WASHINGTON, DC 20301-5000
SUBJECT: Collaboration Peripherals in Secure Spaces
The significant number of unauthorized microphones found connected to unclassified
Department of Defense (DoD) information systems in recent months highlights the need for all
DoD personnel to redouble their security focus. Over the same period of time, DoD experienced
an increased demand for unclassified collaboration capabilities as a replacement for in-person
meetings to connect DoD personnel with others in DoD facilities, telework environments, and
industry. In some cases, the DoD personnel utilizing unclassified collaboration capabilities are
located in spaces designated or accredited for the storage, discussion, or processing of classified
information (“secure spaces”). This joint memorandum provides direction on the use of
headsets, webcams, and microphones (“collaboration peripherals”) in DoD secure spaces,
including on unclassified computers (e.g., desktops, laptops, tablets) in DoD secure spaces.
Collaboration capabilities often support, but do not require, the use of collaboration
peripherals. Many unclassified collaboration capabilities are just as effective when not all parties
have webcams, and many also support telephone-based dial-in for parties that do not have
computer-based microphones. The use of authorized unclassified collaboration capabilities is
encouraged from DoD secure spaces, but the use of collaboration peripherals with those
capabilities from a DoD secure space poses a significant risk of unauthorized disclosure of
classified information, and the use of such peripherals must be consistent with this
The use of collaboration peripherals in collateral DoD secure spaces (those designated or
accredited for the storage, discussion, or processing of CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, or TOP
SECRET information but not Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access
Program (SAP) information) is permitted only in accordance with Attachment 1. The use of
collaboration peripherals in SCI Facilities (SCIFs) or SAP Facilities (SAPFs) is permitted only in
accordance with Attachment 2. All other uses of collaboration peripherals in DoD secure spaces
is prohibited. Each attachment outlines the process for requesting exceptions to the restrictions
in that attachment, and attachment 3 summarizes these restrictions in table form. Only
government-furnished collaboration peripherals may be used in DoD secure spaces.
This memorandum applies to all secure spaces designated or accredited by DoD for the
storage, discussion, or processing of classified information in DoD-owned or -leased facilities
and contractor-owned or -leased facilities (jointly referred to as “DoD secure spaces”). The May
22, 2018 Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum, “Mobile Device Restrictions in the
Pentagon, and exceptions to that memorandum signed jointly by the Under Secretary of
Defense for Intelligence and Security and the DoD Chief Information Officer remain in effect.
The use of authorized classified collaboration capabilities and peripherals (e.g., internal or wired
external microphones or webcams attached to classified computers, SECRET or TOP SECRET
video teleconference systems (VTCs), and SECRET or TOP SECRET Tandberg VTCs) or
June 4, 2021
authorized unclassified conference room-style VTCs specifically designed for use in secure
spaces is not covered by this memorandum.
DoD Components are cautioned that successful application of the restrictions and
procedures contained in this memorandum requires vigilance by users and security managers.
Violations of these restrictions or procedures may result in administrative actions. Individuals
unsure if their workspace is a secure space, or if their secure space is a collateral secure space or
a SCIF or SAPF, should consult their local security personnel. Further information on
Telephone Security Group (TSG)-approved devices, as described in the attachments, may be
found at https://www.dni.gov/index.php/ncsc-what-we-do/ncsc-physical-security-mission. The
point of contact for this matter is Mr. Josh Freedman at (703) 692-3724 or
Garry P. Reid David W. McKeown
Director for Defense Intelligence Deputy Chief Information Officer for
Counterintelligence, Law Enforcement, Cybersecurity
& Security
As stated
Digitally signed by
Date: 2021.06.04 15:08:37
Digitally signed by
Date: 2021.06.04 09:51:58
Attachment 1 Collaboration Peripherals in Collateral DoD Secure Spaces
Component Senior Information Security Officers (SISO), in coordination with
Component Senior Agency Officials (SAO)
, must establish standard operating procedures for
the use of any collaboration peripherals approved in accordance with this attachment. In
situations where the Component with cognizance over the computer differs from the Component
with cognizance over the collateral DoD secure space, the SAOs from the two Components must
coordinate on all matters in this attachment involving the SAO. Universal serial bus (USB)
collaboration peripherals that have been connected to classified computers may not subsequently
be connected to unclassified computers, or vice versa. Personally- or privately-owned headsets,
microphones, desktop telephone units, and webcams are prohibited in DoD secure spaces.
Microphones and Headsets
Wireless headsets, with or without microphone capability, are prohibited in DoD secure
spaces. Headsets with noise-cancelling capabilities contain embedded microphones and are
considered headsets with microphones regardless of any other user-accessible microphone
capability. Microphone capabilities built into unclassified computers are prohibited in DoD
secure spaces unless physically disabled
. Wired externally-connected headsets with
microphone capability that is not controlled by a push-to-talk (PTT) feature
or by a telephone
security group (TSG)-approved positive disconnection device (PDD) that operates through
physical (not software) means (referred to jointly as “PTT/PDD) are prohibited when attached
to an unclassified computer in a DoD secure space. The use of wired externally-connected
headsets with microphone capability on unclassified desktop telephone units and computer-based
“softphone” telephones in DoD secure spaces must include a PTT/PDD capability (either in the
headset itself, physically wired in-line with the headset, or integrated into the desktop telephone
unit) in accordance with Committee on National Security Instructions 5000, 5001, 5002, and
applicable annexes.
Component SISOs may authorize the use of wired, externally-connected government-
issued headsets with PTT/PDD-controlled microphone capabilities on unclassified computers in
collateral DoD secure spaces, subject to restrictions by the Component SAO. Component SISOs
may authorize the use of built-in microphone capabilities and wired externally-connected
government-issued headsets with microphone capabilities on classified computers in collateral
DoD secure spaces, subject to restrictions by Component SAOs. Wired externally-connected
government-issued headsets without microphone capability are authorized on classified and
unclassified computers in collateral DoD secure spaces.
“Senior agency official” is the person designated in writing by the Head of Executive Branch Departments and
Agencies to direct and administer the Department’s Classified National Security Information program, in
accordance with paragraph 5.4(d) of Executive Order 13526.
“Physically disabled” is a method of disablement that cannot be made or reversed, by privileged or non-privileged
users or administrators, through logical settings configured by software (such as applications, operating systems,
firmware, basic input/output system (BIOS), or unified extensible firmware interface (UEFI)), or otherwise
configured in volatile or non-volatile memory or storage.
“Push to talk” is a capability that requires the user of a device to depress a physical button somewhere on the
device to physically enable the device’s microphone, and that automatically physically disables the microphone
when the button is released. The microphone remains physically disabled whenever the button is not depressed.
Wireless webcams, with or without microphone capability, are prohibited in DoD secure
spaces. Webcams built into unclassified computers are prohibited in DoD secure spaces unless
physically disabled
. Component SISOs may authorize the use of built-in or wired externally-
connected government-issued webcams, with or without microphone capability, on classified
computers in collateral DoD secure spaces, subject to restrictions by Component SAOs.
Component SISOs may, subject to restriction by Component SAOs, authorize the use of
wired, externally-connected government-issued webcams, with or without microphone
capability, on unclassified computers in collateral DoD secure spaces only in private offices or
conference rooms and only when connected through a TSG-approved automatic PDD. A private
office is a room with solid walls on all sides, a ceiling, and one or more doors in which only one
person is assigned to work. A conference room is a room with solid walls on all sides, a ceiling,
and one or more doors in which no people are assigned to work. Solid walls and doors may have
a reasonable number of windows provided sound attenuation is not significantly affected.
The PDD must physically and automatically disconnect the webcam from the
unclassified computer upon the expiration of a timer, not to exceed 75 minutes but which may be
renewed, or upon manual user action, and may not be manageable or configurable in any way
from the unclassified computer. If the webcam includes microphone capability the PDD must
sever both the audio and visual connection. Prior to activating the PDD to enable the webcam,
the user must sanitize the space in the field of view of the webcam by physically removing any
classified material and orienting the displays of any classified computers so that they are not in
the field of view. The door or doors to the private office or conference room must be closed and
signs must be posted at each entrance indicating that an unclassified webcam is in use.
Prior to authorizing such use of webcams in DoD secure spaces, Component SISOs must
develop user agreements, to be signed by any individual authorized use of a webcam in collateral
DoD secure spaces or in the telework environment, describing the increased restrictions on the
use of webcams in collateral DoD secure spaces as compared to in the telework environment.
The Deputy DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Cybersecurity and the Director for
Defense Intelligence (Counterintelligence, Law Enforcement, & Security) may jointly approve
exceptions to policy (E2P) for the restrictions contained in this attachment due to exceptional
mission requirements that can only be met through the use of prohibited unclassified
collaboration peripherals in a collateral DoD secure space. E2P requests, which must specify
compensating security controls, will be submitted jointly by Component SISOs and Component
SAOs through the E2P process established by the DoD CIO at https://rmfks.osd.mil/dode2p. In
situations where an organization is a tenant in a DoD collateral secure space accredited by
another DoD Component, both the SAO of the tenant Component and the SAO of the accrediting
Component must coordinate on the E2P request. Requests for exceptions for collateral DoD
secure spaces in the Pentagon are subject to the restrictions of the May 22, 2018 Deputy
Secretary of Defense memorandum, “Mobile Device Restrictions in the Pentagon.”
Attachment 2 Collaboration Peripherals in SCIF or SAPF DoD Secure Spaces
Component Senior Information Security Officers (SISO), in coordination with the
appropriate Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) Accrediting Official (SCIF
AO) or the Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) Accrediting Official (SAPF AO), must
establish standard operating procedures for the use of any collaboration peripherals approved in
accordance with this attachment. In SCIF-based situations where the Component with
cognizance over the computer, the Component that accredited the SCIF, or the Component that
occupies the SCIF differ, the Component SISO, SCIF AO, and Cognizant Security Authority
must coordinate with each other. In similar SAPF-based situations, the Component SISO, SAPF
AO, and Program Security Officer must coordinate with each other. Universal serial bus (USB)
collaboration peripherals that have been connected to classified computers may not subsequently
be connected to unclassified computers, or vice versa. Personally- or privately-owned headsets,
microphones, desktop telephone units, and webcams are prohibited in DoD secure spaces.
Wireless headsets, with or without microphone capability, are prohibited in DoD secure
spaces. Headsets with noise-cancelling capabilities contain embedded microphones and are
considered headsets with microphones regardless of any other user-accessible microphone
capability. Microphone capabilities built into unclassified computers are prohibited in DoD
secure spaces unless physically disabled
. Wired external headsets with a microphone capability
that is not controlled by a push-to-talk (PTT) feature
or a telephone security group (TSG)-
approved positive disconnection device (PDD) that operates by physical (not software) means
(referred to jointly as “PTT/PDD”) are prohibited when attached to an unclassified computer in a
DoD secure space. The use of wired externally-connected headsets with microphone capability
on unclassified desktop telephone units and computer-based “softphone” telephones in DoD
secure spaces must include a PTT/PDD capability (either in the headset itself, physically wired
in-line with the headset, or integrated into the desktop telephone unit) in accordance with
Committee on National Security Instructions 5000, 5001, 5002, and applicable annexes.
Component SISOs may authorize the use of wired, externally-connected headsets with
PTT/PDD microphone capabilities on unclassified computers in SCIFs and SAPFs, subject to
restriction by the SCIF AO and SAPF AO respectively. Component SISOs may authorize the
use of built-in microphone capabilities or wired externally-connected headsets with microphone
capabilities on classified computers in SCIFs and SAPFs, subject to restriction by the SCIF AO
and SAPF AO respectively. Wired externally-connected headsets without microphone capability
are authorized on classified and unclassified computers in SCIFs and SAPFs.
