Auto Insurance
Database Average
Premium Supplement
September 2023
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ISBN: 978-1-64179-227-1
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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Terms and Calculations ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Table 1. Liability, 2017–2021 ........................................................................................................................ 9
Table 2. Collision, 2017–2021 ..................................................................................................................... 12
Table 3. Comprehensive, 2017–2021 ......................................................................................................... 15
Table 4. Average Expenditure, 2017–2021 ................................................................................................. 18
Table 5. Combined Average Premium, 2017–2021 .................................................................................... 19
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
The data used for this supplement includes written premiums and exposures for calendar years
2017-2021 for the combined voluntary and residual market. Earned and incurred loss data for
calendar/accident years 2018-2020 cannot be collected until spring of 2023 and will not be included in
this supplement. The earned and incurred loss data will be included in the full 2020/2021 Auto
Database report that will be released later this year.
The purpose of the supplement is to release written premium data and exposures on a faster timeline
than the full Auto Database report allows. The tables in this supplement, Tables 1 through Tables 5, will
be included in the full report.
Data contained in this supplement may differ from data contained in reports from previous years, as the
statistical agents periodically obtain updated information from insurers.
The insurance data was obtained from the following statistical agents: American Association of
Insurance Services (AAIS); Insurance Services Office (ISO); National Independent Statistical Service
(NISS); Independent Statistical Service, Inc. (ISS), Massachusetts Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers
(M-CAR); and Maryland Auto Insurance Fund (MAIF). Data was also obtained from the California
Department of Insurance and the Texas Department of Insurance. The assistance of these organizations
in developing this report is greatly appreciated. There may be some data from other small statistical
agencies that are not included.
The tables in this report were prepared under the direction of the Casualty Actuarial and Statistical (C)
Task Force. Suggestions about how this database might be further improved are welcome. Questions may
be referred to Justin Cox, Data Analyst II, [email protected].
Links to this report and other NAIC reports can be found on the NAIC website at: NAIC Publications.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Terms and Calculations
Below are definitions of terms and calculations used in this report. Formulas will vary depending on the
application, so readers should note the exact methods used in this report. For example, Average Premium may
be defined as Written Premiums / Written Exposures instead of Earned Premiums / Earned Exposures.
Premium: The dollar amount paid for an insurance
Exposure: A finite unit of risk related to a specific
insurance coverage. In this report, exposures are
expressed as car-years. One car-year is the risk
associated with insuring one car for one year.
Written Premiums: The total premium amount of
all policies issued during a given time period.
Written Exposures: The total number of exposures,
in car-years, of all policies issued during a given
time period.
Example 1: An auto policy insuring two cars for six
months is issued on 9/28/2008, effective
10/1/2008. The cost of the policy is $600. The
policyholders decide to change insurers in early
2009 and cancel the policy effective 1/31/2009.
The written exposure for this policy is 2 cars × 1/2
year = 1 car-year and is included in calendar year
2008 exposures because the policy was issued in
2008. The written premium is $600 (cost of the
policy), and is included in calendar year 2008
Tables 1–5
Average Expenditure:
(Liability Written Premium +
Collision Written Premium +
Comprehensive Written Premium)
Liability Written Exposures
Combined Average Premium:
Liability Average Premium +
Collision Average Premium +
Comprehensive Average Premium
Liability Average Premium:
Liability Written Premiums
Liability Written Exposures
Collision Average Premium:
Collision Written Premiums
Collision Written Exposures
Comprehensive Average Premium:
Comprehensive Written Premiums
Comprehensive Written Exposures
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Average Premiums and Expenditures
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2017–2021 State Average Expenditures and
Average Premiums for Personal Automobile Insurance
Voluntary and Residual Market Business Combined
This section provides state average expenditures
and state average annual premium per insured
vehicle, for private passenger automobile insurance
for the years 2017–2021. These statistics measure
the relative cost of automobile insurance to
consumers in each state.
Results are included for bodily injury and property
damage liability (including no-fault), collision, and
comprehensive coverages—the basic components
of a personal auto insurance policy.
Average expenditure per insured vehicle is the total
written premium for liability, collision, and
comprehensive coverages divided by the liability
written car-years
(exposures). This assumes that all
insured vehicles carry liability coverage but do not
necessarily carry the physical damage coverages
(i.e., collision and/or comprehensive). The average
expenditure is an estimate of what consumers in
the state spent, on average, for auto insurance. In
2021, the countrywide average expenditure was
$1,062 an increase of 1.46% over the previous year.
The median state average expenditure was $926.
The state combined average premium per insured
vehicle, on the other hand, is calculated by
A written car-year is equal to 365 days of insurance
coverage for a single vehicle and is the standard measure
of exposure for automobile insurance.
the average premiums for the three coverages. The
result is the average cost of an auto insurance
policy in the state that contains all three coverages
(i.e., liability, comprehensive, and collision). The
countrywide combined average premium increased
1.18% in 2021, to $1,189 over the prior year. The
median state combined average premium was
Aggregate written premiums and aggregate written
exposures are used in calculations with no
distinction as to policyholder classifications, vehicle
characteristics, or the selection of specific limits or
deductibles, all of which significantly impact the
cost of coverage. Nor do the results consider
differences in state auto and tort laws, rate filing
laws, traffic conditions, or other demographics.
CAUTION: Because of these differences, direct
comparisons between state results should be
treated with a high degree of caution.
Tables 1A–1C show the states’ 2017–2021 written
premiums, written exposures, and average
premiums for liability insurance. Tables 2A–2C and
Tables 3A–3C show the same for collision and
comprehensive insurance, respectively. State
average expenditures are provided in Table 4, and
state combined average premiums are displayed in
Table 5.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Factors that Affect State Average Expenditures and
Average Premiums
Many factors affect the state-to-state differences in
average expenditures and premiums for automobile
insurance. Some important factors include:
Underwriting and loss adjustment expense
Types of coverages purchased
Relative amounts of coverages purchased
Use of telematics
Driving locations
Accident rates
Traffic density
Vehicle theft rates
Auto repair costs
Population density
Medical and legal costs
Per capita disposable income
Rate and form filing laws
Liability insurance requirements
Auto laws (seat belt, speed limits, etc.)
Insurance rates are developed based primarily on
the insurer’s cost of paying claims. Certain broad
characteristics of a state contribute to the
frequency and severity of auto claims and insurer
loss costs in
that state. Many of these cost factors can influence
insurance prices, not only between states, but also
between communities and neighborhoods—making
price comparison between states and within a state
extremely complex.
It is reasonable to consider that the “general
economic conditions” in a state may affect the price
of auto insurance, but no direct measure of this
characteristic exists. There are measurable variables
that can be used as imperfect substitutes for these
general conditions to approximate their influence
on auto insurance price.
Three variables—urban population, miles driven per
number of highway miles, and disposable income
per capitaare correlated with the state auto
insurance premiums. Graphs on the following pages
show these variables for each state. The graphs
indicate that high-premium states tend to also be
highly urban, with higher wage and price levels, and
greater traffic density.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2017-2021 State Average Expenditures and
Average Premiums for Personal Automobile Insurance Technical
Average Premium =
(Coverage written premiums)/(coverage written
Average Expenditure =
(Total all coverages written premiums)/(liability
written exposures)
Combined Average Premium =
(Liability average premium + collision average
premium + comprehensive average premium)
Coverages Included in Liability Written
The liability written premiums data in these
tables are for the combined voluntary and
residual market business and include (but are
not limited to) the following coverages:
Bodily Injury
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist
Bodily Injury
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
Bodily Injury (Combined – Single
Medical Payments
Property Damage
Uninsured Motorist or Underinsured
Motorist Property Damage
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
Property Damage (Combined – Single
Statutory Uninsured Motorist (New
York only)
Bodily Injury/Property Damage Liability
– Combined Single Limit Single Premium
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist
Bodily Injury and Property Damage –
Combined Single Limit Single Premium
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
Bodily Injury and Property Damage –
Combined Single Limit/Single Premium
Medical Expenses (Virginia only)
Package Automobile Policy – Indivisible
Liability Premium
Voluntary Uninsured/Underinsured
Motorist (New York only)
All Other Liability Coverages Voluntary
Risks Only
Property Protection Insurance
(Michigan only)
Limited Property Damage Coverage
(Michigan only)
No Fault or Personal Injury Protection
Data Source
Written premium and written exposure data
were obtained from AAIS, ISO, ISS, NISS, the
California Department of Insurance, the Texas
Department of Insurance, MAIF and the M-CAR.
Dividends to Policyholders
The written premiums for this report do not
include adjustments for dividends to
policyholders. The actual amount paid by
policyholders with participating policies for auto
insurance will be affected by dividends paid.
Historical Data Adjustment
Written premium and exposure data are for
2021—the most up-to-date information
reported as of year-end 2022. Data for prior
years were also adjusted to reflect the most
current information for each year. Therefore,
historical averages in this report might not
match those published in prior reports.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Miscellaneous Vehicles Not Included in
This Report
Written premium data in these tables may
differ from a state’s written premium shown in
the insurers’ filed financial annual statements.
The premium reported in the financial
statements Exhibit of Premiums and Losses
(Statutory Page 14) include data for the
following types of vehicles that are not included
in this report:
Motor Homes
Recreational Vehicles
Travel Trailers
All-Terrain Vehicles
Antique Autos
Amphibious Autos
Golf Carts
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2017-2021 State Average Expenditures and Combined
Average Premiums for Personal Automobile Insurance
Additional State Information
The 2020 and 2021 California auto insurance data in
these tables is preliminary. The California
Department of Insurance performs a rigorous set of
tests on the data each year to ensure accuracy. The
tests are not completed until after the publication
of this report. Any adjustments to California data,
based on these tests, will appear in the next edition
of this report.
District of Columbia
The District of Columbia is entirely urban. As such,
results are not directly comparable to states with
rural areas.
To obtain more geographically specific data, contact
the Illinois Department of Insurance.
Data for Massachusetts reflects Safe Driver Plan
credits and surcharges for 2017-2021.
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund (MAIF) data
are included. The statutory purpose of MAIF’s
insured program is to provide auto insurance
policies to those eligible Maryland residents unable
to obtain insurance in the private market. Net
premium income and investment income from
these policies is available for the payment of claims
and MAIF’s administrative expenses. MAIF receives
no state general fund appropriations, and the debts
or obligations of MAIF are not deemed in any
manner to be a department of the state or a pledge
of its credit. MAIF is not structured as a residual
market mechanism. Instead, it is the insurer of last
resort for Maryland residents. See Section 20 of the
Insurance Article of the Maryland Ann. Code for
more details.
New Jersey
New Jersey is predominately urban. Results are not
directly comparable to states with large rural areas.
Historically, New Jersey has paid two to four times
the national average in dividends to policyholders,
and, at times, this has been as high as six times the
national average, which would reduce the average
expenditure and combined average premium for
New Jersey consumers if dividends were included in
Minimum limits apply to mandatory financial
responsibility, which can be satisfied through means
other than insurance. Note policies issued or
renewed prior to December 22, 2013 had the limits
of 12.5/25/7.5. Financial Limits as of December 22,
2013 are 25/50/25.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island is predominately urban. Results are
not directly comparable to states with large rural
