of
magnitude, handing the customer off to some other department, rather than the
social media team taking care of the customer, decreases the odds of feeling better
by a factor of 0.628 (37.2 percent), as compared with the odds of feeli ng the same or
feeling worse. Thus, our findings suggest that a complaining customer is more likely
to feel worse, if the airlines social media team hands that custo mer off to some other
Furthermore, Problem Solved is positive and statistically significant (1.381, p <
0.01). In terms of magnitude, a customers perception of the problem as being fixed
by the social media team increases the odds of feeling better by a factor of 3.981
(298.1 percent) as compared to the odds of feeling the same or feeling worse. Thus,
Problem Solved has the largest positive effect on a customers emotional outcome at
the end of the complaining encounter. This makes sense because one of the
responses that a customer expects when a problem arises is a fair fix that at
least returns the customer to the starting point before the service failure [9]. Our
analysis reveals that this could mean a variety of possible resolutions including
replacement, refund, repair, discounts, corrections, and appropriate remedial action.
In the airline industry, these may include paying damaged baggage claims, rebook-
ing, hotel and food vouchers in case of flight delays or cancellations, free miles,
refunds, customer status upgrades, reporting unprofessional employees to manage-
ment, and so on.
Robustness Test: Nonresponse Bias
Although we sent the survey to 1,500 Twitter users who had a complaint-based
conversation with the airl ine on Twitter, we heard back from only about a third
of them. Our main analysis was primarily based on the users who responded to
the survey. If the unobserva bles that (1) determine cust omers satisfaction after
the i nteract ion with the b rand on social media, and (2) increase the likelihood
of not responding to the survey are correlated, then our model suffers from
nonresponse bias. This would have been the case if users who did not respond
to our survey were significantly different from those who res ponded to the
survey. To correct for this, we randomly selected 200 users who did not
respond to our su rvey and introduced these users into the ma in data se t. Then
we formulated an ordered probit model for customers emotional outcome, with
selection on whether they responded to the survey. As the outcome covariates,
we u sed the same set o f variables us ed in the benchmark model. We particu-
larly assume that how influential the customer is on socia l media (Klout score),
gender, race, complaint type, customer account age, whether the customer had
his or her location/website/profile description publicly available on Twitter, and
whether the custo mer warned the airli ne a bout s witching to another brand,
affect the selection. Then we employ the Heckman procedure to estimate our
model. The results, w hich are prese nted in Table 6, are qualitatively the same
as the benchmark model. Moreover, error correlati on was not statistically
significantatthep < .05 level, suggesting that nonresponse bias is not likely
a ma jor concern.
Table 6. Robustness Test: Heckman Selection
Ordered Probit Model
(Emotional Outcome)
Selection Model
(Responded to Survey)
Klout Score 0.016*** (0.005) -0.001 (0.004)
Complaint Type 0.351*** (0.130) 0.061 (0.119)
Prior Complaint Experience 0.287** (0.140)
Handoff 0.266** (0.119)
Problem Solved 0.698*** (0.227)
Apology 0.151 (0.125)
Explanation 0.094 (0.117)
Gratitude 0.317** (0.133)
Total Tweets Exchanged 0.072*** (0.027)
Log of Average Response Time 0.018 (0.061)
Direct Messaging (DM) 0.174 (0.152)
Ended by Customer 0.221* (0.132)
Brand Switch Warning 0.273 (0.169) 0.284** (0.137)
Consecutive User Tweets 0.147 (0.136)
Consecutive Airline Tweets 0.026 (0.576)
GenderMale (base: Female) 0.143 (0.129) 0.243* (0.134)
GenderUnidentifiable (base: Female) 0.421 (0.494) 1.555*** (0.565)
RaceBlack (base: White) 0.016 (0.425) 0.625 (0.550)
RaceOther (base: White) 0.092 (0.315) 0.420 (0.280)
RaceUnidentifiable (base: White) 0.032 (0.172) 0.126 (0.170)
Verified Account 0.791 (0.558)
Customer Account Age 0.00002 (0.000) 0.000** (0.000)
Public Web Site/Location/Profile Bio 0.218 (0.191) 0.033 (0.156)
Agreeableness 0.063 (0.071)
Conscientiousness 0.283* (0.161)
Extraversion 0.024 (0.105)
Neuroticism 0.040 (0.175)
Openness 0.082 (0.051)
Cut 1 Constant 0.289 (0.615)
Cut 2 Constant 1.063* (0.585)
Constant 0.549*** (0.210)
atanh ρ (ρ = error correlation) 0.971 (0.891)
653.00 653.00
likelihood 773.21 773.21
AIC 1,630.43 1,630.43
BIC 1,818.65 1,818.65
Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses. Significance: ***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1.
Given that 53.2 percent of the customers in our sample felt worse at the end of their
conversations with the airline on Twitter, one natur ally questions whether doing
customer service on social media is worthwhile for a brand. As an extension to our
study, we investigated this question by doing a short survey among customers who
did not receive any response from the airline after compl aining to the airline on
Twitter. Again, we followed the CLASS approach; the survey questionnaire took the
following form: Our records show that @airline did not respond to your complaint
on Twitter on January 14
. We want to learn your experience. (Q1) Rate your
overall satisfaction regarding the way @airline handled your complaint on Twitter:
Very Dissatisfied/Dissatisfied/Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied/Satisfied/Very
Satisfied (Q2) What is the likelihood that you would use Twitter again to complain
to @airline in the future? Very Unlikely/Unlikely/Not Sure/Likely/Very Likely.
We sent out 222 survey requests and heard back from 38 people.
Of the
respondents, 92.1 percent reported that they were either very dissatisfied or dissa-
tisfied regarding the way the airline handled their complaint on Twitter (i.e., by
choosing not to respond). Surprisingly, 81.58 percent of these respondents claimed
that they are very likely or likely to use Twitter to complain to the airline in the
future. One possible explanation of these results is that customers whose complaints
are ignored by a brand are more motivated to punish the brand by publicly
complaining on social media.
Considering the high percentage of people unhappy with the airline for not
responding to their complaint, and their intention to keep complaining on social
media, it seems that brands would still be much better off investing in social media
customer service, even though it does not always effectively transform a disgruntled
customer into a happy one. Moreover, recent research [38] has suggested that
emotionally charted tweets tend to be retweeted more often and more quickly
compared to neutral ones. Simply put, brands today have no option but to listen to
and engage with their customers on a real-time basis in order to succeed. The
democratization of media by social media platforms like Twitter has effectively
raised the bar for customer service and wi ll ultimately lead to more transparency
and better service.
Managerial Implications
Our findings have important implications for the brands striving to harness the
power of social media to deliver custo mer service.
First, our empirical test of the Social Influence Hypothesis (H1) indicates that
complaining customers with a higher Klout score are more likely to feel better at the
end of a conversation with a brand on social media. As we argued earlier, this may
be because customers with greater social influence receive preferential customer
service from the airline, or simply because socially influential customers are happier
and emot ionally more stable individuals in general. If it is social-influence-based
preferential customer service that is mainly at work, the result would suggest that a
brands influence-based preferential treatment pays off during complaint resolution,
at least for those customers who are treated better. However, given the controversial
nature of this practice, and its implications on perceptions of fairness, brands should
carefully examine the drivers of this practice within their social media teams and act
On the other hand, if it is the happy and emotionally more stable nature of socially
influential individuals that makes them more satisfied about the complaint resolution
received, then this suggests that those customers with greater online social influence
are simply easier to please. Hence, the brand can customize its marketing strategies
accordingly, in targeting this particular customer segment. On the other hand, the
result also reveals a challenge in achieving high satisfaction with less-influential
customers. Nevertheless, the extension of our study shows that it is imperative for
brands to monitor and engage with complaining custo mers on social media even
though the customers may still be dissatisfied after their complaint resolution
experience on social media.
Second, our empirical test of the Prior Complaint Experience Hypothesis (H2)
indicates that custo mers with prior complaint experience with the airline are more
likely to feel dissatisfied about their social media interactions with that brand.
Hence, it may be worthwhile to customize the response to a customer complaining
on social media, based on the customers social media-complaint history, instead of
treating each complaint as completely new. Although a brand may keep track of all
historical complaints received from each customer via the traditional complaint
management process, whether the same is true for complaints received via social
media is not evident. Thus, a direct implication for practice would be to keep track
of all complaints from each custo mer and train the social media team to handle those
customers accordingly.
