of people
About this Toolkit
Recognizing employees is a fundamental element of successful management. Genuine acknowledgment stands
out as a potent means to convey an employee’s importance and the significance of their contributions. Offering
substantial, well-timed, and pertinent recognition fosters an atmosphere wherein employees sense their worth and
can contribute meaningfully to the overarching mission of the University.
This interactive toolkit provides recognition resources that will help to build a culture of recognition among teams,
departments, divisions, and beyond.
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Click on the icons at the bottom of each page and the links in each section to easily navigate.
Toolkit Sections
About this Toolkit: Getting Started
I want to create a culture of recognition within my team.
Recognition Roles
What Recognition Means
at VSU
Why Recognition Matters
Key Principles for
Manager’s Checklist
Languages of Appreciation
Recognize What Matters
In-the-Moment Recognition
Celebrations and
Formal Recognition
Thank You Card
Recognize a Colleague
Send Praise Through MS
Recognition Scripts and
Additional Training
What Recognition Means at VSU
Recognition at Valdosta State University is part of the core of
our culture of belonging, where employees feel valued and
have the opportunity to add value to the organization.
All University colleagues are encouraged and empowered to recognize others by
expressing appreciation for and acknowledging contributions made by other team
Through these actions, everyone affiliated with the University is able to achieve
our mission.
Igniting excellence and enhancing communities through life-changing
through education, research, innovation, and service.
Why Recognition Matters
Key Principles for Recognition
Recognition Roles
Why Recognition Matters
Employee recognition has a direct impact on employee morale and drives engagement, fosters an
environment of trust, and reinforces organizational values. Recognition also leads to improvements of the
top and bottom line, such as increased productivity, employee loyalty, and retention.
Recognized employees are happy and engaged.
Being recognized at work, especially when it is tied to VSU’s Values and Service Standards helps to connect to a
greater sense of purpose.
Recognition improves team culture.
Encouraging peer-to-peer, manager-to-peer recognition, builds a great team spirit and helps employees to see
the positive attributes in one another.
Meaningful recognition lowers turnover and improves retention.
People are more likely to stay in a position and happy if their efforts are noticed and valued.
Recognizing others supports individual, team, and organizational goals.
Recognizing an individual’s accomplishments and how they contribute to larger strategic goals help them feel
connected to the University’s mission of transforming lives.
Key Principles for Recognition
Exceptional employees know what is expected of them and continuously strive to improve the
organization. They live the mission of transforming lives and demonstrate VSU’s values and standards
in all they do.
The following principles help align recognition practices to our culture:
Everyone deserves to be
recognized for their contributions
to the University’s success.
A genuine thank you goes
a long way.
Every person is unique in
the way they like to be
Recognition Roles
All employees at VSU, regardless of their role, play a part in recognition.
Make recognition a priority, and demonstrate what recognition looks like in action.
Share access to recognition tools and templates that make recognizing team members simple.
Understand your team’s recognition preferences and adjust your approach as needed.
Ensure recognition in inclusive, sincere, and individualized.
Ensure consistency in adherence to e
stablished guidelines.
Take the time to express thanks and recognition to coworkers for their contributions.
Share positive feedback about an individual with them.
Recognize and celebrate key milestones or achievements of fellow coworkers based on their preferences.
Nominate a peer for an external or University award to formally recognize their contributions.
Provide tools, resources, and training to encourage formal and informal recognition practices.
Encourage recognition at all levels: individual, departmental, leadership, etc.
Participate in or facilitate formal recognition events.
How to Create a Culture of Recognition
Now that you have a good foundation of
understanding the importance of showing
recognition at VSU, let’s go into what steps
you can take to keep the momentum going.
This section offers checklists, questionnaires,
and resources to deepen your understanding of
your team’s needs and to help you build
recognition practices that support your team’s
goals and VSU’s mission of transforming lives.
Manager’s Checklist
Understanding Preferences
Languages of Appreciation
Recognize What Matters
Managers Checklist
Identify your own recognition style.
Complete the My Personal Recognition Style Questionnaire.
Get to know how your team likes to be recognized.
Send the Employee Recognition Preferences Questionnaire.
Add your employee’s milestones to your calendar.
Review your team’s preferences and plan ahead to celebrate them in the way they want to be celebrated.
Schedule time with your team to review and recognize them regularly.
Need ideas? Refer to the IDEAS section in this toolkit for inspiration.
Understanding Preferences
Employees are like fingerprints no two are exactly the same. They have
different personalities and come from different paths that shaped who they are,
how they work, and even how they prefer to be recognized.
For example, some employees like to be praised publicly while others are more
reserved and prefer private recognition.
Take a few moments to fully assess your recognition style and your team’s recognition preferences.
Download the language of appreciation assessment
Understand the four Languages of Appreciation at Work
My Personal Recognition Style Questionnaire
Employee Recognition Preferences Questionnaire
Understanding Preferences: Four Languages of Appreciation at Work
At work, people express and receive appreciation in different ways.
Words of Affirmation
Verbal or written praise and words that communicate
a positive message of thanks and appreciation for a
job well done.
Quality Time
Intentional, thoughtful, and focused efforts to connect,
whether virtual or in person. Examples might be
regular check-ins and informal social catch-ups.
Acts of Service
Pitching in and offering support with a task as a “thank
you” or gesture of support and appreciation.
Tangible Gifts
Presents, treats, and tokens of appreciation to
acknowledge contributions and milestones.
Languages of
Understanding Preferences: My Personal Recognition Style
Use this questionnaire to help you reflect on the ways you like to express recognition and your own personal preference.
Think about a time when you provided recognition to an
employee that was meaningful
Think about a time when you provided recognition to an
employee that was NOT meaningful
What were the
(what, who, where, when)?
What specifically made it
How could you repeat this
experience with other
Which Language of
Appreciation did this
experience represent?
What were the
(what, who, where,
What specifically
made it not
Which Language of
Appreciation did this
Words of Affirmation
Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Quality Time
Acts of Service
Acts of Service
Receiving Gifts
Receiving Gifts
Understanding Preferences: Employee Recognition Preferences Questionnaire (Optional)
In order to provide recognition for your contributions and achievements in a way that is meaningful to you, please fill out this
questionnaire with as much information as you comfortable sharing, and return it to your supervisor.
Job Title
Important Dates
(birthdays, anniversaries,
Favorite Drinks
and Snacks
Favorite Cookie/
Hobby You Enjoy
Favorite Sports
Team or Vacation
I prefer these forms of
Based on the four Languages of Appreciation at Work,
what is your most preferred way to be recognized?
Words of
Quality Time
Acts of Service Receiving Gifts
Job Title
Important Dates
anniversaries, etc.)
Verbal in person
Work Schedule
Opportunity to
learn new skill
Being asked to
take new tasks
Being asked
for input
Print slides 12-13
How to Get Started
Employee recognition refers to all the ways an
organization shows its appreciation for employee’s
contributions. It can take many forms and can be
done in creative, engaging ways.
Organizations recognize employees for things like:
Exhibiting desired behaviors
Going above and beyond expectations
Service milestones and anniversaries
his section will help inspire you and give you ideas to
incorporate your own recognition practices. Select ideas
that work for you and try them with your team!
In-the-Moment Recognition
Celebrations and Milestones
Formal Recognition at VSU
In-the-Moment Recognition (1 of 2)
In-the-Moment recognition is
onsistently practicing in-the-moment recognition may only take a few
minutes, but these small efforts can make a big impact.
To effectively practice in-the-moment recognition, remember individual recognition
preferences and target your efforts according to what the employee likes.
In-the-Moment Recognition Ideas to Get Started:
1. Offer a genuine and timely “thank you” for a specific contribution.
2. Read out emails from happy customers, coworkers, students, etc…
3. Bring someone their favorite beverage for a job well done.
4. Recognize an accomplishment by sending a thank you email, letter, or certificate.
5. Have each member of your team share their proudest moment for the week at the next staff meeting.
6. Give encouragement when you notice they are struggling with a task or a project. Say “I know this will be hard, but I believe i
7. Schedule an impromptu meeting, face-to
-face or through TEAMS just to say thank you for something they recently
8. Leave a hand-w
ritten note on the employee’s desk to recognize their contributions.
9. Reach out to someone outside of your department to say thank you for supporting your team’s efforts.
In-the-Moment Recognition (2 of 2)
Recognizing important milestones in your team members’ personal and professional
careers is a great way to build a positive environment and highlight significant
moments or achievements.
These might be
Wrapping up a big project/Meeting a goal
Birthdays/Weddings/Arrival of a new family member
Work anniversary
Completing a development course
Celebrations and Milestones (1 of 2)
These types of milestones are less frequent than in-the-moment recognition and are less structured than formal awards or
celebrations. Make sure to tailor the recognition for these events to your employees’ preferences.
Look back on the Recognition Preferences Questionnaire
to see how your team prefers to be recognized.
