Personal Page Management Guide
11/10/2014 Blackbaud NetCommunity 6.64 Personal Page Management US
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Design and Management Process 1
Personal Pages: Process Overview 2
Create Personal Page Elements 3
Create Web Pages 3
Manage Personal Pages 4
Design the Personal Page Manager Part 5
Add Help Content for Personal Pages 21
Personal Pages
Design and Management Process 1
Personal Pages: Process Overview 2
Personal pages are personalized pages that supporters can set up on your website to share information about
themselves and about your organization’s mission. These pages can be used for a variety of purposes. For
example, a membership organization can provide personal pages to supporters so they can recruit their family
and friends. As another example, a hospital can provide care pages to a patient or a patient’s family to share
information about the patient’s status and recovery.
Using the Personal Page Manager part, you create web templates that provide the tools page owners use to
create pages. Personal pages can contain several features including blogs, news readers, photo galleries, report
abuse actions, comment boards, and simple or rich text.
Design and Management Process
This flow chart illustrates the design and management process for personal pages.
chapter 1
Personal Pages: Process Overview
Creating personal pages requires several steps in different areas of the program:
Step 1: The web designer creates Personal Page Elements. For information, see Create Personal Page Elements
on page 3.
Step 2: The web designer creates web pages containing Personal Page Elements. For more information about
creating web pages, see the Website Design Guide.
Step 3: The web designer creates the Personal Page Manager part to define the web pages, options, and settings
available to personal page owners when they create personalized pages. For more information, see Design the
Personal Page Manager Part on page 5.
Step 4: The web designer adds the Personal Page Manager part to a page on the website.
Step 5: A website user signs up to be a personal page owner. New page owners use the Home page dashboard to
create and manage content for personal pages. For information, see Manage Personal Pages on page 4.
Step 6: The Raiser's Edge user downloads personal page requests from Blackbaud NetCommunity to TheRaiser’s
Edge. For information, see the Blackbaud NetCommunity & The Raiser’s Edge Integration Guide.
Step 7: Website users visit the personal pages to read content, post comments, and give donations.
Create Personal Page Elements
The first step to create personal pages is to create Personal Page Elements. Think of these as “mini-parts that
can be used only on the web page templates you provide to personal page owners. You can create the following
element types for personal pages:
News Reader
Page Links
Personal Notes
Rich Text
Note: While personal pages support online donations and tributes, they do not include fundraising tools such
as goals and thermometers.
For information about creating specific element types, see the Parts Guide.
Create Web Pages
The next step is to create the web pages used for personal pages. You will need:
A web page on your site where you will place the Personal Page Manager part.
At least one web page that contains Personal Page Elements. These pages are templates that provide the tools
page owners use to create their pages. You can create more than one web page template to offer page owners
different layouts and features.
Web pages using Personal Page Elements can also contain static sections for other parts. Use these sections
for content or features to appear on every personal page. For example, you can create a part for your
organizations mission statement and add it to your web page templates so the mission statement appears on
every personal page.
This graphic demonstrates how a web page uses Personal Page Elements with static parts. For more information
about creating web pages, see the Website Design Guide.
Note: If you allow donations from personal pages, we recommend that you create a part or element with a
Donate button linking to the donation page. For more information, see Step 6: Donation Form (Optional) on
page 10.
Manage Personal Pages
When you add a Personal Page Manager part to a page on your website, personal page owners can create and
manage pages. The Home page dashboard provides a central location for personal page owners to manage their
The action bar on the Home page dashboard allows page owners to navigate between tasks, monitor and update
data, edit personal pages, send email, and maintain email contacts.
My Home To manage their pages, personal page owners click My Home. From the My Home page, page
owners can click links to design and visit their web pages or to send email. This page also displays statistics
about the number of visits a personal page receives, the date of the last visit, the number of email messages a
page owner sends, and the number of messages that are opened.
