This is a 14-week course designed to help you become a marketable, competitive business professional by
helping you understand how to make informed career choices and, as a result, make your job search
process even more successful. The tools and knowledge provided in the course will help you to navigate
the job market and will help you to develop a skill set that will be valuable beyond the end of the course.
This course is divided into 2 components: Business Forum (BF) and Business Communications
(BC). Therefore, there are 2 professors who teach this class. Professor () will facilitate the general
Business Forum portion of the course. Professor () will facilitate the Business Communications portion of
the course. The professor will be noted next to each date of the course schedule.
In addition, there will be guest speakers, panels, and interactive activities to facilitate an active learning
environment. There will be assignments for which students will be graded and given a final score for the
- Check Canvas (canvas.rutgers.edu) and your official Rutgers email account regularly. Links to all
required course materials will be available on the course Canvas page. It is the student’s responsibility
to maintain an active Rutgers email account and to visit the course Canvas page regularly for course
messages and to access the required assignments. Communication will only be sent to your Rutgers
email account.
You should download this free software that will help correct your grammar. It is www.grammarly.com
These books are suggested to improve your communications skills:
1. The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition, by William Strunk and E.B. White, Pearson, 1999-08-02
2. The HBR Guide to Better Business Writing, by Bryan A. Garner, Harvard Business Press, 2013
3. Talk Like Ted, by Carmine Gallo, St. Martin’s Press, 2014
4. Wait, How Do I Write This Email?, by Danny Rubin, NTLB publisher, 2016
Administrative Studies
Course Number: 29:011:300
Course Title: Business Forum
RBS graduates are knowledgeable professionals who are capable decision-makers, effective
communicators, and are successfully integrated to a working environment. Rutgers Business School is
accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AASCB). To seek continuous
improvement, we assess our program through an assurance of learning plan. Undergraduate students are
evaluated in the following areas: knowledge of business, interview practice, decision making,
communication, technology and professionalism.
I do NOT tolerate cheating. Students are responsible for understanding the RU Academic Integrity Policy
I will strongly enforce this Policy and pursue all violations. On all examinations and assignments,
students must sign the RU Honor Pledge, which states, “On my honor, I have neither received nor given
any unauthorized assistance on this examination or assignment.” I will screen all written assignments
through SafeAssign or Turnitin, plagiarism detection services that compare the work against a large
database of past work. Don’t let cheating destroy your hard-earned opportunity to learn. See
business.rutgers.edu/ai for more details.
Expect me to attend all class sessions. I expect the same of you. If I am to be absent, my department
chair or I will send you notice via email and Canvas as far in advance as possible. If you are to be absent,
report your absence in advance at https://sims.rutgers.edu/ssra/. If your absence is due to religious
observance, a Rutgers-approved activity, illness, or family emergency/death and you seek makeup work,
also send myself or your TA an email with full details and supporting documentation within 3 days of
your first absence.
For weather emergencies, consult the campus home page. If the campus is open, class will be held.
Our class starts at () and I am prompt. Expect me to arrive on time for each class session and stay for the
entirety of each class. I expect the same of you. If you are going to be late or leave early, then expect to
lose 1 point towards your grade. You are considered late if you arrive later than ().
Expect me to prepare properly for each class session. I expect the same of you. Complete all background
reading and assignments. You cannot learn if you are not prepared. The minimum expectation is that for
each 3 hour class session, you have prepared by studying for at least twice as many hours.
Expect me to participate fully in each class session. I expect the same of you. Stay focused and involved.
You cannot learn if you are not paying attention. No sleeping in class.
CLASS PARTICIPATION: You are expected to participate in classroom discussions and activities.
Student participation helps to enrich the discussion and bring new perspectives. There is a possibility that
the professor will call on students randomly if there is low participation or if you are not paying attention.
Please make sure to stay attentive in class.
Make sure to raise your hand if you would like to participate in the discussion. Since it is a large lecture
hall it makes it easier to identify who is speaking.
TECHNOLOGY: Make sure to bring a personal device with access to the Internet for class (phone &
Laptop). Attendance will be taken online. Personal devices are only permitted for attendance, quizzes and
certain classroom activities. Do not use your personal devices unless otherwise specified in class.
All assignments must be turned in by the due date. No late assignments will be accepted under any
circumstances. No partial credit will be given for any assignment. There will also be no make-up work
for this course. If you find yourself having difficulty completing an assignment, you must notify your TA
BEFORE the assignment is due. In case of an emergency, documentation must be provided in order to
make up work.
Grades are calculated by points, not by percentage. This means that if you earn a 91/100 points, you will
still receive an A for the course.
Grades for this course will be calculated as follows:
91 or higher
86 to 90
81 to 85
76 to 80
71 to 75
65 to 70
Less than 65
Your final grade is not subject to negotiation. If you feel I have made an error, submit your written
argument to the TA within the next day of receiving your grade on Canvas for your assignment. Clarify
the precise error made and provide all due supporting documentation. If an error was made, I will gladly
correct and adjust grades only if an error was made. I cannot and will not adjust grades based on
consequences such as hurt pride, lost scholarships, lost tuition reimbursement, lost job opportunities, or
dismissals. Do not ask me to do so. It is dishonest to attempt to influence faculty in an effort to obtain a
grade that you did not earn, and it will not work. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Business Communication assignments represent 40 points (40%) of your Business forum
LinkedIn profile 5 points
Case Interview Strategy 15 points
Email Informational Interview 10 points
Career Goals Executive Summary 10 points
Total 40 points
Paper Grading Rubric
Clarity addressing the specifics of the question ………………………………………. 20%
Identification of major points & supporting examples for each topic…………………. 20%
Analysis & critique of issues raised, including suggestions for fixing these issues ….. 40%
General writing style and presentation………………………………………………… 20%
Total: 100%
It is your responsibility to ensure your document submitted for your assignment is correct and not
a BLANK document. BLANK document will be graded as 0.
WEEK 1- ()- Course Overview Professor
Welcome to Business Forum! Today we learn the rules of engagement and how to succeed in this class.
This course is designed to provide tools to support your professional development. The first class will be
an overview of requirements, an introduction to all the systems you will need to become familiar with
during your time here at RBS. Assessment for Assignment.
WEEK 2- ()- Getting Started- Resume and Cover Letters Professor
The resume and cover letter are often times your first introduction to an employer. In this class, we will
discuss the elements of an effective resume and cover letter and learn some tips and tricks to take these
with you when preparing a competitive resume and cover letter.
WEEK 3- ()- The Proactive Job How to prepare to tell your story Professor
The key to successfully navigating the job and internship search understands how it works. We will
discuss key parts of the recruiting cycle and identify resources and options to ensure you are prepared to
handle the complexity of the job hunt. We will discuss Master and develop your elevator pitch in
preparation of the upcoming Career Fairs.
WEEK 4- () Demystifying the On line Interview Professor
Interviewing is a crucial part of the job search as it is usually the first step in the process that gets you
known and seen by the company. A skill set developed over time and takes practice to master. In this
class, we will focus on making you aware of the essential parts of the interview and the way to effectively
prepare. We will address specific techniques to help you land the job. There has been an uptick in the
popularity of online interviewing amongst companies, which has caused a shift in how students need to
prepare. XXXXXXXXX will be joining us in the lesson to expand upon how online interviewing works
and what you should do to prepare.
WEEK 5- ()- BC #1 - Linked In Profile (Social Media Branding) Professor
LinkedIn has become the most important public business profile you can have. Increasingly, when you
apply for a job, organizations look for your LinkedIn profile. A professional profile can help you get a job
and introduce you to potential employers. It is also an employment search site, a vehicle to find and join
affinity groups, a source to solicit recommendation, and a platform to reach out to Rutgers alumni. This
assignment will focus on how to write an engaging profile and how to use LinkedIn as a networking and
job search tool.
WEEK 6- ()-- Master the Interview Professor
Interviewing is a crucial part of the job search as it is usually the first step in the process that gets you
known and seen by the company. A skill set is developed over time and takes practice to master. In this
class, we will focus on making you aware of the essential parts of the interview and the way to properly
prepare. We will address specific techniques to help you land the job.
WEEK 7- () BC #2 - Case Interview Strategy Professor
In this class, you will learn firsthand formulas on what is needed to begin understanding how to work
with case interviews. You will get exposure to the thought process required and steps needed to
successfully complete a case interview. Interviewing is a crucial part of the job search as it is usually the
first step in the process that gets you known and seen by the company. It is a skill set you will develop
over time and takes practice to master. In this class, we will focus on making you aware of the essential
parts of the case interview and the way to properly prepare for it. We will address specific techniques by
having you analyze a short case and then prepare persuasive recommendations to help you land the job.
WEEK 8- () Peer to Peer Professor
Get good advice from your peers who have excelled in the recruiting cycle and mastered the process.
Come prepared to ask questions and be mentored by these students who have volunteered to give you
advice. Good opportunity to network with them.
WEEK 9- ()- The Recruiter’s Perspective Professor
Have you ever wanted to know the secrets behind a recruiter’s thought process when selecting
candidates? How about what are the best ways to stand out amongst the competition? We will have a
panel of recruiters who will give us a behind the scenes look at the recruiting process. Be prepared to ask
WEEK 10- ()- BC #3: Write an Email Requesting Informational Interview Professor
Most communications between people in organizations is conducted via emails. Because they are usually
a short, quick method to convey a message, some students think they can be written the same way you
write a mobile phone text. How you write an email is an indication of how you think. Is it clear? Does it
get to the point? Is it grammatically correct? Does it have a call to action or request for an action to
follow? Underestimating the importance of an email may be a career killer. It is a paper trail of your
follow-ups, assignments, tasks and accomplishments.
This assignment will require you to write an email to an executive or business contact requesting a 15-
minute informational interview. You will learn how to position yourself and structure your content to be
precise and clear to the executive you are writing. You will learn how to ask the person questions about
the company culture, career path, industry trends (not a job) to help you prepare for opportunities.
WEEK 11- () Market Research Professor
Come learn about the resources the Dana Library has available to help you grow your knowledge on
companies and prepare for interviews. () will provide an overview on resources you can use to become an
outstanding candidate.
Learn from your peers who have acquired internships about their experience. With unique perspectives
and different backgrounds, these students can provide valuable insights and advice that can inspire new
ways of thinking about your own job search.
WEEK 12-()- BC #4: Write a Career Goals Plan Professor
Are you in college studying to get a degree and plan to graduate and start a career? What’s your long-term
plan to accomplish your dream? What are your goals? What will you be doing after you graduate from
Rutgers? How will you use the skills you have learned to go to the next level and fulfill your desires?
After RU what? What are your ideal and realistic objectives and how will you achieve them?
This assignment requires you to develop a plan and write an essay about what you will be doing five-
years after you graduate. You will answer the question: Where do I see my career in five-years after I
graduate? What do I want for myself and what will I have achieved in my career after five years out of
WEEK 13- () Getting your personal finance on!!! Professor
Getting your personal Finance on is all about you learning to navigate your financial future by being
engaged in the following topics:
Loan payments and credit (managing a credit report and credit temptation)
Compound interest in relation to investing
Investing basics
Company pension plans (i.e. 401Ks; both traditional and Roth)
Company benefits other than retirement planning (i.e. FSAs, insurance)
WEEK 14-4()- Succeeding in the Corporate World Professor
Guest Speakers share tips to him you transition into the business world successfully. How to manage
expectations and projects.
Reminder to complete your EOS survey and SIR surveys.
Due Date
Make sure to
submit a
screen shot
of the actual
along with
the 1 page
write up.
The O*NET Interest Profiler can help you find out what your
interests are and how they relate to the world of work. You can
learn more of what you like to do.
1. Complete the O*NET Interest Profiler here:
2. From the suggested careers that O*NET provided you,
choose one on the list that best aligns with your career
goals and interests.
3. Click on your chosen position; that brings you to a
summary of the position including the Knowledge,
Skills, & Abilities, Personality, Technology, Education,
and the Job Outlook.
4. Submit a screenshot of the summary page and submit it
to Canvas under Assignment 1: O*Net Interest Profiler
along with your 1 page answers to the questions below
(double-spaced paper based on your results).
5. Question to address for 1 page paper:
o What Knowledge Skills and Abilities do you
currently have that align with this position?
What Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities do you
need to develop and how do you plan to do so?
o What is the job outlook for this position in the
state you plan on working in?
o Is this what you expected? (Under Job Outlook,
select “Check out my state”).
o How does this position align with your
personality traits?
Based on the class lecture, write your resume in the RBS
Submission Instructions:
Submit your resume online to, Business Knight, Handshake NB
and Handshake Newark. Ensure your name appears on the
webpage and is visible in the screenshot. Upload resume to all 3
platforms (1 screen shot per system) VMOCK, submission of
your resume. You must get 60+ in VMOCK.
Prepare you’re Cover letter and uploaded on the week of ()
when you sign up for mocks. Make sure to address your cover
letter to the company based on your major, you will find the
jobs post to address your cover letter on Canvas
Master your
The first part of this assignment is a written paper and the
second part of this assignment is an online recording. Full
instructions and supplementary documentation will be
provided on Canvas under ‘Assignments’ and ‘Course
Documents.’ Please make sure to check both areas.
You will be required to use Interview Stream for the online
portion of this assignment. There are instructions on how to
sign-up for InterviewStream and access the necessary
assignment code on Canvas.
Submission Instructions:
1. Write your elevator pitch using the documents and
following the instructions on Canvas under
2. Record your elevator pitch based on your written pitch on
3. Upload your written elevator pitch and the link to your
InterviewStream recording under ‘Assignments’ on Canvas.
Final date
to sign up.
Sign-up and
Mock interviews are a required portion of the business forum
class and are held outside of class hours. This assignment has
been included as part of the course to provide students exposure
to a real world interview in preparation for the job search. You
must sign-up for your mock interview by . You will be
evaluated base on the 15 point Rubric. There will be no
exceptions or extended time to sign-up.
Mock Interview Dates: () at RBS
Please choose your mock interview date carefully. You will not
be able to reschedule. Do not schedule it during class. Each
interview is scheduled for 1 hour so plan accordingly. A suit is
required for the mock interview. Students will be given a certain
job description for the mock interview that is assigned based on
The points for the assignment can only be earned after
completing the mock interview.
Submission/Sign-up Instructions:
Refer to the Business Forum Mock Interview Step-By-Step
Instructions located under ‘Course Documents’ on Canvas for
information on how to sign-up, how to prepare, the
requirements for the interview, and how you will be graded.
*Complete mock interview survey and gain 1 point
See link in BF Mock Interview Step-By-Step Document
BC #1
This assignment will require you to create a LinkedIn
profile for yourself.
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
Understand how to write a summary about your skills.
Explain what makes you a potential employee.
Describe your skills and interests to an organization.
Be familiar with the basic methods to present your goals to
Define your career goals.
Even if you have already have a LinkedIn profile, edit it to make
sure it has these elements:
(The details for this assignment are in the Assignment
area in Canvas)
1. Photo
2. Informative headline
3. Education
4. Professional summary
5. Experience
BC #2
This assignment will require you to read a short case about a
business situation, develop a solution for the case, and write
about the reasons and benefits of your strategy and
In this class, you will learn firsthand formulas on the approach
needed to begin understanding how to work with case
interviews. You will get exposure to the thought process
required and steps needed to successfully complete a case
interview. Interviewing is a crucial part of the job search as it is
usually the first step in the process that gets you known and seen
by the company.
Successful case analysis is a skill set you will develop over time
and takes practice to master. In this class, we will focus on
making you aware of the essential parts of the case interview
and the way to properly prepare for it. We will address specific
techniques by having you analyze a short case and then prepare
persuasive solutions and recommendations to solve the case and
help you land the job.
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
Understand how to analyze a case.
Know how to develop solutions for a business problem.
Write persuasively about why your recommendation
should be followed.
The details of the assignment are on Canvas in the
assignment area.
Write an
BC #3
This assignment will require you to write an email to an
executive asking for an informational interview.
In this assignment, you will be introduced to effective ways to
write an email that gets to the point quickly and politely and
includes a request for an informational interview. We will
discuss techniques and tactics to make your request effective
and how to search online to contact your targeted company and
executives. We will tie in how LinkedIn and your Rutgers
network and resources can be used to accomplish your
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
Understand how to write an email using plain English.
Explain the details needed to get your point across.
Describe the importance of your message.
Be familiar with the how to write short and effective emails.
Write a
Career Goals
BC #4
This assignment will require you to write an essay about the
career goals you want to achieve five years after you
graduate from Rutgers.
Are you in college studying to get a degree with plans to
graduate and start a career? What is your long-term strategy for
how you plan to accomplish your goals? How do you define
success five years after college? What are your dreams for a
career? What will you be doing after you graduate from
Rutgers? How will you use the skills you have learned to go to
the next level and fulfill your desires? What are your ideal and
realistic objectives and how will you achieve them?
This assignment requires you to develop a plan and write an
essay about what you will be doing five-years after you graduate
from Rutgers. You will answer the question: Where do I see my
career in five-years after I graduate? What do I want for myself
and what will I have achieved in my career after five years out
of college?
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
Understand how to identify your long-term career goals.
