North Carolina Office of State Human Resources
“Excellence in Service”
State Employee Service Awards Program
May 2020
Here is everything you need to know about who, what, when, where, and how you can
recognize your employees with a service award. The North Carolina State Employee
Service Awards Program, Excellence in Service, is a partnership between the Office of
State Human Resources, Correction Enterprises within the Department of Public
Safety, and the North Carolina Museum of History.
Table of Contents
North Carolina’s Employee Service Awards Program .................................................. 1
About Excellence in Service ..................................................................................... 1
Why Service Awards? .............................................................................................. 2
Your Role as an Employee Service Awards Coordinator .......................................... 3
How the Program Works ................................................................................................ 4
Covered Employees ................................................................................................. 4
Determining Eligibility ............................................................................................... 5
Ordering Awards ...................................................................................................... 7
DOT Only: Ordering Service Awards in SAP ............................................................ 11
The Excellence in Service Awards Presentation .......................................................... 12
Organizing a Service Awards Presentation .................................................................. 13
Do’s & Don’ts .................................................................................................................. 15
Appendices ..................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A: Sample Notification of Eligibility Email .................................................. 16
Appendix B: Sample Notification of Eligibility Letter .................................................. 18
Appendix C: Ring Sizing Tool ................................................................................... 20
Appendix D: Sample Letter from Agency Secretary to Accompany Award ............... 22
Appendix E: Sample Letter from Employee’s Supervisor to Accompany Award ....... 24
Frequently Asked Questions .......................................................................................... 26
Contact Information
Correction Enterprises Customer Service:
(for employees)
Office of State Human Resources
Customer Service: 919-807-4849
(for coordinators)
About Excellence in Service
Excellence in Service, North Carolina’s employee service awards program, celebrates length-of-
service milestones of employee service to state government. The program is a partnership
between the Office of State Human Resources, Correction Enterprises in the Department of
Public Safety, and the Museum of History in the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
The primary components of Excellence in Service are:
Offers products made primarily in North Carolina or, at a minimum, made in the USA;
Celebrates North Carolina’s heritage, culture, symbols and craftsmen;
Offers unique products that, for the most part, cannot be purchased unless through the
service awards program;
Creates efficiencies by operating the program within state government
Excellence in Service recognizes employees’ service beginning with the achievement of career
status (12 months of continuous employment in a permanent position), then at five years, and in
five-year increments going forward.
Why Service Awards?
A valuable addition to your overall employee recognition efforts, Excellence in Service is the
component of your employee recognition program that recognizes the length of time that an
employee has worked in state government. It is a great opportunity to recognize employees for
their loyalty and dedication to your agency, to state government and to public service.
North Carolina’s service awards come in many variations as does the approach your agency
can use to recognize an employee with a service award.
Advantages of a Service Award Why Your Agency Should Participate
North Carolina state government’s service awards program, Excellence in Service, recognizes
and celebrates the dedication and loyalty of its valuable state employees. It recognizes that an
employee has served an appreciated period of time in your organization and allows you to thank
your employees for their service.
Our North Carolina state employee service awards program recognizes the achievement of
career status, five years, ten years, fifteen years and so forth with increasingly valuable unique
gifts and awards.
Think about a service award as a way to acknowledge service, as a symbol of continuity and
organizational memory. A publicly-presented service award can allow the telling of
organizational stories, and offer an opportunity for employees to reminisce about the
organization's history and founding. It is an opportunity to engage and inspire newer employees
with the legends and stories of how your agency became what it is today.
This is a very special time for your organization and your employees, so have fun with it!
Your Role as an Employee Service Awards Coordinator
Thank you for serving as an Employee Service Awards Coordinator. As a service awards
coordinator, you play an important and positive role in recognizing your organization’s staff for
their hard work and dedication. The Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) thanks you for
taking on this important role and helping us to show appreciation for state employees. We are
happy to assist you with your recognition efforts and encourage you to contact us with any
questions you might have. Please see contact information on the bottom of the Table
of Contents page of this guide.
Each department should have an Employee Service Awards Coordinator in the Human
Resources Office. Based on the needs of the individual agency, there may be additional
coordinators in each division. However, all agencies should have one Excellence in Service
Awards Coordinator who is responsible for the management of the program within that agency.
As your agency’s Excellence in Service Awards Coordinator, you are responsible for:
Serving as a liaison between OSHR and your agency;
Training coordinators in your agencies - Providing periodic training on Excellence in
Service to insure agency coordinators and management are knowledgeable of the
process and its importance;
Promoting Excellence in Service throughout the agency;
Notifying your employees when they are eligible for an award;
Instructing your employees on how to select a service award;
Ordering the service awards and certificates;
Working with management to present the service awards in a meaningful way;
Mailing the career status achievement note card and Excellence in Service pin to your
employees; and
Evaluating the service awards program and providing feedback to OSHR.
Covered Employees
Full-time or part-time (20 hours or more) career status/permanent employees are eligible for a
service award. Probationary, trainee, time-limited, temporary, and intermittent employees are
not eligible for an award.
While Excellence in Service is primarily designed to recognize state employees within the
provisions of the State Human Resources Act, the program may be extended to employees
exempt from this statute, as long as the agency administers the awards following the guidelines
provided by the Office of State Human Resources.
In addition to state employees, employees eligible for awards through Excellence in Service
also include employees of:
Other governmental units, such as local governments or agricultural extensions;
Community Colleges;
Public Schools;
Judicial System; and the
General Assembly.
Purchase of Service Award Items
Eligible persons (such as retirees) may purchase many of the items available in the service
awards program through Correction Enterprises. However, those items embellished with the
Excellence in Service logo are available exclusively as service awards.
Employees whose agencies do not have available funds to provide a service awards
program may purchase service awards for themselves or another eligible employee.
Please contact the Office of State Human Resources or Correction Enterprises for information.
Other circumstances may lend themselves to the purchase of an item in the service awards
program, however such exceptions must be approved by the Office of State Human Resources.
The very first service award an employee receives will coincide with the completion of the
employee's probationary period and achievement of career status. This is managed by the
employee's HR Office.
The BEACON report B0079: SERVICE AWARD ELIGIBILITY provides a list of employees with
5 to 50 years of service eligible for a service award within the next 12 months from the specified
month. The report should be generated after the 15th of the month to ensure the months of
service reported are accurate.
Those Service Awards Coordinators who are unable to run this report should coordinate with
their HR office.
Report Frequency
How often the report is generated will be based on the agency’s service award presentation
process. Below are some recommendations for report frequency.
Awards presented once a year
Generate the report 10 weeks prior to the presentation date to allow time for gift selection
and receipt.
Awards presented twice a year *
Generate the report at least 10 weeks prior to each presentation date.
Awards presented on or near the employee’s anniversary date*
Generate the report once a quarter.
*If awards are presented more than once a year, the report is generated more often to ensure
employees added to the agency’s headcount are included.
To obtain the report description and information and job aid, go to
1. Log into BEACON
2. Select the Business Objects tab
3. Select Help
4. Select Report Descriptions
5. Select B0079 Service Award Eligibility
To obtain the B0079: Service Award Eligibility report:
1. Log into BEACON
2. Select the Business Objects tab
3. Select PA: Longevity & Retirement
4. Select report B0079: Service Award Eligibility
5. Enter Calendar Month & Year (mm/yyyy). The report will show employees eligible for a
service award within 12 months of the selected date. Eligibility starts after 1 year of
service and then in 5 year increments subsequently.
6. Enter or Select the Organizational Unit
7. Select OK
8. Export the report for ease of use and distribution.
Because some of the service awards are provided by local artisans, there are times when these
items are back ordered. It is important to order employees’ service awards early to ensure that
any shipping delays don’t disrupt award presentation plans and schedules.
Employee Notification (5 35+ Years of Service)
Accompanying the service award notification with a written acknowledgement of the employee's
service is highly recommended. This letter/email should state the length of service, thank the
employee, and provide information about why the employee is receiving the service award.
Additionally, the notification should instruct the employee on the award selection and ordering
For Employees with email/internet access:
Refer employees to by congratulatory email (See Appendix
Include the email address of the service awards coordinator, as this email address is
where the employee will send their selection.
When employees visit the Service Awards website, they will be able to view .pdf files of
the awards by year by clicking on the labeled blue buttons.
Using the table included in the congratulatory email, employees will provide details of
their selection.
Employees will then send their selection email back to the agency service awards
For Employees without email/internet access:
Coordinators should create and send a congratulatory letter (See Appendix B). The
coordinator should include printed copies of the Service Awards .pdf files at Coordinators must include the current award category and
previous years. For example, if the employee is eligible for a 15-year award, the coordinator
should print the 15, 10 and 5 year categories.
Using the included form, employees will make their selection, complete the form, and return
it to the service awards coordinator.
Ring Sizing
Employees who wish to order rings must include their ring size with their selection. Ring sizing
instructions are available on the website, or See Appendix C.
Ordering Awards
It is recommended that an award be given in person at a Service Awards Presentation (see
Service Awards Presentation Section) by the employee’s supervisor or other member of
Purchasing Instructions
All employee service awards should be ordered through E-Procurement, where available.
Agencies without E-Procurement access must order through the Correction Enterprises website.
Purchasing through E-Procurement
Service awards will be ordered via the punch-out capability in E-Procurement. When searching
the punch-out catalog, enter state contract number 001A or search Correction Enterprises.
Career Status Service Excellence Award
This award will be distributed throughout the year on or near the employee’s one-year
employment anniversary to celebrate the employee reaching career status.
The award consists of a note card with a message from the Governor and an “Excellence in
Service” lapel pin attached to the card. All cards are packaged in sets of five (5) and include
an envelope.
The Career Status Service Excellence Awards are ordered on an as needed basis. Cards
can be ordered through E-Procurement or by calling Correction Enterprises Customer
Service at 1-800-241-0124. Orders may also be faxed to 919-716-3974. If ordering by
phone, fax or email, please refer to SKU #23-2- NTCARD-MA.
5+ Year Awards
Once you have collected all of the selection choices from your employees go to https:// to begin the ordering process.
Select the first category you have orders for. Order all awards you will need from that
category and place them in your shopping cart. Return to the main service awards page and
move to the next category. Continue this process until you have selected all of your
employee awards and added them to your shopping cart.
Additional Items
Once all awards have been added to the cart, go to the Additional Items section to select
certificates to accompany each award.
Order enough certificates to cover all employees receiving awards. For service award years
5-20, certificates are sold in packages of five, so enter quantity “1” for each five certificates
in each year category you wish to receive. For service award years 25+, certificates are sold
in individual quantities.
Additional items that will make your presentation more meaningful may also be ordered on
this same page. Items include:
Certificate Holders (Packages of 5)
Gift Bags (Packages of 12 with 3 different bag sizes)
Framed certificates for 30+ year employees
Once the Service Award Coordinator has selected all additional items and added them to
the shopping cart, review the cart. Click on the CONTINUE button to go back to E-
Procurement to load the requisition. Review the requisition, and add comments as
Special Instructions
If an employee has chosen a ring, the Service Awards Coordinator must make sure to
select the correct SKU number for that size.
If ordering a framed certificate, indicate the years of service and the employee name as
they wish it to appear on the certificate in the comments section of the E- Procurement
requisition. Additionally, the Service Awards Coordinator must identify who the agency
signor is going to be. Correction Enterprises will need the name of that person and a
digital copy of their signature on file before the certificate can be printed and framed.
Process the E-Procurement requisition as normal.
Delivery of Items
Allow 30-45 working days to receive items after the purchase order has been issued.
Handmade items may take up to 16 weeks for delivery. Make sure service award recipients
are aware of the delivery time.
Orders will be delivered to the state agency address indicated on the E-Procurement
purchase order unless other arrangements are made with Correction Enterprises. Home
deliveries are not possible. However, in certain circumstances special arrangements can be
made to have a service award delivered to the closest state facility to the employee’s home.
Within 24 hours of receipt, all items must be inspected for damage. Damaged items should
be reported immediately to Correction Enterprises Customer Service at 1-800-241-0124.
Damaged items will only be replaced within 30 days after receipt of the items.
Back-ordered items and estimated delivery schedule will be noted on the delivery ticket.
Questions on the selection or ordering process should be referred to Correction Enterprises
Customer Service at 1-800-241-0124.
DOT Only: Ordering Service Awards in SAP
Create Internal Purchase Order (IPO)
In SAP, use transaction ME21N Create Purchase Order:
1. Click on document overview to open up area on the left side of the screen (no variant
defined will appear at top of window).
2. Ensure 1
field has DOT Internal PO entered if not, use drop-down box to select that
3. In the “no variant defined” window, click the “flower” button.
4. Click contracts.
5. Enter PO number 4800024404 (Outline agreement will always begin with 4800…) in
the purchasing document field. This PO number will change when new contract(s) have
been secured. Delete all other info except the 1500’s that are auto-filled.
