IBM Maximo Asset Management 7.1
IBM Maximo Asset Management for IT 7.1
IBM Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database 7.1.1
IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager 7.1
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
This edition applies to version 7, release 1, modification 1 of IBM Maximo Asset Management, IBM
Maximo Asset Management for IT, IBM Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database, and
IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise
indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2009. All rights reserved.
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Contract with IBM Corp.
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 8
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager............................................................ 4
Pre-requisite.................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 4
Usage............................................................................................................................... 4
Limitations...................................................................................................................... 5
Notices ................................................................................................................................ 7
Trademarks ..................................................................................................................... 9
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
The Classification object structure is migration content added to the product for Maximo
Base Services Fix Pack
Reader must be thoroughly familiar with Classifications application. Reader must also be
experienced with the use of object structures and Migration Manager.
A new object structure has been added to Migration Manager to enable the migration of
classifications between product environments. The object structure is
DMCLASSIFICATION. This document describes the characteristics of the object
structure and its limitations. This document does not describe the characteristics of
classification, classification hierarchy or the Classifications application.
The following diagram shows the business objects included in the object structure:
A new migration group has been added to Migration Manager that includes the
DMCLASSIFICATION object structure. The group is CLASSIFICATIONDATA. This
group does not include any dependencies on other migration groups.
The DMCLASSIFICATION object structure can be used with either snapshot or change
package definitions. Simply define the package and include the
CLASSIFICATIONDATA migration group in the definition. With a snapshot package,
SQL criteria can be associated with the DMCLASSIFICATION object structure to
collect a specified set of CLASSSTRUCTURE records and their related records.
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
A CLASSSTRUCTURE record may depend upon an organization and/or site. A
CLASSUSEWITH record may depend upon a specific business object. A CLASSSPEC
record may depend upon a domain, a unit of measure, site and/or organization. A
CLASSSPECUSEWITH record may depend upon organization, site or specific business
object. These data are not part of the DMCLASSIFICATION object structure. They must
each be migrated separately to the target database or manually created using appropriate
application in the target database prior to migrating any classification. If not, migration of
classifications may fail as business rules are not met that require existence of
organization, site, unit of measure or business object. The following table lists how such
related data can be configured in a target database:
Related Data Preparing Related Data
Organization/Site Migrate from source using DMORGANIZATION object structure
or manually create directly in target using Organizations
Domain Migrate from source using DMMAXDOMAIN object structure of
manually create directly in target using Domains application
Business Object Migrate from source using DMMAXOBJECTCFG or manually
create directly in target using Database Configuration application;
if created manually, the configuration changes should be applied
successfully using configdb utility
Unit of Measure Manually create directly in target using Assets application
NOTE: If a choice is made to migrate organization, site, domain and business object, that
migration can be achieved using separate packages or a single package. It is beyond the
scope of this document to describe the migration steps.
DMCLASSIFICATION object structure relies on a non-persistent attribute called
HIERARCHYPATH to determine if an update or insert needs to be performed.
Removing this non-persistent attribute from the object structure will cause
processing errors during import. HIERARCHYPATH attribute should remain
part of the object structure.
DMCLASSIFICATION object structure requires the non-persistent attribute
called DATATYPE to be part of the XML to adhere to classification object
business rules. Removing this non-persistent attribute from the object structure
will cause processing errors during import. DATATYPE attribute should remain
part of the object structure.
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
DMCLASSIFICATION object structure does not migrate data pertaining to the
CLASSIFICATION table. Any attributes of CLASSIFICATION table that are
managed through the Classifications application are not supported. This includes
the DESCRIPTION attribute of CLASSIFICATION table. Any update of a
classification description performed through the Add/Modify Properties |
Classifications dialog in Classifications application is not supported.
The primary key of the CLASSSTRUCTURE table is CLASSSTRUCTUREID.
This attribute is auto-keyed out of the box. However, it is not exposed in the user
interface of the Classifications application. If the attribute is exposed in the user
interface and end users are allowed to substitute their own arbitrary key values
instead of accepting the default auto-key value, this object structure will fail to
migrate such classifications. The object structure is designed to rely on the default
auto-key value to facilitate proper migration.
Migration of a classification hierarchy where a parent classification has been
changed thereby altering the parent-child classification relationship is not
supported. If the HIERARCHYPATH value is changed in a source database as a
result of changing the parent classification in a parent-child relationship,
Migration Manager will no longer be able to identify the correct
CLASSSTRUCTURE record. This in turn will cause processing errors during
With snapshot migration packages, the processing action for XML documents in
the package can be either ‘replace’ or ‘addchange’. However, as long as a
matching HIERARCHYPATH value is found in the target database based on
information in the XML, only an update will be performed. The type of
processing action does not matter.
The DMCLASSIFICATION object structure does not support a scenario where
there are two different classifications with the same HIERARCHYPATH value.
This can be done using the Classifications application only.
Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
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Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
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Migrating Classifications with Migration Manager
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