Sociotropic Voting and the Media:
A Summary of Results from the 2006 ANES Pilot
Stephen Ansolabehere – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Political
Marc Meredith – Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
Erik Snowberg – Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
James M. Snyder, Jr. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Political Science
and Department of Economics
The literature on economic voting notes that voter’s subjective evaluations of the overall
state of the economy are correlated with vote choice, whereas personal economic experiences are
not. Little is known about how voters acquire information about the general state of the
economy, and how this information is then used to determine vote choice. To better understand
this process, we asked a series of questions on the 2006 ANES Pilot to illicit respondents’
perceptions of the unemployment rate and gas prices. We first analyze how individual
characteristics are correlated with respondents’ perceptions of gas prices and the unemployment
rate. We then test how respondents’ perceptions of gas prices and the unemployment rate are
correlated with political preferences.
We find that perceptions of gas prices and unemployment rates derive from different
sources of information. Information about unemployment rates come from media sources, and
are systematically biased by partisan factors. Information about gas prices, in contrast, comes
only from everyday experiences. While there are significant demographic differences in
respondents’ perceptions of both gas prices and unemployment rates, only unemployment rates
affect a respondent’s political outlook. Moreover, perceptions of unemployment rates can be
used to isolate the effect of economic evaluation on partisan preferences.
Our proposal for the 2008 ANES Panel study is titled “Untangling Economic Voting.”
Pilot Questions:
As far as you know, what is the current unemployment rate in [R’s state] - that is of the adults in
[STATE] who wanted to work during the second week of [MONTH], what percent of them
would you guess were unemployed and looking for a job?
If R responds with I don’t know: What would be your best guess?
During a typical week, how many days do you drive an automobile?
During a typical week, how many times do you notice the price of gasoline in your area?
What is your best guess of the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline across all of
[STATE] today?
If R responds with I don’t know: What would be your best guess?
During a typical week, how many days do you watch news on TV, not including sports?
During a typical week, how many days do you listen to news on the radio, not including sports?
Would you say that over the past year the nation's economy has gotten better, stayed about the
same, or gotten worse?
Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way George W. Bush is
handling his job as president?
Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way George W. Bush is
handling the economy?
Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way George W. Bush is
handling our relations with foreign countries?
Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way George W. Bush is
handling terrorism?
Note that while our initial proposal did not ask for all of these questions, we have included all questions (other than
demographic and party id questions) that are analyzed in this summary. Question wording is not exact as for some
questions multiple phrasings were used. In particular, we did not list follow up questions that attempted to elicit the
strength of feelings in one direction or another.
Why questions on objective knowledge about the state of the economy?
At the aggregate level, economic performance is an important predictor of candidate vote
Survey based studies of economic voting find seemingly contradictory results; voters’
perceptions of the overall state of the economy influence vote choice, but personal economic
experience does not. Moreover, the state of the economy has a relatively modest effect on vote
choice (Fiorina 1978, 1981). The theory of sociotropic (rather than egotistical) voting seeks to
explain these results by positing that voters care about social utility rather than their personal
utility (Kinder and Kewiet 1979, 1981). Meanwhile, attempts at reconciling ecological and
survey-based findings have largely focused on looking for errors in the statistical methodologies
in one or the other type of study. (e.g. Kramer 1983; Andersen and Evans 2006; Lewis-Beck,
2006). Notably absent from these reconciliations is an explanation of where voters get
information about the overall state of the economy.
We propose instead that these findings may arise from 1) failing to take account of the
media’s role in providing information about objective facts, 2) differences in the nature of
statistics used to predict vote choice and vote share (i.e. subjective assessments versus objective
economic statistics), and 3) attenuation bias caused by measurement error in survey questions.
We take these arguments in turn.
If a voter’s evaluation of the overall state of the economy does not include their personal
economic experience, where does their information about the economy come from? Potential
sources include their family, friends and neighbors, and the media. We focus on the later because
of the well-developed literature on the media. Our questions are designed to elicit a respondent’s
actual knowledge of economic conditions, and relate this knowledge of economic conditions to
See Lewis-Beck and Stegmaier (2000) for an overview. Important early work on this subject can be found in
Kramer (1971), Fair (1978, 1996) and Tufte (1975, 1978).
their level of media exposure, their actual economic experience, and their subjective assessment
of economic questions.
We focus on respondents’ knowledge about unemployment rates and gas prices for two
substantive reasons. The first is that these factors vary in how much knowledge can be gained
through personal experience. Perceptions of gas prices will primarily depend upon the prices at
the pump during respondents’ recent refills. In contrast, perceptions of unemployment rates are
likely affected both by the media and whether a respondent’s friends or family are currently or
recently unemployed. Second, these issues are important factors in political campaigns and have
high media salience. In particular, energy prices have particular policy importance not just
because of their economic importance, but also due to the underlying security issues evinced by
high energy prices.
Our second proposition notes that studies of vote share rely on objective economic
statistics, while studies of vote choice rely on voters’ subjective assessment of the state of the
As pointed out by Anderson et. al. (2000) voters’ answers on subjective questions
about the economy depend on their partisan preferences and level of attentiveness. Moreover,
these biases in perception may cause aggregation bias when looking across voters for the effect
of economic performance on vote choice.
Partisan differences in subjective evaluations of the economy could arise from different
perceptions of the actual level of economic indicators. Possible explanations for variation in
these perceptions include self-serving bias (Mullainathan and Shliefer, 2005), an exaggeration of
Conover, Feldman, and Knight (1986, 1987) are exceptions as they use individuals’ perceptions of objective
economic data. However, they examine only the overall accuracy of perceptions, and how these perceptions shape
estimates of future economic trends.
By subjective we mean that they ask the respondent to qualify how they perceive the state of the U.S. economy,
often as it relates to previous performance, rather than asking about objective economic statistics, as we propose. For
examples of subjective questions see ANES questions 900422 and 923531.
the performance of the economy in a way that is consistent with a voter’s partisan preferences
(Zaller, 1992), and information differences. Another potential explanation is that the subjective
threshold by which economic improvement is measured is influenced by characteristics of
respondents like partisan leanings; a Democrat may be more likely to respond that the economy
is "doing worse" when a Republican is president. By asking questions about the specific level of
various economic indicators scholars will be able to untangle these two channels and identify the
overall impact of economic performance on vote choice.
Finally, questions about economic perceptions measure respondent’s underlying
perceptions with error. This measurement error would bias coefficients measuring the effect of
economic performance on vote choice towards zero.
Asking About Unemployment
The 2006 ANES Pilot asked respondents to give their assessment of the unemployment
level in their state. Although it would require multiple observations from the same respondent to
answer many of the above questions, we can draw some interesting conclusions from the cross-
sectional results. We can use a state’s actual unemployment rate in November to calculate the
difference between the respondent’s perception and actual unemployment.
Figure 1 shows a
kernel density plot of this difference broken down by partisan affiliation.
Overall, respondents’ perceptions of the unemployment rate are much higher than the
actual unemployment rate. Democrats’ responses were significantly higher than those of
Republicans or independents. While this is consistent with viewing the state of the economy
Unemployment figures are from
To construct partisan identification we used the Party ID scale and coded 5 and 6 as Republican, 2-4 as
independent, and 0-1 as Democrat.
through a partisan lens, we cannot distinguish this from Democrats perceiving that the economy
is worse because of personal experience.
Figure 1
0 .02 .04 .06
Kernel density estimates
0 20 40 60 80 100
Difference Between Reported and Actual Unemployment
Strong/Weak Democrat (N=268) Independent (N=175)
Strong/Weak Repulican (N=213)
Partisan Differences in Unemployment Perceptions
We would like to know to what extent the error in a respondent’s perception is due to
demographic and partisan factors, as well as media exposure. Table 1 answers some of these
Table 1 confirms that Democrats are more likely to think that the unemployment rate is
high, even when controlling for numerous other factors. The table also indicates that individual
characteristics that are correlated with likelihood of unemployment are also significantly related
to unemployment perceptions. Black respondents had overwhelmingly higher perceptions of the
unemployment rate. Given that the unemployment rate for blacks (8.6 percent) was more than
double than that of whites (3.9 percent) in November 2006, this suggests that individuals may be
drawing from personal experiences when reporting unemployment perceptions. Consistent with
this pattern, females had significantly higher perceptions of unemployment.
Similarly, college
graduates are less likely to be unemployed and have lower perceptions of unemployment.
Table 1: Quantile Regressions
Dep. Var.: Reported State Unemployment Rate – State Unemployment Rate 11/2006
Quantile 0.25 0.5 0.75
Independent (Party ID = 2, 3, 4)
Republican (Party ID = 5, 6)
College Graduate
Senate Race in State
Days Per Week - TV News
Days Per Week - Radio News
Days Per Week - Newspaper
Days Per Week - Internet News
denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level.
Standard errors in parenthesis. N = 644
Media is also an important predictor of respondent accuracy. Individuals who reported
listening to news on the radio had lower unemployment perceptions. Conversely, individuals
watching television news had higher perceptions of unemployment.
While in official unemployment figures males and females have similar unemployment rates, this does not account
for the fact that more females drop out of the labor force.
Both of these variables are statistically significant at the 50
and 75
percentile regressions. Entering these
coefficients one-by-one produces the same results, eliminating concerns of multi-collinearity between the media
A surprising finding is that the presence of a Senate race in the respondents’ state made
their assessment of the unemployment rate more accurate. This is consistent with Gelman and
King (1993) who argue that campaigns enlighten voters through the media.
A question we cannot answer in the cross-section is how campaigns and the media affect
the magnitude of the partisan difference in perception of objective facts like unemployment and
the number of troops killed in Iraq. It may be that campaigns increase knowledge of objective
facts, reducing the reliance on partisan biases, and subsequently reducing partisan differences. In
contrast, campaigns may increase partisanship, thereby increasing partisan differences in the
reporting of objective facts. Whichever effect exists, it is likely to be particularly prominent in a
long Presidential campaign where there will be plenty of chances for candidates and the media to
try to inform voters.
Using Unemployment Responses to Eliminate Measurement Error
In addition to informing scholars about differences in individuals’ perceptions of the
economy, factual questions can also be valuable for analyzing retrospective voting questions.
Numerous studies have looked at the relationship between individual’s retrospective evaluations
of the economy and vote choice. Generally these studies test how vote choice relates with
answers to questions like “Would you say that over the past year the nation's economy has gotten
better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse?” One problem with such a question is that it
confounds differences in economic perceptions with the lens through which economic
performance is judged. For example, the same person that responded that the nation’s economy
Anderson, Tilly, and Heath (2005) find such a pattern in the levels of political knowledge by respondents on the
British Election Panel Study
Stevenson and Vavreck (2000) find that economic performance is a more important determinant of vote choice
the longer the political campaign.
has stayed about the same in 2006 may have instead answered that the economy got better had a
Democrat been president.
Table 2: Determinants of Bush Approval – Linear Regression
Does [respondent] approve or disapprove of Bush handling of _____?
(1 = Approves, 0 = Neither Approve/Disapprove, -1 = Disapprove)
Dependent Variable: Economy Terror
Retrospective Economic Evaluation
(1=Better, 0=Same, -1=Worse)
Reported Unemployment Rate
denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Standard
errors in parenthesis. Regressions also include party and state fixed effects. The first and
second row are from different regressions. Reported unemployment rate is top coded at
20 percent. N = 656 – 661.
The first row of Table 2 examines how individuals’ retrospective assessments of the
economy relate with their assessment of George W. Bush’s performance in three policy areas:
the economy, foreign affairs, and the war on terror. It finds that individuals’ retrospective
evaluations of the economy are statistically significantly related to evaluations of the president in
all three domains. The significant relationship between retrospective economic evaluations and
approval of Bush’s terror and foreign relation policies suggests that retrospective economic
evaluations capture more than respondents’ perceptions of the economy. In particular, those who
generally support President Bush are likely to perceive the economy is doing better than those
who generally support President Bush. As a result it is not appropriate to refer to the coefficient
on retrospective economic evaluations as the casual effect of the economic perceptions on vote
The second row of Table 2 examines how individuals’ perceptions of unemployment
relate to their assessment of George W. Bush’s performance in the same three policy areas. Note
that this variable is only related to respondent’s assessment of the Presidents handling of the
economy, and not the President’s handling of terror and foreign affairs. This implies that we can
use responses to the unemployment question to isolate the part of a respondent’s retrospective
evaluation that is actually driven by the economy from the part that is driven by the lens through
which respondents’ judge economic performance.
Table 3: Determinants of Bush Approval – IV Regression
Does [respondent] approve or disapprove of Bush handling of_____?
(1 = Approves, 0 = Neither Approve/Disapprove, -1 = Disapprove)
First Stage Second Stage
Dependent Variable:
Econ. Evaluation Economy Terror
Reported Unemployment Rate
Retrospective Economic Evaluation
(1=Better, 0=Same, -1=Worse)
denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Standard errors in parenthesis.
Regressions also include party and state fixed effects. Reported unemployment rate is top coded at 20 percent.
N = 656 – 659.
In Table 3, we use perceptions of unemployment as an instrument for retrospective
economic assessments. By rooting retrospective evaluations of the economy in objective
perceptions, we isolate variation in economic evaluations rooted in differences in actual
economic perceptions. The first column indicates that our first stage correlation is large,
validating the use of actual perceptions as an instrument. The second column indicates economic
perceptions continue to affect respondent’s evaluations of Bush’s performance on the economy.
The third and fourth column show that the part of the retrospective evaluation that is driven by
actual economic perceptions is not related to the respondents assessment of Bush’s handling of
other issues.
Asking About Gas Prices
Aside from the specific hypothesis we wish to test, questions that measure objective
knowledge about the economy would give scholars the opportunity to study the effects of
partisanship, gender, education, race and media bias on the accuracy of economic information,
and the effect of economic information on subjective evaluations of the economy and vote
choice. It may be that certain groups of respondents (by race, age, gender, or urban/rural
environment) all give similar, but incorrect, numbers - these would be precise but inaccurate
evaluations. Similarly, some groups may give answers that are in the aggregate accurate, but
have a large dispersion around the true answer, that is these answers are not precise. The pattern
of such information in the population is largely unknown. For example, Ansolabehere, Snowberg
and Snyder (2005) found that, perhaps counter-intuitively, higher educational attainment was
inversely correlated with the accuracy of information about campaign finance.
Figure 2
0 1 2 3
Kernel density estimates
-1 0 1 2
Difference Between Reported and Actual Gas Prices
Strong/Weak Democrat (N=268) Independent (N=175)
Strong/Weak Repulican (N=213)
Partisan Differences in Gas Price Perceptions
Figure 2 shows that there are no discernable partisan differences in the perception of gas
prices, and that the population is, on the whole, very well calibrated to the actual gas prices. This
figure obscures some important differences, however.
Table 4: Bias and Accuracy of Respondent’s perceptions of gas prices
(Dependent variables measured in cents)
Dependent Variable
Reported – Actual gas
|Reported – Actual
gas price|
Republican 1.10
Male -0.09
Hispanic 6.88
Black 4.45
Drive –
Number of Times per week
Notice Gas Prices –
Number of times per week
Constant 18.80
denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Standard errors
in parenthesis. Regressions also include controls for independent party ID and education. N
= 665
Table 4 shows that a respondent’s perception of gas prices is influenced by demographic
characteristics. Taken together, the first and second columns show that no group is accurate in
their assessment of gas prices, however, blacks and Hispanics make significantly less precise
predictions. Blacks’ and Hispanics’ perceptions of gas prices deviate by 18 cents more from the
true price on average than other ethnic groups. The table also shows that it is possible to ask
questions to control for lifestyle factors that might make a respondent’s perception of gas prices
more precise. The number of times that the respondent drives and notices gas prices each week
are both highly correlated with the precision of the respondent’s prediction, whether these
controls are entered separately (or jointly, as in the table). Notably absent from the results are
any effect of the media on gas price perceptions.
This is perhaps intuitive as information about
gas prices is readily available from everyday experience, whereas information about
unemployment rates is not.
Results available from the author’s upon request.
Table 5: Determinants of Partisan Identification – Linear Regression
Partisan Identification is Partisan ID ’06 – Partisan ID ‘04
Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a _____?
Reported Gas Prices
Reported Unemployment Rate
Reported Unemployment Rate X
2004 Party ID = 0, 1, or 2
Bush Approval
(1 = Approve, 0 = Neither, -1 = Disapprove)
Retrospectic Economic Evaluation
(1=Better, 0=Same, -1=Worse)
Female Dummy
Black Dummy
College Graduate Dummy
denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Standard errors in parenthesis.
Regressions also include 2004 party id and state fixed effects. Party ID measured as: 0 = Strong Dem., 1 = Weak
Dem., 2 = Ind. – Leans Dem., 3 = Ind., 4 = Ind. – Leans Rep. , 5 = Weak Rep., 6 = Strong Rep. N = 644 - 649.
Table 5 examines the effects of both gas prices and unemployment perceptions on
changes in party identification between 2004 and 2006. The regression includes dummies for a
respondent’s initial party ID to control for the fact that an initially extreme party ID allows
movement in only one direction – towards the center.
The effects of unemployment on party
ID are unequivocal: higher perceptions of unemployment are associated with shifts to the left,
away from a Republican ID. Although this drift is somewhat smaller among respondents who
initially identified as Democrats, the effect holds across the political spectrum. This is true even
This might be thought of as a regression to the mean or censoring problem.
if we control for other measures of approval of the president and retrospective economic
Interestingly, there is no effect of gas prices on party ID. This seems to contradict the
conventional wisdom that energy prices are an important political factor. It should be noted that
this finding is only suggestive as what may be politically important are changes in perceptions of
gas prices, rather than the level of perception. Because gas prices tend to be lower in November
than during the summer, it may be that elections (and election studies) are conducted at the
wrong time for this issue to be salient.
This summary outlines several findings from questions about objective economic
numbers on the 2006 ANES Pilot. These findings are preliminary, and we hope that a broader
adoption of such economic questions will allow the research community to better understand
phenomena such as economic voting.
We conclude by posing some research questions that we were not able to address using
just this one survey. How do different groups acquire and process economic information? The
underlying correlates of accuracy and precision can inform researchers about this question.
Accuracy and precision cannot be measured using subjective questions since, by definition,
subjective questions have no correct answer.
How does voter information change with the statistical bias of local and national media?
We have reason to believe that there will be such an effect as Hetherington (1996) has found that
increased media usage leads to more negative perceptions of the economy. Since statistical bias
deals with the reporting of numbers, it is easier to measure and correlate with survey responses
than traditional notions of media bias (Ansolabehere, Snowberg and Snyder 2005).
Finally, how does the accuracy and consistency of perceptions about economic
aggregates map into subjective evaluations of the economy and vote choice? For example, when
a group gives inconsistent measures of economic statistics, it may be that those who suggested a
number above a certain threshold will be markedly more likely to suggest that the economy is
doing well, or to vote for a particular candidate. By observing these responses across time,
scholars will also be able to eliminate a large amount of measurement error from respondent’s
subjective and objective evaluations (Ansolabehere, Rodden and Snyder, 2006).
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