Class of 2022
Student Name : _____________________________________________________
ID # : _______________________
Career Choice : __________________________
The senior portfolio is an accumulation of what the student has accomplished at Bloom Trail
High School. It contains an updated resume, employability skills information, attendance record,
grade record, awards and certificates, career exploration information, recommendations, and
samples of best works. The senior portfolio assists students in providing information for college
interviews, scholarship and job seeking adventures.
1. To help graduating seniors transition into their post secondary settings.
2. Employers look very favorably upon applicants who present their senior portfolio during
3. Scholarship committees appreciate applicants who present their senior portfolio during the
4. More and more often, the senior portfolio is going to be required for everything from college
graduation to scholarship consideration to program entrance for a college major, as well as for
An electronic copy of the Senior Portfolio can be found on the school website
WWW.BLOOMTRAIL.ORG (Click on the Students tab. Then click the Senior Info link)
will most likely be posted on your teacher’s Google Classroom Page.
The Senior Portfolio
Purpose to Prepare
The Senior Portfolio Checklist
Tab #1 Job Requirements [Due Date: February 11, 2022 ]
___ Achieve Work Skills Assessment in Naviance
___ Cover letter (Sample provided)
___ Resume, stored in a sheet protector (must be typed and must include a professional email address)
___ List of 3 references (2 business references and 1 personal reference that include addresses and phone numbers)
Tab #2 Interview Information [Due Date: February 11, 2022 ]
___ Possible Answers to 5 Interview Questions
___ Generate 3 questions to ask during and after an interview
___ Complete the “Strengths Explorer” assessment in Naviance
___“Strengths Explorer” Reflection Worksheet
Tab #3 Post Secondary Requirements [Due Date: October 15, 2021]
___ Most Current Copy of School Transcript - This will be given to you by the Counseling Department
___ Personal Statement (must be typed) & respond to one of the Common App prompts provided.
___ “Who am I” worksheet
___Minimum of 1 Letter of Recommendation, stored in a sheet protector. Must give recommender
10 days
complete the letter of recommendation and a copy of the “Who am I” form.” (teacher, coach, counselor, social worker,
boss/supervisor, community member who can speak highly of you, etc. NOT FAMILY MEMBERS)
___ Cluster Finder results through your Naviance account (see handout for more information)
Tab #4 College and/or Career Exploration [Due Date: December 17, 2021 ]
___ College Visit, Job Shadow Summary, or In School College visit in Classroom or Commons
___ Complete 1 college application (Prairie State College application is attached)
___ Print the colleges you’ve applied to in the “Colleges I’ve Applied To” tab in Naviance (optional)
___ Two Career Information Articles, Career Research Paper
___ Summaries of Career Articles
Tab #5 Best Work [Due Date: March 11, 2022 + Overall Check of Entire Portfolio]
___ Community Service Verification Form (Signed by Organizer) (minimum of 10 hours)
___ Three samples of student writing (
Essays, Poetry, one of which is a thank you card to be given to the
person who wrote you a letter of recommendation. One entry must showcase some form of technology.
___ Certificates/awards earned during high school (Students may not have items to include here.)
___ College Acceptance letters or ASVAB Test Results (not required but recommended)
All of these documents will be printed & stored BEHIND the appropriate Tab in your Senior Portfolio
It is also required that you CREATE A GOOGLE FOLDER in your Google Drive account to store these
tion if we are required to complete VIRTUAL SENIOR INTERVIEWS at the end of the year.
Cover letter (Sample provided) -
this is a sample template to follow on what to include in a
cover letter which is required for many job applications. You should change the addresses &
names as it applies to what you are applying for. You should also remove the parentheses when
you insert job title, company & your experience & skills. But the format structure & spacing
should remain the same!
1234 Baker Street
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
February 12, 2022
Mr. T. E. Alderson, Director of Sales
Bloom Trail Corporation
7601 Penn Avenue South
Richfield, MN 55423
Dear Mr. Alderson:
I am responding to the employment opportunity listed on your Web site. Please accept this letter and
accompanying resume as evidence of my interest in applying for the ( insert position title) at ( insert company
I have the following experience (add any job experience here & include the skills from the Strengths Explorer
& Achieve Skills Assessment) which makes me uniquely qualified for this position.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills would meet the needs of your
company. Attached is my resume for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
Leave Space to Sign your name in pen here
Type Your Name
Tab 1Job Requirements
2) Resume stored in a plastic sheet protector as this is a document you can actually
use when applying for job positions in the future!
This section should include your most current resume. Your resume lists all of your occupational,
educational and volunteer experiences to date. It may include references, and hobbies that a
prospective employer may wish to see. Your resume must ne typed and must include your
professional email address.
Helpful Hints:
1. Your resume is an important part of the job application process.
2. It should be as accurate and up-to-date as possible (high school experience only!).
3. You should try to limit your resume to ONE page. It should be complete, but as brief as possible.
Please use the handout on the next page as your
guide to completing your resume using the Naviance
Program or feel free to use a template provided in
Google Document options.
Tab 1Job Requirements
3) List of 3 references
You must provide information for 2 business (professional) references and 1 personal (friend or
family ) reference that include that person’s addresses and phone numbers. This information must
be typed . Please follow the format below.
References for [Type Your Name]:
Reference #1
Relationship to You/Job Title
City, State Zip code
Phone Number
Reference #2
Relationship to You/Job Title
City, State Zip code
Phone Number
Reference #3
Relationship to You/Job Title
City, State Zip code
Phone Number
Tab 1Job Requirements
1) Possible Answers to Common Interview Questions - Questions will be provided to
you on a Google Document from your Teacher.
You must type the answers to the 5 interview questions listed below on a Word document.
What are your major strengths and weaknesses?
What is the most difficult challenge you have faced in your life and how did you handle it?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Are you a leader or a follower?
What one word describes you, and why?
2) Generate 3 questions to ask during and after an interview - space for this will be
included on the same document shared by your Teacher.
You must create 3 possible questions to ask an interviewer about the job or the company when you
are on a job interview. It would be helpful to look up APPROPRIATE QUESTIONS by searching
“51 Great Questions to ask in an Interview”
3) Complete the “StrengthExplorer” Assessment in Naviance by:
Click on the “Self-Discovery” tab
Click on “Strengths Explorer”
Complete survey
Print out the full report by clicking on:
5) Utilize the results to complete the “Strengths Explorer: REFLECTION Worksheet
Tab 2 Interview Information
List any applicable special skills,
training or proficiencies.
Dates of Employment
Have you been convicted of a felony or been incarcerated in connection with a
felony in the past seven years?
Disclaimer - By signing, I hereby certify that the above information, to the best of my knowledge,
is correct. I understand that falsification of this information may prevent me from being hired or
lead to my dismissal if hired. I also provide consent for former employers to be contacted
regarding work records.
Personal References
9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4
Personal Information
Are you 18 or older?
Military Service?
Are you entitled to work in the United States?
Are you a veteran?
Prior Work Experience
Strengths Explorer: Reflection Worksheet
Go to the Naviance website and complete the Strengths Explorer Assessment under the ABOUT ME Tab.
View Results by clicking on the VIEW FULL REPORT LINK .
Read the report. Examine qualities about yourself that you may be able to discuss in the form below.
Complete the Reflection Questions below. Be sure to write in complete sentences and proofread your work
for errors.
Following the Strengths Explorer Survey (Assessment), complete the following activity. These re-
sults will be utilized to build your resume, set goals, and prepare for life after high school.
Theme Details
Strength #1
Strength #2
Strength #3
Of your three strongest talents, which is most evident to your teachers and peers? Explain.
How will each of your strengths listed prepare you for life AFTER high school and the world of
work? Be specific about each strength.
Action Items - Strengths Explorer
(refer to the FULL REPORT once you complete the Strengths Explorer Assessment to read the FULL
REPORT & find the action items needed)
*After listing ONE Action Item per Strength, discuss why you selected that particular ac-
tion and describe ways in which it has had or will have an effect on your learning, growth,
and preparation for the future.
Strength #1- EX: Future Thinker
Strength #2 -
Strength #3 -
1) Most Current Copy of School Transcript
Your counselor will provide you with this information or you can obtain it from Naviance.
2) Personal Statement
(must be typed) -
Select from various prompts below that suits your future
plans. Pick ONE prompt, but complete all topics/ paragraphs outlined in the prompt.
3) Complete the “Who am I” Worksheet
4) A student must ask for a minimum of 2 letters of recommendation, You are only REQUIRED to
have 1 letter to include in this portfolio, but it is always advised that you have a back-up in case the
person you ask lets you down. The letter MUST be TYPED by the person you ask. Store your letters in
a plastic sheet protector for safety, as these are letters you can included in your applications for
future employment and College & Scholarship applications.
5) Career Cluster Finder results from NaviancePlease follow the instructions on the handout provided. Once you
complete the quiz, you will be able to print your results to serve as proof you completed it.
Tab 3 Post Secondary Requirements
2021-2022 Common Application Essay Prompts
1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they
believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then
please share your story.
2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success.
Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you,
and what did you learn from the experience?
3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted
your thinking? What was the outcome?
4. Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thank-
ful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?
5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal
growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of
time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn
7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. One that responds to a different prompt, or
one of your own design.
