Building Parade Float
Building a float may not be as hard as you might think. Come up with a theme and remember to be creative
Here are some suggestions:
1. Some very interesting things can be done with a grocery store cart.
2. One of the easiest floats can be constructed around an electric golf cart.
3. Build a float on top of a car.
4. And of course, a flat bed trailer is always a standard.
Here are some examples of floats built on lawn tractors:
Float Design
1. When you decide on a concept, draw a rough pencil sketch. Most floats use a stair step effect with the most height at
the rear of the float. After you have worked out the details, a drawing done to scale is very helpful.
2. Other important design considerations are your equipment and the capabilities of your float builders. If you plan to
include elaborate props or woodwork, make sure that you have access to a capable technician who has the proper tools
and equipment. If your float has electrical requirements, make sure you have consulted someone who is a qualified
Float Materials
Now you’ll have to buy, rent, or borrow the materials needed to execute your plan.
You’ll need several items before you start:
Be sure to have tools handy for your workers power circular saws, electric jigsaws, screw guns or screwdrivers,
electric drills, staple guns, hammers, and stepladders.
You will need chicken wire, 1” x 1” and 2”x2” construction grade wood strips, plywood and other float decorating
materials such as floral sheeting, rope festooning and fringe skirting.
All Vinyl floral sheeting takes the place of old fashioned “toilet paper” and other types of cloth that was placed into
chicken wire on the old high school floats. It comes in rolls that are 3 feet wide by 10 yards long. It also comes in
dozens of colors
Rope festooning is a petal type rope that is 4” wide and 48 feet long. It comes in dozens of colors and is
commonly used to drape the sides of a float.
Fringe skirting hangs along the bottom sides of the float and sweeps along the street. It moves with the breeze
and adds to the over all effect. It comes in metallic colors also.
The floral sheeting and skirting are the most important items because with very little work and time they make
your float look professional.
Pick an appropriate spot for constructing your float. There should be enough room for both your float and off float
work areas. Make sure you can use a nearby garage or another covered space. After you put in a lot of work, the
last thing you want is to have your float ruined by a quick and unexpected five minute rainstorm.
(It is required by the Fire department to have a fire extinguisher on each float.)
Cars, and Golf Carts:
Using these techniques, it is easy to see how most types of floats can be made using many different bases and themes.
Cars, Golf Carts, Lawn tractors.
Flat Bed Trailers:
The same principles apply for trailers. For most trailers however, people can be added. Make sure there are handrails or
posts for each person to hold. Note that the side frame is usually on hinges to lift up during transport and is at least 16”
from the ground. The 8” fringe will lower the effect. You can use special mats for the floor of the float or spray paint the
plywood. You can make the props on the float with cutout plywood and chicken wire.
Using a stair step approach, the rear of the trailer is build up and has the largest backdrop.
Images courtesy, instructions via Valley Decorating