Copyright © 2022 University of Essex. Created by UK Data Archive, UK Data Service.
Version No. 08.00
Submitting import request forms and
Import request guide
Submitting import request forms and data: Import request guide
Table of contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 3
Sending files ................................................................................................................................ 4
FAQs ............................................................................................................................................. 7
I am struggling to drop-off files. Is there any other way of doing this? ........................................ 7
Do I need a UK Data Service account to send files? ....................................................................... 7
Why do I need to send files to ukdssupp@essex.ac.uk? ............................................................... 7
What happens once you receive my files? ....................................................................................... 8
I have amended the import request form after feedback was provided. Do I have to use
ZendTo again? ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Submitting import request forms and data: Import request guide
To send your import request forms and data to the User Support and Training team, we
recommend using the ZendTo Service provided by the University of Essex.
The submission must be addressed to the email account ukdssupp@essex.ac.uk. Please do
not send the dataset before the import request form and the list of variables in place, quoting
your project number and including any evidence required. Your request will be reviewed by
the UK Data Service and, where necessary, the relevant data owners. If your request is
successful, you will receive instructions for sending your dataset.
ZendTo allows transfers of up to 5GB in a single file or a total of 5GB in a single drop/transfer.
Limitations on file size may be imposed depending on the browser being used. Further
information is available on About the ZendTo Service (https://zendto.essex.ac.uk/about.php).
If you are unable to use ZendTo, please contact [email protected] for advice.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for sending files (drop-off) beginning with the
home page:
Submitting import request forms and data: Import request guide
Sending files
To send files, you need to initiate a drop-off, clicking on ‘Drop-off’ from the homepage.
If you have not logged in, as an external user (non-Essex user), please provide your name
and email address. You will then receive an email with a link to access the main drop-off
interface. See below:
This is an automated message sent to you by the ZendTo service.
Name: <name>
Organisation: <organisation>
Email: <email address>
You have asked us to send you this message so that you can drop-off some files for
Submitting import request forms and data: Import request guide
Otherwise, continue the process by clicking the following link (or copying and pasting it
into your web browser):
Once you click the link, you will be taken to the main drop-off interface.
Please remember:
To address the deposit to the email account [email protected], noting the six-
digit project number, and the QTHELP ticket number (if you have been asked to do so
by one of the officers) in the ‘Short note to the Recipients’ box.
The four boxes on the right side of the page are automatically checked. You may wish
to clickencrypt every file. Data files containing sensitive information (e.g. personal
information/data), must be encrypted. Otherwise, it is advised to leave the boxes are
they are.
To encrypt the files in ZendTo choose a 10-character combination of letters and/or
numbers. A passphrase generation website e.g. Secure Passphrase Generator
(https://untroubled.org/pwgen/ppgen.cgi) may help.
The passphrase will not be sent to the recipient of the files, so this must be provided
through other means (e.g., as a separate email, a phone call, or, a text message).
The users can send their passwords via Text Magic (the QTHELP ticket number must
be quoted as well) to this number +447418371505, allowing the Support Officers to
decrypt the file.
Submitting import request forms and data: Import request guide
Once you have selected the files to transfer, assign an appropriate description to each file.
Once you clickDrop-off Files’, you will receive a confirmation summary of the submission.
Submitting import request forms and data: Import request guide
I am struggling to drop-off files. Is there any other way of
doing this?
If you are struggling to drop-off files, whether this is due to getting your email address verified
or any other technical reasons, contact support@ukdataservice.ac.uk. We will initiate a drop-
off for you and you should expect to receive an email similar to the following.
This is a request from <depositor name> of University of Essex.
Please click on the link below and drop-off the file or files I have requested.
The link is only valid from <start date> to <end date>.
After that time, it will automatically expire.
More information is in the note below.
If you wish to contact <depositor name>, just reply to this email.
Do I need a UK Data Service account to send files?
No, you simply need a valid email address.
Why do I need to send files to ukdssupp@essex.ac.uk?
The ZendTo system is administered by our host institution the University of Essex and
requires an Essex account. ZendTo recognises suppor[email protected] as a non-Essex
email account and will report an error.
If you receive the error message (below), the deposit must be restarted by clicking the link
sent to your email.
Submitting import request forms and data: Import request guide
What happens once you receive my files?
The User Support and Training team will review your request and collect the import request
form, and the variable list through ZendTo and carry out initial checks. The Collections will
then be checking the licensing information provided on the form, and where necessary, the
relevant data owners will need to be notified, depending on the type of import request made.
Please do not the dataset until the checks are completed and you receive instructions for
sending your dataset. If in doubt, please contact suppor[email protected]
I have amended the import request form after feedback was
provided. Do I have to use ZendTo again?
Although we prefer to receive all files relating to the import request in one submission, we
appreciate this may not be possible. We recommend using ZendTo where possible and
ensure that the project number and QTHELP ticket number is quoted, for record keeping
However, request to install Stata ADO and R packages can be sent directly via email to:
Submitting import request forms and data: Import request guide
+44 (0) 1206 872143
We are supported by the Universities of Essex, Manchester, Southampton, Edinburgh,
University College London and Jisc. We are funded by UKRI through the Economic and
Social Research Council.