Bridge Data File Protocols
for Interoperability and Life Cycle Management
Volume I:
Implementation Roadmap
for Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM)
Data Exchange Protocols
FHWA Cooperative Agreement DTFH61-11-H-0027
Advancing Steel and Concrete Bridge Technology
to Improve Infrastructure Performance
August 2013
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the
interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information
contained in this document.
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’ names
appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
August 2013
Bridge Data File Protocols for Interoperability and Life Cycle Management
Volume I: Implementation Roadmap for Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) Data Exchange
6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.
Chen, S. S.; Shirolé, A. M.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.
The Research Foundation for the State University of New York on behalf of
Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering,
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Ketter Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
11. Contract or Grant No.
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Infrastructure Bridges and Structures
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
Work funded by Cooperative Agreement “Advancing Steel and Concrete Bridge Technology to Improve Infrastructure Performance
between FHWA and Lehigh University.
16. Abstract
A national level, multi-year implementation roadmap for moving the industry towards bridge information modeling (BrIM) - based project
delivery and life cycle management. This roadmap identifies and recommends steps and procedures deemed necessary to facilitate the
adoption and use of the developed bridge data exchange protocols. The roadmap is intended to define a strategic plan for establishment and
deployment of these protocols as a national standard for data exchange in the bridge industry, both during the execution of the current task
and into the future. The objective of this roadmap is to identify specific steps and corresponding timetables for further developing, educating,
implementing, and deploying bridge data exchange protocols.
17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement
roadmap, lifecycle management, BrIM, modeling, bridge, No restrictions. This document is available to the public online and through
process map the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.
9. Security Classif. (of this 20. Security Classif. (of this 21. No of Pages 22. Price
report) page)
Unclassified Unclassified
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1. Executive Summary / Abstract .......................................................................................................... 1
2. Background (Context) ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 How We Got Here ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Current Status ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Trends (Where Things Are Going) .............................................................................................. 4
3. Vision .................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Bridge Lifecycle (Enterprise) Process Map ...................................................................................... 7
5. Selected Developments in Related Fields ........................................................................................ 11
6. Assumptions ....................................................................................................................................... 13
7. Implementation Roadmap: Overview ............................................................................................. 15
7.1 Conceptual Framework: The Roberts Model ............................................................................. 15
7.2 Stakeholder Analysis ................................................................................................................. 17
8. Implementation Roadmap: Bottom-Up and Top-Down (The Roadmap to the Roadmap) ........ 19
9. Implementation Roadmap: Shorter-Term (next 12 months) ........................................................ 21
10. Implementation Roadmap: Intermediate-Term (12 months – 5 years) ....................................... 25
11. Implementation Roadmap: Longer-Term (5+ years) .................................................................... 27
12. Summary and Recommendations .................................................................................................... 29
13. Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................ 31
14. Selected References ........................................................................................................................... 33
Appendix A BrIM Task Force (Proposed) ............................................................................................. 37
Appendix B BIM/BrIM ROI Analysis Considerations ......................................................................... 39
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1. Executive Summary / Abstract
Without industry standards for BrIM (Bridge Information Modeling) data exchange, there is no common
tool to coordinate the various phases of a bridge design and construction project and on into the ongoing
maintenance and operation associated with its asset management. What is needed is cradle-to-grave data
sharing via such data exchange. OpenBrIM standards for electronic exchange of steel and concrete
bridge data are being developed in Task 12 of the Federal Highway Administration’s Cooperative
Agreement No. DTFH61-11-RA-00010. A Multi-Year Implementation Roadmap is considered necessary
in order to facilitate timely acceptance of these data exchange standards among bridge industry
stakeholders and overall successful implementation in the bridge practice. Adherence to such a Roadmap
will help maximize the probability of the data exchange protocols developed by the Task 12 work to
result in more widespread deployment than would otherwise be the case.
A national level, multi-year implementation roadmap for moving the industry towards bridge information
modeling (BrIM) - based project delivery and life cycle management is proposed herein. Both top-down
(e.g., policy/program-driven) and bottom-up (e.g., authorizing environment / stakeholder influenced)
aspects are addressed. The bottom-up aspects are intended to recognize and define inclusion of specific
data exchange needs at operational/ practitioner levels. The top-down aspects are intended to recognize
and encourage economies of scale resulting from widespread adoption and the policy/standards
mechanisms that may be applicable. Organizational capacity constrains both top-down and bottom-up
aspects to varying extents; a Task Force is proposed to generate recommendations regarding openBrIM
standards deployment. This roadmap identifies and recommends steps and procedures deemed necessary
to facilitate the adoption and use of the developed bridge data exchange protocols. The roadmap is
intended to define a strategic plan for establishment and deployment of these protocols as a national
standard for data exchange in the bridge industry, both during the execution of the current task and into
the future.
The objective of this roadmap is to identify specific steps and corresponding timetables for further
developing, educating, implementing, and deploying bridge data exchange protocols. Ultimately, what is
affected is how an entire industry conducts business. Real - world industry transformation does not
simply happen with the flip of a switch, especially when public agencies shielded from competitive
pressures are involved. Thus, an evolutionary rather than revolutionary change process is proposed. The
planning horizon for such an evolutionary change is presented in three consequent phases: shorter-term
(approximately the next 12 months), intermediate- term (approximately 12 months to 5 years), and
longer-term (5+ years). The conceptual framework used in the development of this roadmap is based on
the proven Roberts Leadership and Management Model (Larson 2004) named after its creator, Professor
Marc Roberts of Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
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2. Background (Context)
2.1 How We Got Here
In the beginning were master builders. Art, architecture, planning, design, and construction were all under
the control and direction of the master builder. Optimal coordination results with appropriate construction
technology can produce accelerated construction schedules. Even into the early 20th century after the
master builder era, monumental structures such as the Empire State building and Hoover Dam were
constructed very quickly (1930’s).
The 19th and 20th centuries brought specializations, requiring more documentation and leading to
fragmentation (a.k.a. “stovepipes”) and a mushrooming body of construction law regulating it all, in a
society founded on an increasing abundance of government - enacted laws.
A corollary effect of the complexities of some of the laws has been increased concerns about liability that
too often stifle process innovations and integration.
Advances of the past few decades, in automation and information technologies, have brought
computerization of previous manual workflows primarily as “stove piped” applications. These stovepipe
type applications, using software developer companies’ proprietary formats, until perhaps very recently,
have been driven by their business models intended to foster their clients dependence on them and their
2.2 Current Status
In many areas of the bridge enterprise, there is increasing recognition of inherent inefficiencies imposed
by traditional stovepiped applications. It is also being recognized that better utilization of the galloping
advances in information and communication technologies will lead to increased efficiencies even when
targeted only to portions of the overall enterprise.
In the post interstate highway construction era we are in, infrastructure managers are experiencing
increasing pressures to do more with less. Such pressures impose new demands on public agencies,
demands that are similar in some ways to those already familiar to the private sector. A prior study
(Chen 2009; Shirolé et al., 2009) demonstrated the feasibility of a comprehensive integration of the entire
bridge lifecycle along with the need and opportunity for developing BrIM data exchange standards to
facilitate that integration.
An obstacle arising in this environment is the “legacy” not only legacy data formats associated with
legacy stovepiped software and legacy databases but also legacy institutions. Various professional,
industry, and trade associations sprung up pre-computerization to protect the interests of their
constituents. They are still there, along with IT-oriented ones of more recent vintage such as the
buildingSMART alliance (2013). We are arguably stuck with the institutional constraints of a bygone
era. An unfortunate result is an all-too-fragmented process of project delivery and asset/operations/life
cycle management that “hiccups at what are often called “pain points.”
On the legal front (e.g., Thomas and McDaniel 2013), increasing “audit trail” regulatory requirements
create a legal impetus to implement integrative (BIM/BrIM, etc.) technologies since such technologies,
properly planned/designed/configured and implemented, could produce such audit trails with the click of
a button , as a byproduct of the data already managed by these technologies. This legal impetus,
however, is still in flux with the liability concerns that dis- incentivize the sharing of electronic data
among different project stakeholders.
