Resource Adequacy Requirements:
Reliability and Economic Implications
September 2013
Johannes P. Pfeifenberger
Kathleen Spees
The Brattle Group
Kevin Carden
Nick Wintermantel
Astrape Consulting
Prepared for
Acknowledgements and Disclaimer
The authors would like to thank the FERC staff for their cooperation and support. In particular, we
would like to acknowledge the contributions of Robert Hellrich-Dawson, J. Arnold Quinn, Michael
P. McLaughlin, Jordan Kwok, Abdur Masood, Carl Pechman, and William Murrell of the FERC
staff and Samuel A. Newell of The Brattle Group. Opinions expressed in this report, as well as
any errors or omissions, are the authors’ alone. The examples, facts, and requirements
summarized in this report represent our interpretations. Nothing herein is intended to provide a
legal opinion.
Copyright © 2013 The Brattle Group, Inc. and Astrape Consulting. This material may be cited subject to inclusion of
this copyright notice. Reproduction or modification of materials is prohibited without written permission from the
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... iii
I. Introduction and Background .............................................................................................. 1
A. Study Purpose and Approach .............................................................................................1
B. Approaches to Setting Resource Adequacy Standards ......................................................2
1. Interpreting 1-in-10 and Other Reliability Criteria .......................................................2
2. Determining System Reliability as a Function of Planning Reserve Margin ...............3
3. Determining Economically “Optimal” Reserve Margins .............................................5
C. Survey of Resource Adequacy Criteria in North America .................................................7
1. Differing Resource Adequacy Standards ......................................................................8
2. Differing Conventions for Calculating Reserve Margins .............................................8
3. Differing Approaches to Conducting Reliability Modeling .......................................14
II. Approach to Modeling the Economics of Resource Adequacy ........................................ 17
A. Strategic Energy Risk Valuation Model Overview ..........................................................17
B. System Topology and Transmission Assumptions ..........................................................19
C. Resource Assumptions .....................................................................................................20
1. Resource Mix ..............................................................................................................20
2. Energy Market Supply Curve .....................................................................................22
3. Generation Outage and Availability Modeling ...........................................................23
4. Economic and Emergency Demand Response Resources ..........................................24
D. Load Modeling .................................................................................................................28
1. Weather Uncertainty ...................................................................................................28
2. Economic Load Growth Forecasting Uncertainty ......................................................29
E. Scarcity Conditions ..........................................................................................................31
F. Marginal Resource Cost and Performance .......................................................................35
G. Base Case and Alternative Simulation Cases ...................................................................36
III. Simulated Reliability Levels and System Cost Results .................................................... 38
A. Base Case Economic and Reliability Results ...................................................................38
1. Reserve Margins Needed to Achieve Physical Reliability Standards ........................38
2. Minimizing Cost from a Risk-Neutral, Cost-of-Service Perspective .........................41
3. Minimizing Cost from a Risk-Neutral, Societal Perspective ......................................47
4. Risk Mitigation Benefit of Increasing Reserve Margins ............................................50
5. Sensitivity to Forecast Error and Forward Planning Period .......................................52
B. Impact of System Characteristics .....................................................................................55
1. Impact of System Size ................................................................................................55
2. Intertie Size and Neighbor Assistance ........................................................................57
3. Combined Cycle Plants as the Marginal Technology .................................................60
4. Intermittent Renewable Resource Penetration ............................................................63
C. Displacing Generation with Demand Response ...............................................................65
1. Reliability Value of Emergency Demand Response ..................................................65
2. Cost-Minimizing Level of Emergency Demand Response Penetration .....................68
3. Cost-Minimizing Level of Economic Demand Response Penetration .......................69
D. Comparison of Reserve Margin Targets ..........................................................................70
Market Design Implications ................................................................................................ 73
A. Energy-Only Markets .......................................................................................................73
1. Economic Equilibrium at the Cost of New Entry .......................................................74
2. Conditions for Achieving Socially Optimal Investment Levels .................................75
3. Volatility in Supplier Energy Margins .......................................................................78
4. Missing Money and the Impact of Price Caps ............................................................83
5. Implications of Varying System Conditions and Study Assumptions ........................84
B. Capacity Markets .............................................................................................................86
1. Capacity Payments Required to Achieve Reliability Targets .....................................86
2. Impact of Lower Energy Market Price Caps on the Capacity Market .......................88
3. Cost-Minimizing Capacity Demand Curves ...............................................................89
4. Current RTO Demand Curves Compared to Cost-Minimizing Curves ......................93
C. Implications of Increased Demand Response Penetration ...............................................95
1. Energy Market Impacts ...............................................................................................95
2. Impact on Generator Energy Margins ........................................................................97
3. Impact on Capacity Market ........................................................................................99
D. Comparison of Capacity and Energy-Only Market Designs ..........................................101
1. Supplier Net Revenues .............................................................................................101
2. Total Customer Costs ...............................................................................................103
V. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 107
List of Acronyms ....................................................................................................................... 109
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 112
Appendices ................................................................................................................................. 119
A. Detail on Survey of North American Resource Adequacy Criteria .............................. A-1
1. Resource Adequacy Standards Used Across North America .................................. A-1
2. Illustration of Differences in Resource Adequacy Modeling Assumptions ............ A-3
B. Detail on Simulation Modeling and Assumptions .........................................................B-1
1. Interregional Tie Line Availability ...........................................................................B-1
2. Thermal Resource Forced and Maintenance Outage Assumptions ..........................B-2
3. Hydro Modeling ........................................................................................................B-4
4. Intermittent Resource Modeling ...............................................................................B-5
5. Treatment of Weather Uncertainty in Load Modeling .............................................B-6
This report, prepared for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), assesses the
economic and reliability implications of different resource adequacy standards. We examine the
widely-used one-day-in-ten-years (1-in-10) loss of load standard, compare it to alternative
approaches to defining resource adequacy, and evaluate the implications of different resource
adequacy standards from a customer cost, societal cost, risk mitigation, market structure, and
market design perspective.
The 1-in-10 Resource Adequacy Standard
Utilities, system operators, and regulators across North America have relied on variations of the
1-in-10 standard for many decades, and typically enforce the standard without evaluating its
economic implications. In most U.S. power systems, this standard is interpreted to mean that
planning reserve margins need to be high enough that involuntary load shedding due to
inadequate supply would occur only once in ten years. One event in ten years translates to 0.1
loss of load events (LOLE) per year, regardless of the magnitude or duration of the anticipated
individual involuntary load shed events. Alternatively, one day in ten years translates to 2.4 loss
of load hours (LOLH) per year, regardless of the magnitude or number of such outages. As we
show, the difference between these interpretations of the 1-in-10 standard translates to
differences in planning reserve margins that may exceed five percentage points, with planning
reserve margins of possibly less than 10% based on the 2.4 LOLH standard and more than 15%
based on the 0.1 LOLE standard.
We survey the resource adequacy standards used in North American power markets. This survey
shows that most North American systems set planning reserve margins using some variation of
the 1-in-10 standard, although some set planning reserve margins based on economic
considerations. Of the regions relying on the 1-in-10 standard, the majority interpret it as 0.1
LOLE. However, despite attempts to create a more uniform approach to interpreting and
estimating LOLE, large differences remain in how the standard is interpreted across systems. In
calculating LOLE, some systems define a reliability event as the involuntary curtailment of firm
load. Other systems also consider other, less severe reliability events as contributing to LOLE,
including voltage reductions or operating reserve depletions. We show that changing event
definitions alone can translate to a four percentage point range in planning reserve margins. Due
to these differences and its other limitations, the 0.1 LOLE standard does not represent a uniform
level of reliability but instead can represent very different expected customer outage levels.
Additional differences exist in how planning reserve margins are calculated. For example, some
system operators calculate reserve margins using the nameplate capacity of intermittent
generation such as wind and solar, while others use a derated capacity value. Other differences
exist in how voltage reductions or demand response are considered in reserve margin
calculations. As we show, this means that reported planning reserve margins can differ by five
percentage points based solely on supply and demand accounting conventions. Overall, these
differences make it very challenging to meaningfully compare reported reserve margins across
Simulating the Reliability and Economic Implications of Planning Reserve Margins
To examine the economic implications of the 1-in-10 resource adequacy standard, we conduct a
series of reliability simulations using the Strategic Energy and Risk Valuation Model (SERVM)
developed by Astrape Consulting. We simulate a hypothetical Study Regional Transmission
Organization (RTO) system with a peak load of 50,000 MW that is interconnected through
11,000 MW of transmission interties to three neighboring regions with a combined peak load of
130,000 MW and planning reserve margins of 15%. The hypothetical Study RTO and
neighboring regions do not exactly reflect any particular real-world system, but have realistic
characteristics based on actual systems’ hourly load shapes, load diversity, resource mix,
generation performance statistics, weather conditions, demand response penetrations, and other
characteristics derived from actual U.S. power system data.
We probabilistically evaluate resource adequacy conditions by simulating hourly generation
availability, load profiles, load uncertainty, transmission availability, and other factors to
estimate standard reliability metrics including LOLE and LOLH, as well as the economic
implications of different planning reserve margins. We use 9,600 annual simulations for each
case and Study RTO planning reserve margin level to evaluate: (1) reliability outcomes
considering hourly generation and transmission intertie outages, uncertainties in weather, hydro,
wind, and solar conditions, and economic load growth uncertainty; and (2) economic outcomes
including hourly and annual production costs, customer costs, market prices, net import costs,
load shed costs, and generator energy margins.
Through these probabilistic multi-area simulations, we evaluate the physical reliability,
economic, and risk mitigation implications of different planning reserve margins under varying
study assumptions related to: RTO size, intertie size, renewable penetration, emergency and
demand response (DR) penetration, the cost of new generating plants, multi-year forward
planning periods and the size of load forecast error, varying energy market price caps, and
energy-only or capacity market designs. We did not evaluate some factors such as fuel
availability or common mode failures of generators, pipelines, and transmission components.
While SERVM is capable of modeling the economic and reliability impacts of each of these
drivers, the scope of this study is limited to variables most commonly analyzed in other
reliability studies.
Planning Reserve Margin Results Based on Economics and Physical Reliability
In our Base Case simulation, the Study RTO requires a planning reserve margin of 15.2% to
meet the 0.1 LOLE resource adequacy standard, or a planning reserve margin of 8.2% to meet
the 2.4 LOLH standard. Figure ES-1 summarizes the economic implications of the planning
reserve margin, showing the tradeoff between reliability event costs (that decrease with higher
planning reserve margins) and system capital costs (that increase with planning reserve margins).
A planning reserve margin of 10.3% yields the lowest total annual system cost from a risk-
neutral, cost-of-service perspective. From a societal cost perspective, the risk-neutral
economically-optimal planning reserve margin would be only 7.9% above the Study RTO’s non-
coincident peak load, if each Neighbor continues to maintain a 15% reserve margin above their
own non-coincident peak load. A 7.9% Study RTO reserve margin combined with 15%
Neighbor reserve margins is equivalent to an overall four-system reserve margin of: (a) 13.0% if
measured against the sum of the RTOs’ non-coincident peak loads, and (b) 16.5% if measured
against the coincident peak load of the combined system.
Figure ES-1 also shows that the total average annual cost curve is relatively flat near the
minimum cost point, indicating that expected total costs do not vary substantially between
reserve margins of 8% and 14%. However, the lower end of that reserve margin range is
associated with substantially more uncertainty in realized annual reliability costs and a much
larger number of severe, high-cost reliability events.
Figure ES-1
Study RTO Reliability Costs as a Function of Study RTO Reserve Margin
(Risk-Neutral, Cost-of-Service Perspective)
Table ES-1 summarizes the reliability-based and economically-based reserve margin targets for
the Base Case simulation and for each of the alternative simulation cases we examined. These
results show that varying assumptions regarding system size, topology, price cap, and other
factors can substantially impact planning reserve margin targets. For example, the 0.1 LOLE
reliability standard could require a reserve margin anywhere from 13.0% to 18.5% depending on
the assumed system size, intertie level, and other characteristics. Similarly, economically-
optimal reserve margins could vary anywhere from less than 6% to 16.5% from either a cost-of-
service or societal perspective. The most significant factor impacting a region’s planning reserve
margin is the size of transmission interties, which resulted in Study RTO planning reserve
margins ranging from 15.2% to 18.5% to maintain 0.1 LOLE or from 7.9% to 16.5% in terms of
See Table 7 in Section III.A.3 for a more detailed explanation of this coincident vs. non-coincident reserve
margin accounting convention.
economically-optimal reserve margins. Despite these differences, system characteristics have
similar directional impacts on reserve margin targets for all resource adequacy criteria, both in
terms of physical reliability and economics.
In addition to the simulation cases summarized in Table ES-1, we also analyze the implications
of different levels of “emergency” and “economic” DR and different levels of intermittent
renewable generation. With respect to dispatch-limited emergency demand response, we find
that as emergency DR penetration increases, total costs initially decrease because these resources
have lower capital costs than the conventional generation resources they replace. Even though
emergency DR resources have a much higher dispatch cost than the displaced generating plants,
the number of dispatch hours is low enough that it is advantageous to continue adding more DR
initially. At higher penetration levels, however, limits on annual dispatch hours create a
constraint after which it is no longer cost-effective to add emergency DR. Increasing the
penetration of economic DR resources with unlimited call hours is more valuable in reducing
system costs, with economically-optimal penetrations ranging from 8% to 14% depending on the
fixed and variable costs of the assumed DR resources.
Table ES-1
Reliability-Based and Economically-Based Planning Reserve Margin Targets
Normalized Expected Unserved Energy (EUE) represents the percent of total energy not delivered (see Seciton I.B.1).
Market Design Implications
We also evaluate the implications of our simulation results within restructured wholesale power
markets in which investments can only be attracted if prices are high enough on average for
suppliers to earn the necessary return on their investments. Within energy-only markets, which
do not rely on mandated planning reserve margins, investments must be attracted by net revenues
earned from the energy market alone. Because supplier energy margins decline with increasing
reserve margins, energy-only markets achieve an equilibrium reserve margin where net revenues
Simulation Re liability-Based Risk-Ne utral, Cost-Minimizing
0.1 LOLE 2.4 LOLH 0.001%
Normalized EUE
Base Case
15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 10.3% 7.9%
Lower Price Caps
$1,000 Price Cap Case 15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 8.7% 7.9%
$3,000 Price Cap Case 15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 9.5% 7.9%
Smalle r Syste m Size
40% Size Case 14.8% <6% 7.5% <6% <6%
40% Size and Transmission 15.1% 6.9% 8.1% <6% <6%
Neighbor Assistance
Long Neighbors Case 13.0% <6% 7.0% 8.0% <6%
50% Transmission Case 15.8% 9.8% 10.0% 12.3% 10.5%
Island Case 18.5% 16.5% 15.8% 16.5% 16.5%
Marginal CC Case
15.3% 8.3% 9.8% 10.1% 7.7%
are equal to investment costs. Our simulations show that energy-only markets can attract the
optimal level of generation investments from a societal-cost perspective. However, we also
demonstrate that if energy prices are suppressed below true marginal system costs during load
shedding or other scarcity events, an energy-only market design will not be able to maintain an
optimal level of investments. This highlights the importance of efficient price formation during
scarcity events through well-designed scarcity pricing mechanisms that reflect the marginal
system costs of emergency interventions and deploying demand-side resources.
Because the reserve margin in an energy-only market is the result of economic incentives, there
is no guarantee that such a market will achieve any particular reserve margin or reliability level.
Energy-only markets can suffer from a “missing money problem” with insufficient economic
incentives to invest in new resources. This missing money problem may result from two
different types of challenges: (1) missing money arising from energy prices that are artificially
suppressed, for example, by low price caps or inefficiently low market prices during scarcity
conditions; and (2) missing money relative to what is needed to achieve the reserve margin that
policy makers desire, which may be higher than what an economically efficient energy-only
market would support.
Resource adequacy requirements can be imposed to address the missing money problem and
attain desired planning reserve margin targets. Imposing such a requirement will make capacity
a valuable product in addition to the energy and ancillary services that are compensated in an
energy-only market. Maintaining a higher reserve margin requirement will yield higher capacity
prices to compensate for declining energy margins. If energy and ancillary service market prices
are suppressed by price caps or other factors, this will also translate into higher capacity prices.
To date, capacity markets have been designed to achieve planning reserve margins based on
physical reliability standards rather than economic objectives such as minimizing system costs.
Our simulations demonstrate that a capacity market could be designed to achieve economically-
optimal reserve margins through either: (a) imposing economically-based rather than physical
reliability-based planning reserve margin requirements; or (b) implementing a demand curve for
capacity that is designed to procure the cost-minimizing quantity of capacity. We show how
such a cost-minimizing demand curve could be determined and compare the result to current
RTO capacity demand curves as illustrated in Figure ES-2. The two red curves shown in the
figures represent economically-optimal demand curves from a risk-neutral, societal perspective,
assuming neighboring regions will maintain a 15% planning reserve margin. The risk-neutral
cost-minimizing demand curves are plotted against: (1) the Study-RTO-internal reserve margin
above Study-RTO non-coincident peak load (solid lines), as well as (2) the combined four-
system reserve margin above the combined systems’ coincident peak load (dotted lines).
We also examine the energy and capacity market outcomes at increased levels of DR
penetration, assuming that DR will displace traditional generation. We show that increasing DR
levels will result in increasing average energy prices, increasing energy price volatility, but
decreasing capacity prices. Generally, economic DR that participates in the energy market has
more favorable impacts on the market than dispatch-limited emergency DR. Currently, most DR
assets have little incentive to participate in energy markets because energy market prices remain
below their curtailment costs except under rare circumstances. However, at higher price caps
and higher DR penetration levels, we anticipate that more DR resources will migrate from
emergency to economic programs.
Overall, we find that the choice of an energy-only or energy-plus-capacity market design does
not by itself have great implications for average supplier net revenues or average customer cost.
Because supplier’s net revenues must on average be sufficient to recover investment costs in
equilibrium, changing market design or reserve margins does not change the annual average of
anticipated net revenues. Rather, it only changes the proportion of revenues that on average
would be earned from the energy market versus the capacity market. For customers, average
annual costs do increase as reserve margins rise above the risk-neutral cost-minimizing level, but
this impact represents only a very small portion of customers’ bills. In fact, increasing the
planning reserve margin from the risk-neutral, societal optimum of 7.9% to the 15.2% reserve
margin needed to maintain 0.1 LOLE increases average annual customer costs by only 1.5%, but
substantially reduces the variance of annual cost outcomes, including the potentially very high
costs of extreme events. Other features of the regional power market, such as the amount of
intertie capacity to neighboring regions, have a much larger impact on total customer costs.
Figure ES-2
Cost-Minimizing Capacity Demand Curve vs. Current RTO Demand Curves
All curves converted from source units into ICAP terms for both reserve margin and price.
Cost-minimizing demand curves plotted with x-axis as: (1) the Study RTO reserve margin against Study-
RTO non-coincident peak load (solid lines); and (2) against the combined four-system reserve margin
against the combined coincident peak load (dotted lines). See Table 7 in Section III.A.3 for a more
detailed explanation of this coincident vs. non-coincident reserve margin accounting.
The Brattle Group and Astrape Consulting have been asked by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) to assess the economic implications of resource adequacy standards. In
particular, we examine the widely-used one-day-in-ten-years (1-in-10) loss of load standard and
compare it to alternative approaches to defining resource adequacy. In this Section we:
(1) describe study scope and approach; (2) explain how 1-in-10 and alternative resource
adequacy standards are determined; and (3) provide a summary that compares how various
standards are implemented in practice.
A. S
The 1-in-10 loss of load event (LOLE) standard requires that an electric system maintain
sufficient generation and demand response resources such that system peak load is likely to
exceed available supply only once in any ten-year period. Utilities, system operators, and
regulators across North America have relied on variations of the 1-in-10 standard for many
decades, and typically enforce the standard without an evaluation of its economic implications.
However, because the economic implications of different resource adequacy levels can be quite
large, we and other industry observers have highlighted the need to examine the 1-in-10 standard
from an economic perspective. To the extent that the economic value of resource adequacy
standards is discussed in the industry today, there is no uniform approach to measuring the value
of resource adequacy, such as the ability of incremental resources to reduce the frequency of
customer outages and other emergency events, moderate energy price spikes, and increase
wholesale competition. This lack of clarity makes it difficult for policymakers and industry
participants to evaluate fundamental questions such as: (a) whether 1-in-10 criterion is still the
right standard; (b) how higher planning reserve margins benefit customers; and (c) at what price
capacity should be compensated.
With this study, we seek to contribute to the understanding of these questions by developing a
framework for assessing the economic value of resource adequacy and examining the
implications of the 1-in-10 standard. We provide a brief summary of resource adequacy
concepts in Section I.B, followed by a survey of how 1-in-10 and alternative resource adequacy
standards are defined and implemented across North America in Section I.C.
In the remainder of the report we evaluate the economics of resource adequacy for a hypothetical
interconnected power system that resembles existing regional transmission organization (RTO)
and independent system operator (ISO) footprints. We use probabilistic simulation modeling to
examine how reliability metrics, customer costs, and system costs vary with reserve margin. We
also test the sensitivity of our results to input assumptions and underlying system conditions and
compare the economics of the 1-in-10 standard to alternative reliability-based standards and
standards based on economic objectives such as cost reduction and risk mitigation. We describe
Exceptions exist, particularly in the Southeastern U.S., where the utility and regulators explicitly consider
the economic implications of planning reserve margins when setting the reserve margin target as
summarized in Section I.C.1.
For example, see Wilson (2010a-b).
our simulation approach and assumptions in Section II, report economic and reliability results in
Section III, and summarize the implications for wholesale electricity market design in Section
Resource adequacy can be assessed either in terms of physical reliability criteria or economic
objectives. This section of our report defines the range of physical reliability criteria used in
setting resource adequacy standards and explains how these standards are translated into target
planning reserve margins. We then describe economic approaches to determining target
planning reserve margins.
1. Interpreting 1-in-10 and Other Reliability Criteria
Although the 1-in-10 standard is widely used across North America, substantial variations in
how it is implemented mean that it does not represent a uniform level of reliability. As
recognized in recent work by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and
ReliabilityFirst Corporation (RFC), the 1-in-10 standard may be interpreted as either one event
in ten years or one day in ten years. One event in ten years translates to 0.1 loss of load events
(LOLE) per year, regardless of the magnitude or duration of the anticipated individual
involuntary load shed events. One day in ten years translates to 2.4 loss of load hours (LOLH)
per year, regardless of the magnitude or number of such outages.
These two interpretations can
represent very different levels of physical reliability, although there is no direct translation
between them unless one assumes a typical outage duration. For example, if one assumes a
4-hour outage, then the events-based definition represents a reliability standard with outage
durations that are one-sixth the outage duration achieved by the LOLH-based definition.
The 1-in-10 standard can also represent different levels of reliability for different systems. This
is the case because neither the LOLE nor the LOLH metric considers the MW size of the outage
endured. For example, a one-hour, 100 MWh outage event and a one-hour, 10,000 MWh outage
event would be counted identically under the LOLE and LOLH metrics, even though the load
shed amount under the second outage event is one hundred times greater in magnitude. Further,
the 1-in-10 standard represents a higher level of reliability in a large system than in a small
system because neither the LOLE nor the LOLH metric is normalized to system size.
means that a 100 MWh, one-hour outage will have the same LOLE and LOLH values in a
10,000 MW and 100,000 MW power system, even though individual customers in the smaller
system are ten times more likely to endure an outage. We further illustrate the differences
among these various interpretations in Section I.C for actual power systems and in Section III for
a hypothetical system with realistic assumed characteristics.
We also clarify that while we use these definitions of LOLE and LOLH throughout this report, others may
use somewhat different definitions as we explain further in Section I.C.
In other words, 0.1 LOLE times a 4-hour outage results in 0.4 LOLH per year, or only one sixth of the 2.4
LOLH assumed in the hours-based interpretation. However, the comparison depends entirely upon the
assumed outage duration.
This is true as long as the one event represents a smaller proportion of total load in a large system than in a
small system.
Recognizing these limitations of the 1-in-10 standard, a recent NERC task force recommended
using Normalized Expected Unserved Energy (EUE) as a new physical reliability metric.
Normalized EUE is the total expected firm load shed due to supply shortages, divided by the
total system net energy for load, and therefore represents an overall percentage of system load
that cannot be served. We agree with that report’s conclusion that Normalized EUE is the most
meaningful reliability metric that can be compared across systems of many sizes, load shapes,
and other uncertainty factors. In fact, Normalized EUE is already used in some international
markets to set minimum reliability thresholds or trigger administrative interventions, although
the metric may be referred to as Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) or Unserved Energy (USE).
Examples of metrics equivalent to Normalized EUE that are used in international markets
include: (a) a 0.001% LOLP standard in Scandinavia; and (b) a 0.002% USE standard in
Australia’s National Energy Market (NEM) and South West Interconnected System (SWIS).
Unfortunately, these and similar terms such as the Probability of Lost Load (POLL) are also not
used and defined uniformly. For our purposes and for the remainder of this report we will refer
only to: (1) LOLE measured in events per year; (2) LOLH measured in hours per year; and (3)
Normalized EUE measured in percent of system-wide load unserved. While there is not a direct
translation among these three physical reliability metrics (unless one assumes an average outage
size and duration), they can be estimated and compared for an individual system that has a
particular distribution of expected load and other uncertainty factors. Section III presents such
Also note that, historically, the 1-in-10 standard as applied by system operators in North America
translates to expected annual outages for end-use customers that average less than a few minutes
per year on a system-wide basis. This compares to total customer outages averaging several
hundred minutes per year on a system-wide basis, most of which are caused by distribution
system outages.
Nevertheless, despite the fact resource adequacy-related reliability events
account for only a very small fraction customer outages, such “rolling blackouts” attract
disproportionate media and political attention whenever they happen.
2. Determining System Reliability as a Function of Planning Reserve Margin
The 1-in-10 resource adequacy standard is not a readily observable metric. For example, one
cannot simply review a region’s integrated resource plan (IRP) or reserve margin outlook to
determine whether the 1-in10 standard will be achieved. This is because such supply-related
See the NERC (2010).
See Nordel (2009), p. 5; AEMC (2007), pp. 29-30, (2010), p. viii.
See Newell, et al. (2012), pp. 101-2.
For example, during the summer of 2012, the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) instituted load
shedding due to heatwave-related peak loads and unexpected generation outages. This required rolling 30-
minute curtailments of 200 MW of firm system load over a two-hour period. Despite attracting substantial
media and political attention (see, for example, Sellin (2012) and Henton (2012)), this 200 MW
curtailment affected only approximately 2% of almost 10,000 MW of total system load, which means an
average customer outage duration of only approximately 2.4 minutes (2% of 120 minutes) on a system-
wide basis. Only 3 such events occurred in Alberta in the last decade, one on July 2, 2013 (but triggered
by a transformer outage, not resource adequacy constraints).
reliability outcomes depend on a host of complex factors such as anticipated resource mix and
weather uncertainty. For this reason, most system operators use reliability modeling to translate
the 1-in-10 standard into a planning reserve margin.
Such reliability modeling is used regularly
even in markets without explicit resource adequacy requirements, including Texas, Alberta,
Australia’s NEM, and Scandinavia, to monitor reliability levels and determine whether
administrative interventions are warranted to maintain adequate system resources.
For markets with explicit planning reserve margin requirements, the requirement is typically
calculated based on probabilistic reliability modeling that simulates LOLE as a function of the
level of installed generating capacity. Such a simulation exercise requires statistically
characterizing the uncertainty in forecasted load, the reliability of the generation fleet including
intermittent resources, the likely availability of imports, and a number of other factors as
explained further in Section II. The simulations are used to estimate reliability levels over a
range of reserve margins, showing that the number or duration of expected load shed events
decreases as capacity is added and the planning reserve margin increases.
Figure 1 illustrates how LOLE may decrease with reserve margin, showing an example where a
planning reserve margin of 15% would be needed to achieve the 0.1 LOLE standard. We
implement this type of reliability modeling for a realistic but hypothetical RTO in this study, as
discussed in Sections II through IV.
To understand the economic value of different resource adequacy levels, one must also estimate
the value of reliability to customers. One component of this reliability value is the ability to
avoid costly load shedding events, the value of which can be estimated by: (1) determining the
approximate value of lost load (VOLL), which is the cost of an outage to customers or the price
that an average customer would be willing to pay to avoid an involuntary interruption of their
electricity supply; and (2) multiplying VOLL by the amount of load shed. This estimate of the
In addition to planning reserve margins based on installed generating capacity and anticipated (50/50)
peak load during normal weather conditions, power markets also require various types of “operating
reserves” such as regulating reserves, spinning reserves, non-spinning reserves, and replacement reserves.
Operating reserves are needed to balance load and supply reliably on a moment-by-moment basis and
enable the system operator to quickly and reliably react to contingency events. In contrast to operating
reserve requirements, which apply during real-time system operations irrespective of load levels or plant
availability, planning reserve margins are meant to ensure that sufficient supply is available to address
reliability challenges due to differences between: (1) near-term or medium-term peak load forecasts
(which reflect average weather) and typical generation outages; and (2) actual peak loads (which can
exceed reflected weather-related spikes in load) and spikes in generation outages. Because of the
differences between forecast and actual peak loads, the year-to-year realized reserve margin will fluctuate
considerably around the average. In this section, as well as throughout this report, we refer to “planning
reserve margin,” “target reserve margin,” or simply “reserve margin” to refer to this forward-looking
estimate of installed capacity (ICAP) relative to the forecast normalized peak load. We refer to “operating
reserves requirements” or “operating reserves” when referring to the quantity of regulating and
contingency reserves that are needed to maintain real-time grid stability in every hour.
AESO developed its long-term adequacy (LTA) metrics to determine a forecast level of reliability at
which point AESO may need to intervene in the market, see AESO (2008), Section 1. For additional
discussion on similar regulatory methods in other countries, see Pfeifenberger, Spees, and Schumacher
(2009), pp. 28-29.
economic cost of load shed events will be a decreasing function of the reserve margin with a
shape similar to that in Figure 1.
However, as we discuss further below, the system-wide
expected VOLL is only one component of total reliability-related system and customer costs that
must be considered when evaluating the economic implications of different resource adequacy
Figure 1
Reliability vs. Reserve Margin
Illustrative figure does not represent any actual or simulated system.
Similar charts for real systems are available in various reliability
studies, for example see Electric Reliability Council of Texas
(ERCOT) results in ECCO (2013), pp. 8-9.
3. Determining Economically “Optimal” Reserve Margins
To understand economic tradeoffs over a range of planning reserve margins, one must also
estimate the incremental value and costs associated with additional capacity resources. In this
study we implement such economic reliability simulations to assess these tradeoffs, building
upon previous studies conducted for regulated entities and in academia.
In particular, Astrape
Consulting has conducted a number of such studies using the Strategic Energy Risk Valuation
Model (SERVM) reliability simulation tool, which we also use to analyze the case studies
See Wilson (2010a) and Centolella (2010).
For example, a 1992 study for Pacific Gas and Electric compared the traditional 1-in-10 standard against a
value-of-service approach, showing that the traditional standard required a reserve margin of 22.5% while
the value-of-service approach indicated an efficient reserve margin of 16.2%. See Keane, et al. (1992),
pp. 824, 826. For similar analyses, see also Poland (1988), p.21; Munasinghe (1988), pp. 5-7, 12-13; and
Carden, Pfeifenberger, and Wintermantel (2011).
presented in this report. The objective of such an economic reliability study is to determine an
“optimal” reserve margin that minimizes total system or customer costs, including the capital
cost of adding resources, production costs, off-system and emergency purchase costs, and the
cost of load shed events.
The objective of minimizing total system costs is demonstrated schematically in Figure 2. The
figure shows that increasing the planning reserve margin will increase capital costs as more
resources are added to the system. However, increasing the reserve margin also reduces outage
costs by reducing the frequency, duration, and magnitude of load shed events, may reduce
production costs by reducing the need to dispatch higher-cost peaking resources, and may reduce
power purchase costs by reducing the need to call on higher-cost imports during reliability
The “optimal” reserve margin is that which minimizes expected system or customer
costs by weighing the tradeoff between the incremental costs and the benefits of increasing the
reserve margin.
However, this cost-minimizing reserve margin only represents the point at which costs are
minimized on an expected value basis, and therefore represents the “optimum” reserve margin
from a risk-neutral perspective. As we discuss further in Sections III.A.2–4 below, the point of
the lowest system cost represents the probability-weighted average cost over many possible
system conditions. This probability-weighted average cost is influenced greatly by low-
probability, very-high-cost shortage events, such as an extreme heat wave that happens to
coincide with substantial generation outages. Because customers and policy makers are risk
averse, avoiding such high-impact events will be valuable. Customers and policy makers may
therefore prefer to pay more to maintain a somewhat higher reserve margin that can mitigate the
risks and impacts of extreme shortage events.
The magnitude of avoided load shed costs will not typically depend on what type of capacity resource is
added because many types of resources have similar likelihoods of being available for dispatch during load
shed events. However, the magnitude of net reductions in production costs, avoided import costs, and
increases in capital costs are highly dependent on the type of capacity added. For example, adding
combustion turbines (CTs) will incur lower capital costs than adding combined cycles (CCs), but will also
provide fewer benefits from avoided production and import costs. For this reason, the “optimal” reserve
margin depends on the type of marginal technology assumed when varying the reserve margin as
discussed further in Section III.B.3.
Figure 2
“Optimal” Reserve Margin at Lowest System Cost
Illustrative figure does not represent any actual or simulated system.
See Sections III.A.2–4 for a more thorough discussion and estimate of
the economic optimum within a hypothetical simulated system.
This section documents variations in how the 1-in-10 and alternative resource adequacy
standards are used and interpreted in existing power markets across the U.S. and Canada. This
discussion is based on our interpretation of RTO and utility planning and reserve margin studies
as summarized in Appendix A. However, we caution that, to completely understand the nuances
and complexities of these studies, one would need to discuss implementation details with the
individuals responsible for conducting the studies. The public documentation of these studies is
often insufficiently detailed or can easily be misinterpreted. Because we have not conducted
such interviews to be able to document the assumptions and the complexities of each study, our
discussion should be interpreted as a preliminary summary of general industry practices, not a
fully-verified documentation of any one region’s approach.
As we explain, most of these regions rely on a 1-in-10 reliability standard, but substantial
variations in interpretation, conventions used in calculating reserve margins, modeling
approaches, and underlying system conditions make it very difficult to meaningfully compare
different systems’ reliability levels and reported reserve margins.
The markets we survey here include PJM Interconnection (PJM), New York ISO (NYISO), ISO New
England (ISO-NE), California ISO (CAISO), Northwest Power Pool (NWPP), Florida Reliability
Coordinating Council (FRCC), Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), Southwest Power Pool
Continued on next page
Expected System Cost
Reserve Margin (%)
Optimal Reserve
Total Cos
VOLL, Emergency
Procedure, Import, and
Production Costs
Capacity Capital Costs
1. Differing Resource Adequacy Standards
Appendix A.1 summarizes the resource adequacy criteria established by system operators and
reliability coordinators across the U.S. and Canada. As shown, the majority, but not all, of these
regions use the 1-in-10 resource adequacy standard. Most of these regions define 1-in-10 as
1 event in 10 years, or 0.1 LOLE per year. However, SPP differs in that it interprets 1-in-10 as
24 hours of curtailments in 10 years, or 2.4 LOLH per year.
Several reliability operators in the Southeast establish resource adequacy targets based on
economic analysis with the objectives of minimizing customer costs and mitigating the risk of
high-cost events. Other entities use alternative physical reliability criteria tailored to their own
needs, such as the BC Hydro system that must also consider the potential for energy-constrained
low-hydro conditions leading to overall energy limitations. Finally, Texas and Alberta both have
reliability targets but do not impose these targets as mandatory standards for resource adequacy.
2. Differing Conventions for Calculating Reserve Margins
One important reason that it is difficult to compare the level of resource adequacy across systems
is that each region adheres to a different set of conventions when calculating their reserve
margins. In other words, even if two regions had identical peak load and expected resource mix,
they may calculate different reserve margins using different conventions. In fact, even within a
single market, there may be different approaches used when calculating reserve margins for the
purposes of publishing summer or long-term resource adequacy assessments, conducting
transmission planning exercises, conducting a reliability studies, or implementing a capacity
a. Accounting for Demand-Side Resources
All regions have some demand response (DR), load curtailment, retail price response, or other
load-side resources that contribute to resource adequacy. Aside from the fact that it is sometimes
difficult to estimate the total resource adequacy value of a particular type of DR program, there
is also no standard approach regarding how these resources are included in the reserve margin
calculation. Some entities include demand response as a reduction in load while other regions
include it as a supply-side resource.
Example: DR counting as a supply-side resource versus a reduction in load changes
calculated reserve margin (RM) by 5% from 20% to 25%.
Load = 100,000 MW
Gen = 100,000 MW
DR = 20,000 MW
Reserve margin if treating DR as supply resource:
Continued from previous page
(SPP), and various SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC) and Western Electricity Coordinating Council
(WECC) entities. We draw upon previous NERC surveys as well as individual entities’ planning and
reliability modeling documentation. For example, see NERC (2010a).
RM = (Gen + DR) / Load – 100%
20% = (100,000 + 20,000) / 100,000 – 100%
Reserve margin if treating DR as a reduction in peak load:
RM = Gen / (Load – DR) – 100%
25% = (100,000) / (100,000 – 20,000) – 100%
Further, there are different conventions used for adjusting nominal DR capability by: (a) derating
that capability by an expected availability rate; or (b) if treating DR on the supply side, possibly
grossing up the nominal capacity value for avoided line losses and reserve margin requirements.
These differences in DR accounting change the numeric value of the planning reserve margin,
but not the system’s underlying resource adequacy situation.
b. Accounting for Emergency Operations
Similarly, while all regions implement various types of emergency procedures before shedding
load, there is no standard approach as to how these procedures are accounted for when
calculating reserve margins. For example, PJM will implement voltage reductions and may
achieve approximately 2.5% reduction in peak load before firm load shedding is required. In the
Southern Company (SoCo) region, approximately 2% of peak load is available from voltage
reduction and other emergency procedures.
However, the regions differ in terms of how these procedures are accounted for in their reserve
margins, with PJM not considering the capacity benefit of emergency procedures and SoCo
treating emergency procedures as supply resources. Overall, as summarized in Table 1, the
convention of whether to count emergency procedures as a supply resource, load reduction, or
neither would result in calculated reserve margins ranging from 15.6% to 18.6% in PJM and
from 13.0% to 15.3% in SoCo.
Table 1
Emergency Procedure Accounting Impact on PJM and SoCo Reserve Margins
Sources and Notes:
As-reported reserve margin requirements from PJM (2012c), and
Georgia Power (2010).
Alternative reserve margin calculations assume no change other than how voltage reductions are included or not.
PJM voltage reduction value approximately calculated from PJM (2012a), p. 63.
ICAP Reserve Margin
Reduction from
Counted as
Supply Resources
Counted as
Load Reduction
Not Counted
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
2.5% 15.6% 18.1% 18.6% 15.6%
2.0% 15.0% 15.0% 15.3% 13.0%
c. Derating Capacity from Different Resource Types
When calculating the reserve margin, some planning regions include all resources at their
nameplate capacities, while others include only a derated capacity value for intermittent or
dispatch-limited resources, such as wind, solar, hydro, or storage. These derated capacity values
are calculated using a variety of different approaches.
The decision of whether to derate certain
resource types and, if so, how to calculate the derate magnitude, is partly a matter of convention
and partly a reflection of the importance of various resource types in the overall resource
adequacy picture in a particular region. For example, a region with few hydro resources may not
place particular emphasis on developing a detailed assessment of those assets’ reliability value;
while a hydro-dominated region such as British Columbia must conduct detailed evaluations of
its hydro resource base and probabilistic availability under a number of weather and hydrology
To illustrate the importance of derate accounting conventions, we compare the conventions PJM
and NYISO used in their reliability assessments. PJM adopted a 15.6% installed capacity
(ICAP) planning reserve margin target in its most recent reliability study.
Under PJM’s
resource accounting methodology, demand response is derated to 95% of nameplate capacity,
wind to 13%, and solar to 38% of nameplate capacity.
In comparison, NYISO calculates an
ICAP reserve margin requirement of 16.1%, but uses the full nameplate capacity of all its
resources in that calculation.
As explained in the NYISO study, this difference in accounting
conventions has a substantial impact on the calculated ICAP reserve margin, particularly under
very different levels of wind penetration.
Taking NYISO’s resources and using PJM’s derate methodology, NYISO’s 16.1% ICAP reserve
margin target would decrease to 10.7% as shown in Table 2 below. PJM’s target reserve margin
using the NYISO’s resource accounting methodology would increase to 16.8% from 15.6%.
For example, for wind, PJM uses a unit-specific availability calculation over a three-year history during
summer peak hours, while the Midcontinent ISO (MISO) conducts a fleet-wide Effective Load Carrying
Capability (ELCC) study each year. See PJM (2010), MISO (2012a).
Note that PJM conducts a new reliability study each year, and in each study may recommend a different
reliability requirement for each delivery year. In this subsection we refer to the year 2012 reliability study
as effective for the 2016/17 delivery year, see PJM (2012c).
To add an even further layer of complexity, the capacity market through which the reserve margin
requirement is procured is conducted on an unforced capacity (UCAP) rather than ICAP basis as discussed
further in the following subsection I.C.2.f. The deratings reported here apply to the calculation of the
ICAP reserve margin. However, a different, additional adjustment is also applied to each resource type
when calculating its UCAP value. For the purposes of calculating UCAP from ICAP, DR resources’
capacity value is grossed up to account for avoided reserve margin needs, most generators’ capacity value
is reduced according to unit-specific outage rates, and wind and solar units’ derated capacity value is the
same on either an ICAP or UCAP basis. See PJM (2012c, 2010, 2013a).
For the 2012/13 delivery year, as estimated in the 2011 study. As in PJM, there is also a separate
translation for determining the UCAP capacity value of each resource as would be used in the capacity
market. See NYSRC (2011).
Table 2
Illustration of Differences in PJM and NYISO Target Reserve Margin Calculations
Sources and Notes:
See PJM (2012c), NYSRC (2011).
We do not attempt to document the entirety of differences in reserve margin accounting, but only illustrate the impact of these
specific derating conventions applied over this reported quantity of resources. A number of other factors related to how these
resources are modeled will also influence the reserve margin calculation, which we do not attempt to discuss here.
NYISO DR value refers only to special case resources (SCRs), see NYSRC (2011), p. 51.
This shows that, while NYISO’s reported ICAP reserve margin target exceeds that of PJM, it is
lower than PJM’s when calculated on a comparable basis. But note that, because the technical
details of resource adequacy studies and the regions themselves can vary considerably, even if
PJM’s and NYISO’s reserve margins were calculated consistently with respect to the treatment
of the resources’ nameplate capacity, a lower reported planning reserve margin would not
necessarily mean lower reliability.
d. Uncommitted Resources, Planned Retirements, and Planned Additions
Another difficulty in comparing reserve margins across regions or even within a particular region
is that one must determine whether and how to account for resources that may or may not be
available in a future delivery period. In particular, there are different approaches to accounting
Uncommitted Resources that exist within the footprint and so are likely to provide resource
adequacy value, but that do not have any firm commitment to be available through either a
contractual agreement or a capacity market obligation. Without a firm commitment to
provide internal capacity, these resources are free to retire or export their capacity and so
may not be available when needed.
Planned Retirements are sometimes known with substantial lead time and so can be properly
accounted for. But in many cases plant owners do not have to report retirements to the
system operator until shortly prior to the delivery period. This uncertainty is currently of
substantial concern in MISO, where a large number of coal plants are at risk for retirement
under the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard (MATS). However, the RTO has a limited
This is one reason that some RTOs including PJM separately report committed and uncommitted “reserve
margins” when conducting summer resource assessments, see PJM (2013e).
Peak Load Nameplate Capacity Derated Value ICAP Reserve Margin
Wind Solar DR Wind Solar DR As
(MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
151,394 1,305 564 7,263 13% 38% 95% 15.6% 16.8% 15.6%
33,335 1,648 39 2,192 11% 65% 85% 16.1% 16.1% 10.7%
forward view regarding the quantity and location of these retirements, which introduces
substantial uncertainty for both transmission and resource planning.
Planned Additions are similarly uncertain on a forward basis. The majority of announced
generation projects are never brought into commercial operation, but may be partly
developed before being postponed or cancelled depending on market and site conditions.
For this reason one must carefully evaluate the commercial probability of various proposed
resources when calculating a future reserve margin, for example, by assigning different
probabilities that each resource will come online depending on how far along it is in the
development process.
Again, the conventions used to account for these resources change the reported reserve margins
despite the fact that they do not change the underlying resource adequacy position.
Unfortunately, attempting to standardize the treatment of these uncertainties may be counter-
productive, since the most appropriate convention to use is highly dependent on the purpose for
which the reserve margin is calculated. For example, a transmission planning study that looks
five to twenty years into the future must include some reasonable assumptions about speculative
additions and retirements, while a near-term summer assessment may most appropriately
consider only committed resources that can definitely be relied upon.
The large range in different reserve margins that can be calculated using different conventions is
illustrated each year in the annual NERC Long Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA) that
documents the reserve margin outlook for all regions. To help with some standardization across
regions, NERC provides guidance regarding how to account for uncertain resource types for a
range of optimistic or pessimistic outlooks. This improves the ability to compare outlooks across
regions, but does not solve the problem entirely due to differences in interpretation, even on a
very near-term basis where uncertainty is lowest. For example, the 2012 LTRA outlook reports
the summer 2013 anticipated reserve margins for 26 different regions, of which: (a) 12 reported
no difference between the most pessimistic and optimistic reserve margin outlooks for the
summer of 2013; (b) another 8 reported up to 1% uncertainty range; (c) another 3 reported up to
10% uncertainty range; and (d) another 3 reported higher uncertainty ranges of up to 18%
difference between the most optimistic and pessimistic cases.
The ranges diverge even further
when looking further into the future.
e. Accounting for Tie Benefits
Being interconnected to neighboring regions can improve resource adequacy in two ways. First,
by enabling a region to procure firm commitments from external resources to supply and deliver
power during emergency events. And second, by creating tie benefits that enable the region to
request neighbor assistance, if available, through non-firm imports during emergency events.
The latter type of assistance is neither guaranteed nor contractually obligated to materialize, but
For example, see a discussion of these uncertainties and MISO’s concerns about these uncertainties in
MISO (2013b).
PJM uses this approach for a number of purposes, see PJM (2012c).
See NERC (2012), p. 68.
the likely availability of these tie benefits can be probabilistically evaluated as discussed in
Section I.C.3.d below.
It is standard practice to include firm imports on the supply side of a reserve margin calculation,
but there is no standard practice for how to include tie benefits. For example: (a) the most
common approach, such as used in PJM and MISO, is to exclude tie benefits from the calculated
reserve margin, which means the target reserve margin is lower than it would be if tie benefits
were included as a resource; (b) some regions, such as ERCOT, treat all or part of their interties
as a supply resource that increases the calculated reserve margin; (c) other regions, such as
Alberta, sidestep the problem of evaluating the reliability value of the interties by simply
reporting the reserve margin with the interties contributing at zero or 100% of their path rating;
(d) some regions, such as SPP, do not account for tie benefits at all; and (e) yet other regions
have special circumstances, such as ISO-NE’s separate treatment of two portions of the tie
benefits, one part that is specifically allocated to entities that own the rights to an intertie with
Québec, and another part that is allocated equally to all loads.
f. Accounting for Installed and Unforced Capacity
A final source of discrepancy is the differing conventions for expressing resource adequacy
targets either in terms of: (1) “installed” capacity ratings that account for thermal generators at
their maximum output capability; or (2) “unforced” capacity ratings that discount resources’
capacity rating by an expected forced outage rate (EFORd). All regions use ICAP reserve
margins for most reporting purposes, including summer and long-term resource assessments.
However, even under ICAP accounting there are varying degrees of uncertainty. For example, it
is relatively easy to find the same plant listed at different ICAP values since the RTO may be
reporting a nameplate, summer, winter, emergency maximum, committed, or an annual capacity
test value. It is not unusual for an individual thermal generation resource to have reported
capacity values that vary by many percentage points.
The consequences of such accounting discrepancies can have high financial implications in
regions with bilateral or centralized capacity markets, with individual suppliers’ capacity
payments potentially materially impacted by such differences. For this reason, MISO, PJM, and
NYISO have all opted to conduct their capacity auctions on a UCAP basis, which more
systematically accounts for individual resources’ summer availability after accounting for unit-
specific historical availability ratings.
Under UCAP accounting, all resource types are derated
to their expected “unforced” availability during summer peak conditions so that resources have a
more similar contribution to resource adequacy. While the approach to calculating UCAP is
different for each resource type and also varies by region, the UCAP-based reliability
requirement is more meaningful and comparable under different resource mixes and across
regions. Despite the advantages of UCAP accounting, however, RTOs generally continue their
See PJM (2012c); MISO (2012c); ERCOT (2013b); SPP (2012b), p. 20; ISO-NE (2012); and AESO
However, both California’s Resource Adequacy Requirements and ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Market
are implemented using ICAP accounting.
historical approach of reporting ICAP-based planning reserve margins for nearly all purposes
other than capacity auctions.
3. Differing Approaches to Conducting Reliability Modeling
Even though most of the planning entities surveyed define the 1-in-10 standard as 0.1 LOLE, the
resource adequacy levels of these regions nevertheless may not be comparable. Each system
operator conducts its own LOLE study using a range of different modeling assumptions. As a
consequence 0.1 LOLE does not represent the same level of reliability in each system. These
differences result from using different reliability modeling tools and a wide range of different
study assumptions.
In this section, we highlight a number of important factors that create these discrepancies. In
Appendix A.2 we further illustrate the wide range of approaches by summarizing those used for
To fully understand reliability differences
across different systems, all studies and reserve margin calculations would need to be undertaken
using consistent assumptions, methodologies, and definitions. A recent initiative by NERC
resulted in recommended modeling assumptions that attempt to reconcile at least some of these
existing discrepancies.
We also note that this list of differences among modeling approaches
represents only a small subset of all potential differences, and that we have not attempted to
document other important factors such as hydro resource modeling, wind resource modeling,
approaches to characterizing correlations among load, wind, hydro, and generator outages, or
approaches to calculating sub-regional resource adequacy requirements.
a. Different Reliability Modeling Packages
Different system operators use different models to conduct their reliability studies, including GE-
MARS, SERVM, ABB Gridview, Genesys, and other non-commercially available models such
as PJM’s Prism Model and Florida Reliability Coordinating Council’s (FRCC’s) TIGER
The models differ considerably, including in the range of uncertainties considered and
how these uncertainties are captured in simulations. These differences can translate to very
different study results.
b. Definition of Reliability “Events”
Regions that use the 0.1 LOLE standard hope to achieve a resource adequacy level of only one
“event” in ten years. However, as noted previously, there is no standard approach for
determining what constitutes a reliability “event.” Some LOLE studies and system operators
define a reliability event as any event requiring emergency operating procedures, such as calling
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Duke, Progress Energy, Louisville Gas and Electric Company
(LG&E), and Kentucky Utilities Company (KU) use assumptions similar (though not identical) to SoCo.
For example, TVA does not include DR as a resource. Duke, Progress, LG&E, KU, and TVA define a
reliability event as an event that requires the depletion of spinning reserves, whereas SoCo defines a
reliability event as an event that requires depletion of any type of operating reserve.
NERC (2010b).
See Appendix A.1 for a summary of the reliability modeling packages used in various systems.
demand response, implementing voltage control, or depleting operating reserves. In other
systems, the studies consider reliability events as contributing to the tabulated LOLE only if
operating reserves are depleted and firm load must be shed. Finally, many reliability studies do
not explicitly account for the nature, order, and impact of various emergency intervention events.
These factors can have a substantial impact on study results as illustrated in Section III.A.1
c. Treatment of Load Uncertainty
One of the most important factors driving resource adequacy is uncertainty in peak load, which is
driven by both weather uncertainty and economic forecast uncertainty.
For example, the
combination of the number of weather years studied, the process used to derive peak and hourly
loads under normal weather conditions, and the probabilities assigned to extreme weather
patterns can change planning reserve margin targets by several percentage points. For example,
a recent LOLE study by ERCOT found differences in weighting the 2011 weather year, which
some refer to as a 1-in-100 year heat wave. Depending on how likely such extreme weather is to
recur, the resulting target reserve margins would range from a low of 13.7% (with zero
probability) to a high of 18.9% (with a 5% probability).
Even differences in how the projected
load growth is applied to a base-year profile yielded target reserve margins ranging from 15.3%
to 16.1%.
As another example, some regions such as PJM consider uncertainty due to
economic load forecast error over the planning horizon when calculating the reserve margin
needed to meet 0.1 LOLE, while other regions such as ISO-NE exclude this portion of load
forecast uncertainty and instead consider only weather-related load uncertainty.
d. Estimating Tie Benefits
As explained in subsection I.C.2.e above, regions differ in how they account for tie benefits in
their reserve margin calculations. In this subsection, we further explain how regions differ in
their approaches to estimating tie benefits. Some studies assume a maximum import capability
or tie benefit, simply counting that quantity as a firm resource. Other studies explicitly model
surrounding regions’ load and resources to probabilistically estimate the availability of imports
during reliability events. Among the regions that do probabilistically assess tie benefits,
differences in modeling approaches include assumptions regarding:
Maximum Intertie RatingsDetermining the total quantity of intertie capability to use in
resource adequacy studies is not as simple as calculating the line ratings for every import
point in a region. Instead, this is a complex engineering estimate that must consider
simultaneous import capability from multiple directions under the expected peak season
power flows. Further, the maximum intertie portion used for the purposes of calculating
non-firm tie benefits is the total path rating minus any portion of the interties already used
to support firm import commitments as discussed further in Section III.B.2 below. Most
As discussed further in Sections II.D and III.A.5 below.
ERCOT (2013a), pp. 24-26.
ERCOT (2013b), Section 2.2.3 (p. 4) and pp. 7-8.
See PJM (2012c) and ISO-NE (2012).
systems use simplified assumptions about maximum intertie ratings that may not be
updated regularly to reflect changing system conditions.
Probabilistically Available Intertie CapabilityMany reliability studies assume a fixed path
rating and assume that the transmission will be entirely available at all times. However,
this is not strictly true since every path may have variable availability, for example due to
simultaneity, line outages, or temperature deratings. Some studies probabilistically account
for these uncertainties in path ratings, as we do in the hypothetical RTO simulations
presented in this report.
Load Diversity – One of the important drivers of tie benefits is the extent of load diversity
across regions. For example, if one region experiences a peak load emergency while the
neighboring region does not, then assistance should be available over the interties.
However, the scale and variability of load diversity can be characterized in many different
ways. For example, NYISO’s planning models simulate neighboring regions, but assume
that all neighboring regions have the same highest peak-load hours, all based on a single
historical year. As explained in their study, this is a conservative assumption that reduces
the amount of capacity that would be available from neighboring regions during NYISO
reliability events.
In contrast, PJM’s planning study assumes different levels of peak load
diversity with each of its neighbors, meaning that PJM assumes other regions’ peak loads
are a certain percentage below their respective non-coincident peak loads when PJM is
This will yield a higher resource adequacy value of interties with neighboring
regions, thereby reducing the likelihood of load-shed events and the corresponding target
planning reserve margins. Other studies, including the simulations presented below, rely
on a large number of historical weather years for the study region and neighboring regions
to more accurately capture the benefits of tielines and load diversity. For example, the
simulations in this report are based on 32 different synthetic annual load shapes for the
Study RTO and neighboring regions based on 32 years of actual historical load data in each
Supply in External Regions – To calculate tie benefits, it is also necessary to assume the level
of supply in each neighboring region and the extent to which such resources will be made
available for neighbor assistance during reliability events. This requires assuming reserve
margins for each neighboring region, including whether to model the external market at
their planning reserve margin target or at their most likely actual level of installed capacity.
Further, studies differ in the extent to which each region is assumed to dispatch demand
response or other energy-limited resources to provide assistance to its neighbors.
For example, PJM uses a total assumed simultaneous intertie capability or Capacity Benefit Margin
(CBM) of 3,500 MW to be used for the purposes of calculating tie benefits. This rating has not been
updated since at least 2007, even though the RTO’s footprint has expanded several times since then and
intertie topology and capability would necessarily have changed at least somewhat. See PJM (2007,
See Section II.B.
See NYSRC (2011), p. 47.
See PJM (2012c), p. 75.
See Section II.D and Appendix B.5 for additional discussion.
Overall, these differences in study assumptions can substantially affect the planning reserve
margins necessary to achieve the chosen reliability targets, as we illustrate further in Section
III.B.2 below.
To examine the economic implications of the 1-in-10 resource adequacy standard, we conduct a
series of reliability simulations using the SERVM model developed by Astrape Consulting.
this section, we provide an overview of our simulation approach, including a description of the
SERVM model, the characteristics of the hypothetical system we examine, and our key modeling
We simulate a hypothetical RTO system that is interconnected to three neighboring systems.
This hypothetical RTO is not intended to represent any actual system, but has characteristics
similar to those of many U.S. markets. For example, we assume that the Study RTO’s resource
mix is similar to that of NYISO, while the weather and wind profiles are similar to those in the
TVA region. The resource mix, weather, and wind profiles of Neighbors 1, 2, and 3 are similar
to those of MISO, PJM, and SoCo. We model both reliability and economic outcomes for the
Study RTO in 2016 as the assumed delivery year, as forecasted from a 2013 resource planning
year. We describe our modeling approach and assumptions in this section and provide additional
detail in Appendix B.
We use the Strategic Energy Risk Valuation Model (SERVM) to study the reliability and
economic implications of the 1-in-10 standard and alternative resource adequacy standards. Like
other reliability modeling tools, SERVM probabilistically evaluates resource adequacy
conditions by simulating generation availability, load profiles, load uncertainty, transmission
availability, and other factors. Based on these reliability simulations, SERVM estimates
standard reliability metrics including LOLE, LOLH, and EUE. Unlike other reliability modeling
packages, however, SERVM also simulates economic outcomes including hourly generation
dispatch, import-export dynamics, ancillary services, emergency procedures, and investment
costs. SERVM estimates hourly and annual production costs, customer costs, market prices, net
import costs, load shed costs, and generator energy margins as a function of planning reserve
The SERVM package was originally developed by SoCo in the 1980s to support resource adequacy
decisions and significant resources have been devoted to develop the model since then in a number of
applications by various companies. Today, SERVM is managed by Astrape Consulting, who provides
consulting services and licenses of SERVM to inform resource adequacy decisions to a number of clients,
including LG&E, KU, SoCo, TVA, CleCo, SCANA, Duke Energy, Progress Energy, and Terna (the
Italian system operator).
margins. These results allow us to compare these variable costs against the incremental capital
costs required to achieve the higher planning reserve margins.
The multi-area economic and reliability simulations in SERVM include an hourly chronological
economic dispatch that is subject to inter-regional transmission constraints. Each generation unit
is modeled individually, characterized by its own economic and physical characteristics.
Planned outages are scheduled in off-peak seasons to minimize the impact on reliability, while
unplanned outages and derates occur stochastically using historical distributions of time between
failures and time to repair. Load, hydro, wind, and solar conditions are modeled based on
profiles consistent with individual historical weather years. Dispatch limitations and limitations
on annual energy output are also imposed on certain types of resources such as demand response,
hydro generation, pumped storage, and environmentally-limited combustion turbines (CTs).
The model implements a weekly commitment algorithm in each study region that considers the
outlook for weather and planned generation outages. The model then conducts an hourly
economic dispatch of baseload, intermediate, and peaking resources, including an optimization
of transmission-constrained inter-regional power flows to minimize total cost. Pumped storage
resources are dispatched economically to capture differences in pricing between peak and off-
peak periods. During most hours, hourly prices in each region reflect marginal production costs,
with importing regions realizing higher prices when import constraints are binding. During
emergency and other peaking conditions, SERVM simulates scarcity prices that exceed
generators’ marginal production costs as explained further below.
To examine a full range of potential economic and reliability outcomes, SERVM conducts a
Monte Carlo analysis over a large number of scenarios varying with both demand and supply
conditions. Because reliability events occur only when system conditions that reflect unusually
high loads or limited supply, these simulations must capture wide distributions of possible
weather, load growth, and generation performance scenarios. In this study, we incorporate 32
weather years, 6 economic load forecast error points, and 50 draws of generating unit
performance for a total of 9,600 scenarios for each simulated reserve margin case, with each
scenario simulating all 8,760 hours of the year.
This large number of simulations is necessary
for accurately characterizing the reliability and economic implications of different planning
reserve margins because the vast majority of reliability-related costs are incurred within a small
Note that SERVM as a modeling tool does not endogenously estimate capital costs, which are reflected as
a fixed annual cost (in $/kW-year). Total capacity costs simply increase as a function of the planning
reserve margin being evaluated. The question of whether a particular reserve margin is actually
achievable or realistic under various market designs, including in regions with capacity markets, energy-
only markets, or cost-of-service regulation, depends on whether those markets have been constructed such
that investors are able to recover their fixed costs at that reserve margin. We examine these and other
market design implications of our modeling exercise in Section IV below.
Note that SERVM results incorporate this set of scenarios for each reserve margin level simulated for the
base case and each alternative case we present in this report. Depending on data availability and study
needs, SERVM can incorporate any number of weather, hydro, wind, solar, economic forecast, and other
scenarios. For the purpose of this study and to facilitate exploration of a larger number of alternative
cases, we streamlined the simulation effort by modeling only 50 draws of generation outage conditions. In
other studies, Astrape typically models several hundred generation outage draws.
number of simulation runs (or, in real-world systems, in a small number of infrequent emergency
events). Such reliability events are typically triggered by rare circumstances that reflect a
combination of extreme weather-related loads, high load-growth forecast error, and unusual
combinations of generation outages.
To properly capture the magnitude and impact of reliability conditions during extreme events, a
critical aspect of this modeling exercise the economic and operational characterization of
emergency procedures. For this reason, SERVM simulates a range of detailed emergency
procedures, accounting for energy and call-hour limitations, dispatch prices, voltage reductions,
operating reserve depletion, dispatch of economic and emergency demand-response resources,
and administrative scarcity pricing.
B. S
We evaluate the economic reliability implications of resource adequacy by analyzing a
hypothetical RTO interconnected to three adjacent systems. This hypothetical RTO has system
characteristics similar to those of many U.S. markets, but does not exactly reflect any one region
in particular. By constructing such a generic system as a Base Case and comparing those results
to a series of Change Cases, we are able to examine our results under a variety of realistic
resource mixes, load profiles, market structures, and economic assumptions. This allows us to
draw conclusions that are relevant to a number of real-world systems without narrowing our
focus to any individual real-world system. As summarized in Figure 3, the Study RTO is a
50,000 MW system interconnected with three similarly-sized regions.
The transmission capabilities shown in the figure represent the maximum import and export
capabilities of the interties, which vary stochastically over a distribution between 60% and 100%
of the maximum. As we explain further in Appendix B.1, the maximum simultaneous import
capability to the study region is 11,000 MW but drops to below 8,000 MW in 50% of all hours.
We assume that no portion of the interties’ transfer capability is dedicated to the firm import of
external resources committed towards resource adequacy of the Study RTO.
We statistically represent the variable availability of inter-regional transmission capability, but do not
explicitly model the various reasons that interties may be partly unavailable at different times. However,
we note that some of these factors include line outages, path ratings that may vary with temperature or
operating procedures that sometimes limit imports to avoid great exposure to single large contingencies.
In real-world systems, it is important to distinguish the portion of each intertie that is dedicated to firm
capacity imports under firm Point-to-Point (PtP) transmission from the remaining portion of the interties
that can assist internal resource adequacy on a non-firm basis as long as the neighboring system’s
resources exceed the needs of their native load. For our purposes we treat all external resources as being
available to the Study RTO on a non-firm basis driven by economics, but assume that in emergency events
each system will have first call on their internal generating resources. We discuss these topics further in
Section III.B.2 below.
Figure 3
Transmission Topology and Non-Coincident Peak Loads
Stated intertie ratings represent the path maximum.
See Appendix B.1 for additional detail on intertie availability.
To characterize the generation and demand response resources available to meet load the
simulated Study RTO and the neighboring regions, we assume resource characteristics consistent
with many real-world systems. We present here a description of our assumptions and approach
to modeling system supply, including each region’s resource mix, supply curves, generation
resource availability, and demand response resources.
1. Resource Mix
Figure 4 summarizes the supply resource mix in the Study RTO and the neighboring systems,
with the Study RTO represented at the 15% reserve margin. We model each system with a
reasonable proportion of baseload, intermediate, and peaking resources. Each region also has
some energy-limited and intermittent resources such as hydro, pumped storage, wind, solar, and
emergency demand response. Some characteristics of the Study RTO that materially impact
study results include that: (1) the Study RTO depends more heavily on natural-gas-fired plants
while the neighboring regions have more coal, meaning that the Study RTO will tend to be a net
importer at the assumed natural gas and coal prices; (2) the 10% hydro penetration in the Study
Region is higher than in neighboring regions, adding some additional uncertainty into the Study
RTO’s resource availability; and (3) assumed DR penetration is 6-7% of peak load depending on
Study RTO
50,000 MW
Neighbor 3
30,000 MW
Neighbor 1
Neighbor 2
4,000 MW
4,000 MW
3,000 MW
3,000 MW
the region, which is consistent with many current markets but below the penetration levels
expected in coming years in some of the eastern RTOs, such as PJM and ISO-NE.
Figure 4
Installed Capacity and Resource Mix
All regions shown at 15% planning reserve margin, although simulated reserve margins
vary by model scenario.
Wind and solar shown at capacity credits of 15% and 25% respectively, which is the same
as their contribution to the reserve margin (other resources are represented at nameplate)
We assume a planning reserve margin of 15% is maintained in all neighboring regions, similar to
the current reserve margin targets in a number of actual North American markets. We calculate
reserve margins based on nameplate capacity for all resource types except for wind and solar, to
which we assign capacity value at 15% and 25% of nameplate, respectively. Economic and
emergency demand response capacity are included on the supply side in the reserve margin
The load impact of voltage reduction is not considered in the reserve margin
For example an ISO/RTO Council Study estimated a 6.6% overall DR penetration level across all North
American RTOs as of 2008, while PJM and ISO-NE’s capacity auctions for 2015/16 and 2016/17 cleared
DR commitments equal to 9.9% and 9.3% of peak load respectively. See IRC (2009), p. 26; PJM (2013a);
and ISO-NE (2013).
Section II.C.4 explains our approach to modeling economic and emergency DR, including a description of
how we distinguish these two resource types from a modeling perspective.
calculation, but we do implement voltage reductions to avoid shedding load in our simulations as
discussed in Section II.E.
2. Energy Market Supply Curve
In modeling production costs for each supply resource, we assume plant costs and efficiencies
that are typical for each resource type and that vary among individual units. The aggregate
system supply curves for each region are shown in Figure 5 and account for fuel costs and
variable operations and maintenance (VOM) costs.
We assume delivered fuel costs as
projected for the year 2016 in the Annual Energy Outlook, with coal at $2.50/MMbtu, natural gas
at $5/MMbtu, and fuel oil at $25/MMbtu.
As Figure 5 shows, the Study RTO’s supply stack is similar to, but not identical to, those of its
neighbors. Over most of the relevant dispatch ranges from 50% to 100% of peak load, the Study
Region’s available supply from natural gas combined cycles (CCs) is slightly more expensive
than supply from the neighboring regions that have a higher share of lower-cost coal resources.
At the very top of the supply stack shown in Figure 5, the Study RTO supply curve is also higher
because it depends somewhat more heavily on high-dispatch-cost demand response resources
and emergency hydro for super-peaking periods, while the neighboring regions have more
peaking gas and oil units. The highest-price portion of the supply curve at dispatch costs above
$500/MWh is not shown in this figure, but causes the Study RTO supply curve to rise sooner
because it is shown as a percentage of peak load. We more fully describe the emergency
procedures, economic costs, and energy pricing mechanisms assumed during high-price events in
Section II.E below.
While SERVM also has the capability to model a host of other unit parameters including startup and
shutdown costs, minimum up and down times, emissions costs, and heatrate curves, we exclude these
parameters from our study for simplicity.
Specifically, we use average national prices as-delivered to the electric power sector from the High
Economic Growth case in the 2012 Annual Energy Outlook. Fuel prices reported in nominal dollars, see
EIA (2012).
Figure 5
Energy Market Supply Curve by Region
Wind and solar capacity derated to 15% and 25% of nameplate.
Pumped storage represented at a $0/MWh, although dispatched only at daily peak.
$2,000/MWh emergency DR and $3,000/MWh emergency hydro not shown due to scale.
3. Generation Outage and Availability Modeling
A major component of reliability analyses is modeling the availability of supply resources after
considering planned outages, forced outages, intermittency, and energy limitations. We use
SERVM to simulate generation resource availability on a unit-specific basis, but characterize
resource utilization and availability differently depending on resource type:
Thermal Resource Outages – We assume planned and forced outage rates for thermal
generation resources based on unit type and size, consistent with recent NERC data from
the Generation Availability Data System (GADS).
SERVM schedules planned outages
during low-demand periods in the spring and fall, but models maintenance and forced
outages stochastically. Partial and full forced outages occur stochastically for each
individual unit based on probability distributions accounting for time-to-fail, time-to-
repair, and partial outage derate percentages. Similarly, SERVM models the need for
maintenance outages stochastically, but implements these outages with some scheduling
flexibility during off-peak hours to the extent feasible. This outage modeling approach
allows SERVM to capture the potential for severe shortages caused by a number of
coincident outages.
Appendix B.2 contains additional detail describing forced and
maintenance outage modeling.
See NERC (2011b).
Capturing the possibility of such low-probability, high-impact events is an advantage of the unit-specific
Monte Carlo outage modeling used in SERVM. Other production cost and reliability models typically use
Continued on next page
Hydroelectric Availability – We model 30 years of hydro resource availability using monthly
hydro generation data for the respective regions and historical years used in our load
modeling described in Section II.D.1 below.
These hydro resources have varying levels
of flexibility as either run-of-river plants with a fixed schedule, peak shaving plants that
are dispatched based on the difference between peak and off peak prices, or emergency
hydro capacity dispatchable at $3,000/MWh. See Appendix B.3 for additional detail on
hydro resource modeling.
Pumped Storage – We characterize pumped storage resources according to reservoir size,
pumping efficiency, and capacity and dispatch these resources to maximize their
economic value assuming imperfect foresight of hourly energy prices.
The units pump
during off-peak hours and generate during on-peak hours, but only when the anticipated
price differential is large enough to overcome pumping efficiency losses.
Intermittent Resources – We model intermittent wind and photovoltaic solar resources
assuming non-dispatchable hourly generation profiles for the Study RTO’s modest
penetration levels of 3.8% and 0.09% for wind and solar respectively in the Base Case.
For wind generation, the hourly profiles reflect three years of data from the Eastern Wind
Integration Transmission Study (EWITS); for solar they reflect one year of data from
PV Watts.
In both cases, the hourly profiles are consistent with the weather data for the
four regions used in our load modeling. To capture intermittent resource availability as
well as inter-regional weather correlations, SERVM randomly draws a particular day
within the month being simulated and uses hourly profiles from that same date for each
modeled region. See Appendix B.4 for additional detail on our intermittent resource
After SERVM accounts for all of these factors, the model determines the aggregate quantity of
resources available for economic dispatch as described in Section II.A above.
4. Economic and Emergency Demand Response Resources
Most regions have a variety of DR programs that can be dispatched whenever a certain price or
reliability event occurs.
While the nuances of each variety of DR program could be modeled in
SERVM consistent with a region’s actual DR portfolio, we focus on simulating two broad
categories of DR programs:
Continued from previous page
a simpler convolution method, resulting in a distribution of outages that may under-estimate the potential
for extreme events, especially in small systems.
Monthly hydro data for each region obtained from EIA (2013a).
Specifically, to reflect the scheduling activity of a pumped hydro resource with slightly imperfect foresight
of actual market prices in each hour, we implement this hourly scheduling using a price profile from the
same date from a different run of SERVM with the same load profile but with different outages.
These penetration levels are calculated as nameplate as percent of summer peak load.
ETWITS and PV Watts are both developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, see NREL
For a survey of various types of demand response programs, see the summary and referenced supporting
documentation in IRC (2009), Section IV and IRC (2010).
Emergency DR – The majority of existing RTO-dispatchable DR programs would be most
accurately described as “emergency” or “capacity-only” resources. Emergency DR
programs contribute to resource adequacy and increase planning reserve margins because
they can be dispatched during reliability events. These resources will not dispatched on
an economic basis, but will be triggered during emergency conditions according to the
system operator’s emergency procedures as explained in Section II.E below. We assume
that these DR resources have a curtailment cost of $2,000/MWh and a 100 hour-per-year
maximum dispatch limit.
Economic DR – A minority of existing RTO-dispatchable DR programs are what we classify
as “economic” DR resources. These resources bid into the energy market at a resource-
specific strike price that reflects the customer’s willingness to pay for energy. Whenever
wholesale energy market prices exceed this strike price, the resources would be
dispatched just like a generator that offered into the market at the same offer price.
Economic DR resources also contribute to planning reserve margins, but we assume they
do not have any limit on the annual call hours. We simulate a supply curve of economic
DR resources with strike prices ranging from $100 to $1,000/MWh in the Base Case and
over a wider range of strike prices up to the price cap of $7,500/MWh in a high economic
DR penetration case as explained further below.
Our Base Case simulations assume DR penetration levels of 6-7% of peak load across the
different regions as shown in Table 3, consistent with the penetrations in many actual systems
We further assume for all regions that 80% of the DR resources are emergency DR
while 20% are economic DR programs.
It is standard practice among many systems to have “emergency” or “capacity” DR programs that are
triggered by emergency conditions rather than based on energy market prices. Many of these programs
also have call-hour or other types of restrictions that limit their total annual use, but there is no standard
call-hour limitation and so our 100 hour limit is somewhat arbitrary. For example, PJM’s limited DR
product can be called only in summer peak periods for up to 10 calls and up to 6 hours per call. The per-
call cost of these programs is also relatively arbitrary, and so we assume an interruption cost that is
consistent with the price cap applicable in some markets that implement these programs as well as the
order in which these emergency resources are called as discussed further in Section II.E. See IRC (2010).
Economic DR suppliers may offer at any strike price of their own choosing, but at a price that reflects the
underlying customer’s willingness to pay for energy. We assume an offer price range of $100-
$1000/MWh in the Base Case, reflecting the assumption that economic DR would typically bid only at
prices above the average retail price for energy. We also evaluate an alternative scenario with
substantially more economic DR, as explained further below and illustrated in Figure 6.
For example, see IRC (2009), p. 26.
This ratio of emergency DR to economic DR is based on the current proportion in PJM, see PJM (2013c),
p. 5.
Table 3
Base Case Demand Response Penetration
Base Case DR penetration levels are consistent with levels currently achieved in
many real-world RTOs, see IRC (2009), p. 26,
We simulate a series of alternative DR cases to evaluate the implications of growing levels of
DR penetration. The consequences of relying more heavily on DR for resource adequacy
purposes will be particularly important over the coming years in PJM, which has attracted large
quantities of DR commitments through its forward capacity market, amounting to 9.9% of
normalized peak load by 2015/16.
At PJM’s high historical reserve margins, increasing quantities of DR would not be expected to
substantially impact PJM’s energy market pricing or reliability outcomes. This is because the
“generation-only” reserve margin was high enough to meet the reliability target even without any
DR commitments. This will change in the coming years, however, because the large increase in
DR penetration is also enabling the retirement of a large quantity of uneconomic generation
Displacing generation with DR resources has substantial implications, because the
“generation-only” reserve margin will soon be far below the reliability target. This means that
DR resources will have to be dispatched more frequently. It appears likely that this combination
of factors will: (a) cause dispatch-limited DR to have a somewhat lower reliability value, a
concern that PJM has already addressed by introducing multiple DR products; (b) require DR
suppliers to reevaluate their willingness to sell capacity at a particular price; (c) result in higher
energy market prices during scarcity events; and (d) motivate more DR resources to participate
as “economic” rather than “emergency” resources.
We evaluate the consequences of high levels of DR penetration in two alternative scenarios. We
begin with a no-DR case in which all DR is removed from the Study RTO, and with total
generation resources sufficient to maintain a 15% reserve margin. We then evaluate the
consequences of displacing generation with DR by removing gas CTs and replacing them with
See PJM (2013a).
For additional documentation of these displacement quantities, see PJM (2013a); Newell and Spees
(2013); and Spees, et al. (2013).
See additional discussion of these topics in Sections III.C and IV.C below as well as Newell and Spees
(2013) and Spees, et al. (2013). For an explanation and discussion of PJM’s multiple DR products, see
Pfeifenberger, et al. (2011a), Section VI.C.1.
Region Demand Response Capacity Total DR
Emergency Economic Penetration
(MW) (MW) (% of Peak Load)
Study RTO 2,778 694 6.9%
Neighbor 1 3,380 845 7.0%
Neighbor 2 2,132 533 6.7%
Neighbor 3 1,424 356 5.9%
either: (1) Emergency DR in one scenario; or (2) Economic DR in a second scenario. In both the
Emergency and Economic DR cases, we model DR penetration levels of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 20%
of peak load while maintaining a 15% reserve margin across all runs.
We assume that Emergency DR has the same characteristics as in the Base Case, with a
$2,000/MWh dispatch cost and a 100 hour dispatch limit (although we also test the impact of
varying the dispatch limit). We model Economic DR differently, however, with Economic DR
resources offering over a wide range of prices up to the price cap of $7,500/MWh, as shown in
Figure 6. This Economic DR supply curve is based on available evidence of how responsive
customers could be to high energy market prices, but required us to make additional assumptions
about how customers would behave at penetration levels that are far above historical
To create this economic DR supply curve, we assume that the aggregate customer
base has a constant elasticity of demand, and adjust this elasticity to achieve the 5% to 20% total
economic DR quantity up to the energy market maximum price of $7,500/MWh.
The shape of
this economic DR supply curve is generally consistent with the results of various real-time and
critical-peak-period pricing experiments, although those experiments are more often centered on
estimating peak load reductions or on-peak versus off-peak elasticities of substitution.
For example, in PJM, economic DR offers in the energy market are only approximately 1.4% of summer
peak load, see PJM (2013c), p. 5.
More specifically, we assume that customers are represented by the formula Q = a · P
, where: Q is
weather-normalized peak load; a is a constant; and P is the customer-realized electricity price including
energy (at $57/MWh on average at the 15% reserve margin as calculated in the Base Case), capacity (at
$9/MWh at the 15% reserve margin as calculated in the Base Case), and transmission and distribution
(T&D) charges (at $34/MWh), consistent with the national average. We calculate the parameters a and E,
assuming that peak load would be at the normalized (50/50) forecast (consistent with the annual average
energy price), reduced by the total DR penetration percentage at the maximum energy market price of
$7,500/MWh. Average T&D charges are based on 2011 annual average charges of delivery-only electric
providers averaged across all customer classes, see EIA (2013b).
These economic DR supply curves are consistent with constant demand elasticities
of -0.012, -0.024, -0.038, and -0.052 for the simulated 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% DR penetration cases.
These elasticities are generally consistent with estimates from various pilot studies of customer price-
responsiveness to real-time and critical peak pricing programs, although those studies often estimate
elasticities of substitution or simple peak reductions as a function of price or price ratio. See, for example,
Faruqui and Sergici (2010, 2011, 2013).
Figure 6
Energy Market Supply Curve for Economic DR Penetration Case
Calculated assuming constant demand elasticities of -0.012 to -0.052, see also Footnotes 64 and 65.
D. L
Load uncertainty is a key factor driving reliability events. We separately account for the two
primary drivers of load uncertainty: (1) weather, which varies from year to year over a wide
range of hourly profiles; and (2) economic load forecasting uncertainty, which characterizes the
uncertainty in load growth independently of weather.
1. Weather Uncertainty
To characterize load uncertainty caused by weather, we use 32 years of historical hourly
temperature and rainfall data and five years of historical hourly load data for each study region.
Weather and load profiles in the Study RTO are based on data for TVA, while Neighbors 1
through 3 are based on central MISO, western PJM, and SoCo respectively.
We use the most
recent five years of hourly weather and loads to develop a statistical relationship between load
and weather, accounting for a number of variables including month of year, time of day, and day
of week. We use this relationship to create 32 synthetic load profiles that are consistent with
each of the 32 historical weather years. Figure 7 shows that the resulting peak loads range from -
Hourly Historical Load Data for the Study RTO (based on TVA) and Neighbor 3 (based on SoCo) are
derived from FERC 714 Forms. Load data for Neighbor 1 (based on central MISO) and Neighbor 2
(based on western PJM) are derived from RTO data. All hourly weather data are from the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). See FERC (2013); PJM (2013b); MISO (2013a); and
NOAA (2013).
7.84% below to 8.85% above the weather-normalized peak load in the Study RTO. Each
weather year also has a different overall load duration curve, with some years having sustained
heat waves that cause a much larger number of high-demand hours.
By using weather profiles from the same historical years for each of the modeled regions, we are
able to capture the inter-regional correlation in loads and level of load diversity on high-demand
days. Since weather patterns can differ substantially across the four regions on summer days, the
timing of each region’s highest peak loads will be different as well. If one region is at its system
peak load but a neighboring region is not, the load diversity between the two systems will reduce
their combined resource needs. Overall, the load diversity across the four regions yields a
coincident peak load of 174,668 MW compared to the sum of regional non-coincident peaks of
180,000 MW, or a 3% reduction due to load diversity. Appendix B.5 contains additional detail
on weather uncertainty in load modeling.
Figure 7
Study RTO Summer Peak Load under Different Weather Profiles
Range in peak load shown is due to weather uncertainty alone, without economic load growth forecasting error.
2. Economic Load Growth Forecasting Uncertainty
Load uncertainty is driven not only by year-to-year volatility in weather patterns, but also by an
underlying load growth forecasting error over the forward study period. This is the level of
uncertainty in 2016 peak load as would be forecast in 2013, even if the modeler were certain that
2016 would be a “weather normal” year. An important driver of that uncertainty for resource
planning purposes is the uncertain outlook for economic growth. Unanticipated economic
growth or downturns can result in peak loads that are substantially higher or lower than the
forecast. Further, economic uncertainty increases with the forward planning period; this is
unlike weather-based uncertainty, which is constant across all forward periods.
Figure 8 shows how the assumed level of the economic load growth forecasting error increases
with the forward planning period. This assumed economic forecast error is based on the last 20
years of Congressional Budget Office (CBO) four-year forward forecasts of U.S. national real
gross domestic product (GDP) growth compared to actual GDP growth.
We translate this
economic growth uncertainty into load forecast uncertainty by assuming that electricity load will
grow at 40% of the GDP growth rate, reflecting the approximate relationship between electric
energy consumption and GDP growth over the period 1980 to 2010.
Note that Figure 8 shows only the peak load forecasting error related to underlying economic
uncertainties and excludes the portion of load uncertainty related to weather. The chart shows
that, although peak load forecast error is zero on average, the spread in possible outcomes
increases over time so that the 80% confidence interval for economic load growth forecasting
errors increases from a spread of only 2.2% at one year forward, to 5.4% three years forward,
and to 17% ten years forward. Note that increasing the forward planning period in a reliability
analysis such as ours will translate into a higher likelihood of reliability events at any given
reserve margin, and will therefore result in setting a higher reserve margin requirement.
Figure 8
Economic Load Forecast Error vs. Forward Planning Period
Load forecast error is normally distributed around zero with a 0.8% standard deviation at
one year forward, with standard deviation increasing 0.6% for each additional year.
In our Base Case simulation, we assume an economic load forecast error consistent with a four-
year forward planning exercise. This assumption is consistent with many system operators’
planning studies and is approximately consistent with the lead time for developing a new
See CBO (2012).
During this 30-year period, electric energy consumption rose by 2% per year on average while GDP grew
by approximately 5% per year, suggesting the relationship is approximately 0.4% load growth for every
1% of nominal GDP growth. See CRS (2012); Data360 (2013).
combustion turbine plant.
The choice of this forward period for our simulations implicitly
assumes that all resource planning decisions are locked in on a four-year forward basis with no
shorter-term flexibility from uprates, DR procurement, delayed retirements, or off-system power
purchase agreements (PPAs). However, if there is some flexibility to procure a portion of supply
on a shorter-term basis, then total system costs could be reduced by: (1) maintaining a lower
reserve margin while meeting the same reliability requirement; and (2) capturing the option
value of waiting to procure a portion of resources until after some of the economic forecast
uncertainty has resolved. We more fully explain and examine the economic and reliability
implications of the forward planning period in Section III.A.5 below.
We represent this four-year forward distribution using six discrete levels of economic load
forecast error with each assigned a specific probability level as summarized in Figure 9. We
apply this economic forecast error equally to the Study RTO and the four neighboring regions,
assuming economic load growth uncertainty is perfectly correlated across the study regions.
Figure 9
Probability of Various Levels of Economic Load Forecast Error
Economic forecast error consistent with a four-year forward period.
E. S
To calculate production costs and market prices during most hours, SERVM uses hourly supply
curves of available resources in each region. The higher the generation outages and load in a
particular hour, the higher the marginal dispatch cost and market price as explained in
Note that total lead times including development, siting, and permitting may be substantially longer, but
these phases of development represent a relatively small component of total plant costs.
While there will likely be at least some diversity of load forecasting error across the five regions, the use
of U.S.-wide GDP growth forecast already captures at least some such diversity because forecast error for
economic growth within a particular region generally exceeds that of the nation as a whole.
Section II.A above. However during scarcity conditions, when system demand plus operating
reserves requirements approach or exceed available supply, system operators must implement a
series of emergency procedures to maintain system stability. One critical aspect of our modeling
exercise is simulating: (a) what emergency procedures are implemented at each level of scarcity
including the most extreme cases when load must be shed as well as somewhat less severe
scarcity events; (b) what system costs are imposed under each type of emergency event; and (c)
what market prices would prevail during these events.
For the purposes of our simulations, we assume that prices will always be set at marginal system
cost, including during scarcity events when emergency procedures must be implemented. We
also assume that non-emergency dispatch and emergency procedures will be implemented in
order of ascending marginal system costs, as described in Table 4. This series of emergency
procedures is generally consistent with the emergency actions implemented by many system
operators, but is not intended to exactly reflect any particular system.
Generally, the marginal system costs and resulting market prices represented in Table 4 increase
with the severity of a shortage event up to the maximum energy price at the average customer
value of lost load.
In our Base Case, we assume that the value of lost load is $7,500/MWh,
representing the approximate value that the average customer places on service interruptions
during load shed events. Customers’ VOLL is a highly uncertain parameter that has been
estimated over a wide range. Most academic and industry studies estimate residential customers’
VOLL at below $5,000/MWh, while industrial and commercial customers’ VOLL can exceed
$15,000/MWh on average. To demonstrate the impact of this assumption, we analyze the
sensitivity of our modeling results to this parameter in Section III.D.
We assume that each system is also willing to implement some (but not all) of these procedures
to benefit neighbors when those systems are experiencing higher-cost emergency events. Calling
Emergency DR is the most costly emergency procedure that each system will implement to
maintain exports, but exports will be curtailed if any costlier emergency procedures would be
required. In other words, we assume that system operators will not be willing to dispatch
emergency hydro, endure operating reserves shortages, implement voltage control, or shed
internal load for the benefit of neighboring systems.
For example see AESO (2012) or PJM (2013d).
A rich literature exists demonstrating that VOLL is the efficient energy market price to impose in extreme
shortage events during which load must be shed. For additional discussion, see Section IV.A.2 below.
Table 4
Marginal Costs and Prices by Resource Type and Emergency Procedure
Marginal Resource or
Emergency Procedure
$0 to $460/MWh
During most hours, marginal system cost is the marginal dispatch cost
of generation, ranging from $0/MWh (for wind and solar) to
approximately $460 (for inefficient oil peakers), see Section II.C.2.
Economic DR
$100 to $1,000/MWh
Economic DR has a marginal cost of $100-$1,000/MWh in the Base
Case, or up to the price cap in a high DR case, see Section II.C.4.
Emergency Generation
We assume that all resources have an “economic maximum” capacity
rating used under normal conditions, and an “emergency maximum”
rating that is 1% higher.
Achieving this higher emergency output
level imposes substantial maintenance costs, assumed at $500/MWh.
Emergency DR
Emergency DR is available for dispatch through the supply stack
similarly to generation resources at a $2,000/MWh price, although
these resources are limited to a total of 100 call hours per year as
explained in Section II.C.4.
Emergency Hydro
Emergency hydro is peaking resource that is costly and use-limited,
with the costs being driven by the opportunity cost of not saving these
resources for another time as well as environmental and societal costs
imposed if reservoir levels are depleted.
Operating Reserves Shortages
$3,000 to $7,000/MWh
Depleting operating reserves imposes marginal system costs by
exposing the market to greater contingency risks. We model marginal
system cost consistent with the administrative scarcity pricing curve
shown in Figure 10 below.
Voltage Reduction
We assume that load can be reduced by 1% if implementing a system-
wide voltage reduction at a marginal cost of $7,000/MWh.
Firm Load Shedding
The maximum price and marginal system cost is at the assumed VOLL
of $7,500/MWh, based on a mid-range estimate of customer-specific
VOLL, assuming that load-shed events are more focused on locations
with non-critical loads and more residential (rather than commercial-
industrial) areas of the system .
Distinguishing between generators’ economic and emergency maximum ratings is common, with the
emergency maximum output being dispatched only during scarcity conditions. For example see AESO
(2012), p. 6; PJM (2013d), p. 23.
The costs imposed by this type of voltage curtailment have not been widely studied, although the costs of
different types of voltage sag or power quality events have been evaluated in some studies. We assume a
cost slightly below the VOLL, consistent with the economics implied by the fact that voltage reductions, if
implemented at all, are typically invoked only after all other procedures as a last resort to avoiding firm
load shed, for example see PJM (2013d), p. 14; Sullivan, et al. (2009); CEER (2010).
As explained in Table 4, most resources are functionally modeled as part of the supply stack,
including resources such as economic DR, emergency generation, emergency DR, and
emergency hydro. These resources are always available for dispatch, but they are available only
at high strike prices and so are dispatched only under scarcity conditions. However, for the most
extreme scarcity events when other emergency procedures must be implemented, prices are set
according to the administrative scarcity pricing function described in Figure 10. The figure
shows that the administrative price would be set as a function of the hourly supply cushion, equal
to the total quantity of non-emergency and emergency resources available in the supply stack
minus the hourly load.
Any time the hourly supply cushion (hourly supply stack minus load) drops below a 5%
operating reserves target, the system operator will have to implement an emergency measure to
maintain supply-demand balance. First, the system will endure an operating reserves shortage
relative to the 5% target maintained under normal system conditions. Simulated prices increase
as the size of the operating reserves shortage increases, according to the specified administrative
scarcity function. However, under no circumstances can operating reserves be allowed to drop
below the 2% minimum level that must be maintained for system security even during load shed
events. This downward-sloping portion of the administrative scarcity pricing function operates
similarly to the “operating reserves demand curves” and equivalent mechanisms implemented by
several RTOs over recent years.
We assume that this administrative scarcity pricing curve
reflects the marginal system cost imposed by operating reserve shortages. These marginal
system costs can be quite high because depleting operating reserves increases the risk of load
shed events and even cascading outages that could be triggered by generation or transmission
contingencies or sudden changes in load or wind generation.
Once operating reserves are at the minimum level of 2%, the system operator will implement: (a)
a system-wide voltage reduction that is assumed to achieve a 1% reduction in load at a marginal
system cost of $7,000/MWh; and finally, as a last resort, (b) curtailments of firm load at a
marginal system cost of $7,500/MWh.
Examples of RTOs who implemented administrative scarcity pricing include MISO, PJM, and CAISO.
For a more comprehensive discussion of how a system operator could estimate these marginal system
costs for setting an operating reserves demand curve, see Newell, et al. (2012). Section V.A.3.
Note that load must be shed when the supply cushion drops below 1% above hourly load. This is because:
(a) actual load (after voltage reduction) will be hourly load minus 1%; and (b) the 2% operating reserves
requirement must still be maintained.
Figure 10
Administrative Scarcity Pricing Function
Horizontal axis of the administrative pricing curve is calculated as a percent of peak load
and does not vary with system conditions.
F. M
To examine economic and reliability outcomes over a range of reserve margins, we must
increase or decrease installed capacity of a certain resource type. In our Base Case, we assume
that the marginal technology is a natural-gas-fired combustion turbine (CT). We also examine
an alternative case in which the marginal technology is a gas combined-cycle (CC) plant.
incremental capital and fixed costs required to build and maintain an additional resource is
measured as the levelized cost of new entry (CONE), and includes both: (a) annual fixed
operations and maintenance (FOM) costs; and (b) the annual levelized capital costs of
constructing a new plant. Table 5 summarizes our assumed CONE and heatrates for CT and CC
plants, which are approximately consistent with current PJM parameters.
We examine the
sensitivity of our results to our assumed CONE value in Section IV.B.3.
See Section III.B.3.
Actual plant costs could be anywhere over a substantial range. These reported costs are within the range
of CONE values we estimated for different locations within PJM on a level-nominal basis for CT and CC
plants with a 2015 online date. For a more precise report of construction costs and plant performance for a
specific technology, see Spees, et al. (2011), pp. 2–3, 18.
Table 5
Assumed Cost and Performance of New Gas CT and CC Plants
Combustion Turbine $120 10,500
Combined Cycle $150 7,000
Approximately consistent with current PJM parameters, see
Spees, et al. (2011), pp. 2-3, 18.
To explore the reliability and economic implications of varying reserve margins, system
configuration, and other study assumptions, we simulate the interconnected illustrative power
system for a Base Case and test the sensitivity of our results to various assumptions. We also
implement a number of Change Case simulations designed to evaluate the impact of system
characteristics as summarized in Table 6 below. As shown, the alternative simulations test the
impacts of: (1) lowering the energy market price cap; (2) assuming a smaller system size (with or
without decreasing intertie capability); (3) increasing or decreasing the availability of neighbor
assistance; (4) assuming that a CC rather than a CT is the marginal technology; (5) increasing
wind penetration; and (6) increasing DR penetration.
Table 6
Summary of Simulation Cases
Simulation Case Simulation Description
Base Case
- System assumptions as defined in Section II.
- Vary Study RTO margin from 7% to 17% by adding gas CTs
Lower Price Caps
$1,000 Price Cap Case - Impose $1,000/MWh energy price cap in Study RTO and Neighbors
$3,000 Price Cap Case - Impose $3,000/MWh energy price cap in Study RTO and Neighbors
Smaller System Size
40% Size Case - Study RTO size 40% of Base Case (20,000 MW peak load)
40% Size and Transmission - Reduce Study RTO size to 40% of Base Case (20,000 MW peak load)
- Reduce interties to 40% of Base Case (4,000 MW)
Neighbor Assistance
Long Neighbors Case - Increase Neighbors’ reserve margins from 15% to 20%
50% Transmission Case - Reduce Study RTO interties to 50% of Base Case (5,500 MW)
Island Case - Eliminate Study RTO interconnections with neighbors
Marginal CC Case
- Add gas CCs to increase the Study RTO reserve margin from 7% to 17%
Wind Penetration Case
- Increase wind penetration up from 5% of peak load (at a 12% Study RTO
reserve margin) up to 30% of peak load
DR Penetration
mergency DR Penetration
- Fix Study RTO reserve margin at 15%
- Vary DR penetration from 0% to 20% of peak load by displacing CTs
with Emergency DR (100 hours, $2,000/MWh strike price)
conomic DR Penetration
- Fix Study RTO reserve margin at 15%
- Vary DR penetration from 0% to 20% of peak load by displacing CTs
with Economic DR (unlimited call hours, strike prices from $0 to cap)
In this section, we report the results of a series of economic and reliability simulations for a
hypothetical RTO with realistic attributes. We do not attempt to exactly replicate any particular
real-world power system, but instead evaluate base and sensitivity case simulations that are
generally illustrative of the economics of resource adequacy.
We first estimate the planning reserve margin needed to achieve different physical reliability
standards such as 0.1 LOLE, 2.4 LOLH, and 0.001% Normalized EUE. We then compare those
results to alternative standards based on economic criteria such as cost minimization and risk
exposure. Finally, we evaluate the reliability and economic impacts of making different
assumptions about system conditions, resource attributes, and transmission interconnection
We present here the primary reliability and economic results from our Base Case analysis by: (a)
comparing the reserve margins needed to achieve different reliability-based resource adequacy
standards; (b) estimating the planning reserve margins that would minimize total system costs on
a risk-neutral basis, defined from either a cost-of-service or a societal perspective; (c) discussing
the risk mitigation benefits achieved by increasing the target planning reserve margin; and (d)
evaluating the sensitivity of these economic results to study assumptions.
1. Reserve Margins Needed to Achieve Physical Reliability Standards
As explained in Section I.B.2 above, resource adequacy-related system reliability increases with
reserve margin.
As a result, the frequency of outage events decreases at higher planning
reserve margins. Figure 11 shows this on an installed capacity (ICAP) basis for our Study
The chart documents that, for our study RTO, the 1-in-10 standard translates to a 15.2%
planning reserve margin target when defined as 0.1 LOLE, using a probability-weighted average
of outage events across all scenario runs.
The figure also shows that even under identical
Recall that resource adequacy (i.e., the extent to which physical supply exceeds anticipated load) accounts
for only a small portion of end-use customer load-shed events, the majority of which are caused by smaller
failures on the distribution system and to a lesser extent on the transmission system.
In this figure and the entirety of this study, we calculate the reserve margin on an ICAP basis, assuming a
capacity value 100% of nameplate capacity for all resources, including both economic and reliability DR,
with the exception of renewable generation, which we assign capacity value of 15% of nameplate for wind
and 25% for solar. We do not assign any capacity value to voltage reductions when calculating the reserve
margin (to be consistent with most others’ definitions), although we do not ignore the availability of
voltage reductions for avoiding load shedding.
Note that not all of the 9,600 runs that we simulate under each reserve margin are equally likely. We
assume that any one of the 32 weather years and 50 draws on unit performance are equally likely, but the 6
different economic forecast error points are not equally likely with the more extreme over- or under-
forecasts being less likely as explained in Section II.D.2 above. We account for these different likelihoods
Continued on next page
modeling and system assumptions, the target planning reserve margin ranges from 15.2% to
19.2%, depending on how “reliability events” are defined. In the remainder of this report, we
treat events as contributing to LOLE only if firm load is shed, although some system operators
define reliability “events” more broadly as discussed in Section I.C above. For example, the
reserve margin requirement for 0.1 LOLE would be 16.2% if voltage reductions were considered
reliability events or 19.2% if any depletion of operating reserves constituted an event.
Figure 11
Planning Reserve Margins for 0.1 LOLE with Different “Event” Definitions
Study RTO in Base Case simulation results.
The target reserve margin also depends on which type of physical reliability standard we impose,
even if one consistently defines reliability events as load-shed events. Figure 12 shows (from
left to right) a planning reserve margin requirement of: (a) 15.2% when the 1-in-10 standard is
defined as 0.1 LOLE (as it is in most U.S. regions); (b) 8.2% if the 1-in-10 standard is defined as
2.4 LOLH; or (c) 9.6% under the 0.001% Normalized EUE standard that is used in some
international markets.
This analysis shows that a 0.1 LOLE standard is a much more stringent reliability standard than
2.4 LOLH for the Study RTO, despite the fact that these two standards are both commonly
referred to as “1 day in 10 years.” The magnitude of the difference between the two standards
Continued from previous page
when reporting average and percentile outcomes, although for simplicity we usually refer only to
“average” results rather than “probability-weighted average” results.
See additional discussion of these alternative reliability standards in Sections I.B.1and I.C above.
will not be the same in every system because it is driven by the average duration of the firm load
shed event. For the Study RTO, the average duration of a single firm load shed event is typically
only a small number of hours, which means accumulating 24 hours over ten years requires a
number of individual outage events.
Figure 12
Planning Reserve Margins Required to Meet Different Physical Reliability Standards
Study RTO Base Case simulation results.
The smooth and well-behaved appearance of these physical reliability metrics masks the
substantial sensitivity to the underlying simulation assumptions and particularly to assumptions
affecting extreme events. Although most reliability simulations consider thousands of scenarios,
the value of the reliability metrics is usually driven by only a small number of extreme outage,
weather, and load forecasting error scenarios, as illustrated in Figure 13. The chart shows the
EUE and LOLH observed at a 10% reserve margin by month of year (on the left), and
cumulatively for all 9,600 simulated years (on the right). As in all summer-peaking systems, our
hypothetical RTO realizes nearly all outage events during the summer peak months. The
importance of extreme events is highlighted even more by the right-hand chart, which shows that
45% of all simulated years have no outages, while the single worst simulation shows 68 load
shed hours in the year. While only 10% of years exceed the 2.4 LOLH threshold, the
probability-weighted average over all cases is 1.4 LOLH.
Figure 13
Distribution of Loss of Load Hours at 12% Planning Reserve Margin
Across Months (Left) and Across Simulation Years (Right)
Distribution of realized EUE and LOLH in the Study RTO Base Case at 10% planning reserve margin.
2. Minimizing Cost from a Risk-Neutral, Cost-of-Service Perspective
As discussed in Section I.B.3 above, utilities and regulators in some regions use economic rather
than reliability criteria to determine target reserve margins. Broadly speaking, these economic
analyses aim to minimize total system costs by determining the “economically optimal” reserve
margin. Such an economic analysis weighs the tradeoff between: (a) increasing capital and fixed
costs associated with adding capacity to the system; and (b) decreasing reliability-related costs
incurred during scarcity events, such as interrupting load, dispatching high-cost resources,
procuring high-cost imports, and so on.
Accurately modeling or even defining some of these reliability-related costs is a challenging
exercise. The exercise is further complicated by the fact that the cost-minimizing reserve margin
is different depending upon the perspective from which costs are to be minimized. Some of the
important questions to answer are:
Is the objective to minimize societal costs, including all fixed and variable costs,
regardless of whether those costs will be passed along to customers? Or, alternately, to
minimize customer costs after evaluating how various costs will ultimately impact
customer in their bills and realized outage rates?
Should one consider only costs within the study region or also the costs imposed on
external regions by relying on imports during scarcity events?
If minimizing customer costs is the objective, is it from the perspective of a cost-of-
service-regulated utility or the cost of serving customers in a competitive retail market?
Further, how do the costs of imports and revenues from exports affect customer costs
within the Study RTO?
Are costs to be minimized on a risk-neutral basis, which assumes that customers and
regulators only care about the lowest average costs but not the proportion of costs
introduced by extreme events? Or is it appropriate to assume some risk aversion and
therefore ascribe an insurance value to avoiding high-cost events?
Depending on the perspective applied to a particular economic reliability study, choices implicit
in each of these questions would yield a different planning reserve margin. For the purpose of
our study, we first evaluate the economics of resource adequacy from a risk-neutral cost-of-
service perspective. In this context, the objective is to minimize the expected cost of service
within the Study RTO while ignoring any economic or reliability costs imposed on neighboring
regions. We then examine the same reliability and economic questions from a societal cost
perspective in the following Section III.A.3. Finally, Section III.A.4 explores how risk
mitigation objectives could affect the planning reserve margin target, because higher reserve
margins will substantially reduce the magnitude and likelihood of extreme events.
To estimate the risk-neutral, “economically optimal” reserve margin, we simulate realized
reliability costs over a range of reserve margins as summarized in Figure 14. We vary the Study
RTO planning reserve margins by adding or subtracting CTs as the marginal resource.
Study RTO’s total reliability-related costs for the Base Case, defined from this cost-of-service
perspective, include:
Marginal Unit Carrying Costs – Fixed costs and annualized capital costs incurred by adding
incremental capacity, assuming that the marginal resource is a CT with a CONE of
We do not report fixed costs associated with the existing generation
fleet because these costs do not vary with reserve margin.
Marginal Unit Production Costs Production costs associated with dispatching the added
new CTs. These are the incremental production costs incurred to displace higher-cost
existing resources, higher-cost imports, and higher-cost emergency procedures.
In a competitive retail market environment, adopting the objective of minimizing customer costs may be
inappropriate in some circumstances, particularly where doing so would tacitly condone suppression of
market prices. Note, however, that minimizing customer costs and minimizing societal costs are
equivalent under the idealized case in which all internal and external markets are perfectly competitive,
efficiently designed, and in a long-term equilibrium.
We make alternative marginal resource assumptions in Section III.B.3 below, where we examine the
impacts of adding or subtracting CCs instead of CTs.
As explained in Section II.F above, this capital cost is within the range of level-nominal CONE values
estimated for different regions in PJM for a CT with an online date in 2015, see Spees, et al. (2011), pp.
2-3 and 18. Section IV.B.3 below shows the sensitivity of the economic reserve margin to a range of
CONE assumptions.
Net Import Costs Total costs of purchasing imports net of any revenues from exporting
This treatment of imports and exports is consistent with how cost-of-service
regulated utilities will typically evaluate net import costs.
It is also consistent with the
Adjusted Production Costs (APC) metric commonly used within RTO systems for
production cost analyses and transmission benefit-cost studies.
Note that this approach
to tabulating import costs results in incorporating price suppression as a benefit, because
displacing imports through new CTs during scarcity conditions will not only reduce the
quantity of imports but will also reduce the price paid for all other imports. The price-
suppression component of reduced import costs would not be considered a benefit if
evaluated from a broader “societal” perspective as discussed further below.
Peaker Production Costs – Production costs associated with dispatching peaking resources
that have higher operating costs than the marginal CT plants added to the system. Note
that we would arrive at the same study results if we considered total system production
costs, but the much larger total costs would make visual representation of the results
more difficult.
Emergency GenerationEmergency generation is the incremental cost associated with
dispatching generating resources at very high output levels that exceed their typical
economic operating range. Pushing units to generate at such high levels can impose
additional wear and tear on units, and consequently impose incremental maintenance
costs. We assume that all generating units can produce incremental output at their
“emergency maximum” rating, which is assumed to exceed their “economic maximum”
rating by 1% at a marginal cost of $500/MWh, as explained in Section II.E above.
The realized price of purchasing imports and selling exports also depends on who owns the transmission
rights needed to import and export power. Whoever owns the rights to send power across a particular
transmission path will likely be able to capture the value of that transmission, buy power in the lower-price
market, schedule the power to flow across that path, and sell into the higher-price market. For example, if
exporters generally own the transmission rights, then they obtains the market price at the buyer’s location
(i.e., the higher-cost market). Alternately, if importers generally own the transmission rights, then the
importer can buy the power at the seller’s location (i.e., the lower-cost market). For the purpose of our
simulations, we assume that importers and exporters each own 50% of transmission rights needed for
import and export transactions. This means that imports and exports are transacted by the Study RTO
utility at market price that reflects the average of the market prices at the source and delivery point.
However, as we note further below, changing this assumption can have a substantial impact on total
customer reliability costs and, thus, a significant effect on economic planning reserve margins.
This approach implies a number of assumptions, including that the net export revenues will be credited
against the Study RTO cost of service and, thus, flow back to customers. This would not necessarily be
the case if, for example, some export revenues were earned by independent power producers (IPPs) rather
than a regulated utility.
For a summary of the APC metric and its limitations see SPP (2012a), Section 5.
In other words, adding CTs has a negligible impact on the dispatch profile of baseload units and so
baseload-related production costs will remain unchanged across different reserve margin levels. However,
baseload production costs are orders of magnitude greater than the reliability-related costs we report,
making it difficult to report these results graphically. We do summarize total costs, including baseload-
related costs, when comparing total customer costs in Section IV.D.2 below.
Emergency Hydro Reliability costs associated with emergency hydro dispatch. The
marginal system cost of dispatching these resources is difficult to quantify because it
depends on the opportunity cost of not saving the resources for later emergencies as well
as any societal costs associated with reduced reservoir levels. We assume emergency
hydro has a marginal system cost and dispatch price of $3,000/MWh.
Economic and Emergency DRLoad curtailment costs associated with two types of
demand response resources: (1) Economic DR, which offers into the energy market in all
hours at costs ranging from $100 to $1,000/MWh and which may be dispatched an
unlimited number of times; and (2) Emergency DR, which does not offer into the energy
market but can be dispatched a limited number of times during emergencies at a cost
above $2,000/MWh. We assume that these dispatch costs reflect the payments made to
these DR resources and assume that it also reflects the net cost that service interruptions
impose on DR suppliers, as explained in Section II.C.4 above.
Operating Reserves Shortages – Reliability costs imposed by temporarily operating the
system with depleted operating reserves during scarcity events. We do not attempt to
calculate these costs explicitly because doing so is a complex exercise in evaluating the
incremental contingency risks endured at each reserve level. Instead, we calculate these
costs implicitly using the administrative “operating reserves demand curve” covering a
$3,000-$7,000/MWh range of prices as discussed in Section II.E above. This
administrative pricing curve is similar to the administrative scarcity pricing mechanisms
recently implemented by several U.S. RTOs.
If such an operating reserves demand
curve is designed efficiently, it will reflect the marginal system costs incurred when
depleting operating reserves.
Voltage Reductions – System costs imposed by implementing a system-wide voltage
reduction as the last resort before shedding load. These costs could include both
equipment damage caused by the voltage reduction and lost economic value to end users
(e.g., due to motors running at a lower speed). We assume voltage reductions incur a
system cost of $7,000/MWh, or just below the assumed VOLL as explained in Section
II.E above.
Load Shedding – Service interruption costs imposed at a VOLL of $7,500/MWh for the
average customer typically curtailed as explained in Section II.E above.
Figure 14 summarizes the annual averages of total Study RTO-wide reliability costs over a range
of planning reserve margins. For each reserve margin level, we show the weighted-average
reliability costs across all 9,600 annual simulations. At the lowest reserve margin shown in the
chart, average annual reliability costs are high and are primarily driven by the high cost of
imports during scarcity conditions. Other factors such as the value of lost load, DR interruption
costs, and peaker dispatch costs impose relatively modest reliability costs even at low reserve
margins. As planning reserve margins are increased, total reliability costs drop more quickly
than the increases in capital and production cost associated with adding CTs. As a result, total
See additional discussion in Section II.E above.
For additional discussion of how administrative demand curves for operating reserves are used to set
prices and reflect marginal system costs during scarcity events, see Newell, et al. (2012), Section V.A.2.
costs drop as the reserve margin increases until the (risk-neutral) “optimal” quantity of capacity
has been added at a planning reserve margin of 10.3%. After crossing this minimum cost point,
the capital costs of adding more capacity exceed the benefits from reduced reliability costs, and
so total costs increase.
Note that at the 10.3% reserve margin, the Study RTO has a planning reserve margin that is
substantially below the 15% reserve margin we assumed in all of the neighboring regions. This
means that the neighbors are providing substantial assistance to the Study RTO, allowing it to
reduce both costs and reliability events. This also means that the Study RTO is relying on its
neighbors in a way that increases those regions’ reliability-related costs. In other words, the
Study RTO is able to minimize its costs at the 10.3% reserve margin only as long as the
neighbors are indirectly “subsidizing” resource adequacy for the Study RTO. If the neighbors
were to reduce their own reserve margins below 15%, then the Study RTO’s cost-minimizing
reserve margin would increase.
Another prominent feature of the chart is that net import costs represent a large portion of total
reliability-related costs and these costs drop more quickly than other costs. This is because
adding capacity within the Study RTO not only allows one to displace higher-cost imports with
lower-cost internal supply, but also reduces the market price at which all imports must be
purchased. In other words, we incorporate price suppression as a “benefit” from this cost-of-
service perspective, even though it is not a benefit from a broader societal perspective as
discussed further in the following section. Further, this benefit is tied to the assumption that
external regions would maintain a 15% planning reserve margin. The benefit consequently
would not be sustained if the external regions’ generation investment decreased.
Additionally, the size of net import costs is greatly influenced by our assumption about who
owns the transmission rights. We assume that customers in the Study RTO own the rights to half
of all import and export capability on each of its interties, meaning that they will earn the price
differential between the importing and exporting markets in all hours. However, as a general
rule any importer, exporter, power marketer, or transmission owner may own some portion of
these transmission rights. If we make alternative assumptions about transmission ownership, the
optimal cost-of-service reserve margin changes from 10.3% in the base case, down to 8.3% with
an importer-owns assumption and up to 12.3% with an exporter-owns assumption.
See additional discussion of these impacts in Sections III.A.3 and III.B.2.
Note that increasing the Study RTO reserve margin will reduce prices and reliability events in neighboring
regions, both of which may result in the external region reducing its own reserve margin.
Note that as a net importer, the Study RTO achieves greater “price suppression” benefits from building
capacity under the exporter-owns assumption than under the importer-owns assumption (because in the
importer-owns case the price suppression “benefit” is offset by a similarly-sized offsetting price
suppression “cost” imposed by the reduced value of its transmission rights). This is why the importer-
owns assumption results in a lower optimal reserve margin while the exporter-owns assumption results in
a higher optimal reserve margin.
The total cost curve shown in Figure 14 has a shape similar to what we have observed in many
different systems in our own studies as well as in other value of service studies.
The curve is
relatively flat near the minimum average cost point, indicating that expected total costs do not
vary substantially between reserve margins of 8% to 14%. However, as we discuss further
below, the lower end of that minimum cost range is associated with much more uncertainty in
realized annual reliability costs and a much larger number of severe, high-cost reliability events.
While the weighted average of annual costs for the Study RTO is very similar over the 8% to
14% planning reserve margin range, the higher reserve margin would avoid a majority of the
high-impact, high-cost events that would be experienced at the 8% planning reserve margin. In
other words, at the 14% reserve margin, a greater proportion of total annual costs are associated
with added CTs (which have little uncertainty), and a smaller proportion of the average annual
costs are from low-probability but high-cost reliability events.
Figure 14
Study RTO Reliability Costs as a Function of Study RTO Reserve Margin
(Risk-Neutral, Cost-of-Service Perspective)
Study RTO reliability-related costs for Base Case simulations.
Expected annual costs are minimized from a cost-of-service perspective at a planning reserve margin of 10.3%.
For example, see Keane, et al. (1992) pp. 824, 826; Poland (1988), p.21; Munasinghe (1988), pp. 5-7 and
12-13; and Carden, Pfeifenberger, and Wintermantel (2011).
3. Minimizing Cost from a Risk-Neutral, Societal Perspective
In this section, we estimate the risk-neutral, cost-minimizing reserve margin from an overall
societal rather than a cost-of-service perspective. Under the cost-of-service perspective, we took
a narrow geographic view and evaluated end-user costs for only the Study RTO without
considering any reliability-related costs imposed on neighboring regions. In this section, we
evaluate total reliability-related costs incurred across all four regions, regardless of whether those
costs are incurred within the Study RTO or one of the neighboring regions. While any one
individual utility may rationally apply the objective of minimizing customer costs from a single-
system perspective, the broader societal perspective is more applicable in many contexts. For
example, this broader geographic view of societal costs is more relevant for a large RTO or
jurisdictional authority whose responsibility may span many utility service areas or several
We simulate reliability costs over the same range of reserve margins examined in the previous
section, but estimate total system costs across all four study regions. The following cost
components are identical from both the societal and cost-of-service perspectives as discussed
Marginal Unit Carrying Costs
Marginal Unit Production Costs
Peaker Production Costs
Emergency Generation Costs
Emergency Hydro Dispatch Costs
Economic and Emergency DR Interruption Costs
Operating Reserves Shortage Costs
Voltage Reduction Costs
Load Shed Costs
However, the remaining components differ from a societal perspective. While the cost-of-
service perspective assesses the costs of all imports (exports) at the purchase (or sales) price, this
accounting does not apply to a multi-regional societal cost perspective. We thus removed the
Net Import Cost category and added two cost categories to account for reliability costs incurred
in neighboring regions. Note, however, that in this study marginal generation capital and
production costs are only incurred in the Study RTO; no generation is being added in the
neighboring regions. The reliability costs incurred in neighboring regions are calculated in the
same way that they are calculated for the Study RTO, but are reported separately as:
Neighbors’ Emergency Event Costs Neighbors’ emergency event costs include most of the
cost categories evaluated, including: emergency generation, emergency hydro, economic
DR, emergency DR, operating reserves shortages, voltage reductions, and load shedding.
We assume that the neighboring regions have the same reliability procedures and
emergency costs as the Study RTO. Note that adding additional capacity within the
Study RTO will reduce the frequency of each of these types of emergency events not
only internally, but also externally.
Neighbors’ CT and Peaker Production Costs Neighbors’ CT and peaker production costs
mirror the Peaker Production Cost category of the Study RTO.
Adding capacity in the
Study RTO will reduce these costs in neighboring regions by allowing the Neighbor to
import more during some occasions when high-cost peakers would otherwise need to be
Figure 15 summarizes these total system reliability costs from a societal perspective over a range
of reserve margins based on all 9,600 annual simulations for each reserve margin level, with
reserve margins reported for both the Study RTO as well as the combined four-system region.
As in the previous section, these costs represent the weighted average across all simulated
scenarios. The total represents the combined total of the four-system societal costs on a risk-
neutral basis. All of the colored slices are identical in size and meaning as those reported in the
previous cost-of-service section, except for the two blue slices representing cost changes in the
neighboring regions. In other words, we have eliminated net import costs (light blue slice) from
Figure 14 above, but added the neighboring regions’ reliability costs (light and medium blue
slices) to Figure 15 below. In addition, we report cost results along the x-axis not only as a
function of the planning reserve margin in the Study RTO, but also as a function of the reserve
margin for the combined four-system region.
As shown in Figure 15, from a total societal cost perspective, the optimal target reserve margin
in the Study RTO (assuming the neighboring regions maintain a 15% reserve margin) is reduced
from 10.3% under the cost-of-service perspective to 7.9% under a societal perspective. The
primary reason for this difference is that, while customers within the Study RTO can benefit
from import price reductions by increasing their own internal reserve margin, such price
reductions are not a benefit from a societal-cost perspective. From a study RTO cost-of-service
perspective, increasing the Study-RTO reserve margin to 10.3% is cost-effective because it
reduces the net cost of imported power, both by reducing the amount of energy imported and by
reducing the price paid for imported power. However, additional capacity above the 7.9%
reserve margin is not beneficial from a societal-cost perspective because the Study-RTO benefit
is outweighed by the combined impact on neighboring RTOs and the additional capital
With the exception that this category for the external regions also includes costs from units that happen to
have the exact same price as the marginal CT. Sometimes the marginal unit will displace imports from
higher-cost resources, but sometimes it will also displace imports from equally-priced CTs, which is why
we include these costs as well for the neighboring regions.
Note that we add capacity only inside the Study RTO and not in any of the Outside Regions. The total
reserve margin for the four systems combined changes only because capacity is being added in the Study
RTO. The installed capacity in the neighboring regions is held constant at the original 15% reserve
In other words, “optimizing” the system from a Study RTO cost-of-service perspective aims to provide
maximum benefit to customers (excluding suppliers impacts) in the Study RTO (excluding impacts on
neighboring regions), which would generally introduce some deadweight loss relative to the “optimum”
solution that one would achieve if planning across multiple systems from a societal perspective without
regard to which supplier, customer, or region benefits most.
Figure 15 and Table 7 also show that the 7.9% Study RTO reserve margin, combined with 15%
Neighbor reserve margins, is equivalent to an overall four-system reserve margin of: (a) 13.0% if
measured against the non-coincident peak load, and (b) 16.5% if measured against the coincident
peak load as reported in the figure. This 16.5% reserve margin is higher than the individual
systems’ reserve margins because the neighbors’ 15% reserve margin and the Study RTO’s 7.9%
target reserve margin are all reported relative to their individual systems’ non-coincident peak
loads, the sum of which is higher than the combined four-system coincident peak load.
Because the Study RTO’s optimal internal reserve margin is much lower than the neighbors’
assumed 15% reserve margins, this means that the Study RTO is relying more heavily on the
neighboring regions during scarcity conditions, and that the neighboring regions are “supporting”
resource adequacy in the Study RTO through the combination of their 15% reserve margin and
intertie capabilities.
Figure 15
Reliability Costs in all Regions as a Function of Study RTO Reserve Margin
(Risk-Neutral, Societal Perspective)
Reliability-related costs for all four regions in the Base Case scenario.
Societal costs are minimized at reserve margins of 7.9% in the Study RTO (measured against Study RTO non-
coincident peak load) or 16.5% across all four regions (measured against four-system coincident peak).
Table 7
Coincident and Non-Coincident Reserve Margin Accounting
At the Societally Optimal Reserve Margin
A planning effort designed to optimize the location and size of resource additions across all four
interconnected regions would likely result in decreasing the neighbors’ reserve margins while
increasing the Study RTO reserve margin. However, the target reserve margins for the four
regions that result in the lowest cost for the entire system will depend on a wide variety of
factors. For example, some of the factors determining the cost effectiveness of increasing the
reserve margin in a particular region would include: (a) whether a region is an import-
constrained area like the Los Angeles Basin, New York City, or Eastern PJM; (b) whether the
sub-region is highly dependent on limited-dispatch DR during peak periods, which would make
adding CTs more valuable; (c) whether two sub-regions are well-interconnected with large load
diversity, allowing both sub-regions to gain substantial resource adequacy benefits from the
same capacity resource; and (d) whether adding new CTs in one region would allow for the
retirement of aging resources with high fixed costs.
4. Risk Mitigation Benefit of Increasing Reserve Margins
The economic results shown in the previous sections assume risk neutrality with respect to the
uncertainty and volatility of reliability-related costs. This allows us to compare total costs at
different reserve margins in Figure 14 and Figure 15 simply as the probability-weighted average
of annual reliability costs for all 9,600 simulated scenarios. However, there is substantial
volatility around the average level of possible reliability cost outcomes. Most simulated years
will have only very modest reliability costs, while a small number of years have very high
reliability costs. These high-cost outcomes account for the majority of the weighted average
annual costs shown as the individual bars in Figure 14 and Figure 15.
Figure 16 summarizes this risk exposure by comparing the weighted average costs for different
reserve margins (shown as the individual bars in Figure 14, from a cost-of-service perspective) to
annual costs under the most costly possible outcomes, represented by the 85
, 90
, and 95
percentile of annual reliability costs across all 9,600 simulated scenarios. The figure shows that
the majority of all reliability-related costs are concentrated in the most expensive 15% of all
simulation runs for each planning reserve margin. In other words, for 15% of possible annual
outcomes, the annual reliability costs are at or above the 85
percentile line shown in the chart.
This means that, while total average costs change by a relatively modest amount over a range of
planning reserve margins, differences in planning reserve margins have a much larger impact on
Generation Peak Load Reserve Margin
Non-Coincident Coincident Non-Coincident Coincident
(MW) (MW) (MW) (%) (%)
Study RTO 53,950 50,000 48,605 7.9% n/a
Neighbor 1 69,000 60,000 58,686 15% n/a
Neighbor 2 46,000 40,000 38,604 15% n/a
Neighbor 3 34,500 30,000 28,773 15% n/a
Total 203,450 180,000 174,668 13.0% 16.5%
the uncertainty in reliability costs and the likelihood of high-cost outcomes than can be
encountered in any particular year.
Considering the much higher cost uncertainty exposure at lower reserve margins, many planners
and policy makers may wish to set planning reserve margins above the risk-neutral economic
optimum. In our sample system, even a several percentage point increase in the target reserve
margin would only slightly increase the average annual costs, but substantially reduce the
likelihood of experiencing very high-cost events. However, without evaluating the magnitude of
the increase in average costs and decrease in extreme event costs, policy makers would not be in
a position to determine whether a higher reserve margin is justified by its risk mitigation
For example, our simulations show that the risk-neutral optimal planning reserve margin is
10.3% for the Study RTO from a cost-of-service perspective. In comparison, the planning
reserve margin would need to be 15.2% to achieve the 0.1 LOLE standard. As Figure 14 and
Figure 16 show, the increase in average annual costs required to achieve the 15.2% planning
reserve margin is relatively modest at approximately $90 million per year. However Figure 16
also shows that this would reduce the annual costs incurred once in a decade (i.e., costs above the
percentile) by at least $270 million per year, and the costs incurred once in 20 years (i.e.,
costs above the 95
percentile) by at least $630 million per year. In other words: (a) a risk-
neutral policy maker would not increase reserve margins above the 10.3% risk-neutral optimum
because, by definition, the expected costs would exceed expected benefits; (b) a somewhat risk-
averse policy maker might increase reserve margins slightly but possibly not enough to meet 0.1
LOLE at 15.2% reserve margin where the costs exceed the benefits by a ratio of approximately
three-to-one; and (c) a highly risk-averse policy maker might wish to meet or even exceed the
15.2% reserve margin needed to meet 0.1 LOLE.
In evaluating these cost and risk tradeoffs, policy makers should also consider that suppliers and
customers will be able to hedge a significant portion of these risks through forward contracting.
As we discuss further in Section IV, a large portion of the risk of encountering the high-cost
outcomes illustrated in Figure 16 is related to weather uncertainty. Some of that risk exposure
can likely be hedged cost effectively, including through seasonal forward contracts. For
example, many suppliers and load serving entities (LSEs) in ERCOT hedge most of their
summer price spike exposure through forward contracts on a seasonal basis.
See additional discussion and documentation in Section IV.A.3 below.
Figure 16
Uncertainty Distribution of Annual Reliability-Related Costs
(Cost-of-Service Perspective)
Study RTO reliability-related costs for Base Case from a cost-of-service perspective.
5. Sensitivity to Forecast Error and Forward Planning Period
As explained in Section II.D.2 above, uncertainty in economic growth and the consequential
economic load forecasting uncertainty are key planning considerations. Uncertainty caused by
economic forecasting error increases with the forward period. This is unlike annual weather-
related uncertainty, which is generally assumed to be constant over time. Adopting a longer
forward planning period therefore will result in higher load forecast uncertainty and, if resource
additions cannot be modified on a shorter-term basis, a higher likelihood of reliability and
scarcity events. This means that increasing the forward period in resource adequacy studies will
also increase the reserve margin necessary to achieve any given reliability standard.
In our Base Case analysis, we adopt a four-year forward planning period based on a conservative
estimate of the approximate lead time needed to develop new resources.
The lead time for
Note that although the entire development timeline for most new plants is greater than four years, much of
that development work, including siting and permitting, can be done without making major irreversible
financial commitments. This means that the time needed for actual plant construction is most relevant
when the resource investment decision is truly locked in. Developing and constructing a natural gas CC or
CT takes approximately 3.25 and 2.8 years respectively, see Spees, et al. (2011), Appendices A.3 and B.3.
developing new resources is also the reason that PJM and ISO-NE’s capacity markets rely on a
three-year forward period. In non-RTO markets and the integrated planning processes subject to
state regulation, at least a portion of all planning decisions are often made on a schedule that
looks more than three years forward.
Note, however, that most systems also have substantial
flexibility to adjust their total resource portfolio on a shorter-term basis, including even on a one-
year forward basis. For example, there is substantial capability to adjust DR commitments,
revise import-export balance, adjust retirement or retrofit decisions, delay or accelerate plant
development efforts, and invest in plant upgrades on a shorter-term basis.
We examine the implications of revising the forward planning period on the reserve margin
standard and total system costs by adopting alternative economic forecast error assumptions
consistent with different forward periods as documented in Section II.D.2 above. Increasing the
forward period increases the economic load forecast error, which consequently increases the
planning reserve margin whether the reserve margin is reliability-based as shown in Figure 17, or
economically-based as shown in Figure 18.
As Figure 17 shows, reducing the forward planning period from four years to one year would
reduce the 0.1 LOLE-based planning reserve margin by 1.7%, from 15.2% to 13.5%. This
would, of course, require that sufficient short-term resources exist that could be mobilized on a
12-month basis should economic growth prove greater than anticipated.
As noted, such short-
term resources might include DR resources (assuming the market is not fully saturated),
upgrades to existing plants (or new plants under construction), reactivations of mothballed
plants, an increase in net import commitments, or accelerating in-service dates of new plants
under development.
For example, see the discussion of the Long-Term Resource Planning processes implemented by
California’s investor owned utilities under the oversight of the state commission in Pfeifenberger, et al.
For example, assume that most resource investment decisions (e.g., for existing generation) were made on
a longer term basis but the final 5% of resources were not procured until one year prior to delivery.
However, the actual amount of incremental resources needed on a one-year forward basis may only be 3%
or as high as 7% if economic growth were higher or lower than expected in prior planning exercises.
Figure 17
Reliability-Based Resource Adequacy Standard vs. Forward Planning Period
Study RTO reliability-based reserve margin vs. forward period.
Load forecast error varies with planning period, see Section II.D.2.
Figure 18 similarly shows that increasing the forward period will increase the economically
optimal planning reserve margin. The chart shows total reliability-related costs from a risk-
neutral cost-of-service perspective (as in Section III.A.2 above) under different forward periods.
The Base Case assumption of a four-year forward period is shown as a blue line while the gray
lines show costs ranging from a one-year to a ten-year forward planning period. Total costs
increase substantially with a higher forward period because there is a much greater risk of high-
impact events associated with under-forecasting economic load growth (and greater capital costs
required to build sufficient capacity to avoid such events). However, if sufficient short-term
resources exist to allow for a reduction of the forward planning period from four years to one
year, then the risk-neutral optimal reserve margin would decrease by 1.3%, from 10.3% to 9.0%.
This suggests that if a region has a reasonably high amount of additional short lead-time DR
resources, it may be beneficial to adopt a forward procurement approach similar to that used in
PJM, where most resources are procured three years forward but the remaining 2.5% of
resources are procured on 2-year, 1-year, and short-term basis. This could reduce total
procurement costs by reducing the procured reserve margin more often than not. However, it
also increases the risk of under-procurement in a high load growth situation. If substantially
more than 2.5% of resources are needed on a short-term basis, there may not be enough supply
available to meet the need; or the only available resources may be high-cost DR that is not cost-
competitive under ordinary circumstances. We further examine the implications of high DR
penetration in Sections III.C and IV.C below.
Figure 18
“Optimal” Reserve Margin as a Function of Forward-Planning Period
(Risk-neutral, Cost-of-Service Perspective)
Study RTO reliability-related costs for Base Case from a cost-of-service perspective.
Load forecast error varies with planning period as described in Section II.D.2.
B. I
This section of our report summarizes the extent to which target reserve margins are affected by
system characteristics. The specific sensitivities we explore are: (1) system size (40% Size Case
and 40% Size and Transmission Case); (2) intertie size and neighbor assistance (Long Neighbors
Case, 50% Transmission Case, and Island Case); (3) using CCs rather than CTs as the marginal
capacity resource (Marginal CC Case); and (4) higher penetration levels of intermittent
renewable resources (High Wind Penetration Case).
1. Impact of System Size
We first examine the implications of system size under two alternative cases, in which: (1) we
reduce the RTO Study Region to 40% of its Base Case size (from a peak load of 50,000 MW to
20,000 MW); and (2) we reduce the system to 40% of its Base Case size and also reduce all
interconnections with neighboring regions to 40% of their Base Case size. In both of these cases
we maintain the same resource mix, unit sizes, and external region characteristics as in the Base
Table 8 summarizes the target reserve margin results for these two change cases compared to the
Base Case. The 40% Size Case shows that both the 1-in-10-based and the economic target
reserve margins decrease for the Study RTO. The 0.1 LOLE target drops only slightly from
15.2% in the Base Case to 14.8% in the 40% Size Case, while the other reliability-based targets
drop more substantially from 8.2% to less than 6% under the 2.4 LOLH standard and from 9.6%
to 7.5% under the 0.001% Normalized EUE standard. The risk-neutral, cost-minimizing reserve
margin decreases even further, from 10.3% (cost-of-service perspective) and 7.9% (societal
perspective) to less than 6% under both perspectives. The reason for the lower planning reserve
margin targets is that the smaller Study RTO is able to rely more heavily on neighbor assistance.
This is the case because the smaller RTO requires a fewer imports during reliability events. In
other words, the neighbors are able to provide proportionally greater assistance to the smaller
Study RTO.
If we also proportionally reduce the size of the interconnections with neighboring regions, then
some of these neighbor-assistance benefits are lost to the smaller Study RTO as also shown in
Table 8. The target reserve margin based on 0.1 LOLE is reduced from 15.2% to only 15.1%
(compared to 14.8% when maintaining the Base Case size of the interconnections) while the
0.001% Normalized EUE and 2.4 LOLH standards only increase to 8.1% and 6.9% respectively.
The economic target reserve margins still remain at less 6% (outside our study range). The
combination of these alternative simulation cases shows that: (a) a small system can rely more
readily on neighbor assistance to reduce its planning reserve margin; and (b) the value of
neighbor assistance is substantially greater for a well-interconnected small system.
Table 8
Study RTO Reserve Margin Targets with a Smaller System Size
These lower target reserve margins for the smaller system may initially appear counter-intuitive
or inconsistent with general industry experience. Historically, many small utilities maintained
reserve margins in excess of 20% and were able to reduce these margins over time by merging,
interconnecting with neighbors, developing reserve-sharing agreements, or joining larger RTO
systems. This apparent disconnect with our results is primarily driven by the fact that traditional
utilities were much smaller and more “islanded” than even the “small” Study RTO (20,000 MW)
in our simulations. Traditionally, many utilities may have relied less on interties for reliability
because many: (a) were not as well-interconnected with their neighbors; (b) would have faced
more difficulty in obtaining neighbor assistance during peak events, particularly prior to the
implementation of reserve sharing agreements and liquid wholesale power markets; and (c) may
have been conservative in assessing the reliability value of their interties in the absence of firm
power purchase commitments.
In addition, the high reserve margin targets of many small utilities are driven by a single-largest-
contingency analysis. For example, a small utility’s reliability standard may stipulate that the
utility is able to meet peak load even if the single largest generator or transmission line were to
Simulation Reliability-Based Risk-Neutral, Cost-Minimizing
0.1 LOLE 2.4 LOLH 0.001%
Normalized EUE
Base Case (50,000 MW) 15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 10.3% 7.9%
40% RTO Size (20,000 MW) 14.8% <6% 7.5% <6% <6%
40% Size w/ 40% Intertie 15.1% 6.9% 8.1% <6% <6%
fail. In a large system, such a contingency criterion typically does not affect the planning reserve
margin. However, for a small utility serving only a few thousand MW of load, contingency
considerations can substantially increase planning reserve requirements. We did not conduct any
contingency analysis in this study, but even in the “small” 20,000 MW Study RTO Case, such
contingencies are unlikely to affect planning reserve margins. Nevertheless, if we had treated the
small system as a substantially more islanded region, then it would better reflect the historical
experience of smaller utilities and would result a higher reserve margin requirement.
2. Intertie Size and Neighbor Assistance
Strong interties with neighboring regions provide both economic and physical reliability value
during peaking conditions. Load and generation diversity mean that the most extreme scarcity
conditions are unlikely to occur at the same time in neighboring markets. This inter-regional
diversity means that the Study RTO will often be able to rely on emergency imports to avoid
load shedding and improve system reliability. Interties create economic benefits as well, for
example, by allowing the Study RTO to purchase imports from external CTs rather than
dispatching higher-cost internal DR resources.
We examine the value of interties and neighbor assistance for a number of cases, with the
planning reserve margin results summarized in Table 9. The results are shown in order of
increasing availability of neighbor assistance, including: (1) a “Long Neighbors Case” where the
neighbors’ reserve margins are increased to 20% compared to 15% in the Base Case (and intertie
capability equal to the Base Case); (2) the Base Case, where the neighbors have 15% reserve
margins and the Study RTO has 11,000 MW of intertie capacity); (3) a “50% Transmission
Case,” with interties at 50% relative to the Base Case (and neighbors’ reserve margins at 15%);
and (4) an “Island Case” with no interties.
The table shows that the interties offer substantial benefits from both a physical reliability and
economic perspective. Maintaining the 0.1 LOLE requires increasing the internal reserve margin
from 13.0%% in the Long Neighbors Case, to 15.2% in the Base Case, 15.8% in the 50%
Transmission Case, and 18.5% in the Island Case. In terms of the economic benefits of neighbor
assistance and interties, these cases show that the cost-minimizing reserve margin (from a risk-
neutral cost-of-service perspective) increases from 8% in the Long Neighbors Case, to 10.3% in
the Base Case, 12.3% in the 50% Transmission Case, and 16% in the Island Case.
Table 9
Study RTO Reserve Margin Targets with Varying Availability of Neighbor Assistance
Simulation Reliability-Based Risk-Neutral, Cost-Minimizing
0.1 LOLE 2.4 LOLH 0.001%
Normalized EUE
Long Neighbors Case 13.0% <6% 7.0% 8.0% <6%
Base Case 15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 10.3% 7.9%
50% Transmission Case 15.8% 9.8% 10.0% 12.3% 10.5%
Island Case 18.5% 16.5% 15.8% 16.5% 16.5%
That interties provide substantial economic value is also shown in Figure 19, which displays total
system production and reliability-related costs from a risk-neutral, cost-of-service perspective for
different planning reserve margins and interconnection assumption. Not counting the costs of
the interconnections themselves, the figure shows that system costs increase as interconnections
decrease for a given level of reserve margin. For example, at a 14% planning reserve margin for
the Study RTO, reducing interties by 50% increases average annual costs by $21 million per year
relative to the Base Case. Totally eliminating the interties increases average annual costs by
$262 million per year relative to the Base Case. However, as shown in Figure 19, these
economic costs can also be reduced substantially by increasing the planning reserve margin.
Reducing interties at a particular reserve margin increases system costs because it reduces the
ability of the Study RTO to import lower-cost resources. This generally reduces costs at any
time when the system is importing, which is particularly valuable during scarcity and emergency
events. The Long Neighbor Case also illustrates that assumptions about reserve margins
maintained in external systems has a substantial impact on the Study RTO’s target reserve
Maintaining a 0.1 LOLE also imposes greater costs in more isolated systems, because the Study
Region not only loses the opportunity of lower-cost imports, but it also incurs the large capital
costs associated with having to maintain a higher reserve margin. Maintaining a 0.1 LOLE in the
50% Transmission Case incurs an additional $43 million of average annual costs compared to the
Base Case, while the Islanded system incurs $219 million in additional average annual costs. As
the differences in reserve margin and total costs for the economic and LOLE-based reserve
margin targets shown in Figure 19 demonstrate, the cost savings from increased interconnections
and neighbor assistance are more substantial if the reserve margin is determined economically
rather than with LOLE targets. A full study of the economic value of a particular intertie
upgrade would also consider the cost of the expanded interties relative to these economic
benefits, in addition to other reliability and operational benefits that the intertie might provide.
Figure 19 also shows that the value of interties increases when neighboring regions have excess
capacity, because the Study RTO can rely more heavily on the neighboring regions for low-cost
imports under normal as well as scarcity conditions. For example, increasing external reserve
margins from 15% to 20% allows the Study RTO to decrease its internal reserve margin from
15.2% to 13.0% while maintaining 0.1 LOLE. However, it is important to note that adding
external capacity is not as valuable as adding internal capacity, from either a cost or reliability
perspective. In fact, increasing external capacity by 6,500 MW across the three external regions
reduces the Study RTO’s internal reliability requirement by only 1,100 MW. This is because
external resources can only be imported if: (1) interties are sufficiently sized; (2) the interties are
not derated; and (3) external regions are not simultaneously experiencing scarcity or emergency
peak load conditions. The capacity value of external resources would increase if they were
committed to the Study RTO on a firm basis (with firm import rights), which would mean that
the Study RTO would have first rights to call them.
Figure 19
Total System Costs vs. Reserve Margin with Varying Intertie Assumptions
The vertical scale is much greater than in Figure 14 and Figure 18 above, which plot the same cost
data in a different way. The magnitude of the change in system costs in the Base Case is identical
for all charts, but this figure adds a baseline of total Study RTO production costs to allow the
comparison of total system costs across the different cases.
The reduction in Study RTO reserve margins enabled by the interties relative to the Island case,
is sometimes referred to as the “tie benefit” or “capacity benefit of interties.”
The magnitude
of these intertie benefits is estimated probabilistically as the likely quantity of energy that will be
available for non-firm import from neighbors during scarcity or emergency conditions. Such
non-firm imports that contribute to intertie benefits are different from, and in addition to, firm
imports that are committed to the Study RTO.
The most obvious approach for modeling resources in neighboring regions might be to include
all projected capacity resources, including surplus capacity. The surplus capacity would increase
the estimated tie benefits and reduce the Study RTO’s target reserve margin. The problem with
this approach is that it will not represent a long-term stable resource adequacy target because
Study RTO target reserve margins would fluctuate with changes in the external regions’ reserve
margins (e.g., as a result of plant retirements that reduce surplus capacity). Further, the study
RTO may have insufficient information to accurately project the likely quantity of resources
available in the external system. Because of these challenges, ISO-NE recently abandoned this
approach, opting instead to model external markets “at criterion,” regardless of any actual
For example, see PJM (2011).
This more conservative “at criterion” assumption is standard among most RTOs,
primarily because the Study RTO can be fairly certain that external regions will meet their own
planning reserve margin targets but cannot be totally certain that an external system’s existing
surplus would be maintained. The “at criterion” approach also results in a more stable internal
reserve margin target. While the Study RTO may still benefit from the external regions’ surplus
capacity through lower-cost imports and improved reliability, changing amounts of surplus
would not affect the Study RTO’s planning reserve margin.
A final, more complex question relates to how much of an RTO’s intertie capability should be
left uncommitted or even set aside as the capacity benefit margin.
This is one of the key
questions currently being addressed at the MISO-PJM seam in the FERC cross-border capacity
deliverability proceeding.
Under the Point-to-Point transmission rights model used across
most of North America, intertie capability is broken into two components: (1) transmission
capability available to support long-term firm transmission rights that are needed for a generator
to sell firm capacity across market interties (e.g., from MISO to PJM); and (2) transmission set
aside as CBM and awarded only on a short-term basis for non-firm energy sales. Only the
uncommitted portion of the interties, including any portion that is specifically set aside as CBM,
would contribute to probabilistically estimated tie benefits.
Firm import commitments are
generally treated similarly to internal resources for determining target reserve margins.
There are also a number of factors to consider in determining what portion of intertie capability
to set aside for CBM. As explained by MISO and its market monitor, reducing CBM would
increase the transmission that could be awarded for firm exports.
This would likely reduce
PJM’s capacity costs by allowing more MISO resources to sell capacity into PJM. On the other
hand, as PJM explains, reducing CBM would reduce the realized intertie benefits and thereby
increase PJM’s planning reserve margin. Ultimately, determining the optimal quantity of
uncommitted transmission (e.g., by setting it aside as CBM) is an economic question that
requires balancing the tradeoff between these factors.
3. Combined Cycle Plants as the Marginal Technology
Another study assumption is the type of marginal resource that is added in our simulations to
increase the Study RTO planning reserve margin. In the Base Case, we add CTs as the marginal
resource. While this is consistent with the use of CTs as the standard peaking resource, a mix of
peaking, intermediate, and baseload resources is typically added under real-world conditions and
in regulated resource planning efforts. The most economic type of resource to build depends on
the composition of the existing fleet, the forecast load profile, projected fuel prices, and other
For a more comprehensive discussion of tie benefits questions within ISO-NE, see FERC (2012), p. 2.
For a detailed description of NERC standards relating to CBM, see NERC (2008).
Under FERC Docket AD12-16-000.
For example, see PJM’s calculation of the capacity benefit of ties based on the CBM portion of its
interties, PJM (2011).
Note that in our modeling we effectively treat all intertie capability as CBM.
See MISO (2012b).
We test the sensitivity of our results to the assumed marginal technology under a case
in which we add CCs rather than CTs to increase reserve margins.
As shown in Table 10, the physical reliability implications of adding CCs and CTs are essentially
identical because these technologies have similar outage characteristics. Using CCs as the
marginal resource results in 15.2% and 15.3% reserve margin targets under the 0.1 LOLE
standard. The small differences in CT and CC outage characteristics are not large enough to
make a substantial impact on physical reliability metrics. This would generally be the expected
result from adding different types of thermal generation resources that have similar outage
Table 10
Reserve Margin Targets with CC and CTs as the Marginal Resource
Coincidentally, the economic target reserve margins between the CC and CT cases are also quite
similar, but slightly lower in the CC case. This result will not hold true under all circumstances
since the economic consequences of adding different types of technologies may be vary
considerably. The fact that it is true in our simulations consequently cannot be generalized.
Importantly, comparing the economic reserve margin targets does not help to determine whether
it would be more beneficial to add CCs or CTs. Comparing the net system benefits achieved by
adding two different types of resources requires comparing the total system costs under each
case. This is illustrated in Figure 20 below. This figure shows total production and reliability
See a more comprehensive discussion of optimal resource mix conflicts in Pfeifenberger, et al. (2009),
Section III.A.
More generally, a thorough system planning effort could evaluate many types of resources to determine
which is the most economic. Alternately, in a deregulated market-based environment, merchant suppliers
would determine which type of resource to build by forecasting the profitability of each type of potential
investment. Under certain, idealized conditions the system planning and market-based approaches would
both result in the same type of resource being added as discussed further in Section IV.A.1.
We assume that CCs have a very slightly higher forced outage rate causing the reliability-based reserve
margin targets to increase by a small amount of approximately 0.1% in the Marginal CC case. Conducting
a modeling exercise at a higher level of granularity would be required to evaluate additional nuances
regarding the reliability impacts of different types of thermal generation resources. For example, even
though resources may have the same overall forced outage rates, there may be systems in which it would
be relevant to examine the reliability implications of: (a) a large number of natural gas plants that are
interconnected to the same pipeline that could expose the region to shortages caused by pipeline outages or
other fuel supply constraints; (b) resources that do or do not have backup diesel fuel capability that would
protect against many fuel-related outages; and (c) systems with high wind penetration or other contingency
risks where fast-response CTs would provide additional reliability and operational value.
Simulation Reliability-Based Risk-Neutral, Cost-Minimizing
0.1 LOLE 2.4 LOLH 0.001%
Normalized EUE
Base Case (Marginal CT) 15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 10.3% 7.9%
Marginal CC Case 15.3% 8.3% 9.8% 10.1% 7.7%
costs in the Study RTO from a risk-neutral, cost-of-service perspective for both CCs and CTs as
the marginal resource. The figure shows that all-in fixed and variable costs drop faster when
adding CCs than when adding CTs if starting with the same resource mix at the 7% reserve
margin. This is because the greater production cost savings associated with adding CCs
outweighs that technology’s greater capital costs. In other words, even though the economic
reserve margin targets are similar, it is more beneficial to add CCs than CTs because it will
achieve greater system costs savings. The vertical difference between the red dots in the chart
shows that the lowest average annual cost for CCs is $21 million per year below that of CTs.
However, this incremental cost advantage of CCs declines as more CCs are added, which is why
the two cost curves are more parallel at higher reserve margins. At some point, the capital and
operating cost tradeoff between the two technologies will equalize, at which point it will be
optimal to add a mix of the two resource types.
Figure 20
Study RTO Total Production and Reliability-Related Costs with Marginal CC or CT
(Risk-Neutral, Cost of Service Perspective)
The vertical scale is much greater than in Figure 14 and Figure 18 above, which plot the same
cost data in a different way. The magnitude of the change in system costs in the Base Case is
identical for all charts, but this figure adds a baseline of total Study RTO production costs to
allow the comparison of total system costs across the different cases.
We have not attempted to identify the optimal quantity of additional CCs before the two types of resources
become equally valuable. Identifying this tradeoff point would require a slightly different analysis in
which we would: (1) test the incremental cost savings after adding one CC vs. one CT; and then (2) if the
CC provides more value, we would keep that asset in the mix and then test the value of adding one more
CC vs. one more CT.
4. Intermittent Renewable Resource Penetration
Intermittent renewable resources such as wind and solar have a resource adequacy value
significantly below their nameplate capacity because they typically cannot generate at their full
capacity during peak load conditions. Because high load conditions also often correspond with
low wind speeds, wind turbines’ resource adequacy value generally is even below the resource’s
average annual capacity factor. On the other hand, a solar resource’s capacity value is usually
higher than its average annual capacity factor because solar output typically is more correlated
with peak-load conditions. Recognizing these factors, most RTOs assign intermittent resources a
capacity value based on average output during peak load hours.
When we calculate planning
reserve margins throughout this study, we assign a nominal 15% capacity value to wind
generators and 25% to solar resources.
The actual resource adequacy value of intermittent resources will depend on a number of factors
and increase with: (1) the degree of correlation between load and the intermittent resource’s
output profile; and (2) the study region’s penetration of dispatch-limited resources and storage
because renewable generation during near-peak conditions will allow storage and dispatch-
limited resources to generate more during peak conditions.
A more precise estimate of the intermittent resources’ resource adequacy value can be calculated
based on Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC) as currently implemented in MISO.
Broadly, the objective of using ELCC is to assign a capacity value to each resource type that
makes them interchangeable from a resource adequacy and planning reserve margin perspective.
While there are various approaches to calculating ELCC, our approach is to: (a) add a small
quantity of gas CTs and determine the resulting reduction in LOLE; and (b) remove the gas CTs
to restore the system to its starting configuration, then add intermittent wind resources until the
system LOLE is reduced by the same amount as was achieved by adding the CT. Note that this
LOLE-based approach is most appropriate for a system with an LOLE-based resource adequacy
For example, PJM assigns intermittent resources a capacity value equal to the capacity factor during
summer peak periods over the previous three years, or a generic value of 13% or 38% for new wind and
solar resources respectively. See PJM (2010). For a wider survey of RTO practices for assigning wind
resources’ capacity value, see Milligan and Porter (2005).
MISO conducts an ELCC study each year to determine the capacity value that will be assigned to all wind
resources, currently set to 13.3% of nameplate, see MISO (2012a). For additional discussion of
approaches to calculating ELCC, see Milligan (1997); Wiser and Bolinger (2005); Kahn (2004).
To date, ELCC calculations only consider the interchangeability from a physical reliability perspective in
terms of reducing LOLE, LOLH, or EUE. It does not, and we do not here, attempt to ensure
interchangeability from an economic perspective, which is inherently difficult because much of the
economic value of a zero-marginal cost resource (like wind generation) is its energy value during off-peak
conditions that do not materially relate to resource adequacy. Developing an economic comparison
between wind and thermal resources would require one to either: (a) arbitrarily determine which
component of energy value would be compared (i.e., above some peaking cost threshold) to calculate
ELCC; or else, (b) would simply compare the total economic value from energy and resource adequacy
contributions, which is most relevant comparison for IRP purposes, but is not conceptually similar to
standard. Slightly different approaches would be needed in systems with LOLH or EUE-based
standards or those that account for resources in UCAP rather than ICAP terms.
We use this approach to calculate the ELCC of wind generation at varying wind penetration
levels as shown in Figure 21 for the Study RTO. The figure shows that ELCC drops as wind
penetration increases because the system is then more vulnerable to correlated low-wind
conditions during peak load events. The figure shows that wind ELCC is only 12% at the 5%
penetration level and drops all the way to 8% at the 30% penetration level. This indicates that
the 15% capacity value that we assign to wind is high relative to its reliability contribution.
Note, however, that our relatively low ELCC results are driven by relatively poor wind profiles
that correspond to the weather and load profiles of the study region. The average annual
capacity factor for wind generators in the Study RTO is approximately 31%, but the output
during peak load conditions is much lower.
Figure 21
Wind Generator’s Effective Load Carrying Capability vs. Penetration
Wind ELCC calculated as for the Base Case simulation, with 0.1% solar penetration.
Wind penetration expressed as wind nameplate capacity as percent of summer peak load.
Study RTO reserve margin is 12% at 5% wind penetration and increases as wind increases.
Note that the Base Case and all the other simulation cases incorporate 3.9% renewable penetration,
expressed as a percent of peak load (3.8% wind, 0.1% solar).
C. D
As explained in Section II.C.4 above, an important set of questions for resource adequacy in the
coming years relates to the reliability and economic implications of increasing quantities of
demand response. Evaluating the implications of increased DR penetration requires an approach
that differs from that of using CTs or CCs as a marginal resource. When evaluating high demand
response penetration, the most important questions are less related to the implications of
choosing a different reserve margin but, rather, related to the implications of relying more
heavily on DR as a substitute for traditional generation at a given planning reserve margin.
For this reason, we evaluate the consequences of higher demand response penetration at a fixed
15% planning reserve margin, but substitute CTs with DR resources at higher penetration levels.
We evaluate this in two series of scenarios: (a) substituting CTs with emergency DR that is call-
limited, at DR penetration levels of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%; and (b) substituting CTs with
economic DR that is not call-limited but rather dispatched based on bid price at the same range
of DR penetration levels. For emergency DR, we also test the impacts of varying the dispatch
limit. In the following sections we discuss: (1) the reliability implications of relying more
heavily on emergency DR; (2) the economic implications of higher emergency DR penetration;
and (3) the economic implications of higher economic DR penetration.
1. Reliability Value of Emergency Demand Response
In this section we evaluate how the assumed 100-hour dispatch limit reduces the resource
adequacy value of Emergency DR resources, particularly at higher penetration rates. The impact
of a particular call-hour limit can be understood by considering the load duration curve for the
top 10% to 15% of hours as shown in Figure 22. The chart shows the 400 highest-load hours in
the weather-normalized year, a mild-weather year, and a high-load year. The horizontal lines
show the maximum load that can be supported solely with traditional generation resources at
various levels of DR penetration. As the DR level increases from 0% up to 20% of peak load,
the quantity of installed generation decreases and the maximum load that can be supported
without DR calls decreases.
Figure 22
Approximate Emergency DR Dispatch Hours at Varying DR Penetration Levels
The chart is indicative of the expected quantity of DR calls but is imprecise because it does not account for the
(generally offsetting) effects of generation outages, import availability, or load forecast error. See also
Figure 23, which accounts for all of these factors.
The chart shows that, even without considering the impact of economic uncertainty, at a 10% DR
penetration level the 100-hour dispatch limit of Emergency DR resources would be exceeded in
extreme weather years. As the red dots on the chart show at 10% penetration, Emergency DR
resources would be need to be dispatched approximately 5, 50, or 122 hours under mild, normal,
or extreme weather respectively. At 15% DR penetration, the 100-hour dispatch limit would be
exceeded even under normal weather, and with 20% DR penetration the 100-hour limit would be
exceeded even with mild weather. In other words, at DR penetration levels of more than 5%, the
resource adequacy value of adding more dispatch-limited DR will deteriorate rapidly unless the
call limits are increased substantially.
Most regions have historically been able to rely on Emergency DR with similar or lower call-
hour limitations because: (a) DR penetration levels have not exceeded approximately 5–7% in
most regions; and (b) many regions across North America have enjoyed surplus generation
conditions with reserve margins greater than 20%, or well above their reserve margin targets.
We simulate regions at their target planning reserve margins and with higher DR penetration
See IRC (2009), p. 26, and NERC (2011a).
levels, which consequently requires DR to be dispatched more frequently than has been the
industry experience in recent years.
Figure 23 shows the effective load carrying capability (ELCC) of Emergency DR resources. The
ELCC of Emergency DR increases with the dispatch price and decreases at higher DR
penetration levels. We calculate ELCC as in Section III.B.4 above by determining the quantity
of Emergency DR that would have to be added to achieve the same reduction in LOLE as adding
a fully-dispatchable traditional CT. The chart shows that even at a 0% penetration level, DR
with a dispatch limit of only 10 hours per year has a capacity value only approximately 30% of
an equally-sized CT. This is because, even with very low penetration levels, the 10-hour
dispatch limit would be exceeded significantly under outcomes with high economic growth or
very hot weather.
Under the Base Case assumption with a 100-hour call limit, Emergency DR has an ELCC of
approximately 100% at the 0% penetration level, 18% at 10% penetration, and only 8% at 20%
penetration. The figure also shows that to maintain 100% ELCC, the call limit would have to be
increased to 190 hours at 10% penetration and 250 hours at 20% penetration.
These results also show that, as long as DR penetration levels are low, a system operator does
not necessarily need to consider the risk of exceeding dispatch hour limits. However, at higher
penetration levels, reliability can only be maintained at criterion if: (1) Emergency DR resources
are awarded a lower capacity value for the purposes of calculating their contribution to the
reserve margin; or (2) Emergency DR resources are required to increase their call-hour limit.
Some regions may implement a combination of these options as DR penetration increases in
order to accommodate different types of DR that have more or less callability, as has been done
in PJM. PJM now allows DR resources to participate either as dispatch-limited DR that may
earn lower capacity payments or unlimited DR that can earn full capacity payments.
For a discussion of these multiple DR products, see Pfeifenberger, et al. (2011a), Section VI.C.1.
Figure 23
Emergency DR’s Effective Load Carrying Capability
(Varying DR Penetration and Call Hours)
Study RTO reserve margin fixed at 15% with CTs displaced by increasing DR.
ELCC of 25% indicates that 4 MW of DR would be needed to achieve the same
reduction in LOLE as adding 1 MW of CTs.
2. Cost-Minimizing Level of Emergency Demand Response Penetration
At higher penetration levels, the incremental value of adding Emergency DR drops from a cost
perspective, as well as from a reliability perspective. We illustrate this in Figure 24, which
shows Study RTO production and reliability-related costs as the Emergency DR penetration level
increases (and installed generation levels consequently decrease). The chart shows total costs
under: (a) varying fixed-cost assumptions for DR ranging from $0/kW-year to $60/kW-year (on
the left); and (b) DR dispatch-cost assumptions ranging from $500/MWh to $3,000/MWh (on the
As shown in Figure 24, beginning at 0% DR penetration total costs initially decrease when
adding more DR because these resources have lower capital costs than the CTs that they replace.
Even though Emergency DR has a much higher dispatch cost than the displaced CTs, the number
of dispatch hours is low enough that it is advantageous to continue adding more DR. However,
at higher penetration levels the number of dispatch hours becomes a limiting factor and it is no
longer cost-effective to continue replacing CTs with more DR. Overall, and depending on the
assumed capital costs and dispatch hours, the cost-minimizing level of Emergency DR ranges
from approximately 8% to 12% of peak load as indicated by the red dots.
Figure 24
Production and Reliability Costs vs. Emergency DR Penetration
(Risk-Neutral, Cost of Service)
Study RTO reserve margin fixed at 15% with increasing DR offset by reductions in CTs.
Left chart assumes DR dispatch cost of $2,000/MWh; right chart assumes DR fixed costs of $15/kW-yr.
Note that the optimal level of DR penetration is also dependent on the planning reserve margin,
which we assumed to be 15%. If the target reserve margin were higher, then higher DR
penetrations could be achieved without incurring as many dispatch hours. As a result, the
optimal penetration level would be higher. Higher dispatch limits would also increase the
optimal penetration levels because Emergency DR, while still a high-dispatch-cost resource,
would be able to displace even higher-cost emergency procedures during more hours.
The simulation results highlight the complex role of demand response in reliability planning.
DR penetration levels, the design of the products (including dispatch limits and price), and the
system load shape all affect the economic and reliability value provided by these resources. The
results also show that DR products have to be defined carefully to provide maximum system
reliability and economic benefit as customers will only participate in these programs if they are
adequately compensated for the fixed and dispatch costs they incur. Ultimately, whether a
reasonably efficient portfolio of DR resources will be attracted will depend on: (a) the level of
flexibility provided to DR suppliers in defining their own dispatch prices and call-hour limits;
and (b) the efficiency of the combined energy and capacity market incentives provided as
discussed further in Section IV.C below.
3. Cost-Minimizing Level of Economic Demand Response Penetration
Figure 25 shows the Study RTO production and reliability-related costs as a function of the
Economic DR penetration level. The chart is very similar to that shown in the previous section
for Emergency DR. As with Emergency DR, adding Economic DR reduces total system costs by
displacing CTs with higher capital costs. However, Economic DR is more valuable than
Emergency DR in our simulations because: (a) a substantial portion of the Economic DR is
assumed to have lower dispatch costs than Emergency DR; and (b) Economic DR is not call-
limited. For these reasons, the optimal level of Economic DR penetration ranges from
approximately 10% to 14%, depending on the assumed annual fixed costs. However, this level
of Economic DR penetration can only be achieved if a sufficient quantity of potential DR
resources are willing to participate in the energy markets at the price levels assumed in our
simulations (as described in Section II.C.4 above). We further explore the energy and capacity
market design implications of high DR penetration levels in Section IV.C below.
Figure 25
Production and Reliability Costs vs. Economic DR Penetration
(Risk-Neutral, Cost of Service)
Study RTO reserve margin fixed at 15% with increasing DR offset by reductions in CTs.
Economic DR dispatch costs are set according to the DR energy supply curve from Section II.C.4 above.
D. C
The preceding sections evaluated the reliability and economic implications of a wide range of
study assumptions and system conditions and explained how different reliability and economic
objectives would lead to different planning reserve margins. Table 11 provides a brief summary
of these results, including the sensitivity of the “optimal” (risk-neutral, cost-of-service) reserve
margin to various economic assumptions. Table 12 summarizes the reliability-based and
economically-based reserve margins under various system characteristics.
As Table 11 shows, the risk-neutral, economically-optimal planning reserve margins could vary
by several percentage points under a range of reasonable cost and other economic study
assumptions. For example, different reasonable assumptions for emergency event costs
correspond to planning reserve margins ranging from 9.2% to 12.1%. Although this range is
substantial, it may be surprisingly small given that the actual cost of emergency events is poorly
understood and quite uncertain. Note, however, that the impact of the assumed VOLL,
representing the costliest emergency intervention of curtailing firm load, has only a modest
impact. Varying VOLL over a wide range from $3,750 to $15,000/MWh results in an economic
reserve margin ranging only from 10.0% to 11.6%.
Other important economic assumptions that also affect the optimal reserve margin include:
(1) the forward planning period, resulting in planning reserve margins ranging from 9.4% to
11.0% for forward planning periods from two to six years; (2) the CT CONE, resulting in
planning reserve margins ranging from 9.5% to 11.0% for CONE values from $100 to $140/kW-
year; and (3) the ownership of transmission rights, resulting in planning reserve margins ranging
from 8.3% to 12.3% depending on whether the importer owns rights (allowing it to buy power at
the lower external price) or the exporter owns rights (allowing it to sell power at the higher
external price).
Table 11
Sensitivity of Economically Optimal Reserve Margin to Economic Study Assumptions
(Risk Neutral, Cost-of-Service Perspective)
Study RTO “optimal” reserve margin from the risk-neutral, cost-of-service perspective.
Impact of economically-determined planning reserve margin on various economic sensitivities.
Table 12 summarizes the reliability-based and economically-based reserve margin targets under
the Base Case scenario as well as under each of the alternative simulation cases we examined in
See Sections III.A.5 and III.A.2 for additional discussion of forward period and transmission rights
Re serve Margin Range Base Case Low/High Sensitivity
(% ICAP)
Base Case
10.30% n/a n/a
Eme rgency Event Costs
Emergency Generation 10.2% - 10.5% $500/MWh $250 - $1000/MWh
Emergency DR 9.9% - 10.9% $2000/MWh $1000 - $3000/MWh
Emergency Hydro 10.2% - 10.5% $3,000/MWh $1,500 - $6,000/MWh
Voltage Reduction 10.2% - 10.4% $7,000/MWh $3,500 - $14,000/MWh
VOLL 10.0% - 11.6% $7,500/MWh $3,750 - $15,000/MWh
All Emergency Event Costs 9.2% - 12.1% Base 50% or 200% Base
Other Assumptions
Load Forecast Error 9.4% - 11.0% 4 Years Forward 2 Years - 6 Years
CONE 9.5% - 11.3% $120/kW-y $100 - $140/kW-y
Transmission Ownership 8.3% - 12.3% 50/50 Ownership Importer/Exporter Owns
the preceding sections. We also show the results from the simulation cases with $3,000/MWh
and $1,000/MWh price caps, which we discuss in the context of market design in Section IV of
this report. Generally, these results show that differing system size, topology, and other
conditions can substantially impact planning reserve margin targets. For example, maintaining a
0.001% Normalized EUE reliability standard could require a reserve margin anywhere from
7.5% up to 15.8% depending on the assumed system topology, size, and other characteristics.
Similarly, economically-optimal, risk-neutral reserve margins could vary anywhere from less
than 6% to 16.5% for both cost-of-service and societal perspectives.
Nevertheless, changing system characteristics has similar directional impacts on reserve margin
targets for all resource adequacy criteria, both in terms of physical reliability and economics.
For example, the Island Case always requires higher planning reserve margins because the
system is not able to rely on neighbors for any resource adequacy support. Similarly, the Long
Neighbors Case always allows for lower planning reserve margins in the Study RTO due to the
greater availability of neighbor support.
Table 12
Reliability-Based and Economically-Based Reserve Margin Targets
(Across Base and Sensitivity Case Simulations)
Simulation Re liability-Base d Risk-Neutral, Cost-Minimizin
0.1 LOLE 2.4 LOLH 0.001%
Normalized EUE
Base Case
15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 10.3% 7.9%
Lower Price Caps
$1,000 Price Cap Case 15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 8.7% 7.9%
$3,000 Price Cap Case 15.2% 8.2% 9.6% 9.5% 7.9%
Smalle r Syste m Size
40% Size Case 14.8% <6% 7.5% <6% <6%
40% Size and Transmission 15.1% 6.9% 8.1% <6% <6%
Neighbor Assistance
Long Neighbors Case 13.0% <6% 7.0% 8.0% <6%
50% Transmission Case 15.8% 9.8% 10.0% 12.3% 10.5%
Island Case 18.5% 16.5% 15.8% 16.5% 16.5%
Marginal CC Case
15.3% 8.3% 9.8% 10.1% 7.7%
Up to this point, we evaluated only the reliability and economic implications of different
planning reserve margins, system conditions, and resource penetration levels with respect to
annual system costs. Much of that analysis is relevant irrespective of market design and whether
generation resources are cost-of-service regulated or restructured. However, the ability to
achieve a particular planning reserve margin, as well as the economic implications for customer
costs, supplier returns, and market prices, cannot be evaluated without considering the market
design of the study region. In cost-of-service regulated environments, resource adequacy is
achieved through integrated resource planning and supported by rate recovery for all approved
investments in generation. In market-based environments, investments can only be attracted if
prices are high enough on average for suppliers to earn a sufficient return on their investments.
In this section, we evaluate the implications for both customers and suppliers with respect to:
(a) energy-only markets that do not have a reliability requirement and whose reserve margin is
determined by the quantity of resource investments that can be attracted by revenues from the
region’s energy and ancillary services (A/S) markets; (b) capacity markets that do have a
planning reserve margin standard, with supply investments attracted by a combination of energy,
ancillary service, and capacity market revenues; (c) the implications of integrating high levels of
demand response into energy-only and capacity markets; and (d) a comparison of customer and
supplier impacts under various energy-only and capacity market designs.
Restructured markets, including both energy-only markets and regions that rely on capacity
markets, can only attract investments in needed resources if prices are high enough on average
that suppliers can expect a sufficient return on their investments. In “energy-only” markets,
there is no mandatory minimum reserve margin. In these markets, including Texas, Alberta,
Australia’s NEM, and Scandinavia, the reserve margin achieved depends on the market prices
for energy and ancillary services, with new generation being built only when suppliers believe
that their investments can earn their cost of capital. In other words, there is no guarantee that
enough generation will be built to maintain a certain reserve margin or resource adequacy level
on average.
In the following sections, we briefly explain the major features and differences between energy-only and
capacity markets, but stop short of a full theoretical treatment. For a more comprehensive survey of
market designs for resource adequacy, we refer the reader to Pfeifenberger, Spees, and Schumacher
(2009); and Spees, Newell, and Pfeifenberger (2013).
Most so-called “energy-only” markets also rely on some reliability backstops to prevent unacceptably low
reliability events. For example, Scandinavian markets maintain “strategic reserves” of usually high-cost,
older capacity that is only dispatched under emergency conditions at very high prices (i.e., with market
prices approximately reflecting a world in which those strategic reserves did not exist at all). Similarly,
Texas regularly procures demand response supplies that are to be deployed only during emergency
conditions. Many markets, including Texas and Alberta for example, also have mechanisms for
administrative intervention into the markets if reliability is expected to drop to very low levels. See
Pfeifenberger, Spees, and Schumacher (2009), pp. 28-29; AESO (2008); European Commission (2012),
p. 8.
In this section, we evaluate the economic and reliability implications of resource adequacy
within energy-only markets, including: (1) how the equilibrium reserve margin is determined
within energy-only markets; (2) the preconditions that are necessary in order for the equilibrium
reserve margin to reflect the socially optimal level; (3) the volatility in energy market returns that
suppliers would have to expect in an energy-only market; (4) the impact of different system
conditions and modeling assumptions; and (5) the “missing money” problem that can cause
energy-only markets to fail to attract investments sufficient to meet system operators’ or policy
makers’ reliability objectives.
1. Economic Equilibrium at the Cost of New Entry
In energy-only markets, system operators are not able to mandate a minimum planning reserve
margin. Instead, the reserve margin achieved within an energy-only market depends on market
prices and on suppliers’ expected returns. As shown in Figure 26 for the Base Case simulations,
the energy margins that a new gas CT would expect to earn on average in the Study RTO are a
downward-sloping function of reserve margin. We show energy margins relative to the CONE
value of a CT that reflect the average annual net revenues required to recover investment and
fixed costs over the economic life of the plant.
The figure shows that average annual energy margins are high at very low reserve margins
because tight supply conditions create high energy prices and more frequent price spikes. Under
such conditions, an energy-only market would attract additional investments because suppliers
would expect to earn on average more than enough in the energy market alone to recover their
fixed costs. As the market attracts more investments and reserve margins increase, energy prices
and supplier returns decline. The energy-only market will continue to attract incremental
investments until energy margins drop to CONE, which represents an equilibrium point for
achievable reserve margin. No additional investment would be attracted beyond this point
because investors would not expect to recover their costs of new entry.
In our Base Case simulations, the Study RTO would achieve an economic equilibrium reserve
margin of 7.9% in the Study RTO (which corresponds to a 16.5% reserve margin over the
combined four-system area, as explained in Table 7 in Section III above). This economic
equilibrium is indicated by the red dot in Figure 26. Note, however, that because the achieved
reserve margin is determined entirely by market forces, there is no guarantee of achieving any
specific resource adequacy level in an energy-only market. In our hypothetical system, the
economic equilibrium reserve margin is lower than the reserve margin that would be required to
maintain a typical reserve margin of 15.2% under the 0.1 LOLE standard, 8.2% under the 2.4
LOLH standard, or 9.6% under a 0.001% Normalized EUE standard.
Finally, we note that to illustrate this equilibrium reserve margin result, we assumed that a
natural-gas-fired CT is the marginal technology over the entire range of reserve margins. A
more precise determination of equilibrium conditions would evaluate not only the equilibrium
reserve margin but also the equilibrium resource mix. A system in disequilibrium would
We refer to “net revenues” as the revenues earned in energy and ancillary service markets net of the
plant’s variable operating and maintenance costs. Our simulation results show only net energy revenues as
they do not separately consider ancillary service markets and associated revenues.
experience entry (or exit) of the most profitable (most uneconomic) types of assets from among
many asset classes, and would reach true equilibrium at a particular reserve margin with a
particular resource mix. We do not evaluate equilibrium resource mix in our study, but note that
actual power markets will always experience at least some disequilibrium due to changing
system conditions, regulations, and supplier expectations over time.
Figure 26
CT Energy Margins vs. Study RTO Reserve Margin
CT energy margins in the Study RTO are from the Base Case simulation.
2. Conditions for Achieving Socially Optimal Investment Levels
The most important benefit of energy-only markets, compared to other market designs for
resource adequacy, is that energy-only markets theoretically can attract the optimal, welfare-
maximizing level of investments from a societal perspective. This is because prices in a
perfectly-designed energy-only market will always reflect the marginal system cost defined by
the intersection of supply and demand. This means that customers are able to choose how much
reliability for which they are willing to pay. For example, some customers place a relatively low
value on reliability, and so would rather reduce consumption than pay the $3,000/MWh price
realized when emergency hydro resources need to be dispatched in our simulations. Other
customers place a high value on service and so will be willing to pay the $7,000/MWh price
incurred when implementing voltage reductions. In such a perfectly-designed energy-only
market, the decisions of suppliers, customers, and the system operator will all be made relative to
the marginal societal costs and benefits of their actions.
We show CT energy margins relative to CONE for our Study RTO Base Case in Figure 27. The
figure, which assumes risk neutrality for all market participants, shows CT energy margins
relative to CONE (left axis) and total annual societal reliability-related costs (right axis).
explained in the previous section, the energy-only market will achieve an equilibrium reserve
margin of 7.9%. This is also the reserve margin that will minimize total societal costs as
tabulated in Section III.A.3 above.
Figure 27
CT Energy Margins vs. Study RTO Reserve Margin and Societal Costs
CT energy margins vs. societal reliability costs in Study RTO from Base Case simulation.
See Section III.A.3 for the derivation of risk-neutral, societal reliability-related costs.
The reason that an energy-only market can achieve this outcome is that a perfectly-designed
energy market will produce hourly energy prices equal to true marginal system costs.
The reader may note that we now shift from a discussion of “societal welfare-maximizing” reserve
margins to a discussion of “societal cost-minimizing” reserve margins. We make this change as a matter
of simplicity and convenience, since the objectives of “maximizing welfare” and “minimizing cost” are
identical in a system with inelastic demand like our Study RTO. We do not ignore the possibility of
elastic demand however, but instead account for net impacts on customer welfare indirectly by tabulating
the “costs” imposed by dispatching economic DR, emergency DR, and involuntary load shedding. An
alternative approach in which we calculate total societal welfare directly (consumer surplus plus producer
surplus) would be more conceptually pure, but would unnecessarily complicate our discussion.
Note that this reserve margin does not have any pre-determined relationship to the reserve margin that
minimizes costs from a utility cost-of-service perspective as evaluated in Section III.A.2 above.
The perfectly-designed market will also attract the optimal proportion of baseload, intermediate, and
peaking units for the same reason that it would achieve the optimal reserve margin. In each case, for
baseload as well as peakers, the net revenues available from the market will be equal to the net societal
value created by displacing higher-cost resources or emergency actions. This means that baseload units
will have sufficient incentives to enter the market only if the net societal value they create is equal to or
Continued on next page
most hours, marginal system costs are equal to the production costs of the highest-cost
generation or demand response asset dispatched to meet load. During peaking and scarcity
events however, marginal system costs rise to higher levels driven by the marginal cost of
emergency procedures such as calling emergency DR, emergency generation, emergency hydro,
operating reserves shortages, voltage reductions, or load curtailments. This means that the profit
that a new generating plant earns in a particular hour is exactly equal to the marginal reduction in
the societal costs that it provides.
If the reduction in total annual system costs is greater than
the marginal unit’s total annual capital and fixed costs at CONE, then total societal costs will be
reduced by that investment and suppliers have an incentive to enter the market.
As promising as these theoretical benefits sound, we stress that actual power markets cannot be
expected to achieve the optimal reserve margin in all cases. We are able to demonstrate the
result in our simulations only because we have constructed a carefully-designed scarcity pricing
mechanism to ensure that our simulated energy prices are always exactly equal to marginal
system costs. Achieving such perfect energy prices that exactly equal marginal system costs is
difficult if not impossible under real-world conditions. If those imperfections cause energy
prices to be too high on average, the market will attract more than the optimal level of
investments and will achieve a higher reserve margin. Of greater concern to most regulators and
suppliers is the possibility of the opposite outcome in which energy prices and the resulting
reserve margins are too low, a topic that we discuss further in Section IV.A.4 below.
There are three types of factors that make it difficult to set prices perfectly in wholesale electric
markets. First, there is insufficient integration of price responsive demand in wholesale electric
markets, because most customers pay only a fixed price for energy and so have no incentive to
respond to wholesale market conditions. Even among customers that do participate in wholesale
DR programs or retail pricing that encourages price response, their willingness to pay for energy
may not be fully incorporated into wholesale energy market prices due to the DR program
design, technical challenges in price formation, or lack of enabling technology. Second, in
circumstances when operator interventions are needed to address emergency conditions, prices
can be artificially suppressed by the “additional supply” that the intervention creates (e.g., by
dispatching emergency DR or implementing a voltage reduction). Several RTOs are working on
Continued from previous page
greater than their investment costs. There is also a displacement effect among resources in that adding
1 MW of baseload would reduce net revenues to CTs, and adding 1 MW of CTs would reduce net
revenues to baseload (although by a lesser amount). Overall, one would expect an investor to add the most
profitable resource type at any given time in a way that moves the system toward an optimal equilibrium
reserve margin and resource mix. Again, any deviations from perfect pricing that reflects marginal system
costs will not only cause the equilibrium reserve margin deviate from the optimal reserve margin, but it
will also cause the resource mix to deviate from the optimal resource mix.
For example, consider the impact of adding a very small 1 MW CT with production costs of $62.50/MWh
as in our Base Case. In an hour when load shedding would be required in the absence of the CT, the
reduction in societal costs is equal to: (a) the reduction in unserved energy, times the VOLL, or 1 MWh
times $7,500/MWh; minus (b) the increase in total production costs incurred by dispatching the CT, or 1
MWh times $62.50/MWh. This reduction in total societal costs is also equal to the hourly energy margins
earned by the CT which is the hourly price minus production cost (i.e., price at $7,500/MWh minus cost at
efforts to prevent such price suppression, but these efforts are still ongoing. Finally, if an RTO
opts to set administratively-determined scarcity prices to prevent price suppression during
emergency events, it is a remaining challenge to determine the correct price for these events,
such that the administrative price is reflective of the marginal cost of the reliability interventions.
These are challenges that energy markets across North America are currently addressing as they
attempt to improve their pricing mechanisms, particularly during scarcity hours.
3. Volatility in Supplier Energy Margins
Figure 28 summarizes annual energy margins earned on average for a new CT (on the left) and a
new CC (on the right) at different reserve margins. The figure also shows the range of annual
energy margins that would be realized in spot energy markets due to uncertainties such as
weather, load growth, hydro conditions, or outages. The annual average of energy margins
reflects the expected value across all 9,600 simulations for each reserve margin.
To demonstrate the year-to-year volatility in supplier returns for an unhedged supplier, we also
show the spot energy margins that a new unit would earn in the median year, along with the
middle 50% of all years (the range between the 25
and 75
percentiles) and the middle 80% of
all years (the range between the 10
and 90
percentiles). The median energy margin is
representative of a “typical year” in the sense that there is a 50% chance that the actual energy
margins will be above or below that value. The 90
percentile (top gray line) is particularly
interesting, as it approximately represents a “once in ten years” event in which suppliers could
earn more than these energy margins due to unusual tight supply or high load conditions.
For a more comprehensive discussion of scarcity pricing mechanisms, including how the energy-only
markets of Alberta and Texas are addressing these and other challenges, see Newell, et al.(2012),Section
V.A.2; Pfeifenberger, et al. (2009), Section IV; and Pfeifenberger, et al. (2011a, 2013).
As discussed in Section II.A, each of the 9,600 simulations for the Base Case and Change Cases estimates
hourly reliability and economic system results for a full calendar year, with each of the 9,600 simulations
representing different load shapes, economic forecast uncertainties, hydro conditions, unit outages, etc.
Figure 28
Volatility in CT (left) and CC (right) Energy Margins vs. Reserve Margin
CT and CC energy margins the Study RTO are from the Base Case simulation.
Gray lines represent the 10
, 25
, 50
, 75
, and 90
percentile estimates of spot energy margins (i.e., net
revenues earned in spot energy market without forward contracting or other risk mitigation).
These results for CTs’ and CCs’ annual energy margins show that year-to-year volatility in
supplier returns is quite large. For example, assuming no forward contracting, at the 7.9%
equilibrium reserve margin at which a new CT will earn CONE on average across all years, we
estimate that the plant would earn only approximately $30/kW-year (30% of CONE) in the
“typical” year. However, the CT would earn more than $260/kW-year (more than twice CONE)
approximately once in a decade. Similarly, the figure shows that at the equilibrium reserve
margins where a new CC earns its CONE on average across all years, the plant would earn only
approximately $55/kW-year (38% of CONE) in a typical year, although the plant would earn
more than $290/kW-year (more than almost twice CONE) once in a decade.
Figure 29 further illustrates spot energy market volatility by comparing three annual price
duration curves at the equilibrium, the 7.9% reserve margin level. The first price duration curve
is based on the weighted average across all 9,600 annual simulations (dark blue line) while the
lighter blue lines illustrate a worst weather scenario (medium blue) and a worst weather
combined with highest load growth scenario (light blue). On average over the years, spot energy
prices would rise to high levels above $1,000/MWh only approximately 35 hours per year, while
prices would rise above $1,000/MWh in approximately 140 hours under the worst weather year
(and the weighted average of economic growth forecasting errors) and in approximately 325
hours in the worst case scenario that combines the worst weather year with the highest
unanticipated load growth. Note that one would not expect prices this high in many markets
even under such a worst case scenario, since many markets maintain reserve margins that are
much higher than the 7.9% shown in the figure and also have lower price caps than the
$7,500/MWh utilized in our Base Case simulations.
Figure 29
Price Duration Curve at the 7.9% Equilibrium Reserve Margin
Study RTO Base Case Price duration curve on average and in extreme weather and load growth cases.
The reason that, in the absence of forward contracting and hedging, supplier energy margins can
rise so high relative to their median or even average annual levels is that market prices in most
years will be set by the marginal costs of the generation fleet in nearly all hours. However, both
our Study RTO and actual energy-only markets will also experience periodic severe price spikes
that are driven by scarcity conditions reflecting extreme heat waves or unanticipated high load
Under these conditions, market prices can rise to very high levels as the need for
high-cost emergency operating procedures increases. Realized prices in our Study RTO rise with
the severity of the shortage event according to the scarcity pricing function described in Section
II.E above. Prices may reach as high as the VOLL-based price cap of $7,500/MWh in the
extreme circumstances when load must be shed. As explained in the previous section, these
periodic, severe price spikes are necessary if the energy-only market is to attract the socially-
optimal level of investments.
The VOLL-based $7,500/MWh price cap and administrative scarcity pricing function also mean
there is great uncertainty around the spot energy margins that power plants would earn and
For a comparison of the frequency and severity of scarcity pricing events in various real-world energy-
only markets, see Newell, et al. (2012), Section I.B.
customers would need to pay in any particular year in the absence of forward contracting or
hedging. Unhedged suppliers would face substantial investment risk under a market
environment in which returns in the median year are less than half the returns that would be
expected on average over the years. This also means that the energy margins that a plant could
have earned in the spot market in a recent year (or even several recent years) are not a good
indicator of the average energy margins that plants will likely earn over their economic life. For
example, at the equilibrium reserve margin, a CT selling solely into the spot market would earn
less than 30% of CONE in half of all years. Further, though not shown at the scale of this chart,
in the most extreme 5% of simulation cases (representing a 1-in-20 event that a unit may
experience once over its useful economic life) annual CT margins earned in spot markets rise 5.5
times above CONE.
Overall, these results mean that if suppliers relied solely on spot market sales, a substantial
portion of total investor returns would be earned in only a small number of extreme years. To
mitigate this risk, asset owners typically use a portfolio of hedges or contracts. But the scale of
the volatility nevertheless has a number of implications for lenders, equity investors, and policy
makers. In particular, extreme price events (even if mostly hedged) have important political
consequences that may trigger administrative or legislative interventions, including interventions
that could undermine investment signals needed for resource adequacy. The regulatory risk of
such potential interventions would require investors to discount the expected value of energy
margins earned in such extreme cases, with greater perceived regulatory risk translating to lower
realized investment levels in energy-only markets. We examine these and other considerations
related to the risks to total supplier returns more fully in other publications.
Note, however, that neither customers nor suppliers are fully exposed to this level of spot price
uncertainty. This is because all prudent suppliers and load-serving entities will mitigate a
significant portion of these risks through hedging tools, such as forward contracts. Forward
contracting will allow entities to lock in anticipated average prices for the future, meaning that
while the contract price will exceed the realized spot price most of the time, it will be far below
realized spot prices during extreme outcomes. The farther forward a supplier or load-serving
entity is able to hedge,
the less spot energy market risk exposure the supplier will have. For
example, long-term contracts will mitigate nearly all price risks, including risk factors such as
economic growth, weather, and outages. However, hedging even a few months forward will
mitigate most weather and outage-related risks. Because weather and outage risks are shown to
account for the majority of the uncertainty range in our market simulations, even short-term
forward contracts (such as seasonal contracts) will be able to hedge a large portion of the
uncertainty range shown above.
In either case, the weighted average of energy margins will
We address a number of related questions more extensively in Pfeifenberger and Newell (2011c); and
Newell, et al. (2012), Section II.
Note that to mitigate uncertainty in spot energy margins, suppliers will need to hedge both their energy
market revenues and their fuel costs.
For example, our Base Case simulations show that for the 7.9% equilibrium reserve margin, the
uncertainty range between the 10
and 90
percentiles of CT energy margins is $320/kW-year. For
normal weather and the weighted average of outage risks (i.e., with exposure only to multi-year economic
load growth uncertainty), the uncertainty range between the 10
and 90
percentiles is reduced to
not be significantly affected by such hedging activity unless forward contracts sell at a premium
above expected average outcomes because buyers are more risk averse than suppliers (or,
alternately, at a discount if suppliers are much more risk averse).
The substantial risk mitigation that can be achieved even through seasonal forward contracts is
illustrated by the example of ERCOT in 2011 and 2012. The summer weather for 2011 was an
example of extreme conditions, while 2012 was milder than normal.
Based on stakeholder
interviews we conducted for ERCOT in a 2012 study prompted by these extreme events, we
learned that both generators and competitive retail suppliers engage in a substantial amount of
forward hedging at periods of up to three to five years. On a seasonal forward basis of several
months, some retailers even buy hedges sufficient to cover their entire anticipated summer
electricity needs. As a consequence, market participants have ample opportunities to mitigate
extreme spot prices and are likely to pay or earn prices much closer to the expected average in
many years.
Table 13 illustrates the magnitude of risk mitigation through seasonal forward contracting. The
table compares seasonal futures prices against realized hourly spot market prices in ERCOT for
the Summers of 2011 and 2012. More specifically, the table compares for these two years:
(1) the prices for June through September on-peak futures contracts as of April of each year; with
(2) the realized on-peak spot prices for the same hours and months.
As shown, for the peak
months of August 2011 and August 2012, futures contract prices for these two months differed
by less than $15/MWh or about 20%. In contrast, August on-peak spot prices for 2011 and 2012
differed by $175/MWh, or approximately 280% of the average August futures price. This shows
that reasonably effective market-based hedging tools are available to market participants who
wish to mitigate spot price exposure. How much additional risk mitigation should be achieved
by increasing planning reserve margins above the risk-neutral economic optimum is
consequently a difficult question that will need to be addressed through additional research.
If buyers are more risk averse they will be willing to pay a premium above expected spot prices to secure a
higher level of forward certainty which would then translate into slightly higher supplier returns and
realized reserve margins.
See an extensive discussion of the Summer 2011 realized prices, scarcity events, and weather events, as
well as our evaluation of impact on investors and buyers in Newell, et al. (2012).
Data from Ventyx (2013).
Table 13
Illustration of Risk Mitigation Achieved by Seasonal Forward Contracting
Sources and Notes:
Futures and spot prices are for ERCOT North On-Peak prices.
Futures prices are averaged across all trade dates in April of 2011 or
2012, two to six months prior to delivery, from Ventyx (2013).
4. Missing Money and the Impact of Price Caps
The Base Case assumes that energy prices can rise up to the VOLL-based energy price cap of
$7,500/MWh. As explained above, this VOLL-based price cap, combined with an efficient
scarcity pricing mechanism tied to marginal system cost creates efficient real-time energy market
price signals that accurately reflect the marginal value of supply at all times. In some cases,
particularly during extreme scarcity events, these efficient prices can be very high relative to
average prices. Imposing a price cap that is far below VOLL or otherwise suppressing prices
during scarcity events will have the inefficient effect of suppressing prices and supplier returns
below what is needed to achieve the risk-neutral societally optimal investment levels. This
creates a so-called “missing money” problem in the energy market.
Figure 30 demonstrates the concept of missing money for the Study RTO in the Base Case
Simulation and in two alternative scenarios in which we introduce price caps of $3,000/MWh
and $1,000/MWh. At the 7.9% risk-neutral, societal optimum reserve margin, suppliers earn
high enough energy margins to sustain investment. However, imposing price caps of
$3,000/MWh or $1,000/MWh eliminates the high prices of some events and causes supplier net
revenues to drop to only 84% or 49% of CONE respectively. In other words, the price-capped
market would have a “missing money” problem of $20 and $62/kW-year respectively, relative to
the energy margins needed to sustain the socially optimal reserve margin.
An even greater “missing money” problem exists if policy makers wish to maintain the 15.2%
reserve margin needed to meet the 0.1 LOLE reliability standard. In this case, there are two
sources of missing money: (1) energy prices that are suppressed by the price caps; and (2) even if
price formation is efficient as in the Base Case, the energy-only market does not achieve an
economic equilibrium reserve margin at the planning reserve margin (e.g., to achieve 0.1 LOLE)
Futures Traded
in April
Realized Real-Time
Spot Prices
($/MWh) ($/MWh) ($/MWh)
Summer 2011
June $45.94 $51.66 $5.72
July $55.71 $58.67 $2.96
Augus t $55.71 $209.99 $154.27
September $42.79 $39.68 ($3.11)
Summer 2012
June $38.11 $38.22 $0.11
July $70.07 $31.50 ($38.56)
Augus t $70.07 $34.98 ($35.09)
September $38.62 $29.02 ($9.59)
that regulators may wish to maintain. This topic is the subject of current market reform efforts in
Figure 30
Energy Margins and “Missing Money” at Different Price Caps
Average CT energy margins with price caps of $7,500/MWh (Base Case), $3,000/MWh, and $1,000/MWh.
5. Implications of Varying System Conditions and Study Assumptions
Figure 31 shows average CT energy margins for the Base Case and each of the alternative
simulation scenarios that we have examined. Compared to the Base Case, large declines in
energy margins would be realized under the lower price cap cases (as discussed above), or in any
of the scenarios where the Study RTO is able to rely more heavily on imports from the
neighboring regions with higher reserve margins. In these cases, under an energy-only market,
the Study RTO would realize an economic reserve margin below minimum the 7% level that we
have examined. However, note that in cases where energy margins are driven down by increased
neighbor assistance, these lower realized internal reserve margins may not necessarily cause any
additional reliability concerns since the Study RTO is also in a better position to rely on physical
neighbor assistance during these events.
See Newell, et al. (2012), Sections I.D-F.
The largest increases in CT energy margins are caused by reduced transmission interconnections
with neighboring regions. In fact, the 50% Transmission and Island Cases would increase
supplier returns sufficiently to increase the Study RTO’s equilibrium reserve margin to 12.3%
and 16.5% respectively.
Figure 31
Summary of Average CT Energy Margins for All Simulated Cases
Average CT energy margins in the Base Case and all change case scenarios.
Overall, comparison of these results shows that energy margins are heavily influenced by
conditions experienced in neighboring regions, particularly when those neighbors are strongly
interconnected. When the Study RTO is experiencing a severe shortage condition, it can
partially alleviate the shortage and reduce energy prices by importing from neighboring systems.
The price-moderating effect of such imports will be greater in more interconnected systems and
neighboring systems with higher load diversity (so that scarcity does not happen simultaneously
in all regions). However, the reverse can also be true. When the neighboring regions experience
an extreme price spike, this will also attract imports from the Study RTO that will introduce
scarcity-level prices in the Study RTO as well.
The overall impact of neighboring regions on Study RTO prices and energy margins therefore
depends on the characteristics of the outside system, the level of load diversity among the
systems, and the strength of interconnections. For example, because the systems we examine are
quite similar and have significant load diversity, increasing interconnections will generally tend
to moderate prices. In select circumstances however, expanded interconnections could also
increase price volatility in the Study RTO if a neighboring region has a greater potential for
severe price spikes and shortage conditions. This would generally be the case for neighboring
regions that are hydro-dominated with the potential for extreme shortages during low-water
conditions that occur only once every five or ten years.
B. C
Bilateral and centralized capacity markets were first implemented in the U.S. in the late 1990s as
a means of achieving the prevailing 1-in-10 resource adequacy standards within restructured
markets. Restructured markets rely on voluntary supplier investments to sustain resource
adequacy, with incremental investments attracted only when suppliers can anticipate operating
margins sufficiently high on average to cover the plants’ fixed costs, recover investments, and
earn a return equal to their cost of capital.
The primary advantage of restructured markets that include a capacity market relative to energy-
only markets is that the system operator is able to ensure that the administratively-determined
planning reserve margins will be achieved. Depending on the policy objectives, these reserve
margins may be set to achieve either: (a) the reliability objective such as 1-in-10, as is the case in
the capacity markets of PJM, ISO-NE, and NYISO; or (b) an economic objective such as
minimizing societal or customer costs, as in the proposed Italian capacity market.
1. Capacity Payments Required to Achieve Reliability Targets
As discussed in Section IV.A above, energy-only markets by themselves will maintain some
equilibrium level of investments, but will not necessarily achieve any particular administratively-
determined reserve margin target. As explained in Section IV.A.4, the additional supplier
returns required to achieve a particular target reserve margin is often referred to as “missing
This type of situation is one that we have previously examined in Alberta that despite little hydro resource
of its own is exposed to the risk of low-hydro conditions via its interconnection with BC Hydro. See
Pfeifenberger and Spees (2011a), Section III.F.
Note that even restructured markets do not rely entirely on merchant entry for all new supply. There are
usually at least a small proportion of new assets within each footprint that are built on a regulated basis.
An example is public power entities that build for self-supply. However, we classify a market as
“restructured” if it will require at least some merchant entry to maintain resource adequacy in the region.
This is the case, for example, in PJM where most new entry must come from merchant investors, although
some new entry will be built on a regulated basis such as by Dominion, by a number of municipalities and
cooperatives, or under the direction of state entities as in a selection of contracts in New Jersey and
We note that these markets actually express the resource adequacy standard as a “demand curve” for
capacity that covers a range of reserve margins, although the range is developed around the underlying
reliability or economic objective as discussed further in Section IV.B.4 below.
For a discussion of investment shortfalls and the “missing money” problem in energy-only markets, see
Cramton and Stoft (2006), Joskow (2008), and Pfeifenberger, et al. (2009). Note, however, that not all
energy-only markets suffer from a missing money problem, and the problem can be addressed through
means other than capacity markets. See, for example, Pfeifenberger and Spees (2013), documenting
Continued on next page
The missing money problem can be solved in deregulated markets by imposing resource
adequacy standards on all LSEs. Such a resource adequacy standard requires LSEs to procure
either sufficient generation or DR capacity to serve their own customers’ coincident peak load
plus the specified mandatory reserve margin. Such an LSE-based resource adequacy standard is
imposed in all capacity markets that cover primarily deregulated regions, such as in NYISO,
ISO-NE, and PJM. It is also used in California and regions with primarily (but not exclusively)
regulated utilities such as MISO.
Imposing a resource adequacy standard on LSEs automatically creates a bilateral market for
capacity because it creates demand for installed capacity that is separate from the demand for
energy and ancillary services. As a result, LSEs will have to pay for capacity to secure the
needed obligations.
Within centralized capacity markets—as is the case in PJM, ISO-NE, and
NYISO—the RTO procures the needed capacity resources on behalf of all customers and then
assigns procurement costs to individual LSEs in proportion to peak load during the delivery
period. However, regardless of whether the capacity market is centralized or bilateral, the
existence of an enforceable resource adequacy standard means that the system operator will
always be able to achieve the specified planning reserve margin.
The size of the capacity payments required to maintain the resource adequacy standard is a
function of the target reserve margin as shown in Figure 32. Suppliers must anticipate being able
to earn total operating margins equal to or greater than CONE before they will invest in the new
resources. As explained in Section IV.A.1 above, energy margins exceed CONE at Study RTO
reserve margins up to 7.9% (which corresponds to a 16.5% reserve margin in the combined four-
system area, see Table 7 above). This means that only if the anticipated Study RTO reserve
margin dropped below 7.9% would suppliers invest without the prospect of earning additional
capacity payments. This also means that the capacity price would be zero if the Study RTO
imposed a minimum reserve margin requirement at or below 7.9%.
For reserve margin requirements greater than 7.9% however, suppliers will not be willing to
invest based on energy margins alone. At these higher reserve margins, suppliers must expect
capacity payments equal to their Net CONE, which is the difference between their CONE and
their anticipated energy margins. As shown in Figure 32 for our Base Case simulations, the
equilibrium capacity price (red line) increases with the reserve margin requirement. This is
because energy prices and suppliers’ energy margins decrease causing Net CONE to increase.
Continued from previous page
market prices that support sufficient investment in the Alberta energy-only market; and Newell et al.
(2012) discussing a range of options, with and without a capacity market, to address a missing money
problem in the Texas energy-only market.
For additional discussion of these capacity market designs as well as various alternative market designs for
resource adequacy, see Spees, et al. (2013); and Pfeifenberger, et al (2009).
In regions with primarily cost-of-service regulated utilities, most of these capacity commitments are
determined through integrated resource planning (IRP) and then secured through self-supply or long-term
PPAs for bundled energy and capacity. However, there are often still at least some additional transactions
for capacity as a distinct product. For example, see an analysis of California’s short-term bilateral market
for capacity in CPUC (2011), particularly in Section 4.3. See also Pfeifenberger, et al. (2012).
At the 15.2% reserve margin needed to maintain 0.1 LOLE, for example, an investor in a new
CT would expect to earn approximately $40/kW-year in energy margins on average, while the
total annualized investment and fixed cost (i.e., CONE) is $120/kW-year. That supplier would
not voluntarily invest unless capacity prices were expected to be at least $80/kW-year on average
over the economic life of the plant.
By comparison, a capacity price of less than $30/kW-year
would be needed to sustain the lower 10.3% reserve margin that is consistent with the risk-
neutral cost-of-service optimum as discussed above.
Figure 32
Equilibrium Capacity Price vs. Reserve Margin Requirement
Equilibrium capacity price equal to CT Net CONE of Base Case simulation.
2. Impact of Lower Energy Market Price Caps on the Capacity Market
Because capacity prices must be equal to Net CONE over the long-run to sustain a particular
reserve margin, any factors that cause anticipated energy margins to drop will also cause
capacity prices to increase if the reserve margin is to be maintained. Figure 33 illustrates this
effect for our Study RTO, by showing the equilibrium capacity price level for simulation cases
where the energy price cap is: (a) set at the VOLL of $7,500/MWh as in the Base Case;
(b) reduced to $3,000/MWh; and (c) reduced to $1,000/MWh.
As explained in Section IV.A.4 above, reducing the price cap below VOLL or otherwise
suppressing energy prices below marginal system costs will result in under-investment in an
energy-only market design. This is not the case in regions with reserve margin requirements,
In other words, Net CONE ($80/kW-year) = CONE ($120/kW-year) – Energy Margins ($40/kW-year).
because any reduction in energy margins will be offset by an increase in supplier compensation
through increases in capacity prices. As Figure 33 shows, at any level of reserve margin,
lowering the cap on energy prices significantly increases capacity prices. The impact of price
caps is greater at lower reserve margins because scarcity conditions and associated price spikes
are encountered more frequently at the lower margins.
This interaction between energy margins and capacity market prices also means that regions with
resource adequacy requirements and associated (bilateral or centralized) capacity markets will be
able to achieve their reliability targets even if energy prices are artificially suppressed. This does
not mean, however, that capped or otherwise suppressed energy prices have no consequences on
market efficiency. Rather, overall market efficiency will be lower because the capped or
otherwise lower energy prices will lead to inefficient investment decisions, inefficient hedging
and forward contracting incentives, inefficient demand response, inefficient real-time
performance incentives, and inefficient dispatch of resources.
Figure 33
Equilibrium Capacity Prices with Different Energy Market Price Caps
Equilibrium capacity price is at CT Net CONE.
Calculated at price caps of $7,500/MWh (Base Case), $3,000/MWh, and $1,000/MWh.
3. Cost-Minimizing Capacity Demand Curves
The optimal, cost-minimizing reserve margin also depends on the levelized fixed costs of adding
more capacity resources to the system. In estimating the cost-minimizing reserve margin in
Sections III.A.2 and III.A.3 above, we assume levelized fixed costs equal to a CT CONE of
$120/kW-year. In reality there is some uncertainty in CONE from an administrative perspective,
due to variability in construction costs, financing costs, and even technology specifications
among potential investors.
Figure 34 shows how total reliability-related costs change with varying CONE levels and reserve
margins, and highlights the minimum average cost point with a red dot in each case. The figure
shows total reliability-related costs as calculated in Section III.A.2 from a risk-neutral, cost-of-
service perspective. The figure also shows that changes in the assumed level of CONE shift the
economically-optimal reserve margin by several percentage points. Varying CONE between
$70/kW-year to $170/kW-year corresponds to cost-minimizing reserve margins that range from
8.4% to 13.1%.
Figure 34
Cost-Minimizing Reserve Margin with Varying CT CONE
(Risk-Neutral, Cost of Service Perspective)
Base Case reliability-related costs from a risk-neutral, cost-of-service perspective, see Section III.A.2.
The fact that the economically-optimal reserve margin depends on CONE suggests that
administratively-determined reserve margin requirements should also vary with CONE. In other
words, it would be more efficient to maintain a higher reserve margin if additional capacity can
be added at relatively low cost. Similarly, mandated reserve margins should be lower if new
capacity is expensive. This economically-efficient approach to procuring capacity could be
achieved in either cost-of-service regulated power markets or deregulated regions within a
capacity market. It would require: (a) estimating the incremental value of capacity using
probabilistic economic and reliability simulations (as we have done for the hypothetical Study
RTO); and (b) comparing that value against the total cost of procuring capacity, which may be
unknown in advance.
Figure 35 shows the value of incremental capacity as a function of reserve margins. We
calculate the incremental capacity value as the reduction in total system costs (excluding capital
costs) that would be achieved by adding incremental capacity. As the figure shows, this
incremental value of capacity also depends on whether one applies a cost-of-service or societal
perspective for calculating total system costs. We thus show capacity values for: (a) a risk-
neutral, cost-of-service perspective in a system with a price cap at the $7,500/MWh VOLL, as
well as at the lower price caps of $3,000/MWh and $1,000/MWh; and (b) a risk-neutral societal
perspective. The value of capacity is a function of price caps only under a cost-of-service
perspective, because the lower price caps (which are applied in both Study RTO and neighboring
regions) will reduce the cost of procuring emergency imports. From a societal perspective,
however, the value of capacity does not depend on energy prices. It depends only on internal
and external production and reliability-related costs, not on the market prices themselves.
Figure 35
Reduction in Expected System Costs Achieved by Adding Capacity
(Excluding the Carrying Costs Required to Build the Incremental Capacity)
Capacity value is the reduction in system costs (excluding capital costs) achieved per unit of
capacity added.
Cost-of-Service costs are calculated for the Base Case as well as the $3,000/MWh and $1,000/MWh
price cap cases from a risk-neutral cost-of-service perspective as in Section III.A above. Societal
costs are calculated for the Base Case on a risk-neutral basis as in Section III.A.3 and do not vary
with price cap levels.
Plotted with x-axis based on the Study RTO internal reserve margin. Note that the 7.9% “socially
optimum” reserve margin in the Study RTO is equivalent to a 16.5% reserve margin across all
systems’ coincident peak loads, as explained in Table 7 in Section III.A.3.
Any time the incremental value of capacity (shown as downward-sloping lines), exceeds the
incremental cost of new capacity, it would be efficient to procure more capacity. This
comparison must consider the total procurement costs, including both capacity payments and net
energy payments.
Figure 35 compares these value-of-capacity curves for our Study RTO to
the Base Case CONE value of $120/kW-year. The value of capacity is equal to CONE at the
risk-neutral, economically-optimal reserve margin as calculated previously and indicated with
red dots in the chart. These optimum reserve margins would increase if CONE were lower, as
discussed above.
Within a capacity market, one can translate this value-of-capacity calculation into a cost-
minimizing demand curve for capacity by subtracting out the portion of total costs that suppliers
would be able to cover through energy margins as shown in Figure 36. This demand curve for
capacity would procure the quantity of capacity needed to minimize total system production,
reliability, and capital costs, as calculated on a risk-neutral basis. These demand curves would
need to be shifted to the right if policy makers or RTOs wished to incorporate some risk aversion
into their procurement levels as discussed in Section III.A.4 above. Note, however, that the risk
mitigation preferences of suppliers and customers might alternately be resolved through market-
based hedging and forward contracting, at least in efficient and competitive markets with liquid
futures markets and forward contracting opportunities.
The cost-minimizing demand curve from a societal perspective (left chart) is zero at all reserve
margins in our Base Case where the price cap is set at VOLL. This is because, under the special
circumstances of having perfectly efficient energy market prices, the energy-only market will be
sufficient to attract the efficient quantity of capacity investments from a societal perspective as
explained in Section IV.A.2. However, if the price cap is below VOLL or energy prices are
otherwise suppressed, it would be efficient to procure additional capacity through a capacity
market. The lower the price cap and the greater the price suppression, the higher the capacity
demand curve would need to be to procure the socially-optimal quantity.
From a risk-neutral cost-of-service perspective (right chart), the cost-minimizing demand curve
is also a downward-sloping function with a very similar shape. As the chart shows, however, the
height of the demand curve is not as directly related to the price cap as is the case for the
socially-optimal demand curves. This is because the value of capacity is partly tied to the
suppression of energy prices and associated reduction of net import costs. With a lower price
cap, the value of higher reserve margins on reducing import costs is less (lowering the demand
curve) but the effect is offset because suppliers’ energy margins would also be reduced
(increasing the demand curve). These offsetting factors result in a demand curve that is not as
heavily impacted by the price cap.
In the context of a region with a capacity market, the total payments would be the sum of energy margins
and capacity payments based on the market prices for energy and capacity. In a regulated utility setting
with PPAs, the total procurement cost would be net energy payments plus capacity payments under the
PPA, which may be broken down in various ways depending on contract terms.
Figure 36
Risk-Neutral, Cost-Minimizing Demand Curve for Capacity
Calculated as the value of capacity from Figure 35 minus the energy margins from Figure 26.
4. Current RTO Demand Curves Compared to Cost-Minimizing Curves
Figure 37 compares the cost-minimizing demand curves calculated in the previous section to
demand curves that are currently being used in the capacity markets in NYISO, ISO-NE, PJM,
and MISO. We compare the demand curves that would be calculated under the Base and 50%
Transmission Cases from the risk-neutral societal perspective under a $1,000/MWh price cap.
We selected these cases to compare because we believe that these two simulation cases may
most closely resemble these various real-world RTOs, but stress that the value-based demand
curve would be quite different if estimated for any particular region.
We plot the curves in two different ways: (1) with the x-axis defined as the Study RTO’s reserve
margin compared against the Study-RTO non-coincident peak load (solid lines); and (2) with the
x-axis defined as the combined four-system reserve margin against the combined systems’
coincident peak load (dotted lines). Further, we note that these risk-neutral demand curves
would have to be shifted to the right if policy makers or RTOs wished to incorporate risk
mitigation benefits into the demand curves.
Not surprisingly, the cost-minimizing demand curves from a risk-neutral societal perspective
have lower prices than the actual RTO demand curves when compared against the Study RTO
reserve margin. This is primarily because these actual RTO demand curves were developed with
the objective of achieving the 0.1 LOLE standard, while a risk-neutral societal approach would
aim to procure a lower reserve margin and reliability level under our study assumptions. Actual
RTO demand curves also reflect a number of other objectives and real-world considerations such
as: (a) the objective of mitigating capacity price volatility; (b) the practical difficulties of
administratively estimating demand curve parameters, including the approximate Net CONE at
the target reserve margin; and (c) the difficulty of building consensus on a capacity demand
curve’s shape, given the multitude of stakeholders with disparate and competing interests that are
involved in such market development efforts.
While U.S. RTOs with capacity markets and their regulators have not yet demonstrated
substantial interest in considering such a value-based approach to estimating demand curves
(whether risk-neutral, or risk-adjusted), we note that Italy will soon implement a capacity market
with a value-based demand curve that is at least conceptually similar to the approach that we
have outlined in the previous section.
Figure 37
Cost-Minimizing Capacity Demand Curve vs. Current RTO Demand Curves
Sources and Notes:
All curves converted from source units into ICAP terms for both reserve margin and price.
Cost-minimizing demand curves plotted with x-axis as: (1) the Study RTO reserve margin against Study-RTO
non-coincident peak load (solid lines); and (2) against the combined four-system reserve margin against
the combined coincident peak load (dotted lines). See Table 7 in Section III.A.3 for a more detailed
explanation of this coincident vs. non-coincident reserve margin accounting convention.
See ISO-NE (2013); MISO (2012c, 2012d); NYISO (2013); PJM (2013a).
Italy’s system operator Terna has submitted its proposal for calculating this value-based demand curve, as
briefly outlined in Terna (2012), Sections 2.3-2.4.
C. I
Section IV.C examines the system cost and reliability implications of increasing levels of
demand response penetration, assuming that increasing DR resources would displace traditional
generation. Increasing DR penetration also has a number of important implications for energy
and capacity market outcomes. Namely, as DR penetration increases and displaces generation
resources, it will: (1) cause the energy supply curve to shift upward because lower-dispatch-cost
CTs are being replaced by DR with higher dispatch cost, resulting in higher energy prices during
peak load and scarcity conditions; (2) increase average generator margins due to the higher peak
energy prices; and (3) reduce capacity market prices by increasing generators’ energy margins.
We discuss these and related implications for market design in the following sections, and
evaluate the relevance of these results to PJM’s market, which is the U.S. market that will be
relying most heavily on DR resources over the coming years.
1. Energy Market Impacts
As DR penetration increases, it will displace traditional generation resources if the reserve
margin requirement remains fixed. This will increase the supply curve and realized prices in the
energy market, because lower-dispatch-cost generation resources will be displaced by higher-
dispatch-cost DR. If that DR is primarily “emergency” rather than “economic” DR it will have
an even greater impact on the energy market because: (1) emergency DR is available only during
emergency conditions (at a high strike price of $2,000/MWh assumed in our simulations), while
economic DR is available over a wide range of dispatch prices, including a portion that is
available at relatively low dispatch prices (a few hundred dollars in our simulations); and
(2) emergency DR is a dispatch-limited resource (in our simulations it can only be dispatched up
to 100 hours per year), resulting in even higher energy prices during any years when the dispatch
limit is exceeded.
Figure 38 illustrates these impacts by showing the price duration curve for the Base Case
simulations and a 15% planning reserve margin and varying market penetration levels for
emergency DR (left chart) and economic DR (right chart). For comparison, we also show the
price duration curve from the Base Case simulations at the same 15% reserve margin.
distinction between emergency and economic DR is not particularly important at relatively low
penetration levels of up to 5% (similar to historical experience), because the frequency with
which the DR resource will be dispatched is quite low at these penetration levels. As explained
in Section III.C.1 above, at the 5% penetration level, one would expect few or no DR calls in
years with typical weather. However, with higher levels of DR penetration (darker blue lines),
the entire price duration curve is shifted up, with the increase being substantially larger if the DR
resources consist only of dispatch-limited emergency DR rather than economic DR.
Recall that the Base Case simulation has a 6.9% DR penetration level, with DR resources consisting of
80% emergency DR and 20% economic DR.
Figure 38
Energy Price Duration Curve with Increasing DR Penetration
(Average Year Results at Fixed 15% Reserve Margin)
The average price duration curve at 15% reserve margin and varying levels of Emergency (left) or Economic
(right) DR penetration.
In our simulations, the high reliance on Emergency DR also has the effect of creating a “shelf” in
the price duration curve at the assumed emergency DR strike price of $2,000/MWh.
The shelf
in energy market prices is an artifact of the high-dispatch-cost nature of Emergency DR.
Emergency DR implicitly assumes that all DR resources are identical and that the underlying DR
resources all have the same strike price. In reality, however, every individual DR asset will have
its own strike price that could be above or below the $2,000/MWh assumed in our simulations.
Indiscriminately dispatching Emergency DR assets as if they had a uniform strike price will have
the problematic effect of calling on DR resources with high strike prices of several thousand
dollars, when lower-cost economic DR and non-DR resources would likely be available.
Additionally, DR resources with a strike price of only a few hundred dollars would prefer to be
interrupted much more frequently by customers trying to avoid high energy prices.
The Economic DR penetration simulation cases demonstrate generally preferable outcomes.
Integrating high-levels of Economic DR results in a smoother, better-behaved price duration
curve with no artificial “shelf” caused by an administratively-determined Emergency DR strike
price level. This illustrates the efficiency gains from integrating economic DR resources into
wholesale markets, whether they are directly dispatchable by the system operator or only
Note that the shelf is somewhat smoothed by the fact that the plots show the average price duration curve
over many simulation runs. In any individual run or delivery year the shelf would be an even more
prominently “blocky” feature of the emergency DR curve.
responding to market prices. The market is more efficient overall because each DR resource has
self-selected its own level and price of curtailments. For example, end users place relatively
little value on service for at least a portion of their total load may respond to energy market
prices and curtail demand at a relatively low strike price of $500/MWh. In our simulations, this
DR resource would be curtailed approximately 40 times per year (or less than one hour per
week) in the 20% penetration case, an interruption frequency that many end users may find
acceptable for non-essential uses.
To date, the consequences of relying heavily on Emergency DR have not yet been a major
concern because Emergency DR is rarely, if ever, dispatched in most systems. This is because:
(a) many U.S. systems have had modest DR penetration levels of only 6% to 7%; (b) many U.S.
RTOs have an surplus generation capacity, which means Emergency DR would rarely be called
even if the system had a high DR penetration level; and (c) energy prices are capped and rarely
exceed a few hundred dollars in most systems, meaning that only DR resources with the very
lowest strike prices have had any reason to participate in the energy market.
This will change over the next years however, particularly in PJM, where high levels of DR have
displaced generation for the next several delivery years. This will cause a substantial increase in
DR dispatch over the coming years.
Historically, and consistent with our Base Case
assumptions, 80% of PJM’s DR assets have participated as emergency-type DR, while only 20%
participated in the energy market. It seems very likely that, as energy prices and DR dispatch
hours increase over the coming years, more DR will begin participating in the energy market
because there will be increasingly more hours during which the “true” strike price of lower-cost
DR resources will be exceeded.
Resources with very high strike prices will not opt to
participate directly in PJM’s energy market, however, because: (a) their strike prices may exceed
the energy price cap, in which case they would never wish to be interrupted; or (b) their number
of call hours is too low, so that the benefits of participating in the energy market would not
justify the infrastructure or overhead costs of direct market participation.
2. Impact on Generator Energy Margins
Consistent with the increase in energy prices caused by displacing generation with DR resources,
generator energy margins would increase as shown in Figure 39. The figure shows the average
annual energy margins (red) as a function of DR penetration, along with the annual margins
expected in the median year (blue), middle 50% of years (dark gray), and middle 90% of years
However, even very high interruption rates may be tolerable if managed within a portfolio of resources by
a DR aggregator, because an aggregator could limit the interruption rate of any individual DR asset by
maintaining a high quantity of DR assets that exceeds its curtailment obligation under any one event.
For an analysis of how DR displacing generation may increase DR call hours in PJM over the coming
years, see Newell and Spees (2013).
DR may participate directly by offering hourly bids into the energy market or, possibly more commonly
for resources that wish to avoid the substantial effort required to submit hourly energy bids into the nodal
market, these assets may submit a single energy strike price that is applicable all year and that would be
used with slightly less locational dispatch precision. For an overview of PJM’s new scarcity pricing
mechanism, including its approach to incorporating emergency and economic DR into price-setting, see
PJM (2012b).
(light gray). Consistent with the observations about energy price impacts, relying more heavily
on Emergency DR will increase generator energy margins more quickly than relying more
heavily on Economic DR. Again, this is because Economic DR will offer into the energy market
at a large range of prices, including at some relatively low prices of only a few hundred dollars.
The smoother and better-behaved price formation associated with Economic DR also translates
into substantially less volatility in year-to-year spot energy margins earned by suppliers. With
Emergency DR, the 100 hour call limit and energy price “shelf” at the assumed administratively-
set level of $2,000/MWh result in a much larger difference in energy margins between moderate
years (with few or no DR calls) and extreme years (with many DR calls all at the same high
price). At the 15% Emergency DR penetration level, our simulations result in spot-market-based
energy margins of $48/kW-year (41% of CONE) for the typical year but up to $334/kW-year
(2.8 times CONE) once per decade. In comparison, CTs would experience lower (but much less
volatile) energy margins in a market with 15% Economic DR penetration. For that case, our
simulations yield spot energy margins of $18/kW-year (15% of CONE) for the typical year and
as high as $152/kW-year (1.3 times CONE) once per decade.
Figure 39
Volatility in Energy Margins vs. Emergency DR (left) or Economic DR (right) Penetration
(Fixed 15% Reserve Margin)
CT energy margins in the Study RTO when displacing CTs with increasing levels of DR penetration.
Gray lines represent the 10
, 25
, 50
, 75
, and 90
percentile estimates of energy margins.
3. Impact on Capacity Market
The increase in energy margins with higher DR penetration will also have the long-run effect of
decreasing equilibrium capacity prices, because total generator net energy and capacity revenues
will have to equal CONE on average as explained in Section IV.B.1 above. This consequence is
demonstrated in Figure 40 that shows the equilibrium capacity price at a 15% reserve margin
with increasing Emergency DR penetration, increasing Economic DR penetration, and under our
Base Case simulation.
Capacity prices are the same with Emergency and Economic DR at the 0% penetration level, and
decrease more quickly in the Emergency DR Case because energy market prices increase more
In fact, at approximately 14% Emergency DR penetration, the capacity market price
would be driven all the way to zero, with energy prices so high that traditional generators would
be willing to build even if they had no capacity payments. Obviously, this outcome is
economically infeasible because Emergency DR providers would need a capacity payment that is
at least high enough to pay for their fixed annual costs and expected net interruption costs.
other words, if only Emergency DR existed, then the capacity market would converge to an
equilibrium DR penetration level somewhere below 14%.
If only Economic DR existed and at the quantities that we assume can actually be realized, then
capacity prices would drop with increasing penetration levels but would not drop to zero over the
penetration levels we examine. In that case, DR penetration would level off at the fixed costs of
maintaining DR minus the net value of participating in the energy market.
We do not attempt
to quantify that equilibrium penetration level for our purposes, but note that the fixed costs of
adding more DR will necessarily increase at higher penetration levels as the lowest-cost DR
Note that in a real-world capacity market the difference between the Emergency and Economic DR Cases
might be somewhat smaller because the RTO is likely to reduce the capacity credit awarded to Emergency
DR at high penetration levels as it becomes obvious that the call-limited Emergency DR is providing
substantially lower reliability value. This would mean that the Emergency DR would displace somewhat
less generation capacity than the Economic DR, which would somewhat reduce the impacts on energy
market prices, CT energy margins, and capacity margins.
Note that DR suppliers have an annual “net interruption cost” that would be calculated very similarly to
generator energy margins but can actually be positive or negative in total value. The value of the “net
interruption cost” is the energy price when called minus the true strike price. If the energy price when
called exceeds the DR asset’s true strike price then the interruption provides positive value to the DR
supplier, who avoids paying energy prices in excess of their private value (note that for Economic DR the
energy price always exceeds the true strike price when called and so participating in the energy market
would always create positive value). In the alternate case when the energy price is below the DR asset’s
true strike price, the interruption will impose a net cost on the DR supplier. For example, if a DR asset’s
true strike price is $5,000/MWh, but the energy market price cap is $1,000/MWh (or the administratively-
determined Emergency DR strike price is $2,000/MWh), then every interruption would impose a net cost.
Penetration levels of Emergency DR would also be limited by the fact that call-limited DR has lower
capacity value and would probably therefore be assigned lower capacity payments at these high
penetration levels. PJM has already implemented such a mechanism for differentiating capacity payments
among call-limited and unlimited DR products. For an explanation and discussion of PJM’s multiple DR
products, see Pfeifenberger, et al. (2011a), Section VI.C.1.
See footnote 154 for an explanation of the net value that a DR asset would earn in the energy market.
resources are already committed and only higher-cost DR options remain available for
incremental procurement.
Figure 40
Equilibrium Capacity Prices with Increasing Levels of DR Penetration
(Fixed 15% Reserve Margin)
Equilibrium capacity price is at CT Net CONE.
In real markets, most DR is currently Emergency DR, suggesting capacity and energy market
impacts more similar to the Emergency DR case at low penetration levels. For example, in PJM
approximately 80% is Emergency DR while approximately 20% is Economic.
However, as
total DR penetration levels increase, we believe it is likely that a greater proportion of DR will
begin to participate in the energy market, driven by increasing energy prices as explained in
Section IV.C.1. However, some Emergency DR will never migrate into the energy market
because energy market prices would so infrequently exceed their true strike price (or may never
exceed their true strike price if the energy market cap is far below VOLL).
In other words, it is
still plausible that even with a price cap that is somewhat below the likely VOLL, the
See PJM (2013c), p. 5.
Emergency DR would only migrate into the energy market if the net value of participating in the energy
market exceeds the increase in fixed infrastructure and administrative costs incurred.
combination of PJM’s energy and capacity markets may be able to attract a relatively efficient
portfolio of Economic and Emergency DR.
This section of our report provides a high-level comparison of realized energy and capacity
prices, supplier net revenues, and customer costs under alternative energy-only and capacity
market designs. We also compare simulation results with varying price caps and target reserve
margin levels. These results reflect realized prices and costs under a restructured energy-only or
capacity market in which suppliers earn market-based revenues to recovery their fixed costs and
customers pay market prices for energy and capacity.
1. Supplier Net Revenues
Figure 41 shows supplier net revenues (i.e., total market-based revenues less operating costs) for
a new CT from energy margins and capacity payments under the Base Case simulation over a
range of reserve margins.
As explained previously, in a restructured wholesale energy-only or
capacity market, supplier net revenues must be equal to the fixed costs at CONE to sustain the
investment needed for a particular equilibrium reserve margin. Under our simulations, we
estimate 7.9% equilibrium reserve margin for the energy-only market design. At this
equilibrium reserve margin, suppliers would earn net revenues that fully recover their investment
and earn sufficient returns in the energy market. Policy makers would have the option to require
a higher planning reserve margin, but doing so would necessitate a resource adequacy
requirement that creates additional compensation through bilateral or centralized capacity
markets. In the following discussion we focus on energy-only and centralized capacity market
As planning reserve margin requirements increase, energy margins will decrease. This means
that the proportion of supplier net revenues from capacity payments—needed to avoid under-
investment due to “missing money”—will increase at higher reserve margins. Capacity
payments will, for example, need to cover more than 70% of CONE at the 17% reserve margin.
For intermediate and baseload units, capacity revenues would be the same but represent a lower
fraction of net revenues because those resource types would earn higher energy margins and
have higher fixed costs.
In other words, in equilibrium, supplier net revenues are the same in energy-only and capacity
market designs and cover the long-run marginal cost of supply. However, the proportion of net
With the primary inefficiency stemming from the lack of an efficient call order among resources whose
strike price is near to or exceeds the energy market cap. PJM’s current cap on the energy component of
the LMP is $1,500/MWh,as of October 2012 and will rise to $2,700/MWh by June 2015, see PJM
(2012b), p. 162.
Average energy margins and capacity prices are calculated as explained in Sections IV.A.1and IV.B.1
above respectively.
While other approaches to achieving higher planning reserve margins exist, we focus here only on energy-
only and capacity market approaches for simplicity. For a broader discussion of alternative approaches,
see Pfeifenberger, et al. (2009); and Spees, et al. (2013).
revenues from the energy and capacity markets is quite dependent on market design, reserve
margin requirement, and other fundamentals that affect energy market prices. The proportion of
supplier returns from the energy and capacity markets can also have substantial implications if
one or the other of these markets is particularly exposed to regulatory risks or inefficiencies as
discussed above. Further, any inefficiency in the capacity or energy only market designs could
result in attracting or maintaining an inefficient mix of baseload, intermediate, and peaking
Figure 41
Supplier Net Revenues as a Function of Planning Reserve Margin Requirements
Study RTO Base Case results, see Sections IV.A.1and IV.B.1 for calculation details.
Figure 42 similarly shows supplier net revenues from energy and capacity markets under
different market designs, price caps, reserve margin targets, and DR penetration levels. Again,
note that, to be able to attract investment, supplier net revenues are always equal to CONE in
equilibrium, although the proportion from capacity versus energy margins varies with design.
The figure shows that a capacity market with a planning reserve margin requirement set at the
risk-neutral, cost-of-service optimum would require that suppliers earn 27% to 56% of their net
revenues from the capacity market (depending on the price cap), while the capacity market with
a reserve margin requirement based on the 0.1 LOLE standard would require that 66% to 80% of
Also note that the case with energy margins exceeding CONE indicates a disequilibrium that would attract
more supply until reserve margins increased enough to decrease supplier net revenues until they equal
net revenues are earned in the capacity market. With higher levels of DR penetration, generation
suppliers would earn a greater portion of their net revenues in the energy market.
Figure 42
Supplier Net Revenues Under Different Market Designs and System Conditions
Study RTO results for Base, Price Cap, and DR Penetration Cases.
2. Total Customer Costs
Figure 43 shows the annual average of total customer costs as a function of planning reserve
margin in the Base Case simulation, including transmission and distribution, energy, and
capacity costs.
Note that T&D costs do not change with the reserve margin, while energy
costs decrease and capacity costs increase, consistent with the trends in market prices discussed
above. The directional change in the proportion of customer costs incurred for energy and
capacity are similar to the directional changes in supplier returns for the marginal CT, but the
magnitudes are different because: (a) customer costs reflect total energy costs not just the above-
cost portion represented by energy margins; and (b) customer costs reflect total energy and
capacity payments to all types of resources other than just the marginal CT including
T&D costs are based on a national average, from EIA (2013b).
intermediate and baseload resources whose total returns are more focused on energy than
Total customer costs are minimized at the risk-neutral, “societally-optimal” reserve margin of
7.9%, consistent with the discussion in Section IV.A.2 above. Unlike individual suppliers’
equilibrium net revenues, customer costs vary with the reserve margin even in equilibrium
conditions. This is because the total system cost increases with planning reserve margins and the
total generation base that must earn sufficient net revenues increases. However, the increase in
total customer costs with reserve margin is quite small as a percent of total costs, making the
increase difficult to see when total costs are shown to scale. In fact, increasing the reserve
margin above the risk-neutral, societal optimum of 7.9% to the 15.2% reserve margin needed
under the 0.1 LOLE standard increases average customer costs by $1.63/MWh or only 1.5%.
Importantly, we note that the incremental customer cost imposed by implementing a capacity
market relative to an energy-only market cannot be calculated simply by estimating the final
capacity price and multiplying by the procured quantity. This is because increasing the reserve
margin with a capacity market not only introduces capacity costs but also reduces energy-related
costs, a factor which is not considered in many discussions.
Figure 43 is also useful for answering the deceptively simple question of whether energy-only or
capacity markets are more expensive for customers. The real answer is that total customer costs
have less to do with energy-only versus capacity market design, but more to do with the
equilibrium reserve margin. Whether through energy-only or capacity market design, total
capacity costs must be sufficient to cover the capital and operating costs of the fleet in
expectation. The exact reserve margin achieved depends on market design details, with: (a) the
capacity market reserve margin determined by the planning reserve margin target, and (b) the
energy-only market reserve margin determined by the level of market prices (which may be
higher or lower than the “optimum” depending on whether energy prices are more often above or
below the perfectly efficient level).
However, in a true, perfect equilibrium, the Net CONE of all resource types would be equal even though
energy margins will be different. See Section IV.A.2 for additional discussion.
Figure 43
Total Customer Costs and Spot Market Exposure for Different Planning Reserve Margins
Study RTO Base Case results, with customers paying market prices for energy and capacity.
Sensitivity bars shows annual customer cost averaged for 10% of the most expensive years, assuming
full exposure to spot energy market uncertainty (i.e., no LSE risk mitigation through seasonal or
longer-term forward contracting).
Average T&D costs are a 2011 U.S. national average, see EIA (2013b).
This modest increase in average annual customer costs also achieves a risk mitigation benefit.
As indicated by Figure 43, at the 7.9% planning reserve margin annual customer costs are likely
to rise as high as $177/MWh once in ten years if those customers are fully exposed to spot
market uncertainty.
This once-per-decade cost exposure is 68% higher than the average
expected cost. At the higher 15.2% planning reserve margin, the once-per-decade spot market
cost exposure is only $140/MWh, or 31% higher than the average. In other words, increasing
planning reserve margins from 7.9% to 15.2% increases the average annual costs by $1.63/MWh
but decreases the once-per-decade spot market cost exposure by $38/MWh or by approximately
36% of the total bill. As discussed earlier, however, this comparison will overstate the risk
mitigation benefit of higher planning reserve margins because a large portion of all spot market
uncertainties can be hedged readily by LSEs even on a relatively short-term basis, such as
through forward contracting for an upcoming summer season.
This expected cost is calculated as the average expected cost of the top 10% of the most expensive energy
price years, i.e., the expected cost of the most extreme year in any particular decade. All percentages
reported are calculated as a percent of the total customer bill in the average year at the 7.9% reserve
Figure 44 similarly shows average customer costs and once-per-decade spot market exposure
under different energy-only and capacity market designs, planning reserve margins, price caps,
and DR penetration levels. Again, the directional changes in energy and capacity costs mirror
the changes observed for supplier net revenues in the previous section. As noted above, the
annual average of total customer costs can change by 1% to 2% under different planning reserve
margins and price caps. However, an unhedged customer’s exposure to high-cost years would be
much higher at lower reserve margins, with higher energy market price caps, and with higher DR
penetration levels (particularly if that DR is Emergency DR rather than Economic DR). Also
note that average annual customer costs in our simulations are as much as 5% lower at a high
20% economic DR penetration level, due to the reduction in overall generating capacity needs in
combination with lower capacity prices that would result if such a substantial resource base of
relatively low-cost DR were available.
Figure 44
Average Annual Customer Costs for Different Market Designs and System Conditions
Study RTO Base, Price Cap, and DR Penetration Cases results, with customers paying market prices.
Sensitivity bar shows annual customer cost averaged for 10% of the most expensive years, assuming full
exposure to spot energy market uncertainty (i.e., no LSE risk mitigation through seasonal or longer-
term forward contracting).
Average T&D costs are a 2011 U.S. national average, see EIA (2013b).
As we more fully explain in the Executive Summary, this study documents a wide range of
accounting and methodological conventions that make reserve margins and resource adequacy
assessments very difficult to compare across regions. Regions that appear to adopt the same
1-in-10 resource adequacy standard may in fact apply very different standards. For example, we
demonstrate that in a hypothetical system under identical methodological assumptions, the 1-in-
10 standard may require a planning reserve margin anywhere from 8.2% to 19.2% depending on:
(a) whether 1-in-10 is interpreted as 0.1 LOLE or 2.4 LOLH; and (b) whether only load-shedding
constitutes a reliability event or whether voltage reductions and operating reserves shortages may
also be classified as “events.”
Relatively few North American regions currently evaluate the economic implications of their
resource adequacy standards, with the exceptions being several entities in SERC. Evaluating the
economics of resource adequacy standards is a difficult modeling challenge and involves a
complex set of questions and tradeoffs among total cost, reliability, and risk of extreme events.
However, unless these questions are explicitly evaluated, policy makers will not be in a position
to make informed choices among their competing economic and reliability objectives.
In our illustrations for a hypothetical system, we show that, depending on how a regulator’s
economic objectives are defined, the “optimal” reserve margin may be 7.9% from a societal
perspective, 10.3% from a cost-of-service perspective, or possibly higher if regulators
incorporate risk mitigation benefits into their decision-making. In this and other studies, we
demonstrate that the likelihood of extreme reliability and wholesale price spike events can be
substantially mitigated by increasing reserve margins with only a modest increase in customer
costs. For example, increasing the reserve margin from the 7.9% “socially optimal” level to the
15.2% required to maintain 0.1 LOLE increases customer costs by approximately 1.5%.
In implementing their resource adequacy objectives, policy makers may use a number of
different planning or market-based approaches. We specifically evaluate the economics of
resource adequacy under energy-only and capacity market designs. As has been theoretically
discussed elsewhere, we demonstrate through our modeling results that a perfectly efficient
energy-only market will achieve the socially optimal reserve margin in expectation. However,
we caution that no market design is perfect and so energy-only markets may be susceptible to
either: (a) under-investment, if wholesale prices are artificially suppressed by low price caps or
insufficient administrative scarcity pricing measures; or (b) over-investment, if wholesale prices
are kept artificially high by factors such as sustained exercise of market power. Further, even if
an energy-only market achieves a socially optimal level of investments, it may or may not
achieve other policy objectives such as maintaining resource adequacy as defined by the 1-in-10
If regulators of restructured power markets wish to maintain a reserve margin higher than what
an energy-only market will likely support, they may implement a resource adequacy standard
within a competitive capacity market. Under a capacity market design, system operators can
achieve their resource adequacy target and suppliers will earn sufficient revenues from the
capacity market to attract the desired level of new entry. This is true even if wholesale energy
market prices may be artificially suppressed, for example during scarcity conditions.
Overall, average customer costs are not substantially impacted by market design in the long term,
except to the extent that different market designs may sustain different reserve margin levels
over the long term. Customer costs are much more heavily impacted by fundamental factors
such as fuel prices, load shape, and the cost and mix of supply resources. In particular,
incorporating substantial quantities of DR resources into wholesale capacity and energy markets
can increase the efficiency of those markets and also reduce customer costs to the extent that
substantial quantities of low-cost DR opportunities exist.
1-in-10 One-Day-In-Ten-Years
AESO Alberta Electric System Operator
APC Adjusted Production Costs
APS Arizona Power Service
APSC Arizona Public Service Company
BPA Bonneville Power Administration
CAISO California ISO
CBM Capacity Benefit Margin
CBO Congressional Budget Office
CC Combined Cycle
CEC California Energy Commission
CEER Council of European Energy Regulators
CONE Cost of New Entry
CPUC California Public Utilities Commission
CRS Congressional Research Service
CT Combustion Turbine
CVaR Conditional Value at Risk
DR Demand Response
EC European Commission
EFORd Expected Forced Outage Rate Data
EIA Energy Information Administration
ELCC Effective Load Carrying Capability
ENS Energy-Not-Served
EOP Emergency Operating Procedure
ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas
ETIP Energy Technology Innovation Policy
EWITS Eastern Wind Integration Transmission Study
EUE Expected Unserved Energy
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FOM Fixed Operations and Maintenance
FPSC Florida Public Service Commission
FRCC Florida Reliability Coordinating Council
GADS Generation Availability Data System
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GE-MARS General Electric – Multi-Area Reliability Simulation
GEN Generation
GTRPMTF Generation and Transmission Reliability Planning Models Task Force
HR Hour
ICAP Installed Capacity
IESO Independent Electricity System Operator
IRM Integrated Resource Management
IRP Integrated Resource Plan
ISO Independent System Operator
ISO-NE ISO New England
kW Kilowatt
kW-y Kilowatt Year
kW-yr Kilowatt Year
kWh Kilowatt Hour
KU Kentucky Utilities Company
LFG Landfill Gas
LGE Louisville Gas and Electric Company
LOLE Loss of Load Event
LOLEWG Loss of Load Expectation Working Group
LOLH Loss of Load Hours
LOLP Loss of Load Probability
LTA Long-Term Adequacy
LTRA Long-Term Reliability Assessment
MAPP Mid-Continent Area Power Pool
MARS Multi-Area Reliability Simulation
MATS Mercury and Air Toxics Standard
MIS Mission: Integrated Systems (MIS Energy Management)
MMbtu Million Metric British Thermal Units
MISO Midcontinent, formerly Midwest, ISO
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt Hour
NEM National Energy Market
NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPC Nevada Power Company
NPCC Northeast Power Coordinating Council
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NRRI Natural Resource Research Institute
NWPP Northwest Power Pool
NYSRC New York State Reliability Council
PJM PJM Interconnection
PNM Public Service Company of New Mexico
PNW Pinnacle West Capital Corporation
POLL Probability of Lost Load
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PRISM Parameter-Elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model
PRM Planning Reserve Margin
PtP Point-to-Point
PV Photovoltaic
RES Regulatory and Economic Studies
RFC ReliabilityFirst Corporation
RM Reserve Margin
RPM Reliability Pricing MODEL
RTO Regional Transmission Organization
RWG Resource Working Group
SCE&G South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
SCR Special Case Resource
SERC SERC Reliability Corporation
SERVM Strategic Energy Risk Valuation Model
SoCo Southern Company
SPP Southwest Power Pool
SWIS South West Interconnected System
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
UCAP Unforced Capacity
USE Unserved Energy
VOLL Value of Lost Load
VOM Variable Operations and Maintenance
WECC Western Electricity Coordinating Council
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In these appendices, we provide supplemental information underlying the general discussion
regarding: (a) our survey of resource adequacy standards in place across North America, as
summarized in Section I.C above; and (b) our simulation assumptions for analyzing the
reliability and economic implications of resource adequacy, as summarized in Section II above.
These details are provided in Appendices A and B respectively.
A. D
A. D
In this Appendix, we report additional detail from our survey of resource adequacy criteria used
in U.S. and Canadian power systems, as summarized in Section I.C above. However, as noted
above, to completely understand the nuances and complexities of these studies, one would need
to discuss implementation details with the individuals responsible for implementing the studies.
The public documentation of these studies is often insufficiently detailed or can easily be
misinterpreted. Because we have not conducted such interviews to be able to document reliably
the assumptions and the complexities of each study, our discussion should be interpreted as a
summary of general industry practices, not a fully-verified documentation of any one region’s
1. Resource Adequacy Standards Used Across North America
Table 14 is a summary of resource adequacy standards across U.S. and Canadian power systems,
as discussed in Section I.C.1 above.
Table 14
Survey of Resource Adequacy Criteria Across U.S. and Canadian Power Systems
Region Standard Model Notes
0.1 LOLE PRISM and
The LOLE based target reserve margin and various other calculations provide key inputs into
the PJM capacity market.
0.1 LOLE GE-MARS Performed Annually by the ISO. Regional reserve margin of 16.7% but after diversity allows
its load serving entities to carry an 11.3% reserve margin.
0.1 LOLE GE-MARS Resulted in a reserve margin of 16.1% for the period May 2012 to April 2013. Reserve
Margin calculation includes nameplate of all resources including wind. Results are adapted
to derated UCAP for implementation in the NYISO capacity market.
0.1 LOLE GE-MARS 2012 ICR report calculates the requirement needed to meet its 1 day in 10 year standard, load
uncertainty considers weather but not economic forecast error. Results used capacity market.
2.4 LOLH
ABB Grid
Capacity margin criterion of 12% for RTO members that are steam based and 9% for hydro
based; results in capacity margin criterion above the 1 day in 10 year definition.
20% RM and 0.1
NPCC uses
Maritimes uses a 20% reserve margin criterion for planning purposes but at the same time
adheres to the NPCC requirement of not shedding firm load more than 1 day in 10 years.
0.1 LOLE NPCC uses
Based on an LOLE of 0.1, Quebec requires a 10% reserve margin for the 2012/2013 winter
peak. By the 2015/2016 winter peak, Quebec requires a 12.2% reserve margin. Because of
its dependence on hydro generation, Quebec also imposes an energy requirement to withstand
2 consecutive years of low water inflows.
0.1 LOLE NPCC uses
The target for 2013 to meet the one day in 10 year target is 19.7% in which the region meets
easily with an anticipated reserve margin of 40.1%.
EUE Standard Sask Power uses a 13% RM based on probabilistic analysis of Expected Unserved Energy.
Both RM and
energy standards
due to hydro
The energy criterion requires adequate energy resources to supply firm energy demand in the
event that the lowest recorded coincident river flow conditions are repeated. The capacity
reserve margin is at least 12%.
1 day in 10 years
(LOLE of 0.1)
Some MAPP members self-impose a planning reserve margin of 15% based on the results of
an LOLE study performed in 2009.
No mandatory
RA targets set by individual load serving members subject to regulatory review. With this
approach, the criteria and final reserve margins vary across the region.
Economics SERVM The target is based on minimizing customer costs.
Region Standard Model Notes
0.1 LOLE and
SERVM Set minimum RM based on LOLE values but base target RM on an economic assessment,
which is slightly higher than the LOLE target.
1 day in 10 years
(LOLE of 0.1)
and Economic
SERVM Set minimum RM based on LOLE values but base target RM on an economic assessment,
which is slightly higher than the LOLE target.
Economics SERVM The target is based on minimizing customer costs.
Economics SERVM The target is based on minimizing customer costs.
Economics SERVM The target is based on minimizing customer costs.
1 day in 10 years
(LOLE of 0.1)
12–18% RM
0.1 LOLE Tiger “The FRCC has a resource criterion of a 15% minimum Regional Reserve Margin based on
firm load. The FRCC assesses the upcoming ten-year summer and winter peak hours on an
annual basis to ensure that the Regional Reserve Margin requirement is satisfied. Since the
summer of 2004, the three Investor Owned Utilities (Florida Power & Light
Company, Progress Energy Florida, and Tampa Electric Company) are currently maintaining
a 20% minimum Reserve Margin planning criterion, consistent with a voluntary stipulation
agreed to by the FPSC. Other utilities employ a 15% to 18% minimum Reserve Margin
planning criterion.”
0.1 LOLE target
(not mandatory)
ERCOT operates as an energy-only market and so does not mandate a RM; but performs one
day in 10 year standard assessment to inform ERCOT and
No mandatory
Individual balancing areas within WECC determine their own resource adequacy
requirements in various ways and are subject to review by state regulators
15% RM In January 2004, the CPUC established a long-term Resource Adequacy framework (D.04-01-
050). This decision adopted a 15% to 17% planning reserve margin (PRM) and directed that
each LSE is responsible for acquiring sufficient reserves to meet its own customer
load. CAISO has since performed LOLE studies but the studies have not impacted the
decision made in 2004 to maintain at a minimum 15% reserve margin
(LOLP) of 5%;
and conditional
value at risk
(CVaR) to
evaluate energy
not served (ENS)
A completely different method from 1 day in 10 years. Method was developed in cooperation
with the Northwest Council to take into account the predominantly hydro resource mix of the
Northwest. For this use, LOLP is not defined as hours per year. It is instead a percentage of
iterations that contain any EUE. The target allows no more than 5% of all iterations to
contain EUE.
0.1 LOLE APS 2012 IRP states that at 15% planning reserve margin criterion, LOLE is less than 1 day
in 10 years.
NM State
Commission set
target at 13%
Notes that reserve margin would likely increase if a one day in 10 year standard were used.
NV Energy
1-in-10 Definition of 1 day in 10 years is not reported.
Alberta No RA
Intervention possible if expected EUE over a two-year outlook increases above 1,600 MWh.
From regional resource adequacy studies: (a) PJM (2011); (b) MISO (2011); (c) NYSRC (2011); (d) ISO-NE (2011); (e) SPP (2010); (f)
NBSO (2011); (g) Hydro-Québec (2011); (h) IESO (2012); (i) NERC (2011a); (j) Manitoba Hydro (2010); (k) Georgia Power (2010); (l)
Duke (2012); (m) Progress (2012); (n) TVA (2011); (o) 2012 IRP, forthcoming; (p) LG&E and KU (2011); (q) SCE&G (2011); (r) FRCC
(2012); (s) ERCOT (2012); (t) WECC (2011); (u) CPUC and CEC (2005); (v) BPA (2011); (w) APS (2012); (x) PNM (2011); and (y)
Nevada Power (2012).
2. Illustration of Differences in Resource Adequacy Modeling Assumptions
Table 15 shows an illustrative comparison of select model assumptions as used in various
regions’ reliability planning studies, as discussed in Section I.C.3 above.
Table 15
Summary Comparison of Select Regions’ Reliability and Resource Adequacy Studies
Maintain 200 MW
of operating
reserves when
shedding firm
load; voltage
reduction and
demand resources
are deployed
before shedding
firm load.
Firm load shed
after deploying
interruptible and
depletion of 30
minute reserves,
but before voltage
reduction or
depletion of 10
minute reserves.
Firm load shed
after depletion of
30 and 10 minute
reserves, and
calling voltage
Procedures also
anticipate some
benefit from
curtailment and
public appeals.
Firm load after all
operating reserves
are depleted and
system is just able
to sustain
frequency with no
regulation. No
mention of voltage
control. DR is
removed from
load before
simulation and is
therefore treated
as deployed.
Not explicitly
Before firm load
shed, all voltage
reduction options
are exhausted.
Firm load will be
shed to maintain
the full operating
spinning and
reported both
including and
excluding portion
of tie benefits;
resource values
capacity for
thermal resources;
derate wind and
solar according to
reliability benefit.
Does not include
voltage reduction.
capacity for all
resources; does
not include
capacity for
thermal resources
but derate wind.
capacity for
resources; derate
wind and solar
according to
benefit. Does not
include voltage
reduction treated
as a supply
resource. Derate
interruptible and
according to their
Uses a tie benefit
of 1,676 MW that
is modeled as a
resource; different
treatment of firm
and non-firm
Model external
areas with
diversity of
weather and unit
performance, up to
a maximum
assumed non-firm
import capability
of 3,500 MW.
Model external
areas with same
load shape
during peak
Model 7 external
regions at their
planning reserve
margin levels.
Neighbors provide
assistance until all
operating reserves
are depleted.
Assumes 9,000
MW of import
Assume 0 MW
from outside
neighbors’ load
and resource
ISO-NE (2012); PJM (2011); NYSRC (2011); MISO (2012c); SPP (2010); and Georgia Power (2010).
B. D
The most important modeling assumptions implemented in our study as well as a general
description of how these assumptions are implemented within SERVM are documented in
Section II within the body of this report. We supplement that more general discussion within
this Appendix by providing additional supporting detail on our assumptions regarding: (1)
intertie availability; (2) forced and maintenance outage modeling for thermal resources; (3)
hydro resource modeling; (4) intermittent resource modeling; and (5) weather uncertainty and
load modeling.
1. Interregional Tie Line Availability
As explained in Sections II.A-B, SERVM uses a transmission-constrained economic dispatch to
schedule power flows among regions. We simulate the availability of each intertie over a
probability distribution between 60% and 100% of the path rating. For simplicity, we assume
that the interties are simultaneously feasible and that the availability of any one intertie is
independent of the others’ availability. Figure 45 shows the non-simultaneous import capability
of each path, while Figure 46 shows the simultaneous import capability of the Study RTO from
all directions. The maximum simultaneous import capability to the Study RTO Region is 11,000
MW, although it is less than 8,000 MW in 50% of all hours.
Figure 45
Non-Simultaneous Tie-Line Availability Distributions
Figure 46
Simultaneous Study RTO Import Capability
2. Thermal Resource Forced and Maintenance Outage Assumptions
We provide here additional detail regarding how SERVM captures the probability of forced and
maintenance outages for thermal resources. Average resource availability is consistent with
NERC Effective Forced Outage Rate (EFORd) data from 2006–2010 by unit type and size.
Unlike most production cost and reliability models, SERVM does not use an average outage rate
for each unit to approximately capture unit availability. Instead, SERVM simulates unit outages
using random event draws from representative probability distributions. We developed these
distributions based on previous modeling work, and scaled these distributions to match the
national average outage rates. We also vary the outage rates seasonally to capture different
operating profiles in summer, shoulder, and winter months.
From NERC (2011b).
Specifically, outage events are characterized by the probability distributions around the
following variables for full, partial, and maintenance outages, with the fleet-average values of
key parameters as summarized in Table 16:
Full Outages are characterized by distributions of: (1) Time-to-Repair Hours; and (2) Time-
to-Fail Hours.
Partial Outages are characterized by distributions of: (1) Partial Outage Time-to-Repair
Hours; (2) Partial Outage Derate Percentage; and (3) Partial Outage Time-to-Fail Hours.
Maintenance Outages are identified based on the percentage of full outages that have some
scheduling flexibility. These outages are scheduled in off-peak periods to the extent
To further illustrate the outage modeling approach in SERVM, consider a unit with assumed
distributions for Time-to-Repair after an event, Time-to-Fail between events, and the other
variables listed above. If the unit is online in hour 1, SERVM will randomly draw Time-to-Fail
values from the distributions for both full outages and partial outages. The unit will run for that
amount of time before failing. A partial outage will be triggered first if the selected Time-to-Fail
value is less than the selected full outage Time-to-Fail value. Next, the SERVM will draw a
Time-to-Repair value from the distribution and be on forced outage for that number of hours.
When the repair is complete, it will draw new partial-outage and full-outage Time-to-Fail values.
The process repeats until the end of the simulated year, when it will begin again for the
subsequent iteration. This detailed multi-state stochastic modeling captures the tails of the
distribution over potential low-probability, high-impact reliability outcomes that a simple
convolution method would not capture.
Table 16
Fleet-Average Outage Characteristics by Unit Type
Sources and Notes:
Represents fleet average values, weighted by units’ nameplate capacity.
Mean time to repair and mean time to fail values exclude partial outages.
Forced outage data from the Generation Availability Data System (GADS), NERC (2011b).
Unit Type Forced Outage
Mean Time to
Mean Time to
(%) (hours) (hours)
Nuclear 3.0% 146 6,454
Coal 6.8% 95 2,087
Biomass/LFG 8.4% 120 2,295
Gas Combined Cycle 5.0% 68 2,018
Gas Steam Turbines 7.0% 104 2,223
Steam Oil 6.2% 108 2,691
Gas Combustion Turbines 7.8% 47 551
Oil Combustion Turbines 11.8% 60 451
Overall Fleet 6.3% 92 2,443
3. Hydro Modeling
We model the hydro portfolio in each region based on segments treated as non-schedulable run
of river, schedulable peak shaving hydro, and dispatchable emergency capacity. The run-of-river
segment is dispatched as baseload capacity providing its designated capacity every hour of the
year. The schedulable hydro is used for shaving the daily peak load, subject to minimum daily
flow requirements. The emergency capacity is used only to prevent firm load shed, meaning that
SERVM allows the emergency mode to “borrow” up to a few hours’ worth of energy from future
dispatch of the scheduled hydro output. Typically, hydro resources cannot dispatch at their
nameplate capacity during peak hours due to water supply limitations or river flow requirements.
By modeling hydro resources in these three segments, SERVM captures the likelihood that
incremental hydro resources will be available during peak and emergency conditions.
Using FERC data on historical monthly hydro generation, we prepared resource availability
profiles for the same regions and historical weather years used in our load modeling.
In years
with little historical hydro generation, SERVM models correspondingly little generation and
capacity available during peak conditions. In years with substantial historical generation,
SERVM models a substantial portion of the hydro fleet in run-of-river status with additional
dispatch flexibility during peak conditions. Extreme shortage events in which high load and low
hydro conditions coincide are modeled in SERVM only to the extent that such conditions have
been observed over the historical weather and hydro years that we examine.
Figure 47 shows the distribution of monthly hydro generation for each modeled region across the
range of weather scenarios modeled. The figure also shows that not all modeled regions have the
same level of reliability in their hydro resource, with Neighbor 1 having the most consistent
hydro resource and Neighbor 3 realizing the most frequent low-hydro conditions.
Data from EIA (2013).
Figure 47
Hydro Energy Variation by Month and Region
Sources and Notes:
Data adapted from actual systems’ monthly hydro data as reported in EIA (2013).
4. Intermittent Resource Modeling
As explained in Section II.C.3 above, wind and solar resources are modeled as non-dispatchable
intermittent resources. For wind resources, we use hourly EWITS data from years 2004–2006.
We aggregate these data by state, consistent with the weather stations we used in our load
modeling to develop three years’ worth of hourly wind profiles. SERVM randomly draws a date
from within the month being simulated, and uses the daily wind profile from each region
consistent with that date in order to maintain the appropriate inter-regional correlations in wind
output. For example, if SERVM is currently simulating the month of July, it may randomly
select the date July 5, 2006 as the basis for the wind profiles from all four regions.
As demonstrated in Figure 48 for Regions 1 and 2 (based on EWITS wind profiles for central
MISO and western PJM), there is some correlation in hourly wind output among neighboring
regions, but this correlation is small compared to the total volatility in wind output. Consistent
with the geography of weather and hydro conditions, we used aggregate EWITS wind profiles
for Tennessee (with an annual capacity factor 31%) for the Study RTO.
We assume that solar capacity has a low penetration level in all regions that we model and so this
resource has minimal impact on study results. We use PV Watts data to develop a typical hourly
See NREL (2013a).
annual profile for each region.
Similar to wind, SERVM randomly draws a daily profile by
month for the aggregated solar generation in each region.
Figure 48
Correlation in Hourly Wind Output in Neighbors 1 and 2 During Summer Peak Hours
Sources and Notes:
Data adapted from EWITS data for central MISO and western PJM, see NREL (2013a).
5. Treatment of Weather Uncertainty in Load Modeling
This section provides additional detail on how weather uncertainty is modeled, as summarized in
Section II.D.1 above. Table 17 lists the weather stations used to represent the Study RTO and
three neighboring systems.
From NREL (2013b).
Table 17
Weather Stations Used to Represent Each Modeled System
Modeled System Weather Stations
Study RTO Chattanooga, TN
Nashville, TN
Knoxville, TN
Huntsville, AL
Neighbor 1 Indianapolis, IN
St. Louis, MO
Springfield, IL
Neighbor 2 Columbus, OH
Baltimore, MD
Charleston, WV
Richmond, VA
Neighbor 3 Atlanta, GA
Birmingham, AL
Mobile, AL
Montgomery, AL
Macon, GA
As explained in Section II.D.1, we estimate econometric relationships between recent historical
loads and weather to develop 32 synthetic annul load profiles that are consistent with 32 years of
historical weather data. The following three figures show the range of load profiles we model,
with summer peak load in Figure 49, winter peak load in Figure 50, and total annual energy in
Figure 51. In each case, the figures show the percentage by which the 99
percentile, 95
percentile, and 90
percentile extreme loads exceed the weather-normalized load.
As shown in Figure 28, extreme weather can cause peak load to substantially exceed the
expected normal (i.e., 50/50 peak load) condition. In fact, each region can expect actual peak
load to exceed weather-normal peak load by more than 5% once every ten years solely due to
weather conditions, with extremes of up to 9% in rarer cases. As shown in Figure 50, winter
peak variance is highest for the Study RTO Region and Outside Region 3, although the duration
of these peaks is shorter and the average winter peak is lower than the average summer peak.
This means that most reliability events are still most likely to occur during the summer. Outside
Regions 1 and 2 are only summer-peaking, and so cold weather events do not impact these
regions substantially. Finally, as shown in Figure 51, annual energy does not vary as
substantially as summer and winter peak loads because it takes into account all hours of the year,
and many off-peak hours have more stable load profiles that are not as heavily influenced by
Figure 49
Summer Peak Load in Extreme Years as Percent above Weather-Normal Peak
Figure 50
Winter Peak Load in Extreme Years as Percent above Weather-Normal Peak
Figure 51
Annual Energy in Extreme Years as Percent above Weather-Normal Year
Reliability outcomes are also heavily influenced by the duration of severe temperatures,
particularly because some summers may have extremely high temperatures for only a few days
while other years’ experience sustained high-cost events with high temperatures for the duration
of the entire summer. For example, Figure 52 shows the load duration curve for the Study RTO
Region relative to weather-normalized peak load for two years, one that has high relatively high
system peak load and one relatively low peak load. Note that 2004 weather year produced a
peak load of only 95% of the weather-normal peak load, while the 1980 weather year
experienced a peak of 10% above normal, as well as a much larger number of high-load hours,
driven by a sustained summer heat wave.
Figure 52
Duration of Extreme Hours
Finally, each region can expect some level of neighbor assistance during peaking conditions,
since the systems will peak at slightly different times. Table 18 summarizes shows the load
diversity between the Study RTO and the three neighbors in the weather-normal year, comparing
non-coincident peak load to peak load during: (a) the multi-regional coincident peak; and (b) the
Study RTO peak. Note that diversity between the Study RTO and Neighbor 3 is relatively low
while the Study RTO has more diversity with Neighbors 1 and 2. This is important in our
reliability simulations in that most neighbor assistance during the Study RTO’s system peak will
be available from these two regions. On a total system basis, the weather diversity reduces the
individual regions’ non-coincident peak load of 180,000 MW by 3% to a combined multi-region
coincident peak of 174,668 MW.
Table 18
Load Diversity for Study RTO and its Neighbors
(During Multi-System Coincident Peak and Study RTO Peak)
Peak Load Load Diversity
Study RTO
Relative to
Relative to
Study RTO
(MW) (MW) (MW) (%) (%)
Study RTO 50,000 48,605 50,000 2.8% 0.0%
Neighbor 1 60,000 58,686 54,399 2.2% 9.3%
Neighbor 2 40,000 38,604 35,242 3.5% 11.8%
Neighbor 3 30,000 28,773 28,887 4.1% 3.7%
Total 180,000 174,668 168,528 3.0% 6.4%