The Four-Component
Instructional Design Model
An Overview of its Main Design Principles
Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer
Maastricht University
The Netherlands
The Four-Component
Instructional Design Model
An Overview of its Main Design Principles
Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer
School of Health Professions Education
Faculty of Health, Medicine and
Life Sciences
Maastricht University
The Netherlands
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Jimmy Frerejean
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he four-component instructional
design model (4C/ID) receives a lot of
attention because it nicely ts cur-
rent trends in education: (a) a focus on the
development of complex skills or profes-
sional competencies, (b) increasing trans-
fer of what is learned in school to new
situations including the workplace, and (c)
the development of 21
century skills that
are important for lifelong
The 4C/ID model has been extensively de-
scribed in scientic articles (e.g., van Mer-
riënboer, Clark, & de Croock, 2002;
Vandewaetere, Manhaeve, Aertgeerts,
Clarebout, van Merriënboer, & Roex, 2015)
and two books in the English language:
Training Complex Cognitive Skills (van
Merriënboer, 1997) and Ten Steps to Com-
plex Learning (van Merriënboer &
Kirschner, 2018).
The aim of this report is to give a concise
description of the main characteristics of
the 4C/ID model. First, a description will be
given of the four components from which
competence-based education is build. Sec-
ond, it will be briey explained how an inte-
grated curriculum based on the four
components helps to reach transfer of
learning. Third, a description is given of the
systematic 4C/ID design process, with a fo-
cus on the main instructional design princi-
ples that are prescribed by the model. The
report ends with a short discussion posi-
tioning the 4C/ID model in the eld of edu-
cational sciences.
The Four
The 4C/ID model aims to help instructional
designers with the development of educa-
tional programs for teaching complex skills
or professional competencies. It describes
educational programs as being built from
four components: (1) learning tasks, (2)
supportive information, (3) procedural in-
formation, and (4) part-task practice (see
Figure 1).
Component 1: Learning Tasks
Learning tasks are treated as the backbone
of an educational program (see the large
green circles in Figure 1). They can be cases,
projects, professional tasks, problems or
assignments that learners work on. They
will perform these tasks in a simulated task
environment and/or a real-life task envi-
ronment (e.g., the workplace). A simulated
task environment can have a very low -
delity, for example, when a case is pre-
sented on paper (“suppose you are a doctor
and a patient is coming into our room….”)
or when a role play is performed in the
classroom, but it can also have a very high
delity, like a high-delity simulator of an
aircraft for training pilots or an emergency
room for training trauma care teams.
Learning tasks are preferably based on
whole tasks that make an appeal on knowl-
edge, skills and attitudes that are needed for
performing tasks in the future profession or
in daily life. In addition, they require both
non-routine skills such as problem solving,
reasoning and decision making, and routine
skills which are always performed in the
same way (van Merriënboer, 2013). Learn-
ing tasks drive a basic learning process that
is known as inductive learning students
learn by doing and by being confronted with
concrete experiences.
Variability. Eective inductive learning will
only be possible when there is variability
over learning tasks (indicated by the small
triangles in the learning tasks in Figure 1).
That is, learning tasks must be dierent
from each other on all dimensions on which
tasks in the later profession or in daily life
are also dierent from each other. Only
then, it will be possible for students to con-
struct cognitive schemas that generalize or
abstract away from the concrete experi-
ences; such schemas are critical for reach-
Procedural Information
Is prerequisite to the learning and performance of routine
aspects of learning tasks
Precisely species how to perform routine aspects of the task,
e.g., through step-by-step instruction
Is presented just in time during work on the learning tasks
and quickly fades away as learners acquire more expertise
Supportive Information
Supports the learning and performance of non-
routine aspects of learning tasks
Explains how to approach problems in a domain
(cognitive strategies) and how this domain is
organized (mental models)
Is specied per task class and always available
Part-task Practice
Provides additional practice for selected routine
aspects to reach a very high level of automaticity
Provides a huge amount of repetition
Only starts after the routine aspect has
been introduced in the context of the whole task
Learning Tasks
Aim at integration of (non-routine and routine) skills,
knowledge, and attitudes
Provide authentic, whole-task experiences based on real-life tasks
Are organized in simple-to-complex task classes and have
diminishing support in each task class (scaffolding)
Show high variability of practice
Figure 1: The four components.
ing transfer of learning (van Merriënboer,
2012). They represent which features of a
learning task do not aect the way it should
be performed (i.e., surface features) and
which features do aect the way it should be
performed (i.e., structural features).
