A. If you try to open an old file and Cadence says you can't edit the file, it is because this file
has become "locked." This usually happens as a result of Cadence crashing while the file
was open.
To unlock the file, you need to search for and remove (using the rm command) a file
that ends in ".cdslck". You will often have to look through directories and subdirectories
to find this file, but look in directories that have the same name as the cellview in
question. For example if you are having trouble opening the schematic in cellview
"Inverter" in library "myLib" then you would go to the folder myLib/Inverter/ and look
for all files ending in ".cdslck".
As an alternative to manually searching through the directories you can use the
command (from the directory where you start cadence):
find . -name "*.cdslck"
Before you run this command close all open shcematics and layouts. Then simply
remove all files that appear.
To remove all cdslck files, you can use the command rm together with searching
(from the directory where you start cadence):
find . -name "*.cdslck" -exec rm -f {} \;
Reference: http://wikis.ece.iastate.edu/vlsi/index.php/Tips_%26_Tricks
B. Or you can download “Excutive sh file” (unlock.sh) on the lab webpage to your directory
where you want all “.cdslck” files in the following subdirectories to be deleted.
Open terminal under the directory where unlock.sh locates and type in:
C. If your sh file does not work, feel free to ask.