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Mon, June 4
3:00 PM CDD-1555 Future IBM Rational Content on IBM Clouds
Location: Australia 3 - Dolphin
Mon, June 4
3:00 PM CDO-1615 Collaborative DevOps: Bridging IBM Rational and IBM Tivoli to Help
Wellpoint Do More with Less
Location: Oceanic 8 - Dolphin
Mon, June 4
4:15 PM LS-1688 Best Practices for Building OSLC Integrations: A Study of Customer
Collaboration for the IBM Rational OSLC Adapter for Atlassian JIRA
Location: Southern IV - Dolphin
Tue, June 5
10:30 AM MAC-1474 Designing and Developing Smarter Business Solutions
Location: Asia 1 - Dolphin
Tue, June 5
3:00 PM WKSP-1875 Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration: Enable a Tool in a Day
Location: Swan 2 - Swan
Wed, June 6
10:00 AM LS-1439 Enterprise Linked Data, Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration, and the
W3C Standards
Location: Southern IV - Dolphin
Wed, June 6
4/23/12 10:15 AM
10:00 AM LS-1063 Key Note Day Three for Lifecycle Solutions Track: Unifying Platform = ROI
Rational is Agnostic
Location: Southern III - Dolphin
Wed, June 6
11:15 AM LS-1931 An Overview of a Generic Approach to Integration of a New Lifecycle
Management with Application Lifecycle Management Using OSLC
Location: Southern IV - Dolphin
Wed, June 6
1:45 PM LS-1653 Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Experience Reports and
Location: Southern III - Dolphin
Wed, June 6
3:00 PM CDO-1744 Case Study: Integration of Application Lifecycle (IBM Rational) and
Services (IBM Tivoli) of the Pague Menos Drugstores
Location: Oceanic 8 - Dolphin
Thu, June 7
8:30 AM CDD-1815 Rapid Integration of Software-as-a-Service with On-Premise Applications
Using IBM WebSphere Cast Iron
Location: Australia 3 - Dolphin
Thu, June 7
8:30 AM RE-1773 Systems Requirements and Design Models Integration via Open Services for
Lifecycle Collaboration
Location: Asia 3 - Dolphin
Thu, June 7
9:45 AM LS-2323 Add Sync to Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Link: Large-Scale
Application Lifecycle Management Integration for IBM Rational Team Concert
Location: Australia 2 - Dolphin
Thu, June 7
9:45 AM CCM-2077 How Accentures Application Outsourcing Environment Uses IBM Rational
Team Concert and Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration
Location: Southern II - Dolphin
4/23/12 10:15 AM
CDD-1555 Future IBM Rational Content on IBM Clouds
Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2012
Location: Australia 3 - Dolphin
Start Time: 3:00 PM
End Time: 4:00 PM
Speakers: Robbie J. Minshall, IBM; Steven Abrams, IBM
Session Code: CDD
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Cloud Development & Deployment
Looking for specific IBM Rational tools and capabilities to be delivered as simple integrated
patterns? Want IBM Rational products to be simpler to use or team collaboration environments to
be faster and cheaper to set up? If so, come and hear about the future direction of content for
IBM Workload Deployer and Project Troy. Presenters talk about integrating services for
automating IBM WebSphere deploys and asset management directly within the products. They
share thoughts around simplified delivery of the products based on IBM Rational Jazz and show
how to easily build virtual images of IBM Rational Software using ICON. These presenters have
great ideas to share and want to hear from attendees about some of their own proposals.
CDO-1615 Collaborative DevOps: Bridging IBM Rational and IBM Tivoli to Help
Wellpoint Do More with Less
Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2012
Location: Oceanic 8 - Dolphin
Start Time: 3:00 PM
End Time: 4:00 PM
Speakers: Philip Soter, WellPoint; Patrick Cherniawski, IconATG, Inc.
Session Code: CDO
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Collaborative Development & Operations
Anthem BCBS (WellPoint) is in year three of a multiyear ITIL rollout that includes moving to
solutions based on IBM Tivoli for operations processes, with incident, problem, change, asset,
and configuration management processes deployed in 2011. A goal for WellPoint IT for 2012,
and for this initiative, is to greatly improve operational efficiency i.e., do more with less. This
presentation discusses practical opportunities and challenges to achieving enhanced operational
efficiency by implementing collaborative DevOps using IBM Rational and IBM Tivoli tools.
4/23/12 10:15 AM
LS-1688 Best Practices for Building OSLC Integrations: A Study of Customer
Collaboration for the IBM Rational OSLC Adapter for Atlassian JIRA
Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2012
Location: Southern IV - Dolphin
Start Time: 4:15 PM
End Time: 5:45 PM
Speakers: Grant Rumble, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia; Jozef F. de Vries, IBM;
Kevin Bauer, IBM
Session Code: LS
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Lifecycle Solutions
IBM Rational recognizes that diverse environments are a reality for many companies and that
reliable integration between tools is crucial. At Innovate 2011, IBM held discussions with
customers their third-party tool integration needs. Using what was learned, IBM leveraged its
technical expertise around open services for lifecycle collaboration (OSLC), linked data, and the
IBM Rational Jazz platform to develop the IBM Rational OSLC adapter for Atlassian JIRA. Co-
presented with Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), a customer engaged in IBMs
third-party Design Partner Program, presenters share the main decisions points through the
development lifecycle of building the adapter from identifying use cases to making architectural
decisions to customer deployments. Presenters explore lessons learned and best practices for
planning and building an integration, including how ICBC collaborated on use cases, tested beta
drivers, and became the first adopter of the solution.
4/23/12 10:15 AM
MAC-1474 Designing and Developing Smarter Business Solutions
Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012
Location: Asia 1 - Dolphin
Start Time: 10:30 AM
End Time: 11:30 AM
Speakers: Claus T. Jensen, IBM; Nick J. Norris, IBM; Phil Coulthard, IBM
Session Code: MAC
Stream: Design, Development, Test and Deployment
Track: Modeling, Architecture & Construction
Attendees have heard all about OSLC, CLM, BPM, SOA, CBM, SCA, UML, SOAML, and
BPMN2. Learn how IBM uses this alphabet soup to improve an organizations ability to design,
develop, and deliver smarter business solutions. This session describes how combining IBM
software and industry models promotes business and IT collaboration for designing, building,
and delivering solutions spanning business, software, and data domains. IBM industry models
contain evolving, industry-specific content based on working with leading institutions and
captured as a set of inter-related models, best practices, and common vocabulary spanning
business and technical domains and layers of abstractions. Just like collaborative lifecycle
management enables better collaboration, reuse, and results across requirements, development,
and test disciplines, organizations can link IBM business process management content to
collaborative lifecycle and design management, business glossary, and data architecture
WKSP-1875 Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration: Enable a Tool in a Day
Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012
Location: Swan 2 - Swan
Start Time: 3:00 PM
End Time: 6:00 PM
Session Code: WKSP
Stream: Workshops
Track: Lifecycle Solutions
This is an update to the 2011 waitlisted and very successful workshop. Attendees learn how to
plan for and do an integration based on open services for lifecycle collaboration (OSLC) onto an
existing tool, utilizing Bugzilla as an example. The workshop leverages OSLC open source from
the Eclipse Lyo project. By the end of the workshop, participants can connect Bugzilla into other
OSLC-enabled tools such as IBM Rational Team Concert and IBM Rational Quality Manager.
4/23/12 10:15 AM
LS-1439 Enterprise Linked Data, Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration, and the
W3C Standards
Date: Wed, Jun 6, 2012
Location: Southern IV - Dolphin
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 11:00 AM
Speakers: Angel Diaz, IBM
Session Code: LS
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Lifecycle Solutions
W3C defines a wide range of standards for the semantic web and linked data suitable for many
enterprise use cases. One prominent example of using linked data is open services for lifecycle
collaboration (OSLC) as an application lifecycle management integration technology. Linked data
has the potential to solve other important problems that have frustrated the IT industry for many
years. This session examines linked data best practices and discusses linked data work at W3C
that may influence the evolution of OSLC.
LS-1063 Key Note Day Three for Lifecycle Solutions Track: Unifying Platform = ROI
Rational is Agnostic
Date: Wed, Jun 6, 2012
Location: Southern III - Dolphin
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 11:00 AM
Speakers: Marty Levesque, IBM Rational; Sean Kennedy, IBM
Session Code: LS
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Lifecycle Solutions
Never assume, as the saying goes! This session focuses on discovering how the IBM Rational
Jazz platform is being leveraged by a varied combination/mix of IBM Rational Jazz and non-IBM
Rational Jazz tools/solutions and how open services for lifecycle collaboration (OSLC) and IBM
open technologies, standards strategy, and thought leadership in this area can help
organizations further software tooling investments. Presenters talk briefly about what the OSLC
initiative aims to do for the entire software industry and why attendees need to get involved as an
OSLC community member.
4/23/12 10:15 AM
LS-1931 An Overview of a Generic Approach to Integration of a New Lifecycle
Management with Application Lifecycle Management Using OSLC
Date: Wed, Jun 6, 2012
Location: Southern IV - Dolphin
Start Time: 11:15 AM
End Time: 12:15 PM
Speakers: ARVIND RANGARAJAN, IBM; Gray Bachelor, IBM; Hiroaki Nakamura, IBM
Session Code: LS
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Lifecycle Solutions
The approach has been gathered from the experience of application lifecycle management
(ALM)/product lifecycle management (PLM) integration for the automotive industry where no
previous open services for lifecycle collaboration (OSLC) specification existed for product type
resources. An extension to the OSLC specification was developed in collaboration with the
OSLC PLM and Core workgroup, then an implementation was successfully realized using
Eclipse Lyo alongside ALM and PLM applications. The Lyo framework provides ways to store,
parse, and query RDFs present in the specific server. The Lyo framework was extended to
support new features that can provide seamless integration of aspects of lifecycle management.
This session generalizes the method and provides a reusable approach to integrate two lifecycle
management aspects.
LS-1653 Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Experience Reports and
Date: Wed, Jun 6, 2012
Location: Southern III - Dolphin
Start Time: 1:45 PM
End Time: 2:45 PM
Speakers: Cecilia Lindgren, Tieto AB; Andreas Keis, EADS UK Ltd; Sean Kennedy, IBM
Session Code: LS
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Lifecycle Solutions
The integration problem is one faced by all businesses and is often solved in an unsatisfactory
manner. For examples, tight coupling makes changes difficult, multiple copies of data can
increase storage requirements and worse, and problem determination and resolution in such
systems can be costly. Through open services for lifecycle collaboration (OSLC), experts have
gathered together for public discussion of common problems and solutions, and have published
open specifications to make software integrations easier and more robust, and expose more
lifecycle data so that it can be effectively used. Learn from the experiences of OSLC community
members who have participated in specification development, implemented a specification, and
realized benefits from doing so. Attendees have an opportunity to ask questions of these
community members in a panel discussion. Get some insight into the technical and business
what, how, and why of using OSLC to address the integration problem.
4/23/12 10:15 AM
CDO-1744 Case Study: Integration of Application Lifecycle (IBM Rational) and
Services (IBM Tivoli) of the Pague Menos Drugstores
Date: Wed, Jun 6, 2012
Location: Oceanic 8 - Dolphin
Start Time: 3:00 PM
End Time: 4:00 PM
Speakers: Pedro Praxedes, Pague Menos Drugstores; Gustavo Alves, QUALITI SOFTWARE
Session Code: CDO
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Collaborative Development & Operations
Aiming its initial public offering in 2012 and the achievement of the PCI-DSS (PCI Data Security
Standard), the Pague Menos drugstores deployed IBM Rational and IBM Tivoli tools. This
session outlines how IBM Rational Team Concert and IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager
worked together to support the change management of the Pague Menos drugstores. For the
change requests and service orders to go smoothly between operational and development
areas, an integration was needed during the project deployment because both tools did not have
a native integration. Additionally, to attain the project goals, it was necessary to use some
frameworks, including Cobit, ITIL, PMBOK, and Scrum.
CDD-1815 Rapid Integration of Software-as-a-Service with On-Premise Applications
Using IBM WebSphere Cast Iron
Date: Thu, Jun 7, 2012
Location: Australia 3 - Dolphin
Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Time: 9:30 AM
Speakers: Arup Datta, Prolifics; Prithvi Srinivasan, Prolifics
Session Code: CDD
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Cloud Development & Deployment
IBM WebSphere Cast Iron enables businesses to rapidly integrate their systems and services,
and allows them to function seamlessly providing users with data and IT resources delivered
over a cloud platform. It helps businesses deliver faster integration, reduce costs, and obtain
higher returns. IBM WebSphere Cast Iron provides flexible deployment options in public, private,
and hybrid cloud form factors, and enables a seamless and secure transition between on-
premise and cloud environments. Presenters showcase how to integrate cloud-based customer
relationship management (CRM) services with on-premise ERP using IBM WebSphere Cast Iron
Integration in days, with a no-coding approach. This demo involves Salesforce CRM integration
with Projector PSA and Prolifics backend system. The demo details how to rapidly synchronize
sales, customer support, and force data in real time. This is followed by a data update to
Projector PSA for flexible, scalable, and better solutions.
4/23/12 10:15 AM
RE-1773 Systems Requirements and Design Models Integration via Open Services for
Lifecycle Collaboration
Date: Thu, Jun 7, 2012
Location: Asia 3 - Dolphin
Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Time: 9:30 AM
Speakers: Jin Li, IBM
Session Code: RE
Stream: Embedded Systems and Software
Track: Requirements Management for Systems Engineering
When systems and requirements engineers elicit, define, and elaborate systems requirements,
they often create design models in addition to text descriptions to better understand, track, and
communicate the requirements. Systems requirements and design models traceability is critical
for many project teams. This session discusses the point-to-point integration of IBM Rational
DOORS and IBM Rational Rhapsody through the IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway and how the
specifications for open services for lifecycle collaboration (OSLC) provide an improved
integration user experience. These provide better business value, competitive advantage, and
user experience. It enables integration with multiple requirement management providers such as
IBM Rational DOORS and IBM Rational Requirements Composer with IBM Rational Rhapsody,
as well as third-party systems engineering tools such as Simulink.
LS-2323 Add Sync to Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Link: Large-Scale
Application Lifecycle Management Integration for IBM Rational Team Concert
Date: Thu, Jun 7, 2012
Location: Australia 2 - Dolphin
Start Time: 9:45 AM
End Time: 10:45 AM
Speakers: Mik Kersten, Tasktop Technologies
Session Code: LS
Stream: Application Lifecycle Management
Track: Lifecycle Solutions
The collaborative lifecycle management support in IBM Rational Team Concert is key to many
agile transformations. But many customers deploy this tool into heterogeneous application
lifecycle management (ALM) environments that include third-party tools such as Microsoft TFS,
HP Quality Center, and Atlassian JIRA. To productively use this product requires integration
among the disparate ALM tools to provide real-time data visibility and reporting. While a growing
number of systems support open services for lifecycle collaboration (OSLC)-based linked
lifecycle data integration, many do not. This session demonstrates how an integration approach
based on data synchronization using Eclipse Mylyn connectors can co-exist with and leverage
OSLC integrations and how OSLC interoperability can be provided for multiple systems even
when they dont natively support the OSLC specification. Attendees leave the session with
practical integration strategies in real-world heterogeneous scenarios.
4/23/12 10:15 AM
CCM-2077 How Accentures Application Outsourcing Environment Uses IBM
Rational Team Concert and Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration
Date: Thu, Jun 7, 2012
Location: Southern II - Dolphin
Start Time: 9:45 AM
End Time: 10:45 AM
Speakers: Gary Dang, Accenture; David E. Bellagio, IBM
Session Code: CCM
Stream: Design, Development, Test and Deployment
Track: Change & Configuration Management
Accenture is a world leader in application outsourcing. It has created an environment and
process to manage and host development and maintenance of client assets around the world.
Accenture recently adopted IBM Rational Team Concert to evolve this environment to support
the IBM Rational Jazz collaboration framework based on open services for lifecycle collaboration
(OSLC) for work item management. There were two integration points that initially needed to be
supported: integration between IBM Rational Team Concert work items and a help desk support
system to manage work request changes, and integration between IBM Rational Team Concert
work items and a project time tracking system to manage effort and due dates. This solution
helped Accenture deliver its next generation application maintenance and development platform
to customers. This talk outlines the challenges and effort involved in implementing the integration
between IBM Rational Team Concert and these systems using OSLC.
4/23/12 10:15 AM