Coffee prices and sustainability
Steany Bermudez, Vivek Voora and Cristina Larrea
September 2022
Despite the effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic, global
coffee supply and demand
have grown.
From the Ethiopian forests where—as the
legend goes—goat herders first discovered
it, coee has become a staple for many
consumers (Deshmukh, 2021). Coee is one
of the world’s most traded commodities and
consumed beverages (Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations [FAO],
2022b). The coee plant is a shrub or small
tree that needs about 3–4 years to start
producing red cherries, which are then
strip- or hand-harvested (National Coee
Association, n.d.). Strip harvesting, which
can be mechanized, involves removing all
the cherries from the branch at once, while
hand harvesting, a more labour-intensive
process, consists of selectively harvesting
ripened cherries. Harvested coee cherries
are processed immediately using a dry or wet
method to facilitate the milling process, which
involves hulling to extract the coee bean
(green coee) and an optional polishing step
before being graded and sorted by weight,
size, and quality so they can be sold (National
Coee Association, n.d.). Green coee beans
are then roasted to unlock their flavour,
becoming brown roasted beans, which are
ground and brewed to produce the coee
beverage we commonly enjoy.
Arabica and Robusta are the two main
coee species that have come to dominate
the market, with global production in 2020
consisting of about 58% Arabica and 42%
Robusta (International Coee Organization,
2021, p. 9). While many factors aect quality,
Arabica coee has historically been considered
higher quality as it has a smoother, sweeter
taste. Robusta has twice the caeine content,
making it more bitter and well suited for
ready-to-drink applications and espresso
blends (Petruzzello, 2021). Fine Robusta
Standards and Protocols were introduced
in 2019 to improve the quality of coee
made with Robusta (Impallomeni, 2019).
The Arabica coee plant is more sensitive
to higher temperatures and must be grown
in subtropical climates at altitudes of 600 m
to 2,000 m. It is well suited for agroforestry
and shaded environments (Petruzzello,
2021). Robusta coee is more resistant to
temperature fluctuations and can be grown
from sea level to 600 m in full sun (Petruzzello,
2021). It is also more disease resistant and
Market Overview 2
Global Market Report
generally produces higher yields. Today, coee
has become a highly sophisticated product,
with producers and roasters developing a
wide range of varietals and flavours to meet
dierent users’ expectations and to respond to
consumption trends.
The coee sector has grown into a lucrative
business downstream, reaching a retail market
value of approximately USD 102 billion in
2020. It is expected to continue expanding at
a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
at least 4.28% from 2021 to 2026 (Mordor
Intelligence, 2021). The coee value chain
provides direct employment to an estimated
125 million people worldwide (Fairtrade
Foundation, 2022). The U.S. coee industry
alone employed almost 1.7 million people in
2015. Coee is grown on 12.5 million farms
around the world, predominantly run by
smallholder farmers cultivating 5 ha or less—
indeed, 95% of coee farms span 5 ha or less
and 84% span less than 2 ha (Panhuysen &
Pierrot, 2020, p. 56). Smallholder farmers
account for most global coee production as
they comprise 73%–80% of coee farmers
globally (Fairtrade Foundation, 2022;
Panhuysen & Pierrot, 2020, p. 56). Larger
estates produce the remainder, with coee
estates greater than 50 ha rarely found
outside of Central and South America
(Panhuysen & Pierrot, 2020, p. 56).
There are 12.5 million coffee farms in the world.
95% of coffee farms have an area of 5 ha or less.
84% have less than 2 ha.
Figure 1. Global coffee production from 2008 to 2019. Coffee that complies with voluntary
sustainability standards (VSSs) reached 21% to 45.4% of total production in 2019.
Note: Conventional production volumes do not comply with a VSS, while VSS-compliant production volumes
refer to coffee produced in compliance with at least one VSS. Production volumes that are defined as
potentially VSS compliant cannot be definitively identified as conventional or VSS compliant with the data
currently available.
Source: FAO, 2022a; Meier et al., 2021.
VSS compliant
VSS compliant
20192015 2016 2017 20182014201320122011201020092008
Tonnes (millions) 3
Coffee prices and sustainability
Coee production increased from about
8.5 million tonnes in 2008 to 10.7 million
tonnes in 2020 from cultivating 11 million
ha, according to the FAO (2022). Production
has not slowed over the last decade as its
CAGR of 1.53% from 2008 to 2019 jumped
to 2.73% from 2014 to 2019. About 80% of
coee production was exported in 2021/2022,
up from 64% in 2020 and 74% in 2019,
providing an important source of foreign
exchange revenues for exporting countries
(FAO, 2022a; Foreign Agricultural Service,
2021; United Nations, 2022). Brazil, Vietnam,
and Colombia have consistently been the
highest-producing countries and largest
exporters since 2016, exporting some 33
million, 29 million, and 14 million 60-kg bags,
respectively, in 2021/2022. The European
Union (EU), United States, and Japan have
consistently been the largest importers over
this period, importing about 43 million, 26
million, and 7 million 60-kg bags, respectively,
in 2021/2022 (Foreign Agricultural Service,
2021, p. 9). Global coee supply and demand
have remained fairly stable over the last 5
years, with supply exceeding demand by 1%–
4%. Nevertheless, rising demand is expected
to outstrip supply starting in 2021/2022, while
supply is expected to drop, mostly due to
unfavourable weather conditions (Foreign
Agricultural Service, 2021; International
Coee Organization, 2022, p. 9).
The COVID-19 pandemic has been
particularly challenging for the coee sector
as coee is primarily grown for export
(Foreign Agricultural Service, 2021, p. 9).
On the production side, COVID-19 has
disrupted the availability of labour, inputs,
and extension services and made it dicult
to move products to markets (Panhuysen
& Pierrot, 2020, p. 56). Despite these
challenges, global coee production in 2020
rose by about 660,000 tonnes from 2019
(FAO, 2022a). Shipping disruptions have
boosted transportation costs and aected
product quality and availability (Hernandez
et al., 2020, p. 12; Mera et al., 2021, p.
43). Furthermore, government public
health measures due to the pandemic have
limited and prevented out-of-home coee
consumption (Mera et al., 2021, p. 43;
Mordor Intelligence, 2021). Nevertheless,
demand remained strong as companies over-
purchased coee to guarantee production
and sales and drew on stockpiles to maintain
product output (Mera et al., 2021, p. 43).
End consumers have also shifted their
consumption patterns by moving to online
shopping and at-home coee consumption
options (Mordor Intelligence, 2021).
Climate change continues
to threaten the long-term
viability of the coffee sector.
The disruptions of the pandemic on the
global coee value chain provide a cautionary
tale for current and anticipated climate
change impacts. Changing climatic conditions
are expected to render some coee-growing
regions no longer suitable (Grüter et al.,
2022). Based on global climate models used
to explore three climate scenarios and soil
conditions, highly and moderately suitable
Arabica coee-growing environments around
the world are expected to decrease by 50%
and 30%, respectively, by 2050 (Grüter et
al., 2022). The eects of climate change are
also expected to lead to the emergence of
existing and new coee pests and diseases
as well as the loss of productive agricultural 4
Global Market Report
lands, which will invariably aect coee
farming (Pham et al., 2019). For instance, the
coee leaf rust fungus greatly impacted coee
production in various parts of Latin America
from 2012 to 2017, causing an estimated
USD 3 billion in losses and negatively
aecting 2 million farmers (McKenna et
al., 2020; Pham et al., 2019). More recently,
severe and unexpected frost in Brazil’s coee
belt in June and July 2021 caused global
coee prices to spike by 13% (Foreign
Agricultural Service, 2021, p. 9; Figueiredo &
Teixeira, 2021).
Although coee farmers are used to
fluctuating weather patterns, they will need to
adapt to less predictable growing conditions
and more extreme climatic events. More
attention to climate resilience is especially
important in coee cultivation, as it requires
long-term planning to get a return on
investment. The vast majority of today’s
production comes from smallholder farmers
with fewer resources to cope with shocks,
making them more vulnerable to climate
change. Numerous adaptation measures exist
in the coee sector. These include moving
production to areas with more suitable
climates and switching to more climate-
resilient species such as Robusta or adopting
more sustainable farming practices, like
shade-grown coee to reduce temperatures
or mulching to maintain soil moisture (Pham
et al., 2019). Some countries have started
climate-proofing their coee sectors. For
instance, an estimated 85% of Colombia’s
coee now consists of leaf rust-resistant
varieties, and areas projected to oer suitable
coee-growing conditions are being mapped
(Boer et al., 2020; David, 2021; Foreign
Agricultural Service, 2021, p. 9). Vietnamese
coee growers commonly intercrop their
Robusta coee plants with fruits such as
avocado and durian and are working to
improve their irrigation eciency to lower
costs and maintain productivity (Foreign
Agricultural Service, 2021, p. 9; Hofstetter,
2016; International Union for Conservation
of Nature, 2020).
Moving coee production to more suitable
areas must be done carefully to prevent
ecosystem losses (i.e., deforestation or
degradation), which will exacerbate climate
change (Panhuysen & Pierrot, 2020, p.
56). For instance, coee cultivation in the
Peruvian Amazon was directly responsible
for a quarter of its deforestation in 2012,
and the upward expansion of coee farming
continues to pose a high risk to forested and
protected areas (Panhuysen & Pierrot, 2020,
p. 56; Rainforest Alliance, 2021a, p. 14; van
Dijkhorst et al., 2017, p. 11). Additionally,
consuming countries increasingly put
legislative frameworks in place to ensure that
industry players understand and mitigate
deforestation risks in their supply chains,
such as the EU proposal for a regulation on
deforestation-free products. What is clear
is that coee farmers will have to become
more resourceful and diversified by varying
cropping patterns and livelihood activities to
face changing weather patterns that will aect
dierent parts of the global coee value chain
in unpredictable ways (Foreign Agricultural
Service, 2021, p. 9).
Despite its vulnerability to the eects
of climate change, coee farming has
climate change mitigation and adaptation
potential. While deforestation-free farming is
essential to slow global climate change and
biodiversity losses, coee cultivation oers
tangible opportunities to restore mixed-use
forests in coee-growing regions around the 5
Coffee prices and sustainability
world. Agroforestry techniques that cultivate
trees with crops, regenerative agriculture
practices that restore degraded land and
ecosystems, and intercropping can provide
shade and cooler environments suitable for
growing good-quality Arabica coee while
sequestering carbon and diversifying revenue
crops (Ahmed et al., 2021; Pham et al.,
2019). For example, coee farmers in Peru’s
Alto Mayo Protected Forest have been
able to weather the COVID-19 pandemic
by growing more sustainable certified
coee through agroforestry practices and
generating revenues by selling carbon credits
via the United Nations REDD+ programme
(Bauza, 2021; Specialty Coee Association,
2021). It is clear that regenerative coee
farming systems will be required not only to
halt—but also reverse—the degradation of
natural environments and rural communities
around the world and to restore them.
This can be done by building healthy and
fertile soils that can retain and filter water,
returning shade trees, and enhancing wildlife
habitats (Murphy & Lilliston, 2022; Vu
Le et al., 2021).
“REDD+, which stands for Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation while fostering forest
conservation, is a framework created by the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) to guide activities in the
forest sector that reduces emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, as well as the sustainable management
of forests and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries” (United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2022).
Coffee produced in
compliance with VSSs offers
opportunities to improve the
sustainability and resilience
of the sector.
Eorts are ongoing to move the coee sector
toward sustainability and improve farmer
resilience to face challenges such as climate
change. The implementation of VSSs, which
began in the sector more than 30 years ago, is
one of these eorts. Complying with a VSS
allows farmers to dierentiate themselves
from conventional coee producers in the
marketplace (Voora et al., 2019, p. 6). In
exchange for adopting farming practices that
can provide benefits to the environment and
communities, farmers can label and sell their
products as VSS compliant.
VSSs in the coee sector typically require
farmers to adopt more sustainable farming
practices, such as soil, water, forest, and
energy conservation measures that can make
their operations more resilient to changes,
including extended droughts (Voora et al.,
2022). VSS-compliant farmers may also get
higher prices and premiums for their coee
and establish stronger links with buyers,
which can help them cope with market
fluctuations (Bianco, 2020; Elder, 2021, p. 9).
While oering numerous potential benefits,
VSSs can be further strengthened to improve
farmer resilience to challenges such as climate 6
Global Market Report
change and human health pandemics (Bianco,
2020; Elder et al., 2021, p. 168).
In 2019, more than 1.1 million farmers
produced 2.09 million–4.55 million tonnes of
VSS-compliant coee, with a total farm gate
value of between USD 4 billion and USD 11
billion. This is a drop of 460,000–570,000
tonnes from the previous year (Meier et al.,
2021). The farm gate value estimate was
derived from FAO averaged producer prices
per tonne multiplied by VSS-compliant coee
volumes produced per country. The most
prominent VSSs in the coee sector, ordered
by 2019 production volumes, are 4C (1.61
million tonnes), UTZ (1.08 million tonnes),
Fairtrade (0.82 million tonnes), Rainforest
Alliance (0.67 million tonnes), and Organic
(0.37 million tonnes) (see Figure 2) (Meier
et al., 2021). Since the Rainforest Alliance
and UTZ Certified merger in 2018, the
UTZ standard and correspondent label are
gradually being replaced by the Rainforest
Alliance Certification Program and labelled
with the new Rainforest Alliance seal from
2020. The Global Coee Platform (GCP)
(2022) supports all of these initiatives and has
created an Equivalence Mechanism based on
the GCP Baseline Coee Code to establish
a baseline of more sustainable practices
in the industry.
VSS-compliant coee, which grew at a CAGR
of 13% to 19% between 2008 and 2019,
now represents 21% to 45% of total global
production (see Figure 2) (Meier et al., 2021).
Despite this significant growth, there are signs
that the supply of VSS-compliant coee may
be declining as its CAGR contracted between
1% and 7% from 2014 to 2019. Almost all of
the losses in VSS-compliant production are
due to a drop in 4C coee, which fell from
2.76 million tonnes in 2016 to 1.61 million
tonnes in 2019. This downward trend can
also be partly explained by coee buyers
shifting from sourcing coee that complies
with third-party-certified or verified VSSs to
coee that complies with their own second-
party corporate sustainability programs (i.e.,
Tchibo) or the use of other frameworks to
report on their sourcing practices (i.e., Global
Reporting Initiative, UN Global Compact)
(Panhuysen & Pierrot, 2020). Additionally,
supply outstripping demand may have
discouraged farmers from becoming and
remaining VSS-compliant (Meier et al., 2021),
especially if markets do not incentivize the
consumption of VSS-compliant coee.
How much coffee is
compliant (by VSS)?
Figure 2. VSS-compliant coffee
production volumes in 2019
Source: Meier et al., 2021.
1,606,821 tonnes
Fairtrade International
824,404 tonnes
UTZ Certified
1,083,649 tonnes
Rainforest Alliance
669,698 tonnes
370,006 tonnes 7
Coffee prices and sustainability
In 2019, almost 60% of VSS-compliant coee
came from Latin America and the Caribbean
(Brazil, Colombia, and Peru), followed by
Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia, and India) and
Africa (Ethiopia, Côte d’Ivoire, and Uganda).
Vietnam produced the most VSS-compliant
coee that year, reaching some 506,000
tonnes (see Figure 3).
According to our analysis, Brazil, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Colombia, and Ethiopia oer VSSs
the greatest potential to expand based on the
size of their conventional coee production.
Among the least developed countries
producing coee, the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, and
Yemen oer VSSs the most opportunities
to promote sustainable development by
Figure 3. Coffee Growing Regions of the World: Distribution of coffee production in the
top 10 producing countries in 2019
Note: Countries with lower Climate Risk Index scores are those that have been most impacted by extreme
whether events in the reference period.
Sources: Meier et al., 2021; FAO, 2022a; Eckstein, D., et al. 2021; Voora, V. et al. 2019
VSS compliant
Potentially VSS compliant
1–10 11–20 21–50 51–100 >100 Harvest area
Prevalent VSS-compliant area
Climate Risk Index score for 2000–2019
Indonesia 8
Global Market Report
adopting more sustainable coee farming
practices based on their share of global coee
production, limited presence of VSSs, and
Human Development Index ranking.
Equally important, VSS-compliant coee
farming can also result in higher yields
compared to conventional production. Our
analysis shows that in 2019, VSS-compliant
coee yields were higher in 21 coee-
producing countries, potentially about the
same in three, and lower in 16. VSS-compliant
yields tended to be higher in larger coee-
producing countries, such as Brazil, Vietnam,
Colombia, Indonesia, and Honduras. Ethiopia,
Laos, and China are exceptions, as VSS-
compliant coee yields were lower than
conventional coee yields in these major
coee-producing countries (FAO, 2022a;
Meier et al., 2021). This may be partially
explained by the fact that coee-producing
regions with well-functioning farming
cooperatives and a supporting environment
may be better able to take full advantage of
VSS-compliant practices for their members,
which can also result in higher productivity
levels (Le Coq, 2016).
Demand for VSS-compliant
coffee is increasing, but not
enough to balance supply.
The availability of VSS-compliant coee sold
as conventional coee is another challenge
hindering its long-term viability, as some
companies source VSS-compliant coee at
lower conventional prices to benefit from
their risk mitigation benefits. Between
2008 and 2019, only 12% to 65% of VSS-
compliant coee production was sold as
such (Meier et al., 2021). In some cases,
coee farmers who cannot sell their product
as VSS-compliant do not receive premiums
and consequently struggle to pay the costs
of maintaining their certification (Centre for
the Promotion of Imports from developing
countries, 2021;, 2021).
Falling incomes due to poor prices and
higher production costs in 2020 because
of COVID-19 supply chain disruptions—
coupled with farmers’ reliance on coee as
the main source of livelihoods—have led
to higher poverty rates among smallholder
coee farmers (, 2021). This,
in turn, prevents farmers from investing
further in sustainable production and
climate resilience (International Coee
Organization, 2020, p. 14).
Although the global supply of VSS-
compliant coee is decreasing, demand for
VSS-compliant coee continues to grow
in traditional markets (Europe and North
America). Nevertheless, this growth has
not yet caught up with supply, leading to an
More than 1.1 million farmers produced 2.09
million–4.55 million tonnes of VSS-compliant
coffee with a total farm-gate value of USD 4
billion to USD 11 billion.
Conventional production contracted at a CAGR
of 3.17% from 2008 to 2019, but grew at 7%
from 2014 to 2019.
VSS-compliant production grew at a CAGR
of 13% to 19% between 2008 and 2019 but
contracted to between 1% and 7% from 2014
to 2019. 9
Coffee prices and sustainability
ongoing oversupply of VSS-compliant coee.
As mentioned above, this supply–demand
gap may be reducing global VSS-compliant
coee production. Consumer preference for
more sustainable coee consumption options
has strengthened during the pandemic,
particularly in traditional markets (Centre for
the Promotion of Imports from developing
countries, 2021). A GlobalData consumer
survey found that the consumption patterns
of 43% of all coee drinkers are influenced by
“ethical, environmentally friendly, or socially
responsible coee options” (GlobalData
Consumer, 2020). Many European retailers,
including ALDI, Lidl, and Sainsbury’s, have
developed their own sustainable product
lines using VSS-compliant coee, which has
boosted sales (Centre for the Promotion of
Imports from developing countries, 2021).
Nevertheless, it is still too early to know what
sort of impact the upcoming EU regulations
on corporate sustainability due diligence and
corporate sustainability reporting will have
on the production and consumption trends
of VSS-compliant coee, as countries within
the EU are the main consumers (European
Commission, 2022). Furthermore, what
happens if coee buyers do not find VSSs
to be a potential tool to help them comply
with these regulations or if VSSs do not
adapt accordingly?
The former regulation will require targeted
companies to implement, monitor, and
report on due diligence activities conducted
throughout the entire value chain to identify
and prevent potential adverse human rights
and environmental impacts, minimize the
eects of actual impacts, and establish
complaint procedures for the benefit of
communities. The new regulation—in the
consultation phase—will require targeted
companies to report on environmental,
social, and governance issues, including
climate change, pollution, water resources,
biodiversity, workers, aected communities,
and business ethics related to three corporate
areas: a company’s strategies and assessments
on the potential positive and adverse
impacts of its direct and indirect operations;
implementing measures such as policies,
targets, action plans, and budget allocations;
and performance measurement on a specific
set of metrics (KPMG, 2022).
Both regulations target environmental and
social issues that most VSSs cover in their
production requirements and can help
coee growers adopt practices that can
benefit the environment and communities
while reducing harm. Most VSSs operating
in the coee sector also have assurance
and grievance mechanisms in place that
may align with these regulations. Still, all
VSSs are dierent in terms of the stage of
the value chain and related requirements
they cover; their eectiveness in supporting
farmers in adopting VSS-compliant practices
and verifying their compliance; and how
they incorporate performance metrics,
measurement guidelines, and technology to
support this data journey. Going forward,
a more in-depth review is needed of the
potential alignment and gaps between
VSSs operating in the coee sector and
regulations to support the coee buyers
complying with them.
Beyond traditional markets, VSS-compliant
coee consumption in producing countries
and emerging economies such as Russia,
China, and Indonesia has historically been
very low. However, these markets oer great
potential, as domestic consumption rates
have been growing exponentially, primarily 10
Global Market Report
due to millennials with higher disposable
incomes. For instance, VSS-compliant coee
remains niche, but its popularity is growing
in Colombia as households have more
disposable income (Federación Nacional
de Cafeteros de Colombia, 2020, p. 107).
In Indonesia, increasing VSS-compliant
production may be due to a growing
domestic market with more roasting facilities
and coee shops serving high-quality coees
with sustainability claims (Food ingredients
Asia, 2022, p. 23).
While younger generations are generally more
willing to pay for VSS-compliant coee, many
people in emerging economies are still limited
by price. Oering incentives to consumers
to buy VSS-compliant coee can stimulate
sustainable consumption (Meier et al.,
2020, p. 88). This can include subscription
services where consumers pay in advance for
sustainable product baskets with coee or
chocolate at discounted prices (Alves, 2021).
Uncertainty about VSS-compliant coee and
greenwashing remains challenging. On-the-
go coees, typical coee shops, and street
vendors oer fewer prepared coee options
than what is available in supermarkets,
making it harder for their clients to choose
VSS-compliant coee. In Colombia, most
consumers do not know what VSS logos mean
or distrust their credibility (Velez, 2020).
Indonesian consumers have been subject to
greenwashing and misled by companies so
they can charge premiums (Food ingredients
Asia, 2022, p. 23).
Nevertheless, communication campaigns
such as the Global Coee Platform’s eorts
to educate consumers and promote local
VSS-compliant coee consumption can
encourage sustainable consumption in these
emerging markets (Global Coee Platform,
2019, p. 30; Pierides, 2019; Sierra, 2020).
In Colombia, Toma Café’s promotional
campaigns, barista training programs, and
marketing strategies have reached a broad
range of consumers, including young adults
and students, some with prior interest and
knowledge of sustainability (Euromonitor
International, 2015). Building trust and
transparency is key to shaping consumer
behaviours, especially when many hope to
adopt more sustainable lifestyles.
The 10 largest coee-roasting companies,
which account for 35% of total global coee
sourcing (Panhuysen & Pierrot, 2020),
bought an estimated 3.5 million tonnes
of coee in 2020, up from 3.31 million
tonnes in 2016. About 1.4 million tonnes,
or 39%, of all coee purchased in 2020 was
sustainably sourced and compliant with a
VSS or a corporate sustainability initiative,
such as Starbucks’ C.A.F.E. Practices
or Nestlé’s Nespresso AAA. Corporate
sustainability initiatives refer to sustainable
coee production programs created by
private companies rather than by independent
third parties. In terms of meeting sourcing
commitments, Nestlé, Starbucks, and
Smuckers almost met their targets by
2020. Major developments in sustainability
sourcing commitments include JDE’s 40%
and Nestlé’s 100% sustainable sourcing
targets to be reached by 2025 and Ueshima
Coee Company's goal to reach 100% by
2030 for their own coee brands. Strauss,
Massimo Zanetti, and Lavazza have yet to set
sustainable sourcing commitments. Based
on these commitments and assessing them
against current coee sourcing information,
an extra 570,000 tonnes of sustainable coee
could be sourced by 2025. 11
Coffee prices and sustainability
Sustainable sourcing commitments are yet to be met.
Figure 4. Major coffee-roasting companies and their sustainable sourcing commitments
*Note: Data not found for sustainable sourcing commitments.
**Note. Data refers to 2019 as per Coffee Barometer 2020.
Sources: Authors’ estimations based on Panhuysen & Pierrot, 2020. Specific company sources: Keurig Dr
Pepper, 2019; JDE Peet’s, 2020; JDE Peet’s N.V., 2020, p. 260; Lavazza, 2020, 2021; Massimo Zanetti Beverage
USA, 2022; Navratil, 2021; Nestlé, 2020; Starbucks, 2020a, 2020b, p. 23; Strauss, 2021; Tchibo Coffee Service,
n.d., and personal email correspondence with the company; The J.M. Smucker Co., 2020; Ueshima Coffee
Company, 2022a, 2022b.
Sustainable consumption Conventional consumption
Sustainable sourcing commitment
Tonnes (thousands)
Keurig Dr. Pepper
Massimo Zanetti*
Ueshima Coffee Co.**
Jacobs Douwe Egberts
0 200 400 600 800 1,000
10% sustainable sourcing by 2018
100% sustainable sourcing by 2020
100% sustainable sourcing by 2025
100% sustainable sourcing by 2020
40% sustainable sourcing by 2025
100% sustainable sourcing by 2025 12
Global Market Report
Although VSS-compliant production has
declined in recent years, coee-roasting
companies may continue to adopt more
ambitious sustainable sourcing commitments,
and sustainable consumption in emerging
economies may continue to rise. This could
maintain and even boost demand for coee
compliant with a VSS and/or a corporate
sustainability initiative. Still, demand may
grow slowly, while the upcoming corporate
sustainability due diligence and corporate
sustainability reporting regulations in the
EU, and other similar regulations that may
emerge in other jurisdictions, may crimp
the consumption and production of VSS-
compliant coee. This is why a prediction on
VSS-compliant production can, at best, be
viewed as an educated guess. A pessimistic
outlook weighs a short-term decreasing trend
in VSS-compliant production more heavily.
This translates into a steady decline to about
1 million tonnes by 2025 due to a shift toward
corporate sustainability initiatives, the eects
of due diligence and corporate reporting
regulations, and a continued inability to sell
VSS-compliant products as such. A more
optimistic outlook weighs the increasing long-
term VSS-compliant production trend more
heavily and projects a steady increase to more
than 3 million tonnes by 2025.
VSS-compliant production is likely to
contract in the short term. However, we
predict that it will rebound to almost 2
million tonnes by 2025 as demand for
sustainable coee continues to grow,
motivating sustainable coee sourcing
commitments, and VSS-compliant coee
farmers enjoy more success selling their
harvest as a VSS-compliant product.
Consequently, we expect VSS-compliant
coee production to range from 950,000
tonnes to 3.31 million tonnes by 2025. 13
Coffee prices and sustainability
Sustaining the coffee
sector will require improving
farm gate prices and the
equitable distribution of
information and profits.
Pricing is another crucial factor in the
viability of VSS-compliant coee, as it can
determine if coee farmers stand to gain
financially from implementing VSSs. Eorts
to shift the coee sector toward sustainability,
such as implementing VSSs, are partly driven
by a need to internalize the external costs
associated with the industry. Agricultural
external costs are those typically not
captured in the market price of agricultural
products and not borne by farmers, such as
the negative eects of agrochemical use on
human health and the environment.
The external cost of conventional coee
grown in Mexico in 2017 was found to
be USD 7.80 per kg of parchment coee
versus USD 3.50 per kg of parchment coee
for traditional and organic farming coee
production systems, which tend to have less
detrimental socio-ecological impacts (de
Adelhary Toorop et al., 2017). The external
cost of certified versus conventional coee
grown by smallholder farmers in Vietnam
was found to be 20% lower and 13% more
profitable (generating annual profits of
EUR 1,695/ha vs. EUR 1,472/ha) in 2016
(Verkooijen et al., 2016). Internalizing the
external costs associated with the production
of conventional coee would make VSS-
compliant coee prices much more
competitive. Therefore, examining how coee
prices intersect with the sustainability of the
sector is critical.
The behaviour of coee market prices, which
have been highly variable, aects the price
that VSS-compliant farmers get. Coee
pricing has traditionally fluctuated with large
swings that follow the international market
price for coee, or “C-price,” as coee is also
traded in the futures market. The C-price
determines the price of coee as it is bought
and sold along the value chain. It serves as a
pricing guide, benchmark, or price-discovery
tool to buy and sell coee, make business
decisions, or plan investments.
For instance, the C-price dropped to historic
lows in April 1975 (just before a massive frost
in Brazil) and in October 2001, when coee
was traded at USD 0.4638/pound, with prices
recovering and reaching highs in March
1977 of USD 3.08/pound and in April 2011
of USD 2.98/pound (Trading Economics,
2022). More recently, in August 2018, the
international market price for coee dropped
below USD 1/pound for the first time in 12
years, a price considered well below the cost
of production for most coee farmers in the
world (Specialty Coee Association, 2019a),
with new lows reached in 2019.
Several factors influence fluctuations of the
coee market price, the most important one
being global supply and demand dynamics.
Indeed, when the global supply of coee
outpaces demand fuelled by favourable
weather, improved yields, production capacity
via harvesting mechanization, increased
cultivation land, or public support (i.e.,
subsidies), it pushes prices downward
A Dive into Coffee Prices 14
Global Market Report
(Ballard, 2010). When the global coee
supply and inventories are disrupted due
to extreme fluctuations such as rising
temperatures, droughts, frosts, pests, diseases
(i.e., coee leaf rust), and government
policies (i.e., export quotas), it pushes
coee prices upward. For instance, fears of
losing up to 40% of the coee harvest in
Brazil due to an unexpected frost pushed
the international coee price above USD 2
per pound in August 2021 (Perez & Batista,
2021). Other factors influencing the C-price
include speculation (Hernandez et al.,
2020) in the futures markets and exchange
rate movements.
These fluctuations and coee price drops are
mostly felt by small-scale farmers in countries
that depend highly on coee exports as a
source of income, such as Burundi, Uganda,
and Honduras, where low farm gate prices
coupled with higher production costs have
resulted in losses or unsustainably low
earnings (Estrella et al., 2019; FAO, 2018;
Meier et al. 2020). In addition, many coee
smallholder farmers lack the experience and
knowledge to use risk management tools to
mitigate the price risks and are unable to
protect themselves from market fluctuations.
Coee farmers are then in the most
vulnerable position in the value chain.
They are the first to be aected by low
prices and price volatility but also the first to
experience the eects of droughts, floods, and
other weather events, intensified by climate
change (Baptista & Jenkins, 2017, p. 32).
The C-price, along with certain factors that
lead to great variability, influence farm gate
prices in coee across producing countries.
These factors include coee type, origin,
quality, dierentiation (i.e., specialty or
sustainably grown coee), level of association
and bargaining power of farmers, input
availability, rural infrastructure, and the
institutional environment, which plays a
key role in determining the prices received
by coee farmers (Lerner et al., 2021;
Lordemann et al., 2021). Agricultural policy
and supporting actions of governments (i.e.,
coee funds, subsidies) can—and do—make
a huge dierence in producers’ livelihoods
(Grabs, 2018). For instance, the Government
of Honduras passes market price volatility
onto producers much more directly, in
contrast to the situation in Costa Rica or
Colombia. Furthermore, poor infrastructure
(i.e., roads, transport services to ports) in
producing countries may lead to the use
of intermediaries to transport the coee
from farm to port, reducing the price that
coee farmers obtain in the end (Lerner
et al., 2021).
The coee market is also highly competitive,
with a few large companies and their value
chains dominating it (Mordor Intelligence,
2021), which allows exporters and roasters
to determine a favourable price for the coee
they buy from farmers (Econexus, 2013;
ETC Group, 2019). They are also better able
to transfer any price increase upstream and to
end consumers, protecting themselves from
coee price volatility and exacerbating the
inequality and power asymmetry of farmers.
The pattern in coffee shows that
input costs increased by 8% annually
between 2015 and 2020, but prices rose
just 1% in the same period. As a result,
some farmers break even while others
struggle to cover their costs. 15
Coffee prices and sustainability
Coee farmers also tend to receive the
smallest margins in the value chain. The farm
gate price and production costs determine
coee farmers’ margins. Despite the
dierences in production costs across coee
farms, regions, and countries due to dierent
taxes, transportation and input costs, the
type of coee grown, production methods,
equipment, and technology (Cadena, 2019,
p. 13; Estrella et al., 2019), the overall
pattern in coee shows that input costs rose
8% annually between 2015 and 2020, while
prices advanced just 1% in the same period
(Keen, 2020). As a result, some farmers break
even while others struggle to cover their costs
(Estrella et al., 2019).
In contrast, the greatest economic value is
generated in the middle of the coee supply
chain: exporters and roasters. Exporters can
get between 50% and 54% of the free on
board (FOB) price in some cases (including
cupping, grading, storing, milling, transport,
taxes, export documentation, and margins)
(Nordic Approach, n.d.). They often pay
premiums to farmers by making second
payments to coee cooperatives or coee
washing stations (Nordic Approach, n.d.).
In many cases, however, they cannot collect
information on how these premiums are
distributed or invested back into the farming
communities. Profit margin outcomes from
an exporter’s perspective are higher when
selling coees with high-quality scores. The
lowest margins for all actors in the value
chain involve the production and sale of
ordinary or low-grade fully washed coees
(Church, 2018).
Roasters usually enjoy the highest gross profit
margins in the coee chain (44% to 65%).
A study by the Specialty Coee Association
found that when costs are considered, the
net profit margin can vary from 7% to 12%
(Bellwether Coee, 2021; Specialty Coee
Association, 2017). However, one of the
key issues is also the hidden trade margins
and prices paid by roasters to farmers, or
Table 2. Minimum prices and premiums for coffees negotiated through the Fairtrade
Labelling Organization contract system in USD/lb, Arabica and Robusta. FOB prices paid
for Fairtrade (2020).
Type of coffee Conventional
Fairtrade minimum prices
+ certified Organic
Washed Arabica 1.26 1.41 plus the Organic differential:
+30 cents
+20 cents
Non-washed Arabica 1.20 1.35 plus the Organic differential:
+30 cents
+20 cents
Washed Robusta 1.05 1.05 plus the Organic differential:
+30 cents
+20 cents
Non-washed Robusta 1.0 1.01 plus the Organic differential:
+30 cents
+20 cents
Source: Authors, with data extracted from Fairtrade International, n.d. 16
Global Market Report
indirect payments in the form of community
infrastructure or social programs. Large
multinationals and coee roasters such as
Starbucks, Nestlé, and JDE tend not to
disclose how much they pay for their coee
or whether they guarantee minimum prices or
oer premiums.
Coee buyers who trade directly with
farmers tend to be more transparent about
prices. Some publish and update pricing data
regularly on their websites and direct trade
platforms (i.e., Typica, Beyco) and in annual
reports. This allows farmers to assess coee
market prices and better negotiate the price
for their coee when engaging directly with
the roaster (Southey, 2021). Farmers selling
through direct trade tend to receive higher
prices for their coee and have better profit
margins because they save costs such as
registration fees or exporter fees (Oden, 2021).
VSSs can improve farm gate
coffee prices, but more must
be done to increase farmers’
In this context, VSS settlers are one actor
among others who have established a
few measures to increase coee farmer
prices and mitigate the historical price
volatility, including minimum prices and
premiums. The most recognized are Fairtrade
International minimum prices and Fairtrade
International and Organic premiums. Other
VSSs, such as Rainforest Alliance, began in
2021 to implement mandatory sustainability
dierentials, which are cash payments that
coee buyers make to compliant farmers
over and above the market price (Rainforest
Alliance, 2021b).
In 2020, the coee market price hovered
around USD 1.20/lb for Arabica and USD
1/lb for Robusta, while Fairtrade minimum
prices stood at USD 1.35/lb for the former
and USD 1.01/lb for the latter. An organic
dierential of USD 30 cents/lb was added
to this minimum price when farmers sold
their coee in compliance with the Organic
scheme. The Fairtrade premium stood at
USD 20 cents/lb (see Table 2).
These floor prices and premiums act as a
baseline for coee pricing because producers
and traders can also negotiate higher prices
for VSS-compliant coees based on quality
and other attributes (Southey, 2021; Specialty
Coee Association, 2019b). They enhance the
transparency of coee prices. The Fairtrade
minimum price also protects farmers
mainly when international market prices
are depressed. Farmers may obtain higher
prices if they grow specialty coee, which
refers to high-quality coees with cupping
scores exceeding 80 points, according to
the Specialty Coee Association Q-grading.
For instance, the median price for coees
ranging between 82 points and 87 points
in 2019/2020 was USD 2.60/lb (Specialty
Coee Association, 2020). However, this
market makes up only about 30% or less of
the coee produced in the world. Specialty
coees that are sold in small quantities of
micro-lots also tend to be less volatile from
year to year (Kornman, 2020; Specialty
Coee Association, 2019b).
Prices reported for VSS-compliant and
specialty coees often refer to FOB and not
to farm gate prices, as several transactions
between farm gates and ports do not 17
Coffee prices and sustainability
usually stipulate prices in U.S. dollars per
green pound. This complicates the process
of calculating what really gets back to the
farmers. Also, depending on the country
and region (i.e., lack of institutional
support, poor infrastructure) and the use of
intermediaries who may keep a large part
of the premiums for themselves, specialty
and VSS-compliant farmers may end up
receiving conventional market prices for
their coee (AgriLogic, 2018, p. 94). Some
stakeholders in the sector, such as the
Specialty Coee Association and many
specialty buyers, are trying to understand
and compile information on how much of
the FOB price makes it back to the farm
gate to find out the real price farmers obtain.
To better illustrate the dierences between
conventional, VSS-compliant, and specialty
prices, Figure 5 showcases coee market
prices from 2010 to 2021 (USD/lb); the
average FOB prices received in East Africa,
Latin America, and Asia for conventional
coee; prices paid by VSSs such as Fairtrade
and Organic; and specialty coees in the
same regions. (Please note that these are
average prices and do not reflect the reality of
all coee farmers).
According to our analysis and the data shown
in Figure 5, coee producers associated
with at least one VSS—Organic or Fairtrade,
based on data availability—may have received
higher prices than the international market
Figure 5. Minimum prices and premiums for Fairtrade (FT) coffee, average conventional,
and specialty coffee prices from 2011 to 2021
Source: Fairtrade International, n.d.; Specialty Coffee Association, 2019b; Trading Economics, 2022.
Price (USD/lb)
Specialty coffees (average quality): 2.41
Commodity price (Arabica)
FT minimum price + organic + premium: 1.91
FT minimum price + organic: 1.71
FT minimum price conventional: 1.46
Average FOB conventional: 1.16 18
Global Market Report
price from 2015 onward. Prices tend to
increase with double certification of Fairtrade
and Organic. The price that farmers get is
even higher when selling specialty coee
(average quality) through direct trade, which
reduces the number of intermediaries
as farmers establish direct commercial
relationships with roasters or importers.
However, we can deduce from the graph
that coee buyers may be more willing to
pay premium dierentials for VSS-compliant
coee when international coee prices are
depressed, while premiums above the market
price are less frequent for VSS-compliant
coee when market prices are higher and are
more commonly paid for specialty coee.
The price dierentials that voluntary
sustainability standards pay have sparked
some concerns. Higher premiums will
incentivize farmers to increase VSS-compliant
production, but when demand for more
sustainably grown coee does not rise at
the same pace as production, farmers are
forced to sell their coee at conventional
prices and cannot recover the cost of using
VSS-compliant practices. This can discourage
farmers from continuing to comply and
cause them to leave the schemes. As already
mentioned, the supply of global VSS-
compliant coee fell between 1% and 7%
CAGR from 2014 to 2019, with research
suggesting that a lack of demand contributed
to this decrease (Meier et al., 2020, p. 88;
Meier et al., 2021).
For coee farmers, the eects of
participation in a VSS have been mixed.
Research indicates that these standards
have an overall positive impact on
the prices that coee farmers receive
(Evidensia, 2020; DeFries et al., 2017). As
Figure 5 shows, farmers certified under
Fairtrade and Organic can get an average
of 20%–30% higher prices than their non-
certified counterparts over a year (Fairtrade
International, 2021; Specialty Coee
Association, 2019, p. 71; Trading Economics,
2022). Research on farm revenues also
suggests that complying with a VSS across
a few commodities, including coee,
translates into markedly higher crop income
for farmers compared to non-compliant
farms. However, eects on net household
income are less explored, with more studies
revealing no significant results between VSS-
compliant and non-VSS-compliant farmers
(Elder et al., 2019, p. 168; Evidensia, 2020;
Panhuysen & Pierrot, 2020).
However, our analysis shows that VSS prices
(Fairtrade, Organic) do not necessarily make
a dierence when farmers are already selling
specialty coee. There are also concerns
about the minimum price oered by
certification schemes such as Fairtrade, as it
is deemed too low to cover production costs
or to contribute appreciably to the overall
household income (DeFries et al., 2017). It
is important to recognize that an oversupply
of VSS-compliant coee means farmers
may have to sell at lower conventional prices
and therefore will not benefit from higher
prices and premiums (Specialty Coee
Association, 2019, p. 71; Voora et al., 2019,
p. 6). Imbalances in supply and demand
will probably always remain because of time
frame lags for production and dierent
consumption trends.
Building from these issues, VSSs such
as Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, and
Bonsucro—alongside many other
organizations that are part of the Living
Income Community of Practice—have
been working to develop the concept of 19
Coffee prices and sustainability
living income reference prices in coee. For
instance, Fairtrade released the first price
reference for Colombian coee farmers
in July 2021. It aims to indicate the price
needed for full-time Fairtrade farmers with
adequate, sustainable productivity levels to
earn a living income that gives them and their
families a sustainable livelihood (Fairtrade
International, 2021).
As an example, the recommended
Fairtrade Living Income Reference Price
for conventional coee is COP 9,900
(about USD 2.75) per kilogram of dried
parchment coee and COP 11,000 (USD
3.06) per kilogram for Organic. These prices
factor in the costs for farmers to adopt the
required agricultural practices to achieve
sustainable yield levels and to pay a living
wage to any workers they may hire (Fairtrade
International, 2021).
Other tools are also available to help coee
buyers raise the price they pay to farmers,
such as the Living Income Benchmark. This
tool helps users understand the dierence
or gap between the actual household income
and a basic, decent standard of living income
for a farming household for a given sector
and country. When coee buyers know the
living income gap, they can define price
dierentials to help close it (The Living
Income Community of Practice, 2021).
Several coee buyers are involved in living
income initiatives, including Nestlé, Tchibo,
and Keurig (Cordes et al., 2021). It remains
to be seen how these measures will be applied
in practice, how they will be adjusted to
market dynamics (i.e., inflation and exchange
rate fluctuations), and how it will aect coee
farmers if they are not applied across the
board, as traders in a free-market economy
may opt to purchase coee from farmers and
countries at a lower price (Stencel, 2008).
Other actors have also put in place measures
to increase farm gate prices and mitigate
volatility. For instance, the governments
of Rwanda and Brazil have established
minimum prices for green beans considering
average costs of production, minimum profit
margins for farmers, and international prices
(Cashin & McDermott, 2002). They buy
farmers’ coee at that price when market
prices fall below the minimum guaranteed
price. Other governments have also set up
coee funds to alleviate the eects of low
prices. For instance, Colombia has created a
fund of up to USD 34 million to help coee
farmers (subsidies based on production/
tonnes), and Kenya has implemented a
series of legislative actions, including a USD
15 million subsidy program, to support
coee farmers aected by low international
prices (FAO, 2018).
However, some studies have found that in
a global market economy, commodity price
shocks in the coee sector are so long-
lasting that they make mechanisms such as
price stabilization schemes, buer stocks,
price ceilings and floors, and guaranteed
prices unviable in the long term (Cashin
& McDermott, 2002; Lewin et al., 2004).
For instance, price floors may not reflect
farmers’ production costs in the end (Gomes
& Teixeira, 2019). Experts also point
out that price guarantees can encourage
the overproduction of coee and lead to
debilitating prices in the long run (Gebre,
2020). They can promote ineciency and
low quality, as farmers may be reluctant
to implement good practices if they have a
guaranteed buyer. In addition, not all coee-
growing countries can aord to support 20
Global Market Report
farmers, creating disadvantages for poorer
nations (Lewin et al., 2004).
Large roasters have also established support
programs for farmers—for instance, to access
loans and funds, technical assistance, and
training on business planning and price risk
management (Starbucks Coee Company,
2020). Other roasters and retailers are
working to define living income reference
prices or trading directly to pay higher prices
to coee farmers. There are examples of
roasters involved in direct trade that have
bought high-quality coee for a price that
is 25% to 30% above the Fair Trade and
Organic combined price (Oden, 2021).
However, these measures do not necessarily
mean a proportional increase in the price the
individual farmer, farmworkers, and others
obtain (Rogers, 2019). In practice, the use
and distribution among farmers of premiums
or higher prices paid by these specialty buyers
and direct traders is not usually verified or
monitored (Baptista & Jenkins, 2017, p. 32;
Nordic Approach, n.d.).
A way forward: Increasing
farm prices and sharing
value to build sustainable
and resilient coffee systems
Despite the eorts of VSSs, private sector
actors, and governments in producing
countries to provide farmers better incomes
and mitigate their vulnerability in a volatile
market, in the current free-market economy
we live in and with a highly competitive
sector, the eects of these initiatives alone
have been temporary (excluding the living
income reference price benchmarks that
require further use and analysis). They also
have had little impact in terms of defining
and maintaining fair prices for farmers in
the long run that reward them for facing
risks, sustaining a wealthy value chain, and
adopting good social and environmental
practices. In other words, there is a need to
share financial gains with farmers for the
societal value and benefits they create by
implementing sustainable practices.
Tackling the recurring cycle of a brief period
of high coee prices followed by an extended
period of low prices will require coordinated
actions from many actors. What is most
needed is not market intervention but rather
market cooperation among exporters, with
the involvement of importers (Amrouk, 2018;
Bellweather Coee, n.d.), and governments
in producing and consuming countries
and VSSs to ensure that the global coee
market protects the livelihoods of millions
of smallholder producers. Actors along the
chain can put the following measures in place
to help farmers get better prices and greater
value for their VSS-compliant coee.
Promote value addition and more
ecient and resilient production
systems. Governments in producing and
consuming countries, buyers, exporters,
extension service providers, and standard-
setting bodies can collaborate to help farmers
produce and maintain high-quality coee
beans, as farmers can negotiate better prices
even if they comply with VSSs. They can
also support farmers’ groups in investing in
roasting facilities when coee is consumed
locally or in neighbouring markets (i.e., urban
centres) as they can obtain higher prices
and margins for roasted coee. Farmers can
leverage voluntary standards when the market 21
Coffee prices and sustainability
demands VSS-compliant coee, and these
supporting actors can help them in dierent
ways to comply and maintain certification
(Elder et al., 2021, p. 168).
Jointly, these actors can also support farmers
in adopting more ecient and diversified
production systems that can help them
to remain competitive when coee prices
are depressed and generate other revenue
streams—for instance, by maintaining
records of inputs used, costs, and yields;
incorporating technology and equipment
when appropriate and maintaining it well;
and helping farmers cultivate other crops
or engage in o-farm employment. They
can also help farmers build resilience to
climate change by maintaining good soil
quality, capturing rainwater, and adopting
agroforestry. VSSs can use the training and
monitoring activities they conduct with
farmers to improve their production eciency
and adaptation capabilities.
Increase demand for VSS-compliant
coee in producing countries. Stimulating
demand in producing countries is considered
an eective way to increase prices in the
coee sector. According to the FAO (2018),
the greatest impact on coee prices would
come from actions designed to control coee
production and/or stimulate demand. This
is particularly relevant for VSS-compliant
coee to balance the existing oversupply and
support farmers in obtaining higher prices
for their coee that reflect sustainability
investments and external benefits.
Governments in producing countries can play
this role by collaborating with roasters, coee
shops, retailers, and VSSs via education and
awareness-raising campaigns and promotional
activities. Governments can also help define
accounting methods that internalize the social
and environmental costs of growing coee
typically borne by society, which should be
reflected in the prices paid to producers and,
ultimately, the final price the consumer pays.
This can support raising the competitiveness
of VSS-compliant coee and increase demand.
Governments, traders, standard-setting
bodies, and extension services can support
farmers and farmer groups in producing
VSS-compliant coee by establishing direct
and personal relationships with roasters
in importing countries. This could help in
understanding the value of cultivating coee
sustainably and the challenges farmers face
and determine prices that adequately reflect
sustainability investments by farmers. This
could be done by developing/using “direct
trade” digital platforms and e-commerce
channels. VSSs can encourage compliant
farmers to use these channels and to develop
branding and messaging to communicate the
environmental, economic, and social benefits
of producing coee that complies with VSSs
when engaging with buyers.
Reward farmers for managing risks (i.e.,
production, market, climate), applying
sustainable production practices
and environmental stewardship, and
achieving positive results. Governments
in producing countries have also started to
reward coee farmers for their actions and
positive results obtained in protecting the
environment. For instance, the Indonesian
government, with the support of a large coee
buyer, partnered with the non-governmental
organization Rikolto to create a payment for
ecosystem services model in Jambi, one of
the most deforested regions of Indonesia. It
is seen as a cost-eective way to compensate
farmers and Indigenous communities for their
environmental maintenance and provision of 22
Global Market Report
ecosystem services. These payments can be
monetary or in-kind through the provision of
training, investments in infrastructure, and
others (Goossens, 2020).
