Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 1
Electronic Vong Statutes, Updated January 2024
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 2
States with Electronic Voting Statutes
Arizona .......................................................................................................................................3
Arkansas .....................................................................................................................................3
Colorado .....................................................................................................................................3
Conneccut ................................................................................................................................3
Delaware ....................................................................................................................................4
Florida ........................................................................................................................................4
Hawaii ........................................................................................................................................5
Kansas ........................................................................................................................................6
Maine .........................................................................................................................................6
Maryland ....................................................................................................................................7
Minnesota ..................................................................................................................................8
Montana................................................................................................................................... 10
Nevada ..................................................................................................................................... 10
New Jersey................................................................................................................................ 11
New York .................................................................................................................................. 11
North Carolina .......................................................................................................................... 11
Oregon ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Pennsylvania ............................................................................................................................. 15
South Carolina .......................................................................................................................... 16
Tennessee ................................................................................................................................. 16
Texas ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Vermont ................................................................................................................................... 17
Virginia ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Washington State ...................................................................................................................... 20
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 3
(rev 8/25/2012) Statute 33-1250 C. Notwithstanding any provision in the condominium documents,
aer terminaon of the period of declarant control, votes allocated to a unit may not be cast pursuant to
a proxy. The associaon shall provide for votes to be cast in person and by absentee ballot and may
provide for vong by some other form of delivery.
Title 33.Property – 33-1802B. Votes cast by absentee ballot or other form of delivery are valid for the
purpose of establishing a quorum.
The Horizontal Property Act and the Non-prot Corporaons Code. There are Property Owner
Associaons that are conducng elecons by electronic ballot. This is done by individual associaons.
Colorado Common Interest Act (CCIOA) 38-33.3-310. Vong – proxies. (b) (I) (A) Votes for contested posions
on the execuve board shall be taken by secret ballot. This sub-subparagraph (A) shall not apply to an
associaon whose governing documents provide for elecon of posions on the execuve board by
delegates on behalf of the unit owners. (B) At the discreon of the board or upon the request of twenty
percent of the unit owners who are present at the meeng or represented by proxy, if a quorum has
been achieved, a vote on any maer aecng the common interest community on which all unit owners
are entled to vote shall be by secret ballot.
TIE is conducng electronic ballot vong in CO. There is nothing in CCIOA that precludes electronic
CHAPTER 828* COMMON INTEREST OWNERSHIP ACT - Sec. 47-252. Voting. Proxies. Ballots. (a) Unless
prohibited or limited by the declaraon or bylaws, unit owners may vote at a meeng in person, by a
proxy pursuant to subsecon (c) of this secon or, when a vote is conducted without a meeng, by
electronic or paper ballot pursuant to subsecon (d) of this secon.
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 4
Delaware Title 25 Chapter 81 Chapter 81-310. Vong; proxies.
(f) Acon may be taken by ballot without a meeng as follows:
(1) Unless prohibited or limited by the declaraon or bylaws, any acon that the associaon may take at
any meeng of members may be taken without a meeng if the associaon delivers a wrien
or electronic ballot to every member entled to vote on the maer. A ballot shall set forth each proposed
acon and provide an opportunity to vote for or against each proposed acon.
Florida Statute Condominium Act Title XL Chapter 718 Condominiums, Cooperatives and Timeshares (Regulated)
Bylaws Section 718.112(d)
3. The members of the board shall be elected by wrien ballot or vong machine. Proxies shall in no
event be used in elecng the board, either in general elecons or elecons to ll vacancies caused by
recall, resignaon, or otherwise, unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
4. Any approval by unit owners called for by this chapter or the applicable declaraon or bylaws,
including, but not limited to, the approval requirement in s. 718.111(8), shall be made at a duly noced
meeng of unit owners and shall be subject to all requirements of this chapter or the applicable
condominium documents relang to unit owner decision making, except that unit owners may take
acon by wrien agreement, without meengs, on maers for which acon by wrien agreement
without meengs is expressly allowed by the applicable bylaws or declaraon or any statute that
provides for such acon.
Florida Statute 720.306 Meetings of members; voting and election procedures; amendments.(Unregulated)
(9)(a) ELECTIONS AND BOARD VACANCIES.Elecons of directors must be conducted in accordance
with the procedures set forth in the governing documents of the associaon. “Does not preclude
electronic ballots – many associaons have rewrien their Bylaws to permit electronic ballots."
Corporations and Partnerships - Title 14, Section 14-3-704 - (a) Unless limited or prohibited by the arcles or
bylaws, or unless this chapter requires a greater number of armave votes, acon required or
permied by this chapter to be approved by the members may be approved without a meeng of
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 5
members if the acon is approved by members holding at least a majority of the vong power. The
acon must be evidenced by one or more consents in wring or by electronic transmission describing
the acon taken, signed by those members represenng at least a majority of the vong power, and
delivered to the corporaon for inclusion in the minutes or ling with the corporate records.
(b) No consent in wring or by electronic transmission signed under this Code secon shall be valid
(1) The consenng member has been furnished the same material that, under this chapter, would have
been required to be sent to members in a noce of a meeng at which the proposed acon would have
been submied to the members for acon; or
(2) The wrien consent contains an express waiver of the right to receive the material otherwise
required to be furnished.
(c) If not otherwise determined under Code Secon 14-3-703 or Code Secon 14-3-707, the record date
for determining members entled to take acon without a meeng is the date the rst member signs
the consent.
(d) A consent signed under this Code secon has the eect of a meeng vote and may be described as
such in any document.
(e) Wrien noce of member approval pursuant to this Code secon shall be given to all members who
have not signed the wrien consent. If wrien noce is required, member approval pursuant to this
Code secon shall be eecve ten days aer such wrien noce is given.
(f) An electronic transmission which is transmied by a member that evidences a members consent or
approval on a ballot, requests or demands an acon to be taken by the corporaon, or provides noce to
the corporaon under this chapter shall be deemed to be wrien, signed, and dated for the purposes of
this chapter, provided that any such electronic transmission sets forth or is delivered with informaon
from which the corporaon can determine (1) that the electronic transmission was transmied by the
member and (2) the date on which such member transmied such electronic transmission. The date on
which such electronic transmission is transmied shall be deemed to be the date on which such consent,
request, demand, or noce was signed.
HRS CHAPTER 421J PLANNED COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS - Refers only to vote or wrien consent.
Wrien Ballot.
Hawaii Condominium Property Act 514B - Refers only to vote or wrien consent. Wrien Ballot.
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 6
Illinois Condominium Property Act CONTACT IL ATTORNEY
Illinois Common Interest Community Act (HOAs & Townhomes) Public Act 097-1090
Illinois General Not For Prot Corporaon Act
Among the changes to the not for prot corporaon act are welcome addions that recognize electronic
communicaons, allowing certain approvals to be communicated by electronic means and allowing
associaons to permit on-line vong using e-mail or other electronic means. This would permit use of an
electronic plaorm that permits vong to be conducted via the Internet through a website dedicated to
the elecon! Note that condominium associaons, whether or not they are incorporated, have those
powers and responsibilies specied in the not for prot corporaon act that are not inconsistent with
the Condominium Property Act or the declaraon/by-laws.
E-Mail/Electronic Voting. Unless otherwise prohibited by the articles of incorporation or by-laws, the election of
directors, officers, or representatives may be conducted by e- mail or other electronic means. (Section 107.50)
owner voting procedures.
(a) Unless prohibited or limited by the declaraon or bylaws, unit owners may vote at a meeng in
person, by secret ballot, by absentee ballot pursuant to subsecon (b)(4), by a proxy pursuant to
subsecon (c), or, when a vote is conducted without a meeting, by electronic or paper ballot pursuant to
subsection (d).
(b) Unless contrary provisions of the declaraon or bylaws so provide, at a meeng of unit owners the
following requirements apply: 5) When a unit owner votes by absentee ballot, the association must be
able to verify that the ballot is cast by the unit owner having the right to do so.
SEC. 1. 13-B MRSA §604. Voting
1. Members entitled to vote. The right of the members or any class or classes of members to vote may be limited,
enlarged or denied to the extent specified in the articles of incorporation. Unless so limited, enlarged or denied, each
member, regardless of class, shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of members.
2. Members to vote in person or by proxy; validity. A member entitled to vote may vote in person or, unless the articles of
incorporation or the bylaws otherwise provide, may vote by proxy executed in writing by the member or by the member's duly
authorized attorney-in-fact. A proxy is not valid after 11 months from the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided in the
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 7
proxy. Where directors or officers are to be elected by members, the bylaws may provide that such elections may be conducted by
mail or by electronic transmission.
3. Cumulative voting for directors not permitted. The articles of incorporation or the bylaws shall not permit cumulative voting for
directors. Any provision purporting to permit cumulative voting shall be void.
4. Corporations with no right to vote. If a corporation has no members or its members have no right to vote, the directors shall
have the sole voting power.
5. Voting by electronic transmission. The bylaws may provide, or the board of directors or members may determine, that some or
all votes by members, as well as actions taken in accordance with section 606, may be conducted by electronic transmission
under procedures established by the corporation. A vote conducted by electronic transmission must be filed with the minutes of
members' meetings and has the same effect as an in-person vote or a vote by proxy.
