pISSN: 2234-8646 eISSN: 2234-8840
Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2017 September 20(3):147-152
Review Article
Important Role of Medical Training Curriculum to Promote
the Rate of Human Milk Feeding
ong Joo Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
The rate of human milk feeding has been decreasing despite the diverse efforts of many physicians and nurses,
as well as numerous professional organizations and various international health institutions. The number of physi-
cians and nurses who can provide proper guidance for human milk feeding and offer appropriate knowledge and
techniques to allow the most beneficial and convenient manner of breastfeeding is quite deficient. It is suggested
that physicians and nurses be trained to teach and educate about the medical importance of human milk feeding
to lactating mothers. This can be accomplished through systemic changes in medical education and clinical practice.
However, the curricula of medical schools in Korea do not provide enough education and training to effect an increase
in human milk feeding. The author strongly recommends that the educational objectives for medical schools and
resident training offer more education and training concerning so that they are well aware of breastfeeding basics
and techniques, and have ability to solve lactation-associated clinical problems.
Key Words: Human milk, Breast feeding, Medical education, Curriculum
Received:August 23, 2017, Accepted:September 20, 2017
Corresponding author: Yong Joo Kim, Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University College of Medicine, 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul 04763, Korea. Tel: +82-2-2290-8390, Fax: +82-2-2297-2380, E-mail: kyjoo@hanyang.ac.kr
Copyright 2017 by The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
his is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits
unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Many physicians are well aware of the benefits of
human milk feeding. It is well-known that human
milk-fed infants correlate with higher IQ than for-
mula-fed infants as documented from a meta-analy-
sis study [1]; this may be one of the most attractive
advantages of human milk. Other benefits include
that milk is species specific, so human breast milk is
evolved for human infants and must be regarded as
the standard. It is associated with improved outcomes
in childhood health, maternal health and public
health. Most antenatal pregnant women commit to a
goal of exclusive breastfeeding (BF), but the rate of
BF even during the first 6 months remains quite low
despite the aggressive and sincere efforts of the World
Health Organization (WHO), and the United National
International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
To enhance appropriate human milk feeding just after
birth, WHO and UNICEF initiated the “Baby-Friendly
Hospital Initiative” (BFHI) in 1991 (Table 1) [2]. The
Certificate of BFHI is awarded according to a hospi-
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Table 1.
Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding Organized by World Health Organization (WHO), United National International
Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Every facility providing maternity services and care for newborn infants should
1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff.
2. Train all health care staff in the skills necessary to implement this policy.
3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding.
4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within a half-hour of birth.
5. Show mothers how to breastfeed, and how to maintain lactation even if they should be separated from their infants.
6. Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk, unless medically indicated.
7. Practice rooming-in allow mothers and infants to remain together-24 hours a day.
8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
9. Give no artificial nipples or pacifiers (also called dummies or soothers) to breastfeeding infants.
10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them on discharge from hospital or clinic.
Adapted from WHO, UNICEF. Baby friendly hospital initiative: revised, updated and expanded for integrated care. Section 1:
background and implementation. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009 [2].
tal’s fulfillment of the “Ten steps program for BFHI”.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) endorsed
the Ten Steps program in 2009, and promotes adher-
ence to these 10 steps in order to enhance the rate of
BF initiation after birth, the proper duration of BF
during infancy, and a commitment to exclusive BF
(EBF). Most hospitals with maternity practices are
managed under BFHI, but the mean score for ex-
ecution of all Ten Steps was only 65% [3,4]. Even
worse, studies have shown that 58% of participating
hospitals erroneously advised lactating mothers con-
cerning BF-related problems and baby care [5]. By
implementation of the AAP recommendations based
on the initiative began by the WHO and UNICEF, the
rate of BF in USA has been greatly increased: ever hu-
man milk feeding, the rate is 81.1%, and EBF continu-
ing to 6 months stands at 22.3% by a CDC survey tak-
en in 2014-2015 among 2013 births [6].
On the other hand, the rate of EBF at the age of 1
month in Korea is 52.6%, at 3 months 47.2%, and then
it drops sharply down to 9.4% according to a recent
government report from 2015 [7]. In 2015, the
Ministry of Health and Welfare of South Korea set
2020 health project goals which include achieving a
66.8% BF rate at the age of 6 months [8]. This may be
an even more difficult goal since a more recent Korean
government report from 2016 showed a much lower
rate of EBF in Korea. The rate of EBF at 1 month of age
was improved at 55.8% but then radically falls to the
bottom with a rate of only 5.6% at 6 months old [9].
A national survey conducted through telephone
interviews with 1,229 women with children less
than 3 years old in the States showed that the en-
couragement of BF by physician or nurses inspired
BF initiation in 74.6% of mothers, whereas only
43.2% of those women who had not been encouraged
by their healthcare givers did BF [10]. This study
strongly indicates the importance of support and ed-
ucation for BF by physicians and nurses.
