1 Good memories
Exercise 1
Verb Past tense Verb Past tense
be was/were hide hid
become became laugh laughed
do did lose lost
email emailed move moved
get got open opened
have had scream screamed
My best friend in school was Michael. He and I were in
Mrs. Gilberts third-grade class, and we were friends. We
often did crazy things in class, but I dont think Mrs. Gilbert
ever really got mad at us. For example, Michael had a pet
lizard named Peanut. Sometimes he hid it in Mrs. Gilberts
desk drawer. Later, when she opened the drawer, she
always screamed loudly, and the class laughed. After two
years, Michaels family moved to another town. We emailed
each other for a few years, but then we lost contact. I often
wonder what hes doing now.
Exercise 2
Sarah: Welcome to the building. My names Sarah Walker.
Benedito: Hello. Im Benedito Peres. Its nice to meet you.
Sarah: Nice to meet you, too. Are you from around here?
Benedito: No, Im from Brazil.
Sarah: Oh, really? Were you born in Brazil?
Benedito: No, I wasnt born there, actually. Im originally from
Sarah: Thats interesting. So, when did you move to Brazil?
Benedito: I moved to Brazil when I was in elementary school.
Sarah: Where did you live?
Benedito: We lived in Recife. Its a beautiful city in northeast
Brazil. Then I went to college.
Sarah: Did you go to school in Recife?
Benedito: No, I went to school in So Paulo.
Sarah: And what did you study?
Benedito: Oh, I studied engineering. But Im here to go to
graduate school.
Sarah: Great! When did you arrive?
Benedito: I arrived last week. I start school in three days.
Sarah: Well, good luck. And sorry for all the questions!
Exercise 3
Answers will vary. Examples:
1. I was born in Seoul, Korea.
2. No, we didnt move.
3. Yes, my favorite teacher was Miss Kim.
4. I played tennis when I was a kid.
5. I began to study English when I was six years old.
Exercise 4
He is from Guadalajara, Mexico. He is an actor.
1. True
2. False. The director was Mexican.
3. True
4. False. He directed a movie called Dcit.
5. False. He plays a conductor.
6. False. He works in lms in many different languages.
Exercise 5
2. My favorite pet was a cat called Felix.
3. We used to go to summer camp for two weeks during
our summer vacations. It was really fun.
4. There was a great playground on my street. We used to
go there every afternoon to play.
Exercise 6
2. They also used to ride bikes. Their dog Bruno always
used to follow them.
3. Allie used to go to the beach every weekend during
summer vacation. She hardly ever goes now.
4. Robert used to collect comic books. Now theyre worth a
lot of money.
5. They used to have a rabbit. They dont have any pets now.
Exercise 7
2. A: Did you collect shells?
B: No, we didnt collect shells. We used to build sand
3. A: Did you use to swim?
B: Yes, we did. We used to swim for hours. Then we
played all kinds of sports.
4. A: Really? What did you use to play?
B: Well, we used to play beach volleyball with some
other kids.
5. A: Did you use to lose?
B: No, we didnt. We used to win!
Exercise 8
Answers will vary. Examples:
1. I used to ride my bike.
Now I swim.
2. I used to like pop music.
Now I like rock music.
3. I used to wear casual clothes.
Now I wear work clothes.
Exercise 9
Paola: Im an immigrant here. I was born in Chile and grew
up there. I came here in 2011. I wasnt very happy at rst.
Things were difcult for me. I didnt speak English, so I
went to a community college and studied English there. My
English got better, and I found this job. What about you?
Exercise 10
1. A: Are you from Toronto:
B: No, Im originally from Morocco.
2. A: Te ll me a l it t le ab o ut yo u rs e lf .
B: What do you want to know?
3. A: How old were you when you moved here?
B: About 16.
4. A: Did you learn English here?
B: No, I studied it in Morocco.
5. A: By the way, Im Lucy.
B: Glad to meet you.
Workbook answer key
T-350T-184 Workbook answer key
2 Life in the city
Exercise 1
2. bus stop
3. bicycle lane
4. trafc jam
5. subway station
6. taxi stand
Exercise 2
2. dark streets: install modern streetlights
3. no places to take children: build more parks
4. crime: hire more police ofcers
5. car accidents: install more trafc lights
6. trafc jams: build a subway system
Answers may vary. Examples:
2. There are too many trafc jams.
3. There isnt enough public transportation.
4. There is too much crime.
5. There arent enough places to take children.
6. There isnt enough light.
Answers may vary. Examples:
2. There should be fewer trafc jams.
3. There should be more public transportation.
4. There should be less crime.
5. There should be more places to take children.
6. There should be more light.
Exercise 3
2. business district
3. green spaces
4. parking garages
5. bicycle lanes
6. public transportation
7. rush hour
Life in this city needs to be improved. For one thing,
there are too many cars, and there is too much bad air,
especially during rush hour. The air pollution is terrible.
This problem is particularly bad downtown in the business
district. Too many people drive their cars to work. Also, the
city doesnt spend enough money on public transportation.
There should be more buses and subway trains so people
dont have to drive.
We also need fewer parking garages downtown. Its so
easy to park that too many people drive to work. Instead, the
city should create more parks and green space so people
can relax and get some fresh air when theyre downtown.
There should also be more bicycle lanes so people can ride
to work and get some exercise.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 4
1. tram
2. ferry
3. subway
4. cable railway
ferry subway tram
1. How old is
NG NG over 115
years old
2. How many
use it?
NG NG 4 million
a day
180,000 a
3. How safe
is it?
very very NG NG
4. Where can
you go?
Exercise 5
1. A: Could you tell me where I can buy some perfume?
B: You should try the duty-free shop.
2. A: Can you tell me where I can nd a good place to stay?
B: Yeah, there is a nice hotel on the next street.
3. A: Do you know where I can change money?
B: Theres a money exchange on the second oor.
Theres also an ATM over there.
4. A: Do you know what time the last train leaves for
the city?
B: No, but I can check the schedule.
5. A: Could you tell me where the taxi stand is?
B: Sure. Just follow that sign.
Exercise 6
Guest: Could you tell me where the gym is?
Clerk: Sure, the gym is on the nineteenth oor.
Guest: OK. And can you tell me where the coffee shop is?
Clerk: Yes, the coffee shop is next to the gift shop.
Guest: The gift shop? Hmm. I need to buy something for my
wife. Do you know what time it closes?
Clerk: It closes at 6:00 P.M. Im sorry, but youll have to wait
until tomorrow. Its already 6:15.
Guest: OK. Oh, Im expecting a package. Could you call me
when it arrives?
Clerk: Dont worry. Ill call you when it arrives.
Guest: Thanks. Just one more thing. Do you know how often
the airport bus leaves?
Clerk: The airport bus leaves every half hour. Anything else?
Guest: No, I dont think so. Thanks.