The Texas Department of Insurance collects vehicle
and policies-in-force information at the end of each
calendar quarter for voluntary bodily injury liability,
involuntary (residual) bodily injury liability and
collision coverages. The average number of vehicles
reported for policies in force is used as
an approximation for written exposures.
Comprehensive exposures are estimated based
on the ratio of comprehensive to collision car years
for the years of 2018 to 2020. The data to estimate
this ratio only includes 70 percent of the
private passenger automobile market. That
ratio is approximately 0.99. The
estimate of comprehensive car-years
affects combined average premium, but the
estimate does not affect the calculation of the
average expenditure because only liability car-
years are used for that calculation.
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 2,114,504,069 2,013,154,368 1,999,354,066 1,940,946,609 1,792,392,433
Alaska 279,769,174 274,943,211 281,024,721 273,643,422 265,497,418
Arizona 3,432,244,432 3,277,805,285 3,254,131,365 3,073,218,620 2,729,730,668
Arkansas 1,098,108,559 1,059,399,388 1,055,331,776 1,041,730,855 978,327,515
California 17,219,666,689 17,402,826,342 17,607,088,343 16,914,871,327 15,196,443,886
Colorado 3,091,334,209 3,029,021,998 3,024,356,320 2,895,845,316 2,624,892,474
Connecticut 1,902,018,209 1,836,628,884 1,796,015,030 1,868,213,649 1,727,565,731
Delaware 636,447,646 621,893,199 634,127,089 622,026,640 565,686,257
District of Columbia 209,490,802 209,120,153 211,974,142 206,529,703 189,403,247
Florida 15,513,087,488 14,186,993,723 14,154,548,923 14,069,416,038 13,240,713,993
Georgia 6,718,450,119 6,465,440,659 6,321,985,028 5,982,733,562 5,417,047,013
Hawaii 421,936,642 412,100,250 434,124,029 430,318,002 417,742,177
Idaho 589,214,915 544,722,236 528,673,569 499,087,622 456,546,558
Illinois 3,949,083,771 3,912,172,067 3,983,969,642 4,019,714,040 3,900,034,158
Indiana 2,206,830,374 2,177,385,703 2,197,849,700 2,166,475,610 2,080,326,407
Iowa 881,427,070 865,301,275 879,831,460 866,466,688 835,431,299
Kansas 997,726,452 962,932,833 989,412,296 968,572,930 910,380,572
Kentucky 2,014,414,187 2,009,733,646 2,048,151,059 2,027,132,895 1,918,514,140
Louisiana 2,936,945,403 2,915,148,622 3,017,001,548 2,974,160,945 2,755,859,776
Maine 389,693,873 374,306,853 379,075,379 372,962,507 364,067,011
Maryland 3,146,213,762 3,154,821,320 3,229,319,254 3,150,127,337 2,946,187,632
Massachusetts 2,961,044,216 2,927,198,776 3,001,945,822 2,934,073,395 2,836,967,911
Michigan 4,721,273,440
5,178,397,010 5,646,057,443 5,362,856,619 4,978,944,737
Minnesota 2,054,376,581 2,043,537,731 2,105,128,709 2,077,712,306 1,977,129,997
Mississippi 1,147,168,464 1,072,757,764 1,064,395,103 1,051,335,808 991,538,048
Missouri 2,265,165,010 2,201,618,250 2,254,559,841 2,194,037,088 2,067,820,880
Montana 393,601,770 368,695,031 363,203,204 354,923,718 335,700,082
Nebraska 686,092,005 670,599,740 686,144,401 674,052,138 647,711,741
Nevada 1,990,366,537 1,901,619,500 1,898,458,129 1,795,870,376 1,451,442,019
New Hampshire 426,653,812 414,106,949 426,309,593 415,474,060 399,850,791
New Jersey 5,255,314,407 4,967,121,845 5,351,987,950 5,280,238,431 5,021,001,142
New Mexico 884,190,737 870,672,963 883,549,418 857,277,031 799,701,537
New York 9,336,981,472 8,747,875,917 8,906,419,690 8,764,768,953 8,250,903,858
North Carolina 3,118,485,684 2,989,059,174 2,887,979,347 2,791,408,823 2,546,296,754
North Dakota 211,032,960 197,837,104 201,237,068 196,887,973 191,642,118
Ohio 3,608,511,055 3,648,610,164 3,784,565,337 3,759,333,400 3,615,514,437
Oklahoma 1,426,031,404 1,398,972,906 1,408,050,370 1,392,274,459 1,299,232,387
Oregon 1,967,168,784 1,943,553,809 1,999,564,965 1,976,470,918 1,886,653,230
Pennsylvania 4,637,027,925 4,619,088,231 4,821,545,667 4,892,624,441 4,703,450,461
Rhode Island 648,576,117 641,760,276 651,754,733 627,296,529 602,293,486
South Carolina 3,016,511,991 2,874,790,307 2,819,602,979 2,697,887,677 2,427,660,676
South Dakota 242,216,509 230,287,551 235,381,795 230,315,099 219,727,901
Tennessee 2,495,782,517 2,397,008,680 2,391,548,643 2,327,486,751 2,190,669,836
Texas 12,765,238,601 12,310,500,833 12,815,633,539 12,591,951,315 11,800,307,523
Utah 1,364,937,161 1,279,001,080 1,251,464,222 1,172,133,724 1,057,114,179
Vermont 161,200,873 160,144,434 167,214,207 167,259,043 164,620,959
Virginia 3,265,490,249 3,189,250,804 3,264,605,366 3,206,964,843 3,006,109,862
Washington 3,336,662,161 3,277,469,278 3,362,426,901 3,234,437,415 3,064,965,200
West Virginia 646,799,996 648,169,382 673,652,813 677,694,461 665,277,022
Wisconsin 1,696,827,986 1,680,892,922 1,743,047,648 1,723,610,904 1,663,978,835
Wyoming 167,633,666 160,852,062 161,697,814 159,027,865 155,030,757
Countrywide 146,646,971,935 142,717,302,488 145 , 256 , 477, 4 56 141,951,879,880 132,332,048,731
Table 1A
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Liability Written Premiums
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 4,058,056 3,891,729 3,816,921 3,785,049 3,740,606
Alaska 496,811 487,938 480,491 475,002 472,589
Arizona 5,208,748 5,067,625 4,901,386 4,740,018 4,477,890
Arkansas 2,350,507 2,265,045 2,175,091 2,138,546 2,131,745
California 28,517,541 28,171,710 28,049,675 27,679,136 26,812,052
Colorado 4,454,671 4,356,847 4,279,046 4,211,730 4,091,930
Connecticut 2,409,576 2,323,341 2,238,170 2,379,505 2,322,319
Delaware 743,378 721,549 706,727 690,849 668,329
District of Columbia 264,928 264,058 258,092 255,151 254,006
Florida 15,235,102 14,594,626 14,192,325 13,924,140 13,766,733
Georgia 8,074,548 7,808,504 7,575,069 7,460,113 7,322,531
Hawaii 938,227 914,551 906,902 898,166 890,054
Idaho 1,389,970 1,293,767 1,216,120 1,171,931 1,130,672
Illinois 7,987,784 7,803,981 7,631,068 7,770,918 7,664,748
Indiana 5,141,776 5,001,949 4,907,441 4,873,707 4,792,140
Iowa 2,568,339 2,529,700 2,508,377 2,483,819 2,461,342
Kansas 2,392,516 2,353,071 2,318,722 2,291,574 2,270,133
Kentucky 3,468,375 3,390,036 3,315,731 3,262,679 3,221,192
Louisiana 3,011,908 2,981,428 2,941,326 2,921,756 2,929,661
Maine 1,041,350 1,005,994 1,008,998 994,192 982,538
Maryland 4,384,996 4,349,979 4,307,431 4,269,267 4,200,558
Massachusetts 4,599,768 4,510,862 4,514,717 4,455,904 4,412,652
Michigan 5,989,739
5,736,779 5,754,451 5,723,448 5,686,293
Minnesota 4,262,674 4,198,707 4,190,622 4,155,989 4,080,983
Mississippi 2,076,721 1,988,143 1,950,527 1,946,859 1,933,304
Missouri 4,413,487 4,324,871 4,256,899 4,201,361 4,182,932
Montana 921,530 854,893 828,238 814,364 792,909
Nebraska 1,640,477 1,605,381 1,589,072 1,568,840 1,549,408
Nevada 2,195,426 2,116,401 2,050,474 1,991,669 1,813,669
New Hampshire 992,711 960,957 961,722 951,015 938,057
New Jersey 5,766,775 5,504,663 5,612,307 5,555,366 5,381,914
New Mexico 1,609,713 1,554,253 1,512,166 1,486,033 1,457,107
New York 9,636,814 9,459,238 9,529,484 9,524,145 9,489,887
North Carolina 7,782,517 7,554,999 7,302,920 7,079,175 6,882,944
North Dakota 704,124 651,484 644,418 637,729 629,445
Ohio 8,552,663 8,434,041 8,356,776 8,305,922 8,172,022
Oklahoma 2,945,366 2,867,079 2,776,776 2,723,443 2,575,399
Oregon 3,056,118 2,967,098 2,915,827 2,865,534 2,783,030
Pennsylvania 8,950,288 8,752,645 8,756,119 8,784,507 8,677,063
Rhode Island 701,064 704,511 709,419 698,881 692,132
South Carolina 4,140,430 4,028,672 3,923,653 3,828,054 3,743,752
South Dakota 731,895 708,067 698,354 689,115 668,723
Tennessee 5,284,808 5,087,129 4,965,034 4,864,961 4,788,119
Texas 20,351,059 20,130,323 19,711,190 19,092,535 18,694,297
Utah 2,239,377 2,114,112 2,033,545
1,947,902 1,857,962
Vermont 447,090 436,780 445,991 443,692 438,791
Virginia 6,721,100 6,643,017 6,614,567 6,497,953 6,399,855
Washington 5,002,836 4,812,496 4,755,914 4,692,003 4,593,212
West Virginia 1,323,051 1,310,283 1,301,969 1,298,868 1,295,464
Wisconsin 4,234,395 4,161,165 4,136,889 4,081,284 4,028,755
Wyoming 483,009 469,024 453,656 446,406 436,116
Countrywide 231,896,132 226,225,501 222,988,805 220,030,205 215,679,964
Table 1B
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Liability Written Exposures
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 521.06 517.29 523.81 512.79 479.17
Alaska 563.13 563.48 584.87 576.09 561.79
Arizona 658.94 646.81 663.92 648.36 609.60
Arkansas 467.18 467.72 485.19 487.12 458.93
California 603.83 617.74 627.71 611.11 566.78
Colorado 693.95 695.23 706.78 687.57 641.48
Connecticut 789.36 790.51 802.45 785.13 743.90
Delaware 856.16 861.89 897.27 900.38 846.42
District of Columbia 790.75 791.95 821.31 809.44 745.66
Florida 1,018.25 972.07 997.34 1,010.43 961.79
Georgia 832.05 828.00 834.58 801.96 739.78
Hawaii 449.72 450.60 478.69 479.11 469.34
Idaho 423.90 421.04 434.72 425.87 403.78
Illinois 494.39 501.30 522.07 517.28 508.83
Indiana 429.20 435.31 447.86 444.52 434.11
Iowa 343.19 342.06 350.76 348.84 339.42
Kansas 417.02 409.22 426.71 422.67 401.03
Kentucky 580.79 592.84 617.71 621.31 595.59
Louisiana 975.11 977.77 1,025.73 1,017.94 940.68
Maine 374.22 372.08 375.69 375.14 370.54
Maryland 717.50 725.25 749.71 737.86 701.38
Massachusetts 643.74 648.92 664.92 658.47 642.92
Michigan 788.23
902.67 981.16 937.00 875.60
Minnesota 481.95 486.71 502.34 499.93 484.47
Mississippi 552.39 539.58 545.70 540.02 512.87
Missouri 513.24 509.06 529.62 522.22 494.35
Montana 427.12 431.28 438.53 435.83 423.38
Nebraska 418.23 417.72 431.79 429.65 418.04
Nevada 906.60 898.52 925.86 901.69 800.28
New Hampshire 429.79 430.93 443.28 436.87 426.25
New Jersey 911.31 902.35 953.62 950.48 932.94
New Mexico 549.28 560.19 584.29 576.89 548.83
New York 968.89 924.80 934.62 920.27 869.44
North Carolina 400.70 395.64 395.46 394.31 369.94
North Dakota 299.71 303.67 312.28 308.73 304.46
Ohio 421.92 432.61 452.87 452.61 442.43
Oklahoma 484.16 487.94 507.08 511.22 504.48
Oregon 643.68 655.04 685.76 689.74 677.91
Pennsylvania 518.09 527.74 550.65 556.96 542.06
Rhode Island 925.13 910.93 918.72 897.57 870.20
South Carolina 728.55 713.58 718.62 704.77 648.46
South Dakota 330.94 325.23 337.05 334.22 328.58
Tennessee 472.26 471.19 481.68 478.42 457.52
Texas 627.25 611.54 650.17 659.52 631.22
Utah 609.52 604.98 615.41
601.74 568.96
Vermont 360.56 366.65 374.93 376.97 375.17
Virginia 485.86 480.09 493.55 493.53 469.72
Washington 666.95 681.03 707.00 689.35 667.28
West Virginia 488.87 494.68 517.41 521.76 513.54
Wisconsin 400.73 403.95 421.34 422.32 413.03
Wyoming 347.06 342.95 356.43 356.24 355.48
Countrywide 632.38 630.86 651.41 645.15 613.56
Table 1C
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Liability Average Premium
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 1,085,089,849 1,031,937,996 1,040,247,151 1,009,243,428 956,076,232
Alaska 142,720,624 134,820,264 134,554,222 127,961,940 121,338,394
Arizona 1,261,450,806 1,174,512,299 1,177,489,291 1,137,139,213 1,031,399,923
Arkansas 584,480,750 550,673,093 541,436,760 537,508,138 516,791,158
California 10,503,632,114 10,075,696,083 9,883,938,818 9,513,812,084 8,748,376,283
Colorado 1,087,722,433 1,033,378,598 1,033,635,520 1,008,194,593 972,202,887
Connecticut 789,775,561 735,104,216 763,826,505 751,446,387 717,012,340
Delaware 209,471,989 197,037,527 196,154,998 189,808,304 180,024,272
District of Columbia 119,274,519 113,459,455 111,434,352 109,413,183 102,230,664
Florida 4,256,526,614 3,877,273,509 4,085,020,926 4,063,828,992 3,805,926,890
Georgia 2,382,493,596 2,272,114,617 2,243,286,800 2,136,907,163 1,971,372,025
Hawaii 263,411,091 248,147,119 250,512,291 237,711,658 223,442,390
Idaho 279,883,005 248,900,956 237,168,498 221,581,848 198,748,520
Illinois 2,331,762,287 2,224,717,037 2,246,766,083 2,196,279,556 2,113,667,216
Indiana 1,133,667,405 1,086,637,553 1,082,941,430 1,060,157,549 1,004,941,343