Levels of Complexity. To prevent cognitive
overload, students will typically begin to
work on relatively simple learning tasks
and, as their expertise increases, work on
more and more complex tasks (van Mer-
riënboer & Sweller, 2005, 2010). There are
thus levels of complexity with equally di-
cult tasks (see the dotted dark green lines
encompassing a set of equally complex
learning tasks in Figure 1). But tasks at the
same level of complexity must dier from
each other on all dimensions on which real-
life tasks also dier from each other. Con-
sequently, there must be variability of prac-
tice on each level of complexity. At the rst
level of complexity, students will be con-
fronted with learning tasks that are based
on the easiest tasks a professional might
encounter; at the highest level of complex-
ity, students will be confronted with the
most dicult tasks a beginning profes-
sional must be able to handle, and addi-
tional levels of complexity may be added in
between in order to guarantee a gradual in-
crease of complexity over levels.
Support and Guidance. Students will often
receive support and guidance when they are
working on the learning tasks (see the ll-
ing of the large circles in Figure 1). When
students start to work on more complex
tasks, thus, progress to a higher level of
complexity, they will initially receive a lot
of support and guidance. On one particular
level of complexity, support and guidance
will gradually decrease in a process known
as ‘scaolding’ as an analogy of a scaold
that is broken down when the building is
constructed (van Merriënboer, Kirschner, &
Kester, 2003). When students are able to
perform the last learning tasks at a particu-
lar level of complexity independently,
without any support or guidance (i.e.,
‘empty’ learning tasks without any lling in
Figure 1), they are ready to progress to a
next level of complexity. Then, the process
of scaolding will start all over again,
yielding a saw-tooth pattern of support and
guidance throughout the whole educational
program. Support can be given through
dierent types of learning tasks, for exam-
ple, on one particular level of complexity,
students can rst study worked-out exam-
ples or case studies, then complete increas-
ingly larger parts of given incomplete
solutions, and only at the end fully perform
the tasks by themselves (Renkl & Atkinson,
2003). Guidance can be given by a teacher
who guides the students through the
process of performing the task, or by exter-
nal aids such as process worksheets in
which ‘leading questions’ are asked to
guide the students through the process of
performing the tasks (Nadolski, Kirschner,
& van Merriënboer, 2006).
Component 2:
Supportive Information
Learning tasks typically make an appeal on
both non-routine and routine skills, which
might be performed simultaneously. Sup-
portive information (indicated by the blue
L-shaped forms in Figure 1) helps students
with performing the non-routine aspects of
learning tasks, which require problem solv-
ing, reasoning and/or decision making.
Teachers often call this information ‘the
theory’ because it is typically presented in
study books, lectures and online resources.
It describes how the task domain is orga-
nized and how problems in the domain can
be approached in a systematic fashion (i.e.,
how the actions of the task performer are
organized in the domain).
The organization of the task domain is rep-
resented by the learner in cognitive
schemas known as mental models. In the
medical domain, for example, it pertains to
knowledge of symptoms of particular dis-
eases (conceptual models what is this?),
knowledge of the build of the human body
(structural models how is this built?), and
knowledge of the working of the heart-lung
system and other organ systems (causal
models how does this work?). The organi-
zation of own actions in the task domain is
represented by the learner in cognitive
schemas known as cognitive strategies.
Such strategies identify the subsequent
phases in a systematic problem-solving
process (e.g., diagnostic phase treatment
phase follow-up phase) as well as the
rules-of-thumb or heuristics that can be
helpful for successfully completing each
Supportive information provides the link
between what students already know (i.e.,
their prior knowledge) and what they need
to know in order to perform the non-rou-
tine aspects of learning tasks. Instructional
methods for the presentation of supportive
information facilitate the construction of
cognitive schemas in a process of elabora-
tion. That is, the information is presented
in such a way that it helps learners to estab-
lish meaningful relationships between
newly presented information elements and
the knowledge they already possess in
memory (van Merriënboer, Kirschner, &
Kester, 2003). This is a form of deep pro-
cessing, yielding rich cognitive schemas
(i.e., mental models and cognitive strate-
gies) that enable the learner to understand
new phenomena and to approach unfamil-
iar problems. The provision of cognitive
feedback plays an important role in this
process. This feedback stimulates learners
to critically compare their own mental
models and cognitive strategies with those
of others, including experts, teachers and
peer learners.
The supportive information is identical for
all learning tasks at the same level of com-
plexity, because these tasks are equally
dicult and thus make an appeal on the
same knowledge base. Therefore, the sup-
portive information in Figure 1 is not con-
nected to individual learning tasks but to
levels of complexity; it can be presented be-
fore learners start to work on the learning
tasks (under the motto ‘rst the theory and
only then start to practice’) and/or it can be
consulted by learners who are already
working on the learning tasks (under the
motto ‘only consult the theory when
needed’). The supportive information for
each next level of complexity is an exten-
sion or enrichment of the previously pre-
sented information the additional
information allows students to perform
more complex tasks they were not able to
complete before. The organization from
simple to more and more complex tasks,
coupled to increasingly more detailed
knowledge of the domain, has also been
called the ‘spiral curriculum’ (Bruner,
Component 3:
Procedural Information
Procedural information (in Figure 1, the
yellow beam with arrows pointing upwards
to the learning tasks) helps students with
performing the routine aspects of learning
tasks, that is, aspects that are always per-
formed in the same fashion. Procedural in-
formation is also called just-in-time
information, because it is best provided
during the performance of particular learn-
ing tasks. It typically has the form of ‘how-
to’ or ‘step-by-step’ instructions that are
given to the learner by a teacher or user
guide, telling how to perform the routine
aspects of the task while doing it. The ad-
vantage of a teacher over a user guide is that
the teacher can act as an ‘assistant looking
over your shoulder’ and give instructions
and corrective feedback on precisely the
moment it is needed by the learner for cor-
rectly performing the task. Procedural in-
formation for a particular routine aspect is
preferably presented to the learner the rst
time he or she must perform this aspect as
part of a learning task. For subsequent
tasks, the presentation of procedural infor-
mation is gradually faded because the need
for it diminishes as the learner is slowly
mastering the routine.
Procedural information is always specied
at a basic level that can be understood by the
lowest ability learners. Instructional meth-
ods for the presentation of procedural in-
formation aim at a learning process that is
known as rule formation: Learners use
how-to instructions to form cognitive rules
that couple particular cognitive actions
to particular conditions (e.g., IF you work
on an electrical installation THEN rst dis-
connect the fuses). After extensive practice,
cognitive rules become automated schemas
that enable learners to perform routine as-
pects fast, errorless and without conscious
control (Anderson, 1987). Rule formation is
facilitated when knowledge that is prereq-
uisite to the correct use of how-to instruc-
tions is presented together with those
instructions (e.g., prerequisite knowledge
for the presented rule is: You can probably
nd the fuses in the meter board). Thus,
when a learner is performing a learning
task that contains routine aspects in the
perceptual motor domain, a good teacher
will tell the learner just-in-time what to
look at and how to operate instruments and
objects, and also make sure that the learner
has the knowledge that is prerequisite to
correctly following the how-to instruc-
Component 4:
Part-task Practice
Learning tasks make an appeal on both
non-routine and routine aspects of a com-
plex skill or professional competency; as a
rule, they provide enough practice for
learning the routine aspects. Part-task
practice of routine aspects (the small yellow
circles in Figure 1) is only needed when a
very high level of automaticity of routine
aspects is needed, and when the learning
tasks do not provide the required amount of
practice. Familiar examples of part-task
practice are practicing the multiplication
tables of 1 to 10 in primary school (in addi-
tion to whole arithmetic tasks such as pay-
ing in a shop or measuring the area of a
oor), practicing the musical scales when
playing an instrument (in addition to whole
tasks such as playing musical pieces), or
practicing physical examination skills in a
medical program (in addition to whole
tasks such as intake of patients).
Instructional methods for part-task prac-
tice aim at the strengthening of cognitive
rules by extensive repetitive practice.
