Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments
Prepared by the Social Security Administration. Information provided by IRS and the Bureau of Fiscal Service. May 14, 2020 1
A Message to the Social Security Beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income Recipients:
This document provides information for Social Security beneficiaries (retirement, survivors, disability) and Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) recipients related to economic impact payments being issued to eligible individuals.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), not the Social Security Administration (SSA), will send all payments electronically or paper
checks by mail. We documented for you different scenarios to help explain what actions, if any, you may need to take to
receive your economic impact payment and any payment for a qualifying child. However, only the IRS can answer questions
you may have about your personal or family situation. Please do not call SSA with your payment questions. Visit
for the latest information available.
We have highlighted text in light red below and on other pages to help you see what information we updated since May 7.
You can find the information you need by following these steps:
1. Locate the blue text that describes which monthly benefit you receive and when you started receiving benefits.
2. Look for the row that matches your situation whether you filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return, and whether you have any
qualifying children.
If you received an economic impact payment for yourself less than $1,200, you can read why at IRS’
Economic Impact
Payment Information Center and Economic Impact Payments and the Treasury Offset Program web pages.
Do you have a representative payee or you are a representative payee?
Since the IRS is processing payments automatically based on a filed tax return, and processing payments for people who use
their Non-Filer Tool, these payments from the IRS could be made to someone with a representative payee. If you did not file a
2019 or 2018 tax return, and if you did not use the IRS’ Non-Filer Tool, please refer to “How will the IRS send my economic
impact payment (EIP) if I have a representative payee?” on this page. Please visit on this
page to learn more about economic impact payments and representative payees.
Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments
Prepared by the Social Security Administration. Information provided by IRS and the Bureau of Fiscal Service. May 14, 2020 2
Select the scenario below that best describes your situation to go directly to the page to help you:
I began receiving Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability (SSDI) benefits BEFORE January 1, 2020 and…
I filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do not have a qualifying child (p. 3)
I filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do have a qualifying child (p. 3)
I did not file 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do not have a qualifying child (p. 4)
I did not file a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do have a qualifying child (p. 4)
I began receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) BEFORE January 1, 2020 and…
I filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do not have a qualifying child (p. 5)
I filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do have a qualifying child (p. 5)
I did not file 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do not have a qualifying child (p. 6)
I did not file a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do have a qualifying child (p. 6)
I began receiving Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) ON or AFTER January 1,
2020 and…
I filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do not have a qualifying child (p. 7)
I filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do have a qualifying child (p. 7)
I did not file 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do not have a qualifying child (p. 7)
I did not file a 2019 or 2018 tax return and I do have a qualifying child (p. 7)
Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments
Prepared by the Social Security Administration. Information provided by IRS and the Bureau of Fiscal Service. May 14, 2020 3
I began receiving Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability (SSDI) benefits BEFORE January 1, 2020.
I filed a
2019 or
2018 tax
…and I have
at least one
What action
must I take to
receive my
What action
must I take to
receive each
$500 payment
per qualifying
When and how will I receive my $1,200
When and how will I receive
each $500 child payment?
Yes No No action
required by you.
n/a The IRS began issuing electronic
economic impact payments on or about
April 15 to people who received a tax
refund electronically, and to the same
account as the tax refund.
If you did not get an electronic refund or
no refund, the IRS will send your payment
by mail. Payments will be issued on a
staggered basis beginning in late April.
You may be able to use the IRS’ Get My
Payment tool to provide or update your
bank information to receive an electronic
payment more quickly.
Yes Yes No action
required by you.
No action
required by you.
Same as above. $500 child payments will be issued as
part of the same payment as “When
and how will I receive my $1,200
payment? in the row above. You will
only receive $500 for a qualified child
listed on your tax return. For a child
not listed on your tax return, you
must wait to file a tax year 2020 tax
return to receive the $500 payment.
Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments
Prepared by the Social Security Administration. Information provided by IRS and the Bureau of Fiscal Service. May 14, 2020 4
I began receiving Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability (SSDI) benefits BEFORE January 1, 2020:
I filed a
2019 or
2018 tax
…and I have
at least one
What action
must I take to
receive my
What action
must I take to
receive each
payment per
When and how will
I receive my $1,200
When and how will I receive
each $500 child payment?
No No No action
required by you.
n/a You should have
received your
$1,200 payment by
the end of April in
the same way you
receive your Social
Security benefit.
No Yes No action
required by you.
You needed
to use the IRS'
Payment Info
Here tool by
April 22 to
receive $500
for each
You should have
received your
$1,200 payment by
the end of April in
the same way you
receive your Social
Security benefit.
If the IRS did not already process your $1,200 payment, and
you entered your and your children’s information into the
tool by April 22, you should have received each $500 child
payment by the end of April at the same time as your
$1,200 individual payment. If the IRS already processed your
$1,200 payment, or if you missed the April 22 deadline, you
must wait to file a tax year 2020 tax return to receive the
additional $500 per qualifying child. Your $1,200 payment is
not affected.
Direct Express Card Holders: If you used the Non-Filer tool
by the April 22 deadline, and if you left the bank account
information blank, you will receive your and your children’s
combined payment amount by paper check in the mail.
Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments
Prepared by the Social Security Administration. Information provided by IRS and the Bureau of Fiscal Service. May 14, 2020 5
I began receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) BEFORE January 1, 2020:
I filed a
2019 or
2018 tax
…and I
have at
least one
What action
must I take to
receive my
What action
must I take to
receive each
$500 payment
per qualifying
When and how will I receive my $1,200
When and how will I receive each
$500 child payment?
Yes No No action
required by
n/a The IRS began issuing electronic economic
impact payments on or about April 15 to
people who received a tax refund
electronically, and to the same account as
the tax refund.
If you did not get an electronic refund or
no refund, the IRS will send your payment
by mail. Payments will be issued on a
staggered basis beginning in late April.
You may be able to use the IRS’ Get My
Payment tool to provide or update your
bank information to receive an electronic
payment more quickly.
Yes Yes No action
required by
No action
required by
Same as above. $500 child payments will be issued as
part of the same payment as “When
and how will I receive my $1,200
payment? in the row above. You will
only receive $500 for a qualified child
listed on your tax return. For a child
not listed on your tax return, you must
wait to file a tax year 2020 tax return
to receive the $500 payment.
Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments
Prepared by the Social Security Administration. Information provided by IRS and the Bureau of Fiscal Service. May 14, 2020 6
I began receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) BEFORE January 1, 2020:
I filed a
2019 or
2018 tax
…and I
have at
least one
What action
must I take
to receive my
What action
must I take to
receive each
$500 payment
per qualifying
When and how
will I receive
my $1,200
When and how will I receive each $500 child payment?
No No No action
required by
n/a Same as below. n/a
No Yes No action
required by
You needed to
use the IRS'
Non-Filer: Enter
Payment Info
Here tool by
May 5 to
receive $500
for each
qualified child
without having
to wait until
next year.
You should
receive your
payment in the
same way you
receive your
monthly SSI
payment: Direct
Deposit and
Direct Express
by May 13;
Paper checks
will begin May
If the IRS did not already process your $1,200 payment, and you
entered your and your children’s information into the tool by May
5, you will receive each $500 child payment with your $1,200
payment by May 13 if you selected direct deposit in the tool.
Mailed checks begin May 15. If the IRS already processed your
$1,200 payment, or if you missed the May 5 deadline, you must
wait to file a tax year 2020 tax return to receive the additional
$500 per qualifying child. Your $1,200 payment is not affected.
Direct Express Card Holders: If you used the Non-Filer Tool to
enter dependent information, you will not receive your automatic
$1,200 payment on your Direct Express card. You will receive both
your $1,200 payment and each child’s $500 payment in a non-
Direct Express bank account you may have provided, or by mail if
you left bank information empty, and only if the IRS did not
already process your $1,200 payment. If you did not use the Non-
Filer Tool, you will receive your automatic $1,200 payment on your
Direct Express card, and you will need to file a tax return next year
to get a $500 payment per qualifying child.
Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Recipients Steps to Take and Schedule of Payments
Prepared by the Social Security Administration. Information provided by IRS and the Bureau of Fiscal Service. May 14, 2020 7
I began receiving Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
ON or AFTER January 1, 2020:
If you filed a tax return for 2019 or 2018:
The IRS began issuing electronic economic impact payments on or about April 15 to people who received a tax refund electronically, and to the
same account as the tax refund.
If you did not get an electronic refund or no refund, the IRS will send your payment, and payment for any qualifying children listed on your tax
return, by mail at the same time. Payments will be issued on a staggered basis beginning in late April. You may be able to use the IRS’ Get My
Payment tool to provide or update your bank information to receive an electronic payment more quickly. For a child not listed on your tax return,
you must wait to file a tax year 2020 tax return to receive the $500 payment.
If you did not file a tax return for 2019 or 2018:
Social Security beneficiaries and SSI recipients in this category may use the IRS' Non-Filer: Enter Payment Info Here tool to receive their own $1,200
payment and $500 payment for qualifying children. You may only enter non-Direct Express bank account information for direct deposit, or leave
bank information empty to receive a paper check by mail.
What is a “qualifying child”?
The IRS lists rules for the qualifying child applicable to the Child Tax Credit. The child qualifies if the child:
Is your son, daughter, stepchild, eligible foster child, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, or a descendant of any
of them (e.g., your grandchild, niece, or nephew).
Was under age 17 at the end of 2019.
Did not provide over half of his or her own support for 2019.
Lived with you for more than half of 2019
Is claimed as a dependent on your return.
Does not file a joint return for the year (or files it only to claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax paid).
Was a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. resident alien.
The CARES Act also requires the qualifying child have a valid Social Security Number or an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN).