Grounded Strategies
for Instructional Design
Grounded instructional strategies are rooted in established theories and research
on human learning. They form the basis for designing and sequencing meaningful
e-learning interactions and for creating online, blended and classroom learning
environments. Instructional strategies grounded in research and theory are
outlined and compiled to facilitate the instructional design of training and
educational programs. Gaining further understanding is recommended when
interested in a particular strategy by reading related reference.
Atsusi “2c” Hirumi, PhD
Professor, Instructional Design & Technology
Dept. Learning Sciences | Dept. Medical Education
College of Community Innovation and Education | College of Medicine
University of Central Florida
Grounded Instructional Strategies
Table 1 outlines primary instructional events associated with published instructional strategies that are
grouped according to major classes of learning theories, including constructivist (learner-centered),
behavioral and cognitive information processing, and neurobiological approaches to explaining how and
why people learn. Guidelines and criteria for selecting a grounded strategy follow, along with further
details about each strategy.
Table 1. Primary events associated with grounded instructional strategies
Constructivist (Learner-Centered) Approaches
Experiential Learning
(Pfeiffer & Jones, 1975)
1. Experience
2. Publish
3. Process
4. Internalize
5. Generalize
6. Apply
Experiential Learning Cycle
(Kolb, 1984)
1. Concrete experience
2. Reflective observation
3. Abstract conceptualization
4. Active experimentation
Guided Experiential Learning
(Clark, 2004)
1. Goals
2. Reasons and activation
3. Demonstration
4. Application
5. Integration
6. Assessment
Learning by Doing
(Schank, Berman & Macpherson, 1999)
1. Define goals
2. Set mission
3. Present cover story
4. Establish roles
5. Operate scenarios
6. Provide resources
7. Provide feedback
Problem-Based Learning
(Barrows, 1985; Boud & Feletti, 1997)
1. Start new class
2. Start new problem
3. Problem follow-up
4. Performance presentation(s)
5. After conclusion of problem
Collaborative Problem-Solving
(Nelson, 1999)
1. Build readiness
2. Form and norm groups
3. Determine preliminary problem
4. Define and assign roles
5. Engage in problem-solving
6. Finalize solution
7. Synthesize and reflect
8. Assess products and processes
9. Provide closure
Problem Solving: Story Problems
(Jonassen, 2011)
1. Present story problem
2. Compare to analogies
3. Parse problem sets
4. Generate equation/algorithm
5. Solve problem
6. Check answer
Problem Solving: Decision Making
(Jonassen, 2011)
1. Present problem/case
2. Compare to similar cases or analogies
3. Generate options
4. Analyze options
5. Make decision
6. Report selection
Problem Solving: Troubleshooting
(Jonassen, 2011)
1. Present problem/case in simulation
2. Refer to system model
3. Call on cases library (worked examples)
4. Practice troubleshooting
Problem Solving: Strategic
(Jonassen, 2011)
1. Present simulation of typical and
atypical cases
2. Recognize key components
3. Discriminate typical and atypical
4. Take action based on nature of
5. Provide feedback
6. Reflect on actions
Problem Solving: Policy Analysis
(Bardach, 2000)
1. Define the problem
2. Assemble evidence
3. Construct alternatives
4. Select and apply criteria
5. Project outcomes
6. Confront trade-offs
7. Make decision
8. Tell your story
Problem Solving: Design
(Dym & Little, 2004)
1. Problem Definition
2. Conceptual Design
3. Preliminary Design
4. Detailed Design
5. Final Design
Table 1 (con’t). Primary events associated with grounded instructional strategies
Constructivist (Learner-Centered) Approaches (con’t)
BSCS 5E Model
(BSCS, 2005; Bybee, 2002)
1. Engage
2. Explore
3. Explain
4. Elaborate
5. Evaluate
(Dodge, 1998)
1. Introduction
2. Task
3. Process
4. Resources
5. Evaluation
6. Conclusion
Case-Based Reasoning
(Aamodt & Plaza, 1994)
1. Present New Case
2. Retrieve Similar Cases
3. Reuse Information
4. Revise Proposed Solution
5. Retain Useful Experiences
Simulation Model
(Joyce, Weil, & Showers, 1992)
1. Orientation
2. Participant Training
3. Simulation Operations
4. Participant Debriefing
5. Appraise and redesign the simulation
Inquiry Training
(Joyce, Weil, & Showers, 1992)
1. Confrontation with the Problem
2. Data Verification
3. Data Experimentation
4. Organizing, Formulating and Explanation
5. Analysis of inquiry process
Inductive Thinking
(Taba, 1967)
1. Concept Formation
2. Interpretation of Data
3. Application of Principles
Jurisprudential Inquiry
(Oliver & Shaver, 1971)
1. Orientation to the Case
2. Identifying the Issues
3. Taking Positions
4. Exploring the Stance(s)
5. Refining and Qualifying the Positions
6. Testing Factual Assumptions Behind
Qualified Positions
Scaffolded Vee Diagram
(Crippen, Archambault, & Kern, in press)
1. Big Problem
2. Initial Ideas
3. Concept Map
4. Analysis and Artifacts
5. Claims
6. Expert Opinion
7. Reflection
Historical Inquiry
(Waring, 2014, 2011)
1. A Hook
2. Identify Fundamental Questions
3. Engage in Primary and Secondary Sources
4. Recognize Multiple Perspectives and
Historic Causation
5. Create Plausible Narratives
6. Assess Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes
7. Reflect on Experience
Instructional Design
(Schwartz, Lin, Brophy & Bransford, 1992)
1. Look Ahead & Reflect Back
2. Present Initial Challenge
3. Generate Ideas
4. Present Multiple Perspectives
5. Research and Revise
6. Test Your Mettle
7. Go Public
8. Progressive Deepening
9. General Reflection and Decisions
10. Assessment
Eight Events of
Student-Centered Learning
(Hirumi, 2002, 1998, 1996)
1. Set Learning Challenge
2. Negotiate Goals and Objectives
3. Negotiate Learning Strategy
4. Construct Knowledge
5. Negotiate Performance Criteria
6. Assess Learning
7. Provide Feedback (Steps 1-6)
8. Communicate Results
(Jonassen, 1999)
1. Select Problem
2. Provide Related Case
3. Provide Information
4. Provide Cognitive Tools
5. Provide Conversation Tools
6. Provide Social Support
Table 1 (con’t). Primary events associated with grounded instructional strategies
Behavioral & Cognitive Information Processing (Teacher-Directed) Approaches
Nine Events of Instruction
(Gagne, 1977, 1974)
1. Gain Attention
2. Inform Learner of Objective(s)
3. Recall Prior Knowledge
4. Present Stimulus Materials
5. Provide Learning Guidance
6. Elicit Performance
7. Provide Feedback
8. Assess Performance
9. Enhance Retention and Transfer
5 Component Lesson Model
(Dick, Carey, & Carey, 2009)
1. Pre-Instructional Activities
2. Content Presentation and Learning
3. Learner Participation
4. Assessment
5. Follow Through Activities
Elements of Lesson Design
(Hunter, 1990)
1. Anticipatory Set
2. Objective and Purpose
3. Input
4. Modeling
5. Check for Understanding
6. Guided Practice
7. Independent Practice
Direct Instruction
(Joyce, Weil, & Showers, 1992)
1. Orientation
2. Presentation
3. Structured Practice
4. Guided Practice
5. Independent Practice
Neurobiological Approaches
Brain Rules
(Medina, 2014)
1. Survival: The human brain evolved.
2. Exercise: Boosts brain power.
3. Sleep: Sleep well, think well.
4. Stress: Stress inhibits learning.
5. Wiring: Every brain is wired differently.
6. Attention: Avoid boring things.
7. Memory: Repeat to remember.
8. Sensory Integration: Stimulate senses.
9. Vision: Vision trumps all other senses.
10. Music: Listening boosts cognition.
11. Gender: Male/female brains differ.
12. Exploration: We are natural explorers.
Brain-Based Teaching
(Jensen, 2005)
1. Malleable memories
2. Non-conscious experience runs
automated behaviors
3. Reward and addiction dependency
4. Attentional limitations
5. Brain seeks and creates understanding
6. Rough drafts/Gist learning
7. Input limitations
8. Perception influences our experience
9. Malleability/Neural plasticity
10. Emotional-Physical state dependency
Interplay Strategy
(Hirumi et al., under review; Hirumi & Stapleton, 2014;
Stapleton & Hirumi, 2011)
1. Expose
2. Inquire
3. Discover
4. Create
5. Experiment
6. Share
Principles of Natural Learning
(Caine, Caine, McClintic & Klimek, 2005)
1. Relaxed Alertness
a. Challenge enhances, threat inhibits
b. Social brain/mind
c. Innate search for meaning
d. Emotions are critical to patterning
2. Orchestrated Immersion
a. The brain processes parts and whole
b. All learning engages the physiology.
c. Meaning occurs through patterning
d. Learning is developmental
3. Active Processing
a. Declarative and procedural memory
b. Focused attention & peripheral
c. Conscious and unconscious.
d. Each brain is uniquely organized.
Table 1 (con’t). Primary events associated with grounded instructional strategies
Alternative Approaches
4Mat System
(McCarthy, 1987)
1. Create an experience
2. Reflect/Analyze experience
3. Integrate reflective analysis
4. Develop concepts/skills
5. Practice defined “givens”
6. Practice adding something
7. Analyze application
8. Apply to new experience
(Maier, 1990)
1. Summarize
2. Question
3. Response
(Robinson, 1961)
1. Survey
2. Question
3. Read
4. Recite
5. Review
Grounding your Designs
Grounded design is "the systematic implementation of processes and procedures that are rooted in
established theory and research in human learning (Hannafin, Hannafin, Land, & Oliver, 1997, p.102)."
Four conditions are basic to grounded design:
Designs must be rooted in a defensible theoretical framework;
Methods must be consistent with the outcome of research conducted to test, validate, or
extend the theories upon which they are based;
Designs must be generalizable to situations beyond the unique conditions in which they are
being utilized; and
Grounded designs and their frameworks must be validated iteratively through successive
Without a solid grounding in theory, educational activities, whatever their intent, represent "craft-
based" approaches to instruction, solutions carved by one person for one specific environment. This is
not to say that such activities are ineffective, only that they may not be applicable to circumstances
beyond those in which they were initially employed. Grounding the design of your instruction helps you
explain and predict the results of your instruction by identifying key variables that affect student
learning. It enables you to continuously improve your designs as well as add to the knowledge base of
the theory and strategy you applied.
Application of a grounded instructional strategy guides the overall design and sequencing of key learning
interactions. Selection of an appropriate strategy requires the instructor and/or instructional designer to
consider the desired learning outcomes as well as his or her personal values and beliefs about teaching
and learning (Hirumi, 2013). It may also require the instructor and the instructional designer to step out
of his or her comfort zone, applying a strategy that s/he may have yet to experience.
A fundamental systematic design principle is that the nature of the desired learning outcomes should
drive the instructional design process. For instance, the specific technique used to analyze an
instructional situation should be based on targeted learning outcomes (Jonassen, Tessmer & Hannun,
1999). Similarly, learner assessment methods should be determined by the nature of specified
objectives (Berge, 2002; Hirumi, 2002d). The same principle applies to the selection of a grounded
instructional strategy.
For example, to teach people how to use of a new photocopying machine (a relatively simple
procedure), a teacher-directed instructional strategy may be more effective and efficient than
constructivist or learner-centered approaches. In cases where there is basically one correct answer
and/or one correct method for deriving the answer, learners do not necessarily have to interact with
others learners to derive meaning and construct their own knowledge through social discourse. In
contrast, if the desired learning outcome requires higher-order thinking, where there may be more than
one correct answer or more than one method for deriving the correct answer, then more learner-
centered or related problem-based approaches to teaching and learning may be appropriate.
In selecting an appropriate strategy, it is also important to take in account the instructor’s educational
philosophy and epistemological beliefs. If the instructor believes that people derive meaning and
construct knowledge through social interactions, then constructivist, learner-centered, and cooperative
instructional strategies may support his or her beliefs. In contrast, if the instructor or designer believes
people learn by processing information through sensory, short-term, and long-term memory, than an
instructional strategy based on information processing theories of learning, like Gagne’s Nine Events of
Instruction (Gagne, 1977), may resonate with his or her educational philosophy. If the instructor is a
pragmatist and believes that meaning is constructed by individuals based on their interpretation and
understanding of reality, s/he may take an eclectic approach, selecting from a range of behaviorist to
constructivist instructional strategies depending on the situation. Furthermore, if and instructional
designer is working with an instructor and/or subject matter expert to create the online materials, then
it may be important to discuss and, if necessary, reconcile any differences in philosophy prior to
initiating any designs.
Selecting an appropriate instructional strategy is neither simple, nor straight-forward. Much depends on
the desired learning goals and objectives, but concerns for the learner, the context and beliefs held by
the teacher or instructional designer also mediate the selection process. Perhaps even a stronger
influence is time and expertise. With insufficient time or training, educators often revert to what they
know best; that is, teacher-directed methods and materials. To select an appropriate instructional
strategy, the instructor and/or designer must have the time and skills necessary to analyze several
important variables. They must also have the confidence, desire and the opportunity to apply
alternative instructional strategies within the context of their job.
Inquiry, Experiential and Problem-Based (Learner-Centered) Approaches
Based on the belief that people learn best by doing, the experiential learning model
can start with didactic (passive) forms of instruction but soon progresses to
experiential (active) forms of learning.
1. Experience Immerse learner in “authentic” experience (e.g., real or simulated
job task).
2. Publish Talking or writing about experience. Sharing observations, thoughts, and
3. Process Debrief: Interpret published information, defining patterns,
discrepancies and overall dynamics, making sense of the information generated by
4. Internalize Private process, learner reflects on lessons learned, means of
managing conflicting data and requirements for future learning.
5. Generalize Develop hypotheses, form generalizations and reach conclusions
from information and knowledge gained from lesson.
6. Apply Use information and knowledge gained from lesson to make decisions and
solve problems.
Building upon earlier work by John Dewey and Kurt Levin, American educational
theorist Kolb believed that “learning is the process whereby knowledge is created
through the transformation of experience” (1984, p. 38). The theory presents a cyclical
model of learning, consisting of four stages shown below. One may begin at any stage,
but must follow each other in the sequence:
1. Concrete experience (or “DO”) - Where the learner actively experiences an activity
such as a lab session or field work.
2. Reflective observation (or “OBSERVE”) - When the learner consciously reflects
back on that experience.
3. Abstract conceptualization (or “THINK”) - Where the learner attempts to
conceptualize a theory or model of what is observed
4. Active experimentation (or “PLAN”) - Where the learner is trying to plan how to
test a model or theory or plan for a forthcoming experience
Kolb’s four-stage learning cycle shows how experience is translated through reflection
into concepts, which in turn are used as guides for active experimentation and the
choice of new experiences. Kolb identified four learning styles which correspond to
these stages. The styles highlight conditions under which learners learn better. These
styles are:
Assimilators, who learn better when presented with sound logical theories to
Convergers, who learn better when provided with practical applications of
concepts and theories
Accommodators, who learn better when provided with “hands-on” experiences
Divergers, who learn better when allowed to observe and collect a wide range of
Clark’s (2004) Guided Experiential Learning (GEL) fosters skill development and the
learning of factual information in the context of how it will be used. It assumes that
learning occurs best in context of a goal that is relevant, meaningful, and interesting to
students; and (b) content knowledge is best learned in context of relevant tasks closely
related to how students will use it outside of the learning environment.
1. Goals Including learning objectives, problems to be solved, what students will be
able to do at the end of the lesson.
2. Reasons and Activation Rationale and overview for the goals and objectives.
Answers questions about value and utility such as: “Why is learning to do this
important to me?” “What value does it hold for me, my job, mission or my team?”
“What risk will I avoid if I learn it?” Briefly describe (and when possible, provide a
visual model of the location of) the lesson in the larger course and sequence of
lessons and then describe the instructional strategy
3. Demonstration Promotes learning by demonstrating what is to be learned
rather than merely telling information about what is to be learned. The
demonstration can direct students to relevant information and provide multiple
representations or scenarios for comparison. The demonstration should also be
accompanied by job aids that summarize the action and decision steps.
4. Application Students are required to use their new knowledge or skill to solve
problems or show comprehension of new concepts.
5. Integration Students are encouraged to integrate (transfer) the new knowledge
or skill by the following activities:
1.1 Watch me: Gives students the opportunity to publicly demonstrate their new
knowledge or skill.
1.2 Reflection: Asks students to reflect-on, discuss, and defend their new
knowledge or skill.
1.3 Creation: Encourages students to create, invent, and explore new and
personal ways to use their new knowledge.
6. Assessment Practice must be reviewed and checked against a list of concepts or
action and decision steps derived from standard procedures.
The primary goal is to foster skill development and the learning of factual information
in the context of how it will be used. Assumes that learning occurs best in context of a
goal that is relevant, meaningful, and interesting to students, and when content
knowledge is learned in context of relevant tasks closely related to how students will
use it outside of the learning environment.
1. Define Goals
1.1 Process knowledge goals
1.2 Content knowledge goals
2. Set Mission
2.1 Must be motivational
2.2 Must be somewhat realistic
3. Present Cover Story
3.1 Must be motivating and create the need for the mission
3.2 Must allow opportunities to practice the skills and seek the knowledge
4. Establish Roles (who the students will play)
4.1 Must be one who uses the necessary skills and knowledge
4.2 Must be motivating
5. Operate Scenarios
5.1 Must be closely related to both the mission and the goals
5.2 Must have decision points with consequences that become evident
5.3 The consequences must indicate progress toward completing the mission
5.4 A negative consequence must be understand as an expectation failure
5.5 Plenty of operations for students to do (most time practicing skills)
5.6 Should not require more than what the goals call for
6. Provide Resources
6.1 Provide the information the students need to succeed in their mission
6.2 Information must be well organized and readily accessible
6.3 Information is often best provided in the form of stories
7. Provide Feedback
7.1 Must be situated, so it is indexed properly as an expectation failure
7.2 Must be just-in-time, so the student will use it
7.3 Can be given in three ways (a) consequences of actions, (b) coaches, (c)
domain experts’ stories about similar experiences.
Disenchanted with medical students’ ability to apply information learned from
lectures, Barrow’s developed this model to enhance transfer.
