Template Version Number: 01-2021
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Privacy Impact Assessment
for the
Trademark Processing System Internal Systems (TPS-IS)
Reviewed by: Henry J. Holcombe, Bureau Chief Privacy Of ficer
Concurrence of Senior Agency Official for Privacy/DOC Chief Privacy Officer
Non-concurrence of Senior Agency Official for Privacy/DOC Chief Privacy Officer
Signature of Senior Agency Official for Privacy/DOC Chief Privacy Officer Date
Users, Holcombe, Henry
Digitally signed by Users, Holcombe, Henry
Date: 2023.08.17 16:25:05 -04'00'
Template Version Number: 01-2021
U.S. Department of Commerce Privacy Impact Assessment
USPTO Trademark Processing System Internal Systems (TPS-IS)
Unique Project Identifier: PTOT-003-00
Introduction: System Description
Provide a brief description of the information system.
The TPS-IS is an information system that provides support for the automated processing of
trademark applications for the USPTO. TPS-IS includes nine applications that are used to
support USPTO staff through the trademark review process. TPS-IS features the ability
to interface with related systems within USPTO. The nine applications are listed below:
First Action System for Trademarks 2 - FAST2
Form Paragraph Editor Program - FPEP
Trademark Cropped Image Manager -TCIM
Trademark Image Capture and Retrieval System - TICRS
Trademark Postal System - TPostal
Trademark Data Entry and Update System - TRADEUPS
Trademark Reporting and Monitoring System - TRAM
X-Search - XS
Address the following elements:
(a) Whether it is a general support system, major application, or other type of system
TPS-IS is a major application.
(b) System location
TPS-IS is located at Alexandria, Virginia.
(c) Whether it is a standalone system or interconnects with other systems (identifying and
describing any other systems to which it interconnects)
TPS-IS interconnects with Trademark Processing System External Systems (TPS-ES) and
Trademark Next Generation (TMNG).
TPS-ES is a major application that provides customer support for processing
Trademark applications for USPTO. TPS-ES includes applications used to support
USPTO staff and public users through the trademark application process.
TMNG is a major application and provides support for the automated processing of
trademark applications for the USPTO.
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(d) The way the system operates to achieve the purpose(s) identified in Section 4
TPS-IS includes nine applications used to support USPTO staff through the trademark review
process. TPS-IS features the ability to interface with related systems within USPTO. The
information systems are:
First Action System for Trademarks 2 (FAST2): FAST2 serves the USPTO
Trademark Legal Instruments Examiner (LIE), their supervisors (SLIE), and the Intent to
Use (ITU) staff. LIEs are personnel that perform reviews and update trademark cases.
Each LIE is assigned to a law office where a system is needed to aid them in processing
the work item associated with trademark cases. The FAST2 system allows LIEs to
process the work items assigned to them. FAST2 presents the LIEs with a list of work
items and allows them to choose items to process. When processing a work item, the
FAST2 system allows the user to view and/or edit case information in related systems. It
processes the PII data collected by TPS-ES as part of the trademark application process.
Form Paragraph Editor Program (FPEP): FPEP enables form paragraph editors to
manage form paragraph data. Using FPEP, editors are able to create, delete, modify, and
publish form paragraphs, and produce reports. Published form paragraphs are available to
Trademark examiners through a presentation layer in FAST1 and FAST2. It does not
process PII data.
Trademark Cropped Image Management (TCIM): TCIM accepts cropped images
from Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), the Trademark Data Entry and
Update System (TRADEUPS), and the Data Management Branch of the Office of System
Network Management. The images are stored in a directory structure based on the serial
number of the associated trademark application. The TCIM database keeps an inventory
of the stored image files and the date each file was received. It does not process PII data.
Trademark Image Capture and Retrieval System (TICRS): TICRS is designed to
capture, store, retrieve, and print digital images of trademark application documents.
TICRS has the following logical components: (1) the capture component enables the
input of digital images by scanning paper and the capture of index data; (2) the storage
component manages the physical storage of images and provides access control to
maintain security; and (3) the retrieval component provides query and output capabilities
for applications within the system. The information in the system is exported to a PDF
document and given to the USPTO Webmaster to post onto the USPTO public website.
Through USPTO’s website, the public is able to query the PDF document to determine
active fastener insignias. It processes the PII data collected by TPS-ES as part of the
trademark application process.
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Trademark Postal System (TPostal): TPostal serves trademark notices to trademark
applicants, replacing the manual system for the production of most trademark outgoing
notices. USPTO uses an automatic postcard service provided by the Click2Mail system.
Click2Mail is a partner of the U.S. Postal Service that supports electronic submission of
notices to be mailed. TPostal implements the necessary interface to Click2Mail. TPostal
generates and sends bulk mail to the Click2Mail website for printing, stamping, and
mailing trademark notices; no user intervention is required. It processes the PII data
collected by TPS-ES as part of the trademark application process.
Trademark Data Entry and Update System (TRADEUPS): TRADEUPS is used for
new application data entry and the editing of bibliographic data and Trademark text. The
system is designed to interface with the TRAM System and the USPS address verification
software to verify that the correspondence address submitted by an applicant is deliverable.
TRADEUPS includes those data elements and functions required to process new applications in
the re-Examination Section. It processes the PII data collected by TPS-ES as part of the
trademark application process.
Trademark Reporting and Monitoring System (TRAM): TRAM provides support to
all facets of trademark operations. TRAM includes a database consisting of bibliographic
text and prosecution history data. TRAM also supports trademark operations from receipt
of new applications to the publication of the TMOG and post-registration activities. The
publicly-releasable PII collected by components of the TPS-ES system is stored within
X-Search (XS): XS is a client-server application that supports Trademark Examination
attorneys searching for existing marks prior to ranting a registration. The application’s
Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows users to perform searches, display hit lists, and
print and save search histories; displays associated cropped images; and provides online
help. It also provides access to reference materials for use by the trademark examiners
and lawyers. It is used to support the information needs of the Trademark Examining
Attorneys. It processes the PII data collected by TPS-ES as part of the trademark
application process.
(e) How information in the system is retrieved by the user
TPS-IS uses client/server and web-based interfaces to access the information in the system.
(f) How information is transmitted to and from the system
TPS-IS information systems use Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Transmission
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Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) for transmitting to and from the system over the
USPTO internal network. All data in transit is encrypted and all requests that are made are
automatically re-directed to HTTP Secure (HTTPS).
(g) Any information sharing
TPS-IS shares trademark application data with USPTO’s Trademark Processing System
External Systems (TPS-ES) and Trademark Next Generation (TMNG) and the public via the
TRAM database. The bureau shares the PII in the IT system within the bureau via direct access
and give the public access to the non-sensitive PII in the system on a case-by-case basis.
(h) The specific programmatic authorities (statutes or Executive Orders) for collecting,
maintaining, using, and disseminating the information
35 U.S.C. § 2; 15 U.S. C. § Chapter 22; 37 CFR § 2.
(i) The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 199 security impact category for the
The FIPS 199 security categorization for TPS-IS is Moderate.
Section 1: Status of the Information System
1.1 Indicate whether the information system is a new or existing system.
This is a new information system.
This is an existing information system with changes that create new privacy risks. (Check
all that apply.)
Changes That Create New Privacy Risks (CTCNPR)
a. Conversions
d. Significa nt Merging
g. New Interagency Uses
b. Anonymous to Non-
e. New Public Access
h. Internal Flow or
c. Significa nt System
Ma nagement Changes
f. Com mercial So urces
i. Altera tion in Character
of Da ta
j. Other changes that create new privacy risks (specify):
This is an existing information system in which changes do not create new privacy risks,
and there is not a SAOP approved Privacy Impact Assessment.
This is an existing information system in which changes do not create new privacy risks,
and there is a SAOP approved Privacy Impact Assessment.
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Section 2: Information in the System
2.1 Indicate what personally identifiable information (PII)/business identifiable information
(BII) is collected, maintained, or disseminated. (Check all that apply.)
Identifying Numbers (IN)
a. Socia l Security*
f. Driver’s License
j. Financial Account
b. Taxpayer ID
g. Pa ssport
k. Fina ncial Tra nsaction
c. Employer ID
h. Alien Registra tion
l. Vehicle Identifier
d. Employee ID
i. Credit Ca rd
m. Medical Record
e. File/Case ID
n. Other identifying numbers (specify):
*Explanation for the business need to collect, maintain, or disseminate the Social Security number, including
truncated form:
General Personal Data (GPD)
a. Nam e
h. Date of Birth
o. Fina ncial Information
b. Maiden Name
i. Pla ce of Birth
p. Medical Information
c. Alia s
j. Home Address
q. Milita ry Service
d. Gender
k. Telephone Number
r. Crim ina l Record
e. Age
l. Em a il Address
s. Marital Status
f. Ra ce/Ethnicity
m. Education
t. Mothers Maiden Name
g. Citizenship
n. Religion
u. Other general personal data (specify):
Work-Related Data (WRD)
a. Occupation
e. Work Email Address
i. Business Associates
b. Job Title
f. Salary
j. Proprieta ry or Business
c. Work Address
g. Work History
k. Procurement/contracting
d. Work Telephone
h. Em ployment
Performance Ratings or
other Performance
l. Other work-related data (specify):
Distinguishing Features/Biometrics (DFB)
a. Fingerprints
f. Sca rs, Ma rks, Ta ttoos
k. Signatures
b. Pa lm Prints
g. Ha ir Color
l. Vascular Scans
c. Voice/Audio Recording
h. Eye Color
m . DNA Sa mple or Profile
Template Version Number: 01-2021
d. Video Recording
i. H eight
n. Retina/Iris Scans
e. Photographs
j. Weight
o. Denta l Profile
p. Other distinguishing features/biometrics (specify):
System Administration/Audit Data (SAAD)
a. User ID
c. Date/Time of Access
e. ID Files Accessed
b. IP Address
f. Queries Run
f. Contents of Files
g. Other system a dministration/audit data (specify):
Other Information (specify)
2.2 Indicate sources of the PII/BII in the system. (Check all that apply.)
Directly from Individual about Whom the Information Pertains
In Person
Ha rd Copy: Mail/Fax
Ema il
Other (specify):
Government Sources
Within the Bureau
Other DOC Burea us
Other Federal Agencies
Sta te, Local, Triba l
Other (specify):
Non-government Sources
Public Orga niza tions
Private Sector
Commercial Data Brokers
Third Party Website or Application
Other (specify):
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2.3 Describe how the accuracy of the information in the system is ensured.
Information is provided directly by the individuals about whom the information pertains and
they certify the accuracy of the information upon submission.
The system is secured using appropriate administrative physical and technical safeguards in
accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) security controls
(encryption, access control, and auditing). Mandatory IT awareness and role-based training is
required for staff who have access to the system and address how to handle, retain, and
dispose of data. All access has role-based restrictions and individuals with privileges have
undergone vetting and suitability screening. The USPTO maintains an audit trail and
performs random, periodic reviews (quarterly) to identify unauthorized access and changes as
part of verifying the integrity of administrative account holder data and roles. Inactive
accounts will be deactivated and roles will be deleted from the application.
2.4 Is the information covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act?
Yes, the information is covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act.
Provide the OMB control number and the agency number for the collection.
0651-0009: Applications for Tra demark Registration
0651-0027: Recording Assignments
0651-0028: Fastener Quality Act Insignia Record Process
0651-0048: Native Am erican Tribal Insignia
0651-0050: Response to Office Action and Voluntary Amendment Forms
0651-0051: Madrid Protocol
0651-0054: Substantive Submissions Made During the Prosecution of the Trademark Application
0651-0055: Post Registration
0651-0056: Submissions Regarding Correspondence and Regarding Attorney Representation
0651-0061: Trademarks Petitions
No, the information is not covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act.
2.5 Indicate the technologies used that contain PII/BII in ways that have not been previously
deployed. (Check all that apply.)
Technologies Used Containing PII/BII Not Previously Deployed (TUCPBNPD)
Sma rt Cards
Biom etrics
Ca ller-ID
Persona l Identity Verif ication (PI V) Cards
Other (specify):
There are not any technologies used that contain PII/BII in ways that have not been previously deployed.
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Section 3: System Supported Activities
3.1 Indicate IT system supported activities which raise privacy risks/concerns. (Check all that
Audio recordings
Building entry readers
Video surveillance
Electronic purchase transactions
Other (specify): Click or tap here to enter text.
