December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: Natural-Lee Garcia <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 8:10 AM
To: Pablo, Esa J <[email protected]ov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Written testimony for State rental relief program
Aloha Esa,
Here is my written testimony on the disappointment of this program. I believe the program
was rolled out September 9th. That very day I submitted all paperwork in it’s entirety. Upon
checking my application status; nothing can be found. This is so frustrating being that it takes
time to gather these documents and fill out necessary paperwork, only to have it mysteriously
My husband and I have both been out of work since March and paying rent has been a huge
struggle; especially when you have a landlord that wants all of his money (he has about 11
Some sort of follow up needs to be done with all applications, so we know how to proceed
going forward.
Thank you for your time,
Another struggling Ohana on Kaua’i
Natural-Lee Garcia and Ohana
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: Bryan Gardin <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 8:55 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <[email protected]ov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] AUW Rental Assistance
Aloha to all concerned
My name is Bryan Gardin. I am the head of household for a family of seven. I first applied to the
Aloha United Way Rental relief on September 9 2020. I initially spoke with the auw over the
phone. I then applied online and submitted all documents. I then applied for the month of
October 15 2020. I am self employed ride share driver in which the covid 19 shutdowns greatly
affected my income. My family is on the verge of eviction with no other housing options. Please
help us resolve our issues with no contact from the state. I am not sure if my application was
even recieved.
Bryan Gardin
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: Phoutthasack FUMIKO <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 7:37 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <[email protected]ov>
I had submitted my applications on Sep 11 and still waiting for approve.
No one get back to me.
My financial situation is very critical right now.
Please check the status.
I would much appreciate your quick reply.
My name is Fumiko Phoutthasack
Last 4 of SSN is 8582
Application Submit on 9/11/20
Phone 808-389-1538
Fumiko Phoutthasack
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: Maile-Lani Acasia <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 1:42 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <esa.j.pabl[email protected]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Testimony
My name is Maile-Lani Acasia. I am here to share my testimony with you about the rent relief program I
had applied for back in August. My family was impacted by the Covid, my husband who was our main
source of income, our bread winner, had lost his job due to Covid. Losing an income was hard because
though I did work out hours were being cut drastically. When the news came out saying the rent relief
program was going to help with rent from Sept - December I just on the chance to apply. I got all my
paper works together filled out the online application and recieved a confirmation that my application
was sent. I thought everything was going to be great, days passed, then weeks, then months and that’s
where I started to worry. I was never late on my bills and I didn’t wanna start now. I called customer
service many times very hard to get through, called for days til I finally was able to reach someone.
When I finally talked to the person she had trouble locating my application because of all the softwares I
guess they use. She was clueless to what has happening with the application process so she said just be
patient someone will call you. Another month rolled by and no one called, no one emailed, so I called
again it was hard to get through, so I did the texting customer service to check the status of my
application again, it’s now November, I finally get through and again no new information just “you have
to be patient” and that was the end of the conversation. It is now December and I have not heart
anything back from Aloha United Way. I knew it would be a process and I was willing to be patient but
when it comes months later and no communication it becomes frustrating.
Also when applying no one told me you had to put in an application each month I thought it was a one
time application but no you had to do it each month and they had closed the applications. I wasn’t able
to put in apps for Oct-Dec. I am still yet to hear from someone from AUW. It’s become scary and
frustrating for my family. I have two boys age 1 & 5 I do not want to raise them on the beach or in a
shelter especially during this time. I feel like such a failure to them my heart hurts constantly. As a
mother I will keep pushing to survive and take care my family even if that’s sacrificing my time raising
my kids to provide for them. This year just needs to end. I’m over it.
Thank you for listening.
Maile-Lani Acasia
Sent from my iPhone
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: Lisa Murphy <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 10:09:01 AM
To: Pablo, Esa J <[email protected]
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Rent Relief
I would like to submit information to be discussed at the board meeting.
There are major inequalities in the Rent Relief acts. My family lost nearly half of our
income overnight back in March due to Covid. We immediately cut everything except
absolute necessities from our budget and borrowing money to make up our rent. In
September, I applied for Rent Relief through Catholic Charities. They did not get back to me
for 2.5 months. Then they told me that they cannot help with rent I have already paid -
they said if I had just not paid my rent, then they would have back paid all the unpaid rent
back to March. They contacted me in December and said the program only goes through
December. I am now penalized by the program for paying my rent - even though it was not
really money I had to spend due to job loss. They also admitted that if they would have
contacted me right after I submitted my application, they would have paid my October,
November, and December rent (plus any unpaid rent from previous months) - but due to
THEIR DELAY, I am now penalized. I am asking that you please allow Catholic Charities to
grant the money to residents that qualify based on income and job loss due to covid to be
reimbursed for the rent that have paid. It is not fair that others benefit just because they
knew how the system worked (they knew not to pay their rent). I was trying to do the right
thing because I know my landlord has bills and I have a contract to pay them. We also did
not qualify for UI or PUA because the lost income was a 2nd job.
I am asking that you please update the Rent Relief Policy to allow Catholic Charities to
reimburse paid rent for the months that the applicant qualified (similar to what Hawaii
County did). Please stop rolling out new programs when the past programs have not been
fixed. The people that fell through the cracks in the previous program will continue to fall
through the cracks. Creating new programs for the next year is great, but that does not do
anything for the families that are still trying to recover from 2020. Especially if that family
has been proactive and taken additional jobs to make up their income - they will not qualify
for new programs. They are still suffering from 2020 and I am asking that you make the
program fair. Please grant the people who have applied to this program the money for paid
Thank you for your time.
Lisa Murphy
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: Micheal Barlesi <barlesimi[email protected]om>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 6:19:15 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <
Subject: [EXTERNAL] About the housing rent relief program
Aloha, my names Michael Barlesi. I applied for the rental relief program on September 10th and
never got a call or email in return. I did call one time and they said for me to call a different group
for the help, but as you can see in the picture I sent, I was approved for United way. I have been
struggling for three months on rent, and I am still waiting for my unemployment Peuc to be
approved, but that’s a different subject. Either way I have been struggling cause it’s not only me, but
I have a son too to take care of. Hopefully this testimonial will help. Mahalo Mike
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: leonelbaddo <>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 2:10 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <>
I applied for mortgage assistance on October 1st or 3rd and got an email saying it was
accepted. I called around November and was told just wait. Till this day, nothing!
Millions in cares act fund but no where to be seen for home owners like me that was
furloughed since MARCH. They can hire ppl from the mainland for call center but can't
hire an alternative agency that can help with mortgage assistance?
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: Ivyella imperial <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 10:08:51 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Testimony of Rent Assistance (AUW)
We applied in September and that was when me and my husband on layoff and my inlaws have cut
hours (2days a week of work) and they only reached us last week and ask us again for any paystubs
and UI determination status. Because my father inlaw had more hours (3days a week) brother has 2
jobs but also cut hours they denied us because of that? My PEUC still pending till now and we’re
struggling to pay rent and bills and they said we’re not qualified because of our income? Ridiculous!
Sent from my iPhone
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: Jessica Sills <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 3:54 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <[email protected]
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RRHAP Feedback
My name is Jessica, I am a single mother of 3 wonderful children, living in an apartment
complex in Mililani. When I first heard about the rent relief program, I jumped at the
opportunity. I applied online via AUW, then later got an email instructing to resubmit my
application through their website. After the second time applying, it took about a month
and a half for me to receive a response. I was denied, saying the property I lived at didn’t
qualify for the program. It was a huge blow, especially since I am one of the thousands who
are having problems with unemployment. If it were not for my sister pushing me to appeal
the decision, I wouldn’t have accepted the denial.
In November I filed an appeal and I ended up being approved for the months of October-
December! I was overjoyed to hear the news. But it really got me thinking, how many
people were denied in error & didn’t think that an appeal was an option? Also, prior to this
relief I had to borrow money to pay for my September rent. It made me wonder why I
couldn’t get credit for the month of September. If they would have inquired with my
landlord, they would see that I didn’t pay my September rent, until the end of October
because I was afraid of becoming too far behind!
Mahalo for taking the time to read over my feedback. Mahalo for all your folks time in
figuring out solutions for our community. I hope this gives you all some insight into what’s
going on with the processing. Stay safe!
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: jvizmanos88 <>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 2:47:00 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Rental Assistance Relief Feedback
So I read that the state is seeking good and bad feedback regarding rental assistance. I
applied for rental relief with AUW in the first or second week of September. I filled out
the app and emailed all pertinent documents through email. Towards the end of
September, I get an email saying to resubmit my app through the website due to the
amount of apps receive. By doing that, I feel like I was placed in the back of the line for
help. On the app, it asked what agency I would like help from. I just picked the only
one I knew which was Salvation Army. Never heard anything since until last week. A
lady from Alea Bridge emailed me saying they have my app I needed to turn in just a
couple of more things which wasn't a problem.
I'm really glad that I heard something from someone. Just waiting for approval. It's almost
the end of the year and I really at this point was just getting ready to be homeless. I've
asked for help from family and wasn't going to do it anymore cause I owe too much.
My frustration was the long wait time. Having to resubmit my app. I think they should've
just accepted my app so that I didn't lose my place in the que. Also, I think they shouldn't
have asked which agency to get help from. I'm sure it had to do with finances, but they
(AUW) should have distributed the apps to agencies themselves who had it in their budget
to help. Just like Unemployment they knew how much people were struggling they
shouldve anticipated the amount of apps they were going to get and prepared themselves
for it.
At this point, I just hope my patience paid off and my app will be approved for assistance.
Jennifer Pa
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
From: James Lee <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 2:33 PM
To: Pablo, Esa J <
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation WRITTEN TESTIMONY
Aloha Esa Pablo,
My name is Johnny Lee and I am a resident of Oahu. I just wanted to share my personal
experience with you regarding the Rent Relief & Housing Assistance Program.
I didn't really catch wind of the program till late October so I didn't get to take
full advantage of it. I noticed most places like Hawai‘i, Catholic Charities Hawai‘i was not
taking any new applications, so I applied for the HOʻĀLA ASSISTANCE PROGRAM on
10/24/2020 as they were still taking in applications.
I was finally approved on 11/09/2020 and was very excited. After a few days I submitted
an email asking how long the wait would take and a few other questions. I did not receive a
response so I called the following week and after being put on hold for 10 minutes I was
able to speak to somebody.
I was told that they were severely behind schedule and there was no estimated date when
the checks would get cut. Also the worker (I forgot her name as it's been almost a month
now) that I should quickly submit for the month of December because they were not going
to take any new applications after 11/18/2020.
So I rushed to submit for the month of December and it was finally approved on
11/12/2020. To this day I have not heard back nor have I been made aware that the
payments were cut.
Overall in my eyes this program was a failure and did not provide any of the assistance that
they claimed they would.
If you need any further information please let me know.
Johnny Lee
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted
December 10, 2020 Board Meeting Public Testimony Submitted