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Improving breastfeeding education among hospital nurses Improving breastfeeding education among hospital nurses
Kara R. Connelly
Binghamton University--SUNY
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Connelly, Kara R., "Improving breastfeeding education among hospital nurses" (2018).
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Improving Breastfeeding Education Among Hospital Nurses
BSN, Binghamton University, 2009
MSN in Family Health, Binghamton University, 2013
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice
in the Graduate School of
Binghamton University
State University of New York
Copyright by Kara Rae Connelly 2018
All Rights Reserved
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice
in the Graduate School of
Binghamton University
State University of New York
April 30, 2018
Nicole Rouhana, Chair
Department of Nursing, Binghamton University
Kathleen Fitzgerald, Member
Department of Nursing, Binghamton University
Susan Terwilliger, Member
Department of Nursing, Binghamton University
Breastfeeding is well-documented as the most beneficial method of infant feeding
worldwide. There are numerous national initiatives present to improve breastfeeding
outcomes. Despite knowledge and health care organization efforts, the recommendations
of exclusive breastfeeding through six months of life with continued breastfeeding
through one year of age are not being met. The purpose of this DNP project is to
determine if a structured self-study educational program on breastfeeding
recommendations, the 4
Edition of the Lactation Management Self-Study Modules
created by Wellstart International™, provided to hospital nurses on a maternity unit in
Central, New York with a Level One nursery, will improve nursing knowledge of
appropriate breastfeeding practices, decrease variations in breastfeeding education
provided to patients, and improve breastfeeding outcomes for the facility. The research
study used a quasi-experimental design to determine how an educational program
provided to hospital nurses impacts both their knowledge of breastfeeding as well as the
breastfeeding outcomes for the hospital. This DNP project, along with the growing body
of literature, supports the need for continued provision of education related to
breastfeeding among nurses in direct care of breastfeeding mothers, and expresses a need
for further research on this topic to optimize breastfeeding outcomes worldwide.
This DNP capstone project is dedicated to my husband Richard who provided his love,
support and guidance throughout this journey. It is additionally dedicated to my son
Joseph and dog Gracie who also provided their love and support.
Thank you to Dr. Rouhana for guiding me throughout this journey as my
Committee Chair. Thank you additionally to Dr. Fitzgerald and Dr. Terwilliger for your
time and commitment to this DNP project.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Problem Statement 1
Introduction 1
Background 3
Significance 7
Problem Statement 14
Purpose Statement 14
Theoretical Framework 15
Chapter 2: Review of Literature 19
Introduction 19
Inclusion Criteria 19
Impact of Nursing Knowledge and Practice 20
Educational Program Design 22
Impact of Educational Program on Breastfeeding
Impact of Education on Breastfeeding Outcomes 25
Summary 27
Chapter 3: Plan for Resolution 29
Methods 29
Target Population 33
Setting 33
Budget 34
Chapter 4: Outcome / Evaluation 35
Purpose 35
PICOT Question 35
Data Collection 35
Statistical Analysis 37
Summary of Findings 40
Chapter 5: Summary 42
Introduction 42
Summary of Findings 43
Implications for Practice 44
Limitations 46
Recommendations for Research 46
Conclusion 47
Appendix A 50
Appendix B 60
Appendix C 61
References 62
Improving Breastfeeding Education Among Hospital Nurses
Chapter 1: Problem Statement
Breastfeeding is widely supported as the optimal form of nutrition among infants.
There is significant documentation of the countless health benefits of exclusively
breastfeeding infants during the first six months of life and the continued presence of
breastfeeding throughout the first year of life (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP],
2012; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2013; DiGirolamo, Grummer-
Strawn, & Fein, 2008; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward, 2011;
World Health Organization [WHO], 2013). Despite these recommendations there is a
significant deficit in breastfeeding practices among American mothers. According to
breastfeeding statistics, an estimated 75% of women initiate exclusive breastfeeding
practices at the birth of the infant, yet this percentage drastically decreases to 15% by the
time infants reach six months of age (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC],
2011). The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding (2011) discusses
the importance of the role of the health care worker as related to improving breastfeeding
outcomes. The document emphasizes the importance of improving practices of
postpartum nurses to ensure the receipt of consistent, evidence-based maternity care to
improve breastfeeding among patients.
There are numerous national initiatives, including the Baby Friendly Hospital
Initiative (BFHI) and Healthy People 2020, aimed at improving breastfeeding practices
among American mothers (Healthy People 2020, 2013; WHO, 2013). Recommendations
of these initiatives include the provision of breastfeeding education and training to
nursing staff directly working with breastfeeding women and infants. Although this
suggested method of improving breastfeeding practices is well-documented, the majority
of hospitals remain without a baby-friendly hospital designation. This has resulted in a
wide variation of breastfeeding knowledge among hospital nurses who are essential to
promoting successful breastfeeding. This disparity is largely due to the lack time,
resources and finances required to provide the appropriate education and policy changes
required to meet baby friendly standards.
There has been extensive research performed that focuses on evaluating the
breastfeeding knowledge of hospital staff of various disciplines (Crowder, 2006;
DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, & Fein, 2008; Owoaje, Oyamade, & Kolude, 2002;
Patton, Beaman, Csar, & Lewinski, 1996; Wallace, Kosmala-Anderson, 2007). This
research has widely yielded results displaying the variance in level of knowledge of
breastfeeding among health care workers in direct contact with breastfeeding couplets.
Much of this research reveals a lack of knowledge regarding appropriate breastfeeding
practices, as well as a lack of consistency in education provided to patients, among these
staff members. Despite a lack of standardized breastfeeding education there has been
limited research performed on developing effective educational programs for hospital
nursing staff and their resultant efficacy. This lack of training has the potential to
negatively influence long term breastfeeding rates among mothers in the United States.
Breastfeeding is well-documented as the most beneficial method of infant feeding
worldwide. The literature widely supports the positive effects of breastfeeding on an
infant’s neurological development, as well as a significant preventative measure in
protecting the health of an infant (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2012; Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2013; DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, &
Fein, 2008; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward, 2011; World
Health Organization [WHO], 2013). According to the World Health Organization
(WHO) (World Health Organization [WHO], 2013), “If every child was breastfed within
an hour of birth, given only breast milk for their first six months of life, and continued
breastfeeding up to the age of two years, about 220,000 child lives would be saved every
year (WHO, 2013, para. 2).” Current guidelines from the American Academy of
Pediatrics (AAP) (American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2012) recommend exclusive
breastfeeding of an infant until six months of life, with introduction of complementary
feedings and continued breastfeeding until at least one year of age.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2011), in the United States (US) approximately
75% of infants are exclusively breastfed at birth; however current statistics show that by
six months of age this national average drastically decreases to 15%. At the state level
approximately 80.5% of new mothers initiate breastfeeding in New York State. This
statistic represents any infant who has ever been breastfed in any capacity in 2013 (CDC,
2016). This figure drops to 55.8% and 31.3% for those continuing to breastfeed at six
months and 12 months respectively (CDC, 2016). Statistics for infants who are
exclusively breastfed account for 37.1% a three months of age and 16.9% at six months
of age. Within Broome County, NY, the population of focus for this DNP project, 79.3%
of mothers initiate any form of breastfeeding during the hospital stay in 2014. This
statistic decreased to 69.5% by the time of hospital discharge (Mothers and Babies,
The policy statement entitled Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk
published by the AAP (2012) provides evidence of the decreased incidence of common
infections and diseases of infancy and childhood, in newborns who are exclusively
breastfed. These common infections include, but are not limited to, otitis media, celiac
disease, gastrointestinal infections, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and obesity.
In addition, there are improved neurodevelopmental outcomes related to exclusive
breastfeeding, resulting in higher intelligence scores among those infants breastfed longer
than three months. This study provides evidence regarding the unique health benefits
observed when an infant is exclusively breastfed during the first six months of life (AAP,
Current research supports breastfeeding guidelines, as discussed by both the CDC
(2013) and AAP (2012); however national statistics suggest that these feeding goals are
not met by the vast majority. Although there are high levels of breastfeeding initiation,
there is a significant decrease in exclusive breastfeeding by six months of age (AAP,
2012, CDC, 2013, WHO, 2013). Due to this deficit, and the knowledge of breastfeeding
benefits, there are numerous national initiatives aimed at improving breastfeeding
outcomes. Healthy People 2020 (2013) is one national initiative which has focused on
improving breastfeeding rates. Among the Healthy People 2020 goals for infant care are
numerous objectives which directly refer to infant feeding practices. These objectives are
as follows:
Increase the proportion of infants who are ever breastfed
Increase the proportion of infants who are breastfed at six months
Increase the proportion of infants who are breastfed at one year
Increase the proportion of infants who are breastfed exclusively through
three months
Increase the proportion of infants who are breastfed exclusively through
six months
Although national goals are in place, programs are needed to help meet these proposed
The literature widely supports the provision of educational programs to hospital
staff as a method of improving this disparity in breastfeeding statistics (AAP, 2012;
CDC, 2013; DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, & Fein, 2008; Healthy People 2020, 2013;
Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward, 2011; WHO, 2013). Experts
recommend formal breastfeeding training for any healthcare worker in the direct care of
breastfeeding patients (AAP, 2012; CDC, 2013; WHO, 2013). Despite this knowledge,
development of educational programs for healthcare workers is not widely applied at the
hospital level. Creating a formal breastfeeding education program may help promote
recommended infant feeding practices among new mothers.
One structured program currently in existence is the 4
Edition of the Lactation
Management Self-Study Modules: Level One, created by Wellstart International™.
Wellstart International™ as an organization has had a strong focus on lactation
management education since 1983. Their initial Lactation Management Education
Program, which took place from 1983-1998 demonstrated positive outcomes related to
breastfeeding practices and policies among attendees. This initial program was four
weeks long and included a combination of educational components and policy
development. Long term outcomes of the program included increased breastfeeding
knowledge and skills for breastfeeding support, increased organization of breastfeeding
conferences and workshops and increased improvement of breastfeeding policies among
others. (Wellstart International™, n.d.)
The Lactation Management Self-Study Module: Level One is a program
developed by Wellstart International™ that provides appropriate education pertaining to
breastfeeding and is specifically created for those health care workers caring for breast
feeding mothers and infants. The self-study module, now in the 4
edition incorporates
education related to breastfeeding benefits, how to counsel breastfeeding mothers,
optimal infant feeding, as well as breastfeeding practices and identification of common
barriers. This program provides a standardized, comprehensive curriculum for basic
breastfeeding practices. This self-study design of the program additionally allows
participants to complete the educational tasks at their own pace in any setting they
choose. This model increases accessibility and ease of completion for all individuals.
The pre-test and post-test design additionally allows program participants to track
knowledge gained throughout the course. (Wellstart International™, 2013)
The 4
Edition of the Lactation Management Self-Study Modules: Level One by
Wellstart International™ is to be implemented among hospital nursing staff in order to
determine their impact on breastfeeding outcomes, with an ultimate goal of improving
infant health outcomes. The intent of this DNP project is to bridge the gap between the
vast knowledge of breastfeeding benefits and the implementation of an appropriate
educational program within a hospital in Central, NY with a Level One nursery. The
goal is to improve breastfeeding knowledge and provision of patient education among
hospital nurses to ultimately help meet national health objectives provided by Healthy
People 2020, thereby positively influencing long term breastfeeding success.
It is well documented in the literature that women who receive appropriate
support while breastfeeding have improved outcomes in exclusive breastfeeding during
the first six months of life (AAP, 2013; CDC, 2011; CDC, 2013; WHO, 2013). Based on
this knowledge, Healthy People 2020 (2013) list numerous national health objectives
aimed at increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates among newborn infants, as stated
above. The CDC (2013) identifies the importance of the intra-partum hospital course in
initiating breastfeeding successfully. Appropriate support and education from hospital
providers and nursing staff throughout the hospital course greatly impacts the
breastfeeding success of mother and infant. At this time, approximately one in three
mothers will discontinue breastfeeding without appropriate support in the hospital setting
(CDC, 2011).
This DNP project aims to assist in meeting national health objectives through
evaluating and improving knowledge of hospital nursing staff on breastfeeding, with the
implementation of an educational program for hospital nurses. The educational program
chosen for implementation in this DNP project is the 4
Edition of the Lactation
Management Self-Study Modules: Level One by Wellstart International™. Although
there is a growing body of literature supporting the education of hospital staff as a means
of improving breastfeeding outcomes, no specific educational program has been
identified as begin the most effective, indicating the need for future research on this topic.
Ward and Byrne (2011) performed a systematic review of 15 previously
implemented educational programs for healthcare workers. The results of this study
identified that programs which required a minimum of 18 hours of education had the
greatest impact on breastfeeding outcomes for the facility. The authors however state
that of the educational programs that were shorter than 18 hours in length, only one of
those studies evaluated breastfeeding outcomes. The authors discuss that a positive
impact of shorter breastfeeding programs cannot be ruled out based on the study. In
addition, the results also noted that any form of continuing breastfeeding education was
beneficial to staff members. It is important to note however that while this study
analyzed previously implemented programs, the researchers did not implement their own
program based on information learned from their analysis. The literature overwhelmingly
supports breastfeeding as the ideal method of infant nutrition (AAP, 2012; CDC, 2013;
DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, & Fein, 2008; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, &
Groleau, 2012; Ward, 2011; WHO, 2013). At this time further evaluation of programs
intending to improve breastfeeding outcomes is still needed to help increase national
statistics of infants receiving the recommended methods of feeding over the first year of
life. The objective of this DNP project is to add to the body of knowledge regarding
lactation education, with an ultimate goal of improving both nurses’ knowledge regarding
breastfeeding and breastfeeding outcomes. The study will employ the use of the 4
Edition of the Lactation Management Self-Study Modules created by Wellstart
International™ in a hospital in Central New York State with a Level One nursery. The
project will evaluate the effectiveness of a breastfeeding educational program by
measuring breastfeeding knowledge among participating nurses and breastfeeding
outcomes of the postpartum mothers they care for.
On the forefront of national breastfeeding initiatives is the Baby Friendly Hospital
Initiative (BFHI) proposed by WHO and the United National Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative is a worldwide initiative officially launched by the
WHO and UNICEF in 1991 in order to improve, promote and support breastfeeding
practices. The 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding was first published by the WHO and
UNICEF as a portion of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in 1989 (WHO/UNICEF,
1999). This document entitled Protecting, Promoting and Supporting Breastfeeding: The
Special Role of Maternity services, outlines the 10 essential steps each hospital must
incorporate in order to appropriately support breastfeeding during the intra-partum
hospital stay. In The 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding WHO and UNICEF (1989)
state the following:
Every facility providing maternity services and care for newborn infants should:
1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all
health care staff.
2. Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy.
3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of
4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within half an hour of birth.
5. Show mothers how to breastfeed, and how to maintain lactation even if
they should be separated from their infants.
6. Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk, unless
medically indicated.
7. Practice rooming-in - that is, allow mothers and infants to remain together
- 24 hours a day.
8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
9. Give no artificial teats or pacifiers (also called dummies or soothers) to
breastfeeding infants.
10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers
to them on discharge from the hospital or clinic.
Of these 10 steps, the first two recommend creating a hospital breastfeeding
policy and training all healthcare workers with the necessary skills for successful
implementation (WHO, 2013). These first two steps indicate the importance of
standardized breastfeeding policy and education. In the US this initiative is implemented
by the accrediting body Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. (BFUSA) (Baby-Friendly USA
[BFUSA], 2012). The BFHI recognizes hospitals who have successfully implemented
both the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding as well as the International Code of
Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and provides them the designation of a baby
friendly hospital. The International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (WHO,
1981) is a document delineating the appropriate use of breast-milk substitutes and further
discusses appropriate marketing and distribution of these substitutes. Currently adoption
of the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding is the choice of each individual hospital.
There are financial incentives at both the state and federal levels for demonstrating
increased numbers of infants who are breastfed at birth; however the incentive simply
mandates that each hospital have a documented breastfeeding policy in place and does
not dictate the method institutions use to support increasing their breastfeeding rates.
The hospital chosen for participation of this DNP project is currently on their
journey towards earning Baby-Friendly designation. This hospital is located in Central
New York State and performs approximately 1200 births per year. Provision of the
educational program dually benefits the participating hospital by assisting them in
meeting the Baby-Friendly requirement of staff training and education. The hospital
currently employs the use of Baby-Friendly practices and has a Level One nursery.
In a study performed by DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, and Fein (2008), a strong
link was discovered between mothers who were exposed to baby-friendly practices
during their hospital stay, and the length of time they exclusively breastfed their infant. In
this study, of the women included, approximately eight percent received all of the
recommended baby friendly practices. Additionally, those who had the advantage of
being exposed to the recommended baby-friendly breastfeeding practices were 13 times
more likely to continue breastfeeding past the first six weeks of life (DiGirolamo,
Grummer-Strawn & Fein, 2008). The CDC (2013) additionally discusses implementing
educational programs for health care workers as an effective measure of supporting
breastfeeding women, and improving outcomes for the maternal-infant dyad. Ward and
Byrne (2011) identified improved knowledge and patient education practices among
nurses and health care providers who have received structured education on the topic.
Although education of hospital staff demonstrates positive impacts on
breastfeeding outcomes, there are still only five percent of infants born in “Baby-
Friendly” designated hospitals (CDC, 2011). Semenic and colleagues (2012) identified
barriers to implementing the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, with a primary factor of
insufficient training of health care workers as one of the obstacles. A document published
by Baby-Friendly USA in 2004 entitled Overcoming Barriers to Implementing the 10
Steps to Successful Breastfeeding discusses multiple barriers hospitals face when
attempting to implement breastfeeding training among their staff (Baby-Friendly USA,
2004). These barriers include lack of time, lack of an expert trainer, lack of monetary
resources, and high turn-over in staff members. This document suggests numerous
solutions to overcome these barriers, including: assessing prior knowledge of
breastfeeding, incorporating training at staff meetings, self-study modules and web-based
training in order to meet the recommended 18 hours of breastfeeding education. The 4
Edition of the Lactation Management Self-Study Modules created by Wellstart
International™ chosen for this DNP project addresses many of the aforementioned
barriers hospitals face when providing staff education.
Although the current WHO breastfeeding course for healthcare workers is 18
hours in length, this amount of time is not feasible for many facilities due to many of the
above mentioned reasons. Additional barriers present for the local hospital utilized in
this DNP project include staffing issues related to an insufficient number of nurses. These
barriers have impacted the successful implementation of the 10 Steps to Successful
Breastfeeding in many hospitals. Although the research supports that educating nurses
about breastfeeding in any capacity is beneficial, as noted by Ward and Byrne (2011),
further research is needed on educational programs which are shorter in length, as well as
self-study programs which can be performed individually by employees. These programs
are less burdensome for facilities due to the amount of time they take to implement, the
flexible nature of implementation, as well as economic feasibility. The literature
overwhelmingly supports that increased implementation of formal educational programs
for nursing staff is needed to improve support of the maternal-infant dyad during the
intra-partum hospital stay and assist in meeting the national health objectives discussed in
Healthy People 2020 (AAP, 2012; CDC, 2013; DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, & Fein,
2008; Healthy People 2020, 2013; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012;
Ward, 2011; WHO, 2013). Despite this knowledge, hospitals are not abiding by these
recommendations due to multiple previously identified barriers. At this time there has
been comparatively less research performed on the impact of educational programs,
which employ a self-study model, on both the breastfeeding knowledge of hospital nurses
as well as the breastfeeding outcomes for the facility. The chosen educational program
for this study meets the self-study criteria and program length is less than 18 hours.
Implementation of this program will aid in bridging the gap of knowledge related to
efficacy of these types of educational interventions.
Many studies have discussed a need for further education of hospital staff;
however, more knowledge is needed regarding the most effective educational program
for improved outcomes (AAP, 2012; CDC, 2013; DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, & Fein,
2008; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward, 2011; WHO, 2013).
Specifically, literary resources support the development of a formal educational program
to be uniformly implemented among nursing staff to improve outcomes and streamline
patient education among hospitals (AAP, 2012; CDC, 2013; DiGirolamo, Grummer-
Strawn, & Fein, 2008; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward, 2011;
WHO, 2013). There continues to be a growing body of literature dedicated to improving
breastfeeding outcomes, but at this time there continue to be gaps in knowledge regarding
efficient methods of educating hospital nursing staff.
Problem Statement
Current research on breastfeeding evaluates the improvement in breastfeeding
knowledge among nurses who have received some form of breastfeeding education.
Despite this knowledge, the research does not focus on the type of educational program
that is most effective at improving knowledge of nurses and breastfeeding outcomes (Li,
Li, Ashley, Smiley, Cohen, & Dee, 2013; Owoaje, Oyemade, & Kolude, 2002; Ward, &
Byrne, 2011). Furthermore, a frequent barrier hospitals face when attempting to
implement the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding is lack of time and resources for the
implementation of the WHO recommended 18 hour educational program. Further
research is needed to determine an effective educational program for nursing staff, which
employs the use of a self-study model, in order to streamline the education provided to
patients and improve national breastfeeding outcomes.
Purpose statement
The purpose of this DNP project is to determine if a structured self-study
educational program on breastfeeding recommendations, the 4
Edition of the Lactation
Management Self-Study Modules created by Wellstart International™, provided to
hospital nurses on a maternity unit in Central, New York with a Level One nursery, will
improve nursing knowledge of appropriate breastfeeding practices, decrease variations in
breastfeeding education provided to patients, and improve breastfeeding outcomes for the
Theoretical Framework
This study aimed to implement an educational innovation, guided by the use of
the Diffusion of Innovations theory, as discussed by Rogers (2005). The process
involved adoption, implementation, and ideally maintenance of the innovation over time.
The model of the study involved a pre-test and post-test design to evaluate knowledge
before and after the intervention, in an effort to demonstrate program effectiveness. The
educational program entailed nurses completing the 4th Edition of Wellstart
International™ Lactation Management Self-Study Modules, Level One. The Diffusion
of Innovations Theory guided implementation and assessment strategies to achieve
optimal results.
The Diffusion of Innovations is a theoretical model originally published by
Everett Rogers in 1962 (Rogers, 1962). In his book, Diffusion of Innovations, Rogers
(2005) discusses innovation, communication channels, time, and social system as the four
main elements that directly impact any new idea. Diffusion itself is a process which
involves communication of the innovation. The innovation is then introduced to the
social system over a period of time. Rogers (2005) discusses the five stages of diffusion
as knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. Knowledge
involves the process of the individual acquiring initial knowledge of the innovation. The
concept persuasion refers to the acquisition of further knowledge of the innovation. The
decision process involves the individual determining whether or not to implement the
innovation. Implementation refers to the individual actively applying the innovation.
The final stage of confirmation involves the individual determining the benefits of the
innovation and deciding to continue its application.
The innovation for this particular study involved introduction of a structured
educational program among the nursing staff on a perinatal unit in Central New York
State. For this study, the communication occurred through offering participation in the
study to all nurses working on the hospital unit. Nurses were asked to complete The 4th
Edition Lactation Management Self-Study Modules, Level One by Wellstart
The self-study module employs the use of a pre-test and posttest design.
Nurses were directed to and asked to complete the Lactation
Management Self-Study Modules. The course required nurses to complete the pre-test,
followed by three modules, followed by the completion of the post-test. Nurses then
signed into the website and complete the final exam online. Nurses who received a score
of 80% or higher were be eligible for a certificate of completion for the course.
An additional impact of the educational program will be evaluated through the use
of a telephone interview survey of mothers at six weeks postpartum. Mothers were
interviewed in three waves, with one interview group completed prior to implementation
and two interview groups completed after the implementation of the 4th Edition Lactation
Management Self-Study Modules, Level One by Wellstart International™. Interviews
were conducted by the primary researcher, Kara Connelly FNP-C. The two post
implementation groups were interviewed exactly six weeks after implementation and then
a second group 10 weeks after implementation. From implementation to evaluation the
time frame of the study occurred over a three month period.
Rogers (2005) additionally discusses five categories of individuals who
are involved in adopting the intervention. These five categories include innovators, early
adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. These individuals range from those
who are actively contributing towards diffusion and those who are protesting.
Description of the five categories of individuals predicted possible obstacles or
opposition to the proposed educational program. Through the application of the Diffusion
of Innovations framework nurses included in the study were classified within these five
categories. Nurses were categorized initially when the educational program was
implemented, through the use of self-report. The theoretical framework guided the
assessment of nurses to determine willingness to make changes and potential impact on
influencing breastfeeding rates.
Finally, Rogers (2005) discusses five factors which impact how the individual
perceives the intervention. These factors include relative advantage, compatibility,
complexity / simplicity, ability to trial, and ability to observe. The factors relate to an
innovation’s benefits to the individual, how well it conforms to their needs, ease of
implementation, ease of experimentation, and how visible it is to the majority. These
concepts guided the development of the educational program to improve efficacy. Each
of these factors directly impacts the success of diffusion. The local hospital participating
in the DNP Project faced numerous barriers related to staffing and time. The largest
barrier to increasing breastfeeding among this population was time. Nurses required an
educational program that could be done in the home setting and did not require further
hours in the hospital. The proposed study provided comprehensive, structured education
regarding updated breastfeeding practice. Educational concepts provided through the
program are directly applicable to daily patient care. The overall design allowed for
simple execution, and benefits of the program were evaluated by nurses participating.
The study design was guided by the theoretical framework in order to optimize program
success and adoption by nursing staff.
For the purposes of this study the theoretical framework has provided detailed
methods of categorizing participants in order to determine potential obstacles and
measure program success. The various concepts discussed by Rogers aided in analyzing
data, and provided insight for best practices when diffusing an innovation in order to
obtain optimal results. Most significantly, the theoretical framework provided a
structured method of categorizing nurses in order to determine their willingness to
implement the program. Additionally the use of the Diffusion of Innovations Model
(Rogers, 2005), has guided program design to meet the needs of the participating
hospital, in order to meet the goal of improving breastfeeding outcomes.
Chapter 2: Review of Literature
Currently there is a growing body of literature dedicated to improving
breastfeeding outcomes. It is well documented that improving healthcare workers’
knowledge of evidence-based breastfeeding recommendations has a positive impact on
breastfeeding outcomes. Given the national goal of increasing compliance with
breastfeeding recommendations, as well as current recommendations of the 10 steps to
successful breastfeeding, there is increased focus on improving breastfeeding education
for healthcare workers in direct care of breastfeeding mothers.
Inclusion Criteria
For this review of literature a total of 26 studies were selected. Search engines
used included MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Google Scholar. Search terms of breastfeeding,
education, and nurse were used to find articles. With a total initial yield of over 3,000
articles between the three search engines, articles were further excluded based on their
relevance, publishing date, availability in English, and availability in an online format.
Articles were peer-reviewed and chosen based on publication date within the past 15
years, with the exception of one study performed in 1996. Articles included in this DNP
project were both intervention and non-intervention studies. The final articles were
chosen based on their topics related to: the impact of educational breastfeeding programs
on the knowledge of the healthcare workers; need for further education related to
breastfeeding; and the impact of the intra-partum hospital stay on breastfeeding
Impact of Nursing Knowledge and Practices
Of the articles reviewed there is a common discussion of the impact of nursing
practices on successful initiation of breastfeeding (Cross-Barnet, Augustyn, Gross,
Resnik, & Paige; 2012; DiGirolamo, & Grummer-Strawn, 2008; Ellis & Hewat, 1983;
Patton, Beaman, Csar, & Lewinski, 1996). These studies suggest a direct correlation
between the implementation of recommended breastfeeding practices and overall success
in breastfeeding initiation. DiGirolamo & Grummer-Strawn (2006) discussed improved
breastfeeding outcomes with the implementation of baby-friendly practices. Despite this
knowledge, only 8.1% of mothers included in the study received all of the recommended
baby-friendly practices. Patton, Beaman, Csar, & Lewinski (1996) identified a positive
correlation between nurses’ education and knowledge of breastfeeding as well as their
attitude towards the practice. These articles determine a need for improvement in
breastfeeding knowledge among healthcare workers and discuss the impact that the intra-
partum hospital stay has on breastfeeding outcomes and successful initiation.
An additional five of the selected articles performed research evaluating the
current knowledge and amount of education provided to healthcare workers in order to
determine a need for further education (Brodribb, 2012; Osband, Altman, Patrick, &
Edwards, 2011; Smale, Renfrew, Marshall, & Spilby, 2006; Wallace, 2007; Weddig,
Bakers, & Auld, 2011). The majority of these articles additionally determined the
attitudes of healthcare workers related to breastfeeding (Smale, Renfrew, Marshall, &
Spilby, 2006; Wallace, 2007; Weddig, Bakers, & Auld, 2011). Attitudes related to
breastfeeding were often positively correlated with the level of education related to
breastfeeding and knowledge of breastfeeding best practices. As discussed by Rogers
(2006), prior to the implementation of an innovation it is necessary to acknowledge that
individuals possess baseline knowledge of the topic in order to determine areas for
improvement. The articles assessed this baseline knowledge in order to evaluate the need
for implementation of educational remediation (Brodribb, 2012; Osband, Altman,
Patrick, & Edwards, 2011; Smale, Renfrew, Marshall, & Spilby, 2006; Wallace, 2007;
Weddig, Bakers, & Auld, 2011). Instrumentation to assess baseline knowledge varied
among articles reviewed. Methods of assessing knowledge included use of interviews,
surveys, questionnaires and analysis of previous studies. Studies were largely qualitative
in design. The research uniformly supported a need for further education of nurses
directly related to breastfeeding. Smale, Renfrew, Marshall, & Spilby (2006) discussed
that practitioners interviewed acknowledged feeling unprepared to provide education to
breastfeeding women. Furthermore, breastfeeding women interviewed felt unsupported
and additionally felt that healthcare workers did not possess the knowledge to answer
their questions.
Wallace (2007) performed an assessment of 549 practitioners, predominantly
nurse midwives, to evaluate their knowledge of breastfeeding recommendations and
hospital policy. Of the practitioners interviewed 9.8 % were unaware of the current
WHO breastfeeding recommendations. Similarly, Weddig, Baker, & Auld (2011)
assessed breastfeeding knowledge of healthcare workers and determined there was a
significant deficit among nursing knowledge of best breastfeeding practices. This study
specifically documented a disparity in breastfeeding knowledge among non-baby-friendly
A common weakness among these articles was the use of small sample size.
Small sample size creates less reliable results due to increased potential of bias. With the
exception of Wallace (2007), these studies involved sample sizes of less than 100
healthcare workers. This weakness hinders generalizability to the entire population. An
additional weakness is the use of self-report as a means of collecting data. In these
studies, all data were collected through verbal interviews, and therefore relied solely on
self-report. Authors also discussed that documented attitudes related to breastfeeding are
likely skewed in a falsely positive direction, as those who agreed to participate in the
study were more dedicated to improving breastfeeding outcomes. Finally, none of the
above mentioned research studies performed an educational program to determine if
implementation improved attitudes, knowledge and breastfeeding outcomes.
Educational Program Design
Five additional articles used a pre-test and post-test design to determine the
impact of an educational program on nursing knowledge and attitudes related to
breastfeeding practices (Bernaix, Beaman, Schmidt, Harris, & Miller, 2010; Davis,
Stichler, & Poelter, 2012; Ekstrom, Widstrom, &Nissen, 2005; Mellin, Poplawski, Gole
& Mass, 2011; Weddig, Baker, Auld, & Hordynski, 2011). Common topics covered in
these educational programs included, but were not limited to, current breastfeeding
recommendations, importance of breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, the baby-friendly
hospital initiative and strategies for supporting the breastfeeding dyad. These studies
diffusely documented an improvement in breastfeeding knowledge among intervention
groups. An additional study performed by Dodgson & Tarrant (2007) employed the use
of a control and intervention group to determine the effectiveness of an educational
intervention related to breastfeeding. This particular program was provided to
baccalaureate nursing students.
Among these studies, educational programs varied from online self-study, face-to-
face lectures and a combination of both methods. With the exception of Davis, Stichler,
& Poelter (2012) and Mellin, Poplawski, Gole & Mass (2011) study designs involved
control and intervention groups, and additionally evaluated multiple hospital and clinic
sites. Davis, Stichler, & Poelter (2012) executed a unique educational program by
mandating all of the maternal / newborn nurses in one hospital to participate in a two
hour educational program. Two of the research studies (Davis, Stichler, & Poelter, 2012;
Weddig, Baker, Auld, & Hordynski, 2011) quantitatively evaluated participants initially
post-education and at another interval afterwards. Researchers differed in their methods
of post-educational program evaluation with the use of a second quantitative post-test at a
three month interval (Davis, Stichler, & Poelter, 2012), and the use of an interview of
nurses at a 12 month interview (Weddig, Baker, Auld, & Hordynski, 2011). One study
evaluated both healthcare professionals as well as breastfeeding mothers pre and post
intervention (Mellin, Poplawski, Gole & Mass, 2011). Researchers noted increased
comfort among healthcare professionals related to breastfeeding however, no statistically
significant improvement in breastfeeding satisfaction was noted among mothers. Each of
the studies determined a need for the provision of further breastfeeding education given
at regular intervals.
A major weakness seen in each of these studies is the use of small sample size of
less than 300 participants. An additional weakness for Davis, Stichler, & Poelter (2012)
was the use of only one hospital setting. Although these studies generally documented an
improvement in breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes, they failed to compare findings
with other breastfeeding educational programs. Moreover, the research studies did not
discuss the impact improved education had on breastfeeding outcomes within their
Four studies (Bernaix, Beaman, Schmidt, Harris, & Miller, 2010; Davis, Stichler,
& Poelter, 2012; Ekstrom, Widstrom, &Nissen, 2005; Weddig, Baker, Auld, &
Hordynski, 2011) support the use of the Diffusion of Innovations model through their
methods of implementation. The educational programs use Rogers’ (2006) stated steps
of diffusion. The steps of knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and
confirmation were outlined in the research studies when detailing the implementation of
educational programs. Each of the educational programs built on the baseline
breastfeeding knowledge of the participants. Prior to inclusion in the research study
participants were informed of the requirements and therefore able to make an informed
decision to accept or decline the invitation to participate. Researchers determined
success of the educational intervention with a post-test and further follow up to assess the
participants’ confirmation to continue applying acquired knowledge. Research programs
were made visible to potential participants either through requesting participation or
mandating participation within the facility. The process of educational implementation
within each of the research studies mirrors the concepts with in the Diffusions of
Innovations model and therefore supports the theoretical framework.
Impact of Educational Programs on Breastfeeding Knowledge
An additional three studies reviewed the impact of breastfeeding educational
programs on overall knowledge related to the topic (Li, Li, Ashley, Smiley, Cohen, &
Dee, 2013; Owoaje, Oyemade, & Kolude, 2002; Ward, & Byrne, 2011). These studies
employed the use of qualitative methods of evaluation of knowledge including evaluating
national survey responses, interviewing nurses and analysis of prior research studies.
Each of these studies determined that healthcare workers with increased levels of
education related to breastfeeding possessed improved knowledge and overall improved
breastfeeding outcomes for their patients. Ward & Byrne (2011) evaluated 15 studies in
order to compare varying educational programs. Results of the study determined that
breastfeeding educational programs that are a minimum of 18 hours in length have
optimal impact on breastfeeding outcomes. This finding supports the current WHO
recommendations for breastfeeding education.
Despite this finding, authors discussed that the impact of shorter educational
programs cannot be ruled out at this time due to insufficient documentation. Of the
shorter length educational programs evaluated in by Ward & Byrne (2011), only one
documented its impact on breastfeeding outcomes. Authors additionally discussed that
lengthier programs are frequently not feasible for facilities due to cost, time and lack of
resources. Ward & Byrne (2011) demonstrated a need for further evaluation of
educational programs that are more feasible for institutions to implement, with a specific
focus on their impact on breastfeeding outcomes.
Impact of Education on Breastfeeding Outcomes
An additional study performed by Siggia & Rosenburg (2014) evaluated the
impact of breastfeeding education for nursing staff on overall breastfeeding rates for the
institution being studied. Researchers employed the use of a multidisciplinary approach
in order to provide a total of 20 hours of education related to breastfeeding for nursing
staff. Findings did show an increase in initiation of exclusive breastfeeding among
mothers who gave birth at their facility. Researchers employed both didactic and bedside
educational interventions in their study. This study was particularly strong with a sample
size of 500 nurses.
The current recommendation for initial breastfeeding training of staff members is
a minimum of 18 hours (WHO, 2012). Baby-Friendly USA (2004) discusses multiple
barriers that facilities face when implementing this amount of education for their staff
members. Among the stated barriers are time and cost. The author recommends
numerous methods of attaining the recommended 18 hours of training over time,
including assessing baseline knowledge of nursing staff and providing periodic research
updates. Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, (2012) discuss effective leadership
and hospital training as two of the major barriers to successful implementation of baby-
friendly practices within hospitals. Ward & Byrne (2011), identified the need for further
research of the impact of programs that are shorter than the recommended 18 hours to
help decrease barriers for educating healthcare workers. Despite documentation of the
proven success of baby-friendly practices, facilities are still not meeting the minimum
recommendations. Multiple literary sources discuss the barriers that hospitals face when
attempting to implement these practices (Baby-Friendly USA, 2004; Semenic,
Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward & Byrne, 2011). These research findings
suggest the importance of assisting facilities in overcoming the documented barriers with
a goal of improving breastfeeding outcomes.
The body of literature related to improving breastfeeding education for those
caring for breastfeeding mothers continues to grow. Educational programs reviewed
supported the theoretical framework through inclusion of methods detailed within its
concepts. Presently there are gaps in the literature related to determining educational
programs which are most effective. Although there is significant support for educational
programs, there is still debate as to which programs produce ideal results. There is
additionally increasing documentation of the barriers hospitals face when attempting to
meet the recommended breastfeeding education guidelines outlined by WHO (2012).
Moreover, Ward & Byrne (2011) discuss a distinct deficit in knowledge of the impact on
educational programs that are shorter in length and more flexible in their implementation,
have on breastfeeding outcomes. At this time further research is needed on these
programs due to their economic feasibility and ease of implementation. Although these
shorter educational programs do not match the current 18 hour educational
recommendation, they provide condensed education to nurses in facilities which are
currently unable to meet the 18 hour guideline. This project aims to bridge the gap in the
literature, through implementation of Wellstart International’s™ Lactation Management
Self Study Modules, and further documents impact on breastfeeding outcomes for the
participating facility. The study intends to provide further research on a condensed, self-
study educational program to assist facilities that are facing barriers towards
implementing breastfeeding education among their staff members. Wellstart
International’s™ Lactation Management Self-Study Modules, Level One, 4
limits many of these barriers while providing a comprehensive, standardized educational
program for nurses.
Chapter 3: Plan for Resolution
The research study used a quasi-experimental design to determine how an
educational program provided to hospital nurses impacts both their knowledge of
breastfeeding as well as the breastfeeding outcomes for the hospital. The program was
implemented on a group of nurses, working on a maternity unit in one hospital in Central
New York. Inclusion criteria for the selected hospital site were based on its location in
the city of Central, NY, provision of care to patients of varying demographics, the Labor,
Delivery, Recovery, Postpartum (LDRP) model of the maternity unit, Level One nursery
and willingness of the facility to participate in the study. The hospital involved in the
research study does not currently possess a Baby-Friendly designation. The facility is
however in the process of working diligently to obtain this prestigious designation in
order to meet the breastfeeding needs of the community. The sample of nurses was
chosen using convenience sampling methods. All nurses on the unit were offered the
opportunity to participate in the educational program, which was part of their annual
breastfeeding education. The final sample included all nurses who voluntarily complete
the Lactation Management Self-Study Modules and receive a certificate of completion.
Participation in the study was strictly on a volunteer basis, no incentives are in place for
The educational program consisted of instructing nurses to visit and complete The 4th Edition of the Wellstart International™
Lactation Management Self-Study Modules, Level One. Written approval via email was
obtained for use of this program in the study (Appendix C). Prior to beginning the
educational modules all nurses completed a pre-test which measured their baseline
knowledge regarding breast feeding. After finishing the program the nurses then
completed the final exam on the website. Nurses were finally asked to display proof of
program completion by presenting their certificate of completion within two weeks of
program initiation. Final exam scores were reviewed, and compared to self-reported pre-
test scores. In this study, the participating hospital nurses already possessed an
undetermined baseline level of knowledge of breastfeeding practices. All nurses working
on the maternity unit were invited to participate in the study and those who agreed to
participate were enrolled in the educational program. To assess the initial Registered
Nurse (RN) knowledge base, nurses completed the pre-test evaluation in the form of a
written test through the use of Wellstart International’s™ online Lactation Management
Self-Study Modules. Upon completion they were instructed to begin the three Self-Study
Modules. Self-Study Modules were performed individually by each nurse at their own
pace, the completion of the program was verified through self-report. The final step
involved completing the post-test and receiving a certificate of completion through
Wellstart International™. The post-test evaluation assessed the stage of confirmation, by
evaluating whether or not the nurses attained the concepts taught in the modules, with an
ultimate goal that new knowledge will be incorporated into patient care (Rogers, 2005).
After program initiation, nurses were asked to complete all Self Study Modules and
present their certificate of completion within two weeks. Nurses were then asked to
implement knowledge learned from the course into their patient interaction and patient
education. Lastly, program efficacy and nursing implementation of new knowledge
gained was evaluated through interviewing postpartum mothers.
Effectiveness of the educational program was evaluated using three different
evaluative tools. Nurses’ knowledge regarding breastfeeding was measured prior to the
start of the three self-study modules through completion of the program’s 28 question
pre-test, and again after module completion with the 28 question post-test. Finally nurses
signed into the final examination on the Wellstart International™ website. Nurses were
restricted only with a two week time frame for completion of the educational program
and were allowed to complete all educational components at their own pace. After
achieving a score of 80% or higher, nurses were eligible to download and print their
certificate of completion. This tool has been validated strictly as an educational tool by
Wellstart International™. Its efficacy as a method of improving patient breastfeeding
outcomes has never been studied.
This project additionally evaluated the impact of the educational program on
breastfeeding outcomes for the unit. The Breastfeeding Telephone Interview Survey,
designed by Pamela D. Hill (Appendix A) was used to contact postpartum patients six
weeks after they returned home. Written consent was obtained for use of this evaluative
tool in the study. This survey is designed to evaluate mothers who are six weeks
postpartum. The tool employs a list of questions designed to evaluate whether the patient
is still breastfeeding, their perception of their breastfeeding experiences, factors they felt
their ability to successfully breastfeed, and factors that impacted their decision to
discontinue breastfeeding. The complete survey is included as Appendix A. The survey
has not been modified from its original form for the purposes of this study. Mothers were
contacted and interviewed once for the purposes of this DNP project. Telephone
interviews were made in three waves at program initiation, six weeks after program
initiation and 10 weeks after program initiation. These time frames were chosen to
evaluate potential differences of maternal responses in relation to the educational
program provided. Oral consent for mothers to participate was obtained before initiating
the telephone interview. The oral consent form used during the interviews was evaluated
and approved during the IRB process. A waiver of prior authorization by research
participant was submitted and approved as a component of the IRB approval process,
allowing access to protected patient information for the purpose of recruitment. A
convenience sampling of postpartum women who were patients on the unit prior to
program implementation were first evaluated. All women who were six weeks
postpartum at the time of program initiation were contacted during the first wave of
interviews. After the educational program was implemented two additional groups of
women were contacted. All women who were six weeks postpartum during the time
interviews took place were contacted to be part of the sample group. A first group was
contacted two weeks after program completion. A second group was contacted six weeks
after program completion to evaluate if breastfeeding outcomes differed at varying
intervals after program completion and a third group was contacted 10 weeks after
program completion. Results of the three waves of interviews were then compared to
evaluate the program’s impact on maternal breastfeeding outcomes of those women that
gave birth at the institution.
The program was implemented over the course of three months. The first set of
postpartum mothers was interviewed in the two weeks prior to program implementation.
Six weeks after the program was implemented a second round of randomly selected
mothers was interviewed using the same methods and then finally a third group 10 weeks
after program completion.
Target Population
The program is aimed to impact the education provided to Registered Nurses who
are offering direct care of breastfeeding mothers during their postpartum stay in a
hospital in Central New York State with a Level One nursery. Specifically, the program
is designed to improve breastfeeding outcomes through providing structured education
for postpartum nurses caring for patients during the critical postpartum hospital stay. All
nurses providing care to breastfeeding mothers within the maternity unit of the
participating hospital were offered the educational intervention as a component of the
institution’s annual breastfeeding education. All RNs who completed the modules and
received a certificate of completion were included in the study.
The hospital chosen is a small private hospital in Central, NY. The nursing unit
targeted employs a Labor, Delivery, Recovery, Postpartum (LDRP) Model. The hospital
was selected due to its current dedication to providing optimal circumstances for
successful breastfeeding and present adoption of many of the recommendations of the 10
steps to successful breastfeeding. The hospital does not have a current baby friendly
designation, but has a goal of obtaining this designation in the future. The unit currently
has two part-time lactation consultants who rotate during the day and evening shifts, as
well as some weekends. Current breastfeeding education for nursing staff includes an
initial breastfeeding education day upon hire to the unit, with one additional
breastfeeding education program annually in the month of August. The hospital does
hold magnet status for excellence in nursing care. The unit is an 18 bed nursing unit,
employing a total of 33 nurses at the time of the study. The unit participates in
approximately 1200 births per year.
This research project is not funded by a research grant. The cost to implement the
program was minimal and limited to photocopying evaluative tools to be presented to
program participants. The self-study modules used in the research study are provided free
of cost for all participants. All costs of the program were incurred by the DNP student
conducting the study.
Chapter 4: Outcome / Evaluation
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of breastfeeding education
provided to hospital nurses on the breastfeeding outcomes of postpartum mothers and
their infants. Although there is significant research present regarding the innumerable
benefits of breastfeeding for mother and infant, gaps still remain related to education
provided to nurses on this subject. A review of literature further exposed barriers for
hospitals attempting to provide sufficient breastfeeding education to their staff members,
including time, money and available educational resources (Baby-Friendly USA, 2004;
Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward & Byrne, 2011). The research
study specifically aimed to employ the use of a self-study module with a pre-test / post-
test design in order to increase compliance in completing educational activities related to
breastfeeding among RNs due to ease and convenience of completion.
PICOT Question
The goal of this study was to answer the following PICOT question:
What is the effect of a structured self-study breastfeeding educational program on
the breastfeeding knowledge of hospital nurses, and breastfeeding outcomes on a
maternity unit in Central New York?
Data Collection
This study was initiated through attaining Institutional Review Board (IRB)
approval through both Binghamton University and the participating hospital. After
receiving written consent for participation in the research study all Registered Nurses
employed in the birthing center of a hospital in Central, NY with a Level One nursery
were instructed to go online and complete the 4th Edition of Wellstart International’s™
Lactation Management Self-Study Modules, Level One. This educational program was
required of all birthing center nurses as a component of achieving Baby-friendly
designation. A total of 33 nurses participated in the study with a 100% completion rate
for the unit. All nurses succeeded in receipt of a certificate of completion from Wellstart
International™. This certificate of completion indicates successful scores of 80% or
greater on the final post-test. Nursing self-report indicated improved knowledge through
completion of the educational intervention, as well as improved scores between pre and
post-tests. Of nurses participating in the educational intervention a mean age of 41 was
identified with a range of 23 to 60 years of age. Years of nursing experience within the
maternal-child field of nursing among participants ranged from a minimum of less than
one year to a maximum of 25 years, with the greatest number of RNs possessing five-10
years of experience.
The impact of the enhanced breastfeeding education on breastfeeding practices
was evaluated through conducting three rounds of telephone interviews for mothers who
were six weeks postpartum. Interviews were conducted through use of the Breastfeeding
Telephone Interview Survey, designed by Pamela D. Hill. All mothers who delivered at
the participating hospital, initiated breastfeeding during their hospital stay and were six
weeks postpartum at the time telephone interviews commenced were contacted for
participation in the study. Round one of interviews was conducted at the time nurses
initiated the self-study module as a pre-intervention group. A total of 28 women met
inclusion criteria and were contacted via telephone to be interviewed. Of the 28
contacted a total of seven women participated in the study. Two subsequent rounds of
post-intervention telephone interviews were then completed. Round two of interviews
was conducted six weeks after nursing completion of the self-study module. A total of 33
mothers were contacted with a final participation group of seven women. Finally, round
three of interviews was performed 10 weeks after the educational intervention. During
this round 35 mothers were contacted, with a total of eight participating in the telephone
interview process. Incorrect telephone number provision, disconnected telephone
numbers, failure to answer the telephone and opting against participation in the study
accounted for the final sample size totaling 22 women who participated during the three
rounds of interviews. Contact attempts for those who did not answer the telephone were
made a total of three times on varying days and times. All individuals participating in the
telephone interview provided oral consent for participation in the research study.
Statistical Analysis
Results of telephone interview questions were evaluated through the use of IBM
SPSS Statistics – Version 23 (1989, 2015) software. Each participating mother was
provided an individual row within the data set and identified with a unique number
correlating with her interview number, numbers one through twenty-two. Participants
were further identified based on their telephone interview group number, numbers one,
two and three.
Descriptive statistics were generated for the data set, including minimum,
maximum, mean, and standard deviation. Among maternal research participants mean
maternal age was 30.0909, with a minimum age of 22 and maximum age of 42. Mean
gestational age of infant at birth was 39.4273, with a minimum gestational age of 37.5
and maximum gestational age of 41.4. Mothers participating in the study presented with
a mean of Para 1.909 with a minimum of Para 1 and a maximum of Para 4. Of the 22
participating mothers, a total of seven delivered via cesarean section and 15 delivered via
vaginal delivery. Racial variation among participants included 19 mothers identifying as
Caucasian, two mothers identifying as African American and one mother identifying as
The data set identified that 100% of participants reported rooming in with their
infants during the hospital stay. Additionally, 100% of mothers identified that their
initial breastfeeding attempt was made within the first hour after birth and attained a
successful first latch within the first four hours after birth. Hospital initiation of Baby-
Friendly practices can account for these constant variable results. Of the 22 maternal
participants less than half reported participating in a breastfeeding class for this
pregnancy, although 95% reported feeling well informed of breastfeeding practices prior
to delivery.
Reports of maternal and infant health were included among the telephone
interview questions. Mothers who reported that their infants experienced health problems
were coded as 1.0 while mothers who reported their infants remained healthy since birth
were coded as 2.0. This was coding was selected to identify of newborn health issues
that may have potentially impacted length of breast feeding. Reported health issues
among infants included newborn jaundice, constipation, tongue tie and oral candidiasis.
Descriptive statistical analysis indicated a mean of 1.7727 among responses for overall
infant health since delivery. Responses related to maternal health were valued as 1.00 for
those indicated maternal health issues since delivery and 2.00 among those who reported
no postpartum health issues. Maternal report of health issues included mastitis, nipple
candidiasis, and upper respiratory infections. Responses indicated a mean of 1.6818
among responses for overall maternal health since delivery.
Interview responses indicated that on the whole mothers were feeding their
infants on demand, with an average of eight-12 feedings in 24 hours and approximately
two-three hours between feedings. A total of 10 mothers indicated their infants had to
receive some formula supplementation since delivery, with a total of four mothers
indicating that their infant was solely formula fed six weeks after delivery. In wave one
of telephone interviews one out of seven mothers was solely formula feeding. In wave
two, three out of eight mothers were solely formula feeding. Finally, all seven mothers in
wave three were still breastfeeding. Among the four mothers who reported solely
formula feeding two disclosed maternal upper respiratory illness and two disclosed low
breast milk supply as the reasons for discontinuing breastfeeding.
As a component of the breastfeeding telephone interview survey mothers were
asked the following question:
How important have the following persons or organizations been to
Your Mother Very Important Important Not Important
Male Partner Very Important Important Not Important
Female Friend Very Important Important Not Important
Nurse Very Important Important Not Important
Physician Very Important Important Not Important
La Leche League Very Important Important Not Important
Other Very Important Important Not Important
Responses from group one indicate that five out of seven mothers expressed that the
hospital lactation consultant was very important to their breastfeeding success. Within
group two, one mother reported the hospital lactation consultant was very important to
her breastfeeding success, while three out of eight mothers reported hospital nursing staff
as being very important. Group three responses included one mother indicating the
hospital lactation consultant was very important, with four out of seven mothers reporting
the hospital nursing staff as very important. Maternal response trends indicated that
mothers within the two post-intervention groups increasingly reported the importance of
hospital nursing staff in their breastfeeding experience.
Summary of Findings
In summation, statistical analysis of the research study does yield multiple
significant findings. The most significant finding indicated an increase in mothers
reporting the importance of hospital nursing staff in their breastfeeding success among
mothers in maternal intervention groups two and three (Group one = pre-educational
intervention, Groups two-three = post-educational intervention group). Additionally,
group three had the highest concentration of mothers breastfeeding at six weeks
postpartum while group two had the lowest concentration. The two reasons indicated for
breastfeeding discontinuation included maternal upper respiratory illness and low breast
milk supply. Although minimal significant data was present, results are limited due to
multiple contributing factors including small sample size, experienced nursing staff
therefore limiting effectiveness of educational intervention, hospital participation in
baby-friendly practices, high level of maternal knowledge of breastfeeding and prior
maternal breastfeeding success. Findings related to success of the educational
intervention in regards to improving nursing knowledge of breastfeeding practices are
additionally unreliable due to self-report of variance between pre-test and post-test scores
as well as self-report of perception of impact of the educational intervention. While the
study did yield multiple statistically significant findings, further evaluation with a larger
sample size of both nurses and breastfeeding mothers is needed to determine
effectiveness of the educational intervention on nursing knowledge of breastfeeding
practices and maternal breastfeeding outcomes.
Chapter 5: Summary
Breastfeeding is widely supported as the optimal method of infant feeding
worldwide (AAP, 2012; CDC, 2013; CDC, 2016; DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, & Fein,
2008; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward, 2011; World Health
Organization [WHO], 2013). There are numerous national initiatives present to improve
breastfeeding outcomes. Despite knowledge and health care organization efforts, the
recommendations of exclusive breastfeeding through six months of life with continued
breastfeeding through one year of age are not being met (AAP, 2012; CDC, 2011; CDC,
2013; CDC 2016). According to the 2016 Breastfeeding Report Card for the United
States, published by the CDC, there are high levels of breastfeeding initiation nationwide
however these rates decrease significantly throughout the first year of life.
This DNP project aimed to focus on breastfeeding education provided to hospital
nurses in direct care of breastfeeding mothers as a means of improving breastfeeding
outcomes. Use of the Wellstart International™ Lactation Management Self-Study
Modules Level One, Fourth Edition 2014 guided nursing staff through a comprehensive
educational program related to breastfeeding. Outcomes were evaluated at the nurse and
patient level to determine the efficacy of a web-based, self-study module in improving
nursing knowledge of breastfeeding and ultimately improving breastfeeding outcomes
among their patients.
Summary of Findings
This DNP project included a total of 33 nurses and 22 mothers in the study.
Nurse participation accounted for 100% of the nurses working on the participating unit at
the time of initiation. Complete nurse participation was attained through inclusion of the
educational intervention in the annual breastfeeding education requirements for the unit
staff. Of the 33 participating nurses all were successful in achieving a final exam score
of 80% or higher and successfully received a certificate of completion from Wellstart
International™. Nursing self-report indicated that all nurses had increased post-test
scores and felt the educational intervention was helpful in improving their breastfeeding
As discussed above in the statistical analysis, the research did yield multiple
significant findings. Analysis displayed a statistically significant relationship between
maternal intervention group and importance of hospital nursing staff in maternal
breastfeeding success. Mothers reported that hospital nurses were very important in their
breastfeeding experience with increasing frequency among groups two and three.
Mothers in group one listed the hospital lactation consultant alone. Additionally the two
reasons reported for breastfeeding discontinuation included maternal upper respiratory
illness and low breast milk supply. Although significant findings were yielded through
the statistical analysis there was no indication that the educational intervention improved
breastfeeding outcomes among the mothers surveyed. Responses showed the highest
concentration of mothers still breastfeeding at six weeks postpartum in group three
however, group two indicated the lowest concentration of mothers still breastfeeding.
Improved breastfeeding success among mothers from group three cannot be attributed to
the educational intervention.
Findings from this study indicate a positive reported impact on nursing
educational outcomes with no apparent change in breastfeeding outcomes among
surveyed mothers. This lack of change in maternal outcomes may be accounted for due
to small sample size and experienced nursing staff causing minimal impact of the
educational intervention on existing knowledge. An additional factor impacting
outcomes includes the fact that mothers were only six weeks postpartum at the time of
interviews. Further contributing factors may include the participating hospital’s
dedication to Baby-friendly practices on their journey towards attain a Baby-friendly
hospital designation during the time of the study. Overall, study findings indicate a need
for further research related to this topic.
Implications for Practice
The growing body of literature supports breastfeeding as the optimal form of
infant nutrition and focuses on methods of improving breastfeeding outcomes. Among
these recommended methods of improvement is the provision of breastfeeding education
to nursing staff (AAP, 2012; CDC, 2013; DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, & Fein, 2008;
Healthy People 2020, 2013; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere, & Groleau, 2012; Ward,
2011; WHO, 2013). The literature supports a need for increased education provided to
hospital nurses related to breastfeeding due to great disparities in knowledge of nursing
staff related to breastfeeding and best practices (Brodribb, 2012; Crowder, 2006;
Osmand, Altman, Patrick, & Edwards, 2011; Smale, Renfrew, Marshall, & Spilby, 2006;
Wallace, 2007; Weddig, Bakers, & Auld, 2011). The literature further divulged barriers
to educational provision including time, monetary resources and lack of teaching staff
and educational resources (Baby-Friendly USA, 2004; Semenic, Childerhose, Lauziere,
& Groleau, 2012; Ward & Byrne, 2011). This DNP project intended to add to the
current literature and research through implementing a web-based, self-study educational
intervention that was free of cost and less than 18 hours in length. The Wellstart
International™ Lactation Management Self-Study Module 4
Edition, Level1 met these
criteria and was implemented on the maternity unit of a hospital in Central New York
State with a Level One nursery.
Results as discussed above indicated self-reported improvements in knowledge of
nurses, with no apparent change in breastfeeding outcomes among their patient over a
three month period. Implications for practice include a need for continued education of
hospital nurses in direct care of breastfeeding mothers. Inclusion of web-based, self-
study educational programs is supported due to positive outcomes among nurses. This
method of providing education to nursing staff assisted in meeting their unit education
requirements for Baby-friendly designation and the 18 hours of initial breastfeeding
education recommended by WHO (2013). Participant responses additionally supported a
need for increased access to lactation consultants during the immediate postpartum
hospital stay. This response further supports continued education for nurses due to the
fact that lactation consultants are not always readily available for patients. This study,
along with the body of literature, supports a need for continued education provided to
nurses related to breastfeeding and best practices. The study further supports use of web-
based, self-study modules as a means of overcoming barriers hospitals often face when
attempting to meet the breastfeeding education recommendations as proposed by WHO,
UNICEF and Baby-Friendly USA.
This study was limited due to a small sample of nurses at only one hospital, which
further limited the number of maternal participants. Use of a larger sample of nurses
through providing educational interventions at multiple hospitals would strengthen future
research studies. The DNP project was further limited due to use of self-report as a
means of obtaining impact of the educational intervention through pre-test and post-test
result comparisons. Future studies would employ use of a pre-test / post-test design;
however obtaining hard copies of completed tests would strengthen the study design.
Recommendations for Research
This study aimed to add to the body of research related to breastfeeding education
provided to hospital nurses. Findings support the current body of research by indicating a
need for further evaluation of available breastfeeding education programs (Li, Li, Ashley,
Smiley, Cohen, & Dee, 2013; Owoaje, Oyemade, & Kolude, 2002; Ward, & Byrne,
2011). Recommendations for future research include use of a larger sample size of both
nurses and postpartum mothers. Additional recommendations for future research include
tracking breastfeeding outcomes for participating mothers over the first year of life of
their infants. The design of this research project was limited due to short interval follow
up with mothers at six weeks postpartum. Current statistics indicate that breastfeeding
levels drop off significantly after three months of age (CDC, 2013). Future studies
would aim to track mothers and their infants over the entire first year of life to determine
impact on extended breastfeeding outcomes.
Furthermore, the level one modules used in this study are self-proposed as entry-
level, base knowledge related to breastfeeding and breastfeeding practices. Use of higher
level modules, such as level two and level three by Wellstart International™, may yield
more significant results and build on intrinsic knowledge nurses may already possess due
to field experience. This research study adds to the growing body of research related to
breastfeeding education programs provided to hospital nurses. Research design and
execution exposed multiple areas for improvement for future research studies. Findings
support a need for continued research related breastfeeding education provided to
hospital nurses as a means of improving breastfeeding outcomes for postpartum mothers
and their infants.
Breastfeeding and its innumerable benefits for both mother and infant are widely
documented in the literature. UNICEF (2005) states the following:
“ breastfeeding is a unique process that provides ideal nutrition for infants and
contributes to their healthy growth and development, reduces incidence and
severity of infectious diseases, thereby lowering infant morbidity and mortality,
contributes to women's health by reducing the risk of breast and ovarian cancer,
and by increasing the spacing between pregnancies, provides social and economic
benefits to the family and the nation, provides most women with a sense of
satisfaction when successfully carried out (UNICEF, 2005, p. viii).”
In the Surgeon Generals Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding (2011) the US
Department of Health and Human Services lists health care, research and surveillance
among the areas to focus when attempting to increase national breastfeeding rates and
outcomes. This DNP project focused on the use of education provided to hospital nurses
as a means of improving both nursing education related to breastfeeding and overall
breastfeeding outcomes for mothers and their infants. Guided by Rogers (2003)
Diffusion of Innovations model, the study succeeded in implementing an educational
intervention to hospital nurses and further evaluated their educational growth and its
impact on the breastfeeding outcomes of patients in their care.
The research study was successful in implementing the Wellstart International™
Lactation Management Self-Study Modules Level One, Fourth Edition among nurses on
a maternity unit in Central New York State with a Level One nursery. While the study
yielded self-reported improvement in pre-test and post-test scores, no significant
improvement in breastfeeding outcomes among mothers at six weeks postpartum was
noted during three rounds of telephone interviews. Limitations of sample size, self-
report, experienced nursing staff, short interval follow up with postpartum mothers and
entry-level breastfeeding curriculum may have contributed to documented outcomes.
Recommendations for future research include the inclusion of multiple hospitals,
therefore increasing sample size, obtaining hard copies of nursing pre-test and post-test
scores, increasing difficulty of the educational program and continued surveillance of
participating postpartum mothers over the first year of life of their infant. In regards to
future practice, the study supports continued provision of breastfeeding education to
health care workers in direct care of breastfeeding mothers, as well as use of web-based,
self-study modules for providing such education.
The goal of this DNP project was to answer the following PICOT question:
What is the effect of a structured self-study breastfeeding educational program on
the breastfeeding knowledge of hospital nurses, and breastfeeding outcomes on a
maternity unit in Central New York?
The study succeeded in determining that the implemented educational program positively
impacted nursing knowledge while having no notable impact on breastfeeding outcomes
at six weeks postpartum. The research, along with the aforementioned proposed changes,
adds to the body of literature related to breastfeeding education and delineates areas of
need for future research and recommendations for current practice. This DNP project,
along with the growing body of literature, supports the need for continued provision of
education related to breastfeeding among nurses in direct care of breastfeeding mothers,
and expresses a need for further research on this topic to optimize breastfeeding
outcomes worldwide.
Appendix A
Breastfeeding Telephone Interview Survey
P. D. Hill
Primary Source
Hill, P. D. (1987). Effects of education on breastfeeding success. Maternal-Child Nursing
Journal, 16, 145-156.
Purpose Statement
Breastfeeding Telephone Interview Survey is designed to assess mothers’ current
method of infant feeding (e.g., schedules, frequency, and number of feedings per day),
and satisfaction with that method six weeks after delivery. Items (11) designed for
mothers who are currently bottle feeding their baby include questions regarding
whether the mothers are happy with bottle feeding and whether they wish they had
tried breastfeeding. Items (17) designed for mothers who are currently breastfeeding
include questions concerning how long they plan to breastfeed their baby, how soon
after the baby’s birth they began to breastfeed, perceptions of success at breastfeeding,
and how important specific persons and organizations have been to breastfeeding.
Finally, items (15) designed for mothers who tried breastfeeding and are currently
bottle feeding include questions regarding how long they breastfed their baby, how
soon after their baby’s birth they began to breastfeed, the reason they stopped
breastfeeding, feeding schedules followed when they were breastfeeding, and
perceived success at breastfeeding. Designed to be completed by mothers six weeks
after delivery, this questionnaire can be self-administered or administered by an
interviewer. It contains rating scales, yes/no and multiple-choice items, and open-
ended questions.
Reliability statistics are not easily identified in the source.
Number of Questions
Vary from 11, 17, or 15 depending on infant feeding method adopted.
Directions for Scoring
Calculate percentages for rating scales, yes/no, and multiple-choice item responses.
Similarly, calculate percentages for open-ended questions, following development of a
coding scheme for reasons provided.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments
Breastfeeding Telephone Interview Survey
P. D. Hill
Breastfeeding Telephone Interview Survey
P. D. Hill
NAME ____________________________________________
1. Has your baby had any health problems since delivery?
If YES, please explain
2. What has been your general state of health since the birth of your baby?
3. Have you had any health problems since delivery?
If YES, please explain
4. How have things been going since you came home from the hospital?
VERY WELL……………..1
5. Did you have any organized classes on breastfeeding or receive information on this
If YES, please explain
6. How well informed about breastfeeding did you feel?
7. Did you attempt to breastfeed your baby?
If NO, go to page 3.
If YES, and you are still breastfeeding, go to page 4.
If YES, and you are now bottle feeding, go to page 6
1. While in the hospital, did you keep your baby in the room with you?
2. How many bottle feedings are you giving your baby each day? ________
How many ounces/feeding? ________
3. Are you completely happy with bottle feeding?
4. Do you wish you had tried breastfeeding?
If YES, explain
If NO, explain
1. How long do you plan on breastfeeding your baby? __________ month(s)
2. How soon after the birth of your baby did you begin to breastfeed?
WITHIN 4 HOURS………………………….2
WITHIN 5-8 HOURS………………………..3
WITHIN 9-12 HOURS………………………4
AFTER 12 HOURS……………………….…5
3. While in the hospital did you keep your baby in the room with you?
4. Do you breastfeed your baby at specific times of the day or whenever you think
he/she is hungry?
5. On a typical day, how many times do you breastfeed your baby? _________
6. Have you been feeding your baby anything else besides breast milk?
7. Do you feel you have been successful in breastfeeding your baby?
If NO, explain
8. How important have the following persons or organizations been to breastfeeding?
If OTHER, please explain
9. Does anyone specifically help you with the baby?
If OTHER, please explain
10. Are you satisfied with the feeding you are giving your baby?
If NO, explain
1. How soon after the birth of your baby did you begin to breastfeed?
WITHIN 4 HOURS………………………….2
WITHIN 5-8 HOURS………………………..3
WITHIN 9-12 HOURS………………………4
AFTER 12 HOURS……………………….…5
2. How long did you breastfeed your baby? ______ days
3. While in the hospital did you keep your baby in the room with you?
4. Could you tell me the most important reason why you stopped breastfeeding?
NOT CONVENIENT……………………..…..2
SORE NIPPLES………….…………………...3
NOT ENOUGH MILK………………………..4
IT WAS MESSY………………………………9
I WAS SICK…………………………………10
BABY WAS SICK…………………………..11
If OTHER, please specify
5. Did you breastfeed your baby at specific times of the day or whenever you thought
the baby was hungry?
6. On a typical day, how many times did you breastfeed your baby? ________
7. Do you feel you were successful in breastfeeding your baby?
8. Are you satisfied with the feeding you are giving your baby?
If NO, explain
© P. D. Hill
Appendix B
Appendix C
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