There a re not any IT system supported activities which raise privacy risks/concerns.
Section 4: Purpose of the System
4.1 Indicate why the PII/BII in the IT system is being collected, maintained, or disseminated.
(Check all that apply.)
For a Computer Matching Program
For administering human resources programs
For a dm inistrative matters
To promote information sharing initiatives
For litiga tion
For crim ina l la w enforcement a ctivities
For civil enforcement a ctivities
For intelligence a ctivities
To improve Federal services online
For employee or customer satisfaction
For web mea surement a nd customization
technologies (single-session)
For web mea surement a nd customization
technologies (m ulti-session)
Other (specify):
Section 5: Use of the Information
5.1 In the context of functional areas (business processes, missions, operations, etc.) supported
by the IT system, describe how the PII/BII that is collected, maintained, or disseminated
will be used. Indicate if the PII/BII identified in Section 2.1 of this document is in
reference to a federal employee/contractor, member of the public, foreign national, visitor
or other (specify).
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Applicant information stored in the system are about members of the public. USPTO
employees and contractors working in the system also have their names in the system.
Addresses and e-mail addresses are used for correspondence and as authorization for the
Office to send correspondence concerning the application to the applicant or applicants
attorney. The system collects trademark application data such as the applicant’s name and
address, and legal entity such as a corporation, partnership, LLC, etc.
5.2 Describe any potential threats to privacy, such as insider threat, as a result of the
bureau’s/operating units use of the information, and controls that the bureau/operating
unit has put into place to ensure that the information is handled, retained, and disposed
appropriately. (For example: mandatory training for system users regarding appropriate
handling of information, automatic purging of information in accordance with the
retention schedule, etc.)
In the event of computer failure, insider threats, or attach against the system by adversarial or
foreign entities, any potential PII data stored within the system could be exposed. To avoid a
breach, the system has certain security controls in place to ensure the information is handled,
retained, and disposed of appropriately. Access to individuals PII is controlled through the
application, and all personnel who access the data must first authenticate to the system at
which time an audit trail is generated when the database is accessed. These audit trails are
based on application server out-of-the-box logging reports reviewed by the Information
System Security Officer (ISSO) and System Auditor and any suspicious indicators such as
browsing will be imm ediately investigated a nd a ppropriate a ction taken. Also, system users
undergo a nnual mandatory training rega rding a ppropriate handling of information.
NIST security controls are in place to ensure that information is handled, retained, and disposed of
a ppropriately. For example, a dvanced encryption is used to secure the data both during tra nsmission a nd while
stored at rest. Access to individuals PII is controlled through the application and all personnel who access the
data must first authenticate to the system at which time an audit trail is generated when the database is accessed.
USPTO requires a nnual security role ba sed tra ining a nd annual mandatory security awareness procedure
tra ining for a ll em ployees. All offices adhere to the USPTO Records Management Office’s Comprehensive
Records Schedule or the General Records Schedule and the corresponding disposition authorities or citations.
Section 6: Information Sharing and Access
6.1 Indicate with whom the bureau intends to share the PII/BII in the IT system and how the
PII/BII will be shared. (Check all that apply.)
How Information will be Sha red
Bulk Transfer
Direct Access
Within the bureau
DOC bureaus
Template Version Number: 01-2021
Federal agencies
State, local, tribal govt agencies
Private sector
Foreign governments
Foreign entities
Other (specify):
The PII/BII in the system will not be shared.
6.2 Does the DOC bureau/operating unit place a limitation on re-dissemination of PII/BII
shared with external agencies/entities?
Yes, the external agency/entity is required to verify with the DOC bureau/operating unit before re-
dissem ination of PI I/BII.
No, the external agency/entity is not required to verify with the DOC bureau/operating unit before re-
dissemination of PII/BII.
No, the bureau/operating unit does not share PII/BII with external agencies/entities.
6.3 Indicate whether the IT system connects with or receives information from any other IT
systems authorized to process PII and/or BII.
Yes, this IT system connects with or receives information from a nother IT system(s) a uthorized to
process PII a nd/or BII.
Provide the name of the IT system and describe the technical controls which prevent PII/BII leakage:
All user access is governed by a role based and need-to-know basis that is either Active
Directory or Role Ba se Access Control (RBAC) enforced. The TRAM component of
TPS-IS is used to store the records collected by TPS-ES components. The TRAM
component synchronizes its stored records with the TMNG system, so examination of
applications can occur using TMNG as well as TPS-IS. TPS-IS im plements secure
network communications are via end-to-end transport la yer protocols a nd were
a pplicable data-at-rest encryption. The information transmitted between the systems is
protected within USPTOs secure perimeter.
NIST security controls are in place to ensure that information is handled, retained, and disposed of
a ppropriately. For example, a dvanced encryption is used to secure the data both during tra nsmission a nd
while stored a t rest. Access to individual’s PII is controlled through the a pplication a nd a ll personnel who
access the data must first authenticate to the system at which time an audit trail is generated when the
database is accessed. USPTO requires annual security role based training and annual mandatory security
a wa reness procedure training for a ll employees. All offices adhere to the USPTO Records Management
Offices Comprehensive Records Schedule or the General Records Schedule a nd the corresponding
disposition a uthorities or citations.
No, this IT system does not connect with or receive information from a nother IT system(s) authorized to
process PII a nd/or BII.
Template Version Number: 01-2021
6.4 Identify the class of users who will have access to the IT system and the PII/BII. (Check
all that apply.)
Class of Users
Genera l Public
Government Employees
Other (specify):
Section 7: Notice and Consent
7.1 Indicate whether individuals will be notified if their PII/BII is collected, maintained, or
disseminated by the system. (Check all that apply.)
Yes, notice is provided pursuant to a system of records notice published in the Federal Register and
discussed in Section 9.
Yes, notice is provided by a Privacy Act statement and/or privacy policy. The Privacy Act statement
and/or privacy policy can be found at: https://www.uspto.gov/privacy-policy
Yes, notice is provided by other
mea ns.
Specify how:
A notice is provided by a warning banner when the employee
or contractor logs into the workstation before accessing the
TPS-IS system. See banner in APPENDIX A.
No, notice is not provided.
Specify why not:
7.2 Indicate whether and how individuals have an opportunity to decline to provide PII/BII.
Yes, individuals have an opportunity to
decline to provide PII/BII.
Specify how:
No, individuals do not have an
opportunity to decline to provide
Specify why not: Individuals grant consent by filling out a
trademark registration and submitting it for processing. They
a re notified that some of the information that they submit will
become public information. They may decline to provide PII
by not submitting a trademark registration for processing.
7.3 Indicate whether and how individuals have an opportunity to consent to particular uses of
their PII/BII.
Yes, individuals have an opportunity to
consent to particular uses of their
Specify how:
No, individuals do not have an
opportunity to consent to particular
uses of their PII/BII.
Specify why not: Consent is given a t the front-end systems.
7.4 Indicate whether and how individuals have an opportunity to review/update PII/BII
Template Version Number: 01-2021
pertaining to them.
Yes, individuals have an opportunity to
review/update PII/BII pertaining to
Specify how:
No, individuals do not have an
opportunity to review/update PII/BII
pertaining to them.
Specify why not: Consent is given a t the front-end systems.
Section 8: Administrative and Technological Controls
8.1 Indicate the administrative and technological controls for the system. (Check all that
All users signed a confidentiality a greement or non-disclosure agreement.
All users are subject to a Code of Conduct that includes the requirement for confidentiality.
Sta ff (em ployees a nd contractors) received training on privacy and confidentiality policies a nd practices.
Access to the PII/BII is restricted to authorized personnel only.
Access to the PII/BII is being monitored, tracked, or recorded.
Expla nation:
The information is secured in accordance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act
(FISMA) requirements.
Provide date of most recent Assessment and Authorization (A&A): 5/30/2023
This is a new system. The A&A date will be provided when the A&A package is approved.
The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 199 security impact category for this system is a
moderate or higher.
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-122 a nd NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 Appendix J recommended
security controls for protecting PII/BII are in pla ce and functioning a s intended; or have an a pproved Plan
of Action and Milestones (POA&M).
A security assessment report has been reviewed for the information system and it has been determined
that there are no additional privacy risks.
Contractors that have access to the system are subject to information security provisions in their contracts
required by DOC policy.
Contracts with customers establish DOC ownership rights over data including PII/BII.
Acceptance of lia bility for exposure of PI I/BII is clea rly defined in a greements with customers.
Other (specify):
8.2 Provide a general description of the technologies used to protect PII/BII on the IT system.
(Include data encryption in transit and/or at rest, if applicable).
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PII within the system is secured using appropriate management, operational, and technical
safeguards in accordance with NIST requirements. Such management controls include a
review process to ensure that management controls are in place and documented in the
System Security Privacy Plan (SSPP). The SSPP specifically addresses the management,
operational, and technical controls that are in place and planned during the operation of the
system. Operational safeguards include restricting access to PII/BII data to a small subset of
users. All access has role-based restrictions and individuals with access privileges have
undergone vetting and suitability screening. Data is maintained in areas accessible only to
authorized personnel. The system maintains an audit trail and the appropriate personnel is
alerted when there is suspicious activity. Data is encrypted in transit and at rest.
Section 9: Privacy Act
9.1 Is the PII/BII searchable by a personal identifier (e.g, name or Social Security number)?
Yes, the PII/BII is searchable by a personal identifier.
No, the PII/BII is not searchable by a personal identifier.
9.2 Indicate whether a system of records is being created under the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C.
§ 552a. (A new system of records notice (SORN) is required if the system is not covered
by an existing SORN).
As per the Privacy Act of 1974, the term system of records’ means a group of any records under the control of any agency from which
information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned
to the individual.
Yes, this system is covered by an existing system of records notice (SORN).
Provide the SORN name, number, and link. (list all that apply):
COMMERCE/USPTO-26, Tra demark Application and Registration Records
Yes, a SORN has been submitted to the Department for approval on (date).
No, this system is not a system of records and a SORN is not applicable.
Section 10: Retention of Information
10.1 Indicate whether these records are covered by an approved records control schedule and
monitored for compliance. (Check all that apply.)
There is an approved record control schedule.
Provide the name of the record control schedule:
N1-241-06-2:2: Trademark Case File Records and Related Indexes, selected
N1-241-06-2:3: Trademark Case File Records and Related Indexes, non-selected
N1-241-06-2:4: Trademark Case File Feeder Records and Related Indexes
N1-241-06-2:5: Trademarks Routine Subject Files
N1-241-05-2:5: Information Dissem ination Product Reference
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GRS 5.1, item 020: Non-Recordkeeping Copies of Electronic Records
GRS 5.2, item 020: Intermediary Records
No, there is not an approved record control schedule.
Provide the stage in which the project is in developing and submitting a records control schedule:
Yes, retention is monitored for compliance to the schedule.
No, retention is not monitored for compliance to the schedule. Provide explanation:
10.2 Indicate the disposal method of the PII/BII. (Check all that apply.)
Other (specify):
Section 11: NIST Special Publication 800-122 PII Confidentiality Impact Level
11.1 Indicate the potential impact that could result to the subject individuals and/or the
organization if PII were inappropriately accessed, used, or disclosed. (The PII
Confidentiality Impact Level is not the same, and does not have to be the same, as the
Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 199 security impact category.)
Low the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a limited adverse
eff ect on organizational operations, organizational a ssets, or individuals.
Moderate the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a serious
adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals.
High the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a severe or
catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals.
11.2 Indicate which factors were used to determine the above PII confidentiality impact level.
(Check all that apply.)
Provide explanation: The combination of name, home address,
citizenship, email address, job title, etc., can easily identify a
pa rticular person.
Quantity of PII
Provide explanation: The quantity of PII contained in this system
is large enough to require adequate protection.
Da ta Field Sensitivity
Provide explanation: The PII data fields when combined would
have an adverse effect on the organization or individuals if a loss
were to occur.
Context of Use
Provide explanation: The personally identifiable information
processed by TPS-IS is used to identify the individuals or
companies that have registered trademarks with the government
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of the United States.
Obliga tion to Protect Confidentiality
Provide explanation: Based on the data fields and in accordance
with the Privacy Act of 1974, PII must be protected. The sensitive
PII in the system needs certain security and privacy controls.
Sensitive information found in the system is protected through
access control and Disk Level encryption.
Access to and Location of PII
Provide explanation: Government employees and contractors
have direct access to the PII. Access is limited only to the
identified and authenticated users and partners.
Provide explanation:
Section 12: Analysis
12.1 Identify and evaluate any potential threats to privacy that exist in light of the information
collected or the sources from which the information is collected. Also, describe the
choices that the bureau/operating unit made with regard to the type or quantity of
information collected and the sources providing the information in order to prevent or
mitigate threats to privacy. (For example: If a decision was made to collect less data,
include a discussion of this decision; if it is necessary to obtain information from sources
other than the individual, explain why.)
The PII in this system poses a risk if exposed. System users undergo annual mandatory
training regarding appropriate handling of information. Physical access to servers is restricted
to only a few authorized individuals. The servers storing the potential PII are located in a
highly sensitive zone and logical access is segregated with network firewalls and switches
through an Access Control list that limits access to only a few approved and authorized
accounts. USPTO monitors, in real-time, all activities and events within the servers storing
the potential PII data and personnel review audit logs received on a regular bases and alert the
appropriate personnel when inappropriate or unusual activity is identified.
12.2 Indicate whether the conduct of this PIA results in any required business process changes.
Yes, the conduct of this PIA results in required business process changes.
Expla nation:
No, the conduct of this PIA does not result in any required business process changes.
12.3 Indicate whether the conduct of this PIA results in any required technology changes.
Yes, the conduct of this PIA results in required technology changes.
Expla nation:
Template Version Number: 01-2021
No, the conduct of this PIA does not result in any required technology changes.
Template Version Number: 01-2021
Appendix A: Warning Banner
Template Version Number: 01-2021
Points of Contact and Signatures
System Owner
Na me: Donald Ulrich
Office: Off ice of the Chief Information Officer
Phone: (571) 272-1093
Ema il: Donald.Ulrich@uspto.gov
I certify that this PIA is an accurate representation of the security
controls in place to protect PII/BII processed on this IT system.
Signa ture: __________________________________
Da te signed: ________________________________
Chief Information Security Officer
Na m e: Tim othy S. Goodwin
Office: Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Phone: (571) 272-0653
Em a il: Timothy.Goodwin@uspto.gov
I certify that this PIA is an accurate representation of the security
controls in place to protect PII/BII processed on this IT system.
Signa ture: ___________________________________
Da te signed: _________________________________
Privacy Act Officer
Na m e: Heaton John
Office: Office of General La w (O/GL)
Phone: 703-756-1240
Ema il: Ricou.Heaton@uspto.gov
I certify that the appropriate authorities and SORNs (if applicable)
are cited in this PIA.
Signa ture: __________________________________
Date signed: ________________________________
Bureau Chief Privacy Officer and Co-
Authorizing Official
Na me: Henry J. Holcombe
Office: Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Phone: (571) 272-9400
Ema il: Ja mie.Holcombe@uspto.gov
I certify that the PII/BII processed in this IT system is necessary, this
PIA ensures compliance with DOC policy to protect privacy, and the
Bureau/OU Privacy Act Officer concurs with the SORNs and
authorities cited.
Signa ture: __________________________________
Da te signed: ________________________________
Co-Authorizing Official
Na me: David S. Gooder
Office: Office of The Commissioner for Tra demarks
Phone: (571) 270-0980
Ema il: Da vid.Gooder@uspto.gov
I certify that this PIA accurately reflects the representations made
to me herein by the System Owner, the Chief Information Security
Officer, and the Chief Privacy Officer regarding security controls
in place to protect PII/BII in this PIA.
Signa ture: __________________________________
Da te signed: ________________________________
This page is for internal routing purposes and documentation of approvals. Upon final
approval, this page must be removed prior to publication of the PIA.
Users, Ulrich, Donald
Digitally signed by Users, Ulrich,
Date: 2023.08.15 16:33:25 -04'00'
Users, Goodwin,
Digitally signed by Users,
Goodwin, Timothy
Date: 2023.08.17 15:50:46 -04'00'
John Ricou Heaton
Digitally signed by John Ricou
Date: 2023.08.15 10:06:15 -04'00'
Users, Holcombe,
Digitally signed by Users,
Holcombe, Henry
Date: 2023.08.17 16:25:52 -04'00'
Users, Gooder, David
Digitally signed by Users, Gooder,
David S.
Date: 2023.08.29 12:39:12 -04'00'