1. Start New Class
1.1 Introductions
1.2 Climate Setting (including teacher/tutor role)
2. Start New Problem
2.1 Set problem
2.2 Bring problem home
2.3 Describe the product/performance required
2.4 Assign tasks
2.5 Reason through the problem (i.e., ideas/hypotheses, facts, learning issues
and action plan).
2.6 Commitment as to probable outcome
2.7 Learning issues shaping/assignment
2.8 Resource identification
2.9 Schedule follow-up
3. Problem Follow-Up
3.1 Resources used and their critique
3.2 Reassess the problem (i.e., ideas/hypotheses, facts, learning issues and
action plan).
4. Performance Presentation(s)
5. After Conclusion of Problem
5.1 Knowledge abstraction and summary
5.2 Self-evaluation
The goals are to develop content knowledge in complex domains, problem-solving and
critical thinking skills, and collaborative skills. It should only be used when those types
of learning are paramount and when the students and instructor are receptive to this
approach to learning, with its shift in roles and power relationships.
1. Build Readiness
1.1 Overview of collaborative problem solving process
1.2 Develop an authentic problem or project to anchor instruction
1.3 Provide instruction and practice in group process skills
2. Form and Norm Groups
2.1 Form small heterogeneous work groups
2.2 Encourage groups to establish operational guidelines
3. Determine Preliminary Problem
3.1 Negotiate a common understanding of the problem
3.2 Identify learning issues and goals
3.3 Brainstorm preliminary solutions or project plans
3.4 Select and develop initial design plan
3.5 Identify sources of needed resources
3.6 Gather preliminary information to validate the design plan
4. Define and Assign Roles
4.1 Identify the principal roles needed to complete the design plan
4.2 Negotiate the assignment of roles
5. Engage in Problem-Solving
5.1 Refine and evolve the design plan
5.2 Identify and assign tasks
5.3 Acquire needed information, resources, and expertise
5.4 Disseminate acquired information, resources, and expertise to group
5.5 Engage in solution or project, report contributions and group activities
5.6 Participate in intergroup collaborations and evaluations
5.7 Conduct formative evaluations of the solution or project
6. Finalize Solution
6.1 Draft the final version of solution or project
6.2 Conduct final evaluation or usability test of the solution or project
6.3 Revise and complete the final version of the solution or project
7. Synthesize and Reflect
7.1 Identify learning gains
7.2 Debrief experiences and feelings about the process
7.3 Reflect on group and individual learning processes
8. Assess Products and Processes
8.1 Evaluate the products and artifact created
8.2 Evaluate the processes used
9. Provide Closure
One of the most common types of problems presented to students in primary,
secondary and post-secondary education, story problems are typically solved by
identifying key values in a short story, and selecting and applying an appropriate
algorithm to generate a correct answer. Contemporary approaches to story problems
emphasize a conceptual understanding of the problem before generating an answer.
1. Present word problem. Provide structural or situational models and/or
instruction to help learners classify the problem.
2. Compare to analogies. Provide analogous problems to compare current problem.
3. Parse problem set. Provide identifiers to help learners analyze and identify key
values and factors to consider in solving the problem.
4. Generate equation/algorithm. Provide equation builders and calculators to help
learners solve the problem.
5. Solve problem.
6. Check answer.
Decision making is the most common type of problem we face in everyday life.
Decision making is also central to solving other types of more complex problems. In
short, decisions are made by selecting one or more potentially useful or fulfilling
options from a larger set of options. Decisions are made be made from a list of options,
selecting or rejecting a particular option, or by formulating and evaluating options.
1. Present problem/case
2. Compare to similar cases or analogies
3. Generate options
a. Construct decision matrix
b. Construct choice set
c. Conduct force field/SWOT analysis
4. Analyze options
5. Make decision
6. Report selection
People are often tasked with troubleshooting or diagnosing a problem. The simplest
form of troubleshooting consists of finding a faulty component in a device and either
repairing or replacing it. More complex forms requires professionals to diagnose a
physical or mental problem. People may use analytical reasoning skills or use
analogies based on examples to diagnose problems. It’s important to keep in mind that
if one is good at troubleshooting or diagnose one type of problem does not mean they
are good at troubleshooting or diagnosing other kinds of problem.
1. Present problem/case in simulation
2. Refer to system model
3. Call on case library (worked examples)
4. Facilitate use of analytical and/or analogical reasoning skills
5. Practice troubleshooting/diagnosing
6. Provide feedback
Strategic problem solving is a multifaceted activity that requires the use of complex
strategies while maintaining situational awareness. They often occur under uncertain
conditions that make them ill-structured. Expert problem solvers often base decisions
on experience; they see situations as a prototype of what they’ve seen before and
take actions without considering many options. Experts use pattern recognition rather
than deductive reasoning to solve strategic problems. Thus, presenting many cases is
essential for developing strategic as well as diagnostic problem solving skills.
1. Present simulation of typical and atypical cases
2. Recognize key components
a. Relevant cues
b. Plausible goals
c. Expectations
3. Discriminate typical and atypical situations
4. Take action based on nature of situation
5. Provide feedback
6. Reflect on actions
Policy problems are often complex, involving many people, such as planners, analysts,
managers, legislators, citizens, and other stakeholders. Solving problems with policy is
complex because different stakeholders typically hold different values and beliefs, and
seek different outcomes that are difficult to equate. Most policy problems are
economic but have political, social, environmental, emotional and other implications.
1. Define the problem. Be clear about the nature and extent of the problem.
2. Assemble evidence. Assess policies that others have used to assess the nature
and extent of the problem being defined.
3. Construct alternatives. Model alternatives, identifying causal relationships and
related incentives and constraints.
4. Select and apply criteria. Evaluate alternatives by selecting and applying
evaluation criteria (e.g., for efficiency, equality, fairness, freedom, legality).
5. Project outcomes. Predict possible by constructing scenarios.
6. Confront trade-offs. Compare and contrast alternatives using a decision matrix.
7. Make decision.
8. Tell your story. Communicate decisions along with rationale for the decisions.
Professionals in and across disciplines solve design problems to create products,
processes, systems, activities, and a many other outcomes. Needless to say, different
people use different methods with vary assumptions within and across disciplines to
solve design problems. The following is an example of an engineering design process.
1. Problem Definition: From the client statement, clarify objectives, establish user
requirements, identify constraints, and establish functions of product by
providing a list of attributes.
2. In the Conceptual Design phase, establish design specifications and generate
3. In the Preliminary Design phase, create model of design and test and evaluate
the conceptual design by creating morphological charts or decision matrices.
4. During Detailed Design, refine and optimize the chosen design.
5. For the Final Design, document and communicate the fabrication specifications
and the justifications for the final design.
The natural inquiry of children and problem-solving of adults follow a pattern of initial
engagement, exploration of alternatives, formation of explanations, use of the
explanations, and evaluation of the explanations based on efficacy and others.
Activities encourage conceptual change and a progressive reforming of ideas.
1. Engage activities provide the opportunity for teachers to identify students’ current
concepts and misconceptions. Although provided by a teacher or structured by
curriculum materials, these activities introduce major ideas in problem situations.
How do students’ explain this situation?
2. Explore activities provide a common set of experiences for students and
opportunities for them to “test” their ideas with their own experiences and those
of peers and the teacher. How do students’ exploration and explanation of
experiences compare with others?
3. Explain activities provide opportunities for students to use their previous
experiences to recognize misconceptions and to begin making conceptual sense of
the activities through construction of new ideas and understandings. Allows
introduction of formal language, terms and content information that makes
students’ previous experiences easier to describe and explain.
4. Elaborate activities apply or extend the student’s developing concepts in new
activities and relate their previous experiences to the current activities. How does
the new explanation work in a different situation?
5. Evaluate activities serve as a summative assessment of what students know and
can do. How do students understand and apply concepts and abilities?
WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented strategy in which most or all of the information used
by learners is drawn from the Web.
1. The Introduction orients students and captures their interest
2. The Task describes the activity’s end product
3. The Process explains strategies students should use to complete the task
4. The Resources are the Web sites students use to complete the task
5. The Evaluation measures the results of the activity
6. The Conclusion sums up the activity and encourages students to reflect on its
process and results
Case-based reasoning is a problem solving paradigm that utilizes the specific
knowledge of previously experienced, concrete problem situations (cases). A new
problem is solved by finding a similar past case, reusing it in the new problem.
1. Present: new case or problem
2. Retrieve: Given a target problem, retrieve cases from memory that are relevant to
solving it. A case consists of a problem, its solution, and, typically, annotations
about how the solution was derived.
3. Reuse: Map the solution from the previous case to the target problem. This may
involve adapting the solution as needed to fit the new situation. In the pancake
example, Fred must adapt his retrieved solution to include the addition of
4. Revise: Having mapped the previous solution to the target situation, test the new
solution in the real world (or a simulation) and, if necessary, revise. Suppose Fred
adapted his pancake solution by adding blueberries to the batter. After mixing, he
discovers that the batter has turned blue -- an undesired effect. This suggests the
following revision: delay the addition of blueberries until after the batter has been
ladled into the pan.
5. Retain: After the solution has been successfully adapted to the target problem,
store the resulting experience as a new case in memory. Fred, accordingly, records
his newfound procedure for making blueberry pancakes, thereby enriching his set
of stored experiences, and better preparing him for future pancake-making
Based on the application of cybernetic principles to education, the purpose of this
model is to help students develop skills and knowledge by examining the
consequences of their actions.
1. Orientation
1.1 Present broad topic of simulation and major concepts
1.2 Explain simulation and gaming
1.3 Give overview of the simulation
2. Participant Training
2.1 Set-up scenario (rules, roles, procedures, scoring, types of decisions, goals)
2.2 Assign roles
2.3 Hold abbreviated practice session
3. Simulation Operations
3.1 Conduct game activity and game administration
3.2 Feedback and evaluation (of performance and effects of decisions)
3.3 Clarify misconceptions
3.4 Continue simulation
4. Participant Debriefing
4.1 Summarize events and perceptions
4.2 Summarize difficulties and insights
4.3 Analyze process
4.4 Compare simulation activity to the real world
4.5 Appraise and redesign the simulation
This model is designed to promote strategies of inquiry and the values and attitudes
that are essential to an inquiring mind including: process skills (e.g., observing,
collecting and organizing data), active learning, verbal expression, tolerance of
ambiguity, and logical thinking.
1. Confrontation with the Problem
1.1 Explain inquiry procedures
1.2 Present discrepant event
2. Data Gathering - Verification
2.1 Verify nature of objects and conditions
2.2 Verify the occurrence of the problem situation
3. Data Gathering - Experimentation
3.1 Isolate relevant variables
3.2 Hypothesize (and test) casual relationships
4. Organizing, Formulating and Explanation - Formulate rules or explanations
5. Analysis of Inquiry Process - Analyze inquiry strategy and develop more effective
Based on information-processing theories of human learning, the inductive-thinking
model was developed to enhance students’ acquisition of concepts, information
processing skills as well as their convergent use of information to solve problems.
1. Concept Formation
1.1 Enumeration and listing
1.2 Grouping
1.3 Labeling, Categorizing
2. Interpretation of Data
2.1 Identify critical relationships
2.2 Explore relationships
2.3 Make inferences
3. Application of Principles
3.1 Predicting consequences, explaining unfamiliar phenomena, hypothesizing
3.2 Explaining and/or supporting the predictions and hypotheses
3.3 Verifying predictions
Based on Socratic modes of discussion, the purpose of this model is to help students
resolve complex, controversial issues within the context of a productive social order:
1. Orientation to the Case
2. Identifying the Issues
3. Taking Positions
4. Exploring the Stance(s), patterns of argumentation
5. Refining and Qualifying the positions
6. Testing Factual Assumptions behind qualified positions
A Scaffolded Vee Diagram serves as a
guide for autonomous learning. The
diagram supports students as they
engage in the process of generating a
scientific argument while focusing their
attention on the elements of scientific
knowledge (Figure 1).
Figure 1. A modified form of Gowin’s Vee
1. Big Question. Contextualizes the inquiry and triggers motivation. Each lesson
focuses on answering a big question that is based on relevant, real world problem.
2. Initial Ideas. Capture student ideas related to the concepts associated with the Big
3. Concept Map. A semantic representation of student understanding.
4. Analysis and Artifacts. Produces a set of data in the form of an artifact that will be
used in constructing a scientific claim.
5. Claims. Describes an evidence-claim-reason related to the big question.
6. Expert Opinion. Describes the scientific knowledge related to the big question.
7. Reflection. Analyzes and critiques how students’ ideas are similar and different.
History is about the names, dates and events, but to spark students’ interest and make
connections between history and real life, instruction must shift from memorization to
investigations that allow for the construction of authentic historical narratives. We
must expose students to skills and knowledge in ways that are authentic and true to
the methods used by professionals in the field. In other words, instead of teaching
history, we should teach students how to be historians.
1. A Hook. Engage students with a thought provoking image, document, or other
source related to the content or an activity that involves a process or concept
similar to what is needed in the inquiry.
2. Identify Fundamental Questions. Students must have opportunities to ask and
answer questions of personal interest.
3. Engage in Primary and Secondary Sources. A variety of sources (published or
unpublished documents, oral histories, visual documents, artifacts, etc.) should
be sought to answer the questions..
4. Recognize Multiple Perspectives and Historic Causation. Multiple alternative
perspectives must be considered. Finding polar extremes or one cause for an
event or one answer to the fundamental question is not sufficient.
5. Create Plausible Narratives. Opportunities to construct historical narratives that
explain an event or answer fundamental questions utilizing the spectrum of
sources, while noting where gaps in the sources or the author’s knowledge exist.
6. Assess Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes. Consider assess plausible narratives
utilizing (a) performance or product checklists, or (b) an analytic or holistic
portfolio assessment rubric.
7. Reflect on Experience. Ask students to reflect on and share their experiences,
identifying areas for future learning and investigation.
The primary goal of this theory is to teach a deep understanding of disciplines, while
simultaneously fostering the skills of problem-solving, collaboration and
communication, through the use of problem-based learning, followed by more open-
ended project based learning.
1. Look Ahead and Reflect Back
1.1 Provides an understanding of the goals, context and challenges
1.2 Provides an opportunity to try it right now (pretest)
1.3 Consists of motivational series of images, narrative, and questions
1.4 Helps students represent a specific problem as an example of a larger set of
2. Present Initial Challenge
2.1 Helps students develop a shared, initial mental model of what’s to be
2.2 Challenge selection: Motivating, interesting, invites student-generated ideas
3. Generate Ideas
3.1 Helps students make their own thinking explicit
3.2 Helps students see what other students are thinking
3.3 Encourages sharing of ideas
3.4 Helps teacher assess current state of student knowledge
3.5 Provides students with a baseline to more easily see how much they learn
4. Present Multiple Perspectives
4.1 Provide a way to introduce students to vocabulary and perspectives of
4.2 Allow students to compare their ideas to experts’ ideas
4.3 Provide guidance on what students need to learn about
4.4 Provide expertise, guidance, models of social practice in the domain
4.5 Provide realistic standards of performance
4.6 Indicate that multiple perspectives exist in the domain
5. Research and Revise (to help students explore a challenge)
5.1 Consult resources
5.2 Collaborate with other students
5.3 Listen to “just-in-time” lectures
5.4 Complete skill-building lessons
5.5 Look at legacies left by other students
5.6 Conduct simulations and hands-on experiments
6. Test Your Mettle (formative assessment)
6.1 Multiple choice tests, checklists, essays, experiments, projects
6.2 Feedback suggests which resources to consult to reach target
7. Go Public
7.1 Present best solutions (oral, multimedia, print) and leave legacy of tips and
ideas for future students
7.2 Makes thinking visible
7.3 Helps students learn to assess others and themselves
7.4 Helps set standards for achievement
7.5 Helps students learn from each other
7.6 Motivates students to do well
Based on constructivist theories of human learning, Hirumi presents seven
instructional events that occur during a course to help students construct their own
meaning based on their own interests and prior knowledge structures, and to promote
independent, life-long learning:
1. Set Learning Challenge (Authentic Problem) for class
2. Negotiate Learning Goals and Objectives with learners
3. Negotiate Learning Strategy with learners
4. Learners Construct Knowledge
5. Negotiate Performance Criteria with learners
6. Assess Learning (Self, Peer & Expert Assessment)
7. Provide Feedback (Throughout Steps 1-6)
8. Communicate Results
The primary goal of this theory is to foster problem-solving and conceptual
development. It is intended for ill-defined or ill-structured domains.
1. Select Problem
1.1 Problem should be interesting, relevant and engaging, to foster learner
1.2 Problem should be ill-defined or ill-structured
1.3 Problem should be authentic (what practitioners do)
1.4 Problem design addresses context, representation, and manipulation space
2. Provide Related Cases or worked examples to enable case-based reasoning and
enhance cognitive flexibility.
3. Provide Information
3.1 Provide learner-selectable information just-in-time
3.2 Available information should be relevant and easily accessible
4. Provide Cognitive Tools that scaffold required skills, including problem-
representation, knowledge-modeling, performance-support, and information-
gathering tools
5. Provide Conversation and Collaboration Tools to support discourse communities,
knowledge-building communities, and/or communities of learners.
6. Provide Social/Contextual Support for the learning environment
Additional Instructional Activities to Support Learning:
Model the performance and the covert cognitive processes
Coach the learner by providing motivational prompts, monitoring and regulating
the learner’s performance, provoking reflection, or perturbing learners’ models.
Scaffold the learner by adjusting task difficulty, restructuring the task, and/or
providing alternative assessments
Teacher-Directed Approaches to Teaching and Learning
Based on information processing theories and models of human learning, Gagne posits
that every unit of instruction should contain the following nine events to facilitate
student learning:
1. Gain Attention. Use thought provoking questions, images and information to gain
learners attention.
2. Inform Learners of Objective(s).
3. Stimulate Recall of prior knowledge to facilitate assimilation of new skills and
4. Present Stimulus Materials chunking content into smaller pieces to facilitate
5. Provide Learning Guidance such as mnemonics, highlights and tips to facilitate
interpretation, synthesis and application of content information.
6. Elicit Performance requiring behaviors that are aligned to objectives.
7. Provide Feedback about performance.
8. Assess Performance using methods and criteria aligned to objectives.
9. Enhance Retention and Transfer by asking learners to reflect on and/or apply new
knowledge and skills under different conditions.