2.3 Trends (Where Things Are Going)
The pressure to do more with less is intensifying. This situation should be regarded as providing further
incentives to confront, overcome, and eliminate the inefficiencies of the legacy bygone era. Every Day
Counts (EDC-2, 2012) initiatives continue, albeit still typically in a piecemeal fashion. The business
model of many technology companies, however, is changing to be more supportive of integrative
approaches. This is a positive development.
The bridge industry, fortunately, is not alone. Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) in other sectors of the
transportation and construction industry, manufacturing integration, ISO15926 (ISO 2013) for capital
facilities industry, shipbuilding, aerospace and automotive industries (etc.) come to mind. Thus, although
the bridge industry may not have sufficient critical mass (in the overall engine of economic growth), it
can leverage its interests via the forging of appropriate strategic partnerships with companion efforts that
are concurrently developing or enhancing standards for digital information exchange throughout the
supply chain of constructing and operating/maintaining the built environment. These strategic
partnerships exploit mutual interests in the construction and operation of civil infrastructure and the
(increasingly digital and increasingly sophisticated) data underpinning it all.
Examples of such a strategic partnership are the ones currently operating between AISC and FIATECH
on digital exchange standards for fabrication of steel building components and systems, and between the
buildingSMART Alliance and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGS) on digital exchange standards for
terrain and associated information (e.g., alignments). In the bridge arena, other partnerships one can
envision include emerging technology laws, progressive owners, innovative contractors, and current
MAP-21 subsidies for the learning curve involved in initial deployment of advanced technology and
software. As such, partnerships demonstrate progress, one can envision related partnerships influencing
future MAP-21 extensions to continue and adapt and refocus such subsidies as appropriate.
The hope is that the aforementioned “pain points” will be eliminated by this roadmap implementation
to the benefit of all involved, including the overall engine of economic growth.
3. Vision
We envision a future where there are widely accepted national BrIM data exchange standards that
accomplish for bridge industry stakeholders what .CSV files accomplish for spreadsheet software users
and what .PDF and .DXF files accomplish for word processing and CAD software users. To and from
these standards, commercial bridge software applications can export and import; the standards are vendor-
supported but not vendor-driven. These credible, robust, and adaptable standards have the endorsement
of the federal government and other governing bodies. Project receipts and deliverables can and should be
digital rather than paper-based. Visualization and 3D/4D/5D based engineering and construction
planning and scheduling are easily achieved. Digital files and protocols originating as bridge “birth
certificates” support ongoing asset management activities (inspection, load rating, permitting and
routing/network analysis, programming rehabilitation), etc. Futuristic developments such as virtual
reality, AI, performance monitoring and rapid post-event assessment become supportable.
Time otherwise lost in manual transcription and re-entry of data (along with errors thereby introduced) is
eliminated. “Cradle-to-grave” data sharing/re-use is accomplished throughout the entire bridge lifecycle,
reducing RFI’s (Request for Information) and rework, integrating the supply chain and speeding
construction, and improving construction quality and lifecycle management. This vision involves
implementing in practical use information technology (IT) interoperability throughout the entire bridge
lifecycle. It is hoped that this roadmap will also serve as either an exemplary model or as an integral part
of the larger CIM (Civil Integrated Management) umbrella within which bridges are, after all, only a
relatively small part.
It may be noted that such full integration will require all databases carefully consistently and accurately
geo-referenced and coordinated. Without such coordination, e.g., such BIM/BrIM benefits as clash
detection between bridges and non-bridge systems (e.g., utility lines) will not be possible.
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4. Bridge Lifecycle (Enterprise) Process Map
To develop a robust BrIM implementation roadmap, we must first characterize the current process for
bridge project development and life cycle management. This includes all of the relevant stakeholders and
the exchanges of information that occur in practice. The increasingly popular process-mapping notation
(Eastman et al. 2011) is used to depict the bridge design-and-construction and asset management
enterprise and constitutes the key point of reference for articulating and “fleshing out” the vision of
significantly streamlined and improved IT enabled means of managing that enterprise. Figure 1 shows
a portion of this process map.
Figure 1. Portion of Bridge Enterprise Process Map (Chen et al. 2013)
In this process map notation:
The horizontal headings along the top of the figure label bridge life stages, working from left
to right. In addition to the stages shown in Figure 1 (Initiation, Scoping, Preliminary Design
and Final Design) are the following:
o Bidding and Letting (BL),
o Post-Award / Pre-Construction Planning / Detailing (CD),
o Fabrication (F),
o Construction (C),
o Inspection and Evaluation (IE), and
o Maintenance and Management (MM).
The vertical headings along the left side of the figure label bridge disciplines, working from
upper to lower. In addition to the disciplines shown in Figure 1 (Transportation Engineering,
Planning/Aesthetics/Landscaping, Structural Engineering) are the following:
o Detailing (D),
o Estimating (E),
o Construction Management (CM),
o Fabrication (F),
o Construction Engineering (CE),
o Inspection (I),
o Load Rating (LR),
o Routing and Permitting (RP), and
o Maintenance and Management (MM).
In between discipline rows are model based data exchanges (a.k.a. “Exchange Models”)
shown in green and other (non-model based) exchanges shown in yellow.
Each discipline constitutes a stakeholder regarding each Exchange Model (EM) with which that discipline
interacts. Thus, e.g., in the Final Design (FD) stage in Figure 1, Highway Designers (Transportation
Engineering = TE) and Bridge Designers (Structural Engineering = SE) are stakeholders regarding the
roadway geometry Exchange Model (EM.FD/TE-SE). Table 1 shows the horizontal alignment subset of
this EM in the right column compared to the horizontal alignment parameters used in LandXML and
actual contract plans. Derived datain the table means the parameter can be derived from other
parameters using a mathematical formula. For example, end station is equal to the StartSta (start station)
plus Length. From the comparison, it is evident that the OpenBrIM schema using parametric modeling
requires less data to achieve unambiguous accurate alignment geometry in support of interoperability.
This process map is a means to identify the needs for successful and timely implementation of
interoperability which is defined as the ability to manage and communicate bridge asset related
information/ data between bridge industry stakeholders interested in planning, design, construction and
bridge life cycle management. Many manufacturing sectors, such as automotive and aerospace industry
have been in the process of harnessing information and other emerging technologies to increase the
efficiency of their design and manufacturing processes. Development of domain data dictionaries (e.g.,
ASME, ASHRAE) is an important step in this process. Similar efficiency improvements in bridge
industry practices that leverage information and automation technologies and enable interoperability have
the potential to accomplish cost- effective life cycle management under ever present funding constraints.
While further enhancements and refinements may be anticipated to the bridge lifecycle process map, it is
assumed herein to provide a working point of reference for the discussion of roadmap to implementation.
What is to be implemented (main and tertiary)
Where that implementation “fits” in the bridge lifecycle
Table 1. Horizontal Alignment Portion of Roadway Geometry Exchange Model
LandXML (2013) Contract Plans
(Chen et al. 2013)
Horizontal alignment Horizontal alignment
Line Straight line
Length Start station, end station
StartSta, Length
dir(ection) Azimuth
(start and end) easting, northing N/A Derived data
Spiral (clothoid) Spiral
Start station, end station, length
(1+049.139, 1+112.140,
63 0 )
Azimuth (241
Derived data
radiusStart, radiusEnd Infinite, R (230.0 m) Derived data
theta, totalY, totalX, tanLong,
N/A Derived data
(start, PI, end) easting, northing N/A Derived data
Curve (arc) Circular curve Circular (curve)
Start station, end station, length
(1+112.140, 1+480.028, 367.888 m)
Radius R (230.0 m) Radius
dirStart, dirEnd N/A Derived data
chord, delta, external, midOrd,
N/A Derived data
(start, center, end and PI)
easting, northing
N/A Derived data
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5. Selected Developments in Related Fields
As mentioned earlier, precedent developments and strategic partnerships should be investigated to derive
lessons learned and leverage mutual interests in the development and promulgation and implementation
of digital data exchange standards for the built environment. Among such developments and potential
strategic partners are the following:
Infrastructure (e.g., IFC-Infra, buildingSMART)
Steel structures (e.g., AISC, FIATECH & ISO 15926)
Concrete structures (e.g., ACI for cast-in-place, PCI for precast/prestressed, PTI for post-
tensioned, nuclear for their audit trail requirements)
Geotech (e.g., gINT, DIGGS (Hoit et al. 2012))
AASHTO (e.g., TCEED, transXML/NCHRP 20-94, NCHRP 20-83(03), etc.)
Manufacturing (e.g., NIST initiatives, etc.)
Electric Power Plants (e.g., EPRI, etc.)
Emerging Technology Law (e.g., AIA and ConsensusDocs BIM Addenda, 2008; Thomas and
McDaniel 2013)
Application software consortia (existing and/or perhaps yet to be constituted)
buildingSMART for IFC (Palzar & Turk 2008) based exchange standards
National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)
National BIM Standard (NBIMS)
Other national BIM Standards (and lessons learned therefrom), e.g., HMG’s, Korea’s,
Singapore’s (BCA 2012)
other existing and emerging exchange standards (e.g., COBie, SPie, BIMSie, BPie, ELie,
LCie, QTie, WALLie, etc.)
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6. Assumptions
Principal assumptions inherent in the writers’ thinking as expressed in this paper are in dual areas
(technical and organizational), as follows:
o A neutral file format (e.g., IFC, XML) is desirable as a basis for facilitating
interoperability. Note that underlying this assumption is that data exchanges are at the
client-to-client application level, in contrast to server-based approaches.
o Software (and related technology) solution providers continue current positive trends
away from their traditional business model and in the direction of support for
integrative technologies increasingly demanded by their clients.
o Data quality specs will become an increasingly important category of specifications
for appropriate quality standards-shepherding bodies (or consortia of such bodies!?) to
oversee and facilitate, perhaps via rigorous testing protocols.
o Subschema of shareable (needing to be shared) data, residing in what appears to the
user as a single data repository for “workhorse” steel and concrete bridges, provides a
suitable basis for further extensions.
o Most existing institutions and organizations continue, thus providing a reasonably
understood and defined framework for the organizational capacity and authorizing
environment needed to implement the integrated process vision. Such organizations
include, e.g., DOTs, AASHTO (including ASIS as well as SCOH and HSCOBS and
its technical committees), ACI, AISC, ASTM, NCBC, NSBA, PCI, PTI, etc., as well
as technology-oriented ones of more recent vintage such as IHEEP, FIATECH, the
buildingSMART alliance, OGS, etc.
o Return on Investment (ROI) (documentation of quantified benefits and emerging “best
practices,” including in related fields), is highly desirable. See Appendix B, McGraw-
Hill (2012) and Giel and Issa (2013) for further thoughts on quantitative
documentation of benefits and ROI.
o Top-down initiatives and mandates can be expected to continue to increase the
pressure on bridge-owning agencies to implement improved efficiencies (“do more
with less”), e.g.,
Via MAP-21, wherein the US Secretary of Transportation is required to
promote and encourage the use of advanced digital models in all federal- aid
transportation construction projects,
Via the Executive Order Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and
Review of Infrastructure Projects (White House 2012, Report 2013),
Via the “Open Data” Executive Order (White House 2013), and
o The data exchange development efforts of openINFRA, PCI, and ACI and perhaps
AISC continue to occur sufficiently concurrently with Task 12 work as to provide
reasonable collaboration opportunities.
Benefits of improved interoperability throughout the bridge lifecycle can be summarized in the following
Tangible Benefits:
o Reduced errors
o Faster project delivery
o cost savings
Intangible Benefits:
o Process and work-flow re-engineering
o supply-chain integration
o risk management and claims mitigation
Quasi-tangible Benefits:
o Improved data availability
o complete audit trail
o reduced data entry and improved information management
o reduced rework
o improved timely design and construction decision making
o improved quality of construction
Since the current rapidly changing landscape (increasingly digitally connected and even increasingly
cloud-dependent) is occurring in an environment with many pre-IT institutions continuing to wield major
influence, realignments/refocusing and formation of strategic alliances and the skills needed to facilitate
them will be required to occur to perhaps an unprecedented degree.
7. Implementation Roadmap: Overview
7.1 Conceptual Framework: The Roberts Model
What we are talking about is nothing less than a significant transformation of how an entire industry
(bridge design, construction and life cycle management) conducts its business.
Fundamentally, the means by which engineers handle information and interact with computer software
tools and communicate with each other are changed. This transformation involves a fundamental change
through the adoption of state-of-the-art information technologies including the implementation of real-
time data and stakeholder service applications, changes in information access and use of policies, and the
application of enhanced asset management. A range of recent and emerging state-of-art technologies have
the potential to transform the efficiency, effectiveness, reliability, cost-effective life cycle management of
bridge network forever. Therefore, accomplishing such a transformation will require strategic planning by
owning agencies that delivers on its promises. Such delivery will in turn will require that the strategic
planning exercise is followed by strategic leadership and strategic management. The Roberts model is
recommended herein as an approach to implement this follow-up and thus bring the strategic planning
exercise to fruition.
Larson (2004) summarizes the Roberts Management and Leadership model in terms of Figure 2. In this
figure, there are three overlapping circles:
Authorizing Environment, and
Organizational Capacity
gure 2. The Roberts Model
The Vision being cast here can be met starting with the bridge lifecycle Process Map (Figure 1) fully
digitized in practice, with data exchanges occurring transparent to users as facilitated by Task 12 data
exchange standards (or derivatives therefrom) implemented in the software used by the various
stakeholders. Those data exchanges occur via import or export of data from or to upstream or downstream
(software applications used by) stakeholders and project stages as the bridge project in question evolves.
Furthermore, the bridge data model evolved thereby provides the basis for ongoing “cradle-to-grave”
management of bridge assets and inventories. The Process Map is thus the first step to accomplish the
The Authorizing Environment permits an enterprise to function and progress. It includes the family of
stakeholders, not necessarily limited to the project disciplines appearing in the Process Map. (If other
disciplines play a significant role, however, it could be appropriate to revise the Process Map to include
them!) Techniques to ascertain the desires and requirements of stakeholders include: focus groups,
surveys by a variety of means, visits by enterprise leaders, and regular contact with stakeholders including
industry associations and software solutions providers. Stakeholder categories appear along both axes of
the Process Map as well as in the various institutions and organizations (e.g., AGC, NSBA, NCBC,
DBIA, etc.) with which they are involved.
The Organizational Capacity refers to organization’s ability to do the job, measure up to the vision and
satisfy critical stakeholder needs. In our context, we are referring to the “industry” as a whole. This is
where leaders enter the picture and their ability, as a group, to meet the demands of a clear and well-
articulated vision and the needs of expectant stakeholders who would be impacted by it. It is this
organizational capacity that will determine the success or failure of the envisioned objective. The Task
Force recommended herein (see Appendix A) is the crucial means of assessing and adjusting the limits of
organizational capacity to facilitate openBrIM implementation.
Where the circles depicting the Vision, Authorizing Environment and Organizational capacity
coalesce/overlap represents the Working Space. Activities undertaken within this working space satisfy
the requirements of the Vision, Authorizing Environment and Organizational Capacity; thereby assuring
successful accomplishment of the original objective or the Vision.
The confluence of the three is a relatively small working space within which “good things can be
expected to happen” as shown in Figure 2. All three are needed; none of the three can be ignored. That
working space can be enlarged somewhat via adjustments to any of the 3 circles. But such adjustments
require changes in people, positions, budgets, opportunities, or (perhaps most threatening of all) culture.
As Larson states, when changes have an impact on organizational culture, “the situation becomes a litmus
test for success in leadership and management.” It is suggested that sustained leadership better than that
applied in the metrication initiative will be needed. Additional suggestions considered relevant from
Project Delivery Best Practices (Warne et al. 2009) include the following:
"Investment in GIS and data management tools for project delivery"
"The best systems were composed of cohesive, multidisciplinary teams that communicated
well among themselves."
Stakeholders’ "roles and responsibilities must be clearly understood."