My Activity To view statistics about email messages, personal page owners click My Activity. To view a list
of sent email messages, page owners select “Emails on the action bar of the My Activity page. For each
message, details appear about the number of times it was sent, the recipients, and whether it was opened or
forwarded. Page owners can sort email messages according to whether they were opened, unopened,
forwarded, or delivered unsuccessfully. To view a list of contacts who received email messages, page owners
select “People on the action bar. For each contact, details appear about how many messages were received
and whether they opened or forwarded the messages. Page owners can sort contacts according to whether
they have opened or forwarded messages. From the My Activity page, page owners can also click View Email
to read the original email messages.
My Page(s) To preview their pages and change the layout and content, personal page owners click My Page
(s). Page owners can select create page templates, create friendly URLs, add pictures, edit text, or adjust
settings such as whether to display navigation buttons with a slideshow. If the Personal Page Manager part
allows page owners to create multiple personal pages, they can create additional pages from the My Page(s)
page. When a page owner has multiple pages, one must be designated as the home page for search results
and link to the owner’s personal page. If the Personal Page Manager uses a page with Page Links, the personal
page owner must make his pages public for them to appear as links.
Send Email To generate email messages, personal page owners click Send Email. Page owners can select
contacts from the address book or create contacts to add to the address book. After page owners select the
contacts, a preview screen displays the names, email addresses, and greetings that will be used. From this
screen, page owners can change greetings or click contact names or email addresses to change contact
information. Personal page owners select email templates and create the content on the Send Email page.
Address Book To store email addresses and contact information, personal page owners click Address Book.
To add contacts, page owners click New Contact. To use a *.csv file to import email addresses from programs
such as Outlook or Eudora, page owners click Import Contacts. When page owners add contacts on the Send
Email page, they are saved to the address book. The address book displays up to 10 contacts per page, and
the number of contacts and number of pages appear below the grid. The action bar above the grid controls
how contacts appear. To display all contacts, click ALL. If there are more than 10 contacts, page owners can use
the links below the grid to navigate to additional pages. To view contacts in alphabetic groups, page owners
can click the letters on the action bar. Contacts are organized by last name and organization name, which
means contacts can appear twice and page owners can search by last name or the organization name. To
select a contact, select the checkbox beside the name. To select all contacts on a page, select the checkbox
beside the Name column. To select all contacts in the address book, select the checkbox beside the Name
column and click the link that appears above the grid. To delete a contact, select it and click Delete on the
action bar.
Design the Personal Page Manager Part
The Personal Page Manager part is a series of forms you use to select the web pages, options, and settings
available to personal page owners when they create a personal page. After you set up the Personal Page
Manager part, you add the part to a page on your website.
} Step 1: Personal Page Options and Administrator Roles
On this screen, you define the options available to users when they create personal pages and decide the roles
that have administrative rights over personal pages.
1. From Site explorer, click Parts. Parts appears.
2. To edit an existing part, click Edit in the Action column. The Edit Part screen appears displaying the
Design tab. The first section is “Step 1: Personal Page Options and Administrator Roles.
For information about create or edit a part, as well as the tabs on the Edit Part screen, see the Parts
3. In the Confirmation Prompt field, enter the message that appears when a website user signs up to
create a personal page.
4. In the Constituent Code field, select the constituent code to assign to personal page owners when you
download sign-ups. For information about constituent codes, see the Program Basics Guide.
5. You can select Waiver to require site users to agree to a waiver before they can create a personal page. In
the box, enter the waiver’s text.
6. In the Administrator Roles frame, select the checkbox for each role that needs administrative rights for
personal page dashboards. Users with Administrator rights can edit personal page dashboards. To do
this, a user with Supervisor rights must send the web page URL link from the user record (in Users) to the
Administrator user. The Administrator or Supervisor clicks the link to access the dashboard and make
For information about the personal page dashboard, see Manage Personal Pages on page 4. For
information about roles and users, see the Users & Security Guide.
} Step 2: User Login Options
On this screen, you set up the user login forms for personal pages.
1. When you configure social media for third-party authentication with social networks such as Facebook
and Twitter, Social website login appears with the Enable social website login checkbox. To enable
social media options for the login, select the checkbox. Additional options appear.
a. In the Sign in text field, enter the text to display for standard and social network login options.
b. In the Social website sign in text field, enter the text to display above the social site icons.
c. Under Display options, specify where to place the social site icons relative to the standard login
Note: For more information about social media for third-party authentication, see the Administration Guide.