Since a nationwide survey of pediatrician’s atti-
tudes concerning BF was conducted in 1995, pedia-
tricians have explored the promotion and support of
various methods and protocols for BF, and have con-
ducted many studies concerning the benefits related
to human milk. Owing to these efforts, the overall
rate of BF in the States has jumped from 59% in 1995
to 81.1% in 2013 at the time of birth, and from 22% in
1995 to 51.8% in 2004 at the age of 6 months [11,12].
During this period, another nationwide survey of
United States pediatricians performed in 2004, re-
ported that more of them had received education
about the successful management of BF while in
medical school or during their pediatric residency in
the period before 2004 than those trained before
1995. Pediatricians trained until 2004 recommended
EBF more strongly than those trained before 1995
Yong Joo Kim:Medical Education and Haman Milk Feeding
Table 2.
General Implementation Strategy for the Breastfeeding Residency Curriculum Provided by American Academy of Pediatrics
Step 1 Gain buy-in from other key faculty and residency and hospital administration
Step 2 Train faculty to be able to teach about breastfeeding and consider assessing the quality of care in your hospital for
breastfeeding mothers and babies.
Step 3 Determine length of time that you will expect residents to participate in the curriculum
Step 4 Develop an implementation plan that includes the length of time you have decided upon for residents to complete the
curriculum and how you will keep track of their progress.
Step 5 Review the resources that have been shown to be most helpful in teaching the residents about breastfeeding care.
Step 6 Consider formal evaluation of the curriculum by testing the residents before they receive breastfeeding education and
after they have completed the program.
Step 7 Consider having a kick-off event to introduce and celebrate breastfeeding support and education
Step 8 Implement the curriculum. Work through each activity with the residents and be sure to evaluate and document their
Step 9 Continually train and update faculty on breastfeeding.
Step 10 Periodically re-assess the progress of the hospital in reaching optimal breastfeeding rates.
Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics. Breastfeeding: implementation strategies [15].
and were more likely to follow supportive hospital
policies [13]. Since the national survey in 1995, pe-
diatricians have been more receptive to efforts that
increase the rate of BF, to receive education about
BF, and to set up hospital policies for BF. But, those
efforts have gradually faded, as noted in the survey
performed in 2004. Pediatricians continue to dis-
courage mothers from stopping or giving up BF with
no absolute contraindications rather than those seen
in the 1995 survey. The major reasons for which
many pediatricians do not recommend BF were hu-
man immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infection of the
mother, drug abuse by the mother, medication taken
by the mother, the mother’s opposition to BF, in-
fected nipples, too young age of the mother, in-
adequate nipples of the mother, inconvenience, slow
weight gain of the baby, healthy jaundice in the in-
fant, and cracked nipples. None of these reasons are
an absolute contraindication for BF, and even a
mother’s HIV infection does not necessarily block BF
if a baby’s health issue is more serious, especially in
a developing nation or locale.
Since the 2004 survey, additional educational re-
sources and materials have been developed to in-
crease physician support for BF, which includes the
Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians, a joint pub-
lication of the AAP and the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists. At national meet-
ings of the AAP, the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of
Family Physicians, diverse educational sessions have
been offered. In addition, a multispecialty BF resi-
dency curriculum has been initiated as a major
priority. The policy for the Breastfeeding Residency
Curriculum for pediatric residents offered by AAP in-
cludes providing training in more than one rotation,
throughout the residency, with pre-tests and post-tests
before and after BF medicine education, and Resident
Care Evaluation through the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education Core Competencies
[14]. The AAP suggests that beginning this General
Implementation Strategy is the best way to accom-
plish the curricular objectives. A summary of this
strategy is introduced in Table 2 [15].
Most physicians, not only pediatricians, have op-
portunities to meet and support lactating mothers
both in and out of the hospital. Setting aside con-
sultations which concern a variety of lactation-asso-
ciated problems and troubles, it is strongly encour-
aged that physicians do their best to encourage BF to
mothers under any circumstances as much as possible.
Therefore the education of BF medicine needs to be
executed in medical school and nursing school.
150    Vol. 20, No. 3, September 2017
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Fig. 1. Stepwise correct
answer about Baby-Friendly
Hospital Initiative among
medical and nursing students.
Modified from Kakrani et al.
(Int J Prev Med 2015;6:40
Kakrani et al. [16] have studied the awareness about
the Ten Steps for successful BF policy among medical
students and nursing students in India. They were
well aware about step 2 (training), step 6 (no supple-
ment), step 7 (rooming-in), and step 9 (no paci-
fier).The students gave the least correct answers con-
cerning step 10 (community support), step 8 (cues),
step 1 (written policy), and step 3 (pre- and post-natal
information). There was no difference between the
male and female respondents except in two steps
(Fig. 1).
