Unit 1 Classroom Lesson 2 Worksheet Activities 19 a and b answer key
Activity 19a. Translating Text
I dun knO Y adults R makin such a big deal out of d amount of tym tEnz spNd txtN! It’s a gr8
way 2 kEp n tuch w yor fRnds & knO wot ppl R doin & whr dey R.
I don’t know why adults are making such a big deal about the amount of time teens
spending texting. It is a great way to keep in touch with your friends and know what
people are doing and where they are.
2. dEr Employer,
I wud lik 2 apply 4 d dA tym customer srvic positN I saw advRtized on FB. I hav
attached my resume & hOp U wiL agrE dat my skiLz & intRStz R diRectlE relAtd 2 d
positN U have avail. I wud a Prec8 d opRtunET 2 Met w U n prsn 2 discuS Y I wud
mAk an XLNT emplyE 4 yor co. ty
Dear Employer,
I would like to apply for the daytime customer service position I saw advertised on Facebook. I
have attached my resume and hope you will agree that my skills and interests are directly
related to the position you have available. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you
person to discuss why I would make an excellent employee for your company. Thank you
Unit 1 Classroom Lesson 2 Worksheet Activities 19 a and b answer key
Activity 19b. Professional Email Etiquette
1. Email Etiquette: Include a subject line that “helps” the reader
Possible Reasons:
A meaningful subject line to clarify what your message is about and also might help the reader to
prioritize reading your email.
2. Email Etiquette: Include a greeting (Dear…) and a closing (Sincerely,)
Possible Reasons:
Email should mimic a written letter. Always begin with Dear… and end with Sincerely. Sincerely is
often the best professional choice for a closing.
3. Email Etiquette: Use business language, spell check, and avoid abbreviations
Possible Reasons:
Emails are considered professional or business correspondence. You want to be sure everything is
spelled correctly and can be easily understood.
4. Email Etiquette: Avoid using ALL CAPS
Possible Reasons:
5. Email Etiquette: Do not use jokes, witty remarks, or sarcasm
Possible Reasons:
Jokes and witty remarks may be inappropriate and often do not translate well in email (since the
reader decides the “tone”.
6. Email Etiquette: Avoid gossiping or complaining
Possible Reasons:
Emails can be forwarded to others quickly. You never know who will see/hear what wrote.
7. Email Etiquette: Keep the communication short and to the point
Possible Reasons:
Anything long or complex should be addressed in person or over the telephone.
8. Email Etiquette: Do not use emoticons (for introductory emails)
Possible Reasons:
Business emails should not use emoticons because they are not considered professional- plus not
everyone knows what they mean. If you know the person, you can use them sparingly (if you want to
shed light on how you are feeling).
9. Email Etiquette: Reread before hitting “send”
Possible Reasons:
Once you hit “send” there is no turning back.