Popup Menu User Reference (English)
12 May 2005
Version: 4.0
Configuring Bloomberg Desktop Options
You can configure Bloomberg Desktop options using the popup menu by right clicking
on the Bloomberg terminal window (Figure 1). All settings are stored in the Registry at
Popup Menu Description
This section describes each function, along with its available parameters, and also
defines their meaning. All functions and settings can be verified or changed from the
Bloomberg popup menu.
(Figure 1)
Popup Menu Options
The following tables describe the popup menu options.
Menu Option Available Settings
The choices available from the Size submenu are Tiny, Small, Normal and
Large. All of these sizes are relative based upon the resolution of your
monitor. Bloomberg windows are 80 x 25 characters.
Tiny: 6 x 13 character size in pixels
Small: 8 x 16
Normal (Default): 9 x 19
Large: 12 x 25
When running at 1024 x 768 screen resolution, a maximized Bloomberg
screen uses 12 x 25 pixel character fonts with the news panel on and 12 x 30
with the news panel off. Change the window size from the menu to use
bitmap fonts as this gives the sharpest image.
Save Screen
This option saves the current Bloomberg screen as a windows bitmap. See
the “Options” settings for different color options.
Send Bloomberg Screen
This function captures the current Bloomberg screen as a .gif file and
prompts you to send it to PFM (Personal File Manager).
Export Screen
This function captures the current Bloomberg screen as a .gif file and allows
the user to save the file at the location of their choice.
Terminal Defaults Description
This section will describe the options under the General, Display, Setup and Advanced
Tabs (Figure 2).
Terminal Defaults - General Tab
(Figure 2)
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
General Tab
*These options
are user-
specific, and
are selected by
the user.
Keyboard/Mouse Options
The Bloomberg software has eight different keyboard configurations
available. The interaction between the keyboard and the application will not
operate properly unless the correct keyboard is selected. Use the following
guideline to set the appropriate keyboard type. A checkmark will be placed
next to the keyboard type selected.
Bloomberg KEYBOARD
For use with Bloomberg software, a Bloomberg keyboard and built-in
speakers. The Bloomberg Keyboard is also equipped with a biometric device
for login authentication.
For use with Bloomberg software, a Bloomberg configured PC keyboard, and
external speakers.
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
General Tab
*These options
are user-
specific, and
are selected by
the user.
For use with Bloomberg software, a Bloomberg-configured PC keyboard and
built-in speakers.
TI Travelmate
For use with Bloomberg Traveler software on a Texas Instruments laptop
IBM ThinkPad
For use with Bloomberg Traveler software on an IBM ThinkPad laptop
Bloomberg Wireless
For use with Bloomberg software, a Bloomberg-configured PC and a
Bloomberg Flat Panel using the infrared keyboard.
Bloomberg Tradebook
For use with a Bloomberg-configured PC designed for Tradebook®
Customized Keyboard
For use with a third-party keyboard that meets Bloomberg requirements.
Selecting this option displays a dialog box with the current keyboard installed
on the system.
Defaults –
General Tab
*These options
are user-
specific, and
are selected by
the user.
Enable Point and Click
This option allows the user have point-and-click functionality when using
Bloomberg. The following options are available when point-and-click is
Highlight Clickable Areas
This option will highlight all clickable Bloomberg screen items with a solid
white outline as they are passed over by the mouse cursor.
Always Show Clickables
This option will display all Bloomberg screen items that can be
launched/accessed using the mouse to point and click.
List Bloomberg Keys (ALT-L)
This option displays keyboard mappings for the currently selected keyboard.
Click a button to select a desired key, navigate with arrow keys and press
<GO>, or press the corresponding key on the keyboard.
Show Security Selection Cursor
When this option is selected, a draggable cursor (a pushpin with a hand) is
shown when the mouse moves over a security that can be dragged and
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
General Tab
*These options
are user-
specific, and
are selected by
the user.
Prompted Keyboard Record
Selecting this option will prompt the user with a dialog box to select and
name a *.bbk file to save to or read from. ALT-R starts and stops the
recording of a keyboard macro. The default file is named winblp.bbk when
Prompted Keyboard Record is not selected. ALT-P plays back the
Caps-Lock Affects Num-Pad
When this option is selected and the <Caps Lock> is active, numbers may be
entered from the numeric keypad (0-9 and the decimal point). When this
option is deselected and the <Caps Lock> is not active, pressing a number
on the numeric keypad will enter the function assigned to the respective key.
Hold down the <Shift> key to enter numbers using the numeric keypad.
The Bloomberg screen can be moved and resized by the standard
Windows® click-and-drag operation. The options below can be selected from
the sub-menu.
Floating (Default)
Upper Left
Upper Right
Lower Left
Lower Right
The window snaps to the specified position on the screen.
Always on Top
This option places the Bloomberg window on top of all other windows
regardless of which is the active window.
Defaults –
General Tab
*These options
are user-
specific, and
are selected by
the user.
Text To Speech
The Text To Speech option will allow specific users to receive certain
information in the form of visual and audio alerts.
