Checklist for Commercial Building Plan Review
Summary Sheet
SECTION 1. Electronic plan reviews can be submitted online at: Paper plan submittals are no
longer accepted by the Department.
This form shall be included in the Additional Supporting Documentation attachment of the online application.
Project name and/or DIS-xxx #:
Check all applicable plan types: New Alteration Addition
Revision to Previously Approved plan where approved construction has not
been completed Previous ID # (CB-xxx, DIS-xxx, etc.):
Permission to Start w/Owner’s Signature Extension to an approved plan.
Complete set of plans and full payment are required at
the time of application submittal.
Requesting plan review for: (Please check the requested building reviews below)
Building Review
HVAC Review
Bleacher Review
Kitchen Hood Review
Miscellaneous Review:
Component Review (List Components to
be Reviewed):
SECTION 2. Plan Submittal Requirements.
A complete set of building plans and supporting documents. Incomplete submittals will be rejected. Please check the boxes below to
ensure your plan submittal is complete.
Plans shall be legible and to scale. Plans are required to be submitted in accordance with the submitter instructions requirements.
N/A Included
1. ☐ ☐ Title sheet, including plan index.
2. ☐ ☐ Plot/Site plan.
3. ☐ ☐ Occupancies are clearly called out.
4. ☐ ☐ Compliance with any Chapter 4 special requirements based on use.
5. ☐ ☐ Building complies with Chapter 5, Heights and Areas. Plans shall detail how compliances are shown. (EX: separated vs.
unseparated use, unlimited area, frontage increase calculations.)
6. ☐ ☐ Construction type(s) and building meets construction type requirements of Chapter 6.
7. ☐ ☐ All required fire rated construction is detailed on the plans and rated assemblies are called out.
8. ☐ ☐ Building is either protected with sprinklers or does not exceed a fire area limitation established in IBC 903.
9. ☐ ☐ Building meets all the egress requirements of Chapter 10. Max egress/common path distances, path of travel shown, and
occupant load shall be shown on plans.
10. ☐ ☐ Building complies with the accessibility requirements of Chapter 11 and ICC A117, 1-2009.
11. ☐ ☐ Structural calculations and structural drawings show compliance with Chapter 16 and ASCE 7. Include loads and loading
conditions on plans and structural calculations.
12. ☐ ☐ The required bathroom fixtures are provided per Chapter 29. Include calculations used to determine quantities.
13. Energy compliance is shown. You MUST check one of the following:
13a. COMcheck or REScheck calculation (ASHRAE 90.1-2013 or 2015 IECC only).
13b. Building plans detail compliance with the prescriptive (IECC C402-C405) or performance (IECC C402.1.5) requirements.
13c. Building is unheated.
13d. Submittal is an interior alteration with no envelope changes.
13e. Submittal is a standalone HVAC submittal.
14. ☐ ☐ Heating and cooling load calculations submitted (HVAC submittals).
15. ☐ ☐ Complete equipment schedules submitted (HVAC and Kitchen Hood submittals).
16. ☐ ☐ Date of building plans that HVAC plans were designed to: ________________________________________________.
17. ☐ ☐ Required signatures are submitted (supervising professional if total building is over 50,000 cubic feet and owner’s signature if a
permission to start has been requested).
18. ☐ ☐ Plans and calculations have been signed and sealed by a WI registered Engineer, Architect, or Designer if total building volume is
over 50,000 cubic feet.
SECTION 3. Signatures.
By signing below, the applicant acknowledges that the submittal is complete and that any missing submittal information requested shall be
received by the Department within 5 business days of the request. If not received by the deadline, the plan is subject to denial and a $60.00 fee.
_____________________________________________ ______________________
Applicant’s Signature Date
Statement of Owners and Designers
OWNERS Statement: The owner indicated on page one requests that plans be reviewed for compliance with the code requirements set forth in SPS
360 to 366 of the department. The owner recognizes responsibility for compliance with all the code requirements and any conditions of approval. If
a building is 50,000 cubic feet in total volume or greater, plans are required to be prepared, signed, sealed and dated by a Wisconsin registered
engineer or architect [SPS 361.31]. Signatures and seals affixed to the plans shall be original.
DESIGNERS Statement (SPS 361.20(2) & 361.31(1)): The designer indicated on page one of this form is responsible for preparing or supervising the
preparation of the plans to the best of his/her knowledge to comply with the applicable codes of the Industry Services Division for this submittal. If
a building, following construction of this project, contains more than 50,000 cubic feet in volume, plans are required to be prepared, signed, sealed,
and dated by a Wisconsin-registered engineer, architect, or designer [SPS 361.31(1)]. Signatures and seals affixed to the plans shall be original.
Supervising Professionals
If building will be 50,000 cu ft or greater (SPS 361.40) I have been retained by the owner as the supervising professional per SPS 361.40 for the
performance of the supervision of reasonable on-the-site observations to determine if the construction is in substantial compliance with the
approved plans and specifications. Upon completion of construction, I will file a written statement with the department and municipality certifying
that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, construction has or has not been performed in substantial compliance with the approved plans and
specifications. In the event that I am no longer associated with this project I will file a compliance statement (SBD-9720) notifying the department
as such and indicating the current status of compliance.
Signature: Date:
Print: Building: HVAC OTHER
Signature: Date:
Print: Building: HVAC OTHER
Signature: Date:
Print: Building: HVAC OTHER
Signature: Date:
Print: Building: HVAC OTHER
NOTE: Building supervising professional or registered designer is responsible for supervision of the fire suppression/fire alarm installation (if
Component Submittal
The department requires that the project designer review individual component submittals for compliance with the general design concept. The
project designer, and department, will rely on the seal of the component designers for compliance with the codes as they apply to their designs.
Signature of Designer: Date:
Name of Component Fabricator:
Optional Service of Permission to Start Requested
As the owner, I request to do the following PRIOR to plan review approval: begin footing and foundation work; install hydronic radiant in-floor
tubing. I agree to make any changes required after plans have been reviewed, and to remove or replace any non-code complying construction.
I will not permit construction above the foundation until approved plans are at the site. (Additional $75.00 fee per building) Request is for the
following buildings:
Signature of Owner: Date: