4TU.ResearchData, Guidelines for creating a README file | July 2020 1
Guidelines for creating a README file
A readme file provides information about a dataset and is intended to help ensure that
the data can be correctly interpreted, by yourself at a later date or by others when
sharing or publishing data.
A readme file must be submitted along with the dataset file(s).
The outline below should be completed with information relevant to the submitted
Best practices
Create one readme file for each dataset
Name the file README; not readme, read_me, ABOUT, etc.
Write your readme document as a plain text file; save as README.txt or
README.md when writing in Markdown. Or use README.pdf when text
formatting is important for your file.
Recommended content
Recommended minimum content is in bold.
Introductory information
Title of the dataset
For each file or group of similar files, a short description of what data
it contains
Explain the file naming convention, if applicable
Format of the file if not obvious from the file name
If the data set includes multiple files that relate to each other, the
relationship between the files or a description of the file structure that holds
Contact information; in case users have questions regarding the data files
Methodological information
Method description for collecting or generating the data, as well as
the methods for processing data, if data other than raw data are
being contributed
4TU.ResearchData, Guidelines for creating a README file | July 2020 2
Any instrument-specific information needed to understand or interpret the
Software (including version number) used to produce, prepare, render,
compress, analyze and/or needed to read the dataset, if applicable
Standards and calibration information, if appropriate
Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data
Definitions of codes or symbols used to note or characterize low
quality/questionable/outliers that people should be aware
Data specific information
Full names and definitions (spell out abbreviated words) of column
headings for tabular data
Units of measurement
Definitions for codes or symbols used to record missing data
Specialized formats or abbreviations used
Sharing and Access information
Licenses or restrictions placed on the data;
Licenses allow you to specify the ‘terms-of-use’ for your data.
When depositing your data you are required to select a licence for your data
as part of the deposit process.
Read our guidance for more information on the licence types we offer.
This license will then be displayed in the metadata.
4TU.ResearchData, Guidelines for creating a README file | July 2020 3
Example of a good README which was submitted to the data repository:
*** Mode I fatigue delamination growth in composite laminates with fibre bridging ***
Authors: L. Yao, R.C. Alderliesten
Structural Integrity & Composites Group, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft
University of Technology
Corresponding author: R.C. Alderliesten
Contact Information:
r.c.alderli[email protected]l
Delft University of Technology - Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
P.O. Box 5058
2600 GB Delft
The Netherlands
***General Introduction***
This dataset contains data collected during crack growth experiments at Delft University
of Technology, as part of Liaojun Yao's PhD Thesis project (December 2015):
It is being made public both to act as supplementary data for publications and the PhD
thesis of Liaojun Yao and in order for other researchers to use this data in their own
The data in this data set was collected in the Structures and Materials Laboratory of the
Delft University of Technology - Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, between October 2012
and December 2015.
This research project was made possible by a grant from the China Scholarship Council
***Purpose of the test campaign***
The purpose of these experiments was to investigate delamination growth in CFRP
composites. The Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) specimens were subjected to a variety of
load cases, as detailed in "Text matrix.doc"
***Test equipment***
All tests were performed on a 10 kN MTS fatigue test machine. The crack length was
measured by means of a camera system.
The applied force and displacement were measured by the fatigue test machine, and also
sent as inputs to the camera, in order to facilitate synchronisation of the data.
***Description of the data in this data set***
The data included in this data set has been organised per specimen. The files follow the
nomenclature system: Sp_X_Data_analysis_Y with
X = the specimen number 1 to 56
Y = indicating the number of runs with the same specimen.