Strengthening is a basic learning process
that ultimately leads to fully automated
cognitive schemas (Anderson, 1993). It is
important to start part-task-practice in a
fruitful cognitive context, that is, after
learners have been confronted with the
routine aspect in the context of a whole,
meaningful learning task. Then, the learn-
ers will understand how practicing the rou-
tine aspects might help them improve their
performance on the whole tasks. The pro-
cedural information specifying how to per-
form the routine aspect can be presented in
the context of whole learning tasks, but in
addition it can be presented again during
part-task practice (in Figure 1, see the long
upward pointing arrow from procedural in-
formation to part-task practice). Part-task
practice is best mingled with the work on
the learning tasks (intermix training;
Schneider, 1985), yielding a highly inte-
grated knowledge base.
The Integrated
Curriculum and
Transfer of Learning
The four components are aimed at four ba-
sic learning processes: (1) Learning tasks
facilitate inductive learning, (2) supportive
information facilitates elaboration, (3) pro-
cedural information facilitates rule forma-
tion, and (4) part-task practice facilitates
strengthening of those rules. In an inte-
grated curriculum, the relationships be-
tween the four components and associated
learning processes take a central position.
The supportive information is coupled to
sets of equally complex learning tasks that
show variability over surface and structural
features and it is available to students be-
fore and/or during their work on the learn-
ing tasks; the procedural information is
coupled to individual learning tasks and
preferably presented to students just-in-
time, precisely when they need it to cor-
rectly perform the routine aspects of tasks;
part-task practice is only presented for
routine aspects that need to become fully
automated, it is introduced after the routine
aspect has been introduced in the context of
a meaningful learning task and is best
mixed with the work on subsequent learn-
ing tasks. An integrated curriculum can best
be seen as a skeleton: The learning tasks
serve as its backbone and the other three
components are coupled to this backbone in
such a way that they best support the devel-
opment of the complex skills or profes-
sional competency taught. Suboptimal
relationships between the four components
will jeopardize the coherence of the educa-
tional program and thus hamper students’
schema construction and schema automa-
According to the 4C/ID model, an integrated
curriculum is a prerequisite for reaching
transfer of learning, that is, to ensure that
learners are able to apply the things they
have learned to new situations inside and
outside the educational program (in partic-
ular, the workplace). There are three rea-
sons for this (van Merriënboer, Kester, &
Paas, 2006). First, whole meaningful learn-
ing tasks that aim at the development of
knowledge, skills and attitudes (i.e., ‘inte-
grative objectives’, Gagne & Merrill, 1990)
help learners construct a rich, integrated
knowledge base, which increases the
chance that useful knowledge can be found
in memory when facing new situations.
Second, the ordering of learning tasks from
simple to complex, in combination with a
gradual decrease of support and guidance
on each level of complexity, helps students
learn to coordinate the dierent aspects of
performance; such coordination is also
needed to strategically combine acquired
skills, knowledge and attitudes in new
problem situations. Third, the distinction
between non-routine and routine aspects of
complex skills enables learners to perform
the selected routine aspects, after part-task
practice, fast and eortlessly; as a result,
they have more cognitive resources avail-
able to deal with the non-familiar aspects
of new problem situations (reasoning,
problem solving, decision making) and to
reect on the quality of found solutions
(van Merriënboer, 2013).
Design Process and
Five clusters of activities can be distin-
guished when designing educational pro-
grams from the four components. For each
activity, 4C/ID prescribes a number of evi-
dence-informed design principles. The ac-
tivities are:
1. Design learning tasks (green elements in
Figure 2). Learning tasks are typically de-
signed on the basis of real-life tasks from
the profession or daily life. Design princi-
ples relate to level of realism, delity, vari-
ability, support, and guidance. Dierent
types of learning tasks can be distin-
guished, such as conventional tasks (where
learners must nd a solution), completion
tasks (where learners must complete a par-
tially given solution) or worked-out exam-
ples (where learners must study a given
2. Set standards for acceptable perfor-
mance (darker green elements). Students
who work on learning tasks need feedback
and their performance will be assessed.