Governments can also reward coee farmers
for reducing and capturing carbon emissions,
as they contribute to achieving nationally
determined contributions as part of the
Paris Agreement. For instance, the European
Commission plans to reward farmers in
its jurisdiction for removing carbon by
implementing sustainable agricultural
practices, such as forest conservation,
agroforestry, or restoration of peatlands,
that are verified with a given methodology
(Climate Action, n.d.; Taylor, 2022).
Governments from other jurisdictions can
also adopt these types of measures as a way
to create value for using more sustainable
agricultural practices in coee production.
Private sector actors also have a responsibility
to reward farmers for adopting sustainable
agricultural practices that yield positive
results and share the cost of using and
maintaining these practices. Some companies
(i.e., Indigo Agriculture) are working to oer
farmers financial incentives to implement
regenerative practices to capture atmospheric
carbon dioxide (CO
) from agricultural
soil and using digital innovations such as
software imagery analysis to measure and
verify data related to carbon sequestered
in farms (Indigo Ag, n.d.; Ioannou, 2019).
Along this line, Rainforest Alliance has
defined the concept of sustainability
investments in its new Sustainable
Agricultural Standard Certification Program.
These are mandatory or in-kind investments
that buyers of compliant goods must give to
certified producers to help them meet the
farm requirements of the standard. These
kinds of initiatives can also help private
sector actors comply with reporting and due
diligence requirements such as those the EU
or the Supply Chain Act in Germany defines.
These requirements impose obligations on
companies that source their products from
developing and emerging economies to
comply with human rights and environmental
standards (Sharma & Kaps, 2021).
VSSs would need to align with these
approaches, including by integrating
performance metrics in their scheme, which
can help value chain actors comply with the
specifics of these regulations. Furthermore,
VSSs can also help farmers use technology
to facilitate the collection and reporting of
related data (i.e., volume of CO
reduced, removed; reforested area in a given
period), provide supporting evidence, and
implement more robust verification and
assurance systems of VSS-compliant practices.
Oering financing such as loans and blended
finance linked to sustainability performance
can be a way to reward farmers and promote
access to finance in coee-producing
communities (Voora et al., 2022, p. 208).
Some leading businesses already implement
such mechanisms. For example, BNP Paribas
teamed with Neumann Kae Gruppe in 2019
to establish a EUR 25 million loan facility to
support more than 100,000 coee farmers
Private sector actors also have a
responsibility to reward farmers for
adopting sustainable agricultural
practices that yield positive results and
share the cost of using and maintaining
these practices. 23
Coffee prices and sustainability
in 10 countries and oer them sustainability
training and resources (BusinessGreen, 2019).
Another example is the Mercon Group, which
oers coee farmers sustainability-linked
loans coupled with technical assistance. Loan
interest rates are linked to sustainability
results, which are measured using an index
aligned with Rainforest Alliance criteria
(Voora et al., 2022). VSSs can collaborate
with governments and financial service
providers to define these measures and
inform the performance indicators used to
monitor the progress of farmers in achieving
positive environmental results (Voora
et al., 2022).
Promote an enabling institutional
environment. The better the institutional
environment, the fairer the prices paid to
coee farmers (Lerner et al., 2021). This
includes governments of producing countries
investing in infrastructure and better access
to ports and roads, as well as electricity and
communications. Countries with organized
coee associations can better protect farmers
from volatile prices in the global market. For
instance, the Coee Institute of Costa Rica
(ICAFE) has the authority to reject a coee
transaction between a buyer and a seller
when, for example, it considers the price
to be too low.
Require price transparency in coee
transactions. Encouraging transparency
in prices and coee transactions is vital.
Roasters and buyers can ask for or invest in
mechanisms that can trace the coee back
to its origin and disclose the prices paid to
the farmer. This will help coee roasters
understand the destination of the premiums
they pay and act to ensure that farmers
receive those premiums. VSSs can also help to
make coee prices transparent. One example
is Fairtrade’s pricing table, which shows the
minimum prices of conventional, Organic,
and Fairtrade prices as well as the premium
(Fairtrade International, n.d.). Governments
can also use mechanisms to better map
and analyze production costs. Knowing
these costs will give buyers and roasters an
objective way to determine the FOB prices,
guaranteeing a minimum level of profitability
for their farmer partners (Cadena, 2019, p.
13) and ensuring long-term viability.
Building sustainable and resilient coee
production systems is critical. It requires
industry actors to coordinate to ensure that
farmers have the conditions needed to adopt
more sustainable practices and that they
are rewarded fairly. The measures that VSSs
implement can help to boost coee prices
and farmers’ incomes. However, many others
are needed to ensure that dierent aspects
of farming operations, value chain dynamics,
market demand, and an institutional
environment are favourable to support the
continued expansion of sustainable coee
production and consumption by rewarding
farmers fairly. 24
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The Sustainable Commodities Marketplace Series provides a market performance overview
and outlook for key agricultural commodities that comply with a number of voluntary
sustainability standards (VSSs), focusing on global sustainable consumption and production.
Each year, the series focuses on a different overarching theme, with individual reports for
that year devoted to providing a market update for a chosen commodity. These reports
are designed to be accessible and relevant for a range of audiences, including supply chain
decision makers, procurement officers, policy-makers and producers. The series builds on
The State of Sustainable Markets 2021, a joint publication from IISD, the International Trade
Center (ITC), and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), which examines over a
dozen sustainability standards for various commodities.
The Global Market Report analyzes trends in coffee production, consumption, trade flows,
and other relevant areas. It uses 2019 data for coffee production that is VSS-compliant,
given that this was the most current data available when we conducted the analysis.
The report also examines prices and margins in the coffee sector, looking at how VSSs
contribute to increasing farm prices. It also provides recommendations to VSSs and other
actors to increase the price and income that farmers obtain for their coffee and build
sustainable and resilient coffee systems.
IISD's State of Sustainability Initiatives (SSI) is an international research project that aims to
advance sustainable and inclusive value chains. For over a decade, the SSI has been providing
credible and solution-oriented analysis and dialogue on voluntary sustainability standards
(VSSs) and their potential to contribute to sustainable development outcomes.
©2022 The International Institute for Sustainable Development
Published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development.
Head Office
111 Lombard Avenue, Suite 325
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3B 0T4
Tel: +1 (204) 958-7700
Twitter: @IISD_news
In collaboration with ITC and Fibl
With the support of the Swedish government
Steffany Bermudez and Vivek Voora are both first authors of this report. Steffany Bermudez worked on
coffee prices and examining sustainable consumption preferences in developing countries in the market
overview section. Vivek Voora worked on the market overview section examining supply and demand
dynamics, production trends and forecasting, yields and climate resilience in sustainable coffee production.
Peer reviewers: Judith Ganes, Niels Haak, and Aimee Russillo
We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Audrey Wagner, Alix Albright and Jennah Landgraf
in conducting research on sustainable consumption preferences in developing countries and collecting
sustainable sourcing information from coffee buyers.