Maryland Real Property Section 11-139.2.
a) Notwithstanding language contained in the governing documents of the council of unit owners,
the board of directors of the council of unit owners may authorize unit owners to submit a vote
or proxy by electronic transmission if the electronic transmission contains informaon that
veries that the vote or proxy is authorized by the unit owner or the unit owner's proxy.
b) If the governing documents of the council of unit owners require vong by secret ballot and the
anonymity of vong by electronic transmission cannot be guaranteed, vong by electronic
transmission shall be permied if unit owners have the opon of casng anonymous printed
Michigan Condominium Act 59 of 1978
Michigan Non Prot NONPROFIT CORPORATION ACT 162 of 1982
450.2407 Taking corporate action without meeting; consent; notice; statement on filed certificate; consent by
electronic transmission.
Sec. 407.
(1) The arcles of incorporaon may provide that any acon required or permied by this act to be
taken at an annual or special meeng of shareholders or members may be taken without a meeng,
without prior noce, and without a vote, if consents in wring, seng forth the acon taken, are signed
and dated by the holders of outstanding stock or members having not less than the minimum number of
votes that would be necessary to authorize or take the acon at a meeng at which all shares or
members entled to vote on the acon were present and voted. Prompt noce of the taking of the
corporate acon without a meeng by less than unanimous wrien consent shall be given to
shareholders or members who have not consented in wring.
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 8
(2) If an acon consented to under this secon would have required ling of a cercate under any other
secon of this act if the acon had been voted upon by shareholders or members at a meeng of the
shareholders or members, the cercate led under that other secon shall state, in lieu of any
statement required by that secon concerning a vote of shareholders or members, that both wrien
consent and wrien noce have been given as provided in this secon.
(3) Any acon required or permied by this act to be taken at an annual or special meeng of
shareholders or members may be taken without a meeng, without prior noce, and without a vote, if
all the shareholders or members entled to vote on the acon consent to the acon in wring.
(4) An electronic transmission consenting to an action transmitted by a shareholder or member, or by a
person authorized to act for the shareholder or member, is written, signed, and dated for the purposes of this
section if the electronic transmission is delivered with information from which the corporation can determine
that the electronic transmission was transmitted by the shareholder or member, or by a person authorized to
act for the shareholder or member, and the date on which the electronic transmission was transmitted. The
date on which an electronic transmission is transmitted is the date on which the consent was signed for
purposes of this section. A consent given by electronic transmission is not delivered unl reproduced in
paper form and the paper form delivered to the corporaon by delivery to its registered oce in this
state, its principal oce in this state, or an ocer or agent of the corporaon having custody of the book
in which proceedings of meengs of shareholders or members are recorded. Delivery to a corporaon's
registered oce shall be made by hand or by cered or registered mail, return receipt requested.
Delivery to a corporaon's principal oce in this state or to an ocer or agent of the corporaon having
custody of the book in which proceedings of meengs of shareholders or members are recorded shall be
made by hand, by cered or registered mail, return receipt requested, or in any other manner provided
in the arcles of incorporaon or bylaws or by resoluon of the board of the corporaon.
450.2441 Voting generally.
Sec. 441. (1) Each outstanding share or member is entled to 1 vote on each maer submied to a vote,
unless otherwise provided pursuant to secon 303 or 304. A vote may be cast either orally or in wring,
unless otherwise provided in the bylaws. In addion, the bylaws may provide for vong by electronic
Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 515B.3-110, is amended to read:
(a) At any meeng of the associaon an owner or the holder of the owner's proxy shall be entled to
cast the vote which is allocated to the unit. If there is more than one owner of a unit, only one of the
owners may cast the vote. If the owners of a unit fail to agree and nofy the associaon as to who shall
cast the vote, the vote shall not be cast. Any provision in the arcles of incorporaon, bylaws,
declaraon, or other document restricng a unit owner's right to vote, or aecng quorum
requirements, by reason of nonpayment of assessments, or a purported violaon of any provision of the
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 9
documents governing the common interest community, shall be void b) If permied by the arcles or
bylaws, votes allocated to a unit may be cast pursuant to a proxy executed by the unit owner entled to
cast the vote for that unit. The board may specify the form of proxy and proxy rules, consistent with law
c) If authorized by the statute under which the association is created, and to the extent not limited or
prohibited by the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or declaration, the entire vote on any single issue (except
the election of directors), or issues may be taken by electronic means or by mailed ballots, subject to (i) any
prohibition or requirement contained in the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or declaraon and (ii) any
requirements of the statute under which the associaon is created in compliance with the
applicable statute, in lieu of holding a meeng of the unit owners. Such a vote shall have the force and
