e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Graphical Walkthrough
Submitting an eDMR
September 1, 2022
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
50 West Town Street, Suite 700
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Telephone: (614) 644-2001 • Fax: (614) 644-2745
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Disclaimer & Copyright Notice
This document in its entirety including attachments have been reviewed by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and approved
for external distribution. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
About this Document
This document is intended to provide a graphical run-through of the Ohio EPA Electronic Service for submitting a DMR. Graphics
display the process from the beginning to end. This document provides a general feel for the workflow by guiding the user with actual
screen shots of the online service in sequential manner.
Recent Changes to this Document
9/28/2022 - New Document and updated information
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Welcome to the Ohio EPA eBusiness Center Home Page. Ohio EPA’s eBusiness Center is an enhanced, secure portal for online
business. This portal is the entry point for the regulated community and consultants to electronically complete and file reports and
permit applications and to pay fees.
This will be your starting point each month. Once you log into OHID you will open the eBusiness Center app and will be brought to
the eBusiness Center home page (See below).
Authorized users will be able to update their facility and contact information directly. The eBusiness Center offers the capability to
submit electronic discharge monitoring reports for all services at the Ohio EPA. Online reporting via this system is available to the
entire State and is the preferred method of data submittal.
Select the “e-Discharge Monitoring Reports (eDMR)” highlighted below.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
On this page you will see the “view reports” link.
Now selectView reports” in the upper left-hand corner to access your reports for your facilities/permits.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
The above screen is a search panel where you can sort/search for a particular facility if you have numerous ones in your
account. If you just have a single facility, you do not need to use this feature.
Click on the “Facility” dropdown box and all your facilities will be listed…select the one you want.
Select the appropriate permit in the dropdown, select go. This will bring up all DMR’s that need filled in for that facility.
The DMR reports will be displayed like in the above image.
The available data entry options, after you select edit, include “Online Entry” (i.e., hand entry), copy and paste from “Excel
and Import “XML”. The below images will show these in more detail.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
When you find the report, you want to edit, you will select the “Actions” tab on the left side and select “edit report”. (Image
on left).
If you are needing to revise a report, you need to make sure the most recent version is selected and select “view/revise report”
like seen in the right image.
Another option to note when needing to add data to our site: You can download an excel template as seen in the below images. Some
find this option easier, but some like to enter the data directly in the system. Either option will work. I personally recommend the excel
option because if data is lost you still have the original copy saved on your desktop.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
After you select edit report you will be shown the below image.
Select “online entry form”.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Form 4500
When you are in the report to edit, it will look like the image below. You will see some areas that need filled in.
If you have no data to report, then “NO DISCHARGE” needs to be selected and you can click continue until you get to the
submit section.
When you have data to be entered you can scroll down in the parameters section and see dates that need to have data. If you
are going to upload the excel form instead of manually entering data, you will select “COPY and PASTE” option as seen
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Form 4519
Creating Form 4519’s are performed in the same manner as 4500’s.
One of the differences is that you must select the dates that you are reporting data for.
Click on the dates that you would like to appear in your 4519 report.
Each day you click on will highlight. Once you have completed the date selection click “Update Dates”.
You will be directed to the form with only those dates that you selected on it. Do not worry, if you forget a date, you will be
able to click on a the “Calendar” link in your report to get back to this screen and select more.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
The Form 4519 report will populate with each day that you selected on the 6-month calendar from the previous screen. The
reporting dates are not changeable, so each 4519 reports will be for January to June data (report due July 20
) and July to
December data (report due January 20
One thing to notice is that the parameters run vertically down the left side of the report and the individual dates run across the
top of the report. This is opposite from the Form 4500 report where the parameters run horizontally.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
NOTE: Only 5 parameters will populate on your screen at once, if the station has more, you will notice that there are more pages to
your report (ex. “2,3,4 NEXT”). Just click on the next page to see 5 more parameters. If you hand enter your data, you will need to
click on all pages to get your data into the online form. If you have a larger report, you can use the “COPY and PASTE” link near the
center of the screen to copy in your data from the Microsoft Excel template that you can download and fill out. Copying from Excel
will populate the entire station, so you do not have to hand enter the data and scroll through the pages. (Especially helpful if you have
a big permit and slow internet).
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
e-DMR - Copy & Paste Data
If you choose to enter the data via the excel template, select “Copy & Paste” to bring up the image below. Here you will copy
the data/comments only from your excel page and click in the white space below and click paste.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
As you can see from the below graphic, e-DMR populates the report automatically with the data and comments from your
Excel spreadsheet.
Once done remember to select “update table”, otherwise no info will be saved.
NOTE: It is critically important not to change the formatted spreadsheet as it is formatted precisely as the online report requires. If
changed, data will not paste into the correct columns in eDMR’s online form. You cannot Copy & Paste the lab/analyst fields. Once
you have your first station in, go back to Excel to copy your next station (if you have one), and repeat.
Now you can see once you select update table the above values are entered into the form on the online fields below with the
associated comments, if any.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Note: Keep comments here for data short. The system does not like long reasponses.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
When you get to this page below, you can go into more detail about the comments on the data if any.
Select “Continue” when finished.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
The next page is shown below in the process.
Before submitting you can view your report/print and if any errors exist in the data this is the step that will tell you to go back
and fix those errors.
If no errors are found, you can click continue to go to the submit page.
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
You will need your PIN and a security question will be asked before submitting can take place.
If you do not have your PIN or need assistance on how to locate it please see the eDMR guidance on how to
Request_View_Activate PIN here Electronic Business Services | Ohio Environmental Protection Agency .
If you ever need go back and make a change to a report, select the eDMR” link on the eBusiness Center Home Page and
select “View Reports” as normal. From there, you can view submittals and send revisions to any previously submitted report.
Note: Your permit requires a hard copy of your submitted discharge monitoring reports to be on file at your location (five years for
sludge reports, three years for everything else).
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Within a few seconds of pushing the SUBMIT button, the system will provide you with an online receipt.
This receipt is kept on record in the system and is viewable at any time from the SUBMITTALS/REVISIONS section.
You can exit your Internet session or move onto the next facility report if you have multiple permit responsibilities….
remember, if you are the delegated submitter for multiple permitted facilities, you will access them ALL from this same
account and submit them ALL with your same personal PIN!
e-DMR – Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report-Submitting a Report
Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Technical Support
For permit-specific questions, contact the permit section at Ohio EPA or your Ohio EPA permit writer assigned to your permit.
For technical assistance with STREAMS or any of the Division of Surface Water’s Electronic Business Services, contact the system
administrator at 614-644-2135. The IRM Team encourages users to develop a positive working relationship with DSW to streamline
efforts and obtain valuable guidance.
The preferred method of communication is via email, as the administrator can send you detailed step-by-step instructions. Most
technical assistance requests are resolved within 24 hours but can take longer if the administrator is out of the office or away from the
BUSINESS HOURS: Mon- Fri: 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
For further assistance, contact us at dsw.eB[email protected]
eBusiness Center Helpdesk (PINS & Passwords): (877) 372-2499