2. Under Captions and properties, select whether to include forms for new registrations, forgotten
passwords, or forgotten user IDs. To include a form, select its checkbox in the Enabled column.
3. In the Captions and Properties frame, you can define titles for forms that appear when users sign up to
create personal pages. The user login form is required, but you can also add forms for new user
registrations, forgotten passwords, and forgotten user IDs.
If a user is a member of your website, the site recognizes the user and skips the login page.
a. In the Form Title column, enter titles for the user login, new user registration, forgotten password,
or forgotten user ID forms.
b. In the Hyperlink column, enter text for the hyperlinks that direct users to the user login, new user
registration, or forgotten password/user ID forms.
c. In the Enabled column, select the types of forms to add to the user login form. You can add forms
for new user registrations, forgotten passwords, and forgotten user IDs.
Note: When a user signs up through the login on a Personal Page Manager part type, the user automatically
becomes a member of the rest of your website community.
4. In the Constituent Code field, select the constituent code to assign to users who use this registration
form to sign up for your website. For information about constituent codes, see the Program Basics
5. In the Additional Fields frame, select the biographical information fields to include on the new user
registration form.
a. In the Additional Fields grid, select the checkbox in the Include column for each field to appear on
the form. To make fields required, select the checkboxes in the Required column. When you select
Include for the Address block field, it is automatically required.
If you select Maiden name, Class of, and Birth date as required, the program uses these fields as
search criteria for the automatic matching process in transactions on the NetCommunity page in
The Raiser’s Edge. For example, if you select Maiden name as required and Angela Myers Johnson
signs in, the download transaction checks maiden name before it makes an automatic match and
defaults her name in the RE Constituent column on the transaction screen.
b. To include attribute fields on your registration form, select the checkbox in the Include column for
each attribute field to appear on the form. To make the attributes required, select the checkboxes in
the Required column.
These are constituent attributes pulled from The Raisers Edge. If you need a new attribute, create it
in The Raiser’s Edge. For example, you can use a constituent attribute to track T-shirt sizes for
participants. To track this information, create a T-shirt size attribute. For information about
attributes, see The Raiser’s Edge Configuration & Security Guide.
Note: If you know an attribute exists in The Raisers Edge, but do not see it, check the Settings tab in Sites &
settings to make sure the attribute is available in Blackbaud NetCommunity.
6. In the Role Assignment frame, select the checkbox in the Member column for each role to assign to
users who sign up through this User Login part. For information about roles, see the Users & Security
} Step 3: Select Pages for use as Personal Pages
On this screen, you make web pages available to personal page owners as templates for their personal pages.
You must create at least one web page in Site explorer that contains a Personal Page Element part before you can
make selections on this screen. For information about the Personal Page Element part, see Create Personal Page
Elements on page 3.
1. In the Page column, select a page from the drop-down list of web pages. Only pages with Personal Page
Elements appear in the list. If no pages appear, you must create these in Site explorer.
2. In the Display Name field, enter a descriptive name to help personal page owners select the web page
template to use. The display name appears as an option for page owners in the Theme field of the My
Page(s) page on the Home page dashboard.
3. To designate a page as the default, select the checkbox in the Default column. Each Personal Page part
must have a default page.
4. Click Add Page to add rows to the grid and continue adding web pages.
5. In the Maximum Number of Pages field, select the maximum number of personal pages users can
If you allow users to create more than one page and select a Personal Page Element using Page Links in
the Page field, the user’s personal pages appear as a list of links on the page. For more information about
Page links, see the Parts Guide.
6. To remove a page from the grid, click Remove.
} Step 4: Create Email Designs
On this screen, you create email templates personal page owners can use to send messages about their page.
1. In the Email Designs frame, click Add Email. The new email template screen appears.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the email template.
The program uses the personal page owner’s email address for the From Address field and the owner’s
name for the Name field.
3. In the text box at the bottom, use the HTML editor to enter the content of the email. To include
personalized information, such as the recipient’s name, click Merge fields on the Insert tab in the
toolbar. For more information about the HTML editor, see the Program Basics Guide
4. Click Save and Close to save the email template and return to the Step 4: Create Email Designs screen.
The new email template appears in the grid.