The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine pre-
sented a statement concerning inclusion of BF medi-
cine in the educational objectives for undergraduate
and graduate medical education curriculum in 2011
[17]. The statement strongly suggests that medical
students learn about BF medicine, which includes
the anatomy, endocrine control and physiology of
breast and mammary glands, biochemical and im-
munological aspects of human milk, and the influ-
ence of BF on individual health and social issues. It
also suggests that medical student have multiple op-
portunities during clinical training to participate in
solving BF-associated problems and in supporting
and encouraging BF. In order to achieve these goals,
education needs to be set up as block rotations, with
case- and system-based learning in preclinical learn-
ing, and clinical rotations at mother-child clinics in
pediatrics, obstetrics, and family medicine.
It is also remarkable to find that some medical
schools in the States provide a system and facility for
their lactating students. Taylor et al. [18] faculties in
the department of Clinical Curriculum of the Medical
School of Brown University, have tried to find good
support guides for parent students, and reported
some suggestions. One main suggestion was to in-
stitute a formal policy regarding BF and workplace
There are recommended educational methods for
BF education in the medical school.
Multidisciplinary approach
A successful multidisciplinary approach was set up
for the BF curriculum for residents and medical stu-
dents based on the Wellstart Lactation Curriculum
Guide [19] at New Mexico University [20]. This cur-
riculum was implemented by faculties from the ob-
stetrics, pediatrics, and family medicine departments
and includes interactive teaching sessions, opportune
discussions of BF issues during all clinical rounds, and
Yong Joo Kim:Medical Education and Haman Milk Feeding
the inclusion of lactation-supporting personnel in
meetings with patients. The didactic sessions covered
4 topics; anatomy and physiology of lactation, com-
mon problems confronted by lactating mothers, com-
mon problems in BF babies, and the promotion and
support of BF. Medical students were required to at-
tend all 4 didactic sessions during their clinical rota-
tion in obstetrics. One educational effort evaluated as
very fruitful was the provision of self-study modules,
composed of various topics of 15-pages, which were
placed in newborn nursery and delivery rooms.
Interactive learning sessions, clinical practice
which includes visiting lactating mothers, and prob-
lem-solving operated by lactation professionals are
not currently set up in Korean medical school
curriculum. These teaching methods are strongly
recommended to medical school faculties.
Web-based learning
The internet site at www.BreastfeedingBasics.org,
developed by the faculty at Case Western Reserve
University and available since April 1999, offered free
BF education for health care providers and students.
There are 7 modules: (1) benefits and barriers of BF,
(2) anatomy and physiology of mammary glands, (3)
growth and development in the breastfed infant, (4)
BF around the world, (5) the BF couple, (6) breast-fee-
ding issues in term infants, and (7) human milk and
drugs. Each module indicates clear learning ob-
jectives; offers didactic information including pic-
tures, radiologic findings, and case studies; and in-
cludes a pre- and post-test composed of three question.
The effectiveness was studied and reported in 2012 by
Lewin and O'Connor [21]. More than 15,000 health-
care providers and medical students studied BF medi-
cine through the content offered at “Breastfeeding
Basics” between April 1999 and December 2009. Their
pretest and posttest score significantly increased (p
0.001) for all the modules, and suggests that this
online education offers time- and cost-effectiveness
compared to offline education. This web site of
www.breastfeedingbasics.org is not available cur-
rently, but web-based BF training and educational re-
sources are also provided through several recently de-
veloped web-based learning tools, which are
www.wellstart.org by UCSD Medical Center and
Vermont College of Medicine, Tulane Knowledge to
Practice Program, Supporting and Promoting
Breastfeeding in Health Care Settings by Tulane
University Mary Amelia Women's Center, Supporting
and Promoting Breastfeeding in Health Care Settings
by University at Albany School of Public Health.
Problem-based workshop
In 1998, a project for a skill-based experiential cur-
riculum to be integrated into residency education
was initiated at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
[22]. Second- and third-year residents at the depart-
ment of family practice were enrolled and they re-
ceived baseline examinations and Objective Structured
Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) over a 2 week period.
In 30 days, the intervention group attended a 4.5
hour BF workshop. After another 30 days, the inter-
vention and the control groups again completed the
paper examination and OSCE. The workshop was a
4.5-hour time block during a regularly scheduled
conference period. The scores for the OSCE after in-
tervention were significantly higher than the control
group for assessing feeding position and latching
and for offering support for sore nipples. The residents
in the intervention group reported feeling more con-
fident in BF-related problem-solving (p0.001).
Problem-based learning (PBL) is current practice
in most medical schools in Korea. If medical schools
incorporate BF medicine into the basic learning ob-
jectives of PBL and OSCE, medical students will have
more opportunity to study BF medicine.
A well-rounded BF education for medical students
and residents through various educational modal-
ities integrated into clinical rotations would lead
medical professionals and medical students to in-
crease support for lactating mothers and provide
healthcare givers confidence to solve BF-related
problems. Better support by the faculties of medical
school and the health care system is needed to make
152    Vol. 20, No. 3, September 2017
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