Title stata.com
duplicates Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations
Description Quick start Menu Syntax Options
Remarks and examples Stored results Acknowledgments References Also see
duplicates reports, displays, lists, tags, or drops duplicate observations, depending on the
subcommand specified. Duplicates are observations with identical values either on all variables if no
varlist is specified or on a specified varlist.
duplicates report produces a table showing observations that occur as one or more copies and
indicating how many observations are “surplus” in the sense that they are the second (third, . . . ) copy
of the first of each group of duplicates.
duplicates examples lists one example for each group of duplicated observations. Each example
represents the first occurrence of each group in the dataset.
duplicates list lists all duplicated observations.
duplicates tag generates a variable representing the number of duplicates for each observation.
This will be 0 for all unique observations.
duplicates drop drops all but the first occurrence of each group of duplicated observations. The
word drop may not be abbreviated.
Any observations that do not satisfy specified if and/or in conditions are ignored when you use
report, examples, list, or drop. The variable created by tag will have missing values for such
Quick start
Report the total number of observations and the number of duplicates
duplicates report
Same as above, but only check for duplicates jointly by v1, v2, and v3
duplicates report v1 v2 v3
Generate newv equal to the number of duplicate observations or 0 for unique observations
duplicates tag, generate(newv)
List all duplicate observations
duplicates list
Same as above, but determine duplicates by v1, v2, and v3 and separate list by values of v1
duplicates list v1 v2 v3, sepby(v1)
Drop duplicate observations
duplicates drop
Force dropping observations with duplicates for v1, v2, and v3 if observations are unique by other
duplicates drop v1 v2 v3, force
2 duplicates Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations
duplicates report, duplicates examples, and duplicates list
Data > Data utilities > Report and list duplicated observations
duplicates tag
Data > Data utilities > Tag duplicated observations
duplicates drop
Data > Data utilities > Drop duplicated observations
Report duplicates
duplicates report
List one example for each group of duplicates
duplicates examples
, options
List all duplicates
duplicates list
, options
Tag duplicates
duplicates tag
, generate(newvar)
Drop duplicates
duplicates drop
duplicates drop varlist
, force
duplicates Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations 3
options Description
compress compress width of columns in both table and display formats
nocompress use display format of each variable
fast synonym for nocompress; no delay in output of large datasets
abbreviate(#) abbreviate variable names to # characters; default is ab(8)
string(#) truncate string variables to # characters; default is string(10)
table force table format
display force display format
header display variable header once; default is table mode
noheader suppress variable header
header(#) display variable header every # lines
clean force table format with no divider or separator lines
divider draw divider lines between columns
separator(#) draw a separator line every # lines; default is separator(5)
sepby(varlist) draw a separator line whenever varlist values change
nolabel display numeric codes rather than label values
add line reporting the mean for each of the (specified) variables
add line reporting the sum for each of the (specified) variables
add line reporting the number of nonmissing values for each of the
(specified) variables
labvar(varname) substitute Mean, Sum, or N for value of varname in last row of table
separate and list variables that are constant only once
notrim suppress string trimming
absolute display overall observation numbers when using by varlist:
nodotz display numerical values equal to .z as field of blanks
subvarname substitute characteristic for variable name in header
linesize(#) columns per line; default is linesize(79)
collect is allowed with all duplicates commands; see [U] 11.1.10 Prefix commands.
Options are presented under the following headings:
Options for duplicates examples and duplicates list
Option for duplicates tag
Option for duplicates drop
4 duplicates Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations
Options for duplicates examples and duplicates list
compress, nocompress, fast, abbreviate(#), string(#); see [D] list.
table, display, header, noheader, header(#), clean, divider, separator(#),
sepby(varlist), nolabel; see [D] list.
, sum
, N
, labvar(varname); see [D] list.
, notrim, absolute, nodotz, subvarname, linesize(#); see [D] list.
Option for duplicates tag
generate(newvar) is required and specifies the name of a new variable that will tag duplicates.
Option for duplicates drop
force specifies that observations duplicated with respect to a named varlist be dropped. The force
option is required when such a varlist is given as a reminder that information may be lost by
dropping observations, given that those observations may differ on any variable not included in
Remarks and examples stata.com
Current data management and analysis may hinge on detecting (and sometimes dropping) duplicate
observations. In Stata terms, duplicates are observations with identical values, either on all variables if
no varlist is specified or on a specified varlist; that is, 2 or more observations that are identical on all
specified variables form a group of duplicates. When the specified variables are a set of explanatory
variables, such a group is often called a covariate pattern or a covariate class.
Linguistic purists will point out that duplicate observations are strictly only those that occur in
pairs, and they might prefer a more literal term, although the most obvious replacement, “replicates”,
already has another statistical meaning. However, the looser term appears in practice to be much
more frequently used for this purpose and to be as easy to understand.
Observations may occur as duplicates through some error; for example, the same observations
might have been entered more than once into your dataset. In contrast, some researchers deliberately
enter a dataset twice. Each entry is a check on the other, and all observations should occur as identical
pairs, assuming that one or more variables identify unique records. If there is just one copy, or more
than two copies, there has been an error in data entry.
Or duplicate observations may also arise simply because some observations just happen to be
identical, which is especially likely with categorical variables or large datasets. In this second situation,
consider whether contract, which automatically produces a count of each distinct set of observations,
is more appropriate for your problem. See [D] contract.
duplicates Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations 5
Observations unique on all variables in varlist occur as single copies. Thus there are no surplus
observations in the sense that no observation may be dropped without losing information about the
contents of observations. (Information will inevitably be lost on the frequency of such observations.
Again, if recording frequency is important to you, contract is the better command to use.)
Observations that are duplicated twice or more occur as copies, and in each case, all but one copy
may be considered surplus.
This command helps you produce a dataset, usually smaller than the original, in which each
observation is unique (literally, each occurs only once) and distinct (each differs from all the others).
If you are familiar with Unix systems, or with sets of Unix utilities ported to other platforms, you
will know the uniq command, which removes duplicate adjacent lines from a file, usually as part of
a pipe.
Example 1
Suppose that we are given a dataset in which some observations are unique (no other observation
is identical on all variables) and other observations are duplicates (in each case, at least 1 other
observation exists that is identical). Imagine dropping all but 1 observation from each group of
duplicates, that is, dropping the surplus observations. Now all the observations are unique. This
example helps clarify the difference between 1) identifying unique observations before dropping
surplus copies and 2) identifying unique observations after dropping surplus copies (whether in truth
or merely in imagination). codebook (see [D] codebook) reports the number of unique values for
each variable in this second sense.
Suppose that we have typed in a dataset for 200 individuals. However, a simple describe or
count shows that we have 202 observations in our dataset. We guess that we may have typed in 2
observations twice. duplicates report gives a quick report of the occurrence of duplicates:
. use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/dupxmpl
. duplicates report
Duplicates in terms of all variables
Copies Observations Surplus
1 198 0
2 4 2
Our hypothesis is supported: 198 observations are unique (just 1 copy of each), whereas 4 occur
as duplicates (2 copies of each; in each case, 1 may be dubbed surplus). We now wish to see which
observations are duplicates, so the next step is to ask for a duplicates list.
. duplicates list
Duplicates in terms of all variables
Group Obs id x y
1 42 42 0 2
1 43 42 0 2
2 145 144 4 4
2 146 144 4 4
6 duplicates Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations
The records for id 42 and id 144 were evidently entered twice. Satisfied, we now issue duplicates
. duplicates drop
Duplicates in terms of all variables
(2 observations deleted)
The report, list, and drop subcommands of duplicates are perhaps the most useful, especially
for a relatively small dataset. For a larger dataset with many duplicates, a full listing may be too long
to be manageable, especially as you see repetitions of the same data. duplicates examples gives
you a more compact listing in which each group of duplicates is represented by just 1 observation,
the first to occur.
A subcommand that is occasionally useful is duplicates tag, which generates a new variable
containing the number of duplicates for each observation. Thus unique observations are tagged with
value 0, and all duplicate observations are tagged with values greater than 0. For checking double
data entry, in which you expect just one surplus copy for each individual record, you can generate a
tag variable and then look at observations with tag not equal to 1 because both unique observations
and groups with two or more surplus copies need inspection.
. duplicates tag, gen(tag)
Duplicates in terms of all variables
As of Stata 11, the browse subcommand is no longer available. To open duplicates in the Data
Browser, use the following commands:
. duplicates tag, generate(newvar)
. browse if newvar > 0
See [D] edit for details on the browse command.
Video example
How to identify and remove duplicate observations
Stored results
duplicates report, duplicates examples, duplicates list, duplicates tag, and du-
plicates drop store the following in r():
r(N) number of observations
duplicates report also stores the following in r():
r(unique value) number of unique observations
duplicates drop also stores the following in r():
r(N drop) number of observations dropped
duplicates Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations 7
duplicates was written by Nicholas J. Cox of the Department of Geography at Durham University,
UK, who is coeditor of the Stata Journal and author of Speaking Stata Graphics. He in turn thanks
Thomas Steichen (retired) of RJRT for ideas contributed to an earlier jointly written program (Steichen
and Cox 1998).
arkefur, K., L. Cardoso de Andrade, and B. Daniels. 2020. iefieldkit: Commands for primary data collection and
cleaning. Stata Journal 20: 892–915.
. 2023. iefieldkit: Commands for primary data collection and cleaning (update). Stata Journal 23: 875–883.
Steichen, T. J., and N. J. Cox. 1998. dm53: Detection and deletion of duplicate observations. Stata Technical Bulletin
41: 2–4. Reprinted in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 7, pp. 52–55. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
Also see
[D] codebook Describe data contents
[D] contract Make dataset of frequencies and percentages
[D] edit Browse or edit data with Data Editor
[D] isid Check for unique identifiers
[D] list List values of variables
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