UCR Graduate Writing Center
UOB 122, gwrc.ucr.edu
Scientific Writing: Active and Passive Voice
The terms active and passive voice refer to the way subjects and verbs are used in sentence
construction. In scientific writing, we use both voices to write clear and coherent research
articles. Although many scientists overuse the passive voice, most scientific journals (e.g.
Science and Nature) actually encourage active voice. The main difference between active and
passive voice lies in the amount of emphasis given to the person or object performing the action
of the sentence, versus the amount of emphasis given to the person or object being acted upon.
In a sentence using active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action described in the
We collected samples from six counties in California.
In a sentence using passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action described in the
Samples were collected from six counties by our research team.
In scientific writing, the person or object performing the action is usually removed. In this case,
the person or object performing the action is implied.
Samples were collected from 6 countries.
When to use active or passive voice
The active voice is direct, clear and concise. The passive voice is indirect, but sometimes it is
useful to emphasize the research, instead of the researcher. Instead of committing to one or the
other, choose active or passive voice based on which part of the sentence you wish to emphasize.
Active Voice
Unless you have a compelling reason to choose passive voice, use active voice. Consider active
voice as the default and don’t be afraid to use the first person when applicable.
“The day-3 vaccinated animals expressed higher levels of IFN-a at both day 0 and day 3
after challenge compared with the other groups.” (Marzi 742)
“In parallel, we investigated the time to protective immunity after a single high-dose
VSV-EBOV vaccination against challenge with EBOV-Makona.” (Marzi 740)
Passive Voice
Passive voice is useful to pull the emphasis of the sentence away from the researcher. It is
especially applicable to the “Method” section of scientific journals. When using passive voice,
make sure that the performer is either obvious or unimportant.
The implied subject is obvious:
“Colloidal CdSe-Au NRs were synthesized according to…” (Wu 633)
In this example, we know that the researchers synthesized the Colloidal CdSe-Au NRs.
Implied subject is unknown/unimportant:
“In the spleen, CD4
and CD8
T cells were significantly reduced in DOCK8-deficient
compared with wild-type mice at 7 dpi…” (Flesch 519)
In this example, we do not know what is reducing the CD4+ and CD8+ cells; we only know that
they are reduced.
Common Patterns of Error
When writing in passive voice, watch out for these common problems:
Dangling Modifiers. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies the wrong subject in
the sentence. This mismatch occurs because the implied subject is missing.
“To examine cell cycle progression, mice were pulsed sequentially with the nucleoside
analog 5-ethynyl-2-deoxyuridine (EdU)…” (Gitlin 644)
In this sentence, the modifier (To examine cell cycle progression) modifies the subject (mice).
However, the author’s intention is to modify the implied subject (the researcher). Unless the
mice are indeed examining cell cycle progression, this sentence should be rewritten as:
Revision: “To examine cell cycle progression, we sequentially pulsed mice with the
nucleoside analog 5-ethynyl-2-deoxyuridine (EdU)…”
Nominalization. When we turn a verb into a noun, we create a nominalization (i.e. “Analyze”
becomes “Analysis”). While nominalization can be useful, scientists tend to overuse it when
writing in passive voice.
Ineffectual Nominalizations:
In the following example, by changing the verb to noun, the writer detracts from the true action
of the sentence. We can correct this example in either active or passive voice, depending on
which is more applicable.
“Genotyping of cases was carried out using various Illumina GWAS arrays…” (Miller
Revision: Cases were genotyped using various Illumina GWAS arrays…
Revision: We genotyped the cases using various Illumina GWAS arrays…
Ineffectual nominalization can also occurs when writing in active voice:
“We obtained new benthic and planktic radiocarbon measurements…” (Thornalley 707)
Revision: We measured radiocarbon decay from new benthic and planktic…
When scientists use nominalization in this manner, then they no longer “genotyped” or
“measured,” instead they “carried out” and “obtained.” This style of writing also detracts from
the clarity of the writing and unnecessarily increases the word count.
Useful Nominalizations:
The nominalization may be a subject that refers to a previous sentence:
“Each circuit configuration was chosen randomly from the Haar measure, which was
implemented via a direct parameterization of phase shifters (47), the probability density
functions of which are displayed in Fig. 3A. For each implementation (Fig. 3B), detection events
were counted for each of the 20 collision-free ways in which three photons can exit the six
output ports of the device” (Carolan 714-715)
Green, Anne E. “Favor the Active Voice.” Writing Science in Plain English. Chicago and
London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013. 22-26. Print
Sheffield, Nathan. Scientific Writing Resource. Duke U, n.d. Web. 9 Septermber 2015.
“Some Notes on Science Style.” Science AAAS. Science, n.d. Web. 9 September 2015.
Works Cited
Carolan, Jacques. Harrold, Christopher. Sparrow, Chris. Martin-Lopez, Enrique. Russel,
Nicholas J. Silverstone, Joshua W. Shadbolt, Peter J. Matsuda, Nabuyuki. Oguma, Manabu.
Itoh, Mikitaka. Marshall, Graha356-m D. Thompson, Mark G. Mathhews, Jonathan C. F.
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Flesch Inge EX. Randall, Katarina L. Hollett, Natasha A. Law, Hsei Di. Miosge, Lisa A.
Sontani, Yovina. Goodnow, Christopher C. Tscharke, David C. Delayed control of herpes
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Koren Amnon. Nussenzweig MC. T cell help controls the speed of the cell cycle in germinal
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HLA 8.1 ancestral haplotype allels as major genetic risk factors for myositis phenotypes.
Nature Genes and Immunology. (2015) 1-11
Wu, K. Chen, J. McBride, R. Lian T. Efficient hot-electron transfer by a plasmon-induced
interfacial charge-transfer transition. Science 349 (2015) 632-635