Have the ability to write the important milestones, and
define the people and skills needed to help you
accomplish your goals.
Write insights gained from thinking about what you
need to reach your objectives.
Develop a method to assess if you are on the path to
achieving the career you set out to get.
See Instructions on Canvas.
Use of
Need to get over 500 Suitable Events points not including
attendance points). Earn REAL/Suitable points toward your
grade. Points earned before this semester will not be counted.
Please refer to the ‘Technology Guide’ and ‘How to Use
Suitable’ folder located on Canvas under ‘Course Documents
for how to use the app.’ You can earn points throughout the
semester. Suitable points can be earned by attending career
related events on campus and by completing activities in the
app or desktop. If you can look through the app to see what
activities are available for you to complete. Do not wait until
the deadline to try and earn your points!
**This is the only assignment that does not require you to
submit anything on Canvas to earn credit. **
500 or more REAL points = 10 points on this assignment
450-499 REAL points = 9 points
400-449 REAL points = 8 points
350-399 REAL points = 7 points
300-349 REAL points = 6 points
250 299 = 5points
200-249 = 4 points
150-199 REAL points = 3 points
100-149 REAL points = 2 points
0-99 REAL points = 1 point
End of
Class SIR
Upload screenshot of survey completion on to Canvas.
If you need accommodation for a disability, obtain a Letter of Accommodation from the Office of
Disability Services. The Office of Disability Services at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
provides student-centered and student-inclusive programming in compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1998, and the New Jersey Law
Against Discrimination. More information can be found at ods.rutgers.edu.
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick ODS phone (848)445-6800 or email [email protected]tgers.edu]
[Rutgers University-Newark ODS phone (973)353-5375 or email ods@newark.rutgers.edu]
If you are pregnant, the Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance is available to assist with any concerns
or potential accommodations related to pregnancy.
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick Title IX Coordinator phone (848)932-8200 or email
[Rutgers University-Newark Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance phone (973)353-1906 or email
If you seek religious accommodations, the Office of the Dean of Students is available to verify absences
for religious observance, as needed.
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick Dean of Students phone (848)932-2300 or email
[Rutgers University-Newark Dean of Students phone (973)353-5063 or email
If you have experienced any form of gender or sex-based discrimination or harassment, including
sexual assault, sexual harassment, relationship violence, or stalking, the Office for Violence Prevention
and Victim Assistance provides help and support. More information can be found at
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick incident report link: http://studentconduct.rutgers.edu/concern/. You
may contact the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance at (848)932-1181]
[Rutgers University-Newark incident report link:
https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?RutgersUniv&layout_id=7 . You may also contact the Office
of Title IX and ADA Compliance at (973)353-1906 or email at TitleIX@newark.rutgers.edu. If you wish
to speak with a staff member who is confidential and does not have a reporting responsibility, you may
contact the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance at (973)353-1918 or email
If students who have experienced a temporary condition or injury that is adversely affecting their ability
to fully participate, you should submit a request via https://temporaryconditions.rutgers.edu .
If you are a military veteran or are on active military duty, you can obtain support through the Office of
Veteran and Military Programs and Services. http://veterans.rutgers.edu/
If you are in need of mental health services, please use our readily available services.
[Rutgers University-Newark Counseling Center: http://counseling.newark.rutgers.edu/]
[Rutgers Counseling and Psychological ServicesNew Brunswick: http://rhscaps.rutgers.edu/]
If you are in need of physical health services, please use our readily available services.
[Rutgers Health Services Newark: http://health.newark.rutgers.edu/]
[Rutgers Health Services New Brunswick: http://health.rutgers.edu/]
If you are in need of legal services, please use our readily available services: http://rusls.rutgers.edu/
Students experiencing difficulty in courses due to English as a second language (ESL) should contact
the Program in American Language Studies for supports.
[RutgersNewark: PA[email protected]s.edu]
[RutgersNew Brunswick: eslpals@english.rutgers.edu]
If you are in need of additional academic assistance, please use our readily available services.
[Rutgers University-Newark Learning Center: http://www.ncas.rutgers.edu/rlc
[Rutgers University-Newark Writing Center: http://www.ncas.rutgers.edu/writingcenter]
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick Learning Center: https://rlc.rutgers.edu/]
[Optional items that many faculty include:
- Students must sign, date, and return a statement declaring that they understand the RU Academic
Integrity Policy.
- Students must sign, date, and return a statement declaring that they understand this syllabus.]