Managing Certificates
with Jamf
Certificates play a vital role in securing, authenticating and
maintaining the stability of your Apple fleet. When used correctly,
they will increase visibility while cutting down security risks.
The basics of certificate-based
Certificates can appear confusing or overwhelming.
This is often because they have been misused or
misunderstood, and rolling out a successful
cert-based project can be confusing and
overwhelming without help.
Also, certificates are often misused in a customer
environment. For instance, security tells you that
there's a dozen or so certs that need to be installed
on your Mac fleet. So you use Composer, back them
up, and put them into your provisioning workflow.
But what are those certificates for?
We don't know. But they're installed in the keychain
now. Are they trusted? Is the chain complete?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Let's demystify certificate creation and deployment!
What are Certificates?
Acertificate is just atext file. That's it. There's aton more behind the scenes as far as the signing,
cryptography, and private key infrastructure (PKI) that you can delve into, but that's the basic file.
How do you make acertificate?
To make acert, we need acertificate request, or CSR. Then, we reach out to acertificate server
that talks to the Certificate Authority (CA) and it will add its part to the conversation. Sometimes
we add the root cert as well. Then, we have adigitally signed certificate.
If you open acertificate in atext editor, you will see only unreadable hex code, because the
certificate is encrypted. On aMac, you can still inspect the contents of acertificate using Spotlight
by hitting the space bar, or by opening it in keychain access to see what's inside.
What data does acertificate contain?
Identification data. Acert is essentially an id card. Acertificate is asigned and trusted source of
identification, sort of like adriver's license or passport. Like apassport, the validity of trust for the
document is based on the issuing authority.
If Ihad aforklift license issued in Canada, that doesn't mean I'm authorized to operate aforklift in
Germany. Similarly, aSam's Club card doesn't allow me to shop at Costco.
Something like apassport only works as avalid ID everywhere because the issuing bodies have
all agreed to trust each other. If Peru says you're acitizen, Canada accepts that because it is
atrusted document.
If, for instance, someone produced agalactic passport and it claimed this person had the rank of
Jedi Master, no one would believe the contents of that document because it didn't come from
atrusted source.
Let's take alook at acertificate next to apassport and see exactly how much they have in common.
Certificates aren't totally incomprehensible!
Why use certificates in computing?
For security's sake. The use of trusted certificates allows for encrypted communication, which can prevent
information from being intercepted while in transit.
When you visit a website using https and you get a green checkmark or lock icon in the address bar, you're
communicating with that server using a certificate. The shared connection with that site is secure.
Certificates as Credentials
Certs can be used as an alternative to user credentials. When a client presents a certificate, the server inspects the
cert and decides if it's going to trust that client based on the contents and the certificate authority that made that cert.
Where can we use this form of secure identification?
With 802.1x WiFi, typically referred to as cert-based WiFi. This is much better than atraditional
WPA password, because the certs used cannot be shared.
Typically your network authenticator will be using Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) or
Radius (another authentication protocol), depending on the encryption choices.
Jamf has the advantage of validating the client that is connecting to the network. The client
device can present user information inside the certificate that proves exactly who is using
agiven device on your network.
This is very useful for your friends in InfoSec.
Using certificates to connect to VPNs
Another common use for certificates is connecting to aVirtual Private Network (VPN). Similar to
WiFi, the username and password might not be enough to establish trust. We want to be able to
validate the device is also trusted. Access is denied if the user credentials are disabled, or if the
certificate has been revoked.
Authenticating wired networks with certificates
You can ensure your company data is secure with certificates.
802.1x authentication is not limited to Wi-Fi. Though less common, it can also be used on awired
network. It's another way of preventing just anyone from gaining access to anetwork connection
and gaining access to private data.
Using certificates with encrypted email
When certificates are signed and trusted, an email message cannot be read without the correct
certificates installed. This technology also ensures that the message hasn't been modified in
transit after it was signed and sent.