Celebrations and Milestones Ideas to Get Started:
1. Set calendar reminders for career milestones and send a personal note, card, or letter.
2. Organize a bulletin board, virtual card, or Kudo Board
and invite the team to post a nice message.
3. Create a swag bag of treats or VSU themed giveaways for the employee.
4. Order pizza or lunch for the team to celebrate completing a big project.
5. Have your supervisor or a leader from another area recognize your employee for their accomplishments.
6. Use R
ED (Recognizing the Excellent and Distinguished) to acknowledge their contribution.
Celebrations and Milestones (2 of 2)
Formal Recognition and Awards are structured programs with clear criteria and processes, linked to big
achievements or career milestones.
The University celebrates and recognizes faculty and staff for teaching, years of service, volunteering,
and research at the division, department, or unit levels.
Formal Recognition and Examples of University Programs
A few examples include*:
Presidential Excellence Awards
Years of Service Recognition
Retirement Recognition
RED (Recognizing the Excellent and Distinguished)
*This list is not all inclusive. If you would like your recognition program to be highlighted on this document, or you are interested in
starting your own recognition program, please email
Available Tools to Make Recognition Easy
Valdosta State University has many existing tools to support
you in your recognition efforts.
This section provides several examples, designs, and links to
tools that you may customize and use with your team.
Send a Thank You Card
Recognize a Colleague
Send Praise Through MS Teams
Recognition Scripts and Templates
Additional Training Opportunities
Send a Thank You Card
Thank a Blazer is webpage that allows you to send a note of gratitude to any VSU employee or student. There are
several templates for you to choose from that can be easily downloaded and shared with your team.
Recognize colleagues for outstanding
service by customizing a certificate of
Present a Certificate
Recognition Letters
Team (Same Department)
Team (Different Departments)
Sometimes a quick, in-the-moment recognition is
appropriate. For that, you can send “Praise”
through Microsoft Teams.
To send Praise:
1. Below the space where you write a new message
reply, select “Praise Icon” or click the three dots
to find it.
2. Choose a badge.
3. Add the name of the employee y
ou want to praise
and an optional description. (You will need to
exchange a message prior to sending a badge)
4. Select Preview, then Send.
Send Praise Through Microsoft Teams
Sometimes we don’t always know the right words to say. Use these sample scripts as inspiration to write
something personal for your employee.
Recognition Scripts and Templates (1 of 2)
Work Anniversary:
Happy anniversary, [NAME]! As we continue to grow as a team and
organization, I am increasingly thankful for all of your contributions and effort
to fulfill our mission of transforming lives. You continue to add so much value
to this team, and I appreciate how you approach every day with the same
energy, focus, and enthusiasm as the first day you arrived.
Thank you for everything, and I am looking forward to celebrating many more
years together.
Thank You Message #1:
[NAME], thank you for your positive attitude and incredible effort on [PROJECT
OR TASK]. I appreciate the way you approached this complex situation and
worked with the team to get the job done. Great Job!!
Thank You Message #2:
Thank you [NAME] for your recent effort on [PROJECT OR TASK]. Your
contributions resulted in [Accomplishment]. This is the type of commitment we
need to achieve our mission of transforming lives. I look forward to seeing what
else you can do!
Thank You Message #3:
I could not have completed the [PROJECT OR TASK] without your expertise in
[SPECIFIC AREA]. I know I speak for all of us when I say that we feel lucky we
had you on the team leading the way. Excellent work!
Quick Phrases to Add to a Card, Email, or Note:
1. Your hard work and dedication is an example to everyone on our team! Thank you for being your best every day!
2. I’m s
o grateful for all of your hard work. It definitely hasn’t gone unnoticed!
3. The perfect employee lifts others up. Thank you for being a positive influence!
4. I’m so grateful that you always take the time to help your coworkers. It’s really made our team come together.
5. Thank you for being such a team player. We wouldn’t be the same without you!
6. Your unique perspective adds so much to our team. We’re so grateful to have you with us!
7. You did a fantastic job helping our team reach its goal. Thank you for setting such a fantastic example.
8. I’m so grateful that you’re not afraid to ask questions! It helps me be a better leader.
9. Watching you strive to improve has been an inspiration for both me and the entire team. You’re amazing!
Recognition Scripts and Templates (2 of 2)
There are many opportunities to continue learning and develop your employees.
Employee and Organizational Development offers a variety of management focused trainings via
. Some examples include: leadership development, recognition, coaching, and
many more.
For more information on training options, contact Employee and Organizational Development at
Additional Training Opportunities