Receiving Your Scholarship Payment Guide
Please carefully review the steps below to ensure smooth processing of your award payment. Be sure
to also review Preparing to Receive Your Funding for troubleshooting tips before completing the
registration of your Zelle account.
TIPS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT PROCESSING STEPS ............................................................................................................... 2
STEP 1: Payment Information Tile in Portal ........................................................................................................................ 2
STEP 2: Registration ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
a. Search for a bank or credit union. .......................................................................................................................... 2
b. Zelle partner bank versus Zelle Mobile App ........................................................................................................... 2
c. If Non-Partner Bank, Bank Does Not Accept Zelle, or U.S. Territory Bank ............................................................. 3
d. If Already Abroad or On-Program Overseas ........................................................................................................... 3
e. Confirm Email Address ............................................................................................................................................ 3
f. Two verification/confirmations of Zelle Enrollment ............................................................................................... 4
STEP 3: Payment Process .................................................................................................................................................... 4
a. Bank of America email alert No action is required! ............................................................................................. 4
b. Timeline of Receiving Payment ............................................................................................................................... 4
Updating Email Address/Updating Default to Email ............................................................................................................... 5
Direct Deposit Option ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1. If you already have an account with Zelle that is only associated with a telephone number, you will need to add
in an email address to match the email address given to the Gilman Program and associated with your bank
account where you want the funding to be sent.
2. You must enroll with a Visa or Mastercard debit card tied to a bank account in the U.S to use the Zelle Mobile
App. You cannot enroll in Zelle with business debit cards, credit cards, cards linked to international accounts,
gift cards, or pre-paid cards from financial institutions outside of the Zelle Network of banks. If you are still
getting an error, it may be because some debit cards are not “fast cash enabled”. Try using another Visa or
Mastercard debit card from your bank or credit union.
3. Your funds can only be sent to you. If you have a joint account with someone else, you must be named as a
primary account holder.
4. Ensure you complete your Terms and Conditions, and all your Gilman Portal Recipient tiles are completed, which
prompts us to review your documents. We will not process your funding until all requirements are completed,
and the documents uploaded to your Document Collection tile are approved.
5. If you added an incorrect email to your Payment tile or need to change the email in your Gilman Portal, please
email your regional advisor, who can reopen the Payment tile.
6. See “How to Use Zelle Safely: Tips for Safe Payments and Zelle Safety 101.
STEP 1: Payment Information Tile in Portal
a. As one of the recipient requirements, we ask you to confirm your payment information in the Gilman portal. The
“Payment” tile under the Recipient tab of your online Gilman Portal should be completed after confirming if you
are able to register with Zelle.
STEP 2: Registration
a. Search for a bank or credit union.
i. Search for your bank or credit union on Zelle’s partner page to see if your bank is a partner bank with
Zelle. If your bank does not partner with Zelle, then you would need to enroll with Zelle through the
Zelle Mobile App or select the “direct deposit” option under your recipients' tab of the Gilman Portal in
the “Payment” tile. See the example with finding BB&T bank below:
b. Zelle partner bank versus Zelle Mobile App
i. Each bank’s enrollment process is different. If your bank partners with Zelle, enroll through your bank’s
mobile app or online banking as directed on the Zelle website (B-M S Federal Credit Union image
example below). If your bank is not listed as a Zelle partner, see About the Zelle Network for instructions
on downloading the Zelle mobile app for Android and iOS.
c. If Non-Partner Bank, Bank Does Not Accept Zelle, or U.S. Territory Bank
i. If you see your bank is not a listed partner bank with Zelle and have verified that your bank does not
accept external electronic funds transfers from Zelle, you can indicate in the Payment tile of the
Recipient tab of your Gilman account and request an alternative payment method.
ii. Zelle does not currently support debit cards linked to accounts based in American Samoa, Guam,
Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Please indicate in the Payment tile of
the Recipient tab of your Gilman account to request an alternative payment method.
iii. You have the option to select Direct Deposit as your payment method only based on the above two
d. If Already Abroad or On-Program Overseas
i. Zelle profile accounts and apps are not accessible when overseas. You are not able to register or update
settings (update email address/change default settings) while abroad. If you are already on-program,
you will need to indicate that you cannot receive your payment via Zelle in the Payment tile of the
Recipient tab of your Gilman account.
e. Confirm Email Address
i. Ensure that the email address associated with the bank account that your funds will be transferred to is
the same email address that is on file with Gilman (you confirm this in your Payment tile in the Gilman
Portal). It should also be the email that you used to enroll with Zelle or Zelle Mobile App. So all three
emails: the email on file with Gilman, your bank, and the email used to enroll with Zelle, should be the
same. If your Zelle account is already set up, double check that the default email selected under
Account>Manage settings is also updated to match any updates in your Payment tile.
ii. If you need to change the email address that you indicated in your application, update this under the
Payments tile in the Recipient Tab of your Gilman Portal (the first image below) in the Gilman Portal. DO
HOLD ON YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. This hold would prevent us from being able to send your funds
until it clears.
iii. If you are using the Zelle Mobile App, please ensure that you change the default settings to using the
email on file with Gilman from your application or what was updated in the Payment tile. You can verify
an existing email address in your Zelle Mobile App’s Manage Zelle Settings (seen circled in red below).
Your email address is indicated as selected by the check mark next to it. Ensure the email option is
selected and NOT the telephone option. Note that views may differ and having both options selected is
fine too.
f. Two verification/confirmations of Zelle Enrollment
i. Receive confirmation that your Zelle registration and set-up is complete. Upon setting up
your Zelle enrollment, you will receive a verification email or notification through your bank providing
you with a code or link to verify you are setting up the account.
ii. Once you verify the Zelle account set-up, you will receive a second email/notification confirming the
successful completion of the registration process.
If you do not receive both the email verification and the final confirmation notification, your Zelle
registration may not be complete.
STEP 3: Payment Process
a. Bank of America email alert No action is required!
i. When your payment has been issued by the Gilman Program (after your documentation is approved)
you will receive an email from Bank of America (payments@ealerts.bankofamerica.com) alerting you
that your payment is ready for transfer.
ii. You do not need to click the “Accept transfer” button within the Bank of America email notification.
This email is alerting you that the funds are being processed on IIE/Gilman’s side. Receiving this email
does not mean the funds are pending in your bank account, it is only a note that it is being processed
through IIE systems. You do not need to take any action with this email!
iii. In some cases, this email notification has been blocked by some email servers or goes to Spam folders. If
you have set up your account with Zelle correctly and you do not see this email, the money can still
transfer into your account.
b. Timeline of Receiving Payment
i. Transfers of funds can take between 1-3 business days to show up in your account.
ii. If there is any issue with the transfer, Gilman will be alerted and will reach out to you. If you did not see
your funding within 3 business days after receiving the Bank of America email, please reach out to
iii. Don’t Panic! We are happy to work with you in resolving any issues with the transfer that might occur.
iv. Please note we are not able to expedite payments, particularly in high-peak times after awarding. We
appreciate your patience, but most processing times do take up to 2-3 weeks after recipient
requirements are approved as we are working with many recipients also looking to receive their funding
For any additional issues, please see our Troubleshooting Tips or the Zelle FAQs webpage! You can
also contact Zelle customer support at 844-428-8542 or reach out via their support page
at zellepay.com/support/contact.
Updating Email Address/Updating Default to Email
i. It is easy to update your Zelle email account (not your general bank account profile email). Open either
your Zelle Mobile App, or log onto your bank’s website and find your Zelle account settings (every bank
is a little different in where this is located). Most banks and credit unions have Zelle account settings
under “Transfers” section of their website or mobile app. Or ask your financial institution if you need
help finding Zelle in your banking app or website.
ii. Go to manage Zelle account settings or similar language tab.
iii. Select or add the correct email address that you want the funding sent to your bank. You may need to
unselect your phone number to allow you to select your email as the default option to be recognized
when someone sends you a transfer. Gilman does not send funding using a phone number for security
iv. Some banks’ mobile apps or websites may allow you to add both.This is fine as long as your email
address is selected as a default option for incoming transfers via Zelle. (Do not select phone number as
default as shown in the screenshot).
Direct Deposit Option
i. Direct Deposit is only an option if your bank does not work with Zelle, you are unable to register with
the Zelle Mobile App, your bank is based in a U.S. territory, or you have already gone abroad and are
unable to update settings or register through Zelle.
ii. Direct Deposit is not faster than the electronic funds transfer through Zelle. It actually takes longer to
update this option due to the funding processing procedures.
iii. If you meet the alternate payment method criteria mentioned above, to request your payment sent as
a direct deposit you must indicate this in your Gilman Recipient Portal. Under the Recipient tab, you will
click on the Payments tile.
iv. You will select No in the dropdown box and follow instructions on adding in your bank account
information. You will need to upload either a voided check, or a bank verification form to be signed by
your bank confirming your bank account and routing numbers.
v. If you are already abroad and cannot get your bank’s signature on the bank verification form, you will
need to upload certified documentation showing your name as a primary holder on the account, and
both the routing and bank account number. This can be a screenshot from your online account, a direct
deposit letter from your bank, etc. Copy and pasted or written numbers in a Word document will not be