Louisiana Nursing Education Degree Programs Approval
Louisiana Graduate Program Checklist
Note: Sections of checklist reflect both undergraduate and graduate nursing education degree program requirements as identified in the Rules
and Regulations. For purpose of this checklist, please refer to graduate programs only.
SON: ____________________________________________________________________________
DATE: ______________________________
LAC 46:XLVII.3533 Procedure for Establishing an Undergraduate or Graduate Education Degree Program
A. Step I: Letter of Intent and Feasibility Study A written notice of intent to establish a new undergraduate and/or graduate nursing education
degree program(s) stating the purpose and type of program must be submitted to the Board via e-mail to [email protected] as follows:
Location of Evidence
in proposal (include
attachment and page
a. notice of intent shall include:
i.documented evidence of approval from the parent
institution and the appropriate governing board to award the
appropriate degree and a copy of the current bulletin or
ii.documentation of approval from Board of Regents for state
and proprietary schools; and
iii.documentation of regional accreditation;
b. report of a feasibility study documenting a need for
the program. The study shall include evidence of:
nurse manpower studies which validate need for the
program as it relates to total state resources and nursing
education in the state;
ii.documentation of communication with Louisiana nursing
education degree programs on a form provided by the board
regarding the {potential impact on other undergraduate
nursing education degree programs within a geographical
area of 100 miles }or the impact on other graduate nursing
programs within the state;
iii.availability of qualified nurse faculty and support faculty;
iv. adequate academic and clinical facilities to meet the
needs of the program; (refer to §3519);
v. adequate financial resources for planning,
implementing and continuing the program;
vi.commitment of administration to support the program;
vii. community support;
viii.a proposed time schedule for initiating and expanding the
program; and
ix.an available pool of potential students.
§3513: Administration, Organization, and Control
Location of Evidence in
proposal (include attachment
and page number
A. There shall be a governing body which has
legal authority to conduct undergraduate and/or
nursing education degree program(s),
determine general policy and provide financial
B. The undergraduate and graduate nursing
education degree programs shall be in a regionally
accredited college or university which off
ers an
undergraduate degree
with a major in nursing or a
graduate degree with a concentration in the advanced
practice registered nurse role and population as
defined in R.S. 37:913(1).
C. The parent institution shall hold active regional
accreditation from an accrediting body approved by
the U.S. Department of Education.
D. The undergraduate and graduate nursing
education degree programs shall be accredited by a
national nursing accrediting body approved by the
U.S. Department of Education.
1. An undergraduate and graduate nursing
education degree program shall be accredited by a
national nursing accrediting body within one year
post-full approval.
2. An undergraduate and graduate nurse
education degree program not accredited by a national
nursing accrediting body within one year post-full
approval may petition the board for a one year
3. Following the one year extension, an
undergraduate and graduate nurse education degree
program failing to achieve national accreditation shall
immediately cease admission of students and begin
termination of the program (refer to §3531).
4. An undergraduate and graduate nurse
education degree program that loses national nursing
accreditation shall immediately be placed on
probation with the Louisiana State Board of Nursing.
E. The parent institution shall have an
organizational chart which delineates the
lines of responsibility and authority.
F. The undergraduate and graduate nursing
education degree programs shall notify the board in
writing, immediately and provide written
communication within five business days when there
has been a change in the control of the institution,
chief nurse administrator of the program, or the
accreditation status of the parent institution and/or the
nursing education degree program (s).
G. The chief nurse administrator shall have the
authority and responsibility to administer the
undergraduate and/or graduate
nursing education
degree program(s) in respect to:
1. the instructional program;
2. budget planning and management; and
3. faculty, staff, and students.
§3533. A.2 Representative of the parent institution shall meet with the board at a regularly scheduled board meeting to review the
notice of intent, the report of the feasibility study and any other information submitted. Based on its review the board shall give
written notification to the parent institution that:
a. supplementary information is needed; or
b. the notice of intent and feasibility study to establish a new program is accepted and the parent institution may continue with the
plan to establish the program; however, public announcements and preadmission of students shall not occur prior to the receipt of
initial board approval after step II; or
c. the letter of intent is not accepted, the reasons thereof, and all planning must cease.
Next section to be completed if sanctioned to proceed by the Board
This section completed only after Step I Sanctioned
§3533. Procedure for Establishing an Undergraduate or Graduate Education Degree Program(s)
B. Step II Initial Approval of the Undergraduate and/or Graduate Nursing Education Degree Program(s)
If the Step I is sanctione
d for approval of Step II, submit 2 paper copies and 1 electronic copy of the following:
Location of Evidence in
proposal (include attachment
and page number)
1. If step I is accepted and if the parent institution is
allowed by the board to proceed with the development of the
program, a qualified chief nurse administrator shall be
employed a minimum of 12 months prior to the admission of
the first class of students. (refer to §3515);
2. The chief nurse administrator shall have the authority
and responsibility to develop:
a. an organizational structure for the program;
b. an organizational chart;
c. bylaws;
d. administrative policies and procedures;
e. policies for screening and recommending candidates for
faculty appointments and for retention and promotion of faculty
f. a budget;
g. a plan for the use of clinical and cooperating agencies
and clinical preceptors;
h. a sample contractual/affiliation agreement with
clinical and cooperating agencies and clinical preceptors; and
i. a plan for the use of academic facilities and resources.
3. The chief nurse administrator shall have previous
teaching experience in a registered nursing education degree
4. The chief nurse administrator shall appoint a sufficient
number of full-time nurse faculty with a minimum of two years
clinical nursing practice at least six months prior to admission
of students. (refer to §3515);
5. Nursing faculty with previous teaching experience in a
nursing education degree program of the same academic level
as the proposed program and experience in curriculum design
are preferred.
6. The nurse faculty shall develop the proposed program
and plan for its implementation. They shall write:*
a. mission/philosophy, goals; program and student
learning outcomes;
b. a curriculum plan;
c. course outcomes;
d. course outlines;
e. evaluation plan and methods;
f. admission, progression and graduation criteria;
g. policies for protecting students' rights, their safety and
welfare, and for academic guidance and advising; and
h. plan for utilization of clinical facilities, cooperating
agencies and clinical preceptors.
*Proposed Program must include the information in the following rules
§3511- Standards and Requirements for Nursing Education Degree Programs: Mission, Philosophy and Goals
§3517- Student Policies and Service
§3521 Curriculum
§3529: Selection and Use of Clinical Facilities
§3543: Preceptorship Learning experiences
§3533. B. CONT’D- Initial approval
7. Upon completion of this phase of the development of the proposed undergraduate and/or graduate
nursing education degree program(s), the chief nurse administrator shall request that the board staff conduct initial site visit.
8. Report on site visit will be presented to the board by board staff representative at a regularly scheduled board meeting for
initial approval. Based on its review, the board shall give written notification to the parent institution that:
a. supplementary information is needed; or
b. initial approval is granted; or
c. initial approval is denied.
9. After initial approval is granted, public announcements may be issued and students may be admitted to the undergraduate
and/or graduate nursing education degree program(s).
10. Initial approval shall not be continued for more than two consecutive one-year periods following the undergraduate and/or
graduate nursing education degree program(s’) eligibility to apply for full approval.
11. An undergraduate and/or graduate nursing education degree program(s) remaining ineligible for approval after two
consecutive one-year periods following the nursing program's eligibility to apply for full approval, shall not admit new
students and shall initiate a phase-out of the program in accordance with §3531.
§3533. C. Step III: Full Approval of Undergraduate and/or Graduate Nursing Education Degree Program(s)
1. Full approval shall be requested after members of the first class of graduates write and receive the results of the first licensing
or certification examination. Additionally, an on-site visit is required and upon presentation of evidence that standards of the board
have been met, full approval may be granted to the program. Undergraduate and/or graduate nursing education degree program(s)
shall achieve national nursing accreditation within one year of being granted full approval.
a. A program not accredited by a national nursing accrediting body within one year post-full approval may petition the board
for a one-year extension.
b. Following the one-year extension, a program failing to achieve national accreditation shall immediately cease admission of
students and begin termination.
c. A program that loses national nursing accreditation shall immediately be placed on probation.
§3535 for Procedure of Continuing Full Approval
5/11/12, 9/8/2016, 4/28/2020 PAD