} Step 5: Search Page Form Options
1. On this screen, you can define the search form title.
Site visitors use the search form to search for a personal page.
2. In the Title field, enter the name for the site search form. If you do not enter a name, “Search for Page
Owners” is the default title used.
} Step 6: Donation Form (Optional)
On this screen, you can define options for online donations given through personal pages. If you plan to allow
donations from personal pages, we recommend that you create a part or element with a Donate button linking
to the donation page. After you create a Personal Page Manager part and add it to a web page, a web page
named “[Personal Page Manager] PPM Donate” is generated automatically using the settings you define on
this screen. After you create the part, you must update the Donate button link so it directs users to the
“[Personal Page Manager] PPM Donate page.
1. To allow online donations from personal pages, select Support Online Donations. Selecting this
checkbox enables the options on this screen.
2. In the Constituent Code field, select the constituent code to assign to new donors who are not already
constituents in your database. Donors do not view this information. For information about constituent
codes, see the Program Basics Guide.
3. In the Minimum Gift Amount field, enter the minimum donation a donor can contribute. Enter “0” or
leave this field blank to allow donors to contribute any gift amount.
4. To allow donors to contribute a single gift and pay the total amount at the time of the donation, select
Allow one-time gifts under Donor Gift Scheduling Options. A One time gift option appears under Type
of gift on the donation form.
5. To allow donors to contribute regular recurring gifts, under Donor Gift Scheduling Options, select Allow
recurring gifts. A Recurring gift option appears under Type of gift on the donation form. When a donor
selects Recurring gift, Frequency options appear.
To allow the donor to determine the frequency of the recurring gift on the donation form, select General.
Donors can select to make a contribution every week, month, quarter, or year.
Tip: If a constituent donates a recurring gift and selects a start date that is not todays date, the
transaction downloads to The Raiser's Edge. However, the transaction is not sent to your bank
merchant when the donor submits the recurring gift. The merchant receives the transaction from the
batch output you send to your bank for processing from The Raiser's Edge. For more information about
bank merchants, see the Administration Guide.
To define the recurring gift schedules donors can choose, select Specific.
a. Select “Weekly, “Monthly, “Quarterly, or “Annually as the frequency.
b. In the On field, select a day or date donors can choose to schedule the gift.
c. To add the frequency to the donation page, click Add Frequency.
Note: To add multiple frequency options to the donation form, enter each custom schedule and click Add
Frequency to add the new schedule to the list. Each schedule you enter appears in the Frequency grid.
d. Select Allow donor to enter ending date, if donors can specify when the recurring gift ends.
6. To allow donors to create a pledge and define a pledge installment schedule, select Allow pledge
installment gifts. A Pledge (installment) option appears under Type of gift on the donation form.
When a donor selects Pledge (installment), a Number of Installments field and frequency options
appear on the donation form.
Note: Donors may enter up to “200” in the Number of Installments field.
To allow the donor to determine the frequency of the pledge payments on the donation form, select
General. Donors can select to make payments in weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual installments.
To define the pledge installment schedules donors can choose, select Specific.
a. Select “Weekly, “Monthly, “Quarterly, or “Annually as the frequency.
b. In the On field, select a day or date donors can choose to schedule the installments.
To add multiple frequency options to the donation form, enter each custom schedule and click Add
Frequency to add the new schedule to the list. The selections you make appear in the Frequency
Note: The program calculates the installment amount and end date based on the number of installments,
frequency, and date the donor specifies and displays this information on the donation page. For example, a
donor may contribute $100 in four monthly installments and select to pay each installment on the first day of
the month beginning Jan. 1. This generates four scheduled payments of $25 ending April 1. No installment
payments occur after the end date.
Note: If the number of installments selected for the pledge does not result in equal payment amounts, the final
scheduled payment contains the remainder. For example, a $100 pledge with three installments has two
payments of $33.33 and a final payment of $33.34.
c. In the Minimum Installment Amount field, enter the minimum amount a donor can select to pay
for each installment. For example, if you enter “10, in this field, when a donor selects a pledge
installment schedule, each pledge payment must be at least ten dollars.
Note: You can enter a minimum installment amount to prevent donors from making small payments over a
long period of time. For example, if you do not enter a minimum amount, a donor may pledge twenty dollars
and choose to pay one dollar each month for twenty months.
7. Under Donor Options, select the options to make available to donors.
a. To allow a company to donate, select Allow corporate gifts. When you select this checkbox, This
donation is on behalf of a company appears on the donation form.
b. To allow donors to give anonymously, select Allow anonymous gifts. When you select this, Iprefer
to make this donation anonymously appears on the donation form.
c. To allow donors to enter comments on the donation form, select Allow comments.
d. To allow donors to provide matching gift company information, select Allow matching gifts. When
you select this checkbox, My company will match my gift appears on the donation form. Donors
can select the checkbox and enter the company name in the Company field. If you use MatchFinder
Online, Look it up appears next to the checkbox. Visitors click the link to access MatchFinder Online
and search for the company. MatchFinder Online contains information about matching gift
companies, such as the minimum and maximum gift details and match ratio.
Data from MatchFinder Online integrates with The Raiser's Edge. For information about
MatchFinder Online purchasing options, send an email to
For information about how to download matching gift information to The Raiser’s Edge, see the
“Download donations-single transaction process” procedure in the Blackbaud NetCommunity &
The Raiser’s Edge Integration Guide.
For information about matching gifts in The Raiser's Edge, see The Raiser's Edge Gift Records Guide.
Note: The program does not support matching gifts for pledges and recurring gifts.
8. To create a tribute section on the donation form, select Allow tribute gifts.
Note: If you use Honor/Memorial Tracking in TheRaiser’s Edge, select the Allow tribute gifts checkbox.
a. To allow the donor to enter the tribute information, select General.
Select the checkbox for each tribute type to include in the tribute section. The tribute types listed
are entries from the Tribute Types table in The Raiser's Edge.
b. To have all tributes from the donation form go to a specific tribute, select Specific. When you select
this, Honor/Memorial appears with a Tribute field.
To select an honor or memorial individual from TheRaiser’s Edge, click Honor/Memorial. A search
screen appears so you can search for the individual.
In the Tribute field, select the tribute type and description to use. Information in this field is from
the Honor/Memorial tab in TheRaisers Edge. The selections are a combination of the data from the
Tribute type and Description fields.
c. To remove the Description field from the tribute section on the web page, select Hide tribute
description field.
If you select Hide tribute description, in the Tribute Introductory Text field, you can enter the text
to appear at the beginning of the Tribute section on your donation form, such as “This gift is made
in honor of someone special.”
d. To improve data entry, select Display tribute name fields as two fields (first/last name). When
you select this checkbox, the Tribute section of the donation form displays First name and Last
name fields, so donors can enter specific information.
Note: If you do not select Display tribute name fields as two fields (first/last name), the Full name field
appears in the Tribute section of the donation form.
e. Select Display acknowledgee name fields as two fields (first/last name) to create separate name
fields for the acknowledgee. When a donor selects Mail a letter on my behalf on the donation
form, the First name and Last name fields appear, so the donor can enter a specific acknowledgee.
Note: If you do not select Display acknowledgee name fields as two fields (first/last name), the Full name
field appears on the donation form when a donor selects Mail a letter on my behalf.
Note: When you include tribute information on your donor page, Mail a letter on my behalf automatically
appears on the page. When a donor selects this checkbox, name and address fields appear for the donor to
enter information for use in a tribute letter.
9. Under Designations, click Add Designation to choose each fund donors can associate with gifts. The
Fund Search screen appears.
a. After you select a fund, in the Display Name field, enter the name of the fund to appear on the
b. Select the Default checkbox for the fund to apply gifts to if donors do not select funds.
To provide multiple funds for users to select from, click Add designation and repeat these steps to
create another entry. When you do this, the Support multiple designations checkbox appears.
c. To allow users to write in funds other than those provided, select Allow other designation.
d. To include in the list the funds the donor has previously contributed to, select Include donor’s prior
gift designations.