Performance objectives are based on a skills
hierarchy, and describe for all dierent as-
pects of performance the standards (crite-
ria, values, attitudes) that must be reached
by the learners. Assessment instruments
contain scoring rubrics for all those stan-
3. Sequence learning tasks (darkest green
elements). Learning tasks are ordered from
simple to increasingly more complex levels,
using either a whole-task or part-task ap-
proach. If assessment information is avail-
able on student progress (step 2 above), this
can be used to develop individualized learn-
ing trajectories or to give self-directed
learners advice on the learning tasks they
should best select.
Figure 2: Five clusters of activities in the 4C/ID design process.
4. Design supportive information for non-
routine aspects (blue elements). Supportive
information helps learners to perform non-
routine aspects of learning tasks and pro-
vides them with domain models (aimed at
the development of mental models), sys-
tematic approaches to problem solving
(aimed at the development of cognitive
strategies), and cognitive feedback. Some-
times, an in-depth analysis of to-be-ac-
quired mental models and cognitive
strategies is necessary.
5. Design procedural information and
part-task practice for routine aspects (yel-
low elements). Procedural information tells
learners how to perform routine aspects of
learning tasks and provides them with
how-to instructions (aimed at the develop-
ment of cognitive rules) and corrective
feedback. Sometimes, an in-depth analysis
of to-be-acquired cognitive rules and pre-
requisite knowledge is necessary. Part-task
practice is designed when a very high level
of automaticity of selected routine aspects
is required.
Design Learning Tasks
Table 1 presents the main principles for the
design of learning tasks. First, real-life
tasks from the profession or from daily life
should be taken as a starting point for the
design of learning tasks. Such real-life
tasks typically make an appeal on skills,
knowledge as well as attitudes and thus
help the learners develop complex skills or
professional competencies. Second, learn-
ing tasks will typically be performed by the
learners in either a simulated or the real
task environment. In order to provide a safe
environment for learning and to protect
novice learners from processing too many
irrelevant details, one might work from
low-delity environments (e.g., paper
based cases, role play), via higher delity
environments (computer-based simula-
tion, high-delity simulation) to real-life
task performance at the workplace. Third, it
is critical that learning tasks in the educa-
tional program dier from each other on all
dimensions on which real-life tasks also
dier from each other, thus, the learning
tasks must be representative for all tasks a
professional encounters in the real world.
Take meaningful whole tasks from the profession or from daily life as a start-
ing point for the design of learning tasks; preferably, these tasks make an
appeal on knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Throughout the educational program, there is a smooth transition from
working in a safe simulated task environment, via task environments with in-
creasingly higher delity, to real-life practice.
Learning tasks in an educational program must differ from each other on all
dimensions on which real-life tasks also differ from each other, thus, the
whole set of learning tasks must be representative for real-life task perfor-
Provide learners support by giving them learning tasks that do not require
them to independently perform the total task, for example, have them study
examples or demonstrations or let them complete partially given solutions.
Provide learners guidance for performing the learning tasks by providing
them with a systematic approach to problem solving, rules of thumb, or
process worksheets.
Gradually decrease the amount of given support and guidance as students
acquire more expertise, until they are able to perform the learning tasks
without any support and guidance.
Table 1: Design Principles for Learning Tasks.
This is true for both surface features, which
do not aect the way the task is performed,
and structural features, which do aect the
way the task is performed. Fourth and fth,
learners who work on learning tasks should
initially receive sizable support and/or
guidance. Support is ‘built into’ the tasks
and relates to the use of worked out exam-
ples or case studies, completion tasks,
goal-free problems, reverse tasks, imita-
tion tasks, and so forth. Guidance is ‘added’
to the task and relates to guidance provided
by a teacher or a process worksheet with
leading questions. It helps the learner to
apply an eective cognitive strategy by fol-
lowing a systematic approach to problem
solving. Finally, there should be a process of
‘scaolding’ on each level of complexity,
meaning that there is a gradual decrease of
support and guidance as students acquire
more expertise, until they are able to per-
form the learning tasks independently,
without any support and guidance. But
then, learners might continue to work on
tasks at a higher level of complexity, and
the process of scaolding starts all over
again yielding a saw tooth pattern of sup-
port and guidance throughout the whole
educational program.
Set Standards for Acceptable
Table 2 presents the main principles for
setting standards for acceptable perfor-
mance. Such standards are necessary to as-
sess learners’ performance on learning
tasks and to provide them with feedback.
First, a skills hierarchy or competence map
is drawn up to identify all constituent skills
that make up eective task performance;
non-routine constituent skills will be at the
top of the hierarchy and routine constituent
skills might appear in the bottom of the hi-
erarchy. This hierarchy or map provides an
overview of all aspects on which student
performance can be assessed. Second, per-
formance objectives are formulated for all
identied constituent skills: They contain
an action verb to characterize the selected
aspect of performance, the conditions un-
der which this performance takes place, ob-
jects and tools that are used by the task
performer, and standards for acceptable
performance. Third, these performance ob-
jectives can be classied as non-routine,
meaning that they relate to schema-based
problem solving and reasoning and need
the presentation of supportive information;
Skills hierarchy
Make a hierarchy or map of constituent skills enabling the complex skill or
professional competency that is taught. This provides an overview of all rele-
vant aspects of performance.
Formulate performance objectives for all constituent skills in the skills hier-
archy, containing an action verb, conditions, tools/objects used, and stan-
dards for acceptable performance.
Classify objectives as non-routine (requiring supportive information), rou-
tines (requiring procedural information), or fully automated routines (also
requiring part-task practice).
For each objective, specify the standards for acceptable performance in
terms of criteria (e.g., allotted time, accuracy), values (e.g., according to par-
ticular conventions), and attitudes.
Develop an assessment instrument with scoring rubrics for all standards, al-
lowing you to measure student performance on (learning) tasks as well as
progress over tasks.
Table 2: Design Principles for Setting Standards for Acceptable Performance.
routine, meaning that they relate to the ap-
plication of rules or procedures and need
the presentation of procedural information,
or to-be-automated routine, meaning that
they not only need the presentation of pro-
cedural information but also of part-task
practice. Fourth, standards are further
specied and may relate to hard criteria
(time, errors), values (according to particu-
lar regulations or conventions) and desired
attitudes. Finally, scoring rubrics can be de-
veloped for all identied standards and
combined in an assessment instrument
such as a development portfolio. A develop-
ment portfolio makes it possible to assess
the performance of a learner on all aspects
that are relevant for a particular learning
task, and to monitor learner progress over a
series of learning tasks (van Merriënboer &
van der Vleuten, 2012).
Sequence Learning Tasks
Table 3 describes the main principles for the
sequencing of learning tasks from simple to
complex. First, by default, a form of whole-
task sequencing is used. Then, even the
simplest learning tasks at the lowest level of
complexity are based on the simplest tasks
a professional might encounter in the real
world. In the ‘simplifying conditions ap-
proach’, all conditions that simplify task
performance are identied and applied to
tasks at the lowest level of complexity; for
increasingly higher levels of complexity,
the conditions are relaxed. Second, if it
proves impossible to nd whole tasks that
are simple enough to start with in the edu-
cational program, part-task sequencing is
used. According to 4C/ID, the preferred
part-task sequencing approach is ‘back-
ward chaining with snowballing’. Suppose
that students learn computer programming
which consists of three constituent skills:
A = program design, B = coding, and C = de-
bugging. At the lowest level of complexity,
learners would then debug ready-made
computer programs given their design and
code (C
); at a medium level of complexity,
they would code and debug computer pro-
grams given their design (BC
), and only at
the highest level of complexity, they would
design, code and debug computer programs
from scratch (ABC). Third, sequencing of
learning tasks need not be identical for all
learners. Given assessment results, it is
possible to create individualized learning
trajectories. Learners who quickly reach the
standards will then receive more complex
tasks with less support and guidance than
learners who need more time to reach those
standards, and they will thus also proceed
more quickly through the series of learning
tasks and reach the nal attainment level
after a shorter period of time/number of
Identify conditions that simplify task performance, and use these conditions
to sequence learning tasks from the simplest level to increasingly more com-
plex levels.
If necessary, use backward chaining with snowballing; if the whole task is
ABC, learners rst practice C given results of A and B, then practice BC given
results of A, and nally practice ABC.