Exercise 7
2. There should be less trafc downtown.
3. Could you tell me where the subway station is?
4. There should be more parking garages.
5. Do you know how often the bus comes?
6. Can you tell me what time the last train leaves?
Exercise 8
Answers will vary. Examples:
1. Yes, there is a trafc-free zone downtown.
2. Most people drive to and from work.
3. Rush hour is very busy and there is a lot of trafc.
4. The biggest problem is trafc.
5. The city has improved the subways.
6. The city could provide more buses and subway lines.
T-351Workbook answer key T-185
3 Making changes
Exercise 1
1. convenient / inconvenient
2. cramped / spacious
3. dangerous / safe
4. big / small
5. bright / dark
6. modern / old
7. quiet / noisy
8. cheap / expensive
2. The rooms are too dark.
3. The living room is too cramped for the family.
4. The bathroom isnt modern enough.
5. The yard is too small for our pets.
6. The street isnt quiet enough for us.
7. The neighborhood isnt safe enough.
8. The location is too inconvenient.
Exercise 2
2. There arent enough bedrooms.
3. Its not modern enough.
4. There arent enough parking spaces.
5. The neighborhood doesnt have enough streetlights.
6. There arent enough closets.
7. Its not private enough.
8. The living room isnt spacious enough.
Exercise 3
Client: Well, its not as convenient as the apartment on
Realtor: Thats true, the house is less convenient.
Client: But the apartment doesnt have as many rooms as
the house.
Realtor: Yes, the house is more spacious.
Client: But I think there are just as many closets as in the
Realtor: Youre right. The closet space is the same.
Client: The wallpaper in the apartment is not as dingy as the
wallpaper in the house.
Realtor: I know, but you could change the wallpaper in
Client: Hmm, the rent on the apartment is almost as
expensive as the rent on the house, but the house is much
bigger. Oh, I cant decide. Can you show me something else?
Exercise 4
Answers will vary.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5
be play have move
healthy guitar my own room somewhere else
happier soccer more free time to a new place
2. I wish I had my own room.
3. I wish I played soccer.
4. I wish I had more free time.
5. I wish were happier.
6. I wish I played guitar.
Exercise 6
2. A: I wish I could retire.
B: I know what you mean.
3. A: Where do you want to move?
B: Somewhere else.
4. A: I wish I could nd a bigger house.
B: Its very nice, though.
Exercise 7
2. This neighborhood is too dangerous.
3. My apartment should be more private.
4. Our house has just as many bedrooms as yours.
5. I wish I had more closet space.
6. We wish we could move somewhere else.
7. That apartment isnt big enough.
8. I wish housework werent difcult.
Exercise 8
Italy, China, Turkey
Rome Huangshan Turkey
1. People make wishes only
once a year.
2. You need a lock and key.
3. You put your wish on a
4. You need a coin to make
your wish.
5. Wish-making is only for
6. The money from the
wishes goes to poor
7. Some people make their
wishes on the Internet.
T-352 Workbook answer keyT-186
4 Have you ever tried it?
Exercise 1
Margo: I went to Sunrise Beach last week. Have you ever
been to Sunrise Beach, Chris?
Chris: Yes, I have. Its beautiful. Did you go to the restaurant
on the beach?
Margo: Yeah, I did. I went on Saturday. I had the sea snails.
Chris: Wow! Ive never eaten sea snails!
Margo: Oh, they were delicious. On Sunday I got to the
beach early to see the sun come up. Have you ever seen a
sunrise on a beach, Chris?
Chris: No, I havent.
Margo: Then I went swimming around 6:00, but there were
some strange dark shadows in the water. Have you ever
heard of sharks at Sunrise Beach?
Chris: Yes, I have. I heard a news report about sharks last
Margo: Wow! Maybe I had a lucky escape on Sunday
morning! Why dont you come with me next time?
Chris: Are you kidding?
Exercise 2
Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Have you ever gone horseback riding?
3. Have you ever traveled abroad?
4. Have you ever read a novel in English?
5. Have you ever taken a cruise?
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Yes, I have. I rode a horse on the beach last summer.
3. Yes, I have. I went to Mexico last year, and I went to
Germany ve years ago.
4. Yes, I have. I read To K il l a M ock in gbi rd when I was a
5. Yes, I have. I took a cruise to Hawaii two years ago.
Exercise 3
pollen, cats, foods
B and C
Problem What didnt
Andrew: sneezing all
the time
aspirin anti-allergy
medicine, air
Mariana: red and
irritated eyes
petting cat
where cat
could go
Eric: red skin with
a painful itch
eating less
peanut butter
eating other
Exercise 4
4 After that, pour the eggs into a frying pan. Add the
mushrooms and cook.
2 Then beat the eggs in a bowl.
1 First, slice the mushrooms.
3 Next, add salt and pepper to the egg mixture.
5 Finally, fold the omelet in half. Your omelet is ready.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5
Alexa: I went to a Thai restaurant last night.
Pedro: Really? I have/ve never eaten Thai food.
Alexa: Oh, you should try it. Its delicious!
Pedro: What did you order?
Alexa: First, I had soup with green curry and rice. Then I
tried pad thai. Its noodles, shrimp, and vegetables in a spicy
Pedro: I have not/havent tasted pad thai before. Was it very
Alexa: No. It was just spicy enough. And after that, I ate
bananas in coconut milk for dessert.
Pedro: Mmm! That sounds good.
Alexa: It was.
Exercise 6
2. I had a huge lunch, so I skipped dinner.
3. What ingredients do you need to cook crispy fried
4. First, fry the beef in oil and curry powder, and then pour
the coconut milk over the beef.
5. We need to leave the restaurant now. Could we have the
check, please?
Exercise 7
1. A: Have you ever tried barbecued chicken? You marinate
the meat in barbecue sauce for about an hour and
then cook it on the grill.
B: Mmm! That sounds good!
2. A: Heres a recipe called Baked Eggplant Delight. I
usually bake eggplant for an hour, but this says you
bake it for only ve minutes!
B: That sounds wrong.
3. A: Look at this dish  frogs legs with bananas! Ive never
seen that before.
B: Yuck! That sounds awful.
Exercise 8
2. I brought all the ingredients with me.
3. Did you eat a huge dinner last night?
4. We took my mother to the new Chilean restaurant.
5. I havent given a birthday gift to my father yet.
6. We have never been to a Chinese restaurant.
7. I have never eaten snails. What are they like?
8. Have you decided what kind of pizza you would like?
9. I bought this chicken sandwich for $5.
1 0 . Oh, Im sorry. I just broke a glass. What a mess!
1 1 . Victor made gogi gui for dinner.
1 2 . I wasnt hungry this morning, so I skipped breakfast.
1 3 . Oh, no! I forgot to buy rice.
1 4 . Have you ever driven a sports car?
1 5 . I tried Greek food for the rst time last night.
1 6 . Have you ever fallen asleep at the movies? Its really
T-353Workbook answer key T-187
5 Hit the road!
Exercise 1
take do go rent
long walks a lot of hiking camping a camper
sailing lessons some shing on vacation a car
a vacation something
swimming a condominium
Answers will vary.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 2
Scott: So, Elena, do you have any vacation plans?
Elena: Well, Im going to paint my apartment because the
walls are a really ugly color. What about you?
Scott: Im going to rent a car and take a long drive.
Elena: Where are you going to go?
Scott: Im not sure. Ill probably visit my sister Jeanne. I
havent seen her in a long time.
Elena: That sounds nice. I like to visit my family, too.
Scott: Yes, and maybe Ill go to the mountains for a few days.
I havent been hiking in months. How about you? Are you
going to do anything else on your vacation?
Elena: Ill probably catch up on my studying. I have a lot of
work to do before school starts.
Scott: That doesnt sound like much fun.
Elena: Oh, I am planning to have some fun, too. Im going to
relax on the beach. I love to go surng!
Exercise 3
2. A: How are you going to get there?
B: Im going to drive.
3. A: Where are you going to stay?
B: Im going to stay in a condominium. My friend has one
near the beach.
4. A: Is anyone going to travel with you?/Are you going to
travel with anyone?
B: No, Im going to travel by myself.
2. Maybe Ill take the train.
3. I wont stay at a hotel.
4. I think Ill ask a friend.
Exercise 4
Rio de Janeiro and Iguau Falls
1. True
2. False. Buenos Aires has the widest avenue in the world.
3. False. Iguau Falls is bigger than Niagara Falls.
4. True
5. False. Rio de Janeiro has great beaches.
Exercise 5
2. You should never leave cash in your hotel room.
3. You need to take your credit card with you.
4. You have to pay an airport tax.
5. You should let your family know where they can contact
6. Youd better not go out alone late at night.
7. You must get a vaccination if you go to some countries.
Exercise 6
2. hiking boots
3. a rst-aid kit
4. a swimsuit
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. They need to take hiking boots.
3. They ought to take a rst-aid kit.
4. He should take a swimsuit.
Exercise 7
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. You need to buy good quality camping equipment.
3. You ought to buy maps and travel guides.
4. You shouldnt forget a rst-aid kit.
5. You dont have to take a lot of cash.
6. You should get a GPS device for your car.
7. Youd better remember to bring insect spray.
8. You must take your drivers license.
9. You should remember to bring a jacket.
1 0 . You dont have to pack a lot of luggage.
Exercise 8
1. Im not going to go on vacation alone.
2. I want to travel by myself.
3. You should travel with a friend.
4. You must get a vaccination.
Exercise 9
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Im going to arrive in Lisbon, Portugal, on July 6 and
check in at the Tivoli Hotel. Then maybe Ill go shopping.
Im going to spend three days in Lisbon sightseeing. Then
Im going to take a tour bus across the border to Seville in
Spain. Ill probably visit the cathedral. Im going to see some
amenco dancing in the evening. Then Im going to rent a
car and drive to Mlaga on the Costa del Sol. I guess Ill visit
the old city center. Maybe Ill spend time on the beach. Then
Im going to y to Madrid on July 19. Ill probably visit some
museums there. Im going to take a tour of the city and see
the sights. Im going to go home on July 22.
Answers will vary.
T-354 Workbook answer keyT-188
6 Sure! Ill do it.
Exercise 1
2. OK, Ill put them away.
3. OK, Ill hang them up.
4. OK, Ill turn them off.
5. OK, Ill turn it on.
Exercise 2
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. hang up
3. let down
4. pick up
5. put away
6. take out
7. take off
8. throw away
9. turn off
1 0 . turn up
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Please hang up your jacket. The oor is dirty.
3. Please take out the trash. It smells bad.
4. Please pick up the phone. Its ringing.
5. Please turn off the TV. No one is watching it.
6. Please throw away the chair. Its broken.
Exercise 3
2. Ta ke ou t t h e trash.
3. Turn down the TV.
4. Pick up your things.
5. Put away your clothes.
6. Turn on the radio.
Exercise 4
2. The milk is getting warm.
3. The bag is almost full.
4. Its a mess.
5. Its too loud.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Sorry, I had to answer the phone.
3. Sorry, I didnt know the garbage bag was full.
4. Sorry, I made a cake today.
5. Sorry, I didnt realize it was so loud.
Exercise 5
One is for young children, and the other is for teenagers;
one is a reward system, the other is a system for frustrating
computer users.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 6
2. Would you mind taking this form to the ofce?
3. Could you turn the TV down?
4. Would you mind not leaving wet towels on the oor?
5. Would you text me todays homework assignment?
6. Can you pass me that book, please?
Exercise 7
2. A: Would you mind helping me?
B: Sorry, I cant right now.
3. A: Excuse me, but youre sitting in my seat.
B: Oh, Im sorry. I didnt realize that.
4. A: Would you like to come in?
B: All right. Thanks.
5. A: Would you mind not leaving your clothes on the oor?
B: Oh, all right. Ill put them away.
6. A: Can you hand me the remote control?
B: No problem.
Exercise 8
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Benjamin: Youre late! Ive been here for half an hour!
Jen: Im really sorry. My car broke down.
3. Customer: I brought this laptop in last week, but its still
not working right.
Salesperson: Oh, Im sorry. Ill x it for you.
4. Father: You didnt take out the garbage this morning.
Son: Im sorry. I didnt want to be late for the school bus.
5. Customer: This steak is very tough. I cant eat it.
Waiter: Im really sorry. Ill bring you another one.
6. Neighbor 1: Could you do something about your dog? It
barks all night and it keeps me awake.
Neighbor 2: Im sorry. I wont leave him outside at night
7. Resident: Would you mind moving your car? Youre
parked in my parking space.
Visitor: Sorry. I wont do it again.
8. Te ac h er : Please put away your papers. You left them on
your desk yesterday.
Student: Im sorry. I forgot I put them there.
Exercise 9
1. Throw that old food away. Put it in the trash can.
2. Would you mind picking up some groceries? We need
coffee, milk, and rice.
3. Turn the lights off. Electricity costs money!
4. My neighbor made a promise. He said, Ill be sure to
stop my dog from barking.
Exercise 10
2. dont criticize my friends
3. mail these bills
4. dont talk so loudly
5. put away the groceries
6. take off your sunglasses
7. turn down the TV
8. clean up your bedroom
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Could you not criticize my friends?
3. Would you mail these bills?
4. Would you mind not talking so loudly?
5. Can you put away the groceries?
6. Could you take off your sunglasses?
7. Would you turn down the TV?
8. Can you clean up your bedroom?
Exercise 11
Answers will vary.
T-355Workbook answer key T-189
7 What do you use this for?
Exercise 1
2. A robot is used for doing boring jobs.
3. A digital camera is used for taking and deleting photos
4. A ash drive is used for storing and sending data.
5. A GPS device is used for determining your exact location.
Exercise 2
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. ash drive, back up les
A ash drive is used to back up les.
3. GPS device, places
GPS devices are used to nd places.
4. videos, video camera
A video camera is used to take videos.
5. the Internet, information
The Internet is used to nd information.
Exercise 3
2. download
3. watching
4. pay
5. backing up
6. nd
Exercise 4
2. People used to write letters, but now they usually send
emails instead.
3. A cell phone is used to make calls and send texts.
4. I used to have a desktop computer, but now I just use a
5. We download all of our movies. We used to buy DVDs,
but we dont buy them anymore.
6. Wi-Fi networks are used to access the Internet wirelessly.
Exercise 5
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
prices, size, what the item does
Answers will vary.
Exercise 6
d question and answer sites
g blogs
f gaming sites
h media sharing sites
a news sites
e search engines
b social media sites
c shopping sites
Answers will vary.
Exercise 7
3 Next, check what the site has to offer you. Dont worry
if you cant understand all its functions.
1 First of all, join a social networking site. Choose a site
where you already know people.
4 After that, use the sites search features to nd friends.
Be sure to browse through groups who share your
5 Finally, invite people to be your friend. Try not to be
shy! A lot of people may be waiting to hear from you.
2 Then customize your prole page. For example,
play with the colors to make the page reect your
personality. Now youre ready to start exploring!
Exercise 8
Answers may vary. Possible answers:
2. Be sure to charge your cell phone/smartphone.
3. Remember to turn off the light.
4. Try not to eat when youre at the computer.
5. Try to check the weather before your trip.
6. Make sure to get gas.
Exercise 9
My brother just bought a smartphone. Its really great.
It has a lot of high-tech features. In fact, its an amazing
handheld computer, not just a cell phone. For example, it
has Wi-Fi connectivity, so my brother can connect to the
Internet in most places. He can send a message to a friend
by email or through a social networking site. He can also
nd out where he is because it has a GPS app. Thats perfect
for my brother because he likes mountain climbing. Hell
never get lost again! His smartphone also has an excellent
camera, so he can take photos of his climbing trips. And, of
course, its a phone. So he can talk to his girlfriend anytime
he wants!
Exercise 10
Answers may vary. Possible answers:
2. Its fragile.
3. Unplug it.
4. Dont spill anything on it.
5. Recharge the battery.
Exercise 11
A: What a day! First, my microwave didnt work.
B: What happened?
A: It burned my lunch. Then I tried to use my computer, but
that didnt work either.
B: Why not?
A: I couldnt get a Wi-Fi signal. After that, I tried to use the
vacuum cleaner.
B: Let me guess. It didnt pick up the dirt.
A: Worse! It spread dirt around the room.
B: Did you take the vacuum cleaner to get it xed?
A: Well, I tried, but my car wouldnt start.
B: Oh, no! Do you need a ride to work tomorrow?
T-356 Workbook answer keyT-190
8 Time to celebrate!
Exercise 1
One of the most important national holidays in the
United States is Independence Day. This is the day when
Americans celebrate winning their independence from
Britain almost 250 years ago. There are many customs for
Independence Day. Most towns, big and small, mark this
holiday with parades and reworks. They put up a lot of
decorations usually in red, white, and blue, the colors of the
U.S. ag. Bands play patriotic music. Its also a day when
many Americans get together with family and friends to
celebrate with a barbecue or a picnic.
Exercise 2
1. I hate April 15! In the United States, its the day when
people have to pay their taxes. I always owe the
government money.
2. June is my favorite month. Its the month when summer
vacation begins. I always go straight to the beach.
3. September is my least favorite month. Its the month
when school starts. Good-bye, summer!
4. Ive never liked winter. Its a season when I feel sad and
depressed. The cold weather always affects my mood
Exercise 3
2. We always have a party at our house on New Years Eve.
3. Janice and Nick are getting married soon. They plan to
have a small wedding with just a few family members.
4. Valentines Day is on February 14th every year.
5. My friends and family gave me some very nice presents
on my birthday.
6. People like to play tricks on each other on April Fools
7. On the Fourth of July, many people shoot reworks into
the sky at night.
8. To mo r ro w is my pa re nt s25 th we dd ing anniversary.
2. Spring is the season when the owers start to bloom.
3. New Years Eve is a night when people celebrate new
4. The weekend is a time when people relax.
5. Fathers Day is a day when children spend time with their
6. Winter is the season when we go skiing.
Exercise 4
Answers will vary.
give gifts on:
Americans dont
give gifts on:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Valentines Day
April Fools Day
Mothers Day
Fathers Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Exercise 5
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. When someone has a birthday, friends and family go out
to dinner.
3. After a couple moves into a new home, they have a
housewarming party.
4. After a student graduates, he/she starts looking for a job.
5. When a woman gets engaged, she usually receives an
engagement ring.
6. When a couple has their rst child, their friends and family
cook for them for the rst few months.
Exercise 6
Newly married couples often leave on their honeymoon
before the wedding reception ends. When they go on their
honeymoon, most couples like to be alone. After they come
back from their honeymoon, many newlyweds have to live
with relatives. They can only live in their own place when
they have enough money to pay for it.
Exercise 7
Answers will vary.
Exercise 8
1. Wedding celebrations are often held in a restaurant or
2. Childrens Day is a day when people in many countries
honor their children.
3. Fall is the season when people in the U.S. celebrate
4. In Indonesia, on Nyepi Day, Balinese people observe a
day of silence to begin the new year.
Exercise 9
2. New Years Eve is a night when many people have parties.
3. At the end of the year, Japanese people exchange
oseibo presents to show their appreciation for the people
in their lives.
4. Many Brazilians celebrate the Festa Junina in June.
5. In Sweden, Midsummers Day occurs around June 21.
Exercise 10
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. What is going to happen at midnight?
3. Will there be reworks?
4. Are people going to sing and dance?
5. What kind of clothes should I wear?
6. Are you going to make special food?
T-357Workbook answer key T-191
9 Only time will tell.
Exercise 1
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
In many countries nowadays, food shopping takes very
little time. In the past, people used to go to a different shop
for each type of item. For example, you bought meat at a
butchers shop and sh at a sh market. A fruit market sold
fruits and vegetables. For dry goods, like rice or beans,
you had to go to grocery stores. Today, the supermarket
or superstore sells all these things. Once every week or
two, people drive in their cars to these huge stores to buy
everything  not only food, but also clothes, electronic
goods, furniture, and medicine. But in the future, the way
we shop is going to change again. Nowadays, people do a
lot of their shopping online. Soon, maybe, no one will leave
home to go shopping. People will use their computers to
order everything online.
Exercise 2
1. A: When did people travel by horse and carriage?
B: About 100 years ago.
2. A: When might doctors nd a cure for the  u?
B: In the next 50 years.
3. A: When did the rst man go to the moon?
B: About 50 years ago.
4. A: When is everyone going to buy everything online?
B: Soon.
Exercise 3
2. In the past, people used to collect CDs. Nowadays, they
listen to music online.
3. A few years ago, people used to use desktop computers.
To da y, they use tablets.
4. Fifty years ago, people used to wear business suits to
work. These days, they wear casual clothes.
5. Nowadays, people drive their own cars. Sometime in the
future, they will ride in cars that drive themselves.
Exercise 4
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
It changed from jazz to swing to rock n roll. Rock n roll
changed into disco, punk, and hip-hop.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5
1. A: What if I get in shape this summer?
B: You might be able to come rock climbing with me.
2. A: What will happen if I stop exercising?
B: Well, you might gain weight.
3. A: What if I get a better job?
B: Youll be able to buy some new clothes.
4. A: What will happen if I dont get a summer job?
B: You probably wont have enough money for your
school expenses.
Exercise 6
feel get join spend
energetic a cold a group money
relaxed married a gym time
Answers will vary.
Exercise 7
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. if I eat more fruits and vegetables.
3. Ill be in better shape.
4. I wont get into a good college.
5. if I drink less coffee.
6. if I get a good job.
Exercise 8
Noun Adjective Noun Adjective
energetic medicine medical
environment environmental success successful
2. There are a lot of environmental problems in my country.
Theres too much air pollution, and the rivers are dirty.
3. My health is not as good as it used to be. So, Ive
decided to eat better food and go swimming every day.
4. My party was a great success. I think I might have another
one soon!
5. If I start exercising more often, I might have more energy.
Exercise 9
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. If I go on a diet, I may be able to lose weight.
3. In the future, few people will use cash to buy things.
4. If I get a better job, Ill be able to buy an apartment.
5. Ill arrive at noon.
Exercise 10
Answers will vary.
T-358 Workbook answer keyT-192
T-359Workbook answer key T-193
10 I like working with people.
Exercise 1
1. A: I enjoy working in sales.
B: So do I.
2. A: I like working the night shift.
B: Well, I dont.
3. A: I cant stand getting to work late.
B: Neither can I.
4. A: Im interested in using my language skills.
B: So am I.
Exercise 2
2. Takiko is a novelist. He writes all his books by hand
because he hates using a laptop.
3. Sarah usually works alone all day, but she enjoys working
with a team, too.
4. Jennifer works for a large company, but shes interested in
starting her own business.
5. Pablo has to use Portuguese and Japanese at work, but
hes not very good at learning languages.
6. Annie has to drive to work every day, but she doesnt like
Exercise 3
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Im not good at making decisions quickly.
3. I cant stand making mistakes.
4. I enjoy working with a team.
Exercise 4
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. I cant stand commuting on the bus.
3. I dont mind taking the train.
4. Im interested in learning to paint.
5. Im not interested in joining a gym.
6. Im good at making small talk.
7. Im not very good at speaking to large groups of people.
Exercise 5
1. Eric hates waiting in line. Hes a very impatient person.
2. You can trust Marta. If she says shes going to do
something, shell do it. Shes very reliable.
3. Kevin isnt good at remembering things. Last week, he
missed another important business meeting. Hes so
Exercise 6
1. journalist
2. stockbroker
3. ight attendant
4. language teacher
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. computers, world news, under pressure
2. make decisions quickly, good with numbers, level-headed,
3. long hours, punctual, reliable, traveling
4. foreign language, speaking, communicate well
Answers will vary.
Exercise 7
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Olivia could be a carpenter because she enjoys doing
things with her hands. She couldnt be a factory worker
because she doesnt enjoy working in the same place
every day.
3. Margo would make a good model because she enjoys
wearing different clothes every day. She would make a bad
lawyer because shes not good at organizing her time.
4. Ha-joon could be a salesperson because he loves helping
people. He wouldnt make a good detective because hes
not good at solving problems.
5. Eddie would make a good nurse because hes good
at taking care of people. He wouldnt want to be an
accountant because hes not good with numbers.
Exercise 8
1. Mike could never be a nurse or a teacher because he is
very short-tempered and impatient with people. On the
other hand, hes an ef cient and reliable person. So he
would make a good bookkeeper or accountant.
2. Scott would make a terrible lawyer or executive. He isnt
good at making decisions. On the other hand, hed make
an excellent actor or artist because hes very creative and
Exercise 9
1. ef cient / disorganized
2. friendly / unfriendly
3. punctual / late
4. interesting / boring
5. level-headed / moody
6. patient / impatient
7. quiet / outgoing
8. reliable / forgetful
1. Mingyu is an outgoing person. She really enjoys meeting
new people.
2. Hannah is very moody. One day shes happy, and the next
day shes sad.
3. I cant stand working with forgetful people. I like having
reliable co-workers.
4. Charles is an interesting person. Im never bored when I
talk to him.
Exercise 10
2. Ed would make a great nurse because hes so level-headed.
He never gets anxious or upset when things go wrong.
3. A good lawyer has to remember facts. Nathan is a terrible
lawyer because hes very forgetful.
4. My favorite teacher at school was Mrs. Wilson. She was
pretty strict, so no one misbehaved in her class.
5. My boss is very generous. She gave me a big holiday
6. Junes assistant is very ef cient. She works fast and never
wastes time.
7. My boss complains about everything I do. Hes so critical.
8. Julie is so impatient. She cant stand waiting for anything.
1. A: Im not very good at video games. How about you?
B: Oh, I am. I play video games every weekend.
2. A: Jake is not punctual.
B: Neither is Karen. Shes always late.
3. A: Im so disorganized!
B: So am I. My desk is a mess. I can never  nd anything.
4. A: I dont mind traveling for work.
B: Neither do I. I think its kind of fun.
5. A: I cant stand working in the evening.
B: Neither can I. I prefer to work during the day.
6. A: Im not very outgoing at parties.
B: Neither am I. Im usually pretty quiet at social events.
7. A: I hate taking the train to work.
B: I dont mind. I usually read or listen to music when Im
on the train.
8. A: Stella is really creative.
B: So is Robert. He always has great ideas
T-360 Workbook answer keyT-194
11 Its really worth seeing!
Exercise 1
2. The play Romeo and Juliet was written by William
Shakespeare in the 1590s.
3. The microwave oven was invented by Percy Spencer in
4. The picture Sun owers was painted by Vincent van Gogh
in 1888.
5. In 1960, a 1,000-year-old Viking settlement in eastern
Canada was discovered by Norwegian explorer Helge
6. The song Let It Go from the movie Frozen was
composed by a married couple, Robert Lopez and
Kristen Anderson-Lopez.
Exercise 2
2. The box-of ce hit Star Wars: The Force Awakens was
directed by J.J. Abrams.
3. The rst satellite was launched into space by the Soviet
Union in 1957.
4. The childrens novel Charlottes Web was written by E.B.
5. The Guggenheim Museum in New York City was
designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Exercise 3
2. The Blue Mosque was designed by Mehmet Aga in 1616.
3. Buckingham Palace was built by the Duke of Buckingham
in 1705.
4. Canberra, Australia was planned by Walter Burley Grif n
in 1913.
5. The Vasco da Gama Bridge was designed by Armando
Rito in 1998.
6. The Burj Khalifa was built by 12,000 workers in 2010.
Exercise 4
Ottawa, Canada This capital citys name ...
Valparaiso, Chile The Spanish explorer ...
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The name of this city, ...
Cusco, Peru The name of this city ...
Montevideo, Uruguay The most popular belief ...
Bogota, Columbia The name of this city ...
1. False. Neither city was named after a person.
2. True
3. False. It was named after a hero in a myth who grew
wings and became a rock.
4. True
Exercise 5
Ecuador is situated on the equator in the northwest of
South America. It is made up of a coastal plain in the west
and a tropical rain forest in the east. These two areas are
separated by the Andes mountains in the center of the
The economy is based on oil and agricultural products.
More oil is produced in Ecuador than any other South
American country except Venezuela. Bananas, coffee,
and cocoa are grown there. Many of these products are
exported. Hardwood is also produced and exported.
Many people in Ecuador are of Incan origin. Several
native languages are spoken there, such as Quechua.
Spanish is spoken in Ecuador, too.
Exercise 6
2. The peso is the currency that is used in Chile.
3. Millions of people visit Italy every year. To uri sm is a very
important industry there.
4. A lot of meat, especially beef, is exported by Argentina.
5. Gold mining is an important industry in South Africa.
6. Much of the worlds wheat is grown in the Canadian
prairies. Its used to make foods like bread and pasta.
7. A lot of computers are exported by Taiwan. In fact, the
electronics industry is an important part of many East
Asian economies.
Exercise 7
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Every year, millions of tourists visit California. California is
known for its beautiful scenery, warm climate, and excellent
food. There are many national parks in California. They are
visited by over 30 million people every year. Many world-
famous museums are located there, including the Getty
Center in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Museum of
Modern Art.
The state is divided into two parts, called Northern
California and Southern California. San Francisco and
Yosemite National Park are found in Northern California.
San Francisco is bordered by water on three sides. It
is a city with a beautiful bay and two famous bridges. San
Franciscos streets are always l l e d with tourists. On the north
end of the bay is the world-famous Napa Valley. South of San
Francisco, there is an area that is famous for its computer
industries; it is called Silicon Valley. Many computer
industries are located there. Los Angeles, Hollywood, and
Disneyland are located in Southern California. Southern
California is known for its desert areas, which are sometimes
next to snowcapped mountains.
Exercise 8
1. The Montjuic Tower in Barcelona was designed by
Santiago Calatrava.
2. Four of cial languages are spoken in Switzerland.
3. In South Korea, a lot of people are employed in the
automobile industry.
4. Malaysia is governed by a prime minister.
Exercise 9
1. What was invented by Alexander Graham Bell?
2. Where is Acapulco located?
3. When was Santiago, Chile founded?
4. What is grown in Thailand?
1. Do you know where the Golden Gate Bridge is located?
2. Can you tell me who Don Quixote was written by?
3. Do you know when antibiotics were rst used?
4. Could you tell me who the tea bag was invented by?
Exercise 10
1829 was established
1863 was opened
1964 was introduced
1990 was reached
1995 were tested
2006 was  nished
2011 was reduced
12 Its a long story.
Exercise 1
2. Peter was studying/was reading when the re alarm
3. The Mitchells were watching television/a movie when the
re alarm went off.
4. Isabella and Carlos were playing chess/a game when the
re alarm went off.
5. Mr. Yang was cooking when the re alarm went off.
6. Paula was talking on the phone when the re alarm
Exercise 2
Answers will vary.
Exercise 3
Matt: How did you get your rst job, Sonia?
Sonia: Well, I got a summer job in a department store while I
was studying at the university.
Matt: No, I mean your rst full-time job.
Sonia: But that is how I got my rst full-time job. I was
working during summer when the manager offered me a job
after graduation.
Matt: Wow! That was lucky. Did you like the job?
Sonia: Well, I did at rst, but then things changed. I was
doing the same thing every day, and they werent giving me
any new responsibilities. I was getting really bored when
another company asked me to work for them.
Exercise 4
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. I saw an old friend last week while I was running.
3. My car was giving me a lot of trouble, so I took it to a
4. Coffee arrived while I was talking on the phone.
Exercise 5
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
She sings in many languages. / She sings very well. / She
sang in the lm Frida.
1. False. Lilas father was a professor of art and lm.
2. True
3. False. She wrote a musical based on the book.
4. False. She learned to sing from listening to her mother.
5. True
Exercise 6
2. Carrie and Alex have been going to graduate school
since August.
3. To m h as be e n s tu d yi n g C hi n es e f o r a y e ar.
4. Linda has not been teaching since she had a baby.
5. Lori has not been living in Los Angeles for very long.
6. Luis and Silvina have been traveling in South America for
six weeks.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 7
Mark: What have you been doing lately?
Andrew: Ive been working a lot and trying to stay in shape.
Mark: Have you been jogging?
Andrew: No, I havent been jogging. Ive been playing tennis
in the evenings with friends.
Mark: Really? Have you been winning?
Andrew: No, Ive been losing most of the games. But its fun.
How about you? Have you been exercising?
Mark: No, I havent been getting any exercise. Ive been
working long hours every day.
Andrew: Have you been working on weekends?
Mark: Yes, Ive even been working on weekends. Ive been
working Saturday mornings.
Andrew: Well, why dont we play a game of tennis on
Saturday afternoon? Its great exercise!
Exercise 8
1. A: When I was a kid, I lived on a farm.
B: Really? Tell me more.
2. A: I havent been ice-skating in ages.
B: Neither have I.
3. A: I was a teenager when I got my rst job.
B: Really? Thats interesting.
4. A: I havent seen you for a long time.
B: Not since we graduated.
Exercise 9
2. A: Were you living in Europe before you moved here?
B: No, I was living in South Korea.
3. A: How long have you been studying English?
B: I have been studying it for about a year.
4. A: What were you doing before you went back to school?
B: I was selling real estate.
5. A: What have you been doing since I last saw you?
B: I have been traveling around the country.
Exercise 10
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. While I was getting dressed, my friend arrived.
3. Ive been a fan of that TV show for a long time.
4. Ive had a part-time job since last year.
5. I havent been saving enough money lately.
6. I havent seen you in ages.
T-361Workbook answer key T-195
13 Thats entertainment!
Exercise 1
This action movie is dumb. It has amazing action scenes,
but the story is really boring. I think the other Indian Jones
movies were exciting, but I think this one is ridiculous.
This drama is based on a fascinating true story. Its about
Brian Piccolo, a football player who develops a terrible
disease, and his friend Gayle Sayers. Maybe it doesnt sound
interesting, but its a must-see. The lm has great acting
and a wonderful script. I was very moved by the story of the
friendship between Piccolo and Sayers.
Exercise 2
2. I really enjoyed all of the Hunger Games movies. In fact, I
think theyre wonderful.
3. The special effects were great in that sci- movie we saw
last week. They can do such incredible things with 3-D
technology these days.
4. The latest Star Wars movie was fantastic, and Id love to
see it again.
Exercise 3
2. A: His new movie is the dumbest movie Ive ever seen.
B: I didnt like it either.
3. A: Its weird that they dont show more classic movies on
TV. I really like them.
B: I know. Its strange.
4. A: I think Tina Fey is hilarious.
B: Yeah, shes excellent.
5. A: The movie we saw last night was ridiculous.
B: Well, I thought it was pretty good.
Exercise 4
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5
2. Pans Labyrinth fantasy
4. The Bridge on the River Kwai war movie
1. Casablanca romantic drama
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey science ction
1. a movie with an unusual star: 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. two lovers in a difcult situation: Casablanca
3. where dreams and reality meet: Pans Labyrinth
4. its music is unforgettable: The Bridge Over the River Kwai
1. you wont be disappointed c. youre going to like it
2. out of this world d. outstanding
3. its a must a. you need to see it
4. steals the show b. becomes the center of attention
Exercise 6
2. The Theory of Everything is a movie which is based on a
true story about Stephen Hawking.
3. Elizabeth Taylor was an actress who won two Academy
4. Akira Kurosawa was a director who was one of the most
inuential lmmakers in history.
5. The Miracle Worker is a great movie which won a lot of
6. Jennifer Lopez is an actress, a dancer, and a singer who
also appears on TV.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 7
Karen: Who is Mark Twain?
Carlos: Oh, you know him. Hes an author who wrote a lot of
novels about life in America in the 1800s.
Heather: Oh, I remember. He wrote several stories that
people have to read in literature classes, right?
Carlos: Yes, but people love reading them for pleasure, too.
Heather: Whats his most popular book?
Carlos: I guess Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the one
that is most famous. Its a work that has been very popular
since it was published in 1885.
Heather: Ah, yes, I think Ive heard of it. Whats it about?
Carlos: Its about a boy who has a lot of adventures with his
friend Tom Sawyer. It was one of the rst American novels
that was written in the rst person. Its Huck Finn himself who
tells the story.
Heather: Now, thats a story that Id like to read.
Exercise 8
2. A romance is a movie that has a love story.
3. A comedy is a movie that makes you laugh.
4. An action lm is a movie has a lot of excitement.
5. A horror lm is a movie that is scary.
6. A biography is a movie that is about a real person.
7. A documentary is a movie that shows real events.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 9
1. I thought the special effects in the Jurassic Park
movies were cool. Its incredible what they can do with
2. Have you ever seen the 1965 lm Doctor Zhivago? The
cinematography is beautiful, especially the lighting.
3. Hermione Granger is my favorite character in the Harry
Potter books.
4. Ive forgotten the name of the composer who wrote
Rhapsody in Blue. Was it George Gershwin?
Exercise 10
The Hunger Games is a series of science ction lms that
started to come out in 2012. The rst one was directed by
Gary Ross who also wrote the screenplay. The lms include
Jennifer Lawrence and Woody Harrelson who are famous
actors. The lms are about a young girl who is called
Katniss. She joins a contest to save her community in the
near future which is very dark and dangerous. Will she save
her community?
T-362 Workbook answer keyT-196
14 Now I get it!
Exercise 1
1. e. 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. Maybe it means they need help.
3. It probably means he wants everyone to stop.
4. Perhaps it means they need a taxi.
5. It could mean she wants to turn.
Exercise 2
2. That sign is really confusing. What does it mean? Its not
clear at all.
3. I got stuck behind a really slow bus on a narrow mountain
road. I felt frustrated because I couldnt pass it.
4. I drove for eight hours on a straight, at road where the
scenery never changed. Ive never been so bored!
5. I couldnt get into the parking space, and everyone was
looking at me. It was pretty embarrassing.
6. I went bicycling all day. Now Im so exhausted that Im
going to sleep for 12 hours!
7. I asked the taxi driver to turn off his radio because the
loud music was very annoying.
Exercise 3
1. That sounds crazy!
2. Shh. Be quiet!
3. Come here.
4. Wheres the restroom?
Exercise 4
3 If you eat the right food you will be healthy.
6 People with the same interests become friends.
1 We may think we will be happier in a different situation,
but it is not necessarily true.
4 Dont worry if you love someone who doesnt return
your love. You can always nd someone else.
2 It is easier to x something before there is a problem
than after the problem has occurred.
5 It is preferable to do something with some delay than
to never do it at all.
1. A: I really dont understand what Miriam sees in Bill.
B: Oh, I do. They both love movies from other countries
and they like learning languages.
A: Ah, I see! Birds of a feather ock together.
2. A: Its 10 oclock already! Do you think I can get to the
party on time?
B: That depends on whether you can catch the bus.
A: But what if I dont?
B: Well, getting there is the important thing. Better late
than never.
3. A: A penny for your thoughts.
B: I was just thinking about what its like to be a movie
A: Do you think theyre any happier than you are?
B: They must be, dont you think?
A: Oh, I dont know. The grass is always greener on the
other side of the fence.
4. A: Its cold outside. Why dont you put on your new coat?
B: Do you think I need to, dear?
A: Well, you dont want to catch a cold like the one you
had last month, do you?
B: OK, youre right. Like they say, an ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure.
Exercise 5
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. It could mean you shouldnt get upset over small problems.
2. Maybe it means you shouldnt judge a person before you
know them better.
3. It might mean that you always have to pay people back in
some way when they do something for you.
4. It probably means that people like to gossip about
negative things.
Exercise 6
Te ac h er : OK, class. This afternoon, were going to take the
school bus to the science museum.
Student 1: Great! Im going to take some photos.
Te ac h er : Im afraid youre not allowed to take photos.
Student 1: But how can they stop me? Ill use my cell phone,
not a camera.
Te ac h er : You have to check all your things with security.
Student 2: Can I take my jacket into the museum?
Te ac h er : Im not sure. It might be best to leave it on the bus.
Student 2: But what about my wallet? It might not be safe on
the bus.
Te ac h er : Oh, its denitely a good idea to keep your money
with you. Keep it in your pocket.
Student 3: And what about touching things in the museum?
Te ac h er : There are Dont touch! signs next to some of the
things. But you can touch things if there is no sign.
Exercise 7
1. Student: This is great!
Instructor: Hey, slow down! You arent allowed to go
above the speed limit.
2. Student: Uh, what does that sign mean?
Instructor: It means you cant turn left.
3. Instructor: You look confused.
Student: What ... what does that sign mean?
Instructor: It means you are allowed to do two things. You
can turn right or go straight.
4. Instructor: Why are you stopping?
Student: The sign says to stop.
Instructor: Actually, you dont have to stop. Just be
prepared to, if necessary.
5. Instructor: Hey, stop! Didnt you see that sign? It means
you have to come to a complete stop.
Student: What sign? I didnt see any sign.
Exercise 8
2. It must mean youre not allowed to light a re here.
3. That sign might mean youre not allowed to swim here.
4. That sign probably means you can get food here.
5. It could mean you have got to be quiet after 10:00 P.M.
Exercise 9
1. A: I went to the movies last night. A couple who sat
behind me talked during the entire movie.
B: Thats irritating!
2. A: I fell asleep during class this afternoon. The teacher
had to wake me up.
B: Oh, thats embarrassing!
3. A: I drove all night to get there on time.
B: Oh, thats exhausting! How can you keep your eyes
4. A: Did Sara give you directions to the party?
B: She did, but theyre really confusing. Hey, can I get a
ride with you?
5. A: This movie is taking forever to download. Why does it
have to take so long?
B: You are so impatient! There, look. Its done!
T-363Workbook answer key T-197
15 I wouldnt have done that.
Exercise 1
Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. If someone climbed through my neighbors window, Id
probably call the police.
3. If my boss made things difcult for me at work, I guess Id
talk to my boss.
4. If a friend sounded unhappy on the phone, Id ask my
friend if he or she had a problem.
Exercise 2
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. If a relative asked to borrow some money, Id probably
lend them some.
2. If I had three wishes, I would wish for a new car, a million
dollars, and good health.
3. If I could have any job I wanted, I would be a singer.
4. If I had a year of vacation time, I would travel around
5. If I could change one thing about myself, I would be taller.
Exercise 3
2. My friend confessed to cheating on the biology exam,
but his teacher still failed him.
