People Helping People Build a Safer World™
Mechanical Plan Reviews are based on the specied edition of the International Mechanical Code
) and
International Fuel Gas Code
) unless otherwise directed. In order to perform a thorough Mechanical Plan Review,
the following specications, drawings and details should be submitted:
Complete signed and sealed (as required by applicable laws) plans andspecications of all heating, 1.
ventilating and air conditioning work.
Complete information on all the mechanical equipment and materials including listing, labeling, 2.
installation and compliance with referenced material standards.
Details on the HVAC equipment including the equipment capacity (Btu/h input), controls, equipment 3.
location, access and clearances.
A ventilation schedule indicating the outdoor air rates, the estimated occupant load/1,000 ft4.
, the oor
area of the space and the amount of outdoor air supplied to each space. If 2009 IMC requirements are
used, complete calculations clearly denoting equations and factors must be provided.
The location of all outdoor air intakes with respect to sources of contaminants.5.
Duct construction and installation methods, ame spread/smoke development ratings of materials, 6.
exible air duct and connector listing, sealing of duct joints, seams and connections and duct support
Condensate disposal, routing of piping and auxiliary and secondary drainage systems.7.
Required exhaust systems, routing of ducts and termination to the exterior.8.
Complete details of all Type I and II kitchen hoods, grease duct construction and velocity, clearance to 9.
combustibles and re suppression system.
Details of all duct penetrations through re-resistance rated assemblies including locations for all re 10.
dampers, smoke dampers and ceiling radiation dampers along with applicable re protection ratings
and labeling requirements.
Method of supplying combustion air to all fuel red appliances, the location and size of openings and 11.
criteria used to size the openings.
Details on the vents used to vent the products of combustion from all fuel burning appliances including 12.
the type of venting system, the sizing criteria required for the type of vent and the routing of the vent.
Boiler and water heater equipment and piping details including safety controls, gauges, valves and 13.
distribution piping layout.
Details on the type and quantity of refrigerant, calculations indicating the quantity of refrigerant and 14.
refrigerant piping material and the type of connections.
Complete details on the gas piping system including materials, installation, valve locations, sizing 15.
criteria and calculations (i.e., the longest run of piping, the pressure, the pressure drop and applicable
gas pipe sizing Table(s) in the IFGC.)