Select Voice
The user has the option of selecting a male (Tom) or a female (Jill) voice.
Text To Preview Voice
This option allows the user to preview the written text by clicking on the
Preview Voice button.
Terminal Defaults – Display Tab
(Figure 3)
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Display Tab
Use 3D Buttons
Inflates the appearance of the buttons.
Use Large Buttons
Selects larger, easier to read buttons.
Auto Hide Toolbar/Maximize
This option will hide your Bloomberg buttons when a Bloomberg screen is
maximized. The buttons will only display when dragging the mouse over the
top line of the Bloomberg window. This option is disabled when Show
Bloomberg Toolbar is unchecked.
Auto Hide Toolbar in Window
Bloomberg buttons will not display when this option is checked, regardless of
window size, until you drag the mouse over the top line of the Bloomberg
Arrange Buttons on Toolbar (Alt-G)
This option allows the user to change the order and relative positions of the
Bloomberg specific buttons.
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Display Tab
Edit Customized Buttons (Alt-B)
This option will not appear unless Show Bloomberg Toolbar is selected.
Selecting this option opens the Bloomberg Customized Buttons dialogue
box where users can customize (add/remove) Bloomberg-specific buttons on
the Bloomberg toolbar.
Use Same Toolbar On All Windows
This option will place the same Bloomberg toolbar on all open Bloomberg
Show Bloomberg Toolbar (Alt-T)
This option will show/hide the Bloomberg toolbar.
Defaults –
Display Tab
Show Panel
Selecting this option will display the scrolling news panel at the bottom of the
Bloomberg 1 screen. When deselected, the panel will be hidden.
Split Panel
This option will not appear unless Show Panel is selected. Selecting this
option will separate the scrolling news panel at the bottom of the Bloomberg
1 screen and/or the message panel at the bottom of the Bloomberg 2 screen
into a separate panel (fifth Bloomberg screen).
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Display Tab
Save/Send Screen
This option saves Bloomberg screens in a compressed format to conserve
disk space.
Save/Send Screen In:
This option saves a bitmap of a Bloomberg screen in full color (at the display
This option saves a 1-bit monochrome bitmap of a Bloomberg screen with
black text on a white background. This produces a smaller bitmap file.
This option saves a Bloomberg screen with color text on a white background.
This option saves a Bloomberg screen with white text on a black background.
Terminal Defaults – SetupTab
(Figure 4)
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Setup Tab
Color Setup
Selecting this option allows the color customization of the Bloomberg
Download Setup
This option allows the user to set the default directory for file downloads.
Program Setup
This option allows the user to associate files with specific programs.
Selecting the Auto Find feature within this option will prompt an automatic
search for applicable Windows associations. Selecting the Find button allows
users to manually search for a specific program association.
Print Setup
This option launches the Print Setup dialog box. Within this option, select
Printer Specific Options to display the standard Window’s printer dialogue.
Printing from Bloomberg will always default to the default printer settings for
the PC.
The Bloomberg Screens Per Page option allows the user to select the
number of Bloomberg screens (up to four) printed on a single page. One
screen is the default. If more than one page is selected, the application waits
for the specified number of screens before sending the job to the printer.
When this option is set at more than one screen and the total amount of
screens is not printed, right click on a Bloomberg screen and select the
option to Send to Printer [x of x] to force the print job.
When selecting to print multiple screens per page, it is advisable to set the
print server to "Start printing after last page is spooled" (or deselect "Job
prints while spooling" for some NT printer drivers). This prevents a user from
holding up other print jobs in the print queue.
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Setup Tab
The Print PCL option will print the current screen using PCL commands
directly to the printer. This is only available if the selected printer understands
the HP version of PCL. Some special characters, graphics and charts may
not print if the printer is not PCL compatible. This option can only be used
when printing one screen per page. PCL is a printer control language that is
internal to the printer, and is used for communication between the printer
driver and the hardware.
The Print on Black option will print the Bloomberg screen on a black
background. When printing from a color printer, best results may be obtained
by selecting both the Print Screen and Print on Black options.
The Print Fax option will print in black and white and draws a box around the
inverted text instead of printing white on black. Print B/W must be checked in
order to use Print Fax.
The Print Text option will print only the text on a Bloomberg screen.
Graphics will not be printed.
The Print B/W option will print Bloomberg screens in black and white on a
color printer.
Upload Type
This option allows the user to select the different Bloomberg profiles used to
upload a file. The profiles are as follows:
Data License
Muni Upload
Offerings Upload
Securities Upload
Personal File Upload (Default)
Custom Securities Upload
Export Screen Setup
This option sets up a program to launch when a Bloomberg screen is
exported. To export a Bloomberg screen, right click on the screen and select
“Screen Options” then “Export Screen.”
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Setup Tab
Save Settings on Exit
This option saves window position, size, and other user-selected options
when the program exits. By default, when exiting Bloomberg, keyboard
selection and program association are saved while specific printer options
are not saved.
Keep Windows on Screen
When launching the Bloomberg application, this setting ensures the
Bloomberg screens appear on a visible part of the monitor(s). This option
should be checked at all times.
Problems may arise in certain multi-monitor environments where display
drivers may incorrectly report screen size, disrupting windows sizing and
positioning on the second monitor. In this case, it is advisable to uncheck this
option and allow window / screen operations to be handled automatically.
Save Settings Now
This option saves the settings that are currently being used. Typically, this is
used when “Save Settings on Exit” is not selected and the user wants to
save a specific configuration that the Bloomberg will default to when
Restore Default Settings
This option will restore the default Bloomberg settings included with initial
installation. The screens will cascade on top of each other and a “Warning
prompt will remind the user that Bloomberg data is restricted to a licensed
workstation. It will be necessary to re-login to Bloomberg upon selecting this
Defaults –
Setup Tab
Message Indicator
Show Message Indicator
When this option is selected, a Bloomberg Mail icon appears in the upper
left corner of the screen. The icon will flash when message are received, and
will disappear when messages are read.
Message <GO> When Clicked (Default)
The message function is run when the message indicator icon is clicked.
Auto Show On New Messages (Default)
This option automatically shows the message indicator icon when a new
message arrives.
Terminal Defaults – Advanced Tab
(Figure 5)
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Advanced Tab
Maximized Display
Use Optimized Fonts when Maximized
When this option is selected, bitmap fonts are used. When deselected, true
type fonts are used.
Use Large Fonts when Maximized
This option use larger fonts when the Bloomberg screen is maximized.
Maximize Widow to Entire Screen
When this option is selected, the Bloomberg screen will use the entire area of
the monitor when maximized.
Double Click Maximizes/Restores Window
When this option is selected, double clicking on a Bloomberg screen will
compress or maximize the screen.
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Advanced Tab
Allow Paste Across Fields
When this option is selected along with the “Copy/Paste” option, the user
may copy text into any Bloomberg screen across all types of logically
adjacent, amber, imputable fields. When disabled, it allows the user to copy
text into any Bloomberg screen across logically adjacent, amber, imputable
fields of the same type. Users can scroll the available button selections and
click (highlight) the buttons they wish to use. Click OK after making the
Quick Paste
This option pastes (ctrl-v) by displaying only the result of the paste instead of
displaying each character as it is pasted. This option should be selected if
using a Matrox G200 video card.
Enhanced 9 <GO> Printing
If this option unchecked, Bloomberg will use PCL to send data to the printer.
When checked, Bloomberg will use Windows to translate the data through
the printer driver. This option must be checked when using a printer that
does not support PCL. See Print PCL under the Terminal Defaults – Setup
Tab menu for additional information.
Enhanced Metafile Printing
This option sends raw print data to a metafile and should be used as an
alternate print format if the printer driver has a format problem.
Beep After Print
Selecting this option enables an audible alert following a print.
Advanced Options
Accelerated Text Output
This option should be selected to ensure fast, efficient text output. This
option should not be selected for any Windows 9x OS or for customers using
a third-party software that displays Asian text.
Image Smoothing
This option uses an anti-aliasing algorithm to smooth a graphic image when it
is not a standard size. The option is potentially CPU intensive.
High Priority
This option is selected by default to prevent the Bloomberg from losing
connection when an application is consuming excessive CPU cycles to
process incoming data.
Menu Option Available Settings
Defaults –
Advanced Tab
Optimize Screen Update
Selecting this option provides optimization for high-volume monitors.
Quick Screen Refresh
This option buffers screen paint commands and displays all the changes at
once, utilizing less CPU resources.
Lock Clipboard When Active
When selected, this option allows Bloomberg to take control of the clipboard
until another application requires use of the clipboard.
Use New Bloomberg Font
This option should be selected when using a Windows 2000 OS or better.
Customers using Windows 9x or NT4 should deselect this option.
Expand Bloomberg Characters
This option expands special characters such as fractions to standard font
size, i.e. ¼, ½ will display as 1 / 4, 1 / 2.
Auto Adjust News Panel
Adjusts the number of news lines in the scrolling news panel at the bottom of
the Bloomberg 1 screen when the screen is maximized.
Ask Before Exiting
This option prompts a dialogue box informing the user that Bloomberg is
about to be shut down.
Ask Before Exiting Child Window
This option prompts a dialogue box that requires confirmation from the user
before shutting down a child window.
Ask Before Exiting Bloomberg Multimedia Window
This option prompts a dialogue box that requires confirmation from the user
before shutting down a multimedia window.
Ask Before Exiting Help Window
This option prompts a dialogue box that requires confirmation from the user
before shutting down a Help window.
Ask Before Exiting HelpDesk Msg Window
This option prompts a dialogue box that requires confirmation from the user
before shutting down a HelpDesk message window.
(Figure 6)
Menu Option Available Settings
Shows the Version date, Host IP information and the Serial Number of the
Bloomberg application
Upload File
This option allows the user to upload files from the PC directory to the
Bloomberg Personal File Manager (PFM).
This option terminates the Bloomberg application
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