"Successful systems provided for effective hand offs from one division or discipline to
another and from one work phase to another," and
"The silo effect between functional or operational units was completely or nearly completely
absent. Leadership’s role in removing these barriers was evident."
Table 2 lists examples of each (Vision, Authorizing Environment, and Organizational Capacity).
Table 2
. Examples of Roberts Model Elements
(see Figure 1): As a result of BrIM-standards based project execution and life cycle
management being implemented, owners dealing with construction claims could
quickly access the searchable electronic “audit trail” that is a byproduct of BrIM
enabled processes to quickly assess the merits of claims just as easily as a contractor
with suitable access to model data can interrogate it instead of issuing RFI’s.
Increasing interconnectedness of pieces of the workflow is increasingly realized by
software translators, and the integrative Vision embraced by various stakeholders
(owners, designers, contractors, etc.) in the bridge lifecycle in a given owner’s
In an owning agency organization and the consulting firms serving them, long
standing animosities between previously separated highway design and bridge
design squads reduce over time; CAD technicians and bridge engineers re- tool to
productively use 3D modeling tools, possibly partially subsidized using MAP-21
funds incentivizing deployment of ABC technologies.
Working Space
Progressive leaders clearly understand and champion the vision throughout the
organization in an energetic and sustained manner to facilitate the migration from
initially non-interoperating software operated by a not-fully- IT-savvy workforce to
collaboratively influence that agency’s next-gen CAD standards and associated
workflows to implement openBrIM data exchange standards (or suitable
derivative(s) thereof)
7.2 Stakeholder Analysis
As stated earlier, with reference to the Process Map, each discipline constitutes a stakeholder regarding
each Exchange Model (EM) with which that discipline interacts. For convenience herein, the discipline
stakeholder label identifies such stakeholder groups (e.g., detailers, fabricators, etc.). Such stakeholders
involved in openBrIM vetting are ideally collaborative and articulate in addition to their discipline
competence. Legacy subject matter/industry/trade associations (e.g., AISC, ACI, TRB/AASHTO)
typically group several of these disciplines that are common to a particular industry (e.g., fabricated
structural steel, cast-in-place concrete construction, transportation related) along with design and
construction standards (and their committees) geared to that particular industry.
TRB/AASHTO is herein considered a special case (of stakeholder category). Although AASHTO’s
HSCOBS should take the lead promoting openBrIM, as a legacy institution AASHTO poses several
nontrivial challenges regarding the promulgation and shepherding of data exchange standards for
highway and heavy construction infrastructure of which bridges constitute only one part. AASHTO’s
cross-cutting Technical Council on Electronic Engineering Data (TCEED) should be involved, as should
its subcommittees on Information Systems (ASIS), Materials, and Construction (the latter of which in
turn has potentially relevant sections on Contract Administration, Roadways and Structures, Computers
and Technology, and Environmental and Human Resources).
Software (or Technology) Solution Providers provide another distinct category of stakeholder group
but it encompasses each discipline group that uses application software. Toll authorities and local, state,
and federal governments (owners and their various agencies relevant to the bridge industry) provide yet
another category of stakeholder group; this one has most if not all of the asset management
Complicating a stakeholder analysis is the fact that these groups are not mutually exclusive. Further
complicating this analysis is the fact that relevant data exchange standards development committees (a
distinct stakeholder category!) have significantly different dependencies on subject matter loyalties (e.g.,
the ACI and PCI BIM Committees geared toward concrete construction and the AISC Technology
Integration Committee and NSBA TG-15 Data Modeling for Interoperability Task Group toward steel
construction, but the buildingSMART alliance quite properly not favoring either).
The openBrIM implementation roadmap must somehow navigate through this multifaceted mosaic. For
our purposes, the Subject/Trade Association category is considered subsumed by either the Discipline
stakeholder category or the Data Exchange Standards Committee stakeholder category. Thus, for
purposes of articulating a targeted strategy, subsequent discussion of the implementation roadmap is in
terms of the following five stakeholder categories:
Data Exchange Standards Committee, and
Software/Technology Solutions Provider (a.k.a. “vendor”).
8. Implementation Roadmap: Bottom-Up and Top-Down (The Roadmap to the
Table 3 provides a “roadmap to the roadmap of recommended activities classified in terms of the
stakeholder categories outlined above, whether those activities are primarily “bottom-up” or “top-down”
or somewhere in-between (and hence Task Force relevant), and into which time frame (short-,
intermediate-, or long-term) those activities should occur. The “bottom-up” aspects are considered
mainly in the “Authorizing Environment” of the Roberts model, while the “top-down” aspects are
considered mainly in the “Vision” portion of the Roberts model. Policy mechanisms are included along
in the top-down column. The region in-between “bottom-up” and “top-down” is considered the principal
domain of the Task Force (Appendix A) and of the “Organizational Capacity” portion of the Roberts
model; the Task Force can be sufficiently influential to shape the culture and not just be constrained by it.
The activity identifiers in Table 3 are cross-referenced to the descriptions that follow. Each such activity
appears at least once in the table. The description IDs are prefaced with “ST,” “IT,” and “LT” to denote
whether they are Shorter-Term, Intermediate-Term, or Longer-Term, respectively. In the Longer-Term,
the Task Force will hopefully have worked itself out of a job and replaced by a suitable consortium.
Table 3. Implementation Roadmap Activities
Roberts Model Element
Authorizing Environment
Roberts Model Element
Organizational Capacity
Task Force
Roberts Model Element
Vision (and Policy
Owner ST3; IT1d,e; LT1 ST1k; ST2; IT2; IT3d
ST2; IT1e; IT2; IT5;
ST1a-j; ST3; ST5; IT3c;
IT4a; LT2a,b; LT6d
ST3b; IT1f none
ST3a; IT1c; IT6; LT4;
ST4a,b; IT3b,c; LT2d;
Data Exchange
4; ST1h,I; IT4b,c;
ST4a-d; IT1a,f,g
ST4c; IT3a; IT4b,c;
Solution Provider
ST1a3; ST1c; ST5;
IT1b1; LT2c, LT6b; LT7
IT1b2 none
(intentionally left blank)
9. Implementation Roadmap: Shorter-Term (next 12 months)
In the shorter-term, each stakeholder category should be engaged in influencing the development of the
exchange standards themselves. Commercial technology solution providers are one of these. As one
such provider has stated,
“If there were a public-domain non-proprietary industry-wide standard for the electronic exchange of
bridge data, we would gladly write a translator for it.”
Development Director for a leading commercial bridge software solution provider (2005). The
increasing willingness of such providers to participate in moving away from their traditional business
models to embrace integrative solution efforts should be further encouraged and utilized.
At the same time, human nature resists change. “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion
still.” - Benjamin Franklin (d. 1790). Training opportunities, documented case study examples of
advantages and corresponding quantitative ROI will also be important.
As various sectors of the larger constructed facilities area (CIM) increasingly realize that similar shared
issues and challenges are arising in their various (previously stovepiped!) communities, “In a multitude of
counselors is victory.” (Ancient proverb). Economies of scale may be anticipated as not only entire
supply chains are integrated for particular systems (e.g., bridges) but also inter-related electronically to
other geo-co-located systems.
ST1: Various educational briefings and targeted stakeholder engagement should continue for further
schema vetting and periodic (web)meetings, e.g.,
ST1a: Further publicize and appropriately link websites for stakeholder engagement
o ST1a1: FHWA Sharepoint site (serving as the principal portal)
o ST1a2: TG-15 Google TeamSite (mainly for steel bridge superstructure particulars)
o ST1a3: openBrIM site (mainly for commercial software solution providers)
o ST1a4: AISC/GaTech bridge usecase (for coordination/communication with the
AISC/FIATECH fabrication exchange model EM.11 development effort)
o Etc.
ST1b: Further develop and test the initial, “core” BrIM standards along with Viewer tool.
ST1c: Further vet 4 5 principal EM’s (Chen et al. 2013a, b) pursuant to comments received
from contacts made at various presentations and meetings in recent months;
explore/implement ballot acceptance thereof
ST1d: Further refine “Final Detailing Model” pursuant to April 2013 AISC EM.11 demo
ST1e: Further presentations and stakeholder engagement at meetings not limited to the bridge
ST1f: Further solicit stakeholder vetting of evolving openBrIM exchange standards by wider
public review than previous targeted stakeholder engagement efforts
ST1g: Publicize openBrIM developments at Fall 2013 Visualization symposium
(international, including but not limited to bridge community)
ST1h: Publicize openBrIM developments at Fall 2013 XML transXML workshop (NCHRP
ST1i: As has been done to “seed” other BIM and data exchange standards development
committees (e.g., AISC, PCI, ACI, openINFRA), further “seed” other such committees (e.g.,
PTI, NIEM, NBIMS, transXML, etc) and CIM related committees (e.g., bridge/transportation
committees dealing with design/construction/asset management and
information/communication technology) with savvy bridge people
ST1j: Publicize openBrIM developments at Jan. 2014 TRB workshop/meeting and other
spring and summer 2014 meetings (e.g., NSBA, ACI, HSCOBS)
ST1k: Augment Synthesis / Documentation of quantitative benefits, emphasizing win win”
o Time savings case studies
o Cost savings case studies
o Reasonable extrapolation / inferences for bridge industry
ST2: Identify principal legal issues and add-ons in “BIM Addendums” to standard construction contracts
in related fields (e.g., AIA 2008, ConsensusDocs 2008) that are thought to be most relevant to the bridge
industry and work with emerging technology law efforts and reviews (e.g., Thomas and McDaniel 2013)
to adapt them as appropriate to the bridge enterprise.
ST3: Develop suitable demo projects to test-drive openBrIM standards:
ST3a: Work with progressive owners to identify/develop suitable projects for MAP-21
subsidies to catalyze BrIM implementation; vet openBrIM standards in terms of workhorse
bridge data these owners want shared
ST3b: Develop model guidelines for training/retooling rank and file staff
ST3c: Begin synthesizing “best practices”
ST4: Identify options and preferred standards-issuing route(s) (and associated advocacy strategies) (and
pros and cons of pursuing each?) from among (e.g.)
ST4a: HSCOBS via
o T-19
o AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration
o Task Force (to spearhead efforts enhancing development and facilitating national
implementation) - see Appendix A for further description.
ST4b: Other AASHTO subcommittees with partially overlapping interests: on Information
Systems (ASIS), Materials, and Construction
ST4c: buildingSMART Alliance (IFC4 provides a framework (2013) that may eventually
support bridges in a future IFC5) and IFC-Infra Technical Working Group (considering
various alignment schema proposals as of July 2013)
ST4d: other data exchange standards developments (e.g., AISC TI Committee, ACI BIM
Committee, PCI BIM Committee, etc.) after they have been suitably influenced by new
participants doing bridge advocacy; collaborating with the ones doing concurrent
development is relevant for the alignment of shared domain vocabularies. Intermediate levels
of the IFC schema, e.g., appear to be of interest in this regard.
ST5: Further develop the Viewer/Modeler tool in tandem with Red Equation Corp. in order to:
a) demonstrate tangible outcomes of the openBrIM schema to facilitate stakeholder involvement
b) serve as a resource for supporting future extensions to openBrIM.
This graphical visualization tool is available for public download at along with
evolving companion openBrIM schema documentation. Related Red Equation Corp.
developments intended for public download include (cloud based data
management and version control tools intended to promote collaboration based on openBrIM
standards) and Smart.BrIM (suite of parametric openBrIM-based software applications for
bridge analysis and design etc.).
(intentionally left blank)
10. Implementation Roadmap: Intermediate-Term (12 months – 5 years)
There are many “standards” to deal with, standards that come into existence for many purposes, some of
which outlive their usefulness, others of which overlap and could benefit from consolidation. "The nice
thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." - Adm. Grace Murray Hopper.
Standards emerging for a bridge structure, for example, will need to be mapped from “plain English” (or
“stylized English”) that a bridge engineer would use (e.g., as initially defined in Chen et al. 2013a), to the
IFC or XML Model View Definition (MVD) that a software implementer would use (e.g., as initially
defined in Chen et al. 2013b).
IT1: Recommended activities in the Intermediate-Term include the following:
IT1a: Monitor the ongoing Model-View-Definition (MVD) standards shake-out (e.g., among
IFC (buildingSMART 2013), (trans)XML (Ziering et al. 2007, SpyPond 2011), ISM (Bentley
2011), etc.) while ensuring that the evolving and increasingly robust Task 12 data exchange
protocols continue to be easily migrated or exported to any of these formats.
IT1b: Engage software/technology solution providers (TSPs) through.
o IT1b1: their user communities to incentivize the implementation of translators to
increasingly robust and mature data exchange standards, and through.
o IT1b2: forming or joining a consortium to shepherd ongoing openBrIM standard
deployment (modifications, extensions, compliance testing, etc.)
IT1c: Engage Project-Delivery communities (e.g., Torres & Ruiz 2011).
IT1d: Adapt owner’s guide documents from related industries (e.g., CURT 2010) to the
practices prevalent in major bridge-owning agencies such as state DOTs.
IT1e: Continue monitoring and adapting legal developments from related industries along
with accumulating “lessons learned” and “best practices” from early adopters for wide
IT1f: Develop and advocate for problem statements that explicitly call for development and
shepherding of formal data/domain dictionaries and tools to manage ontologies (structured
vocabularies) for bridges that dovetail with those being developed in other areas such as
NCHRP 20-97 and 20-98.
IT1g: Monitor and influence the process of augmenting transXML (e.g., via NCHRP 20-
94) and/or the recently announced IFC4 (buildingSMART 2013) so that IFC5 (projected for 5
years hence) incorporates suitably robust openBrIM standards.
IT2: Obstacles to address/overcome include the following:
IT2a: Designer reluctance to share models, which is “for good reasons.”
IT2b: “reasonable man” legal reasoning (works against early adopters).
IT2c: Insufficient institutional memory (e.g., re where did that (archaic) spec come from?);
NCHRP 20-98 appears to be able to begin to address this concern if a suitable bridge person is
on its panel.
IT3: Top-Down processes to consider include the following:
IT3a: Track UK government BIM mandate ramp-up and deployment experiences in forcing
BIM-enabled processes into the mainstream of construction project delivery; catalog best
practices, pitfalls to avoid, etc.
IT3b: Add-on to (or modified!?) NBI reporting requirements along with element-level
reporting already required by statute (MAP-21).
IT3c: Monitor and exploit the trickle-down effects of MAP-21 provisions (Yoders 2013)
encouraging the submission of digital data documenting federal-aid construction projects and
of broad federal government initiatives such as the “open data” Executive order (White House
2013) and NIEM.
IT3d: Promulgate Model version control guidelines, guidelines for tweaking Owner-specified
exchange standards (think next-gen CAD standards), and guidelines for generating “as built”
(or “as constructed”) models.
IT4: Bottom-Up processes to consider include the following:
IT4a: Refine model guidelines for training/retooling rank and file staff (based, e.g., on lessons
learned from early adopters).
IT4b: Refine and implement procedures for testing data exchanges (conformance testing,
coverage analysis, etc.).
IT4c: Constitute sufficiently comprehensive sets of test suites to serve the interoperability
robustness needs of the jurisdictions implementing openBrIM standards.
IT5: Influence the crafting of MAP-21 extensions, e.g., to include explicit openBrIM deliverable
requirements in federal-aid bridge construction projects after openBrIM standards reach a suitable degree
of maturity.
IT6: Formally rollout the openBrIM standards partway through the Intermediate-Term.
11. Implementation Roadmap: Longer-Term (5+ years)
“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins.Jesus (NIV, Mark 2:22)
“We have modified our environment so radically that we must now modify ourselves in order to exist in
this new environment.” - Norbert Wiener (d. 1964)
As stated earlier, we have inherited the institutions and organizations of a bygone era. The cacophony of
these various organizations that sprang up to address the needs of their constituents is unlikely to go
away. Thus, although at a technical level the stovepipes and silos will become more porous (e.g., via
API’s and data exchange standards), it should not be assumed that still- stovepiped organizational
wineskins will easily flex to encourage or even allow flow through those new pores. Such is the nature of
the landscape. Thus, e.g., neither FIATECH nor AISC will fade away, even though they have significant
overlapping interest in hammering out standards for electronic exchange of data regarding fabricated steel
building structures.