(For our purposesThis is where if you DO NOT INTEND to go to
college, you may use the following prompts for entering the MILITARY or JOINING THE
* Personal Statements Prompts (continued for OPTION 7 only) - Pick only ONE prompt, but
complete all paragraphs.
Workforce Personal Statement
Paragraph 1: Since you plan on going directly into the workforce, what job do you plan on getting? And
what makes you interested in that type of work? What resources or connections do you have available to help
get you into the field you plan on working in? If you don’t end up getting a job that you want, what is your
Plan B option?
Paragraph 2: Do some research. Go to the website and search for your job choice. Summarize a
detailed description of what this job consists of. Basically, what would you be doing on a day to day basis?
Also, is there any certification or on-the job training that you will need to obtain and keep this type of job?
[Look under the How to Become One tab].
Paragraph 3: Now that you know what the job truly consists of, discuss all of your strengths and how your
skills and strengths will make you a strong candidate for this job. [If you click on the How to Become One tab
and scroll down, there should be a list of Important Qualities necessary]. Look over the list and describe
specific ways in which you possess these qualities.
Paragraph 4: Conclusion - Sum up why pursuing a job in this field is important to you. (It should be more than
just about the paycheck!) What do you hope to contribute to society by working in this field? Do you feel
working at this job will satisfy you in the long term by meeting your intellectual, creativity, or hands-on
mechanical ambitions in order to keep you interested in doing this job day in and day out? What do you
believe will be the most rewarding thing to you about this type of job?
Military Personal Statement Outline
Paragraph 1: A majority of those who serve our country have pride in this nation & want to protect the
democratic rights we have in this nation. Why do you want to join the military? What branch do you intend
to enlist and what skills or improvements in yourself do you hope to develop and gain from serving in this
country’s military forces?
Paragraph 2: Do some research. Look at the websites for the branch of military you wish to serve in. Search
MILITARY on the website to determine the skills & responsibilities of those that serve.
Have you taken the ASVAB test and received your results? What job field assignment would you like to pursue
during your time in the military and what skills and qualities do you currently have that would make you
suited for this type of job assignment?
Paragraph 3: Do you foresee having any problems enlisting in the military? Health concerns? Behavior
concerns? Difficulty following orders & simple requests? Timeliness? Traveling to foreign countries & being
away from family for extended periods of time only able to return home while on leave? Keep in mind as we
will learn in this class that we you may be required to fight in war in countries that are not safewhat fears do
you have? But why do choose to enlist regardless of your concerns.
Paragraph 4: Most people who enlist leave within 4 years of active duty & then must get a traditional career.
How do you believe serving in the United States Military will help to prepare you for your future career choice
and as a future contributing (involved) member of today’s society?
Tab 3 Post Secondary Requirements
1. Make a list of possible people to ask. Consider teachers, coaches, employers, church leaders, family
friends, and volunteer program coordinators.
2. Ask 2-3 people to write a letter. It is acceptable to ask in person or over the telephone. Indicate to whom
the letter is to be addressed, the purpose (acceptance to a program/college, recipient of a scholarship),
and when the letter needs to be completed.
3. Allow a minimum of two weeks for the person to write the letter.
4. In order to provide helpful information to the writer of your recommendation letter, complete the
following forms:
Introduction form found below
“Who Am I” Worksheet (which can be found on your Naviance account under documents so you
can type on it directly, or a copy is provided on the next page)
(Adapt the Information form below as needed)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -cut here- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear ______________________;
Thank you for writing a Letter of Recommendation for me. Attached you will find my “Who am I”
worksheet which may be helpful.
My academic and career goals:
a. I plan to go directly to the workplace after high school graduation.
b. I plan to attend _______ Technical School and study ____________.
c. I plan to attend ________________ Community College and then transfer to
__________________ University.
d. I plan to attend a 4-year college at __________________________.
e. I plan to join the military. __________________________.
Tab 3 Post Secondary Requirements
Dear ______________________;
Thank you for writing a Letter of Recommendation for me. Attached you will find my “Who am I”
worksheet which may be helpful.
My academic and career goals:
a. I plan to go directly to the workplace after high school graduation.
b. I plan to attend _______ Technical School and study ____________.
c. I plan to attend ________________ Community College and then transfer to
__________________ University.
d. I plan to attend a 4-year college at __________________________.
e. I plan to join the military. __________________________.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -cut here- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear ______________________;
Thank you for writing a Letter of Recommendation for me. Attached you will find my “Who am I”
worksheet which may be helpful.
My academic and career goals:
a. I plan to go directly to the workplace after high school graduation.
b. I plan to attend _______ Technical School and study ____________.
c. I plan to attend ________________ Community College and then transfer to
__________________ University.
d. I plan to attend a 4-year college at __________________________.
e. I plan to join the military. __________________________.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -cut here- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear ______________________;
Thank you for writing a Letter of Recommendation for me. Attached you will find my “Who am I”
worksheet which may be helpful.
My academic and career goals:
a. I plan to go directly to the workplace after high school graduation.
b. I plan to attend _______ Technical School and study ____________.
c. I plan to attend ________________ Community College and then transfer to
__________________ University.
d. I plan to attend a 4-year college at __________________________.
e. I plan to join the military. __________________________.
1) College Visit, Job Shadow Summary, OR In School College Workshop
You must show evidence that that you have completed one of the items listed above. If you go on a
college visit, a College Visit Verification form must be completed. Those forms are available in the
Attendance office/ Counseling Office & a copy is attached at the end of this packet. If you go on a
Job Shadow experience, you must write a summary that lists the details of that experience. If you
go to an In School College Workshop, you must have the presenter complete a form. The In School
College Workshop forms are available in the Counseling Office.
2) Complete ONE college application (Prairie State application is attached on
following pages)
3) *Print the page of colleges you have applied to in the “Colleges I’ve Applied To”
tab in Naviance (*optional)
4) Two Career Information Articles OR Career Research Paper
Please explore and print two articles that discusses career that you are interested in pursuing. You
must used a trusted website for current career information such as the
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Career Internet Database
used in the school Library.
Or you may include a research paper/project that explores your career that you may have
completed in previous classes.
5) Two Career Article Summaries
For each of the articles you printed in the previous step, you should thoroughly read each article and write a
detailed summary of some key points such as education required, daily tasks required, salary, etc. STAPLE the
summary to the article it corresponds with. Your teacher may provide you with specific summary instructions
or a document to type your summary in.
Tab 5 College and/or Career Exploration
COLLEGE VISIT VERIFICATION - If you visit a college, attend an in-school workshop, or attend a college
fair, a representative must sign below verifying that you received information about their school. If you visit a college
or university campus during a school day, you must also provide the Attendance Office with a letter from a college
advisor or representative on official letterhead. That letter MUST be turned in to the Attendance Office to have your
day excused .
I agree to the information given above and to its accuracy.
_____________________________________ _____________
Representative Signature Date
Contact Phone #
Name of College, University or Technical School:
Address of College, University or Technical School:
Name of the Representative:
Circle one of the following:
Visited College Campus Attended In-School Workshop Attended College Fair
The Senior Portfolio College Visit Verification
JOB SHADOW EXPERIENCE - If you complete a job shadow experience, please complete the following
worksheet. In order to validate the experience, you must have the signature of the workplace representative.
I agree to that the student named above completed a job shadow experience with my company.
____________________________________ _____________
Workplace Representative Signature Date
Contact Phone #
The Senior Portfolio Job Shadow Experience Verification
Student Name _____________________________________________________
Workplace Information
Describe the job tasks of the typical work day:_____________________________________________________________
What parts of the job were interesting? Which were not?_________________________________________________
What did you like about the job? What would you change?_________________________________________________
Would you consider a career in this field? Why or why not?_________________________________________________
What was your favorite part of the job shadow experience? _________________________________________________
All students must complete _10___ hours of community service .
I agree to the information given above and to its accuracy.
___________________________________________ ________________
Student Signature Date Completed
___________________________________________ ____________________ ___________
Community Service Supervisor Signature Contact Phone # Date of Verification
Student: ID #:
Community Service Project Title/Organization:
Name of Community Service Project Coordinator:
Description of the service project:
Number of hours contributed toward service project:
Bloom Trail High School
Community Service Verification
1) Three samples of student writing, one of which is a thank you letter to be given to
the to the person who wrote your Letter of Recomendation and one should be a
graded essay. One entry must showcase some form of technology.
This section should include samples of any piece of work in which you have particular pride and you think
best illustrates your talents. These samples may include pictures, tapes, or writings of your work in almost any
area. Some examples are as follows:
2) REQUIRED Community Service Verification Form(s) - minimum 10 hours
Community Service should be done at a real organization’s facility. Not just doing a favor for a
neighbor or family member. The verification form must be signed by the supervisor of the project at
the facility or location you went to. If possible, attach a business card of that contact person for
further proof of verification and as someone you can contact in the future for a reference.
3) Certificates/Awards earned during high school
You may not have items to include in this section. This will not stop you from successfully
completing the portfolio.)
This section should consist of all awards and certificates of achievement that you have received
throughout your high school career. Non-school activities and awards should also be included, as
well as a student activity/community service record.
4) College Acceptance letters OR ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Test
Results (This section is not required but recommended)
Tab 6 Best Work