Leader Comment
Below are examples of effective Yearbook comments. These com-
ments are categorized by the anniversary year being celebrated and
can be adapted and personalized for your use.
1-year Anniversary Sample:
Congratulations [First Name] on your first anniversary with our company. This
marks the beginning of an important story. The story of your dedication and
progress. New friendships. Becoming part of the team. Take a moment to feel
proud of all you’ve learned and accomplished. You dove right in and mastered
our implementation system and are now the one helping other team members
learn. I’m so impressed with how much impact you’ve had in just one year. I’m
glad you are here.
3-year Anniversary Sample:
Congratulations, [First Name]. Three years together here is cause for applause.
You’ve made a real impact. Your ability to take on such a variety of projects has
helped our team become more efficient and successful and things just contin-
ue to get better. I’ve really enjoyed working with you as we implement our new
order-taking process. I don’t know how we could have rolled it out without you.
Celebrate! You have every reason to be proud.
5-year Anniversary Sample:
Congratulations, [First Name]. Five years together. Now that is worth celebrating.
Your commitment. Your sacrifice. Your humor. Your friendship. And your growth.
All of these things make you a wonderful person to work with. You were critical
to the success of our new safety initiative when we streamlined our safety report-
ing system. Our company is a safer place to work because of your eye for detail
and your drive to get it done. Thank you for five successful years. Here’s to many
10-year Anniversary Sample:
Ten great years, [First Name]. Thanks for investing your time, energy, and talent.
Seems like yesterday you were new to our company; now you’re pointing new
hires along the way. Now, you’re the expert. You’ve hit your stride. Whether it’s
helping to solve a complicated issue for a customer or overseeing a new product’s
inventory, you do it with patience and with intelligence. I’m so glad to have you on
my team.
15-year Anniversary Sample:
Congratulations, [First Name], on your fifteenth anniversary with our organization.
We’ve created quite a partnership over the years. You’ve contributed to so much
great work here. And your work has created great opportunities in your home and
personal life, too. You helped to steer us in the right direction when we were mak-
ing a decision on our new content management system. That alone has impact-
ed the system’s ease of use and the productivity of our employees. Thank you for
always taking the time to know the facts. Thanks for all you are and all you bring.
20-year Anniversary Sample:
Congratulations, [First Name], on twenty great years at [Organization Name]. We
are honored to count you among our seasoned pros. Very few people know the
history of this company like you do. And you create our future every day, as you
mentor new people and continue to raise the bar. We love hearing your stories
and your perspective. When something needs to get done right, we know we can
always count on you. Your knowledge and experience are irreplaceable!
25-year Anniversary Sample:
Congratulations, [First Name], on your 25th year at [Organization Name]. This
anniversary’s the big one! Take a moment to look back at all you’ve accomplished.
The changes you’ve seen. The lives you’ve touched. You’ve grown up with this
company. And we’ve grown stronger because of you. You are expert at drilling
down to the root of the problem and determining the best course of action—espe-
cially when we’re working to root out inefficiencies in our system. This has allowed
us to keep moving forward even when times have been tough. And now…it’s time
to celebrate! You’ve reached a triumphant moment in your career.
30-year Anniversary Sample:
Here’s to the legacy you’re creating at [Organization Name], [First Name]. Thir-
ty years ago when your career story began, so many people helped you along.
Taught you. Encouraged you. Inspired you. Now it’s clear you’re doing the same.
Thanks for continuing to pass on your expertise, passion, and skill. You were there
as we worked through shifts in our core business and took on new opportunities.
We could not have made the change so successfully without you. Your experience
is one of our team’s best assets. Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration, year
after year after year.
35-year Anniversary Sample:
Congratulations, [First Name], on your 35th anniversary at [Organization Name].
Loyalty and commitment like yours are rare. Reflect for a moment on all that
you’ve accomplished. The changes you’ve witnessed. The young people you are
mentoring. (The people who mentored you.) It’s wonderful to have someone who
is so good at passing on their knowledge and expertise to the next generation of
employees. You are ensuring that our company continues to succeed for decades
to come. You can take pride in the history you’ve built here—and in the future you
are creating still.
40-year Anniversary Sample:
Congratulations [First Name] on the occasion of your 40th anniversary at [Organi-
zation Name]. Forty years is a momentous career achievement. What an inspira-
tion you are! Thank you for holding our company stories. For inspiring new people
along their career paths. And for continuing to exemplify what our culture is all
about. You have shaped and impacted this company in many ways with your ef-
forts to bring in new partnerships that allow us to truly connect with our custom-
ers. So many leaders here have been mentored and encouraged by you. A story
like yours deserves applause.
45-year Anniversary Sample:
Forty-five years together, [First Name]. It’s a rare and remarkable achievement—in
a career, and in life. Thank you for dedicating your working years to [Organization
Name]. For the impact you have made. Your extraordinary perspective. Your resil-
ience to change. You are a guiding light for our next generation, and we are grate-
ful for all you’ve contributed. I don’t know where we would be without your work
on the supply chain monitoring system. You laid the groundwork for our compa-
ny’s continual improvement. In all our time together I’ve never once had to ques-
tion your integrity. You’ve established a path we all would do well to follow. Now
it’s time to celebrate this impressive anniversary.