Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Generate Details for a Topic Sentence
Directions: Write details for each of the topic sentences.
Topic Sentence (T.S.): Winter can be lots of fun!
1. .....................................................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................................................
3. ......................................................................................................................................
4. ......................................................................................................................................
Topic Sentence (T.S.): Winter can be a hard time of year!
1. .....................................................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................................................
3. ......................................................................................................................................
4. ......................................................................................................................................
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Generate Topic Sentence from Details
Directions: Write a topic sentence (T.S.) for the given details.
Topic Sentence: ________________________________________________________
1. Christmas + Hanukkah + Kwanzaa / fun / presents
2. MLK Jr. Day / January / honor great man
3. Valentine’s Day / cards + candy
4. President’s Day / no school / remember great U.S. leaders
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Identify Topic and Detail Sentences
Directions: Identify the topic sentence (T.S.) and number the detail sentences in
_______ I turn off the alarm and go back to bed for as long as I want.
_______ After sledding and building a snowman, I head home for some delicious hot
_______ I finally get up and have a late breakfast.
_______ When I hear that school is canceled due to snow, I am so happy!
_______ Next, I call my friends, put on my snow gear and head for the park.
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Match Details to the Topic Sentence
Directions: Write each detail under the topic sentence.
largest snowfall = 15” boots + scarves + hat
pour in cup/ marshmallows most snow /U.S./ day 75.8”
myth = no 2 flakes alike each yr/ U.S. 1 septillion snowflakes
Topic Sentence (T.S.): Facts about snow are really fascinating!
1. .....................................................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................................................
3. ......................................................................................................................................
4. ......................................................................................................................................
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Convert Sentences to Key Words, Phrases, Abbreviations, and Symbols
Directions: Write key words and phrases for the following sentences. Use symbols
and abbreviations when possible.
1. The average snowflake falls at about three miles per hour.
2. Every winter, millions of monarch butterflies head for Mexico.
3. A blizzard is when winds are more than 35 miles per hour.
4. Some animals hibernate or grow thick fur to survive winter.
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Identify Topic Sentence and Irrelevant Sentence
Directions: Underline the Topic Sentence. Then cross out the sentence that doesn't
support the topic sentence.
Warm chicken noodle soup always makes me feel better.
It’s important to wear warm clothes.
My family loves to eat stew on a cold winter’s night.
Winter foods help warm our bodies.
Nothing is better than hot chocolate when it’s cold.
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Generate a Concluding Sentence form a Topic Sentence and Details
Directions: Write a concluding sentence for each topic sentence and details.
Topic Sentence (T.S.): Hot chocolate is easy to make!
1. 1st heat water, sugar, cocoa & salt
2. next stir till lumps dissolve
3. last ingredients milk & vanilla
4. pour in cup / add marshmallows
Concluding Sentence (C.S.) _______________________________________________
Topic Sentence (T.S.): A blizzard is a special kind of snowstorm.
1. dangerous winter storm
2. blowing snow / winds > 35 m.p.h.
3. visibility < 1/4 mi.
4. must last at least 3 hr.
Concluding Sentence (C.S.) _______________________________________________
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Complete a Single-Paragraph Outline
Directions: 1. Identify and underline the T.S. and the C.S. 2. Number the detail
sentences. 3. Underline key words and phrases. 4. Fill out the Single-Paragraph
Outline based on the paragraph.
After a colorful fall, winter arrives with a blast. Every year from December to
March, this season brings freezing temperatures, so it’s time to get out those
heavy coats, scarves and mittens. While the days are much shorter in winter and
it’s hard to play outdoors for long, there are exciting activities such as sledding,
building snowmen and ice-skating to enjoy. Winter is also a great time to celebrate
different holidays including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Presidents’ Day.
Finally, winter is a time to eat delicious warming foods. Soup, stews and hot
chocolate are some favorites. Winter can be a tough season, but it still offers
plenty of happy times!
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Single-Paragraph Outline
Topic Sentence (T.S.) ____________________________________________________
Concluding Sentence (C.S.) _______________________________________________
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Generate Details for a Topic Sentence
Directions: Write details for each of the topic sentences.
Topic Sentence (T.S.): Winter can be lots of fun!
1. snow = no school /no homework / watch movies
2. sledding / nearby park / friends
3. .ice skating / hot chocolate
4. build snowmen & forts / angels in snow
Topic Sentence (T.S.): Winter can be a hard time of year!
1. very cold / hard to keep warm
2. slippery roads / slick & dangerous
3. very short days / gets dark early
4. indoors too much / miss playing outside
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Generate Topic Sentence from Details
Directions: Write a topic sentence (T.S.) for the given details.
Topic Sentence: One of the best parts about winter is there are so many holidays to
1. Christmas + Hanukkah + Kwanzaa / fun / presents
2. MLK Jr. Day / January / honor great man
3. Valentine’s Day / cards + candy
4. President’s Day / no school / remember great U.S. leaders
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Identify Topic and Detail Sentences
Directions: Identify the topic sentence (T.S.) and number the detail sentences in
1 I turn off the alarm and go back to bed for as long as I want.
4 After sledding and building a snowman, I head home for some delicious hot
2 I finally get up and have a late breakfast.
T.S. When I hear that school is canceled due to snow, I am so happy!
3 Next, I call my friends, put on my snow gear and head for the park.
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Match Details to the Topic Sentence
Directions: Write each detail under the topic sentence.
largest snowfall = 15” boots + scarves + hat
pour in cup/ marshmallows most snow /U.S./ day 75.8”
myth = no 2 flakes alike each yr/ U.S. 1 septillion snowflakes
Topic Sentence (T.S.): Facts about snow are really fascinating!
1. largest snowflake = 15”
2. myth = no 2 flakes alike
3. most snow / U.S. / day 75.8”
4. each yr / U.S. 1 septillion snowflakes
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Convert Sentences to Key Words, Phrases, Abbreviations, and Symbols
Directions: Write key words and phrases for the following sentences. Use symbols
and abbreviations when possible.
1. The average snowflake falls at about three miles per hour.
average snowflake 3mph
2. Every winter, millions of monarch butterflies head for Mexico.
winter / mill. monarch butterflies Mex.
3. A blizzard is when winds are more than 35 miles per hour.
blizzard = winds 35 mph
4. Some animals hibernate or grow thick fur to survive winter.
some animals hibernate / grow thick fur survive winter
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Identify Topic Sentence and Irrelevant Sentence
Directions: Underline the Topic Sentence. Then cross out the sentence that doesn't
support the topic sentence.
Warm chicken noodle soup always makes me feel better.
It’s important to wear warm clothes.
My family loves to eat stew on a cold winter’s night.
Winter foods help warm our bodies.
Nothing is better than hot chocolate when it’s cold.
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Generate a Concluding Sentence form a Topic Sentence and Details
Directions: Write a concluding sentence for each topic sentence and details.
Topic Sentence (T.S.): Hot chocolate is easy to make!
1. 1st heat water, sugar, cocoa & salt
2. next stir till lumps dissolve
3. last ingredients milk & vanilla
4. pour in cup / add marshmallows
Concluding Sentence (C.S.) Nothing tastes better on a cold winter day than hot
Topic Sentence (T.S.): A blizzard is a special kind of snowstorm.
1. dangerous winter storm
2. blowing snow / winds > 35 m.p.h.
3. visibility < 1/4 mi.
4. must last at least 3 hr.
Concluding Sentence (C.S.) Stay indoors when a blizzard blows into town!
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Name: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Winter: Complete a Single-Paragraph Outline
Directions: 1. Identify and underline the T.S. and the C.S. 2. Number the detail
sentences. 3. Underline key words and phrases. 4. Fill out the Single-Paragraph
Outline based on the paragraph.
After a colorful fall, winter arrives with a blast.
Every year from December to
March, this season brings freezing temperatures, so it’s time to get out those
heavy coats, scarves and mittens.
While the days are much shorter in winter and
it’s hard to play outdoors for long, there are exciting activities such as sledding,
building snowmen and ice-skating to enjoy.
Winter is also a great time to
celebrate different holidays including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and
Presidents’ Day. Finally, winter is a time to eat delicious warming foods.
stews and hot chocolate are some favorites.
Winter can be a tough season, but it
still offers plenty of happy times!
Copyright © 2017 The Writing Revolution
Single-Paragraph Outline
Topic Sentence (T.S.) After a colorful fall, winter arrives with a blast.
1. Dec-Mar / freezing temps à coats scarves & mittens
2. days shorter à hard to play outdoors/ sled, snowmen, skate
3. holidays: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Presidents’ Day
4. warm foods: soups, stews, hot chocolate
Concluding Sentence (C.S.) Winter can be a tough season, but it still offers plenty of
happy times.