Course Beliefs:
All students can learn and experience
success in a world language.
Second language acquisition provides the
vision and skills necessary to be a global
A primary goal of world language
education is real-life communication.
World language education develops
critical thinking skills.
Assessment must reflect the goals and
learning targets set forth in this
curriculum document.
World languages must be part of the core
curriculum in 21
Century schools.
A K-12 articulated world language
program should be available to all
Instructional Strategies:
-Identifying similarities and differences
-Summarizing and note taking
-Reinforcing effort and recognition
-Providing feedback
-Generating and testing hypotheses
-Homework and guided practice
-Visual representations
-Graphic organizers
-Cooperative Learning Groups
-Cues, questions, and advance organizers
-Formative & Summative Assessments
Adjectives and
-expressions of quantity
Nouns and
-irregular plurals
Time Expressions:
-il y a, depuis, pendant
-adverbs of time
-direct object
-indirect object
-relative pronouns
-sound discrimination
Sentence Structure:
-word order
-questions with inversion
-negatives and other
negative expressions
-present tense
-passé composé
Key Concepts
& Structures
Including and
Expanding Level 1
Students know and are able to…
-observe and identify everyday cultural practices.
-distinguish similarities and differences among culture.
-use culturally appropriate gestures and oral expressions.
Based on the Standards, Topics and Key Concepts & Structures listed here,
students should ask themselves…
Listening: Can I understand French when I hear it?
Speaking: Can I speak French with a variety of people?
Reading: Can I read a variety of materials in French?
Writing: Can I write French for different purposes?
Culture: Can I use my knowledge of French-speaking cultures?
Level 2 Topics:
1. Body Parts, Health and Fitness
2. Daily Routines, Chores, and
Description of the Home
3. Description of People, Personalities,
and Nationalities
4. Cooking and Dining out
5. Directions and Geography
6. Leisure Time
7. Shopping
8. Professions
9. Travel & Transportations
10. Telephone Conversations
11. Expansion of Level 1 Topics
Course Description: (skill level ~ novice
mid to novice high-level learners)
French 2 furthers the study of grammar,
vocabulary, and an understanding of the
various Francophone cultures through
movies, videos, and magazines. Students
improve listening, speaking, reading, and
writing skills. Students begin to develop
reading comprehension skills through short
stories, plays, poetry, and print media.
Based on a format developed by Boulder Valley School
District, Boulder, Colorado, 2008
French 2
ACTFL Standards:
1. Students will communicate in languages other than English.
1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express
feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of
1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics.
2. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
2.1. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices
and perspectives of the cultures studied.
2.2. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products
and perspectives of the culture studied.
3. Students will connect with other disciplines and acquire information.
3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the
foreign language.
3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are
only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
4. Students will develop insight into the nature of language and culture.
4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through
comparisons of the language studied and their own.
4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through
comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
5. Students will participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.
5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for
personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Instructions on how to do something
Metric & English system vocabulary
Numbers 1000 and higher
Connecting Topics: All Topics
Culture: Metric system for cooking
and measuring, Comparisons
Daily Routines, Chores, and
Description of the Home:
Personal Hygiene and Habits
Household chores
Parts of the home vocabulary
Furniture and appliances
Connecting topics: Body Parts,
Health, Fitness; Description of
People, Personalities, and
Nationalities; Direction ; Leisure
Time; Shopping; Sports; Cooking and
Dining Out
Culture: Comparisons
French 2
Learning Experiences &
Performance Indicators
Using the four skills of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing,
students will be able to understand
and communicate their knowledge
of these topics in the appropriate
context of the culture.