eect of a vote taken at a meeng; provided, that the total votes cast are at least equal to the votes
required for a quorum. The board shall set a vong period within which the ballots or other vong
response must be returned received by the associaon, which period shall be not less than ten 15 nor
more than 30 45 days aer the date of mailing or hand delivery of the ballots noce of the vote and
vong procedures to the unit owners. The board of directors shall provide wrien noce of the results of
the vote to the members unit owners within 30 days aer the expiraon of the vong period. All
requirements in this chapter, the declaraon or the bylaws for a meeng of the members unit owners, or
being present in person, shall be deemed sased by a vote taken by mail in compliance with the
requirements of this secon. The vong procedures authorized by this secon shall not be used in
combinaon with a vote taken at a meeng of the unit owners. However, voting by electronic means and
mailed ballot may be combined if each is done in compliance with the applicable statute. (d) The arcles of
incorporaon or bylaws may authorize class vong by unit owners for directors or on specied issues
aecng the class. Class vong may only be used to address operaonal, physical, or administrave
dierences within the common interest community. A declarant shall not use class vong to evade any
limit imposed on declarants by this chapter and units shall not constute a class because they are owned
by a declarant. (e) The declaraon or bylaws may provide that votes on specied maers aecng the
common interest community be cast by lessees or secured pares rather than unit owners; provided
that (i) the provisions of subsecons (a), (b), and (c) apply to those persons as if they were unit owners;
(ii) unit owners who have so delegated their votes to other persons may not cast votes on those
specied maers; (iii) lessees or secured pares are entled to noce of meengs, access to records,
and other rights respecng those maers as if they were unit owners, and (iv) the lessee or secured
party has led sasfactory evidence of its interest with the secretary of the associaon prior to the
meeng. Unit owners must also be given noce, in the manner provided in secon 515B.3-108(b), of
meengs at which lessees or secured pares are entled to vote f) No votes allocated to a unit owned by
the associaon may be cast nor counted toward a quorum.
450.2441 Voting generally.
Sec. 441. (1) Each outstanding share or member is entled to 1 vote on each maer submied to a vote,
unless otherwise provided pursuant to secon 303 or 304. A vote may be cast either orally or in wring,
unless otherwise provided in the bylaws. In addion, the bylaws may provide for vong by electronic
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 10
Part 5. Members -- Delegates – Vong Acon By Wrien Ballot
35-2-533. Acon by wrien ballot.
(1) Unless prohibited or limited by the arcles or bylaws, any acon that may be taken at any annual,
regular, or special meeng of members may be taken without a meeng if the corporaon delivers a
wrien ballot to every member entled to vote on the maer.
(2) A corporaon may deliver a wrien ballot by electronic communicaon as long as a member gives
consent. Consent by a member to receive noce by electronic communicaon in a certain manner
constutes consent to receive a ballot by electronic communicaon in the same manner.
(3) A wrien ballot must:
set forth each proposed acon; and
provide an opportunity to vote for or against each proposed acon.
(4) Approval by wrien ballot pursuant to this secon is valid only when:
the number of votes cast by ballot equals or exceeds the quorum required to be present at a meeng
authorizing the acon; and
the number of approvals equals or exceeds the number of votes that would be required to approve the
maer at a meeng at which the total number of votes cast was the same as the number of votes cast
by ballot.
(5) All solicitaons for votes by wrien ballot must:
indicate the number of responses needed to meet the quorum requirements;
state the percentage of approvals necessary to approve each maer other than elecon of directors; and
specify the me by which a ballot must be received by the corporaon in order to be counted.
(6) Except as otherwise provided in the arcles or bylaws, a wrien ballot may not be revoked.
(a) Unless prohibited or limited by the declaraon or bylaws, unit owners may vote at a meeng in
person, by absentee ballot pursuant to subsecon (b)(4), by a proxy pursuant to subsecon (c) or, when
a vote is conducted without a meeng, by electronic or paper ballot pursuant to subsecon (d).
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 11
Sec. 61. This act becomes eecve on January 1, 2012.
Sec. 43. NRS 116.311 is hereby amended to read as follows:
116.311 1. Unless prohibited or limited by the declaration or bylaws and except as otherwise provided in this
section, units' owners may vote at a meeting in person, by absentee ballot pursuant to paragraph (d) of
subsection 2, by a proxy pursuant to subsections 3 to 8, inclusive, or, when a vote is conducted without a
meeting, by electronic or paper ballot pursuant to subsection 9.
New Jersey
Adopted: Assembly Bill (A3802)or its companion bill in the Senate (S1293) An owner shall be allowed to
choose to cast a ballot anonymously for the elecon of governing board members. An owner also shall
be allowed to cast a ballot by mail, in person, or if the associaon permits, by electronic ballot. A mailed
ballot or an electronic ballot shall be deemed to be a proxy for purposes of determining a quorum for
the meeng at which the elecon is conducted."
New York
§ 602. Meetings of shareholders.
(iii) For purposes of this paragraph, "reasonable measures" with
respect to participating in proceedings shall include, but not be
limited to, audio webcast or other broadcast of the meeting and for
voting shall include but not be limited to telephonic and internet
North Carolina
Electronic Vong Statute
§ 55A-1-40. Chapter denions.
In this Chapter unless otherwise specically provided:
(1) "Arcles of incorporaon" include amended and restated arcles of incorporaon and arcles of
(2) "Board" or "board of directors" means the group of natural persons vested by the corporaon with
the management of its aairs whether or not the group is designated as directors in the arcles of
incorporaon or bylaws.
(2a) "Business corporaon" or "domesc business corporaon" means a corporaon as dened in G.S.
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 12
(3) "Bylaws" means the rules (other than the arcles) adopted pursuant to this Chapter for the
regulaon or management of the aairs of the corporaon irrespecve of the name or names by which
the rules are designated.
(4) "Charitable or religious corporaon" means any corporaon that is exempt under secon 501(c)(3) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any successor secon, or that is organized exclusively for one or
more of the purposes specied in secon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any
successor secon and that upon dissoluon shall distribute its assets to a charitable or religious
corporaon, the United States, a state or an enty that is exempt under secon 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 or any successor secon.
(4a) "Conspicuous" means so wrien that a reasonable person against whom the wring is to operate
should have noced it. For example, prinng in italics or boldface or contrasng color, or typing in
capitals or underlined, is conspicuous.
(5) "Corporaon" or "domesc corporaon" means a nonprot corporaon subject to the provisions of
this Chapter, except a foreign corporaon.
(6) "Delegates" means those persons elected or appointed to vote in a representave assembly for the
elecon of a director or directors or on other maers.
(7) "Deliver" includes mail.
(8) "Distribuon" means a direct or indirect transfer of money or other property or incurrence of
indebtedness by a corporaon to or for the benet of its members, directors, or ocers, or to or for the
benet of transferees in liquidaon under Arcle 14 of this Chapter (other than creditors). (8a)
"Domesc limited liability company" has the same meaning as the term "LLC" in G.S. 57D-1-03. (8b)
"Domesc limited partnership" has the same meaning as in G.S. 59-102.
(9) "Eecve date of noce" is dened in G.S. 55A-1-41. (9a) "Electronic" has the same meaning as in
G.S. 66-312.
(9b) "Electronic record" has the same meaning as in G.S. 66-312. (9c) "Electronic signature" has the same
meaning as in G.S. 66-312.
(10) "Enty" includes:
a. Any domesc or foreign:
1. Corporaon; business corporaon; professional corporaon
2. Limited liability company;
3. Prot and nonprot unincorporated associaon, chapter or other organizaonal unit; and |
4. Business trust, estate, partnership, trust; G.S. 55A-1-40
b. Two or more persons having a joint or common economic interest; and
c. The United States, and any state and foreign government.
(10a) "Foreign business corporaon" means a foreign corporaon as dened in G.S. 55-1-40.
(11) "Foreign corporaon" means a corporaon (with or without capital stock) organized under a law
other than the law of this State for purposes for which a corporaon might be organized under this
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 13
(11a) "Foreign limited liability company" has the same meaning as the term "foreign LLC" in G.S. 57D-1-
(11b) "Foreign limited partnership" has the same meaning as in G.S. 59-102.
(12) "Governmental subdivision" includes authority, county, district, and municipality.
(13) "Includes" denotes a paral denion.
(14) "Individual" denotes a natural person legally competent to act and also includes the estate of an
incompetent or deceased individual.
(15) "Means" denotes an exhausve denion.
(16) "Member" means a person who is, by the arcles of incorporaon or bylaws of the corporaon,
either (i) specically designated as a member or (ii) included in a category of persons specically
designated as members. A person is not a member solely by reason of having vong rights or other
rights associated with membership.
(17) "Nonprot corporaon" means a corporaon intended to have no income or intended to have
income none of which is distributable to its members, directors, or ocers, except as permied by
Arcle 13 of this Chapter, and includes all associaons without capital stock formed under Subchapter V
of Chapter 54 of the General Statutes or under any act or acts replaced thereby.
(18) "Noce" includes demand and is dened in G.S. 55A-1-41.
(19) "Person" includes individual and enty.
(20) "Principal oce" means the oce (in or out of this State) where the principal oces of a domesc
or foreign corporaon are located, as most recently designated by the domesc or foreign corporaon in
its arcles of incorporaon, a Designaon of Principal Oce Address form, a Corporaon's Statement of
Change of Principal Oce Address form, or in the case of a foreign corporaon, its applicaon for a
cercate of authority.
(21) "Proceeding" includes civil suit and criminal, administrave, and invesgatory acon.
(22) "Record date" means the date established under Arcle 7 of this Chapter on which a corporaon
determines the identy of its members for the purposes of this Chapter.
(23) "Secretary" means the corporate ocer to whom the board of directors has delegated responsibility
under G.S. 55A-8-40(c) for custody of the minutes of the meengs of the board of directors and of the
members and for authencang records of the corporaon.
(24) "State," when referring to a part of the United States, includes a state and commonwealth (and their
agencies and governmental subdivisions) and a territory, and insular possession (and their agencies and
governmental subdivisions) of the United States.
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(24a) "Unincorporated enty" means a domesc or foreign limited liability company, a domesc or
foreign limited partnership, a registered limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability
partnership as dened in G.S. 55A-1-40 Page 3 G.S. 59-32, or any other partnership as dened in G.S. 59-
36, whether or not formed under the laws of this State.
(25) "United States" includes district, authority, bureau, commission, department, and any other agency
of the United States.
(26) "Vote" includes authorizaon by wrien ballot and wrien consent, including through an electronic
vong system or electronic ballot and electronic consent. (1955, c. 1230; 1959, c. 1161, s. 4; 1985 (Reg.
Sess., 1986), c. 801, s. 1; 1993, c. 398, s. 1; 1995, c. 539, s. 15; 1999-369, s. 2.2; 2001-358, s. 5(b); 2001-
387, ss. 33, 34, 35, 173, 175(a); 2001-413, s. 6; 2001-487, s. 62(e); 2008-37, s. 1; 2013-157, s. 4; 2021-
162, s. 2(a).)
Chapter 100.248
100.428 Electronic ballot. (1) As used in this secon, “electronic ballot" means a ballot given by:
(a) Electronic mail;
(b) Facsimile transmission;
(c) Posng on a website; or
(d) Other means of electronic communicaon acceptable to the board of directors.
(2) Unless the declaration or bylaws prohibit or provide for other methods of electronic ballots, the board
of directors of an association of unit owners, in the board's discretion, may provide that a vote, approval or
consent of a unit owner may be given by electronic ballot.
(3) An electronic ballot shall comply with the requirements of this secon and the declaraon or
bylaws or this chapter.
(4) An electronic ballot may be accompanied by or contained in an electronic noce in accordance
with ORS 100.423.
(5) If an electronic ballot is posted on a website, a noce of the posng shall be sent to each unit
owner and shall contain instrucons on obtaining access to the posng on the website.
(6) A vote made by electronic ballot is eecve when it is electronically transmied to an address,
locaon or system designated by the board of directors for that purpose.
(7) Unless otherwise provided in the declaraon or bylaws or rules adopted by the board of directors,
a vote by electronic ballot may not be revoked.
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 15
(8) The board of directors may not elect to use electronic ballots unless there are procedures to
(a) Compliance with ORS 100.425 if the vote conducted by wrien ballot under ORS 100.425 uses the
procedures specied in ORS 100.425 (2)(b); and
(b) That the electronic ballot is secret, if the declaraon or bylaws or rules adopted by the board
require that electronic ballots be secret. [2007 c.409 §21]
Title 68 § 3310. Vong; proxies.
(e) Approved methods of vong.--Methods of vong shall be in accordance with the following:
(1) Except to the extent expressly prohibited in an associaon's declaraon or bylaws, the vong rights
of a unit owner may be cast or given in the following ways:
(i) in person or by proxy at a meeng of the associaon;
(ii) by absentee or electronic ballot in accordance with this subpart; or
(iii) by another method of vong expressly provided in the associaon's declaraon or bylaws.
(2) An absentee or electronic ballot may:
(i) Be counted as a unit owner present and vong for the purpose of establishing a quorum, and
otherwise, only for agenda items appearing on the ballot.
(ii) Not be counted even if properly delivered, if the unit owner aends the meeng to vote in person. A
vote cast at a meeng by a unit owner supersedes a vote submied by absentee or electronic ballot
previously submied for that agenda item.
(3) For the purposes of this subsecon, the term "electronic ballot" means a ballot cast or given by
electronic transmission over the Internet, vote management system or the associaon's community
network, whether by direct connecon, intranet, telecopier, electronic mail or other technological
means, if the identy of the unit owner subming the ballot can be conrmed and a receipt of the
electronic transmission and ballot can be made available to the unit owner.
(f) Acclamaon.--Unless the bylaws of the associaon provide otherwise, in the event that an elecon
for a posion on the execuve board is uncontested, the ocer or chair presiding at the elecon
meeng may declare the nominee elected by acclamaon aer determining there are no further
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 16
South Carolina
Chapter 31 Nonprofit Corporation Act
SECTION 33-31-708. Acon by wrien or electronic ballot.
(a) Unless prohibited or limited by the articles or bylaws, any action that may be taken at any annual, regular,
or special meeting of members may be taken without a meeting if the corporation delivers a written
or electronic ballot to every member entitled to vote on the matter.
(b) A wrien or electronic ballot shall:
(1) set forth each proposed acon; and
(2) provide an opportunity to vote for or against each proposed acon.
(c) Approval by wrien or electronic ballot pursuant to this secon is valid only when the number of
votes cast by ballot equals or exceeds the quorum required to be present at a meeng authorizing the
acon, and the number of approvals equals or exceeds the number of votes that would be required to
approve the maer at a meeng at which the total number of votes cast was the same as the number of
votes cast by ballot.
(d) All solicitaons for votes by wrien or electronic ballot shall:
(1) indicate the number of responses needed to meet the quorum requirements;
(2) state the percentage of approvals necessary to approve each maer other than elecon of directors;
(3) specify the me by which a ballot must be received by the corporaon in order to be counted.
(e) Except as otherwise provided in the arcles or bylaws, a wrien or electronic ballot may not be
48-57-10_. (a) Unless the charter or bylaws provide otherwise, and subject to guidelines and procedures
as the corporaon may adopt, a corporaon may permit one (1) or more members or proxyholders to
parcipate in a regular or a special meeng by, and the corporaon may conduct the meeng through
the use of, any means of remote communicaon if: (1) The corporaon implements reasonable
measures to verify that each person deemed present and permied to vote at the meeng by means of
remote communicaon is a member entled to vote or proxyholder of a member entled to vote; (2)
The corporaon implements reasonable measures to provide members and proxyholders a reasonable
opportunity to parcipate in the meeng and to vote on maers submied to the members, including
an opportunity to read or hear the proceedings of the meeng substanally concurrently with the
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 17
proceedings; and (3) The corporaon maintains a record of each vote or other acon taken by a member
or proxyholder that is taken by means of remote communicaon. (b) A member or proxyholder who
parcipates in a meeng by the means described in this secon, whether the meeng is to be held at a
designated place or solely by means of remote communicaon, is deemed to be present in person at the
Texas Property Code - Chapter 209 - adds 209.00592 and 209.00593 - Membership Vong (Absentee and
Electronic Vong) - Historically, Homeowners have been limited to vong by casng ballots at a meeng
either in person or by proxy. New Secons 209.00592 and 209.00593 now authorize Subdivision HOAs to
conduct Homeowner vong by absentee ballots and electronic ballots (in addion to casng ballots in
person or by proxy at a meeng). Such statutes also establish certain procedures for conducng
absentee vong by mail and electronic vong using email or the internet, and allow votes cast in
absena or electronically to count towards a quorum requirement.
Section 3-110 Voting; proxies; ballots. (a) Unless prohibited or limited by the declaraon or bylaws, unit
owners may vote at a meeng in person, by absentee ballot pursuant to subdivision (b)(4) of this secon,
by a proxy pursuant to subsecon (c) of this secon or, when a vote is conducted without a meeting,
by electronic or paper ballot pursuant to subsection (d) of this section.
§ 55.1-1815. Access to associaon records; associaon meengs; noce.
A. The associaon shall keep detailed records of receipts and expenditures aecng the operaon and
administraon of the associaon. All nancial books and records shall be kept in accordance with
generally accepted accounng pracces.
B. Subject to the provisions of subsecon C and so long as the request is for a proper purpose related to
his membership in the associaon, all books and records kept by or on behalf of the associaon shall be
available for examinaon and copying by a member in good standing or his authorized agent, including:
1. The associaon's membership list and addresses, which shall not be used for purposes of pecuniary
gain or commercial solicitaon; and
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 18
2. The actual salary of the six highest compensated employees of the associaon earning over $75,000
and aggregate salary informaon of all other employees of the associaon; however, individual salary
informaon shall not be available for examinaon and copying during the declarant control period.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, this right of examinaon shall exist without
reference to the duraon of membership and may be exercised (i) only during reasonable business hours
or at a mutually convenient me and locaon and (ii) upon ve business days' wrien noce for an
associaon managed by a common interest community manager and 10 business days' wrien noce for
a self-managed associaon, which noce reasonably idenes the purpose for the request and the
specic books and records of the associaon requested.
C. Books and records kept by or on behalf of an associaon may be withheld from inspecon and
copying to the extent that they concern:
1. Personnel maers relang to specic, idened persons or a person's medical records;
2. Contracts, leases, and other commercial transacons to purchase or provide goods or services,
currently in or under negoaon;
3. Pending or probable ligaon. For purposes of this subdivision, "probable ligaon" means those
instances where there has been a specic threat of ligaon from a person or the legal counsel of such
4. Maers involving state or local administrave or other formal proceedings before a government
tribunal for enforcement of the associaon documents or rules and regulaons promulgated pursuant to
§ 55.1-1819;
5. Communicaons with legal counsel that relate to subdivisions 1 through 4 or that are protected by the
aorney-client privilege or the aorney work product doctrine;
6. Disclosure of informaon in violaon of law;
7. Meeng minutes or other condenal records of an execuve session of the board of directors held in
accordance with subsecon C of § 55.1-1816;
8. Documentaon, correspondence, or management or board reports compiled for or on behalf of the
associaon or the board by its agents or commiees for consideraon by the board in execuve session;
9. Individual lot owner or member les, other than those of the requesng lot owner, including any
individual lot owner's or member's les kept by or on behalf of the associaon.
D. Books and records kept by or on behalf of an associaon shall be withheld from inspecon and
copying in their enrety only to the extent that an exclusion from disclosure under subsecon C applies
to the enre content of such books and records. Otherwise, only those porons of the books and records
containing informaon subject to an exclusion under subsecon C may be withheld or redacted, and all
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 19
porons of the books and records that are not so excluded shall be available for examinaon and
copying, provided that the requesng member shall be responsible to the associaon for paying or
reimbursing the associaon for any reasonable costs incurred by the associaon in responding to the
request for the books and records and review for redacon of the same.
E. Prior to providing copies of any books and records to a member in good standing under this secon,
the associaon may impose and collect a charge, reecng the reasonable costs of materials and labor,
not to exceed the actual costs of such materials and labor. Charges may be imposed only in accordance
with a cost schedule adopted by the board of directors in accordance with this subsecon. The cost
schedule shall (i) specify the charges for materials and labor, (ii) apply equally to all members in good
standing, and (iii) be provided to such requesng member at the me the request is made.
F. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsecons B and C, all books and records of the associaon,
including individual salary informaon for all employees and payments to independent contractors, shall
be available for examinaon and copying upon request by a member of the board of directors in the
discharge of his dues as a director.
G. Meengs of the associaon shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws at least once
each year aer the formaon of the associaon. The bylaws shall specify an ocer or his agent who
shall, at least 14 days in advance of any annual or regularly scheduled meeng and at least seven days in
advance of any other meeng, send to each member noce of the me, place, and purposes of such
meeng. In the event of cancellaon of any annual meeng of the associaon at which directors are
elected, the seven-day noce of any subsequent meeng scheduled to elect such directors shall include
a statement that the meeng is scheduled for the purpose of the elecon of directors.
Noce shall be sent by United States mail to all members at the address of their respecve lots unless
the member has provided to such ocer or his agent an address other than the address of the
member's lot. In lieu of sending such noce by United States mail, noce may instead be (i) hand
delivered by the ocer or his agent, provided that the ocer or his agent ceres in wring that noce
was delivered to the member, or (ii) sent to the member by electronic mail, provided that the member
has elected to receive such noce by electronic mail and, in the event that such electronic mail is
returned as undeliverable, noce is subsequently sent by United States mail. Except as provided in
subdivision C 7, dra minutes of the board of directors shall be open for inspecon and copying (a)
within 60 days from the conclusion of the meeng to which such minutes appertain or (b) when such
minutes are distributed to board members as part of an agenda package for the next meeng of the
board of directors, whichever occurs rst.
H. Unless expressly prohibited by the governing documents, a member may vote at a meeng of the
associaon in person, by proxy, or by absentee ballot. Such vong may take place by electronic means,
provided that the board of directors has adopted guidelines for such vong by electronic means.
Members vong by absentee ballot or proxy shall be deemed to be present at the meeng for all
Community Associaons Instutes (CAI) | 6402 Arlington Blvd., Ste 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 | (888) 224-4321 | Page 20
Washington State
RCW 24.06.110 Voting - A member or shareholder may vote in person or, unless the articles of
incorporation or the bylaws otherwise provide, may vote by mail, by electronic transmission, or by proxy
executed in writing by the member or shareholder or by his or her duly authorized attorney-in-fact:
PROVIDED, That no proxy shall be valid for more than eleven months from the date of its execution unless
otherwise specified in the proxy.
RCW 24.03.085 Voting.
(1) The right of the members, or any class or classes of members, to vote may be limited, enlarged or
denied to the extent specied in the arcles of incorporaon or the bylaws. Unless so limited, enlarged
or denied, each member, regardless of class, shall be entled to one vote on each maer submied to a
vote of members.
(2) A member may vote in person or, if so authorized by the articles of incorporation or the bylaws, may vote
by mail, by electronic transmission, or by proxy in the form of a record executed by the member or a duly
authorized attorney-in-fact. No proxy shall be valid aer eleven months from the date of its execuon,
unless otherwise provided in the proxy.
(3) If specically permied by the arcles of incorporaon or bylaws, whenever proposals or directors or
ocers are to be elected by members, the vote may be taken by mail or by electronic transmission if the
name of each candidate and the text of each proposal to be voted upon are set forth in a record
accompanying or contained in the noce of meeng. If the bylaws provide, an elecon may be
conducted by electronic transmission if the corporaon has designated an address, locaon, or system to
which the ballot may be electronically transmied and the ballot is electronically transmied to the
designated address, locaon, or system, in an executed electronically transmied record. Members
vong by mail or electronic transmission are present for all purposes of quorum, count of votes, and
percentages of total vong power present.