Accurate and Reliable DoD Component-level Financial Management Trial Balances
Attachment 1 of 2: Additional General Ledger Guidance
Component Consolidated General Ledgers:
Each component should consider consolidating component subsidiary trial balances from other
target systems into the component’s primary target financial management system. As long as not
in conflict with an existing fix and with coordination with the Component’s service provider, if a
component has a legacy system, every effort should be made to consider importing legacy trial
balance data into the component’s primary target financial management system in order to
ensure the legacy trial balance is a proper trial balance with budgetary and proprietary accounts.
As components move toward the Target Environment and retire legacy systems, the ability to
produce consolidated component financial statements within one primary target system will help
the component produce a consolidated component-level financial statement, as well as better
management data. Accurate and reliable component-level trial balances will help to ensure the
auditability of Enterprise-level, consolidated DoD Financial Statements.
Tie-Point Reconciliations (also referred to as Tie-Points” or TPs):
Tie-Points ( are financial
management equations that indicate whether certain account balances within a general ledger
trial balance are consistent with other account balances. Tie-Points that do not work shall be
resolved, with a corrective action plan, within the next interval of conducting a Tie-Point
analysis. Corrective actions should be focused on correcting posting logic and/or making system
fixes. If the root cause of an unsuccessful TP is due to a system configuration, then every effort
should be made to correct the error by the following month. If not able to resolve within the
month, then a plan should be implemented to correct the error as soon as possible through the
systems change request process.
Tie-Points facilitate the ongoing validation of trial balance data. The early correction of errors
promotes an understanding of the United States Standard General Ledger (USSGL) accounts,
related posting logic, and integrity of departmental and agency data. It is recommended that
Tie-Point reconciliations eventually be performed below the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)
level, at the budget line item level, if possible.
For DoD’s usage of the USSGL, refer to the DoD Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) found at The
DoD SCOA is made up of USSGL accounts and DoD standard accounting extensions to the
USSGL accounts. Many components and service providers are already performing Tie-Point
analyses. When a component’s office is implementing this guidance, it is recommended that it
explore existing Tie-Point reconciliation processes already being conducted within other
component offices or with service providers, to ensure the sharing of knowledge and best
If a situation arises where a Tie-Point analysis results in a reconcilable difference, versus an
error, then the difference should be explained.
Accurate and Reliable DoD Component-level Financial Management Trial Balances
Attachment 1 of 2: Additional General Ledger Guidance
Tie-Point reconciliations are at a higher level than the Government-wide Treasury Account
Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System (GTAS) edits and validations. It is recommended that
components and/or service providers run a successful Tie-Point analysis process, which will then
eventually lead them to a more detailed and refined GTAS edit and validation process at the
component level, to the extent possible.
As a normal practice, the Defense Departmental Reporting System (DDRS) conducts the DoD
Enterprise-level Tie-Points with the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) balances and GTAS
edits and validations.
Tie-Points at the Consolidated Component Level:
Component-level trial balances Tie-Point reconciliations should be performed, in accordance
with Attachment 2. It is recommended that components and service providers determine the best
means to obtain this analysis, whether in DDRS or in the component’s accounting system.
Tie-Points at the Component-Subsidiary Ledger Level:
Components and their service providers must record the business events occurring outside the
accounting systems, which support the financial management and accounting process (e.g.,
resources, commitments, obligations, expenditures, disbursements) for audit readiness purposes.
In the case of a target system, those supporting transactions must be posted to the core financial
accounting system using proper USSGL accounts and accounting standards.
Component-Subsidiary General Ledger trial balances are those entities at any command, base, or
field level activity below the component level. Subsidiary-level trial balances Tie-Point
reconciliations should be performed, in accordance with Attachment 2. As components are
implementing this guidance into practice, they must use a Tie-Points strategy that works for their
mixed (target and legacy-based) systems environments and strive to conduct Tie-Points prior to
submission of trial balances to DDRS.
It is recommended that DDRS grant components access to a location in DDRS where
components can use the Tie Points analysis prior to uploading to DDRS-Budgetary (DDRS-B)
since the Tie-Points for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) are located in
DDRS-Audited Financial Statements (DDRS-AFS). This will be especially helpful for
components that currently do not have Tie-Points in their systems.
An ultimate goal is to conduct Tie-Point reconciliations for cash accountability on a daily basis.
This will eventually help with a higher-level Funds Balance with Treasury (FBWT)
Abnormal Balances:
Abnormal Balances are those balances or transactions that are not in agreement with the proper
designation of debit or credit on that account.
Accurate and Reliable DoD Component-level Financial Management Trial Balances
Attachment 1 of 2: Additional General Ledger Guidance
“Normal bnormal” account balances should be dealt with appropriately, in the Tie-Points
reconciliation analysis. These “Normal Abnormal” balances should be noted.
Abnormal balances must be corrected, or explained, with the proper attribute of debit or credit
for that account, prior to submitting the Component trial balance to DDRS.
Components typically conduct validations at the TAS or limit level; however DDRS-B validates
at the Object Class Code (OCC) level. Due to the potential of prior-year improper crosswalks of
OCCs within DDRS-B, coordination or a separate effort may be required with DFAS to clean up
the OCCs since there are limitations as to what and when the OCC crosswalks can be corrected.
It is recommended that components obtain access to DDRS to self-perform crosswalk
maintenance in DDRS-B to expedite correction of cross-walking discrepancies.
Elimination Entries:
At the component level or at the component subsidiary level, all inter-component eliminations
must be made prior to submitting the component-level trial balances to DDRS, if possible and in
coordination with service providers, and to the extent the accounting system has general ledger
Components must ensure all intergovernmental/interagency transactions are identified and have
the appropriate Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS) trading partner information
associated with the transactions, to the extent possible, prior to submitting the trial balance to
DDRS. DDRS will send this data to the Treasury for Government-wide eliminations.
DDRS will perform all cross-component (within DoD) eliminations, to include interfund
transactions within the DoD. It is recommended that a standardized report or process be
developed (not exclusively to email notifications) for DDRS or DFAS to relay back to
components prior to recording cross-component eliminations, interfund transactions, and
DDRS Adjustments:
When adjustments to a submitters trial balance are made in DDRS, then DDRS shall allow a
window of opportunity for the submitter to review and approve those adjustments. Procedures to
allow this for DDRS customers should be drafted and communicated for future reporting periods.
The DDRS must report Journal Vouchers (JVs) made to component trial balances back to the
component, to include any applicable eliminations. Relating to eliminations guidance above,
when a component makes adjustments to crosswalks in between the DDRS-B month roll and the
subsequent month closing period (currently three to four days), it is recommended that DDRS-B
update the application coding in DDRS-B for crosswalks to only affect future submissions,
essentially putting in a partition for prior periods.
Accurate and Reliable DoD Component-level Financial Management Trial Balances
Attachment 1 of 2: Additional General Ledger Guidance
When components receive DDRS adjustments, subsequent to the accounting period close, the
adjustments should be posted, on an as needed basis, either to open accounting periods to record
adjustments or to adjust the beginning balances of the subsequent period. DDRS should provide
explanation to the variance between the trial balance data received and DDRS.
It is recommended that components obtain access to self-export trial balances in DDRS-B to
expedite the DDRS pre- and post-adjustments validation processes. Since DDRS-B and
DDRS-AFS are currently separate and distinct software applications, components can currently
only validate at the DDRS-B level, not at the AFS level, which is where the additional/final
adjustments will be made. In addition, currently AFS level trial balances consolidate/eliminate
sub-allotments (a.k.a. limits) that roll up during the consolidation process. It is recommended
that DFAS implement the consolidation of DDRS-B with DDRS-AFS into one. This will
eliminate many inefficiencies with the current reporting process and correct some of the issues in
the above guidance.
Adjustments must be supported by sufficient documentation, so they are not considered
unsupported. If adjustments are unsupported, they may impact the auditor’s ability to render an
opinion on the financial statements. If an adjustment is not able to be explained, then it is
recommended that DDRS try to identify the issue that caused the adjustment by trial balance
reporting component where feasible.
Original Allotment Holder (parent), Suballotment, and Subsequent Suballocations
The original allotment holder is the parent,” the the suballotment holder is the “child,” and
subsequent allocation holders for suballocations are “grandchildren.” Allotments are
subdivisions of apportionments that are made by the heads of agencies. Suballotments are
subdivisions of allotments. Allocations are subdivisions of suballotments, referred to as
Although the original allotment holder (“parent”) is responsible for the financial reporting of
suballottments (“children”) or subsequent suballocations (“grandchildren), the child and
grandchild are responsible to report the suballotment and suballallocation activity to the parent.
The parent, child, grandchild, and service provider shall coordinate and be responsible for the
proper recording of activity, timing of the sharing of information, and the actual sharing of the
Until a centralized repository is available to obtain suballoted/suballocated data, or until a
parental process is in place to obtain the data from the child/grandchild, then the parent,
child/grandchild, and service provider may record the distinct execution of
suballoted/suballocated funds at the consolidated trial balance level in DDRS. Every effort must
be made by the child/grandchild to account for the execution of suballoted/suballocated funds,
for reporting back to the parent.
Accurate and Reliable DoD Component-level Financial Management Trial Balances
Attachment 1 of 2: Additional General Ledger Guidance
It is recommended that DFAS update limit guidance related to suballotments/suballocations in
DFAS Manual 7097.01, Chapter 1D-Limit, so that components can better/properly track the
execution of their allotments from the suballottment/suballocation holder. DFAS will also
include in the updated DFAS Manual 7097.01, Chapter 1D-Limit, corrective action plan
guidance for those components with incorrect limit usage and guidance for the way ahead on
discrepancies with prior period data.
Accurate and Reliable DoD Component-level Financial Management Trial Balances
Attachment 2 of 2: Tie-Point (TP) Reconciliations
Note 1: For historical reference, please refer to Treasury archives at:
Note 2: These Tie-Point reconciliations are at a higher, overall account level than the current Treasury GTAS requirements.
Note 3: Current Treasury GTAS requirements can be applied after the Tie-Point Reconciliations are in balance.
Note 4: Currently, the Defense Departmental Reporting system completes GTAS requirements for DoD reporting.
Note 5: The numbering scheme for Treasury TPs may alternate slightly, from what Components/service provides are using today.
Tie Point
(TTP) Description of Tie Point Equation
Left Side (of Account
Equation) = Right Side
Suggested Minimum
Budgetary Resources = Status of Budgetary Resources Budgetary = Budgetary Monthly, Quarterly
Net Cost on Statement of Net Cost = Net Cost on Statement of Changes in
Net Position
Proprietary = Proprietary Monthly, Quarterly
Proprietary Asset = Proprietary Liability/Net
Proprietary = Proprietary
2 Budgetary Cash = Proprietary Cash Budgetary = Proprietary
Daily, Weekly,
3 Budgetary Delivered Orders Unpaid = Proprietary Accounts Payable Budgetary = Proprietary Monthly
4 Budgetary Delivered Orders = Proprietary Expenses & Capitalized Costs Budgetary = Proprietary Monthly
5 Budgetary Undelivered Orders Prepaid = Proprietary Advances to Vendors Budgetary = Proprietary Monthly
Budgetary Unfilled Orders with Advances = Proprietary Advances from
Budgetary = Proprietary Monthly
7 Budgetary Expended Authority = Proprietary Expended Appropriations Budgetary = Proprietary Monthly
8 3100 Beginning = 3100 Ending (pre-close from current year) Proprietary = Proprietary Annually
9 3100 Post-Close (Prior Year) = 3100 Beginning (Current year) Proprietary = Proprietary Annually
10 3310 Beginning = 3310 Ending (pre-close from current year) Proprietary = Proprietary Annually
11 3310 Post-Close (Prior Year) = 3310 Beginning (Current year) Proprietary = Proprietary Annually
12 4201 Beginning = 4201 Ending (pre-close from current year) Budgetary = Budgetary Annually
13 4201 Post-Close (Prior Year) = 4201 Beginning (Current year) Budgetary = Budgetary Annually
14 Budgetary Anticipated Resources = Budgetary Anticipated Status Budgetary = Budgetary Monthly
15 Federal Proprietary Receivables (Exchange) = Budgetary Receivables Proprietary = Budgetary Monthly
16 Proprietary Revenue = Budgetary Offsetting Collections Proprietary = Budgetary Monthly
Budgetary Appropriations Received = Proprietary Unexpended
Budgetary = Budgetary Monthly
18 Funded Expense Proprietary = Delivered Order Budgetary Proprietary = Budgetary Monthly
19 Net Position Analysis Unexpended Appropriations Budgetary = Proprietary Monthly