Declinaon of Inuenza Vaccinaon
My employer or aliated health facility, , recommends that
I receive inuenza vaccinaon to protect myself, paents, sta, and others in the healthcare facility.
I acknowledge that I am aware of the following facts (please read and check each box):
Inuenza is a serious respiratory disease. Each year in the United States, inuenza kills thousands
people and causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalizaons.
Inuenza vaccinaon is recommended for me and all other healthcare personnel to protect our
sta and our facility’s paents from inuenza, its complicaons, and death.
If I contract inuenza, I can shed the virus for 24 hours before any inuenza symptoms appear.
During the me I shed the virus, I can transmit inuenza to paents and sta in this facility.
If I become infected with inuenza, even if my symptoms are mild or non-existent, I can spread
inuenza to others. Symptoms that are mild or non-existent in me can cause serious illness and
death in others.
I understand that the strains of virus that cause inuenza infecon change almost every year
and, even if they don’t change, my immunity declines over me. This is why vaccinaon against
inuenza is recommended every year.
I understand that it is impossible to get inuenza from inuenza vaccine.
The consequences of my refusal to be vaccinated could have life-threatening consequences for
my health and the health of everyone with whom I have contact, including my coworkers and all
paents in this healthcare facility.
Despite these facts, I am choosing to decline inuenza vaccinaon for the following reasons:
I understand that I can change my mind at any me and accept inuenza vaccinaon.
I have read and fully understand the informaon on this declinaon form.
Signature Date
Name (print)
refer e n c e: CDC. Prevenon and Control of Seasonal Inuenza with Vaccines: Recommendaons of
the Advisory Commiee on Immunizaon Pracces — United States, . . . Access links to current ACIP
recommendaons atc/u.html
Item #P4068 (8/31/2023)
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