If you select this checkbox, the list displays funds from the donor’s last 50 gifts.
e. To allow users to donate to multiple funds, select Support multiple designations.
When you select this checkbox, Add to Cart appears on your website. Similar to purchasing items
from a store, users select the funds to donate to.
10. In the Giving Levels frame, you can select suggested giving levels donors view on the personal page. Click
Add Giving Level to add a giving level to the grid. In the Display Name column, enter a name for the
giving level to appear on the personal page. In the Amount column, enter the suggested amount. If you
select Allow Other amount, donors can enter an amount other than the suggested amounts.
11. To select a giving level for your donors, click Add Giving Level under Giving Levels.
When you include giving levels and select Support multiple designations, each donation made to a fund
is considered for the giving level. For example, if a $500 donation is required for Gold status, and a donor
donates $250 to the 2008 Annual Fund and $250 to the Building Equipment Fund, the donor does not
receive Gold status. If the gift is one $500 donation to the 2008 Annual Fund, the donor receives the Gold
giving level status.
a. In the Display Name field, enter the name of the giving level as it will appear on the website.
b. In the Amount field, enter the gift amount for the giving level. You can enter the start amount or
both the start and end amounts.
c. To include a blank $ Other field on the Donation page, select Allow other amount.
12. To select an appeal for the gift, click Add source under Sources. With this information, your organization
can manage how donors learn about donating through the website.
a. To include an appeal, click Select Appeal in the Appeal column. The Appeal Search screen appears.
Tip: When you select source information, a How did you hear about our site field appears on the donation
page. In this field, users can select from the appeals you select in this step.
b. In the Display name field, enter the name of the appeal to appear on the website.
c. In the Default column, select the checkbox for the appeal to use when the user does not select an
d. To hide an appeal from the How did you hear about our site field, clear the checkbox for the appeal
in the Display column.
When you do this, you can add source information to the end of a system generated URL in an email
that navigates the recipient to your donation page. For example, create a link to your donation page
in an email message. At the end of the system generated URL, add &source=camp. When the
recipient clicks the link, the How did you hear about our site field does not appear on the page. The
appeal stores automatically based on the source information in the URL.
Warning: To track source information this way, you must use a system generated URL. You cannot use unique
URLs or friendly URLs created by a user.
The source information must include the appeal ID from The Raiser's Edge. For example, if the
appeal ID in The Raiser's Edge is Annual2008, add &source=Annual2008 to the end of the system
generated URL. If the appeal ID includes a space, replace the space with a %20. For example, if the
appeal ID is CAMP LETTER add &source=CAMP%20LETTER.
If the Display checkbox is selected for the appeal and a user navigates to the donation page via a
URL without source information, the How did you hear about our site field appears on the page.
e. To require users to select a source, select Source is a required field. If you select this checkbox, you
must select the Show In List checkbox for at least one appeal.
To add additional appeals, click Add source. Another row appears in the grid for you to select
another appeal.
f. Under Required Fields, select the checkbox for each donor field to make required on the donation
form. To ensure you download the necessary constituent information into The Raiser's Edge, we
recommend that you make all these fields required.
g. Under Required Fields, select the checkbox for each donor field to make required on the donation
form. To ensure you download the necessary constituent information into The Raiser's Edge, we
recommend that you make all these fields required.
h. Under Attributes, select gift attributes to associate with the donation page.
Tip: The gift attributes that appear in this frame are created in The Raiser's Edge. After you process a donation
transaction, the attributes you select appear on the Attributes tab of a gift record.
Tip: The gift attributes that appear in this frame are created in Administration in the Manage attribute
categories task. After you process a donation transaction, the attributes you select appear on the Attributes
tab of a revenue record.
13. In the Display column, select the checkbox beside the gift attribute to associate with the part. To make
the attributes required, select the checkbox in the Required column. To change the text of the attribute
on the donation page, enter the text to display in the Caption field.
14. Under Payment Setup, select the payment options for website users.
15. Under Confirmation Screen, select options for the donation summary that appears after a user submits
a donation.
a. To use the program’s default confirmation screen, select Use default confirmation screen.
b. To customize a confirmation screen, select Use custom confirmation screen. The HTML editor
appears. The program’s default confirmation screen appears in the HTML editor for you to
customize according to your needs.
