Designing Multimedia Instruction in Anatomy:
An Evidence-Based Approach
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, California
This paper summarizes 10 research-based principles for how to design effective
multimedia instruction in medical education involving anatomy. Clin. Anat.
33:211, 2020.
© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Key words: Anatomy; Medical Education; Multimedia
Medical education sometimes involves multimedia
instructional lessons such as classroom slideshow lec-
tures, online presentations, and even computer-based
simulations. This article explores how the design of
multimedia lessons in medical education can benet
from applying the science of learningthat is, research
and theory on how people learn (Mayer, 2009a, 2010,
2018). The goal of this article is to describe 10 evi-
dence-based principles for the design of multimedia
instruction that are relevant to medical education in
anatomy, based on decades of research in our labora-
tory at the University of California, Santa Barbara
(UCSB) and from researchers around the world (Clark
and Mayer, 2017; Mayer, 2009b, 2014a).
Multimedia messages consist of words (in spoken or
printed form) and graphics (in static form such as
photos or diagrams or dynamic form such as video or
animation); multimedia instructional messages are
multimedia messages that are intended to cause
learning (Clark and Mayer, 2017; Mayer, 2009b, in
press). Figure 1 is an example of a multimedia instruc-
tional message because it contains printed words and
graphics and is intended to foster learning. Multimedia
instructional messages that are relevant to medical
education include textbooks (with printed words and
static graphics), face-to-face slideshow lectures (with
spoken words, printed words, and static or dynamic
graphics), and online presentations (with spoken or
printed words and static or dynamic graphics).
Our laboratory at UCSB has a long-standing com-
mitment to basic research on how to design effective
instructional messages about the human body, includ-
ing instruction about teeth (Stull et al., 2009, 2010),
the blood stream (Mayer et al., 2008; Mayer and
Estrella, 2014; Parong & Mayer, 2018), neural trans-
mission (Wang et al., 2018; Xie et al., in press), the
human heart and circulatory system (Leopold &
Mayer, 2015; Leopold et al., in press), the human ear
(Fiorella & Mayer, 2013), the human digestive system
(Mayer et al., 2008), and the human lungs and respi-
ratory system (Mayer et al., 2004; Mayer and Sims,
1994). This work contributes to the larger research
base on how to design multimedia instruction (Clark
and Mayer, 2017; Mayer, 2009b, in press).
Instructional technology has a long and somewhat
disappointing history, ranging from instructional
movies in the 1920s to instructional radio in the
1930s to educational television in the 1950s to pro-
grammed instruction in the 1960s, in which strong
claims are made for the power of the latest cutting-
edge instructional technology, major investments are
made, and subsequent research fails to demonstrate
much benet (Cuban, 1986, 2001; Saettler, 2004).
Today, we have new computer-based technologies
that allow for the creation of dazzling multimedia les-
sons including slideshows, animation, and video
but these technologies alone do not produce learning.
The history of instructional technology teaches us that
instructional technology does not cause learning, but
instead instructional methods cause learning (Clark,
2001). Instead of taking a technology-centered
approach that focuses on the capabilities of the latest
technology, it makes sense to take a learner-centered
approach that focuses on how to adapt technology to
*Correspondence to: Richard E. Mayer, Department of Psycho-
logical and Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Bar-
bara, California 93106.
Received 17 August 2018; Accepted 17 August 2018
Published online 21 November 2018 in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/ca.23265
© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Clinical Anatomy 33:211 (2020)
the requirements of how the human information pro-
cessing system works (Mayer, 2009b).
Thus, the present article takes an evidence-based
approach in which we seek to determine which instruc-
tional techniques have been shown to improve learning
from multimedia messages in line with cognitive theo-
ries of learning. Four major steps in creating effective
multimedia instruction suitable for medical education
are: (1) Start with a clear instructional goal for the
instructional message. (2) Help learners focus on the
instructional message by reducing extraneous proces-
sing. (3) Help learners encode the instructional mes-
sage by managing essential processing. (4) Help
learners engage with the instructional message by fos-
tering generative processing. These steps are explored
in the remainder of this article.
The rst step in effective instructional design is to
clearly state your instructional objective (Anderson et al. ,
2001; Mayer, 2011; Pellegrino et al. , 2001). As noted in
Mayer (2011), an instructional objective is a description
of the intended change in the learnersknowledge.An
instructional objective includes a description of what is to
be learned and how it will be tested. In short, you should
be able to describe the knowledge that you want the
learner to glean from the instructional message.
For example, consider the slide shown in Figure 1,
showing some basic anatomic information about the
human brain. Your instructional objective might be
that the learner knows the names and locations of
each of several key brain areas, and this can be tested
by pointing to each area and asking the learner to say
the name of the brain area. When you have a clear
statement of your instructional objective, this can
guide the creation of an effective instructional
message - which is a slide in this case.
In this example, the instructional goal is for the
learner to know the spatial layout of the brain - which is
a focus on structur al knowledge (e.g. , Where is the X?).
In contrast, the instructionalgoalcouldbetounderstand
how the brain works which is a focus on process
knowledge (e.g. , What happens in the brain when some-
one tries to remember their phone number?). Alterna-
tively, the instructional goal could be to know about the
characteristics of each part of the brain which is a focus
on factual knowledge (e.g., What does X do?). Thus, the
way you create the instruction message depends on the
type of knowledge you want the learner to acquire.
Once you have a draft of the instructional message
that conveys the target information, you have not com-
pleted your job as an instructor. In addition to presenting
the target information, your job as an instructor is to
guide the learners cognitive processing of the material.
This can be done by following evidence-based principles
for the design of multimedia instructional messages
(Clark and Mayer, 2017; Mayer, 2009b, 2014a, in press).
I break this task of guiding the learnerscognitiveproces-
sing into three sub-tasks: helping the learner focus on
the target information, helping the learner mentally rep-
resent the target information, and encouraging the
learner to make sense of the target information.
In the next three sections, I provide some evidence-
based techniques for accomplishing these sub-tasks.
The supporting evidence consists of studies that com-
pare the learning outcome scores on posttest of groups
of students who learn from a standard lesson versus the
same lesson with one feature added, such as a lesson
on the human respiratory system with words spoken in
formal language or conversational language. In inter-
vention stu dies such as these, differences between the
groups is often expressed as effect size (d), which is the
number of standard deviations better (or worse) that
the enhanced group did on the post-test as compared to
the control group (Cohen, 1988). Effect size provides a
common metric to aggregate across studies, with effect
sizes greater than d = 0.4 considered to be education-
ally signicant (Hattie, 2009).
In terms of guiding cognitive processing, we want
instructional techniques that guide the learner toward
processing of the target information in the instructional
message. Learners have a limited working memory
capacity, which means they can only process a few
pieces of information at any one time (Mayer, 2009b,
2011). If they use their limited capacity on extraneous
processing cognitive processing that does not sup-
port the instructional goal they are less likely to focus
on the target information. Thus, a primary goal in
designing effective multimedia messages is to reduce
extraneous processing. In this section, we explore ve
techniques for reducing extraneous processing: the
coherence, signaling, spatial contiguity, temporal con-
tiguity, and redundancy principles.
Fig. 1. A slide show-
ing six brain regions.
Multimedia Instruction in Anatomy 3
Coherence Principle
For example, consider a situation in which the
screen is of full of interesting but irrelevant graphics
and factoids, such as shown in Figure 2a. If the
learner spends time focusing on these aspects of the
slide, there is less cognitive capacity available to
focus on the names and locations of the major brain
areas. In contrast, Figure 2b shows a revised version
of the slide in which the irrelevant material has been
weeded out. In a recent review, in 23 out of 23 experi-
mental comparisons, students performed better on
learning outcome tests with multimedia lessons that
eliminated extraneous material, yielding a median
effect size of 0.86, which is considered a large effect
(Mayer and Fiorella, 2014). This effect is strongest for
learners with smaller working memory capacity, when
the extraneous material is highly distracting, and
when the pace of the lesson is controlled by the
instructor rather than the learner (Mayer and Fiorella,
2014; Rey, 2012). In summary, the coherence princi-
ple is that people learn better from a multimedia
instructional message when extraneous material is
Signaling Principle
If you cannot completely eliminate the extraneous
material, the next best strategy is to highlight the
essential material. For example, if there is a lot of
nonessential printed text on the screen, you can high-
light the essential material, such as putting it in bold
font, underlining it, giving it a different color, or
Fig. 2. (a) Slide with extraneous material. (b) Slide without extraneous material.
[Color gure can be viewed at]
repeating it in the margin. If there is a lot of nones-
sential spoken text in the narration, you can highlight
the essential material by speaking it with higher vol-
ume or more stress. If there are many nonessential
graphical elements on the screen in an animation or
video or even in a static graphic, you can highlight the
essential material through spotlighting in which you
gray out all the other areas except for the area being
described in the narration or by cueing the relevant
area on screen with an arrow or with distinctive color-
ing. Figure 3a shows an example of a slide on regions
of the human brain, in which a narration describes
each region in turn. In Figure 3b, the region being
described by the narration is circled, as a form of cue-
ing. In a recent review, in 24 out of 28 experimental
comparisons, students performed better on learning
outcome tests with multimedia lessons that signaled
essential material, yielding a median effect size of
0.41, which is in the small-to-medium range (Mayer
and Fiorella, 2014). The signaling effect was also
found in a more recent meta-analysis involving
103 studies (Schneider et al., 2018). This effect may
be strongest for students who lack prior knowledge,
when the display is complicated, and when signaling
is used sparingly. In summary, the signaling principle
is that people learn better from a multimedia instruc-
tional message when essential material is highlighted.
Spatial Contiguity Principle
Consider the slide shown in Figure 4a, which
involves the common practice of using a legend that
is keyed to parts of a graphic. Similarly, it is common
to have a caption at the bottom of a graphic. What is
wrong with these situations in which the words are
separated from the graphics they describe? The prob-
lem is that legends and captions can create extrane-
ous processing, in which the learner must scan back
and forth between the printed words and the corre-
sponding part of the graphic. This wastes precious
processing capacity that could have been used for try-
ing to encode and make sense of the material. To alle-
viate this design aw, we can move the printed words
next to the corresponding part of the graphic, as
shown in Figure 4b. This makes it easier for the
learner to build connections between corresponding
words and graphics, as has been shown in eye-
tracking studies (Johnson and Mayer, 2012). In a
recent review, in 22 out of 22 experimental compari-
sons, students learned better when corresponding
printed words and graphics were near each other on
the screen, yielding a median effect size of 1.10,
which is a large effect (Mayer and Fiorella, 2014). A
more recent meta-analysis of 58 studies also found
strong evidence for the spatial contiguity effect
(Schroeder and Cenkci, in press). The effect may be
strongest for students who lack prior knowledge and
when the material is complicated. In summary, the
spatial contiguity principle is that people learn better
from a multimedia instructional message when corre-
sponding printed words and graphics are placed near
each other on the screen.
Temporal Contiguity Principle
Consider an instructional episode in which an
instructor rstexplainswhatthestudentsareabout
to see in a brief animation on how one neuron com-
municates with another, and then th e inst ructor
shows the animation. In terms of multimedia learn-
ing theory, this is a problematic approach because
the learners working memory is too limited to be
able to hold the entire verbal explanation so it is
available when the animation i s presented. By sepa-
rating corresponding words and graphics in tim e, th e
instructor is reducing the chances that the learner
will be able to make connections between them in
working memory. The solution is to present corre-
sponding graphics and spoken words simultaneou sly.
In nine ou t of nine experimental comparisons, stu-
dents who received multi media lessons with simulta-
neous words and graphics scored higher on learning
outcome posttests than students who received
Fig. 3. (a) Slide with-
out cueing. (b) Slide with
cueing. [Color gure can
be viewed at wileyonline]
Multimedia Instruction in Anatomy 5
lessons with corresponding words and graphics sepa-
rate d in time, yieldi ng a median effect size of 1.22,
which is a large effect (Mayer and Fiorella, 2014).
The effect is strongest when the segments are large
and the pacing is not controlled by the learner. Anal-
ogous to the spatial contiguity princi ple, the tempo-
ral conti guity principle is that p eople learn better
from multimedia instructional messages when corre-
sponding graphics and narration are presented
simultaneo usly.
Redundancy Principle
Suppose you have a narrated animation on how
the human respiratory and circulatory systems work.
You might suppose that it would be useful to add
concurrent printed text at the bottom of the screen
tha t is identical t o the spoken text, so that learners
could have the option of reading or listening. How-
ever, in terms of multimedia learni ng theory, having
redundant spoken and printed text can create extra-
neous processing because learner s may try to recon-
cile the spoken and printed streams of words or they
may have to scan back a nd forth between the cap-
tions and the a nimation (Mayer, 2009b; Mayer and
Fiorella, 2014). In 16 out of 16 experimental com-
parisons, students l earned better from graphics and
narration than from graphics, narration, and on-
screen text, with a media n effect size of 0.86, which
it can be helpful to add just one or two basic printed
words to a narrated animation (Mayer and Johnson,
Fig. 4. (a) Slide with legend. (b) Slide with text integrated into graphic.
2008) or to restate the printed sentence in a differ-
ent way than the spoken one (Yue et al., 2013); al so,
printed text is useful when the words are technical or
unfamiliar or not in the learners rst langu age
(Mayer and Fiorella, 2014). In summary, the redun-
dancy principle is that people learn better from mul-
timedia instructional messages containing graphics
and narration rather than graphics, narration, and
on-screen text.
Suppose you have designed your instructional
materials so they achieve the goal of reducing extra-
neous processing by using some of the techniques
described in the previous section. The next important
step in guiding cognitive processing is to encourage
learners to mentally represent the essential material
from the lesson in their working memory, a process
that is called essential processing (Mayer, 2009b,
2011). In some cases, when the essential material is
complex for the learner, the amount of essential
material required for learning may threaten to over-
whelm the learners limited working memory capacity.
Thus, a primary goal in designing effective multimedia
messages is to manage essential processing. In this
section, we explore three techniques for managing
essential processing: the segmenting, pretraining,
and modality principles.
Segmenting Principle
Suppose you have a long multimedia lesson,
explaining the regions of the brain. We could present
a single, complete graphic showing the entire system
and describe it with a complete continuous verbal nar-
ration, as shown in Figure 5a. The problem with this
approach to instructional design is that presenting all
the information at once in a fast-paced narrated ani-
mation may overwhelm the learners processing
capacity. A solution is to break the lesson into basic
segments, each covering one main idea; the lesson
could stop after each segment and continue when the
student presses a CONTINUE key, as shown in
Figure 5b. In this way, the student can completely
digest one portion of the lesson before moving on to
the next one. In a recent review, in 10 out of 10 exper-
imental comparisons, students learned better when a
multimedia message was presented in learner-paced
segments rather than as a continuous presentation,
yielding a median effect size of 0.79, which
approaches a large effect (Mayer and Pilegard, 2014).
The effect is stronger for students with low prior
knowledge or low working memory capacity, and
when the segments are small. In summary, the seg-
menting principle is that people learn better when a
multimedia instructional message is broken into
learner-paced segments.
Pretraining Principle
Instead of breaking a complicated lesson into parts
that are presented under learner control, another way
to manage essential processing is to provide pretrain-
ing in the names and characteristics of the key com-
ponents. For example, before viewing a narrated
animation on the process of neural transmission, stu-
dents could be shown a diagram of the entire system
with each component labeled. When the student
clicks on a component, that component is spotlighted
and a brief animation shows what that component
does, while words describe the components behavior.
In a review of studies involving pretraining, adding
pretraining before a multimedia presentation
improved learning outcome test scores in 13 out of
16 experimental comparisons, yielding a median
effect size of 0.75, which approaches a large effect
(Mayer and Pilegard, 2014). The effect may apply
mainly to students who lack prior knowledge. In sum-
mary, the pretraining principle is that people learn
better from multimedia instructional messages when
they know the names and characteristics of the key
Modality Principle
Consider what can happen when students view a
fast-paced multimedia lesson containing graphics and
printed words, such as exemplied in Figure 6a. This
situation can create split attention in which students
cannot be viewing the graphic when they are reading
the caption and cannot be reading the caption when
they are viewing the graphic. In short, the visual
channel may become overloaded. As exemplied in
Figure 6b, a solution to this problem is to off-load the
verbal material from the learners visual channel to
the learners auditory channel, by presenting the
words as spoken text (i.e., narration) rather than
printed text (i.e., captions). Humans have separate
information processing channels for processing
images (through the eyes) and sounds (through the
ears), so presenting words as spoken text frees up
capacity in the visual channel and makes more effec-
tive use of the auditory channel (Mayer, 2009b; Mayer
and Pilegard, 2014). In a review, students scored
higher on learning outcome tests when the words in a
multimedia lesson where changed from printed to
spoken text in 53 out of 61 experimental compari-
sons, yielding a median effect size of 0.76, which
approaches a large effect (Mayer and Pilegard, 2014).
There are cases in which the modality effect does not
occur, but these are consistent with multimedia learn-
ing theory: when the material is simple for the
learner, when the pacing of the material is under
learner control, when the words are highly familiar for
the learner, and when the learner has high prior
knowledge (Mayer and Pilegard, 2014). In summary,
the modality principle is that people learn better from
a multimedia instructional message when the words
are spoken rather printed.
Multimedia Instruction in Anatomy 7
Even if students are able to encode the essential
material from a multimedia lesson and even if they
have cognitive capacity available because they have
not engaged in extraneous processing, they may not
exert the effort to understand the lesson. Thus, the
third instructional design goal is to motivate learners
to try to make sense of the essential material a pro-
cess that can be called generative processing (Mayer,
2009b, 2011; Fiorella and Mayer, 2015). Generative
processing involves mentally organizing the material
into a coherent structure and integrating it with rele-
vant prior knowledge. Two instructional design tech-
niques intended to foster generative processing are
personalization and embodiment.
Personalization Principle
Consider the portion of a script for a narrated ani-
mation on the brain listed in the top of Table 1. As you
can see, the wording is in formal style, as indicated,
for example, by the use of third person constructions
(e.g. the frontal lobe is located in the front of the
brain). Learners can interpret formal wording as
meaning that the instructor does not care about
them, and therefore, the learner may not feel much of
a social partnership with the instructor. In contrast, as
exemplied in the bottom of Table 1, suppose we
change the wording into conversational style, as indi-
cated by using rst and second person constructions
(e.g., your frontal lobe is located in the front of your
brain). The use of conversational language (which
can be called personalization) is a social cue that can
prime a feeling of social partnership between the
learner and instructor, which motivates the learner to
Fig. 5. (a) Slide from continuous presentation. (b) Slide from segmented
try harder to make sense of what the instructor is
communicating, and thereby improves the learning
outcome (Mayer, 2014b). In a recent review, using
conversational wording in multimedia lessons
improved learning outcome test scores in 14 out of
17 experimental comparisons, yielding a median
effect size of 0.79, which approaches a large effect.
Ginns et al. (2013) reported a similar effect in their
meta-analysis of personalization. The effect is stron-
gest for students who have low prior knowledge or
low achievement, and for short lessons. In summary,
the personalization principle is that people learn bet-
ter from a multimedia instructional message when
the words are in conversational style.
Embodiment Principle
Suppose a student is watching a video of a class-
room lecture in which an instructor narrates a slide-
show, or an animation in which an onscreen animated
character (i.e., animated pedagogical agent) narrates
a slideshow. This can be a somewhat alienating
Fig. 6. (a) Slide with printed text. (b) Slide with spoken text.
TABLE 1. Partial Script for Multimedia Lesson on the Brain
Formal Version
The frontal lobe is located in the front of the brain. It is involved in reasoning, problem solving, movement, and
Personalized Version
Your frontal lobe is located in the front of your brain. You are using your frontal lobe when you reason, solve a
problem, engage in movement, or make a plan.
Multimedia Instruction in Anatomy 9
experience that causes the learner to disengage from
the lesson. What can we do to prime the learner to
process the material more deeply, that is, to engage
in generative processing? One technique involves put-
ting the instructor (or agent) on the screen next to
the slide and making sure he or she engages in
human-like gesture, body movement, facial expres-
sion, and eye-contact. According to theories of multi-
media learning, when the instructor displays high
levels of embodiment (such as human-like gesture),
the learner is more likely to form a social partnership
with the instructor, and try harder to make sense of
what the instructor is saying (Mayer, 2014b). In a
review, Mayer (2014b) reported that in 11 out of
11 experimental comparisons, students learned bet-
ter from a multimedia lesson when the onscreen
instructor or agent displayed human-like gesture and
movement, yielding a median effect size of 0.36,
which is in the small-to-medium range. More recently,
Wang et al. (2018) found that pointing gestures can
be particularly helpful, suggesting that the signaling
principle may also come into play. In summary, the
embodiment principle is that people learn better from
a multimedia instructional message when the onsc-
reen instructor engages in human-like gesturing,
movement, eye-contact, and facial expression. This
applies both to human instructors as well as animated
agents that appear on the screen.
Table 2 summarizes ten evidence-based principles
for designing multimedia instruction. As you can see,
research on multimedia message design has implica-
tions for medical education, including in anatomy, but
is there any evidence from actual medical class-
rooms? For example, suppose we took a slideshow
lecture from an actual class in medical school and
redesigned the slideshow lecture based on the
instructional design principles described in this article.
In a series of experiments intended to address this
question, medical students who learned from a rede-
signed slideshow lecture scored substantially higher
on immediate and delayed post-tests than medical
students who learned the same material in its original
format, with effect sizes in the large range (Issa et al.,
2013; Issa et al., 2011). This work encourages us to
continue to explore the potential benets of applying
evidence-based design principles to the design of
multimedia instructional lessons in medical education,
including anatomy.
Preparation of this article was supported by grant
N00141612046 from the Ofce of Naval Research.
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TABLE 2. Ten Evidence-Based Principles for Designing Multimedia Instruction
1. Coherence principle: Remove extraneous material.
2. Signaling principle: Highlight essential material.
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8. Modality principle: Present words in spoken form rather than printed form.
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