Thus, ongoing data exchange standards development activity should continue recognizing and identifying
such overlapping interests, beyond those that are already underway in the current Task 12 effort, both
nationally and internationally, and forging targeted collaborative efforts without undue bureaucracy to
leverage resources and consolidate/refine evolving/maturing process mapping exercises, their EM
(Exchange Model) descriptions and associated MVD mappings. The importance of such leveraging
efforts is twofold:
To succeed in such efforts will leverage investments to consolidate gains and increase
economies of scale.
To fail in such efforts will result in no better than isolated piecemeal improvements that
likely fail to transform the bridge industry value stream for the better.
LT1: Overhaul / transform transportation infrastructure owning agencies (or otherwise work around their
intramural organizational stovepipes) around their integrated stewardship of lifecycle asset data
management down to the “nuts and bolts” details. Guidelines are available (e.g., Henkin et al. 2012) that
are consistent with the Roberts model.
LT2: Moving forward to "maintenance mode" for the BrIM data exchange standards once the process of
their implementation in practice is deemed sufficiently well underway:
LT2a: Shift the emphasis of the FHWA Sharepoint site to serve merely as a link site to related
subject matter sites (e.g., steel bridge portal, concrete bridge portal) and openBrIM sites, and
LT2b: Add subject matter website links (e.g., to those for timber bridges and those for FRP
bridges etc.) in areas to incorporate in future versions of the openBrIM standards, and
LT2c: Add links to MVD - maintenance websites (e.g., the buildingSMART alliance and the
MVD Solutions Factory, assuming such organizations continue to exist in the planning
horizon considered here. Such an assumption may be more reliable than an assumption that
AASHTO will succeed in creating its own certification mechanisms for transXML
LT2d: Add links to and/or consolidate efforts with related (e.g., CIM and/or NIEM)
developments regarding civil infrastructure data exchange standards whose scope would
include but not be limited to bridges.
LT3: Assemble and publicize (e.g., 1-PDH webinars) periodic syntheses of successful case studies
(including IPD), lessons learned from early adopters, and emerging best practices.
LT4: Proactively influence BIM/BrIM related committees with partially overlapping interests to ensure
that bridge data of interest is included in the broader efforts to define and implement data exchange
standards for the constructed infrastructure encompassing sectors beyond just bridges.
LT5: Utilize and influence emerging and evolving BIM certification mechanisms (e.g.,,
IFC certification, etc.)
LT6: Implement Deployment/Enforcement Mechanisms
LT6a: Establish a framework and process for managing domain dictionaries and shepherding /
updating mechanism for consensus bridge lifecycle data exchange standards:
o To extend beyond just “workhorse” bridges,
o To ensure that IFC5 (that does not yet exist) suitably incorporates essential
openBrIM content
LT6b: Implement Software translators (and testing/certification mechanisms for them)
LT6c: Implement Specification changes (e.g., re: electronic delivery requirements for such
things as a bridge “birth certificate” and or next-gen NBI reporting deliverables)
LT6d: Implement QA/QC inspection/ certification mechanisms and train service companies
involved in their enforcement
LT7: Turn over ownership/management of openBrIM data exchange standards to a suitable industry
consortium (i.e., not the Federal Highway Administration). Three options (or paradigms) are suggested
for comparative consideration in constituting such a consortium:
LT7a: Utilize and extend a TSP originated file format such as ISM (Integrated Structural
Model) via publicly available downloads and API documentation. The obvious disadvantage
is the vendor-specific origination thereof. Some such formats, however, become accepted as
mainstream (e.g., .PDF for documents, .DXF for CAD data) in spite of their vendor-specific
LT7b: Utilize AASHTO organizational structures and processes if and after such processes
and mechanisms are established to shepherd ongoing stewardship of transXML data exchange
standards. This option could involve changes to the scope of AASHTOWare and would be
plausible after the structures portion of the current transXML standards are expanded to
include the aspects of openBrIM that go beyond design and load rating checks.
LT7c: Utilize buildingSMART organizational structures and processes if and after the just-
released (Mar 2013) IFC4 data exchange standards are augmented (e.g., via ifcBridge /
openINFRA task group activity) to include suitably robust openBrIM standards in IFC5,
which in turn is projected for 5+ years hence. With this option, IFC5- based data exchange
deliverables could be incorporated by reference in relevant AASHTO specifications, as ASTM
materials specifications currently are.
Regardless of which option is chosen, a consortium scope broader than the bridge industry and openBrIM
should be anticipated.
12. Summary and Recommendations
“Do nothing” is not a viable option. This paper presents a “roadmap” for an evolutionary change process
for further developing, implementing, and deploying openBrIM bridge data exchange protocols to
increase cradle-to-grave data sharing via software interoperabilities in the bridge industry. Deployment
of these standards for electronic exchange of steel and concrete bridge data will require a multifaceted
approach, both top-down (government/owner driven) and bottom-up (stakeholder influenced) over
distinct phases of time (shorter-, intermediate-, and longer- term). Development of those standards
should involve each bridge industry stakeholder group and be overseen by a high-level Task Force
charged with producing recommendations regarding openBrIM deployment mechanisms. Doing so will
influence proactively, the larger context of civil infrastructure data exchange standard development to
ensure that bridge data of interest is incorporated in that larger effort. Doing so will also catalyze the re-
tooling effort needed to facilitate full utilization and demonstration of the improved value stream enabled
thereby. Sustain the vision with flexibility and ongoing energy in order to resource the transformation of
authorizing environment and institutional capacity to implement interoperable processes throughout the
supply chain and lifecycle of bridge design, construction, and asset management. We are talking about
nothing less than transforming how an entire industry conducts its business.
(intentionally left blank)
13. Acknowledgements
The authors thank colleagues involved in the AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration and the
buildingSMART Alliance along with the NYSDOT and other DOTs for access to information about their
bridge design process, bridge data, and construction sites. Figure 1 and Table 1 originate with Mr. Hanjin
Hu, and Mr. Yuanshen Ji assembled the content of Appendix B. In addition, support and assistance of the
following are gratefully acknowledged: NWFP University of Engineering and Technology, the University
at Buffalo, Bentley Systems, Red Equation Corp. and other software solution providers, the Association
for Bridge Construction and Design-Western NY Chapter, and the Federal Highway Administration under
Cooperative Agreement No. DTFH61-11-RA-00010 administered by ATLSS (Advanced Technology for
Large Structural Systems) at Lehigh University. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Federal Highway Administration.
(intentionally left blank)
14. Selected References
AIA E202-2008 Building Information Modeling Protocol Exhibit, 2008
BCA Building and Construction Authority, "Singapore BIM Guide," Ver. 1, May 2012, (accessed Mar. 2013).
Bentley Systems, Inc., “Integrated Structural Modeling - Programmer's Introduction to ISM: 161,” 2011
buildingSMART: International Home of OpenBIM, (visited Aug. 2013)
buildingSMART: IFC4 officially released 12 Mar 2013, http://www.buildingsmart-
officially-released (visited Mar. 2013)
Chen, S. S., “CLIN 002 Final Summary Report: Integrated Bridge Project Delivery & Life Cycle
Management,” FHWA Contract # DTFH61-06-D-00037, Dec. 2009.
Chen, S. S., Hu, H., Ali, N., Ji, Y., Srikonda, R., Shirole’, A. M., and Karaman, S. G., “Information
Delivery Manual for Highway Bridge Interoperable Data Protocols,” Interim Report to the Federal
Highway Administration, last updated July 2013.
Chen, S. S., H. Hu, N. Ali, and R. Srikonda. "Model View Definitions for Highway Bridge Interoperable
Data Protocols," University at Buffalo, last updated July 2013.
ConsensusDOCS 301 Building Information Modeling Addendum, 2008
Construction Users Round Table, “BIM Implementation: An Owner’s Guide to Getting Started,” Report
UP-1203, April 2010,
Dec. 2012).
EDC-2 2012 “Every Day Counts - 2,”
(visited Mar. 2013).
Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., and Liston, K., BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information
Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors, Second ed., 2011, pp. 99
Giel, B. K., and Issa, R. R. A., "Return on Investment Analysis of Using Building Information Modeling
in Construction," ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, forthcoming.
Hoit, M., Turner, L., and Ponti, D.,
"Development of Geotechnical Data Schema in Transportation," FHWA Report No. TPF5(111), June
(visited Dec. 2012).
ISO 15926 "Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities," (visited Aug. 2013).
LandXML 1.2 Documentation. (visited Apr. 2013).
Larson, T., “The Roberts Management and Leadership Model,” TR News 235, November- December
2004, pp. 15 – 17.
McGraw-Hill, “The Business Value of BIM for Infrastructure: Addressing America’s Infrastructure
Challenges with Collaboration and Technology,” McGraw-Hill Construction Smart Market Report, 2012
NBIMS (National BIM Standard - US) accessed Dec. 2012.
Palzar, T., and Turk, Z., “interoperability in practice: geometric data exchange using the IFC standard,”
Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction, V. 13, 2008, pp 315- 33
Henkin, T., Padgette, R., Knapp, S., Fetting, E., Baker, S., and R. G. Stanley, "Transforming Public
Transportation Institutional and Business Models," TCRP Report 159, Transportation Research Board,
Various ongoing BIM/BrIM related standards development efforts
NCHRP 10-96 [Anticipated] “Civil Integrated Management: Benefits and Challenges,, visited Aug. 2013.
NCHRP 20-94 [Anticipated] “Development of a Formalized Process for the Adoption, Development,
Maintenance, and Enhancement of TransXML Schemas,” (visited Aug. 2013).
NCHRP 20-97 [Anticipated]
"Improving Findability and Relevance in Transportation Information," (visited Aug 2013)
NCHRP 20-98 [Anticipated]
"A Knowledge Management Primer for Transportation Agencies," (visited Aug 2013)
"NIEM Engagement Process User Guide," July 2012, UserGuide_v1.0.pdf
(visited Feb. 2013)
NIST “Cost Analysis of Inadequate Interoperability,” 2004,
Report to the President: “Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure: Cutting Timelines and Improving
Outcomes for Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects,” May 2013, americas-
infrastructure.pdf (visited May 2013).
Shirole', A. M., T. J. Riordan, S. S. Chen, Q. Gao, H. Hu, and J. A. Puckett, "BrIM for Project Delivery
and the Life-Cycle: State of the Art," Journal of Bridge Structures, December 2009, pp. 73 - 87.
Spy Pond Partners, LLC with P. Scarponcini, “Survey of Existing XML Schemas for Incorporation into
TransXML,” Final Report for NCHRP 20-07 Task 295, Nov. 2011,
(visited Aug. 2013).
Thomas, L. W., and McDaniel, J. B., "Legal issues surrounding the use of digital intellectual property on
design and construction projects" Mar 2013,
(visited Jun 2013).
Torres, H. N., and Ruiz, J. M., "Improving Highway Project Delivery: Identifying Existing/Emerging
Technologies in the Area of Intelligent Construction," Report FHWA-HIF- 12-014, Aug 2011, 47 pp.,
(visited Mar. 2013)
Warne, T. R., McMinimee, J. C., Mroczka, G. F., Schaftlein, S., Nichols, D. B., Taylor, J. N., Teikari, A.
T., Detmer, S. S., Lester, M. C., and Yew, C., "Best Practices in Project Delivery Management," NCHRP
Project 20-68A, Scan 07-01 Report, October 2009.
White House, “Executive Order -- Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of
Infrastructure Projects,” Mar 2012,
order-improving-performance-federal-permitting-and-review-infr (visited May 2013).
White House, "Executive Order -- Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government
Information," The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, May 09, 2013,
readable-new-default-government- (visited May 2013).
Yoders, J., "MAP-21: An opportunity for GIS-experienced engineering firms," CE News, January 2013,
map_21_an_opportunity_for_gis_experienced_engineering_firms-9162.html (visited April 2013).
Ziering, E., Harrison, F., Scarponcini, P., and InfoTech, Inc., Michael Baker Jr. Inc., and Campbell, C. E.,
"TransXML: XML Schemas for Exchange of Transportation Data," NCHRP Report 576, TRB 2007,
(visited Aug. 2013).
(intentionally left blank)
Appendix A. BrIM Task Force (Proposed)
Introduction. A focused Task Force (TF) is proposed to facilitate the implementation of BrIM data
exchange standards to increase cradle-to-grave data sharing via software interoperability in the bridge
industry. A set of such standards by its very nature involves many distinct stakeholder groups. AASHTO
HSCOBS has previously established an excellent precedent for shepherding the development of
crosscutting research product implementation via the formation of a Task Force (e.g., for producing the
Specification on Pedestrian Bridges). The present case of implementing data exchange standards for
interoperability of BrIM data and mobilizing the multi-stakeholder community impacted by such
standards, through the chairs of selected HSCOBS technical committees and liaisons to other affected
groups ensures that the concerns and needs of each stakeholder category are addressed. That, in turn, the
holistic and wholehearted buy-in and endorsement of HSCOBS is obtained enabling and facilitating
wider implementation of the BrIM data exchange standards into bridge industry practices.
Scope. What this TF would do:
Evaluate and comment on the product (Subtask 12.2 roadmap and openBrIM data exchange
standards produced by Task 12) with the aim of easing implementation in bridge enterprise
Deliberate via email and at HSCOBS meetings
Utilize FHWA in its role of facilitating the TF (e.g., subsidizing meetings if needed,
moderating/threaded discussions on the FHWA Sharepoint site, etc.).
Potential Activities.
The work of the TF would include such activities as the following:
Email correspondence, some perhaps on the FHWA Sharepoint site,
Web-meetings for review/comment for enhancing the product to ease implementation,
Identify and engage relevant bridge industry stakeholder groups into openBrIM standards
development processes
Identify roadblocks to implementation and ways to overcome them,
Generate recommendations to get the product accepted by HSCOBS members,
Generate a position paper to HSCOBS re how to move the product forward,
Identify need (if any) to write distinct specification(s),
Oversee/review draft domain dictionaries and/or Guide Specifications as a 1st step (pilot),
e.g., incorporating transXML or buildingSMART for Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) based
openBrIM specs in the same way as AASHTO incorporates ASTM materials specs by
Products. Results of the TF’s work are envisioned to include such products as the following:
Recommendations regarding openBrIM deployment and mechanisms for the maintenance
thereof after this Task Force sunsets, e.g., regarding a suitable industry consortium and
AASHTOWare’s role therein
Advice regarding (or embodied in) domain dictionaries and/or Guide Specifications
Potential Task Force Members.
Chairperson appointed by HSCOBS Chair
T-19 Computers (Lead?)
T-1 Security
T-2 Joints and Bearings
T-3 Seismic
T-4 Construction (e.g., re: ABC)
T-5 Loads (e.g., re: data exchange needs related to refined analysis)
T-7 Guard Rail and Bridge Rail
T-10 Concrete Structures (e.g., re: ABC)
T-11 Research
T-14Steel Structures
T-15 Substructures and Retaining Walls (e.g., re: ABC)
T-17 Welding (e.g., re: digital inspection records)
T-18 Bridge Management, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation (e.g., re: LTBP and LCC data and
Element-Level inspection domain dictionaries)
And any others the HSCOBS chair appoints, e.g.,
o Liaison(s) to related data exchange standards development committees,
o Liaison(s) to other AASHTO committees (e.g., Subcommittee on Materials,
Subcommittee on Information Systems, Subcommittee on Construction, VDC/IPD
related committees, AASHTOWare Task Force, etc.)
o Liaison(s) to other NCHRP projects (e.g., 20-97, 20-98) developing formal
data/domain dictionaries
Companion and/or coordinated (Task Force with representation of multiple committees) efforts could
also be considered under TRB (akin to the Design/Build Task Force mobilized several years ago) and/or
under ASCE (perhaps in conjunction with the Technology Committee under the ASCE Transportation
and Development Institute) and/or under larger CIM – oriented and/or NIEM – oriented endeavors.
Appendix B. BIM/BrIM ROI Analysis Considerations
By Y. Ji
Introduction. In 2007, vertical construction industry-wide adoption of BIM was 28%. In 2012, 71% of
architects, engineers, contractors and owners report they have become engaged with BIM on their
projects. These numbers indicate that BIM, an innovative approach to design and construction for
pioneering early adopters just a few years ago, is now taking its place firmly in the mainstream of the
North American architecture and construction industry. Engineers, who had seemed the least convinced
of BIM’s value in 2009, with only 25% involved, still struggle with issues of content and technical
analysis. However, they have closed the adoption gap significantly, with 67% reporting participation now
(2012), especially among mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural disciplines.
With the advent of BIM, the building industry is coming to appreciate that technology can radically
transform the process by which a building is designed and constructed. But, before committing the funds
to purchase that technology, the decision makers in an organization will probably insist that an ROI
analysis be conducted. Since both horizontal construction and vertical construction employ many of the
same disciplines, BrIM ROI development can be expected to follow and utilize some of that already well
underway for BIM.
What are ROI and ROI Analysis. ROI is used to evaluate many types of corporate investments, from
R&D projects to training programs to fixed asset purchases. The more complicated the investment, the
more complicated the calculation formula becomes. An investment does not have to be in dollars. It can
be in materials or assets as well. Calculating the ROI for a design system is a bit more complicated
because of the many variables that come into play. The analyst needs to consider not only the cost of the
system but also changes in user productivity. Generally, the ROI formula is as below:
ROI of BIM/BrIM Case Studies.
Although there is no industry-standard method to calculate the ROI for BIM/BrIM, most users have a
perception of the degree to which they are receiving value for the time, money and efforts they have
invested. Therefore, this brief survey will focus on time and money investment saved after the
implementation of BIM to evaluate ROI of BIM/BrIM.
1. Online Survey Conducted by Autodesk in Dec. 2003.
Autodesk commissioned an online survey of users of their Revit® Architecture software in December
2003. Approximately 100 users provided responses to the survey. The ROI is calculated at just over 60%
in terms of time investment.
As part of the 2003 survey, Revit users responded that on average they spent 35% of their time on design,
46% on documentation, 15% project on project management, and 3% on other tasks. A typical designer
works an average of 147 billable hours per month. In total, a typical Revit user spends 82% of his or her
time, or 120 hours a month, on design and documentation, the two tasks where Revit is useful and
offering a 60% return on investment.
Likewise, another survey respondent (a 300-person architectural firm) reported that several projects done
on Revit Architecture were completed with half the budgeted staff and in half the budgeted time.
2. Research Conducted by McGraw-Hill Construction, 2009 to 2012.
Generally speaking, according to McGraw-Hill Construction, research and survey suggests the similarity
of perceived ROI for BIM between 2009 and 2012 (table 1). Given the total pool of BIM users has
expanded from 49% in 2009 to 71% in 2012, more and more players are benefiting from BIM though the
amount of that benefit is remaining flat.
Table 1 BIM ROI (2009 to 2012)
(Source: McGraw-Hill Construction, 2012)
Year Negative Break-Even
Less than
10% to
26% to
51% to
2012 18% 20% 14% 22% 12% 9% 5%
During the period from 2007 to 2012, almost two-thirds (62%) of all BIM users perceive positive ROI.
74% of the contractors report a positive ROI compared to only 37% of engineers. ROI correlates strongly
with BIM engagement level, rewarding companies with high skill, experience and implementation levels.
Specifically, for “very high engaged” firms, 67% reports ROI as “very positive,” which means ROI goes
over 25%.
As shown in Table 2, by 2009, 21% of all the BIM users believed that the benefits of BIM adoption are
“High/Very High Value” in terms of “increased profits”. When talking about “reducing overall project
duration,” this rate rises up to 27%. In 2012, these two numbers increased up to 36% and 37%
respectively. For very highly engaged BIM users, the two percentages surged to 52% and 60%
Table 2. Percentage of BIM Users Who Consider Benefits of High/Very High Value (2009 to 2012)
(Source: McGraw-Hill Construction, 2012)
Return on Investment
2009 Rating by All
BIM Users
2012 Rating by All
BIM Users
2012 Rating by Very
High E-level
BIM Users
Increased Profits
Fewer Claims and
20% 28% 50%
Reducing Overall
Project Duration
27% 37% 60%
Maintaining Repeat
36% 49% 58%
The BIM implementation level varies by region, player and size of each firm. BIM Expertise Level varies
by player and the years of experience using BIM. Both BIM implementation Level and BIM Expertise
Level will have significant impact on ROI of BIM. Specifically, the higher level of implementation and
expertise, the higher ROI of BIM can be expected in terms of both time and money investment. In
addition, long-term BIM benefits and short-term benefits are showing different degrees of impact on
different aspects of a project.
3. ROI of BIM Case study by Giel et al., 2009, University of Florida
Constructed by Company X, this case study was intended to determine the cost savings associated with
BIM’s implementation. The chosen software platform used by Company X has been Autodesk Revit
Architecture, Structure, and MEP. In the BIM-assisted projects described in this case study; parametric
modeling took place after the design phase was completed when the contract was awarded to Company
X. The ROI analysis was then conducted on the project, based on BIM preventable direct and indirect
costs and conclusions were made about the potential cost savings to an owner choosing to invest in BIM
as an additional service.
Table 3 indicates the cost breakdown used in calculating the projected ROI. From this analysis, the return
on investment of implementing BIM was estimated to be roughly 36.7%. It was also discovered that 4%
of the total cost of change orders might have been completely eradicated, if BIM had been used.
Table 3 Project Constructed by X, ROI of BIM
Cost category
Total direct cost of subcontracting out panel shop drawings:
Direct costs in preventable change orders:
Embed fix change order:
Girder and joist seat fix change order:
Girder and door opening conflict:
Indirect costs of 7-dayBIM-preventable time overrun:
Daily cost of contractor time overrun (General Conditions) ($855/day):
Daily cost of 5% interest on construction loan for time overrun ($976/day):
Daily cost of developer administration for time overrun ($446/day):
Estimated cost of architect’s contract administration for time overrun ($149/day):
Total Estimated Savings:
Cost of BIM (0.5% of contract value):
Net BIM savings:
Note: The cost of investment was approximated at 0.5%, as furnished by the owner for BIM services in
the contract. A 5% cap rate was assumed on the Owner’s construction load for the purpose of this study.
In conclusion, it can be inferred that the implementation of BIM was perhaps a greater benefit to
Company X than the owner. The qualitative benefits of reduced time overruns and lower change order
costs were measurable; however, the savings seen on a project of this size were relatively minor. Owners
choosing to invest in BIM as an additional service should weigh the scale and size of a project heavily.
However, the measurable benefits associated with reduced RFIs, fewer change orders, and reduced
project delay uncovered on both BIM-assisted projects are arguably reason enough to invest in the
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations.
ROI is a popular metric. Many case studies, online surveys and research have revealed the fact that: BIM
implementation can bring significant benefit to ACE/FM industry, in terms of project duration reduction,
cost savings, personal safety and so on, even though all the data collected supporting this conclusion is
mostly accounting for the direct benefit and savings associated with BIM implementation.
More extensive ROI that is explicitly bridge-oriented should be applied in the future to more fully
evaluate the benefit of BrIM implementation for decision making among affected bridge industry
stakeholders. Such benefits are likely to be incremental and cumulative. Thus, savings may be
anticipated from a single targeted implemented data exchange, and increased savings may be anticipated
from carrying an as-constructed model forward for lifecycle bridge-asset management purposes. For
example, using a model-based approach for virtual assembly (a.k.a. “laydown”) will result in schedule
savings in both fabrication time (drill holes once, not twice) and avoidance of physical pre-assembly and
teardown. Leveraging such savings beyond a single data exchange can be anticipated as “best practices”
from early adopters are assembled and disseminated.