Description of People,
Personalities, & Nationalities:
Physical and Personality Attributes
Names of Professions
Job Descriptions
Connecting Topics: Body Parts, Health
and Fitness, Daily Routines, Leisure
Time, Shopping
Culture: Celebrations, Famous People,
Traditional Activities and Clothing,
Cooking and Dining Out:
Table Settings
Table Conversation
Meal Preparation and Service
Connecting Topics: Body Parts,
Health and Fitness, Leisure Time,
Travel and Transportation, Shopping
Culture: Currencies, Timing and
Duration of Meals, Tipping, Courses,
Polite Speech, Meal Times, Meal-
time Expression; Metric System
Leisure Time:
School Clubs
Free-Time Activities
Family and Community Events
Sports and Games
Music, Art, Drama
Connecting Topics: All Topics
Culture: Comparisons
Telephone Conversations:
Answering the phone
Phone Numbers
Polite Speech
Phone Vocabulary
Connecting Topics: All Topics
Culture: Comparisons
Travel and Transportation:
Local Travel
Geographic Names
Cardinal Directions
Trip Preparation, Itinerary, Tickets,
and Reservations
Modes of Transportation
Directions to and from a place
Identifying places on a map
Connecting Topics: Cooking and
Dining Out; Directions and
Geography; Leisure Time; Daily
Routines, Professions, Shopping,
Culture: Comparisons
Body Parts, Health & Fitness:
Identification of body parts
Expressions of state of health
Fitness activities
Connecting Topics: Daily Routines;
Description of People, Personalities,
and Nationalities; Dining Out,
Leisure Time, Shopping, Sports
Culture: Medical care, diet, and
Variety of Stores and Merchandise
Clothing, Food, Beverages
Quantity and size
Connecting Topics: All Topics
Culture: Fashion, Seasonal
Availability, Metric and English
Systems, Electrical and Electronic
French 2
Performance Indicators
Body Parts, Health and
Identifies and presents information on body
Interprets and presents information about
state of health using common expressions.
Exchanges, interprets, and presents
information on fitness activities and diet.
Compares and contrasts cultural
practices in areas of medical
care and diet.
Daily Routines, Chores,
Description of the Home
Exchanges, interprets, and presents
information about personal hygiene and
Exchanges, interprets, and presents
information about home life and
Describes cultural similarities
and differences in personal
routines and home life.
Description of People,
Personalities, and
Identifies, exchanges, and presents personal
and biographical information, including
physical descriptions and personality
Exchanges, interprets, and describes
information about fashion.
Applies correct word formations when
referring to nationalities.
Exchanges, interprets, and describes
information about professions.
Compares and contrasts
Compares and contrasts the
impact of the economy and the
attitudes towards professions of
French-speaking countries and
one’s own.
Explains the influence of culture
on clothing and clothing in
traditional activities.
Identifies famous historical,
literary, or artistic French-
speaking personalities.
Cooking and Dining Out
Cooking and Dining Out
Describes table settings.
Uses culturally appropriate table
Exchanges, interprets, and describes
information about food preparation.
Explains food preparation and
eating customs, including
nuances of ordering/shopping,
currencies, timing, and duration
of meals, tipping, courses,
meal times, mealtime
expressions, and toasting in
French-speaking cultures.
French 2
Performance Indicators
Describes cooking using metric
Asks for or gives simple directions on how
to carry out a procedure.
Follows oral and written directions on how
to carry out a procedure.
Compares and contrasts English and metric
systems and applies vocabularies of both.
Exchanges, interprets, and describes
information using numbers 1000 and above.
Describes cultural differences in
giving instructions.
Uses the metric system to
measure distances, temperatures,
solids, and liquids.
Leisure Time
Exchanges information and interprets
questions about leisure activities.
Compares and contrasts leisure
time activities in French-
speaking cultures to one’s own.
Describes types of stores and merchandise
available in French-speaking countries.
Presents personal preferences for style and
design of clothing, food, and beverages.
Interprets and presents information about
size, price, and quantity of authentic items.
Describes the influence of
culture on fashion and describes
seasonal availability of
Compares sizing, currency,
measurement, and electric and
electronic systems in the U.S.
and those used in French-
speaking countries.
Travel and Transportation
Travel and Transportation
Describes local travel.
Describes locations using geographic
Asks for or gives simple directions to or
from specific locations, including using
cardinal directions.
Follows oral and written directions to and/or
from a specified location.
Compares and contrasts English and metric
systems and applies vocabularies of both.
Exchanges, interprets, and describes
Describes similarities and
differences in cultures, including
travel destinations, vacation
practices, and modes of
Identifies transportation
alternatives in French-speaking
French 2
Performance Indicators
information on a map.
Asks and answers questions about past or
future travel plans and destinations,
including trip preparation, itinerary, tickets,
and reservations.
Exchanges, interprets, and presents
information about modes of transportation.
Describes, interprets, and engages in a
variety of greetings and conversations.
Describes, interprets, and engages in a
variety of farewells.
Compares and contrasts modes
of communication by telephone
in French-speaking countries.