Third, our empirical test of the Com plaint Type Hypothesis (H3) shows that
customers complaining about process-related issues (e.g., unprofessional empl oyees
or dedicated customer service) are more likely to feel worse at the end than those
who complained about outcome or operations-related issues. Most customers under-
stand that things may sometimes go wrong in airline operations, but when it comes
to issues of employee attitude, they find it harder to forgive. Therefore, it is
important to devise a separate response strategy to manage process-related com-
plaints on social media. For example, in addition to reassuring the customer that
action will be taken against the reported unprofessionalism , it may also be worth-
while to cheer the customer with some sort of compensation.
Another important implication for practice would be the pressing need to empower
the social media team. We find that customers who were handed off to other
departments are more likely to feel worse at the end. It appears that customers
tend to perceive a service handoff as a way of passing the buck, rather than the
social media teams lack of ability to resolve the complaints. The reasons for the low
problem resolution rate and the high handoff rate may be a lack of technology
infrastructure, training opportunities, and budget available to social media teams.
Therefore, a careful social media investment strategy should be defined at the
corporate level, enabling seamless integration between the social media team and
the dedicated customer service of the brand. For instance, rather than letting the
social media team ask the customer to contact the baggage claims department
regarding lost baggage, the social media team should be able to access the relevant
corporate databases to provide more complete and worthwhile social media customer
service. Furthermore, social media teams should be given continuous and mandatory
opportunities to learn to provide high-quality complaint resolutions faster.
As consumers become more empowered by social media, companies are under
increasing pressures to improve not only the core value they deliver to their
customers but also everything their customers experience [24]. To succeed in such
a competitive environment, companies need to place customer experience into one
holistic view for their present customers as well as for past and future customers. A
key component of building a successful customer experience is establishing a
systematic approach to ongoing listening to customers and to their perceptions of
the way in which the compa ny addresses their concerns. There are several common
approaches to doing that, including focus groups, mystery shoppers, advisory panels,
periodic surveys, and transactional surveys. Transactional surveys have the advan-
tage of getting feedback while the service experience is still fresh, and they allow the
company to act quickly if it detects a major service gap. This approach motivated the
development of our Closed Loop Analytical Social Survey (CLASS) methodology,
which leverages the popularity of social media as a novel and rapid way to conduct
such transactional surveys. At a broad level, this research can be viewed as an
example from service science, management, and engineering (SSME) which is an
important multidisciplinary area [2].
Our study has some limitations. It assumes that a customers satisfaction regarding
his or her interaction with the brand on social media genuinely reflects the custo-
mers true emot ional status at the end of the conversation with the airline. This
approach may not be perfect for at least two reasons. First, although we maintained
the minimum possible interval between the end of the conversation on Twitter and
the survey offer, this gap may psychologically cause customers to overestimate or
underestimate how they actually felt at the end of the interaction. Second, some
individuals, such as people with greater online social influence, may be particularly
cautious in their social media interactions with brands, such that their conversations
on social media may not reveal their actual preferences, while average customers
may choose to express their concerns freely. Although we are unable to determine
the extent to which these factors may affect our findings, their existence could
undermine the importance of studies such as this one in determining the drivers of
happier complaint resolutions on social media.
Acknowledgments: An early version of this study was previously circulated as What Drives
Successful Complaint Resolutions on Social Media? Evidence from the Airline Industry. The
authors thank the JMIS coeditors Rob Kauffman, Rajiv Dewan, Thomas Weber, Eric Clemons,
the HICSS minitrack chairs, Jie Zhang, Yabin Jiang, and all the participants of the HICSS
minitrack on Integrating Business Operations, Information Technologies, and Consumer
Behavior in the Organizational Systems and Technology Track, for useful discussion and
Supplemental File
Supplemental data for this article can be found on the publishers website at
1. The Big Five personality traits refer to openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, and neuroticism/degree of emotional stability; see [17] for details.
2. To automate the process, one needs to apply for special permission and be approved by
3. See Greene and Hensher [18], for details on the interpretation of ordered logit
4. The small sample size is due to both the low response rate and limiting rules imposed by
1. Allon, G., and Zhang, D.J. Managing service systems in the presence of social net-
works. Available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=267313 (accessed on October 12, 2015).
2. Bardhan, I.R.; Demirkan, H.; Kannan, P.K.; Kauffman, R.J.; and Sougstad, R. An
interdisciplinary perspective on IT services management and service science. Journal of
Management Information Systems, 26, 4 (April 2010), 1364.
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