“Physically disabled” is a method of disablement that cannot be made or reversed, by privileged or non-privileged
or administrators, through logical settings configured by software (such as applications, operating systems,
firmware, basic input/output system (BIOS), or unified extensible firmware interface (UEFI)), or otherwise
configured in volatile or non-volatile memory or storage.
“Push to talk” is a capability that requires the user of a device to depress a physical button somewhere on the
device to physically enable the device’s microphone, and that automatically physically disables the microphone
when the button is released. The microphone remains physically disabled whenever the button is not depressed.
Wireless webcams, with or without microphone capability, are prohibited in DoD secure
spaces. Webcams built into unclassified computers are prohibited in DoD secure spaces unless
physically disabled
. Wired external webcams connected to unclassified computers are
prohibited in DoD SCIFs and SAPFs. Component SISOs may authorize the use of built-in or
wired external webcams on classified computers in DoD SCIFs and SAPFs, subject to restriction
by the SCIF AO and SAPF AO respectively.
The Deputy DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Cybersecurity and the Director for
Defense Intelligence (Counterintelligence, Law Enforcement, & Security) may jointly approve
exceptions to policy (E2P) for the restrictions contained in this attachment due to exceptional
mission requirements that can only be met through the use of prohibited unclassified
collaboration peripherals in a SCIF or SAPF. E2P requests pertaining to SCIFs, which must
specify compensating security controls, will be submitted jointly by the Component SISO and
the SCIF AO that accredited the SCIF. E2P requests pertaining to SAPFs will be submitted
jointly by the Component SISO and the SAPF AO that accredited the SAPF. E2P requests
pertaining to DoD secure spaces that are co-accredited as a SCIF and a SAPF, or to a SCIF with
a SAPF compartmented area within, will be submitted jointly by the Component SISO and both
the SCIF AO and SAPF AO that accredited the secure space. All requests will be submitted
through the E2P process established by the DoD CIO at https://rmfks.osd.mil/dode2p. Requests
for exceptions for SCIFs or SAPFs in the Pentagon are subject to the restrictions of the May 22,
2018 Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum, “Mobile Device Restrictions in the Pentagon.
Attachment 3 Summary Table
Collateral DoD Secure Spaces
Open Work Areas
(e.g., cubicles, bull-pen, etc.)
Wireless Headsets,
Microphones, or Webcams
In Microphones or
Prohibited in unclassified computers unless disabled by physical, not
software, means.
May be authorized in classified computers.*
Wired External
May be authorized on unclassified devices only when equipped with push to
talk (PTT) capability or a TSG-approved
positive disconnect device (PDD)
that operates by physical means.*
May be authorized on classified computers.*
Wired External Webcams
Prohibited on unclassified
May be authorized
-approved automatic PDD
by physical means and
described in this memorandum.*
May be authorized on classified
Wired External Headsets
without a Microphone
Authorized Authorized
* Subject to approval by the SISO, and potential restriction by the SAO, of the Component with
cognizance over the computer or device. In cases where this Component is different from the Component
with cognizance over the secure space, the SAOs from the two Components must coordinate with each
SCIF or SAPF DoD Secure Spaces
Open Work Areas
(e.g., cubicles, bull-pen, etc.)
Wireless Headsets,
Microphones, or Webcams
In Microphones or
Prohibited in unclassified computers.
May be authorized in classified computers.**
Wired External
May be authorized on unclassified devices only when equipped with PTT
capability or a TSG-approved PDD that operates by physical means.**
May be authorized on classified computers.**
Wired External Webcams
Prohibited on unclassified computers.
May be authorized on classified computers.**
Wired External Headset
without a Microphone
** Subject to approval by the SISO of the Component with cognizance over the computer or device, and
potential restriction from SCIF AO that accredited the SCIF or SAPF AO that accredited the SAPF.