6. Press execute.
7. Select the correct PO line of item being ordered from list to the left.
8. Click the icon that looks like two sheets of paper (this will “adopt” the information to the
IPO). You will need to do this for each line you create.
Additional Fields
Acct Assignment
Item Category
Short Text
Should be auto-filled based upon item you selected
to the left.
(Example: Line 10 is 1. SNC8000 BRASS & LEATHER
Amount that you need to order of the same item
Value Price
Enter cost of one item
Delivery Date
Will auto-fill based upon quantity and cost
Material Group
Info should auto-fill from contract
Enter plant number
Storage Loc
Enter storage location number
Note: A new line item is needed for each item purchased unless there is more than one of the
same item, in which case this can be reflected on one line. Once IPO is complete and a
number has been assigned, print out and fax to NC Dept. of Public Safety.
Print Purchase Order
Fax Purchase Order
In SAP, use transaction ME9F Message Output
1. Enter IPO number to be printed.
2. Delete default value in the Purchasing Group field.
3. Select the execute icon.
4. On the next screen, click output message.
NC Dept. of Public Safety
Attn: Patricia Parks
Fax: 919-324-6233
Phone: 800-241-0124
The Excellence in Service Awards
The following information is designed to offer suggestions to help you in organizing a successful
Excellence in Service awards event. All state agencies and universities are different, so please
keep in mind that when and how service awards are distributed depends on what makes the
most sense for your organization. Agencies with fewer employees will likely have options that
are different than larger ones.
A service award that is quietly given, with no pomp and circumstance, fails to capture the
advantages and opportunities that can positively affect employee morale. By publicly extending
rewards and recognition, we can enhance the value of the recognition for both the employee
receiving it and the agency offering it.
A service award presentation is an invaluable opportunity to define, communicate and reinforce
key aspects of outstanding performance. How an effective presentation is handled reflects an
agency's vision, goals, and culture.
An effective service award presentation can create greater feelings of loyalty and even improve
productivity among employees. And a bad experience achieves just the opposite. So, however
you present your service awards, do it well.
Why Should You Hold a Service Award Presentation?
There are many good reasons to present service awards at an event. For example:
An awards ceremony makes people feel that their work is valued;
Recognition motivates others to strive for excellence and all benefit from it;
An awards ceremony or activity is a chance for celebration and reflection;
Employees have the chance to discuss the importance of their work and the
achievement of the persons being awarded. Sharing experiences is a very powerful
means of encouragement;
Visibly showing people that you value their work and effort, and doing so in front of
peers, is one of the keys to retention; and
Positive employee feelings that are generated with service awards help to improve
a Service Awards Presentation
Some agencies present service awards once a year, often during Employee Appreciation Week,
usually held the first week in May. Others present them throughout the year. Whatever you do, a
large event or an informal one, this is a very special time, so have fun with it!
Whether you do it once a year or more often, for everything to run smoothly you need to put
effort into planning the presentation or ceremony. Depending on the size and what kind of event
you have in mind, you might want to delegate responsibilities to a committee or to a "point
person" who will recruit helpers. Ask a cross-functional team of employees to help you
administer your service awards program. These employees will know what other employees find
rewarding and recognizing.
When you're first planning your presentation program, work with management to decide if funds
are available and how elaborate the program should be (e.g., during a scheduled staff meeting
or during a special luncheon or other event).
Whether a small celebration or elaborate affair, this event should include a gathering of peers
which is the most popular way to present service awards. At least one member of upper
management should attend. Some suggest it is best to have the recipient's supervisor actually
present the award, when possible, because they will know the person better.
When employees are spread out in different locations, technology can help bridge the gap.
Consider broadcasting the event on the agency’s website and arrange for people in satellite
offices to watch. Central Office presentations can also be videotaped and sent to the satellites.
When an agency has staff located statewide, it is important that employees beyond the Central
Office are equally appreciated. Whenever possible, central office management should
participate in off-site presentations.
Try to present service awards on, or as close to the employee’s anniversary date, and do it in
front of their team, department, or the entire organization if possible. For added impact,
acknowledge service award recipients again at your Christmas, or end-of-year party. When
award presentations are part of a division-wide event, schedule the presentations early in the
proceedings. This will help avoid rushing through the ceremony and making the recipients feel
like after-thoughts.