Managing certificates with Jamf Pro
Deploying Certificates
Deploying certificates with an Apple MDM is straightforward: the MDM vendor, such as
Jamf, maintains the certificate life cycle. For security, they have various opportunities to
revoke the users' access if they:
Fall out of compliance
Leave the company
How certificates play a role with Apple and MDM
Push notifications (APNS)
Apple's entire push notification system relies on a chain of trusted
certificates for communication. None of it would work without certs.
Supervision identities
In the case of Apple Configurator, Jamf creates a certificate-
based supervision identity that can be shared between multiple
provisioning Macs used to supervise and enroll iOS devices. This
same supervision identity can be added to Jamf Pro for the devices
that it supervises.
Developer signing
As a developer, you get involved in dozens of types of certificates
from app signing development distribution and even Apple Pay certs.
You're probably using some of these certificates already in Jamf.
How and where does Jamf Pro use certificates?
The short answer: almost everywhere. Certificates play a role in:
Enrollment profiles
Device management with the Jamf binary
Built-in certificate
Jamf Pro has its own Certificate
Authority (CA) built in. This
self-signed CA produces a root
cert that must be trusted on the
device before it can trust the
MDM profile.
The trustJSS Command
Apache Tomcat SSL: For an externally facing server you'll need to
install apublicly-trusted certificate.
The built-in certificate authority is where you would configure Jamf
to talk to an external CA server. SKAT proxy and ADCS Connector
Settings are also configured here.
Health Care Listener: Uses certificates to secure communication
inside the hospital network.
Single Sign-On
The enrollment process
Signing QuickAdd package: requires an app distribution certificate from Apple. Thissame cert is used by
Composer to sign your other packages.
Configuration Profiles: Config profiles created in Jamf Pro are signed automatically. This keeps them secure when
deployed. If you download aconfig directly from the console, it's already signed. That's why you can't view the raw
xml data with atext editor. If you need to edit aconfig profile created with Jamf, you'll need to unsign it first.
App Provisioning Profile: Aprovisioning profile is adierent sort of profile that also uses acert. When working with
custom iOS apps, your developer might need you to deploy the app with aprovisioning profile. It's less common
today, but Jamf does support it.
Developer Certificate: you would get that cert at, among other certs you might need. The more
common method these days is to let Xcode create and embed the distribution certificates and provisioning profiles
for you automatically. Once that's done, you'll have yourself an in-house app: acustom iOS app that can be deployed
using Jamf to register test devices. If you need to deploy your custom app to hundreds of iOS devices or more, that
will require an Enterprise developer signing certificate.
Apple deployment portals: strictly speaking, these next few are actually tokens, aprivate key. Device enrollment
and volume purchasing both get their certs from Apple using the token provided. (The more modern place to
find that information is in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager.)
GSX (Global Service Exchange)
Cloud Distribution Point (JCDS)
Jamf Push Proxy: if you send notifications to your devices through self-service, you'll need apush proxy certificate.
They are automatically generated, so this one's easy to get set up.
Patch Management and Customer Experience Metrics: while invisible to the Jamf admin, they do communicate
using certificates and are sent securely to our servers.
So, yes. Jamf uses certificates nearly everywhere in our portfolio. But none of them are the certs that are being
generated to install onto your devices.
Jamf Cloud takes care
of all of this web app
work automatically. You need not
ever worry about your TomCat
settings again.
Creating Certificates with Jamf
It's all about the context
When talking about user certificates and device certificates, it's important to know the
context we're using. You'll hear talk of user certs and device certs or machine certs. For
the most part, auser cert contains the user information in the subject, and amachine
cert contains information in the subject about the device specifically.
What's important to know is if you choose to deploy the cert at the device level, you're
installing that certificate into the system keychain and it's available to all current and
new users of that device.
If you deploy it into the user level, it's installed directly in that user's keychain and won't
be available to any other user on the system.
Jamf Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol Proxy (SCEP) Proxy and
ADCS Connector
If you're going to be deploying VPN certs or rolling out 802.1x Wi-Fi, you'll need to use
one of these to do it. They are related but dierent product oerings. They both exist
as alternatives to binding your Mac to Active Directory to obtain the certificate, the
benefit being that both solutions can work to produce certificates for Mac, iOS and
tvOS devices.
