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1.0 Purpose
Instant Messaging (IM) services can facilitate collaboration and training, but also have the
potential to dramatically increase computer system vulnerability to malicious exploitation. Like
most e-mail applications, IM services allow the exchange of many file types. These files provide
a vector for the delivery of viruses. Unlike e-mail systems that may route through e-mail servers
and anti-virus gateways, the "payload" of IM services route directly to the user PC. The anti-viral
software installed on the user's machine becomes the single line of defense.
The following policy represents the minimum requirements that OHR must have in place for the
use of IM.
2.0 Scope
This policy applies to but is not limited to faculty, staff, students, vendor representatives,
consultants, temporary staff, and other workers in OHR, including all personnel affiliated with
third parties. This policy applies to but is not limited to all equipment that is connected to OHR
networks, used in OHR facilities, or is used outside OHR facilities to conduct OHR business.
Exceptions to this policy may be necessary to perform security audits or other authorized
purposes. Any exceptions must be coordinated through the OHR Information Technology (IT)
Security Officer and approved by the Senior Director or Associate Vice President for Human
3.0 Policy
3.1. External Instant Messaging
OHR will restrict the use of external IM services only to those users who require the use
of IM services for University business.
a. OHR systems administrators will manage the use of external IM services
through programmatic means (i.e., firewalls, Windows Active Directory policies,
etc.). When programmatic means are not practicable, the use of external IM
services will be restricted through this policy.
b. When warranted by business requirements, systems administrators will provide
encrypted external IM services (note that most IM services exchange data in plain
text; this makes IM services particularly vulnerable to interception).
c. Encrypted external IM services should be provided only to workgroups of
University users whose membership remains relatively static. Centrally managed
PSU IM services that are encrypted and have managed access should be used for
communicating with other PSU departments (i.e.,
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3.2. Internal Instant Messaging
OHR will provide use of internal IM services only to those users who require the use of
IM services for OHR business and are securely connected to OHR networks.
a. OHR systems administrators will manage use of internal IM services through
programmatic means (i. e., firewalls, Windows Active Directory policies,
etc.). When programmatic means are not practicable, the use of internal IM
services will be restricted through this policy.
b. Systems administrators will provide secure internal IM services. Secure
internal IM services should be provided only to OHR users who are securely
connected to OHR networks.
3.3. Acceptable Instant Messaging Use
IM services and all University-owned computer equipment and services, should be used
only for University-related business activities. IM should not be used to send Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) or sensitive information.
4.0 Enforcement
Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action by their
Administrative unit or the University. Disciplinary action may include termination of
5.0 Definitions
Term Definition
Instant Messaging (IM) An application that allows instant text
communication and file sharing between two or
more people through a network such as the Internet.
External IM An IM application that allows communication and
file sharing with users outside of OHR networks.
Internal IM An IM application that allows communication and
file sharing only with users inside of OHR
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Information that identifies or describes an
individual, including but not limited to name,
address, telephone number, social security number,
credit card number, and personal characteristics that
would make the individual’s identity easily
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6.0 Resources
For additional guidance, refer to PSU Policies:
ADG01 Glossary of Computer Data and System Terminology
AD20 Computer and Network Security
AD23 Use of Institutional Data
AD35 University Archives and Records Management
7.0 Revision History
This Version Effective Date 07/28/10
Policy’s Initial Date (Interim Draft) 07/28/10
Original Draft 6/22/08