The budget greatly determines where a presentation will occur. For example, the presentation
could be held in a conference room, off-site location, or you could surprise the person in their
supervisor's office. Offsite locations also offer a number of possibilities. Public parks often have
suitable locations such as picnic shelters and museums have spacious lobbies or auditoriums.
Use your imagination and great locations will present themselves.
During the Presentation
The primary goal of any award presentation is to ensure the recipient(s) feel valued and to make
the award presentation memorable. To achieve this goal, consider the following:
Explain exactly why everyone is there and who will be honored;
Ensure the recipient’s manager(s) play a key role in the presentation;
Give a brief description of each person’s accomplishments/significant achievements
during their tenure;
Tie achievements to agency values and goals. Connecting individual performances to
the agency's success helps people see the big picture and their role in it; and
Take photos or consider arranging for a photographer to take pictures of each recipient
as a keepsake.
After the Presentation
Follow up with recipients to gather feedback to determine how future programs and
presentations can be improved. You may wish to survey award recipients after they
receive their award to find out how to improve the program.
Talk with recipients about the awards presentation. Get a sense of how they felt during
the event. If conversations are not possible, distribute a post-award survey by mail.
Send recipients photos taken during the award presentation. You may wish to provide
them in a frame. Include information on how to get reprints.
Do’s and Don’ts of an Awards Presentation
Do’s: Details for Making the Award Presentation Special
Accompany the service award with a written acknowledgement of the employee's service. This
recognition letter should state the length of service, thank the employee, and provide
memorable details about why the employee is receiving the service award.
You may want to accompany the service award with special wrapping or certificate or other
items. Some of these are offered as a part of the official service awards program or you may
supplement them with your agency’s own creative items. Gift bags are available from Correction
Enterprises and may be ordered on the website.
Create excitement in the office. Write a story about each recipient for your employee newsletter
or website.
Prepare brief notes for members of upper management who are unfamiliar with the recipients.
Personalized praise enriches the experience and helps people feel they are not just one of
If you are outside of Raleigh, you may wish to notify the local news media of the award
presentation. Also, contact trade publications that cover your industry. It may trigger a story idea
or become part of an article in development.
Don’t leave the recipient’s service award in their chair, on their desk, or in their inbox.
Don’t misspell or mispronounce the recipient’s name.
Don’t be un-excited or monotonous during the presentation.
Don’t make it appear that the award was an after-thought or incidental.
of Eligibility Email
The following suggested email can be sent directly to the recipient. It is recommended that the
employee’s supervisor is copied.
Dear <Award Recipient>,
Congratulations on reaching your length of service milestone! Please browse the service
awards attached to this email. You are able to pick an award from the selection for the
milestone you’ve reach and any milestones below. For example, if you have reached your 10-
year milestone, you can pick an award from the 10-year category or the five-year category.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Order Form
Please provide as much information as possible. Check your entry and ensure there are no
*Please note: All awards are delivered to your work address. Please keep this in mind if you
select a larger, bulky award.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Work Address
Work City
Work Zip Code
Work Telephone Number
(include area code)
Email Address of your
Agency Service Awards
Service Award Milestone
Award Item Number
Description of Award
For women’s ring, please
indicate your size.
For men’s ring, please
indicate your size.
(Signed by Service Awards Coordinator)
of Eligibility Letter
The following suggested letter should be printed on agency letterhead and should be sent
directly to the recipient. It is recommended that the employee’s supervisor receive a copy as
Dear <Award Recipient>,
Congratulations on reaching your length of service milestone! Please browse the service
awards attached to this letter. You are able to pick an award from the selection for the milestone
you’ve reach and any milestones below. For example, if you have reached your 10-year
milestone, you can pick an award from the 10-year category or the five-year category. If you
wish to order a ring, please be sure to note the ring size. Ring sizing instructions are available
from your service awards coordinator.
Order Form
Please provide as much information as possible. Check your entry and ensure there are no
*Please note: All awards are delivered to your work address. Please keep this in mind if you
select a larger, bulky award.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Work Address
Work City
Work Zip Code
Work Telephone Number
(include area code)
Email Address of your Agency
Service Awards Coordinator
Service Award Milestone
Award Item Number
Description of Award
For women’s ring, please
indicate your size.
For men’s ring, please indicate
your size.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
(Signed by Service Awards Coordinator)
Ring Sizing Tool
Sample Letter from Agency Secretary to Accompany Award
The following suggested letter should be printed on agency letterhead, signed by the agency
secretary or equivalent, and presented with the award.