3. Im in a difcult predicament at work. I dont know
whether to talk to my boss about it or just quit.
4. If I saw someone shoplifting in a store, Id tell the store
manager immediately.
5. My uncle died and left me $20,000. Im going to invest
most of it.
6. When I went back to the parking lot, I tried to get into
someone elses car by mistake.
7. There is so much great music to download from the
Internet. I dont know what to choose.
8. My aunt wont let me use her car because she thinks Im
a terrible driver. She has a point. I had two accidents
Exercise 4
6 I guess Id take it back to the store and exchange it for
something else.
1 I guess Id write a letter of complaint to the manufacturer.
5 Maybe Id ask them to repair it.
4 I think Id make an appointment to see the instructor to
talk about it.
2 Id probably wait until the next month to see if the mistake
is corrected.
3 Id write a letter to the city council and ask them to pay for
the damage.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. I wouldnt have asked her to speak more quietly. I would
have moved to a different seat.
3. I wouldnt have asked them to come back the next day. I
would have asked them to stay and ordered food from a
4. I wouldnt have called the police. I would have asked
them to turn the TV down.
5. I wouldnt have given her a bill. I would have asked her to
6. I wouldnt have stayed quiet about it. I would have
Exercise 6
Answers will vary.
Exercise 7
Dear Harriet,
Ive never written to an advice columnist before, but I
have a big problem. Im going out with this really nice guy.
Hes very sweet to me, and I really want to marry him. In
fact, we plan to have our wedding next summer. But he
has a problem with money. He spends money like crazy!
Sometimes he borrows money from me, but he never pays
it back. I want to save money because I want us to buy an
apartment when we get married. However, if I tell him he has
a problem with money, he denies it. He says, I disagree with
you. You never want to go out and enjoy yourself. I dont
want to lose him, but what can I do?  J.M., Seattle
Dear J.M.,
You and your boyfriend must agree on how you spend
your money before you get married. If you both admit that
there is a problem, you could probably nd an answer. He
should accept your idea of saving some money. And you
shouldnt always refuse to go out and have fun. Dont forget
that talking can really help. Good luck!  Harriet
Answers will vary.
Exercise 8
Carly: Guess what, Kristin! A university in New Zealand has
offered me a scholarship.
Kristin: Great! When are you going?
Carly: Thats just it. I may not go. What would you do if your
boyfriend asked you not to go?
Kristin: Well, I would try to convince him that its a good
opportunity for me.
Carly: Ive tried that. He said I could study the same
Kristin: If I were you, I would talk to him again. You know, I
once missed a big opportunity.
Carly: Oh? What happened?
Kristin: I was offered a job in Los Angeles, but my husband
disliked the idea of moving, so we didnt go. I should have
taken the job. Ive always regretted my decision. In my
situation, what would you have done?
Carly: Oh, I would have accepted the offer.
Kristin: Well, theres the answer to your predicament. Accept
the scholarship!
Answers will vary.
Exercise 9
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
2. I wouldnt put it on my nger.
3. I could take it to a jewelry store to see if it is valuable.
4. I might bring it to the police.
5. I might not pick it up.
T-364 Workbook answer keyT-198
16 Making excuses
Exercise 1
2. Julie asked Eric to do an Internet search for her.
3. Andrew asked Eric to check a ash drive for viruses.
4. Tanya told Eric to put some information on a
5. Carla said not to forget to add paper to the copier.
6. Alan told Eric to reformat a text le as a PDF le.
7. Bruce told Eric to get him some coffee.
8. Cindy told Eric to make ve copies of the agenda before
the meeting.
9. Jack asked Eric to give him a ride home.
1 0 . Robin said not to be late to work again.
Exercise 2
Noun Verb Noun Verb
acceptance accept explanation explain
apology apologize invitation invite
complaint complain offer offer
excuse excuse suggestion suggest
2. I accepted an invitation to Billy and Kates house for dinner.
3. I didnt want to go to Jennys party, so I made up an
4. I was rude to my teacher. I must apologize to him.
5. Can you explain the end of the movie? I didnt understand
6. Steve said hed take me to the airport. It was really nice of
him to offer.
7. Thank you for your helpful suggestion on how to x my
essay. The teacher really liked it!
8. I received an invitation to Mindys party. I cant wait to go.
Exercise 3
2. I made a complaint to the police because our neighbors
party was too noisy.
3. I couldnt go to the meeting, so I expressed my concerns
in an email.
4. Jake gave an excuse for being late for work. He said there
had been a trafc jam on the highway.
5. Lori was very funny at the class party. As usual, she told a
lot of jokes.
Exercise 4
Hi, William. It would be wonderful if you could come to our
party next Friday! Its Micks birthday and I really think that he
would appreciate it if you could be there. All of his friends will
be there. The best part is that Mick doesnt know everyone
is going to be there. Its a surprise birthday party! So please
come and be part of the surprise.
Hi, Eileen. Thank you for the invitation. You know I would
love to come if I could, but unfortunately I am working late on
Friday. I have to study for my examination next week. So, have
a great time without me, and of course I will send a present
to Mick.
Oh, William, come on! Please come. The best present
you can give to Mick is being with him on his birthday. I know
everyone would really enjoy seeing you, too.
Eileen, I really should study for the test. I know I will
probably regret not going, but I think I should stick to
my plan.
William, you are so right when you say you will regret it if
you dont come to Micks birthday party. All of your friends will
be there. As a matter of fact, I mentioned you to Penelope
and she said she is looking forward to talking to you at
the party. We will all be disappointed if you dont come.
Especially Penelope!
Eileen, Ive given it some thought and you are right! I
should go to Micks party. In fact, wild horses couldnt stop
me. See you on Friday!
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. She called him to invite him to Micks birthday party.
2. He has to study for a test.
3. He wants to talk to Penelope at the party.
Exercise 5
2. Te re sa sa id he r sis te r w as ha vi ng a bab y sho we r.
3. Bill said he might have some houseguests on Saturday.
4. Miyako and Yoshiko said they were going camping this
5. Marco said he was sorry, but he would be busy on
Saturday afternoon.
2. Paul and James told her they would be moving into their
new apartment that day.
3. Luis told her he watches the football game on TV every
4. Sandra told her she had already made plans to do
something else.
Answers will vary.
Exercise 6
2. a 3. b 4. e 5. b
2. Brian: The game was canceled because of bad
3. Nina: Ill be studying on Saturday night.
4. Carl: I cant come for dinner on Friday. I have to work
5. Max: I dont want to go to the party because Kayla will
be there.
Exercise 7
1. A: Were going to go hiking. Do you want to join us?
B: Sorry, I wont be able to.
2. A: Im really sorry. Well be out of town this weekend.
B: No problem.
3. A: Meet us at 7:00. OK?
B: OK, sounds like fun.
4. A: Im sorry. I wont be able to make it.
B: Well, never mind.
Exercise 8
Accept Refuse
1. Im really sorry.
2. Great.
3. Sounds like fun.
4. Ive made other plans.
5. I wont be able to make it.
6. Im busy.
7. Thanks a lot.
8. Id love to.
Answers will vary.
T-365Workbook answer key T-199