Iowa 496,350,079 469,959,720 465,858,234 462,230,600 434,311,653
Kansas 460,220,400 440,125,684 447,879,261 444,294,630 423,711,770
Kentucky 681,654,921 655,856,567 685,941,253 683,746,224 648,092,686
Louisiana 1,003,960,244 974,709,812 1,022,569,458 1,019,067,341 988,684,261
Maine 240,526,016 230,323,638 227,898,860 218,164,104 206,281,306
Maryland 1,486,598,913 1,443,218,153 1,470,188,145 1,426,693,739 1,317,487,535
Massachusetts 1,763,405,025 1,740,596,123 1,729,981,783 1,677,150,517 1,601,678,947
Michigan 2,178,425,085
2,092,358,996 2,142,785,290 2,111,250,825 1,994,068,268
Minnesota 932,159,868 884,935,522 884,769,528 843,362,062 796,034,570
Mississippi 551,993,536 515,540,715 503,205,362 509,158,753 494,094,953
Missouri 1,049,796,940 992,555,283 997,986,843 972,423,567 939,358,704
Montana 182,279,800 162,505,578 155,002,247 150,513,838 141,516,883
Nebraska 323,013,650 299,916,584 295,799,235 290,401,875 273,342,438
Nevada 585,477,190 545,876,675 565,166,218 537,367,555 462,836,285
New Hampshire 300,266,955 289,437,827 295,603,991 284,213,551 272,006,992
New Jersey 1,945,459,528 1,765,644,853 1,853,734,587 1,793,442,724 1,683,337,826
New Mexico 321,186,292 307,213,707 303,828,872 294,144,207 280,491,339
New York 3,654,706,787 3,414,745,574 3,473,130,264 3,362,461,171 3,174,063,168
North Carolina 1,972,412,688 1,796,669,997 1,790,932,124 1,678,414,988 1,572,000,075
North Dakota 141,845,609 128,130,671 127,588,386 123,482,445 117,032,804
Ohio 2,032,258,253 1,979,966,032 2,017,104,232 1,978,959,744 1,911,290,242
Oklahoma 660,484,167 625,812,835 622,783,078 624,504,377 579,228,713
Oregon 637,911,668 605,732,180 619,576,172 605,146,466 555,719,291
Pennsylvania 2,679,380,992 2,587,201,867 2,650,031,202 2,607,414,510 2,496,020,859
Rhode Island 260,891,927 255,255,977 252,757,408 241,688,747 227,395,626
South Carolina 978,462,740 921,261,794 910,499,519 886,479,216 830,826,114
South Dakota 128,058,447 117,943,800 116,272,936 112,640,303 104,748,510
Tennessee 1,367,542,747 1,269,429,994 1,262,598,721 1,239,079,490 1,175,767,654
Texas 6,012,424,200 5,728,258,870 5,919,326,489 5,847,439,476 5,589,650,868
Utah 529,759,603 484,926,655 480,542,581 460,464,481 415,986,676
Vermont 125,301,954 123,090,060 124,316,113 120,771,463 115,841,273
Virginia 1,692,662,412 1,615,849,454 1,616,542,812 1,569,835,884 1,495,948,533
Washington 1,278,456,462 1,200,188,811 1,222,701,425 1,152,066,513 1,062,838,100
West Virginia 331,443,067 321,018,503 324,388,260 319,253,561 310,418,604
Wisconsin 861,920,326 820,832,274 831,569,291 804,745,844 776,349,436
Wyoming 92,335,707 88,007,948 87,067,830 86,817,263 83,208,127
Countrywide 66,372,396,841 62,899,509,055 63,526,341,655 61,840,286,090 58,215,221,626
Table 2A
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Collision Written Premiums
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 2,869,379 2,735,840 2,664,753 2,636,560 2,608,785
Alaska 353,009 342,317 334,835 330,543 327,070
Arizona 3,910,497 3,759,701 3,583,931 3,478,107 3,286,140
Arkansas 1,564,097 1,504,055 1,451,565 1,432,298 1,417,718
California 20,601,638 20,092,270 19,960,100 19,664,340 19,274,539
Colorado 3,317,253 3,203,744 3,102,754 3,051,102 2,972,499
Connecticut 1,930,174 1,840,824 1,848,634 1,843,620 1,798,790
Delaware 595,175 571,303 554,202 540,122 521,684
District of Columbia 219,223 215,436 206,517 204,182 205,053
Florida 12,526,194 11,825,708 11,483,642 11,230,533 11,123,963
Georgia 5,723,254 5,504,066 5,323,497 5,223,445 5,147,817
Hawaii 709,128 684,712 676,147 664,467 652,711
Idaho 1,016,636 933,733 873,898 843,625 806,466
Illinois 6,573,516 6,392,006 6,389,821 6,470,382 6,278,964
Indiana 3,982,771 3,829,066 3,723,281 3,681,893 3,600,189
Iowa 1,929,396 1,885,989 1,855,998 1,829,730 1,775,712
Kansas 1,645,086 1,604,899 1,564,675 1,545,382 1,507,854
Kentucky 2,358,740 2,265,701 2,214,735 2,174,484 2,141,091
Louisiana 2,217,284 2,156,712 2,105,967 2,087,284 2,101,776
Maine 817,585 783,056 765,202 738,564 719,969
Maryland 3,548,993 3,480,350 3,416,173 3,381,942 3,344,298
Massachusetts 4,008,286 3,870,516 3,869,802 3,806,946 3,749,550
Michigan 4,774,463
4,508,650 4,470,786 4,405,066 4,299,393
Minnesota 3,352,861 3,284,071 3,225,064 3,171,597 3,088,202
Mississippi 1,497,019 1,420,529 1,376,364 1,362,858 1,350,078
Missouri 3,305,521 3,206,464 3,124,119 3,075,054 3,061,048
Montana 619,159 560,184 540,051 530,660 504,879
Nebraska 1,141,518 1,108,896 1,083,281 1,065,283 1,034,794
Nevada 1,641,864 1,555,963 1,508,857 1,465,589 1,339,757
New Hampshire 921,854 888,564 882,405 866,863 849,204
New Jersey 4,603,442 4,347,956 4,395,862 4,336,664 4,173,429
New Mexico 1,040,423 995,772 961,531 945,004 920,494
New York 7,674,784 7,507,601 7,390,326 7,339,041 7,256,514
North Carolina 5,686,313 5,446,059 5,204,184 4,965,973 4,783,795
North Dakota 516,102 458,533 449,131 441,065 433,339
Ohio 6,920,390 6,728,879 6,600,898 6,499,586 6,377,026
Oklahoma 1,970,009 1,897,506 1,832,879 1,797,664 1,681,131
Oregon 2,365,753 2,272,952 2,195,364 2,156,669 2,094,149
Pennsylvania 7,210,120 6,925,657 6,897,337 6,914,711 6,840,080
Rhode Island 518,724 517,682 514,781 505,272 493,855
South Carolina 3,067,291 2,952,936 2,858,896 2,783,146 2,739,252
South Dakota 500,039 479,482 468,720 459,940 441,745
Tennessee 3,896,981 3,707,591 3,565,148 3,484,492 3,417,144
Texas 14,156,200 13,915,233 13,622,867 13,199,262 12,980,190
Utah 1,724,411 1,628,710 1,557,213
1,489,598 1,414,751
Vermont 379,132 372,356 371,243 364,978 355,389
Virginia 5,235,282 5,126,511 4,990,038 4,963,502 4,888,258
Washington 4,019,507 3,822,684 3,745,045 3,684,708 3,573,997
West Virginia 957,552 936,661 918,653 911,622 897,463
Wisconsin 3,473,510 3,373,883 3,315,041 3,244,951 3,184,118
Wyoming 321,483 311,485 297,194 291,714 286,138
Countrywide 175,909,021 169,741,454 166,333,407 163,582,083 160,122,250
Table 2B