In the box, edit the content to appear for the donation summary. To format the content’s
appearance and layout, use the HTML editor toolbar. To include personalized information, use
merge fields. For more information, see the Program Basics Guide.
Tip: Customizations for the confirmation screen remain even if you select Use default confirmation screen. To
remove your customizations for the screen, select Use custom confirmation screen and click Load
Confirmation Template. The program’s default confirmation screen appears in the HTML editor for you to
customize again.
16. In the Merchant Account field, select the merchant account to use to process credit card transactions
received through the donation form, such as your organization’s IATS account. The system
administrator sets up merchant accounts in Administration. For more information, see the
Administration Guide.
17. Under Payment Methods, select the payment types donors can use to contribute to your organization.
18. To associate an eCard with the donation web page, select Include eCards under eCard Options. For
more information about eCards, see the Parts Guide.
} Step 7: Configure Emails
On this screen, you create email messages. You can use the default text provided or enter different text. For
information about how to create an email, see the Email Guide.
1. Click Welcome Email to create an email to send to personal page owners who create pages.
2. Click Forgotten Password/User ID Email to create an email to send to page owners who forget their
passwords or user ID.
3. Click Donation Acknowledgement to create an email to send to donors after they make a donation on a
personal page. The Acknowledgement Email screen appears.
4. If Include eCards is selected on the Donation Form (Optional) screen, the eCards Email button appears
for you to create and design an eCard for donations.
5. If receipt stack and number information exists for eReceipts on the Settings tab in Sites & settings, the
Configure eReceipts button appears for you to create and design an eReceipt for donations. For more
information, see Design eReceipts for a Personal Page Manager part on page 21.
Note: When you create and save emails on this step, these email tasks appear as buttons on the action bar. To
edit an email, click the button for that email.
6. Click Save. You return to Parts.
} Design eReceipts for a Personal Page Manager part
After you create and design the eReceipt, a Click here to view your eReceipt link appears at the bottom of the
donation confirmation screen. To view and print a pdf of the eReceipt, donors click this link.
1. From the Parts screen, select the part for which you want to design an eReceipt.
2. In the Action column, click Click here to edit this part. The Edit Part screen appears displaying the
Design tab.
3. Click eReceipt. The eReceipt design screen appears.
Note: To create eReceipts, you must establish the receipt stack and number information in Sites & settings. For
more information, see the Administration Guide.
4. In the eReceipt Options frame, select whether to create an eReceipt for a Credit card or Debit card. You
can create the eReceipt for both payment methods.
5. To mark the gift as receipted when you download it to The Raiser's Edge, select the Mark gift as
receipted in The Raiser's Edge checkbox.
When you select this checkbox, the receipt stack and receipt number from Blackbaud NetCommunity
default in the Receipt Stack and Receipt no. fields on the gift record in The Raiser's Edge. Also, the URL
for a copy of the eReceipt pdf defaults as a gift attribute.
Warning: If you use the Canadian version of The Raiser's Edge, the Receipt Stack field appears on the gift
record. If you use the U.S. version of The Raiser's Edge, the receipt stack data does not appear on the gift
Warning: The program does not create a receipt number unless you include the eReceipt Number or eReceipt
Download URL merge fields when you include eReceipt information in the acknowledgement.
6. In the eReceipt Content frame, enter the text to appear on the eReceipt. If you include the eReceipt
Number field, the eReceipt contains the receipt number for the donation. To format the appearance and
layout, use the HTML editor. For information about the HTML editor, see the Program Basics Guide.
7. To preview the eReceipt, click Preview PDF.
8. To save the eReceipt, click Save. You return to the Edit Part screen.
9. Click Save. You return to Parts.
Add Help Content for Personal Pages
On the Helplets tab, you can add custom text to help users understand how to use certain features in the
Personal Page Manager part. For example, you can provide instructions for the Login screen or for the various
Dashboard buttons.
To create help text, select the Helplets tab. In the Screen field, select a screen and enter your text in the box. For
more information about the Helplets tab on the Edit Part screen, see the Parts Guide.