Dear <Award Recipient>,
Congratulations! This is a significant year for you as you celebrate an important service
anniversary with the State of North Carolina.
As you reach this milestone in your career, it is with great pride that we present your Excellence
in Service award. The award reflects our appreciation for your dedicated years of service and is
a symbol of your personal and professional achievements. It is our hope that you will wear, use
or display it with pride.
Please know that your service is important to the citizens of our state and your abilities and
contributions play a vital role in making North Carolina a great place to live, work and raise a
Thank you for all that you do and please accept our good wishes on the anniversary of your
years of service.
Agency Secretary or Equivalent
Sample Letter from Employee’s Supervisor to Accompany Award
The following suggested letter should be printed on agency letterhead, signed by the
employee’s supervisor or Division Director, and presented with the award.
Dear Award Recipient>,
Congratulations on your service award as you celebrate a significant anniversary of your
employment with North Carolina State Government. Clearly, reaching this (x-year) milestone is
a very special occasion for you. It is also a very special occasion for us since it is a testimony of
your loyalty to State Government.
You are a valued member of our team and your continued contributions are vital for us to
continue to be successful in meeting our mission, vision and values. All of our organizational
achievements are made possible because of your individual efforts as well as the efforts of your
team members. In appreciation for your years of service, we invite you to select a gift that
reflects your service and dedication to State Government.
Again, thank you for your hard work, dedication and “Excellence in Service”. We look forward to
your ongoing contributions and our future together.
Supervisor or Division Director
Frequently Asked Questions
in Service?
Excellence in Service is North Carolina’s service awards program for state employees. It
recognizes milestones in a state employee’s career at 1 year (when an employee reaches
career status), 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 25 years, 30 years and so on.
Who manages the Excellence in Service program?
The Excellence in Service program is managed by the Office of State Human
Resources. Correction Enterprises, a division of the Department of Public Safety, is the vendor
for the awards.
What are the awards?
There is a wide selection of awards at each milestone. All of the awards are made in the USA
and most are made right here in the state of North Carolina. In fact, many of them are made by
local artists and craftsmen. Many of the awards are inscribed with the Excellence in Service
logo. The awards celebrate our state’s symbols, heritage, traditions and craftsmanship.
How will I know if/when I am eligible for a service award?
When you are eligible for an award, your agency service awards coordinator will contact you
and ask you to select an award.
Who should I contact in my agency regarding my service award?
Contact your agency human resources office.
When will I receive my service award?
Different agencies order their awards at different times and they also present them at different
times. Your agency’s service awards coordinator will let you know when you can expect to
receive your award.
How do I order my service award? What is the process?
When your agency’s service awards coordinator contacts you regarding your eligibility for an
award and asks you to make a selection, they will provide you with instructions on how to select
your award.
Are the service award items already assembled?
Yes, all of the service award items are pre-assembled.
Where will my service award be delivered? Can it be delivered to my
Unfortunately, we are unable to deliver your service award to your home. Your service awards
coordinator will arrange for the service awards to be shipped to a state government facility. You
will be responsible for transporting your award.
May I choose a service award from another year?
You may choose an item from another year’s category, but it must be from a lower category. For
instance, if you are eligible for a 20-year award, you may make a selection from the 5, 10,
15, or 20 year categories. You would however not be able to select an award from the 25 or 30
year categories.
May I purchase a service award?
Items with the Excellence in Service logo are not available for purchase by ineligible state
employees. However, if you are eligible to receive a service award and wish to purchase an
item with the Excellence in Service Award logo because your agency does not participate in the
program, Correction Enterprises will require proof of eligibility from your human resources office.
Items without the Excellence in Service Award logo are available for purchase through
Correction Enterprises.
What if my service award is defective or broken? What if my service award,
such as a ring, is the wrong size?
If an item is broken or sized incorrectly, then it will be replaced. You should contact your HR
coordinator who in turn will contact Correction Enterprises' Customer Service Department at 1-
800-0124. They will work with you to correct and/or replace any broken items or wrong sizes. As
a quality control measure Correction Enterprises would like to have the problematic item
What are the largest sizes that the rings come in?
The largest man’s ring is size 14, and the largest ladies ring size is 10.
Do all state agencies participate in the service awards program?
All state agencies are eligible to participate in the service awards program. However, this is a
voluntary program, and agencies are not required to participate.
Are public schools and other government entities eligible to participate in
the program?
Yes, they are eligible to participate.