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Collision Written Exposures
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 378.16 377.19 390.37 382.79 366.48
Alaska 404.30 393.85 401.85 387.13 370.99
Arizona 322.58 312.40 328.55 326.94 313.86
Arkansas 373.69 366.13 373.00 375.28 364.52
California 509.84 501.47 495.18 483.81 453.88
Colorado 327.90 322.55 333.13 330.44 327.07
Connecticut 409.17 399.33 413.18 407.59 398.61
Delaware 351.95 344.89 353.94 351.42 345.08
District of Columbia 544.08 526.65 539.59 535.86 498.56
Florida 339.81 327.87 355.73 361.86 342.14
Georgia 416.28 412.81 421.39 409.10 382.95
Hawaii 371.46 362.41 370.50 357.75 342.33
Idaho 275.30 266.57 271.39 262.65 246.44
Illinois 354.72 348.05 351.62 339.44 336.63
Indiana 284.64 283.79 290.86 287.94 279.14
Iowa 257.26 249.18 251.00 252.62 244.58
Kansas 279.75 274.24 286.24 287.50 281.00
Kentucky 288.99 289.47 309.72 314.44 302.69
Louisiana 452.79 451.94 485.56 488.23 470.40
Maine 294.19 294.13 297.83 295.39 286.51
Maryland 418.88 414.68 430.36 421.86 393.95
Massachusetts 439.94 449.71 447.05 440.55 427.17
Michigan 456.27
464.08 479.29 479.28 463.80
Minnesota 278.02 269.46 274.34 265.91 257.77
Mississippi 368.73 362.92 365.60 373.60 365.98
Missouri 317.59 309.55 319.45 316.23 306.87
Montana 294.40 290.09 287.01 283.64 280.30
Nebraska 282.97 270.46 273.06 272.61 264.15
Nevada 356.59 350.83 374.57 366.66 345.46
New Hampshire 325.72 325.74 335.00 327.86 320.31
New Jersey 422.61 406.09 421.70 413.55 403.35
New Mexico 308.71 308.52 315.98 311.26 304.72
New York 476.20 454.84 469.96 458.16 437.41
North Carolina 346.87 329.90 344.13 337.98 328.61
North Dakota 274.84 279.44 284.08 279.96 270.07
Ohio 293.66 294.25 305.58 304.47 299.71
Oklahoma 335.27 329.81 339.78 347.40 344.55
Oregon 269.64 266.50 282.22 280.59 265.37
Pennsylvania 371.61 373.57 384.21 377.08 364.91
Rhode Island 502.95 493.07 491.00 478.33 460.45
South Carolina 319.00 311.98 318.48 318.52 303.30
South Dakota 256.10 245.98 248.06 244.90 237.12
Tennessee 350.92 342.39 354.15 355.60 344.08
Texas 424.72 411.65 434.51 443.01 430.63
Utah 307.21 297.74 308.59
309.12 294.04
Vermont 330.50 330.57 334.86 330.90 325.96
Virginia 323.32 315.19 323.95 316.28 306.03
Washington 318.06 313.96 326.49 312.66 297.38
West Virginia 346.14 342.73 353.11 350.20 345.88
Wisconsin 248.14 243.29 250.85 248.00 243.82
Wyoming 287.22 282.54 292.97 297.61 290.80
Countrywide 377.31 370.56 381.92 378.04 363.57
Table 2C
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Collision Average Premium
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 558,969,841 525,997,170 500,642,401 481,952,938 459,325,868
Alaska 63,845,456 62,199,305 60,588,026 56,986,761 53,348,359
Arizona 895,060,368 824,789,692 788,410,124 761,826,861 706,015,957
Arkansas 400,256,854 379,483,723 361,596,542 347,830,399 315,519,123
California 2,133,644,905 2,044,920,079 2,012,139,473 1,944,387,404 1,930,026,168
Colorado 1,122,313,253 1,042,112,393 971,952,427 868,242,394 710,101,015
Connecticut 302,714,491 281,556,998 275,458,925 276,343,956 269,728,810
Delaware 88,744,902 83,399,089 79,267,600 79,094,424 72,891,197
District of Columbia 51,278,504 50,084,440 48,241,740 48,767,810 47,902,416
Florida 2,112,752,874 1,917,639,279 1,832,206,358 1,738,902,574 1,584,514,885
Georgia 1,126,788,135 1,054,770,592 1,015,746,310 969,961,617 917,752,858
Hawaii 82,104,209 78,493,880 76,886,042 76,557,325 74,463,259
Idaho 161,161,740 143,881,061 133,945,611 125,488,207 112,750,076
Illinois 1,055,729,192 998,364,670 949,494,267 926,584,882 881,639,515
Indiana 605,188,058 566,520,875 550,393,181 531,172,216 499,178,909
Iowa 484,817,494 454,980,458 431,633,964 411,651,628 391,490,947
Kansas 492,454,915 462,750,838 459,146,448 436,341,953 410,499,827
Kentucky 431,518,817 413,843,705 407,518,427 394,704,879 367,851,301
Louisiana 584,431,072 561,934,348 548,908,911 534,974,017 501,949,730
Maine 112,189,914 103,580,043 95,809,921 92,146,122 86,045,904
Maryland 627,626,577 620,338,170 605,261,227 596,806,685 570,078,574
Massachusetts 634,924,339 609,188,163 607,602,531 589,510,024 576,773,815
Michigan 947,729,849
879,265,664 834,707,411 804,462,592 769,745,128
Minnesota 814,652,211 769,780,485 748,345,941 709,101,070 659,376,879
Mississippi 385,567,949 357,771,829 339,603,570 335,247,426 318,160,039
Missouri 789,013,287 735,295,304 721,459,541 687,847,773 641,009,370
Montana 203,856,639 182,049,752 174,581,338 167,146,965 145,025,245
Nebraska 330,009,058 306,316,718 301,138,931 286,587,990 269,232,004
Nevada 200,342,804 188,341,341 186,778,203 180,731,829 159,723,352
New Hampshire 118,906,788 111,637,635 109,745,138 106,572,464 101,819,022
New Jersey 673,452,303 601,051,014 597,881,393 590,924,745 567,063,267
New Mexico 231,318,587 226,957,787 222,950,123 209,400,333 188,987,319
New York 1,561,179,866 1,444,532,421 1,401,375,772 1,446,769,845 1,391,165,360
North Carolina 981,143,009 900,521,729 827,040,076 765,167,234 652,451,931
North Dakota 133,568,570 124,451,506 124,626,936 118,330,491 108,215,673
Ohio 995,719,819 956,560,589 934,488,198 923,242,657 884,233,991
Oklahoma 551,836,419 519,893,256 506,102,785 489,662,717 435,490,598
Oregon 289,669,752 273,780,802 268,232,054 255,952,034 236,032,593
Pennsylvania 1,348,694,276 1,274,468,304 1,254,442,745 1,244,246,917 1,184,492,722
Rhode Island 86,964,032 80,788,395 76,028,601 74,501,875 70,522,547
South Carolina 715,418,634 681,534,946 647,846,009 618,057,574 579,668,331
South Dakota 191,265,579 174,525,500 168,767,019 155,515,895 141,011,883
Tennessee 734,030,893 679,178,884 640,290,902 609,355,946 575,533,325
Texas 4,079,016,427 3,810,698,004 3,812,787,201 3,563,939,165 3,116,241,955
Utah 236,023,216 216,427,686 209,071,708
200,610,085 182,485,315
Vermont 62,422,428 59,339,691 57,986,434 57,101,840 54,135,123
Virginia 846,687,749 809,883,291 799,143,128 782,493,429 754,894,413
Washington 535,207,404 504,458,639 495,438,419 472,477,728 441,907,058
West Virginia 237,109,917 229,102,843 224,563,783 222,389,375 208,566,018
Wisconsin 647,126,335 609,458,398 601,055,387 557,287,763 509,535,162
Wyoming 121,702,655 111,929,859 103,702,354 96,014,191 86,449,945
Countrywide 33,178,152,365 31,100,831,243 30,203,031,556 29,021,375,024 26,973,024,081
Table 3A
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Comprehensive Written Premiums
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 2,971,523 2,837,443 2,779,027 2,741,556 2,700,750
Alaska 411,777 400,206 390,677 385,391 379,332
Arizona 4,082,748 3,947,715 3,779,239 3,655,796 3,439,648
Arkansas 1,611,639 1,549,228 1,501,936 1,477,342 1,454,090
California 21,535,338 21,033,462 20,843,945 20,518,095 20,073,955
Colorado 3,440,427 3,338,650 3,251,529 3,184,693 3,100,847
Connecticut 2,109,628 2,028,123 2,054,236 2,063,624 2,013,635
Delaware 620,213 595,328 583,066 564,800 546,162
District of Columbia 228,100 224,188 217,356 213,249 213,277
Florida 12,992,391 12,308,941 11,971,723 11,645,632 11,519,799
Georgia 6,043,361 5,776,990 5,624,804 5,493,550 5,394,442
Hawaii 765,207 733,645 723,249 710,915 695,480
Idaho 1,081,261 989,949 932,793 897,922 860,806
Illinois 6,951,514 6,799,335 6,556,572 6,585,110 6,601,980
Indiana 4,188,652 4,034,217 3,946,963 3,906,168 3,804,342
Iowa 2,010,834 1,970,242 1,946,317 1,917,879 1,848,672
Kansas 1,676,793 1,635,253 1,600,900 1,577,635 1,533,168
Kentucky 2,532,329 2,446,319 2,413,126 2,387,786 2,322,828
Louisiana 2,276,398 2,215,715 2,173,210 2,149,162 2,159,010
Maine 886,761 840,408 830,133 810,890 791,420
Maryland 3,708,498 3,636,700 3,601,869 3,562,389 3,508,113
Massachusetts 4,186,079 4,066,284 4,054,339 4,008,522 3,975,034
Michigan 5,458,198
5,205,414 5,142,963 5,052,676 4,871,168
Minnesota 3,599,636 3,551,551 3,486,494 3,432,897 3,331,359
Mississippi 1,531,586 1,454,341 1,417,767 1,398,498 1,384,959
Missouri 3,392,160 3,294,334 3,212,492 3,164,668 3,132,588
Montana 650,479 587,200 555,233 546,205 534,169
Nebraska 1,171,764 1,140,080 1,118,322 1,097,813 1,060,501
Nevada 1,694,332 1,627,752 1,566,644 1,515,821 1,382,049
New Hampshire 948,597 910,515 908,134 896,904 878,826
New Jersey 4,807,788 4,557,093 4,611,468 4,547,945 4,389,848
New Mexico 1,076,083 1,033,430 1,002,231 977,893 953,886
New York 8,315,188 8,175,892 8,104,585 8,000,344 7,751,795
North Carolina 6,047,508 5,816,551 5,540,663 5,297,308 5,121,500
North Dakota 537,898 478,554 470,353 460,225 451,573
Ohio 7,296,598 7,116,370 7,082,088 7,043,790 6,853,413
Oklahoma 2,005,891 1,939,835 1,868,361 1,824,204 1,705,928
Oregon 2,600,111 2,522,461 2,439,580 2,394,932 2,315,851
Pennsylvania 7,548,129 7,319,552 7,317,399 7,346,307 7,266,689
Rhode Island 545,933 543,362 539,279 527,959 516,395
South Carolina 3,259,966 3,144,080 3,059,866 2,979,508 2,928,783
South Dakota 515,027 494,517 485,570 474,821 452,946
Tennessee 4,125,429 3,928,520 3,803,956 3,715,247 3,632,985
Texas 14,014,638 13,636,929 13,350,410 13,200,582 13,304,694
Utah 1,807,067 1,722,313 1,643,322
1,573,115 1,488,137
Vermont 402,706 381,991 387,720 384,818 377,432
Virginia 5,594,314 5,448,688 5,345,811 5,274,222 5,163,379
Washington 4,276,634 4,175,910 4,078,264 3,996,844 3,881,215
West Virginia 1,032,568 1,010,465 995,522 988,971 976,992
Wisconsin 3,698,351 3,606,508 3,564,296 3,485,912 3,419,496
Wyoming 334,027 317,988 308,679 302,677 295,823
Countrywide 184,600,077 178,550,537 175,184,481 172,361,212 168,761,169
Table 3B
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Comprehensive Written Exposures
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 188.11 185.38 180.15 175.80 170.07
Alaska 155.05 155.42 155.08 147.87 140.64
Arizona 219.23 208.93 208.62 208.39 205.26
Arkansas 248.35 244.95 240.75 235.44 216.99
California 99.08 97.22 96.53 94.76 96.15
Colorado 326.21 312.14 298.92 272.63 229.00
Connecticut 143.49 138.83 134.09 133.91 133.95
Delaware 143.09 140.09 135.95 140.04 133.46
District of Columbia 224.81 223.40 221.95 228.69 224.60
Florida 162.61 155.79 153.04 149.32 137.55
Georgia 186.45 182.58 180.58 176.56 170.13
Hawaii 107.30 106.99 106.31 107.69 107.07
Idaho 149.05 145.34 143.60 139.75 130.98
Illinois 151.87 146.83 144.82 140.71 133.54
Indiana 144.48 140.43 139.45 135.98 131.21
Iowa 241.10 230.93 221.77 214.64 211.77
Kansas 293.69 282.98 286.81 276.58 267.75
Kentucky 170.40 169.17 168.88 165.30 158.36
Louisiana 256.74 253.61 252.58 248.92 232.49
Maine 126.52 123.25 115.42 113.64 108.72
Maryland 169.24 170.58 168.04 167.53 162.50
Massachusetts 151.68 149.81 149.86 147.06 145.10
Michigan 173.63
168.91 162.30 159.22 158.02
Minnesota 226.32 216.74 214.64 206.56 197.93
Mississippi 251.74 246.00 239.53 239.72 229.73
Missouri 232.60 223.20 224.58 217.35 204.63
Montana 313.39 310.03 314.43 306.02 271.50
Nebraska 281.63 268.68 269.28 261.05 253.87
Nevada 118.24 115.71 119.22 119.23 115.57
New Hampshire 125.35 122.61 120.85 118.82 115.86
New Jersey 140.08 131.89 129.65 129.93 129.18
New Mexico 214.96 219.62 222.45 214.13 198.12
New York 187.75 176.68 172.91 180.84 179.46
North Carolina 162.24 154.82 149.27 144.44 127.39
North Dakota 248.32 260.06 264.96 257.11 239.64
Ohio 136.46 134.42 131.95 131.07 129.02
Oklahoma 275.11 268.01 270.88 268.43 255.28
Oregon 111.41 108.54 109.95 106.87 101.92
Pennsylvania 178.68 174.12 171.43 169.37 163.00
Rhode Island 159.29 148.68 140.98 141.11 136.57
South Carolina 219.46 216.77 211.72 207.44 197.92
South Dakota 371.37 352.92 347.56 327.53 311.32
Tennessee 177.93 172.88 168.32 164.01 158.42
Texas 291.05 279.44 285.59 269.98 234.22
Utah 130.61 125.66 127.23
127.52 122.63
Vermont 155.01 155.34 149.56 148.39 143.43
Virginia 151.35 148.64 149.49 148.36 146.20
Washington 125.15 120.80 121.48 118.21 113.86
West Virginia 229.63 226.73 225.57 224.87 213.48
Wisconsin 174.98 168.99 168.63 159.87 149.01
Wyoming 364.35 351.99 335.96 317.22 292.24
Countrywide 179.73 174.19 172.41 168.38 159.83
Table 3C
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Comprehensive Average Premium
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 926.20 917.61 927.51 906.76 857.56
Alaska 978.91 967.26 991.00 965.45 931.43
Arizona 1,072.96 1,041.34 1,065.01 1,048.98 997.60
Arkansas 886.13 878.37 900.36 901.11 849.37
California 1,046.97 1,047.98 1,051.82 1,025.07 965.05
Colorado 1,190.07 1,171.61 1,175.48 1,133.09 1,052.61
Connecticut 1,242.75 1,228.10 1,266.79 1,217.06 1,168.79
Delaware 1,257.32 1,250.55 1,286.99 1,289.62 1,224.85
District of Columbia 1,434.52 1,411.30 1,439.99 1,429.39 1,336.73
Florida 1,436.31 1,369.13 1,414.27 1,427.17 1,353.35
Georgia 1,266.66 1,254.06 1,264.81 1,218.43 1,134.33
Hawaii 817.98 807.76 839.70 829.01 804.05
Idaho 741.21 724.63 739.88 722.02 679.28
Illinois 918.47 914.31 940.92 919.14 899.62
Indiana 767.38 765.81 780.69 771.04 747.98
Iowa 725.21 707.69 708.56 700.67 674.93
Kansas 815.21 792.93 817.88 806.96 768.50
Kentucky 901.74 908.38 947.49 951.85 910.99
Louisiana 1,502.48 1,493.17 1,560.00 1,549.82 1,449.48
Maine 712.93 703.99 696.52 687.26 668.06
Maryland 1,199.65 1,199.63 1,231.54 1,211.83 1,150.74
Massachusetts 1,165.14 1,169.84 1,182.69 1,167.16 1,136.60
Michigan 1,310.15
1,420.66 1,498.59 1,446.43 1,361.65
Minnesota 891.74 880.81 892.05 873.48 841.11
Mississippi 1,003.86 978.84 977.79 973.74 933.01
Missouri 929.87 908.57 933.54 917.40 872.16
Montana 846.13 834.32 836.46 825.90 784.76
Nebraska 816.30 795.35 807.44 797.43 768.22
Nevada 1,264.53 1,245.43 1,292.58 1,262.24 1,143.54
New Hampshire 852.04 848.30 864.76 847.79 824.77
New Jersey 1,365.45 1,332.29 1,390.44 1,379.68 1,351.08
New Mexico 892.52 903.87 932.65 915.74 871.03
New York 1,510.13 1,438.50 1,446.14 1,425.22 1,350.50
North Carolina 780.22 752.65 753.94 739.49 693.13
North Dakota 690.85 691.37 703.66 687.91 662.31
Ohio 775.96 780.78 806.07 802.02 784.51
Oklahoma 895.76 887.55 913.63 920.32 898.48
Oregon 947.20 951.46 990.24 990.24 962.41
Pennsylvania 968.14 968.94 996.56 995.42 966.22
Rhode Island 1,421.31 1,387.92 1,382.17 1,350.00 1,300.64
South Carolina 1,137.66 1,111.43 1,115.78 1,097.80 1,025.22
South Dakota 767.24 738.29 745.21 723.35 696.09
Tennessee 869.92 854.24 864.94 858.37 823.28
Texas 1,123.12 1,085.40 1,143.91 1,152.46 1,096.92
Utah 951.48 936.73 954.53 941.12 891.08
Vermont 780.44 784.32 783.69 777.86 762.54
Virginia 863.67 845.25 858.75 855.55 821.42
Washington 1,029.48 1,035.25 1,068.26 1,035.59 994.88
West Virginia 918.60 914.53 939.04 938.77 914.16
Wisconsin 757.10 747.67 767.65 756.05 732.20
Wyoming 790.20 769.24 776.95 765.80 744.50
Countrywide 1,061.67 1,046.38 1,071.74 1,058.10 1,008.53
Table 4
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Average Expenditure
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
STATE 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Alabama 1,087.33 1,079.86 1,094.34 1,071.38 1,015.73
Alaska 1,122.48 1,112.74 1,141.81 1,111.08 1,073.42
Arizona 1,200.75 1,168.14 1,201.08 1,183.69 1,128.72
Arkansas 1,089.22 1,078.79 1,098.95 1,097.84 1,040.44
California 1,212.75 1,216.43 1,219.43 1,189.68 1,116.80
Colorado 1,348.07 1,329.92 1,338.84 1,290.63 1,197.55
Connecticut 1,342.02 1,328.67 1,349.73 1,326.63 1,276.46
Delaware 1,351.19 1,346.87 1,387.16 1,391.84 1,324.96
District of Columbia 1,559.63 1,542.00 1,582.85 1,573.99 1,468.82
Florida 1,520.67 1,455.73 1,506.11 1,521.61 1,441.48
Georgia 1,434.79 1,423.39 1,436.55 1,387.63 1,292.86
Hawaii 928.47 920.01 955.50 944.54 918.74
Idaho 848.26 832.94 849.71 828.28 781.21
Illinois 1,000.98 996.18 1,018.50 997.42 979.00
Indiana 858.32 859.52 878.16 868.44 844.46
Iowa 841.55 822.17 823.53 816.11 795.77
Kansas 990.46 966.45 999.76 986.75 949.77
Kentucky 1,040.19 1,051.48 1,096.30 1,101.05 1,056.65
Louisiana 1,684.63 1,683.32 1,763.87 1,755.08 1,643.57
Maine 794.93 789.46 788.94 784.17 765.77
Maryland 1,305.61 1,310.50 1,348.11 1,327.25 1,257.83
Massachusetts 1,235.35 1,248.44 1,261.84 1,246.08 1,215.18
Michigan 1,418.13
1,535.66 1,622.75 1,575.49 1,497.43
Minnesota 986.28 972.91 991.33 972.40 940.17
Mississippi 1,172.87 1,148.50 1,150.84 1,153.33 1,108.57
Missouri 1,063.43 1,041.81 1,073.65 1,055.80 1,005.85
Montana 1,034.91 1,031.40 1,039.97 1,025.48 975.17
Nebraska 982.83 956.86 974.13 963.31 936.06
Nevada 1,381.43 1,365.05 1,419.65 1,387.58 1,261.31
New Hampshire 880.86 879.28 899.12 883.56 862.42
New Jersey 1,473.99 1,440.33 1,504.97 1,493.96 1,465.46
New Mexico 1,072.96 1,088.32 1,122.73 1,102.29 1,051.67
New York 1,632.83 1,556.32 1,577.48 1,559.27 1,486.31
North Carolina 909.81 880.36 888.86 876.74 825.95
North Dakota 822.87 843.16 861.32 845.81 814.18
Ohio 852.04 861.27 890.41 888.16 871.16
Oklahoma 1,094.54 1,085.76 1,117.75 1,127.04 1,104.31
Oregon 1,024.73 1,030.07 1,077.93 1,077.20 1,045.20
Pennsylvania 1,068.38 1,075.42 1,106.29 1,103.41 1,069.97
Rhode Island 1,587.37 1,552.69 1,550.70 1,517.02 1,467.22
South Carolina 1,267.01 1,242.33 1,248.82 1,230.72 1,149.68
South Dakota 958.41 924.14 932.68 906.65 877.02
Tennessee 1,001.11 986.46 1,004.15 998.03 960.02
Texas 1,343.03 1,302.63 1,370.28 1,372.52 1,296.08
Utah 1,047.34 1,028.38 1,051.23
1,038.39 985.63
Vermont 846.06 852.56 859.35 856.26 844.56
Virginia 960.52 943.92 966.99 958.17 921.95
Washington 1,110.16 1,115.80 1,154.97 1,120.23 1,078.52
West Virginia 1,064.64 1,064.14 1,096.10 1,096.83 1,072.91
Wisconsin 823.84 816.23 840.82 830.19 805.85
Wyoming 998.63 977.49 985.35 971.07 938.51
Countrywide 1,189.42 1,175.61 1,205.74 1,191.56 1,136.95
Table 5
Average Premiums and Expenditures 2017-2021
Combined Average Premium
© 2023 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
2021 Auto Insurance Database Report Supplement
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