To facilitate the instructional design process, Dick, Carey and Carey (2009) organized
Gagne’s nine events of instruction into five major learning components:
1. Pre-instructional Activities prior to beginning of formal instruction, addressing
three factors:
1.1 Motivating learners
1.2 Informing learners of the objectives
1.3 Stimulating recall of pre-requisite skills
2. Content Presentation and Learning Guidance explains what the unit is bout by
presenting information, concepts, rules, and principles to be learned in either
deductive or inductive manner. Learning guidance is integrated with content
presentation using cues, outlines, diagrams, models, still and motion graphics,
highlights, flowcharts, examples, etc.
3. Learner Participation with feedback enhances learning by giving learners an
opportunity to practice what they learned using practical exercises, scenarios, and
embedded tests.
4. Assessment including entry skills tests, pretests, practice tests, and posttest
presented to learners at appropriate moments before, during or after the lesson.
5. Follow-Through Activities including memory aids or job aids, parallel problem
scenarios, and learner plans that help learners memorize skills and facilitate the
transfer of learning to new contexts.
Based on behaviorist theories of human learning, this model is designed to facilitate
learning through stimulus-response conditioning and is said to generate and sustain
motivation through pacing and reinforcement.
1. Orientation
1.1 Establish lesson content
1.2 Review previous learning
1.3 Establish lesson objectives
1.4 Establish lesson procedures
2. Presentation
2.1 Explain/demonstrate new concept or skill
2.2 Provide visual representation of task
2.3 Check for understanding
3. Structured Practice
3.1 Lead group through practice example in lock step
3.2 Students respond to questions
3.3 Provide corrective feedback for errors and reinforce correct practice
4. Guided Practice
4.1 Students practice semi-independently
4.2 Circulate, monitor student practice
4.3 Provide feedback through praise, prompt, and leave
5. Independent Practice
5.1 Students practice independently at home or in class
5.2 Provide delayed feedback
Widely known model for preparing lesson plans taught to pre-service teachers. Often
used to evaluate lesson plans prepared by practicing educators.
1. Anticipatory Set How will students’ attention be focused?
2. Objective and Purpose What will students learn and why?
3. Input What new information will be discussed?
4. Modeling How can teacher illustrate new skill or content?
5. Check for Understanding How can teacher determine if students are learning?
6. Guided Practice What opportunities are given to practice new materials?
7. Independent Practice How can assignments be used for retention and transfer?
Neurobiological Approaches to Teaching and Learning
Brain scientists have uncovered details every business leader, parent, and teacher
should knowlike the need for physical activity to get your brain working its best. In
Brain Rules, Dr. John Medina, a molecular biologist, shares his lifelong interest in how
the brain sciences might influence the way we teach our children and the way we
work. He describes 12 brain rules: What scientists know about how our brains work.
SURVIVAL: The human brain evolved. The brain is a survival organ. It is designed to solve
problems related to surviving in an unstable outdoor environment. The strongest brains survive,
not the strongest bodies
EXERCISE: Exercise boosts brain power. The human brain evolved under conditions of almost
constant motion. From this, one might predict that the optimal environment for processing
information would include motion..
SLEEP: Sleep well, think well. When we’re asleep, the brain is not resting at all. It is almost
unbelievably active! Loss of sleep hurts attention, executive function, working memory, mood,
quantitative skills, logical reasoning, and even motor dexterity.
STRESS: Stressed brains don't learn the same way. Your brain is built to deal with stress that lasts
about 30 seconds. The brain is not designed for long term stress when you feel like you have no
control. You can actually watch the brain shrink.
WIRING: Every brain is wired differently. What YOU do and learn in life physically changes what
your brain looks like it literally rewires it. We used to think there were 7 categories of
intelligence, but may number more than 7 billion.
ATTENTION: We don't pay attention to boring things. What we pay attention to is profoundly
influenced by memory. Our previous experience predicts where we should pay attention.
Culture matters too.
MEMORY: Repeat to remember. The brain can only hold about seven pieces of information for
less than 30 seconds! To extend the 30 seconds to a few minutes or even an hour, you will need
to consistently re-expose yourself to the information.
SENSORY INTEGRATION: Stimulate more of the senses. Our senses work together! Those in
multisensory environments always do better than those in unisensory environments.
VISION: Vision trumps all other senses. We are incredible at remembering pictures. Our brain
sees words as lots of tiny pictures, and we have to identify certain features in the letters to be
able to read them. That takes time.
MUSIC: Study or listen to boost cognition. Ideas about how music affects the brain long have
been the providence of anecdote. But the research has been maturing for a while now.
GENDER: Male and female brains are different. By more than 2 to 1, women are more likely to
get depressed than men, a figure that shows up just after puberty and remains stable for the
next 50 years. Males exhibit more antisocial behavior.
EXPLORATION: We are powerful and natural explorers. The desire to explore never leaves us
despite the classrooms and cubicles we are stuffed into. We learn, not by passive reaction to the
environment but by active testing through observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion.
Caine and Caine (1997) conclude that, "Optimizing the use of the human brain means
using the brain’s infinite capacity to make connections–and understanding what
conditions maximize this process." They identify three essential conditions for complex
learning to occur. By addressing the 12 principles of natural learning, educators may
establish the three fundamental conditions for complex learning.
1. Relaxed Alertness. An optimal state of mind that we call relaxed alertness,
consisting of low threat and high challenge.
a. Learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by threat
b. The brain/mind is social
c. The search for meaning is innate
d. Emotions are critical to patterning
2. Orchestrated Immersion. The orchestrated immersion of the learner in multiple,
complex, authentic experience.
a. The brain/mind processes parts and wholes simultaneously
b. All learning engages the physiology.
c. The search for meaning occurs through patterning
d. Learning is developmental
3. Active Processing. The regular, active processing of experience as the basis for
making meaning.
a. Two approaches to memory: To store isolated facts, skills, and procedures; To
make sense of experience.
b. Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception.
c. Learning is both conscious and unconscious.
d. Each brain is uniquely organized.
Based on the belief that the learning of facts, concepts and principles occurs best in
context of how they will be used, the Interplay strategy evokes emotions and sparks
imagination, based on cognitive neuroscience research, to enhance experiential
learning theories by addressing three primary conventions of interactive
entertainment and their related elements (i.e., Story - characters, events, worlds;
Game rules, tools, goals; Play stimulus, response, consequences).
1. Expose Exposure provides the back-story to entice empathy for the character or
player, and orients the audience into the same reference point or point of view.
Exposure sets up specified learning objectives in a meaningful way to invite the
student to contribute, to engage and to achieve the challenges set before them.
2. Inquire Inquiry validates Exposure. If exposure sets a desire to learn, then
inquiry is automatic. Inquire provides a response to student’s curiosity with
something to do that showcases different elements that will be used later.
3. Discover Discovery provides the personal reward, achievement, and the “ah ha”
moment. The consequences of discovery, whether negative or positive, provide
feedback to inspire further exploration to the next level of achievement.
4. Create Transforms the experience from being merely reactive to truly
interactive. Instead of responding to cues, the learner contributes to the content
by applying the elements of the subject matter in novel ways.
5. Experiment Provides an opportunity to assess learning and provide feedback
without losing or winning. The goal is less about the hypothesis being right or
wrong, but rather setting up the elements of the subject matter so that new
knowledge can be gained. Failure should be fun.
6. Share The sharing of personal experiences and feelings is facilitated at the end of
the lesson or unit, to seal the memory of the learning experience. Sharing compels
learners to put lessons learned in their own perspective as well as others.
Jensen posits 10 brain-based principles that he views are most important to learning.
He notes that another person might come up with a different list and still be correct
and that everyone neither agrees on these principles nor on the brain-based learning
strategies that can be inferred from the principles. However, these are the principles
that drive Jensen’s work.
1. Malleable memories. Memories are often not encoded at all, encoded poorly, changed or not
retrieved. Memories are susceptible to inattention, erosion over time, subject bias, misattribution and
a host of other confounding conditions. Memories are strengthened by frequency, intensity and
practice under varying conditions and contexts.
2. Non-conscious experience runs automatic behaviors. The complexity of the human body requires that
we automate many behaviors. The more we automate, the less we are aware of them. Most of our
behaviors have come from either “undisputed downloads” from our environment or repeated
behaviors that have become automatic. This suggests potential problems and opportunities in learning.
3. Reward and addiction dependency. Humans have a natural craving for positive feelings, including
novelty, fun, reward and personal relationships. There is a natural instinct to limit pain even if it means
compromising our integrity. For complex learning to occur, students need to defer gratification and
develop the capability to go without an immediate reward.
4. Attentional Limitations. Most people cannot pay attention very long, except during flow states,
because they cannot hold much information in their short-term memory. We are born with the
capacity to orient and fixate attention when it comes to contrast, movement, emotions or survival.
Adapting the content to match the learner provides better attention and motivation to learn.
5. Brain seeks and creates understanding. The human brain is a meaning-maker and meaning seeker. We
assign value and meaning to many everyday occurrences whether it’s on intentional or not. Meaning-
making is an important human attribute that allows us to predict and cope with experiences. The more
important the meaning, the greater the attention one must pay in order to influence the content of the
6. Rough Drafts/Gist Learning. Brains rarely get complex learning right the first time. Instead they often
sacrifice accuracy for simply developing a “rough draft” of the learning material. If, over time, the
learning material maintains or increases in its importance and relevance, the brain will upgrade the
rough draft to improve meaning and accuracy. To this end, prior knowledge changes how the brain
organizes new information. Goal-driven learning proceeds more rapidly than random learning. Learning
is enhanced by brain mechanisms with contrasting output and input goals.
7. Input Limitations. Several physical structures and processes limit one’s ability to take in continuous
new learning. The “slow down” mechanisms include the working memory, the synaptic formation time
for complex encoding and the hippocampus. While we can expose our brain to a great deal of
information in a short time frame, the quality of that exposure is known as “priming” and is not
considered in-depth learning. Schools typically try to cram as much content as possible in a day as
possible. You can teach faster, but students will just forget faster.
8. Perception influences our experience. A person’s experience of life is highly subjective. Many studies
show how people are easily influenced to change how we see and what we hear, feel, smell and taste.
This subjectivity alters experience, which alters perception. When a person changes the way they
perceive the world, they alter their experience. It is experience that drives change in the brain.
9. Malleability/Neural Plasticity. The brain changes every day and more importantly, we influence those
changes. New areas of brain plasticity and overall malleability are regularly discovered. It is known that
experience can drive physical changes in the sensory cortex, frontal lobes, temporal lobes, amygdala
and hippocampus. In addition whole systems can adapt to experience such as the reward system or
stress response system.
10. Emotional-Physical State Dependency. Nearly every type of learning includes a “go” or “no go”
command to the brain in our neural net signaling process. These complex signals are comprised of
excite or suppress signals. Emotions can provide the brain’s signals to either move ahead or not. Thus,
learning occurs through a complex set of continuous signals which inform your brain about whether to
form a memory or not. Both emotional and bodily states influence our attention, memory, learning,
meaning and behavior through these signaling systems.
Alternative Approaches to Teaching and Learning
Based on research and literature on learning styles, this eight-step cycle of instruction
is meant to capitalize on students’ learning styles and brain dominance processing
strengths. Rather than focus on one learning style, this method encourages students to
examine and experience all learning styles.
1. Create an experience
2. Reflect/Analyze Experience
3. Integrate reflective analysis into concepts
4. Develop concepts/skills
5. Practice defined “givens”
6. Practice adding something of oneself
7. Analyze application for relevance, usefulness
8. Apply to new more complex experience
This strategy is designed to encourage students’ to take responsibility for their learning
and to give students a way to generate their own ideas. In general, this strategy is
geared toward enhancing student learning from reading, but may be applied in other
1. Summarize
1.1 Read materials
1.2 Write a summary of the materials in journal
2. Question
2.1 Write question on the materials in journal
2.2 Discuss summaries and questions in small group
2.3 Select “best” question to share with whole class based on ability to provoke
engaging discussions
2.4 Discuss “best” questions with whole class utilizing questioning techniques
3. Response - Write a response to the small group or whole group class discussion
(summary of main points)
This strategy is designed to help students develop their study skills, particularly in
relation to reading assignments.
1. Survey - Readers preview materials to develop general outline for organizing
2. Question - Reader raises questions with expectation of finding answers in
3. Read - Reader attempts to answer questions by reading
4. Recite - Reader answers questions out loud or in writing
5. Review - Reader rereads portions of materials to verify answers given during
previous step
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