Delivered via config profile
To create certificates with
Jamf, you do that in payload
config profile. Jamf can also
combine certs and Wi-Fi
payloads for simplicity.
Works with Mac or iOS
This method for creating
certs works for Mac OS,
iOS and even tvOS. You
can also include multiple
certificates in a single
payload if needed.
ADCSC or SCEP Proxy? Which do you choose?
The correct choice between the two depends on so many details there is no single
right answer. Don't think of it as SCEP vs. ADCS. You may even use a combination
of both. We at Jamf are eager and willing to have those conversations with you to
decide the best path of success for your cert-based projects. Please reach out.
Deploying Certificates
There are a few ways to deploy certificates:
Manually, by going to a web portal and entering the info. This is the more
cumbersome way.
Through third-party applications like Nomad or Jamf Connect. These tools can take
already-provided information from the user and then make the certificate request on
their behalf. Some challenges: this still requires the user to enter some data, and the
requirement that the request must be made from within the network or via VPN can
cause problems. Additionally, these apps are only available on MacOS.
Direct certificate request: Jamf Pro can create the request and the device
can communicate directly with the server. This means it can all be automated.
Communication is between the device and certificate server, which means the
device must be on same network as certificate server.
If you have devices outside the network and they try to contact the certificate server
for that certificate, it's very unlikely that the security team will allow this to go through.
Direct certificate request
Jamf Certificate Proxy
This is where Jamf Pro can help without compromising security, and is the most
common method for requesting certs.
In this method, Jamf Pro acts as a proxy between the device and the certificate server
using SCEP or ACS Connector. This provides the benefits of the previous methods
with an added benefit that the communication flow changes. The device only needs to
be able to contact the Jamf Pro server. That means the device can be on any network
and still get the required certs.
Here's what the communication is like:
Proxy using Jamf Pro
On the right we can see the keychain access application that is already
showing one certificate: the device enrollment certificate.
You can see the contents of the request: full name and email address for
the content variables. The admin will then go to the scope tab, add the
device, and save.
From this point Jamf Pro will now be communicating with the Jamf
server. It will request the certificate from the certificate server, it will
deliver the certificate, and Jamf will deploy it to the device.
The certificate can now be used as an authentication method
for Wi-Fi or VPN.
To make it a trusted certificate, you'll need to deploy the root
certificate of the server to provide a trust chain.
So you have the certificate. How do you use it?
An end user can manually select the certificate and use it as an
authentication to the corporate wireless network.
When the user attempts to connect to an 802.1x enterprise network,
they change the mode to EAP/TLS and then select a certificate from
the keychain.
Similarly, with VPN the end-user will see similar options, providing that
kind of VPN support certificates as a method of authentication. You would
need to work within the respective teams within your organization for this.
This can all be
automated by including
the network and
VPN settings payload within the
configuration profile that contains
the certificate payload.
And here's how it looks to the Apple admin using ADCS connector (which is similar
to the look using SKEP), which has already been configured. This particular device
has already been enrolled. And the process is happening on a guest network with no
connection to the server with no Active Directory binding:
How to start the process of certificate creation
in your organization
You will need:
Asupported version of the OS on the device
Asupported CA such as Microsoft certificate authority, digicert,
Entrust Certificate Solutions or Venafi
Support from other teams in your organization
- Networking
- Security
- Certificate team
Reach out to aJamf representative to learn how to help you succeed
in deploying certificates within your organization. We can communicate
with other teams in your organization to provide context in what
is required from each department in order to have asuccessful
Have questions? Please reach out to us at and we'd be
more than happy to schedule some time with you to sit down and talk
it through.
From Jamf:
JNUC Cert talk:
Jamf as SCEP Proxy:
Jamf ADCS Connector:
Cert Deployment 101 webinar:
From Apple:
MDM Cert Guide:
Requirements for trusted certs:
Limits on trusted certs: