This publication is provided as a public service by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and is intended for the informational use
and convenience of interested persons; it should not be considered a substitute for the advice of legal counsel. Although the information is considered to be
reliable as of the time of its publication, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, completeness, or legality of any information,
either isolated or in the aggregate. The information is provided “as is”. Changes may be periodically made to the information contained in this publication.
The content on this website is not intended to constitute legal advice. Therefore, if you need legal advice, we encourage you to consult an attorney of your
What Are The Requirements For Meetings?
What is the difference between a Board of Directors and a Board of Managers?
In the context of associations, these terms are frequently used interchangeably. "Board of Directors" is
the usual name for the group of Unit Owners governing an association that has corporation status (such
as a not-for-profit Condominium Association, Cooperative Housing Corporation, or Homeowner's
Association). "Board of Managers" is the usual name for the group of Unit Owners governing an
association that is unincorporated or organized as a limited liability company.
What are the requirements for meetings?
There are two types of meetings: Board meetings and Membership meetings. Membership meetings are
often referred to as Unit Owner meetings.
Board Meetings (Board of Directors or Board of Managers)
At least four times per year.
Required Attendance:
Quorum of Board members.
Optional Attendance:
Open to all Unit Owners. At the option of Board members, others
may be invited, such as the management company representative
or others presenting information about association business.
Condominium: Unit Owners do not have the right to comment at
Board meetings. However, many condominium association
Boards have a Unit Owner comment period, subject to the
discretion of the Board.
Common Interest Community: Members have the right to
comment at Board meetings; however, the duration and meeting
order for Member comments is within the discretion of the
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
Division of Real Estate
Division of Real Estate
This publication is provided as a public service by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and is intended for the informational use
and convenience of interested persons; it should not be considered a substitute for the advice of legal counsel. Although the information is considered to be
reliable as of the time of its publication, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, completeness, or legality of any information,
either isolated or in the aggregate. The information is provided “as is”. Changes may be periodically made to the information contained in this publication.
The content on this website is not intended to constitute legal advice. Therefore, if you need legal advice, we encourage you to consult an attorney of your
Condominium: Any Unit Owner may record a Board meeting by
tape, film, or other means. The Board may adopt reasonable rules
to govern the making of such recordings.
Common Interest Community: Recording is neither allowed nor
prohibited by the Common Interest Community Association Act.
Notice to Unit Owners:
Notice must be given at least 48 hours prior to the meeting by
two methods: 1) posting in entranceways, elevators, or other
conspicuous places (If no common entranceway for 7 or more
units, the Board may designate one or more locations for posting
of notices.) AND 2) mail or delivery to each Unit Owner. (If a
Unit Owner has provided written authorization, such delivery
may be made by acceptable technological means.)
Notice for Meetings regarding Budgets and Assessments
Condominium Associations: The proposed annual budget must
be provided to all Unit Owners at least 25 days prior to the Board
meeting at which the budget will be adopted.
Common Interest Community Associations: The proposed
annual budget must be provided to all Unit Owners at least 30
days but not more than 60 days prior to its adoption.
Notice of a Board meeting regarding the adoption of the proposed
annual budget, regular assessments, or a separate or special
assessment must be given within 10 to 60 days prior to the
Assessments for additions and alterations to the common areas or
to association-owned property not included in the adopted annual
budget, shall be separately assessed and are subject to approval of
a simple majority of the total members at a meeting called for
that purpose.
The Secretary of the Board must keep minutes of all Board
meetings. Meeting minutes must be maintained for seven years.
Any Unit Owner has the right to inspect and copy the minutes, in
person or by agent, at any reasonable time at the association's
principal office. To exercise this right, the Unit Owner must
submit a written request to the Board or its authorized agent. The
Board or its agent must comply with the request within 30 days.
This publication is provided as a public service by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and is intended for the informational use
and convenience of interested persons; it should not be considered a substitute for the advice of legal counsel. Although the information is considered to be
reliable as of the time of its publication, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, completeness, or legality of any information,
either isolated or in the aggregate. The information is provided “as is”. Changes may be periodically made to the information contained in this publication.
The content on this website is not intended to constitute legal advice. Therefore, if you need legal advice, we encourage you to consult an attorney of your
Membership Meetings (Unit Owners)
At least one time per year.
Required Attendance:
Quorum of Unit Owners.
Optional Attendance:
Open to all Unit Owners. Others may be invited, such as the
management company representative or others presenting
information about association business.
Recording is neither allowed nor prohibited by the Condominium
Property Act or the Common Interest Community Association
Notice to Unit Owners:
Written notice must be mailed or delivered to all Unit Owners,
giving no less than 10 days and no more than 30 days notice of
the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. (If a Unit Owner has
provided written authorization, such delivery may be made by
acceptable technological means.)
Notice for Meetings regarding Rules
Any proposed rule must be discussed at a Membership meeting
called for that specific purpose. Notice of such a meeting must
contain the full text of the proposed rule.
The Secretary of the Board must keep minutes of all Membership
meetings. Meeting minutes must be maintained for seven years.
Any Unit Owner has the right to inspect and copy the minutes, in
person or by agent, at any reasonable time at the association's
principal office. To exercise this right, the Unit Owner must
submit a written request to the Board or its authorized agent. The
Board or its agent must comply with the request within 30 days.