Use student assessment results to set up individualized learning trajectories;
learning tasks are selected on a level of difculty and with a level of support
/guidance tting individual learning needs.
Give learners control over the selection of learning tasks; second-order scaf-
folding gradually shifts the responsibility over task selection from the
teacher to the student.
Table 3: Design Principles for Sequencing Learning Tasks on Complexity Levels.
learning tasks (Salden, Paas, & van Mer-
riënboer, 2006). Fourth, assessment results
may also be used to support a process of
self-directed learning, which is a key 21
century skill. Then, learners are free to se-
lect their own learning tasks but receive ad-
vice on the selection process given their
assessment results (van Merriënboer &
Sluijsmans, 2009).
Design Supportive Information
for Non-routine Aspects
Table 4 describes the main principles for
designing supportive information, which
helps learners to perform and learn non-
routine aspects of learning tasks. First, a
distinction is made between necessary do-
main models, systematic approaches to
problem solving, and cognitive feedback.
Second, with regard to domain models, a
further distinction is made between con-
ceptual models, which describe what things
are important in the domain and how they
are named (what is this?), structural mod-
els, which describe how things are orga-
nized or structured in the domain (how is
this built?), and causal models, which de-
scribe how things work in the domain (how
does this work?). Domain models are illus-
trated with concrete examples or cases. Of-
ten, descriptions of domain models and il-
lustrations of them will be available in
existing instructional materials. But if not,
it may be necessary to analyze the mental
models of experts in the task domain in a
process of cognitive task analysis (CTA; see
Clark, Feldon, van Merriënboer, Yates, &
Early, 2008) in order to dene the domain
models that must be presented to learners.
Third, with regard to systematic ap-
proaches to problem solving or SAPs, a de-
scription is given of the phases a task
performer goes through when systemati-
cally performing the task. For each phase,
rules-of-thumb or heuristics are provided
that might help to successfully complete
this phase. SAPs are illustrated with so-
called modeling examples, that is, an expert
showing how to systematically approach a
problem and explaining why he is doing
what he is doing; here, it is important to
make hidden problem-solving processes
explicit to the learners (van Gog, Paas, &
van Merriënboer, 2006). Again, descrip-
tions of SAPs and illustrative modeling ex-
amples might already be available in
existing instructional materials, but if not,
CTA will help to identify them. Fourth, cog-
nitive feedback needs to be provided to the
learners. It is seen as part of supportive in-
Supportive information
Supportive information helps students perform non-routine aspects of
learning tasks. It contains domain models, systematic approaches to
problem solving (SAPs), and cognitive feedback.
Domain models and
mental models
Domain models describe how the learning domain is organized and in-
clude conceptual models, structural models and causal models. The
specication of domain models may require the analysis of mental
models of experts in the task domain.
SAPs and cognitive
SAPs describe successive phases in task performance and the rules-of-
thumb that may help to successfully complete each phase. The speci-
cation of SAPs may require the analysis of cognitive strategies of ex-
perts in the task domain.
Cognitive feedback
Cognitive feedback stimulates learners to critically compare their own
mental models and cognitive strategies with given domain models or
SAPs, or with the mental models and cognitive strategies of other per-
sons, including teachers, experts and peers.
Table 4: Design Principles for Supportive Information.
formation because it aims at elaboration as
the main learning process, which is con-
necting new information to what the
learner already knows. Well-designed cog-
nitive feedback stimulates learners to criti-
cally compare and contrast their own
mental models with presented domain
models or with the mental models of others
(experts, teachers, peers), and it stimulates
them to critically compare and contrast
their own cognitive strategies with pre-
sented SAPs or with the cognitive strategies
of others.
Design Procedural Information
and Part-task Practice for
Routine Aspects
Table 5 describes the main principles for
designing procedural information, which
helps learners perform and learn routine
aspects of learning tasks, and part-task
practice, which helps learners fully auto-
mate selected routine aspects. First, a dis-
tinction is made between necessary how-to
instructions and corrective feedback. Sec-
ond, with regard to how-to instructions, a
further distinction can be made between the
presentation of single rules, which specify
what to do under particular conditions, and
the presentation of procedures, which
specify how to perform a series of steps (of-
ten in the form of an algorithmic ow-
chart, which should not be confused with a
heuristic SAP). How-to instructions need to
be given just-in-time, precisely when the
learner needs them, by a teacher acting as
an ‘assistant looking over your shoulder’, a
manual, a quick reference guide or, nowa-
days, instructions on a smartphone. The in-
structions may need to include prerequisite
knowledge, that is, things the learner needs
to know in order to correctly perform the
rule or procedure. For example, when the
rule is ‘IF you start the procedure THEN
push the power button’ it may be necessary
to add: ‘the power button is red and can be
found on the back of the machine’. How-to
instructions are exemplied with concrete
demonstrations. How-to instructions and
demonstrations will often be available in
existing instructional materials, but if not,
CTA is used for their identication. Third,
corrective feedback needs to be given to
learners. If a rule or procedure is not cor-
rectly applied by them, immediate feedback
is provided that signies the error, explains
its cause, and provides hints on how to re-
cover from the error and continue with the
task. Fourth, if full automaticity of particu-
lar routine aspects is required, part-task
practice needs to be provided to the learn-
Procedural information
Procedural information helps students perform routine aspects of
learning tasks. It contains how-to instructions and corrective feedback.
How-to instructions,
cognitive rules, and
prerequisite knowl-
How-to instructions tell just-in-time how to perform routine aspects of
learning tasks. The specication of how-to instructions may require the
analysis of cognitive rules used by experts in the task domain and the
knowledge prerequisite to the correct use of those rules.
Corrective feedback
Corrective feedback immediately signies an error, explains the cause
of the error, and provides hints on how to recover from the error and
continue with the task.
Part-task practice
Part-task practice helps to fully automate routine aspects of learning
tasks. It rst focuses on accuracy, then speed, and nally time-sharing
with other tasks.
Table 5: Design Principles for Procedural Information and Part-Task Practice.
ers. In part-task practice, learners rst
practice until they can perform the routine
without errors, then continue practicing
under increasing time pressure, and nally
continue practicing under time-sharing
conditions (i.e., they perform the routine
together with other tasks).
This report provided a very short descrip-
tion of the main elements of the 4C/ID
model. The model is rooted in the early
1990s (van Merriënboer, Jelsma, & Paas,
1992). By that time, traditional objectives-
driven instructional design models were in-
creasingly criticized because students often
experienced their educational program as a
disconnected set of topics and courses, with
implicit relationships between them and
unclear relevance to their future profession.
This complaint prompted a new interest in
instructional design for integrative goals
(Gagné & Merrill, 1990), for example, when
complex skills or professional competen-
cies are taught. The traditional atomistic
approach, where complex contents and
tasks are reduced into simpler elements up
to a level where the single elements can be
transferred to learners through presenta-
tion and/or practice, was replaced by a
holistic approach, where complex contents
and tasks are taught from simple-to-com-
plex wholes in such a way that relationships
between elements are retained. The 4C/ID
model shares this perspective with other
whole-task instructional design models,
such as Cognitive Apprenticeship Learning
(Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989) and Mer-
rill’s First Principles of Instruction (Merrill,
2012; for an overview of whole-task mod-
els, see van Merriënboer & Kester, 2008).
Around the same time, in the 1990s, a so-
cial-constructivist approach to learning
became more and more popular, and it still
is today. The 4C/ID model adopts a moder-
ate constructivist approach. The basis for
an educational program is whole-task
practice, oering non-trivial, realistic and
increasingly more complex tasks (prob-
lems, projects, cases) to learners, and often
these tasks will be performed collabora-
tively. Schema construction by inductive
learning and elaboration are the main
learning processes. These processes are un-
der strategic control of the learners: They
actively construct meaning or new cogni-
tive schemas that allow for deep under-
standing and complex task performance.
Yet, the 4C/ID model also has some clear
‘instructivist’ features. These are readily
visible in the how-to instructions and cor-
rective feedback for routine aspects of
learning tasks, and in part-task practice for
routines that need to be developed to a very
high level of automaticity. In my view, the
learning sciences should acknowledge that
social constructivist and traditional ‘in-
structivist’ approaches rest on a common
psychological basis and should comple-
ment each other. The 4C/ID model aims to
combine the best of both worlds.
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