TCP/IP Router for Space Applications
Jim Joseph and Jennifer Lazbin
Spectrum Astro, Inc.
1440 N. Fiesta Blvd.
Gilbert, AZ 85233
Document # 0000 EF-R61504-000
Abstract- Advanced science missions are acquiring and
processing greater quantities of data from multiple instruments.
Data rates from instruments are increasing. Custom interfaces
have been developed in the past to address these needs. These
interfaces require custom test equipment to verify their
operation and add cost and time to spacecraft development
schedules. Once the architecture is designed for a spacecraft, it
is not easily reconfigured. These are issues that have been
resolved in the terrestrial environment by the use of standard
data protocols, standard communications interfaces, and the use
of data networks. The router is a network device that allows the
interface of devices with different data rates and different
electrical standards as well as data flow reconfiguration to meet
changing needs. Spectrum Astro was awarded a contract by the
Earth Science Technology Office to study the requirements for a
router qualified for space application and develop a board based
on those requirements.
This router development considers three network
configurations: onboard the spacecraft, spacecraft to ground,
and spacecraft to spacecraft possibly in a constellation. The
requirements consider router protocols, an embedded versus an
external routing processor, console port implementation, and
appropriate protocols that interface to a router to perform
router status and management. Because this is a study and not
directed toward a specific mission, derived requirements are
being established to guide the design of the router. The concepts
are implemented and tested on an existing development board
using Ethernet ports that Spectrum Astro developed to evaluate
design issues for flight applications. After proving the concepts,
Spectrum Astro will build an optimized version of the router
and perform thermal and vibration testing to verify the design.
This study is planned to close about September of 2005 at a
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 6~7.
There is growing interest in the space community in
applying the use of open-standard protocols that are used for
terrestrial network communications, both Local Area
Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN), for
spacecraft architectures. Use of open-standard protocols as
opposed to custom protocols for interconnect and interfaces
within communication architecture for spacecraft reduces the
time to design, test, and integrate a spacecraft and reduces
costs over the spacecraft life cycle.
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) has
long been in use for terrestrial communications. TCP/IP is
the key protocol used for Internet communications. Interest
in the use of TCP/IP (or IP, for short) for the links from the
ground to space has been a concept of research and
development for several years, but the idea of using TCP/IP
onboard a spacecraft is a newer concept.
Spectrum Astro has developed devices for space that are
implemented with open-standard network protocols. As part
of the Space Network Devices (SND) Program for the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Computing, Information, and Communications Technology
(CICT) Program, Spectrum Astro developed two Ethernet
devices for space. The hardware is a 10/100 Mbps Network
Interface Controller (NIC) and 100 Mbps repeater-based hub
interconnect board. These devices were designed for
spaceflight from their inception. Spectrum Astro’s core area
of expertise is in spacecraft manufacturing, including the
development of radiation-hardened, flight electronics.
Typical mission requirements such as temperature, total dose
and Single Event Effects (SEE) radiation, shock, and
vibration were taken into consideration in the design of this
spacecraft network hardware. The NIC is an enabling
technology for support of onboard architectures that utilize
Spectrum Astro is continuing the work initiated on the
SND Program on the Space Network Router (SNR) Program,
launched in January 2004, for the NASA Earth Science
Technology Office (ESTO), Advanced Information Systems
Technology (AIST) Program. As part of the SNR Program,
Spectrum Astro is developing a single-board TCP/IP router
for space. The SNR router is based on a development board
built for the SND Program known as the Ethernet
Multipurpose Board (EMB), shown in Fig. 1.
A router is a network device used to interconnect networks
of disparate types. Different networks use various media and
protocols, each with varying data rates. A router uses
specific routing algorithms to determine the best route to send
data through a set of interconnected networks. Routers also
provide isolation between networks when faults occur to
reduce the effects on the set of networks that are connected
together. Specific network types of relevance for a single
spacecraft include point-to-point links and LANs. WANs
have utility for spacecraft constellations.
The SNR space router has four Ethernet interfaces that
provide the ability to interconnect various networks that exist
on a spacecraft and lays the foundation for seamless
interconnectivity in spacecraft communications architectures
among spacecraft in a constellation as well as between
spacecraft and the ground.
There are several advantages to using open standards rather
than custom implementations in a spacecraft communications
architecture. Custom communications interfaces and
interconnects require time to develop and extensive test time
to verify operation. Significant reductions in cost and
schedule can be realized with the utilization of open-standard
protocols. Use of open standards facilitates rapid design and
development efforts. Testing and integration schedules can
be compressed. Plug and play operation with devices from
multiple manufacturers is achievable when component
interfaces are built to open-system standards.
The use of terrestrial network open standards for space
communications architectures also has many advantages.
Though rad-hard implementations of devices such as network
controllers and routers for space differ internally from their
Earth-based cousins, the black-box functionality can remain
the same. A huge investment has already been made in the
development and testing of hardware and software that is
deployed in LANs and WANs all over the world. Protocols
such as Ethernet and TCP/IP are well understood by many
people. Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) products are
readily available to test hardware implemented with these
Use of network standards in space facilitates higher data
rates than traditionally used in space. For example, data rates
are bounded to 1 Mbps on MIL-STD-1553B busses and
interfaces, whereas 10Base-T Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 802.3 Ethernet supports 10
Mbps (20 Mbps in full-duplex mode) and 100Base-T
Ethernet supports 100 Mbps (200 Mbps in full-duplex mode).
LAN standards can provide a robust, fault-tolerant
architecture that is ideal for spacecraft. Seamless
interconnectivity between space and ground can be realized
using terrestrial network standards such as TCP/IP.
The network standards were designed based on the
International Standards Organization (ISO) Open System
Interconnection (OSI) 7-Layer Model. In this model, specific
functions are assigned to each layer. The advantage to using
layered standards is that changing the standard used for one
layer does not affect the function of other layers. For
example, the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet LAN standard defines
functions for Layer 1 (Physical Layer) and Layer 2 (Data
Link Layer) of the OSI Model. TCP/IP is defined for Layer 3
(Network Layer) and Layer 4 (Transport Layer). LAN
standards other than Ethernet can be used for Layers 1 and 2
while retaining the use of TCP/IP in the architecture.
Space communications is comprised of three broad areas.
Most mission architectures are a hybrid mix of each of these
classes. The first architecture class area is the simplest:
communication strictly onboard the spacecraft. The second
architecture class area is communication between the
spacecraft and the ground. The ground can include the
Internet or simply the ground station. The third architecture
class area is communication among spacecraft in a
constellation. Each class has different requirements. For
example, security levels required for each class are different.
A more secure network is required in a constellation than
would be in a network that is isolated onboard a spacecraft.
Typical spacecraft have many duties they must execute.
Some duties are directly correlated to performing their
intended functions, while others are required to maintain their
ability to function properly. For example, there are payloads
and instruments that collect data. The spacecraft must
perform the functions of navigating through space and
monitoring its condition. The spacecraft must respond to
commands that are sent to it and send data regarding the state
of the spacecraft in addition to telemetry from the experiment
or function that the spacecraft performs. All of this requires a
communications architecture that can reliably move data
from one point to another in real time. Most of today’s
spacecraft use a mix of standard protocols such as MIL-STD-
1553B, RS-422, and Consultative Committee for Space Data
System (CCSDS) as well as custom schemes to transfer data.
However, few view onboard communications as a set of
On a spacecraft, instruments and payloads must
communicate with the spacecraft electronics bus. These
devices are commanded from the ground or flight software
resident in the electronics bus. Likewise, telemetry is sent
from instruments and payloads to the bus potentially for
processing and eventually to the ground for further
processing and/or analysis. There may be multiple busses in
the spacecraft architecture, such as a Command and Data
Handling (C&DH) bus and a payload bus, or a primary bus
and a redundant bus. Point-to-point links can be
implemented to interconnect a payload or instrument to a bus.
Spacecraft busses can be implemented as LAN networks.
This is the first class area architecture. In a large spacecraft,
Fig. 1. Ethernet Multipurpose Board
a router can be used to interconnect the busses. Use of a
router provides flexibility in the spacecraft architecture, for
the second and third class area architectures as well. The
appropriate technology can be selected for each bus or link,
while the router can provide interface ports that support each
standard. This also provides scalability in the design, where
various data rates can be implemented based on requirements
for a given mission. Router interface ports can be developed
for High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC), SpaceWire,
FireWire, and MIL-STD-1553B to provide IP support over
each of these protocols. HDLC is used for serial links such
as crosslinks or uplink/downlinks.
Payloads can be interfaced to the bus with point-to-point
links that use network protocols such as full-duplex Ethernet
or HDLC for Layers 1 and 2. These LAN protocols enable
the use of TCP/IP at Layers 3 and 4, with IP at Layer 3 and
then TCP or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) at Layer 4. In
this manner, the payload can have its own IP address that
enables a Principal Investigator (PI) to access the experiment,
with proper security implemented, from the office.
Flexible architecture implementations can also cross the
various architecture class areas. For example, onboard
communications could be performed with IP while link
communications is performed with traditional space
protocols. Alternatively, the space-ground link or crosslink
to another spacecraft could use IP while the onboard
communications could be based on traditional space
protocols. In this architecture, the spacecraft is effectively an
IP node on the network and thus integrated with the ground
network with which it is connected. An architecture with
fully-realized TCP/IP could utilize TCP/IP both on the
spacecraft and on the links.
During the SND Program, Spectrum Astro evaluated
Ethernet, SpaceWire, and FireWire for use in space. Of these
three LAN protocols, Ethernet has a long history of use with
TCP/IP. After carefully considering each protocol, Spectrum
Astro recommended development of devices for 10/100
Base-T Ethernet for the SND Program for several reasons,
including: data rate support for most mission requirements in
the near-term future and growth path to 1 Gbps data rate,
support for cable lengths to 100 meters, transformer isolation
at cable, existence of a standard for Ethernet across compact
Peripheral Connect Interface (cPCI) backplane, its behavior is
well understood, and test equipment is readily available. This
recommendation is not meant to imply that Ethernet is the
ideal solution to meet requirements for every mission. Which
LAN protocol or protocols are best for a mission, depends
highly on the mission requirements and objectives. In
general, however, Ethernet seemed a more worthy candidate
for development.
A standard is currently being developed for the use of
TCP/IP over FireWire. FireWire was developed to access
peripherals to a computer over a serial bus at data rates of 100
Mbps, 200 Mbps, and 400 Mbps. SpaceWire started with a
protocol used for transputers and was adapted for space
applications at data rates of 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, and
400 Mbps. SpaceWire uses Low-Voltage Differential
Signaling (LVDS) as the electrical interface whereas
FireWire uses a modified form of LVDS that requires analog
circuitry and Ethernet uses a multi-level signaling technique
also requiring analog circuitry. These interfaces limit the
length of a physical link for SpaceWire to 10 meters,
FireWire to 4.5 meters and Ethernet to 100 meters. Within a
spacecraft, this is not much of a restriction but within an
integration and test bay, this has a significant impact. As far
as use across a backplane, Ethernet is supported in standards
for data rates of 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1000 Mbps while
FireWire is supported only at rates of 50 Mbps or less and no
standard exists for SpaceWire across a backplane. Backplane
implementation has significant utility for space where
transitional architectures are likely to include heritage bus
standards such as cPCI.
Transformer coupling has benefits with regards to Electro-
Static Discharge (ESD) and System Generated
Electromagnetic Pulse (SGEMP). In the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
standard, the transformer isolation is located between the
cable and the electronics on the board. In FireWire, either
transformer or capacitor isolation is provided between the
analog and digital portions of the Physical Layer interface but
for the purpose of Direct Current (DC) isolation and not for
ESD or SGEMP. SpaceWire has no isolation at all. An
alternative to transformer isolation is fiber optic coupling.
This is available for Ethernet and not for FireWire.
SpaceWire could be implemented with fiber optics but no
standard exists at this time. Other space programs are using
SpaceWire and FireWire.
MIL-STD-1553B is a master-slave architecture. For this
reason, it does not map well to a client-server type model. It
is not impossible to run a protocol such as TCP/IP over
master-slave architecture, although it is not straightforward.
Packet sizes are limited and slaves require constant polling to
determine when they are waiting for service. MIL-STD-
1553B requires an acknowledgment from the slave within
microseconds of the end of a transmission by the master so it
is only useful within the bounds of the spacecraft and requires
careful consideration to how responses to IP packets will be
Routing protocols are used by routers to route data packets
from source nodes to destination nodes. They function at
Layer 3, the Network Layer. Fundamentally, their objective
is to build and maintain a table of router port addresses that
can be used to reach specific networks. Routing tables also
contain information about various paths. Routing protocols
are based on algorithms that determine optimal routing paths
by using one or more metrics. Several different routing
algorithms exist for IP. Routers communicate with other
routers to update and maintain their routing tables. In this
way, the routers establish a database of the network topology.
Routers can share their routing tables with other routers or
send messages to other routers regarding the state of the
sender’s links, known as Link-State Advertisement (LSA).
Routing algorithms are designed to achieve several goals
including selecting the best route based on the metrics and
weights assigned to those metrics, efficiency with low
software and hardware utilization, rapid convergence,
robustness and stability, and flexibility. Routing algorithms
must converge quickly. When a network event occurs,
routers must quickly distribute updated routing information to
all of the routers on the network and then quickly recalculate
optimal routes. A routing algorithm must perform correctly
when unusual events occur, such as hardware failures, high
traffic loads, or incorrect implementations.
Many dynamic routing protocols exist within the Internet
Request For Comments (RFC) standards. Commercial
routers typically route via dynamic routing protocols or static
routes. The following are dynamic IP routing protocols:
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Routing Information
Protocol (RIP), Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), and
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
Each routing protocol uses a different algorithm to make
routing decisions. OSPF is a link state, interior gateway
protocol. RIP is a distance-vector protocol, and BGP is a
distance-vector protocol used to interconnect autonomous
systems. RIP uses hop count as a metric. A custom
algorithm such as a predictive one that uses a priori
knowledge about link status can also be utilized. The
combination of OSPF with a custom algorithm that takes into
account scheduled link makes and breaks is very powerful for
space applications.
Typically, the interface chosen for a particular device
onboard a spacecraft has depended on the application and the
development of instruments takes place long before the
design of a spacecraft architecture is considered. As missions
tend to use many different interfaces within the same
spacecraft, the router becomes an ideal component to
interface multiple networks of different types onboard the
spacecraft. How routers are implemented on a particular
mission depends on the mission requirements.
The space router should support communication with other
nodes in the network using one or both protocols
implemented at the Transport Layer (Layer 4), including
connection-oriented TCP and connectionless UDP.
Space networks differ from ground networks in that many
entities typically share use of a ground network. In the case
of the Internet, for example, a particular user has little control
over how packets from his message are routed to their
destination. Links between routers on the ground usually fail
due to congestion and not errors. The algorithms used to
detect faults are based on congestion and dealing with
congestion issues. In space, links are usually controlled by a
single entity. Links in space fail due to poor signal quality
and thus errors on the link. Algorithms designed to handle
errors are thus more optimal for space links. The Layer 4
algorithms used for links must be selected based on the
expected nature of the link.
Security is important, especially when routers are used.
Spectrum Astro is looking at standards for security, including
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and High Assurance IP
Equipment (HAIPE) encryption. Different applications have
different needs for encryption depending on where the data is
to be delivered and for what purpose. Routers often require
some level of decryption to enable them to determine the
destination for these datagrams. Authentication is the process
of verifying that the source of a communication is the
legitimate sender they claim to be. If the network is closed
on the spacecraft, this is not a problem. When the network
extends beyond the bounds of the spacecraft, this is
important. Authentication can occur at different levels of the
network stack also. For example, the link over which the
communications is taking place may be an authenticated link
but the datagrams may require authentication to verify that
they came from a recognized sender before they arrived at the
A requirement of many space missions is redundancy of
critical subsystems. In many cases, this requires the backup
component to be operating in the fully functional mode that
the online component is while staying in the background.
Several design approaches are possible. At the Physical
Layer, the electrical interface can be made redundant as is
commonly implemented with MIL-STD-1553B. If the
Physical and Data Link Layer are taken together, then
redundancy can be implemented similar to redundant
transponders for space-to-ground links. The next level of
redundancy is making the entire router redundant similar to
block redundancy that is often used for the C&DH subsystem
of a spacecraft. Some of these approaches require that
parameters be passed between the online component and the
backup such that the backup component is able to maintain its
parameter tables to match the online component.
OSPF, described earlier, has a facility to allow two routers
to determine which is the designated router and which is the
backup designated router using the Hello protocol. If the
designated router becomes disconnected, the backup router
assumes the routing duties. This supports the concept of two
fully functional routers operating in hot standby and without
the need for a separate device to determine which router
should be online.
Important for space routers is network management.
Network management is the idea that elements of the network
such as routers can be managed, typically from a network
control center or ground station. In the trade studies for the
SNR Program, we looked at approaches for implementing
out-of-band management using the router console port. We
also looked at in-band management implementation. These
concepts as applied to space vary greatly from their ground
Terrestrial routers are assumed to be mostly up and
forward data within a reasonable amount of time from when
the data arrives at the router. This is not so in space. Routers
can only forward data to links that are up. Links to the
ground or other spacecraft may exist for only finite amounts
of time, such as during a pass over a particular ground
station. Therefore, onboard data storage becomes important.
Data is queued in storage for downlink to the ground station
when the ground station link becomes available. Data storage
can be implemented as a network file server. Instruments
store data on the network file server until ground links
become active. The ground station is then able to access the
network file server independent of the instruments and the
spacecraft handles issues associated with link delays and
retransmission of dropped packets.