This manual is intended to inform students about the various programs
offered by IIRM and describes the program details, procedures,
requirements, courses and learning opportunities for students. All the
students are governed by the policies of the Institute and are expected to
become familiar with these policies and abide by them.
The Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM), Hyderabad is a
joint initiative between The Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority of India (IRDAI) and The State Government of Telangana.
The Institute is a Centre of Excellence offering various programs in
Finance, Financial Services, Insurance, Actuarial Science, Risk
Management, Health Insurance, Business Analytics, Marketing and
Human Resources Management.
Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
(2 years Master's Level Program Approved by AICTE)
The Institute offers a 2-year PGDM Master's Level Program in Business
Management. This course is approved by AICTE. It aims at providing
the students with necessary inputs in General Management subjects and
domain knowledge in the functional areas of Financial Services and
Insurance. A candidate can choose specializations from the following:
Finance Risk Management
Advanced Marketing Insurance
Operations Management Actuarial Science
Human Resources Management Data Science & Analytics
Student Handbook 2023
Programs Offered
About the Institute
- subject to the minimum number of students in each specialization combination.
Student Handbook 2023
Students enrolling for PGDM should pay the prescribed fee within the
stipulated date/s mentioned by the Institute. All payments made could
be remitted in the form of DD/ RTGS/ NEFT/ Net Banking Transfer
(online) all in favor of the “Institute of Insurance and Risk Management”
payable at Hyderabad. Details are as follows:
Name of A/c Holder
Account Number
Branch Name
Nanakramguda Branch
Union Bank of India a/c Details
Institute of Insurance and Risk Management
Program Registration Fee once paid is non-refundable. However, if the
student wishes to withdraw from the course before the commencement
of the classes, he/she will be entitled to a refund of the registration fee
less service charges.
A student, who has been admitted and paid the prescribed fee for any of
the courses at the Institute and attends classes even for a day, will not be
entitled to a refund of the fee under any circumstances.
Delay in payment of the fee and not adhering to the fee schedule will
lead to a fine of Rs. 5,000/- per week upto 8 weeks. Later it will be viewed
seriously and leads to the curtailment of various services of the Institute.
*Also can Swipe your Credit/Debit Card or Scan the QR Code online to make any payments
Fee Payment and Refund Policy
IIRM is accredited by the All India Council for Technical Education
(AICTE), the Ministry of HRD, and the Government of India.
National Level Recognition
Insurance Institute of India (III), Mumbai has exempted Licentiate and
would award Associateship Diploma (AIII) in Life or Non-life to the
students of IIRM, who complete PGDM provided they appear for the
number of subjects as prescribed for their Associateship examination
and comply with other prescribed formalities.
Student Handbook 2023
Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), London
The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), London has granted
accreditation to the Insurance and Risk Management courses of IIRM.
CII is a premier professional organization in the Insurance and Financial
Services Industry.
All successful candidates passing out of Insurance & Risk Management
courses are eligible for credits enabling them to take additional
examinations and obtain Dip CII & ACII qualications. ACII
qualications are globally recognized as a sign of competence,
commitment and professionalism. This feature gives international
status to the courses of the Institute.
CII Membership
CII has agreed to enroll PGDM students as members of the CII at a
special fee (applicable to only students of IIRM) at the commencement
of the course.
General Code of Conduct:
The IIRM Campus area is divided into two regions: Academic Block and
Residential Block.
a) Students should note that they are under CCTV surveillance at all
times on campus. Any misconduct or misbehavior will be dealt
with sternly.
b) As all the programs are housed in the Academic Block, keeping in
view the acoustics of the building, students are expected to
maintain silence at all times and in all places. Students who were
found to be talking in the classroom/corridor and causing a
disturbance will be asked to leave the class/premises and will lose
attendance for the day.
c) Students will be provided with a photo-identity card which should
be worn at all times while on Campus and at the programs of the
International Level Recognition
General Regulations and Academic Information
Student Handbook 2023
Institute held outside, including internship and project work. The
identity card should be returned to the Institute at the time of
leaving the Institute after the final trimester examinations.
d) In case of loss/damage of the ID card or failure to surrender the
same at the time of leaving the Institute, a fee of Rs. 500/- + GST will
be levied.
e) The use of laptops is permitted in the class only when specifically
advised by the faculty and failure to observe this rule would invite
confiscation of the gadgets.
f) Mobile phones / Smartphones/ Walkie talkies and other devices
are not allowed in the Academic areas/premises of the Institute. If
any student is found carrying such instruments on the premises, the
same will be confiscated and will only be released upon the
completion of the course at the discretion of the Authorities, after
paying the fine amount of Rs. 5,000/-. Institute reserves the right to
frisk the candidates and check their bags/belongings in this regard.
g) Students must follow the dress code prescribed for them. Every
student is expected to wear clean and decent clothes keeping in
view the sensitivities of other students and visitors to the Institute.
The institute encourages students to wear formal dress (Indian
formalities are accepted for female students). T-Shirts, Jeans and
other casual or sportswear and canvas shoes, sneakers are not
permitted for both male and female students.
h) It is expected that students will respect the sanctity of the classroom
and avoid inappropriate attire, sitting postures, indecent behavior
i) Many Corporate delegates/representatives visit the Institute often
and they expect students to be well-groomed, formally dressed and
presentable to be considered for Internships and Placements
interviews/interaction sessions.
j) Students should take care of their personal belongings, such as
purses, bags, calculators, electronic gadgets etc. The Institute is not
responsible for any loss or damage caused in this regard.
Student Handbook 2023
k) Students will have to leave their belongings outside at designated
areas while entering the Library, Computer lab, Seminar Hall and
other designated places.
l) Students can meet the faculty member at designated areas to clarify
their doubts. They are not permitted to enter the Faculty cabins /
Staffroom/Administrative building area.
m) The Institute reserves the right to withdraw from further studies
any student, whose violent behavior/ unruly behavior/
misconduct is likely to harm the academic atmosphere and
adversely affect the image of the Institute.
n) Students should complete the Coursera certifications prescribed by
the Institute during the tenure of the program by paying the
requisite amount.
The timings of the classes and Computer Lab hours are Monday
through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM which will be reviewed from
time to time. Depending on the situation and the requirements, classes
and computer lab hours will also be scheduled on Saturdays. In
addition, seminars, extended lectures, guest lectures, etc. will be
arranged from time to time.
Students are advised to contact the Program Coordinator / follow the
Institute Notice Boards for any change in the timings of the regular
classes or any special classes or Lab hours, or other programs.
Students should be punctual in the classes. Students who stroll into
class/labs after the commencement of the session will not be allowed
inside by the faculty / In-charge Coordinator.
Schedule of Classes/ Computer Lab/ Seminars
Every student must attend the classes regularly, without fail. A
minimum of 90% attendance for each subject is required to be eligible to
appear for the End-Term Examinations of the Institute. Condonation in
Student Handbook 2023
deserving cases may be considered on a case-by-case basis on payment
of prescribed condonation fees given below:
Attendance % Condonation Fee in Rs. (Per subject)
85% - 90% 500/-
80% - 85% 1,000/-
75% - 80% 2,000/-
Further, if the average attendance is less than 75% he/she will have to
take re-admission for the next academic year.
In the unfortunate event of a student falling sick for a continuous period
of not exceeding 15 days involving hospitalization, the student should
submit a certificate from a Registered Medical Officer / Hospital
evidencing the sickness, hospitalization if any and fitness thereafter,
before returning to the classes. His/her eligibility will be reviewed by a
committee constituted by the Institute for this purpose.
PGDM Programme is of two years duration. Each year shall be divided
into Three Trimesters, and the course structures and examinations
based on the Trimester system for the PGDM programme. The First &
Fourth trimesters shall ordinarily begin in Middle of the July or the start
of August and end in October. The Second & Fifth trimesters shall begin
in November and end in January. The Third & Sixth trimesters shall
begin in February and end in April. In addition, there will be a Summer
Term that shall ordinarily begin in May and end by June every year
(8 Weeks). The Board of Studies of the Institution shall decide Credit
Units for each course or subject of the programme. The institute's
evaluation system shall be oriented to encourage academic qualities and
continue rigor. In addition to End-Term Examinations, students shall be
evaluated for his/her academic performance in a course through a
continuous evaluation policy and faculty may/shall decide on the
evaluation components subject to the general guidelines of the institute.
Student Handbook 2023
A student’s performance in a theory/ lab course shall be assessed through
a series of Continuous Internal Assessments (CIA) which include quizzes,
seminars, group discussions, class/take-home assignments (and several
others), and a Final End Term Examination.
The allocation of Internal and End Term Marks for the PGDM program
will be as under:
Assessment/ Evaluation Methodology
Sl.No Type of Assessment Marks Allotted
(Weightage in %)
1 Continuous Internal Assessment(CIA) 50
2 End Term 50
Total 100
* Internal marks will be awarded by the faculty based on the performance of the
student in the following components.
Case Studies Essay submissions
Computer-Based Test (CBT) Group Project / Assignment
Assignment (Individual) Group Discussion
Mini Projects Class Participation
Class Test
**Faculty may/shall decide the actual composition for each subject/course in
consultation with the Principal.
i. A student has to secure separately a minimum of 55% in the
Continuous Internal Assessments (CIA) and End Term for a Pass in a
ii. If a student fails to obtain the required 55% in End Term, he/she will
have to take the supplementary / re-sit examination to be conducted
later. The Backlog Examinations would be scheduled tentatively in
the month of April and June/July.
iii. Student who fail in Continuous Internal Assessments (CIA) is not
eligible for taking the End - Term Examination in the respective
iv. However, those who fail in Continuous Internal Assessments (CIA)
need to contact their respective faculty immediately after publishing
the results of Trimester and fulfill the CIA before the commencement
of the Supplementary Examinations to secure Pass in the Internals.
Student Handbook 2023
v. The number of chances for repeating each CIA is only ONE for the
respective subject. Any student who fails to pass/clear the CIA
before the commencement of the Supplementary Examinations
should re-sit with the next/fresh batch and clear both the
Continuous Internal Assessment and End Term for the final award
of the degree.
vi. Students have to clear all the subjects (CIA) and End Term within
4 years of the time frame from the date of admission into the
course(i.e., 2 years course period and 2 years grace period), for the
award of the final degree, failing which his/her admission would be
vii. Students who have failed any of the courses in the previous trimester
can apply for supplementary examinations without any Fees for the
first attempt. However, in every next subsequent attempt for failed
courses, he/she has to pay a supplementary examination fee of
Rs. 1,000/- per each subject/course failed.
*Note: Students who attained qualifying marks in CIA will remain the same and
will be considered for final grading.
viii. While appearing for the re-sit examinations, students will be
required to follow the syllabus that is in force. A student who could
not attend End-Term examination/s due to a long illness involving
hospitalization can represent his/her case and the Institute’s Board
of Examinations will decide on the issue on a case-to-case basis and
that decision of the Institute will be final in the matter.
ix. There is no system of revaluation and recounting of the answer
x. The Institute reserves the right not to allow any student to write the
examination/s if he/she is found contravening the rules and
regulations of the Institute.
xi. During the conduct of the examination, any kind of misbehavior,
indulging in malpractice, etc. by the student will be dealt with
sternly, and disciplinary action will be initiated as deemed fit by the
Board of Examinations and can include debarring the student from
taking part in the examination/s or cancel his / her admission.
xii. In the unfortunate event if a student has backlogs in more than 50%
of the subjects at the end of the first year, he/she will not be
promoted to the second year and will have to take re-admission by
Student Handbook 2023
paying the relevant fee applicable at that time. In case the student
fails in more than 50% of the total subjects in the course, he/she will
have to take readmission in the 2nd year along with the subsequent
batch and will have to pay the relevant fee applicable at that time.
xiii. The Examination department will issue a Hall Ticket provided the
student satisfies the required criteria (Fee Dues, Attendance, etc). If
in any case, the candidate missed/lost the Hall ticket, for the issue of
a duplicate hall ticket he/she has to pay Rs. 500 towards a fine.
Grading System
The total performance of a student in a given course is based on a scheme
of continuous assessment. The performance of a student in theory courses
is measured and evaluated throughout the Trimester through Class Tests,
Quizzes, Assignments, Periodic Examinations, Term Papers, and Final
Examinations. The assessment in laboratory/field work courses is made
through observation of the student at work in class/ laboratory, viva
voce, and quizzes. The methods of performance evaluation to be used in a
course will be provided in the course outline circulated by the course
faculty at the beginning of a Trimester.
'The course faculty may assign letter grades or marks in individual
assignments, tests, quizzes, or examinations. The marks are converted to
letter grades and grade points as follows:
% of Marks secured in Subject / Letter Grade Grade
Course (Class Intervals) Points
Greater than or equal to 95% O (Outstanding) 10
80 and less than 95% A+ (Excellent) 9
75 and less than 85% A (Very Good) 8
65 and less than 75% B+ (Good) 7
55 and less than 65% B (Average) 6
Less than 55% F (Fail) 0
Absent Ab 0
Student Handbook 2023
A minimum of 55% marks in each of the subjects (CIA & End Term) is
required for a Pass and award of a Diploma/Certificate. The rankings are:
% of Marks Award of Division
55%- 59% Pass
60% - 79% First Class
80% and above First Class with Distinction
At the end of a Trimester, a student gets a ‘Letter Grade’ in every
registered course, provided his/her aggregate performance in any
specific course in the whole Trimester is apt. The letter grade and its
‘Grade Point’ indicate the results of both qualitative and quantitative
assessment of the student’s performance in a course.
The letter grade ‘F’ will be awarded, under the following circumstances.
i. Student who is unable to secure 55% in CIA and End Term
ii. Students who fail to clear a course due to their poor performance;
iii. Student fails to clear one or more components of a course
iv. Student who has been debarred due to lack of attendance,
indiscipline / malpractice
v. Student who remains absent in the End Term Exam
To clear an ‘F’ grade, students should re-register for the entire course in
the subsequent Trimester(s).
A student obtaining an ‘F’ grade in a subject shall be deemed to have
‘Failed’ and is required to reappear as a 'supplementary student’ in the
Trimester-end examination, as and when offered. For a student who has
not appeared for the examination in any subject, an ‘Ab’ grade will be
allocated in that subject, and the student shall be considered ‘Failed’.
The calculation and conversion of grades as per prevailing norms of
regulating authorities: A letter grade does not indicate any specific
percentage of marks secured by the student, but it indicates only the range
of percentage of marks. A student earns a Grade Point (GP) in each
subject/ course, on the basis of the letter grade secured in that subject/
course. The corresponding 'Credit Points' (CP) are computed by
multiplying the grade point with credits for that particular subject/
Student Handbook 2023
Where 'm' is the total no. of subjects (as specifically required and listed
under the course structure) the student has 'registered' i.e., from the 1st
trimester onwards up to and inclusive of the 6 trimester, 'j' is the subject
indicator index (takes into account all subjects from 1 to 6 trimester), C is
the no. of credits allotted to the j subject, and G represents the grade
points (GP) corresponding to the letter grade awarded for that j subject.
After registration and completion of the first-year first trimester, the
TGPA of that Trimester itself may be taken as the CGPA, as there are no
cumulative effects.
Credit points (CP) = grade point (GP) x credits
for a course
The student passes the subject/ course only when GP >=6 ('B' grade or
The Trimester Grade Point Average (TGPA) is calculated by dividing the
sum of credit points (I: CP) secured from all subjects/ courses registered
in a trimester, by the total number of credits registered during that
Trimester. TGPA is rounded off to two decimal places. TGPA is thus
computed as
TGPA = C G for each trimester
i i
where 'i' is the subject indicator index (takes into account all subjects in a
trimester), 'N' is the no. of subjects 'registered' for the trimester (as
specifically required and listed under the course structure), C is the no. of
credits allotted to subject, and G represents the Grade Points (GP)
corresponding to the letter grade awarded for that i subject.
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is a measure of the overall
cumulative performance of a student in all Trimesters considered for
registration. The CGPA is the ratio of the total credit points secured by a
student in all registered courses in all Trimesters, and the total number of
credits registered in all Trimesters. CGPA is rounded off to two decimal
places. CGPA is thus computed from the 1st trimester onwards at the end
of each trimester as per the formula.
CGPA to Percentage Conversion is·% of marks= (Final CGPA - 0.5)*10
j j
Student Handbook 2023
Faculty Assessment and Duration of Examination
The minimum duration of End-Term Examinations is 2 hours and or 1.5
hours based on the course/subject credits available/notified (Maximum
marks-50). All the theory / practical courses shall have a faculty
assessment component.
Registering for Backlog Courses
A course having an ‘F’ grade will be considered as a backlog and it has to
be re-registered in the subsequent trimesters. However, students are
given the option to clear the course by appearing for arrear/s
supplementary examination/s to be conducted later, the schedule of
which will be announced by the Institute.
Eligibility for Examinations
All the students who have registered for a particular course are eligible to
write the Final End Term provided he/she is not debarred from writing
the exam, due to one or more of the reason/s listed below:
i. Shortage of attendance ii. Acts of indiscipline
iii. Withdrawal of a registered course. iv. Any other reason (if any)
Absence from an Exam
If a student fails to write any End Term Exam, the student will lose the
percentage weightage given to that exam/course. No Re-Exam will be
conducted again to compensate for the loss. However, Supplementary is
permitted for student, who fails to appear for the regular End Term Exam.
Under extraordinary conditions, if a student is not able to appear for the
Final End Term Exam of a theory/ Student Project (final viva voce exam),
due to hospitalization (in-patient treatment) for more than a week
duration or the death of a family member, then the concerned student
may apply to the Examination Department by submitting an application
through the Program Coordinator supported by adequate evidence or
proper medical certificate duly authenticated within 14 calendar days,
after the completion of the Final End Term Exam. Such applications will
be scrutinized by a special committee.
Student Handbook 2023
Academic malpractice shall be viewed very seriously and penalized
appropriately. In order to discourage students from indulging in such
activities, each case shall be enquired by a ‘Malpractice Committee’,
constituted by the institute and suitable punishment will be given, if the
malpractice is proven. Further, if a student indulges in malpractice, in any
component of the Continuous Internal Assessments and or in End Term
Exams Zero marks will be assigned in the respective subjects/courses.
Academic Malpractice
All students are promoted to their next Trimester or Year of their
programme spontaneously, irrespective of their academic performance.
However, at any stage of his/her study, if a student reaches a CGPA
below 3, in the First year the student will not be permitted to register for
the Second year.
For the programme, a student is expected to study and complete within a
‘minimum period of study’ that is, 2 years. However, if a student has few
backlog courses yet to be cleared even after the completion of the above
said time limit, the student will be permitted to complete all the course
and credit requirements specified in the curriculum, within a period of
Four years from the year of joining the institute. Under no circumstances,
the period of study shall be extended beyond 4 Years and thereafter
his/her studentship stands cancelled automatically. No separate
intimation in this regard will be sent to the student.
Time Limit for Programme Completion
After successful completion of the course and credit requirements as
specified in the Program curriculum and upon meeting the minimum
credit requirement as specified, a Provisional Certificate will be issued to
eligible students by the Examinations Department. The degree will be
conferred on the student during the subsequent Convocation. The degree
certificate will indicate the relevant branch, and specializations.
Award of Degree
Student Handbook 2023
Students shall pursue this course during summer vacation just before its
offering as per course structure. The minimum duration of this course is at
least 8 weeks. A supervisor/mentor/advisor will be allotted to guide the
students for summer internships. After successful completion, students
shall submit a summer internship technical report to the concerned and
appear for an oral presentation before the project panel committee. The
report and the oral presentation shall carry 50% and 50% weightages
respectively. A student shall secure minimum 55% of marks for successful
completion. In case, if a student fails, he/she shall repeat the SIP in the
next academic year.
Evaluation of the summer internships
Major Project
In the final Trimester, the student should mandatorily work on a project
with well-defined objectives. At the end of the Trimester the candidate
shall submit project report. The report and the oral presentation shall
carry 50% and 50% weightages respectively. A student shall secure
minimum 55% of marks for successful completion. In case, if a student
fails, he/she shall repeat the project work. He/she will be eligible for the
PG Diploma only upon satisfactory completion of the project work.
Withholding of Results
If the student is involved in indiscipline/malpractices/court cases, the
result of the student will be withheld.
Result Publication
Approved results will be declared and the results will be sent to respective
students/parents for display /information to students.
A student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of degree if he/she
has: i. Fulfilled the requirements of Degree, ii. No dues to the Institute,
Departments, Hostels, Library, and iii. No disciplinary action is pending
against him/her
Award of Degree and Convocation
Student Handbook 2023
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
Pass > 55% Fail < 55%
End Term
Pass > 55% Fail < 55%
End Term
Eligible for
Next Trimester/
Award of Degree
Should meet the Concerned
faculty and clear CIA before
commencement of next
trimester exams
End Term
Eligible for
Next Trimester/
Award of Degree
Resit with the
Next / Fresh batch &
Clear CIA &
End Term
Eligible for
Next Trimester
Apply for Supplementary
Eligible for
Next Trimester/
Award of Degree
Apply for supply &
clear within 4 years of
time frame from the
date of the admission
into the course
Eligible for
Next Trimester/
Award of Degree
A Convocation for the purpose of conferring Degrees shall be held once a
year. After publication of the results, Examination Department will
prepare a list of candidates eligible to receive their final Degrees. The same
shall be presented at the annual Convocation and the candidates shall be
conferred degrees. Distribution of Degree Certificates to the candidates
shall be made either at the Convocation or at any time after the
Convocation. However, no candidate will be admitted for the
convocation without prior registration for Convocation.
The Institute library has a good collection of books on a variety of subjects
and National & International periodicals (subject areas - Management,
Risk Management, Insurance, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Banking,
Economics, Statistics, Investments, Operations and Quantitative
Management, Actuarial Science, Case studies, etc.,) and daily leading
The Library is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Students are required to sign in at the Gate register while entering and
Procedure for Borrowing Books
I. No student will be allowed to avail of the library facility without a
valid ID card and library card. The borrower cards are not
II. Each student is provided Library Cards as detailed below:
2-Year PGDM Program : 3 Cards
III. In case of loss of a library card, a duplicate card will be issued for
Rs. 750/- plus GST
IV. The student should return the books within the time prescribed by
the librarian from time to time for making them available to other
students. In case the student fails to return the book within the time
prescribed, then a fine of Rs.10/- will be charged for every day of
Student Handbook 2023
V. In case, any book is found to have been defaced, marked, cut,
mutilated, damaged, or lost, two times the cost of the book will be
recovered from the student along with a penalty.
VI. Photocopy/print of articles or Book chapters up to 10 pages is
allowed in the Library on a payment basis (Rs. 3.00 per page).
VII. In regard to reference books, journals, periodicals, and Newspapers
are not permitted to be taken out of the Library.
VIII. Strict silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the
IX. Books once issued, should not be brought inside unless it is to be
returned. Students are free to browse the books in the Library and the
books/periodicals/Newspapers taken out off the shelves should be
replaced after reading
X. The Library computers are meant for accessing the Library catalog an
Online database and e-resources for academic & research purposes.
XI. Students can borrow back issues of periodicals for 3 days.
XII. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited on the library premises.
XIII. Eating, sleeping and talking are strictly prohibited in the library.
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is the library’s catalog of
books and other reading materials that can be searched through the
library portal. The library catalog can be searched by author, title, and
keyword. Students can browse the entire campus.
Online Public Access Catalog:
Student Handbook 2023
J- Gate Online
The IIRM Library has subscribed J-Gate Online Database Journals
(Informatics Publishing Limited, Bangalore). The Journal list consists
of " Full Text and Indexed Journals.
J-Gate is IP-based access within the Internet network connection of the
URL : https://www.jgateplus.com
National Digital Library
The National Digital Library's objective is to collect and collate
metadata and provide a full-text index from several national and
international digital resources, as well as other relevant sources.
National Digital Library: https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in
Student Club
Institute Events
Enrolment in Student Clubs as per AICTE norms is mandatory for all
All the events conducted at the Institute are student participatory. All
Students events like welcoming the juniors, farewell to the seniors and
cultural festival are student-based activities, which involves contribution
to the event by the students as decided by the management from time to
time. The amounts for the same will not be adjusted in the caution
deposit amount under any circumstances.
Student Handbook 2023
Students are allowed access to the Computor laboratory in batches for a
specified duration to ensure the other students also can use the
While entering the computer laboratory, students must enter their
personal details in the register placed for this purpose or digitally
register with the help of an ID card as required. Students are provided
individual mailboxes for accessing their information.
Cost of damage to any equipment in the Computer Lab will be
recovered from the student besides levying other penalties as may be
considered appropriate by the Institute.
The student must complete the Project Report in the prescribed format
and submit it as per the dates announced by the Program Coordinator.
There will be a viva voce followed by a presentation and marks are
awarded for the same. Those who do not complete the project work will
not be allowed to appear for the Final Semester Examinations.
Project Report
Institute provides Internship opportunities to the pursuant students
based on their application and in some cases by eligibility. No student is
allowed to withdraw from the process/es at the mid-level of screening.
Else, they will be expelled from the process/support from the Institute
and will have to source and pursue their own Internship. The students
who are sent for Internships as part of their respective courses by the
Institute are expected to complete the activity irrespective of their location
and preferences. On completion, they are required to submit a report in
the prescribed format suggested by the Institute and marks will be
awarded for the same.
The evaluation will be based on their project report submission,
demonstration of work done during the period of Internship at the
company and other factors which will be notified before its
Any student sourcing an Internship must inform the Programme
coordinator in advance by a month from the date of commencement.
Once confirmation of allocation is notified, students will be required to
complete the same. However, any matter/issue related to the same
arising at a later date will be decided by the Principal and Chairman
(Placements & Internships). His decision would be final and binding. In
the future, thereafter, any claims for whatsoever reasons will be null and
During the Internship, it is the responsibility of the student/s to maintain
decorum and well-being of one's own self. Students are expected to follow
the timings, protocols, rules & regulations of the Company to which
he/she has been deputed. Institute is not responsible for any misconduct
of a student during the internship. In case of any complaint/s received
from the Company to which he/she is deputed, the internship will be
canceled and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken as per the
advisory committee.
Note: Internship is a mandatory part of the curriculum and whosoever for
any reason fails to complete, will be considered having failed in the course
of study / will be detained. Such a student is considered of having a
Student Handbook 2023
backlog and will have to clear to be eligible for the award of the
PG Diploma from the Institute.
Student Placability Index
Before presenting the pursuant graduates to the Industry, Institute
conducts its own process of screening to understand students'
preparedness of being in Industry ready and will be suggested/provided
with requisite feedback on a one-to-one basis. This session is very
important in view of the campus placement activity. Also, during the
session, students will be exposed to distinct phases of evaluation patterns
as path-finder in their journey of preparedness. Basing their performance
in the process, they will be given grades that will indicate their potential of
securing a placement opportunity with the potential recruiters. However,
it is essential to be understood that, the first criterion of screening and
shortlisting will be their performance in academics at the current level and
in the case of major potential recruiters will be their academic career.
Finally, they will also be suggested with scope and areas of improvement
to enable them in improving their employability skills and the potentiality
of securing a placement at the least number of attempts.
Students will be required to participate in the Pre-Placement test and
would be indexed based on their performance and merit. Depending on
the index he/she would be recommended for placements. Any student
who fails to meet the required index will not be allowed for placement
activity for the said year unless he/she meets the criteria by taking the re-
test. Students must go through the entire process without fail.
Student Handbook 2023
Pre-Placement Training
Prior to the placements, a preparatory process of pre-placement training
sessions will be conducted by the Institute in order to guide the students
for interviews and presentations at the time of placement. The candidates
should satisfy the interview panel on various aspects, for them to be
considered for placements. Those who do not comply with the
requirements suggested by the panel will not be eligible for placement
opportunities sourced by the Institute.
The student needs to have cleared all the fee dues and all the subjects till
the date of placement activity to be eligible for the process.
Student Handbook 2023
Placement Eligibility Definition and Criteria
Year - I
Trimester: I - III
Year - II
Trimester: IV-VI
Condition /
First Attempt -
All Clear (No back-logs)
Academic back-logs
will not be allowed
Placement Application
Eligible to apply as
per Co. norms
Those with academic
back-logs will not be
allowed to apply till
they clear.
Students having backlog at any stage of the progress of trimesters must
clear to become eligible for Final Placement applications with various
potential recruiters as per the eligibility defined by the company.
Students for whatsoever reason may be, if fails at any stage of academic
progression, will not be eligible for the placements process till they clear
all the academic back-logs.
Only Academically
All-Clear students are
eligible to apply
Also, it is pertinent to note that, students are placed and fail for
whatsoever reason in academics in the advanced trimesters will be
informed to the company.
At the end of the program - i.e. upon completion of the last examination
of trimester VI, only academically eligible students will be placed.
Others remain ineligible and will not get further support.
a) The Institute invites various companies the selection of students for
suitable placement opportunities. While the Institute does not
guarantee placement, it, however, endeavors to transform students to
gain the requisite employability skills which make them placement
b) The entire placement exercise is a joint effort between the Institute and
the students. While the Institute provides guidance, support, and
requisite inputs for the overall development of individuals, it is also
the responsibility of the student to put in the maximum possible
efforts to obtain suitable placements by succeeding in the given
selection processes.
c) All the students participating in the placement process must be open
to any role and location as desired by the potential recruiter/s as
deemed fit. The role at which an individual is placed is purely at the
discretion of the recruiters basing their organizational requirements.
Note: Any student/s who expresses preferences for any location, due
to whatsoever reasons, will be limiting their scope as opportunities
are provided by the recruiting companies based on their requirements
and Institute has no role in influencing any Company / HR to that
d) If a student has a backlog of subjects he/she will not be eligible for
placements, as most of the companies require candidates with no
backlogs, in certain cases major MNCs look for a first attempt all
clear in academics throughout examinations across all
e) In case a student rejects a job offer for any reason he/she will not be
allowed to take part in the further interview process and will have to
come back in line allowing the rest of the students.
f) Also, if anyone does not attend/apply for more than 3 placement
opportunities, then he/she stands to lose and will be placed at the
bottom of the list.
Student Handbook 2023
Commencement and Conclusion of Campus Recruitments :
From September to January / February. After completion of the
trimester - VI, placement season concludes.
g) Students having back-logs /arrears / carrying forward papers during
the course of studies, will not be eligible to apply for the placement
process. Also, students having backlogs till the completion of the
program, will not be eligible for any support further.
h) Student/s facing any impending disciplinary action / doesn’t clear
dues / or any other impacting reasons for non-compliant with the
system will not be eligible for the placement process and is subject to
clearance from the advisory committee. The decision of the Principal/
Chairman (Placements & Internships) will be final and binding on
them. Once a decision is accorded, no claims will be allowed for
whatsoever reasons in this regard in the future.
I The last day of the Academic calendar marks the conclusion of the
placement season.
Note: Students are suggested to refer to the Placement Policy
Advisory provided/notified to gain more information on the Do’s
and Don’ts pertaining to the processes.
The students while they are reporting for the Academic year 2023-24
should follow the behavioural guidelines :
All the students are advised to follow the walk paths marked for them,
keeping in mind the social distancing aspect.
During break time, students are advised not to crowd the common
areas (Corridors and Washrooms).
Gathering of students is not allowed at any point in time. In case of an
emergency situation like a fire or earthquake, the students should
assemble at the designated assembly point (area in between the
academic building and administrative building) and avoid the use of
lifts and panic situations.
Respiratory etiquette is to be strictly followed in class, labs, and canteen
areas. This involves the strict practice of covering one’s mouth and
nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed
elbow and disposing of used tissues properly
Student Handbook 2023
Self-monitoring of health by all at all times and any student reportedly
suffering from a flu-like illness should not attend and seek medical
advice. Such students, if diagnosed as suspect/confirmed cases of
contagious disease or COVID or any pandemic should immediately
inform the institute authorities.
(*Considering the dynamic nature of the pandemic new rules may be
rolled out accordingly, students are advised to check the updates and
be informed through the Notice Board and e-mails).
Industry Interface and Interaction
General Information:
The placement Office acts as an interface between the Institute and the
Industry. Based on the valuable inputs from the Recruiting Companies
and Industry Mentors, those inputs are adopted looking at the potential
development of the pursuant students on campus and the future
With the change in the organizational environment and technological
advancements and interventions, many companies have started
conducting selection processes through hybrid modes (virtual / online
and offline / in-person) as per the adaptable and compatible patterns. It is
imperative for individuals to understand that they have to be prepared for
the new tech-based formats and be abreast with various facets of the
advancements in becoming industry ready for taking themselves ahead.
Note today the pre-screening process is technology-driven and is also
the first level of elimination.
During any such process, issues related to students' unpreparedness/
lack of information/ non-compliance / ignorance may lead to elimination
from the process. Institute takes no responsibility for such lapses
demonstrated by students and subsequently, an opportunity is lost by the
The onus of securing a placement is in the hands of the students. Institute
acts/supports them by training and guiding them with requisite inputs to
gain industry-desired skills and knowledge apart from regular
Student Handbook 2023
Industry fitment is determined by the participant recruiters and Institute
has no role in promoting/recommending any student’s candidature with
the representing officials/authorities. Institute promotes and encourages
performance based on the merit and conditions provided by the potential
Notices, Intimations, and Circulars for the information of students will be
displayed on the Notice Boards placed in all the buildings. No individual
intimations will be provided and students are expected to follow these
The Administration and Student Services Department are open to student
services, inquiries, and administrative issues during office hours:
Monday to Friday 9: 00 AM to 4: 30 PM.
Students can also contact Administration Department via email at
Students who have passed the relevant examinations will be awarded
Memorandum of Marks and Diploma Certificates. If the Certificate/s are
lost, duplicate certificate/s will be issued upon applying for the same in
the prescribed format and on payment of the applicable fee. Also, a
student can request an official transcript of the Certificates /
Memorandum of Marks, etc. on payment of a prescribed fee. The
administrative charges (applicable taxes extra) are as under:
Issue of Duplicate PGDM Certificate: Rs. 5,000/-
Issue of Duplicate Memorandum of Marks: Rs. 1,000/-
Attestation of Certified Transcript/s: Rs .1,000/-
for each set of transcripts
Issue of Certificates
Student Handbook 2023
Notices & Intimations
Administration & Student Services
Hostel Facility
While all students of the 2 Year PGDM program are required to stay in the
Hostels, students of other courses of shorter duration can opt for
accommodation at the hostel subject to availability. Such of those
students, are required to follow the Hostel Handbook and are governed
by the regulations mentioned therein. The hostel handbook is issued
Campus Canteen Facility
Students can take food at specified times at the IIRM Institute canteen
situated within the campus premises. The Institute discourages day
scholars from bringing food items from outside and encourages them to
avail the IIRM campus canteen facility. However, those students who
happen to bring their own food are required to store and consume the
same at designated places.
Medical Assistance and Insurance
All students are covered by a Group Mediclaim Policy in regard to
Medical expenses and also a Personal Accident Insurance Policy for the
period of study at the Institute. Details of the policies are given in Policy
documents, copies of which can be provided upon request.
Grievance Redressal
The Institute provides a grievance redressal mechanism for the students
in regard to all aspects of his/her stay at the Institute. Details of their
grievance should be submitted in the prescribed format to Program
Coordinators or put in the suggestion box provided for the same.
Student Handbook 2023
There is a Complaint Register and any aggrieved student can write his /
her complaint in the register kept for that purpose. Also, students can give
their complaints in writing and drop the same in the Complaint Box.
Complaint Register Box
Anti-Ragging Policy
Institute has an Anti-Ragging Committee. Any student indulging in
Ragging or any such act will face punishment as per the rules of the
Institute and prevailing laws of the country. Complaints received in this
regard will be dealt with seriously.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Grievances involving girl students may be brought to the notice of the
respective Program Coordinator/ Designated Authority. Cases relating
to sexual harassment will be investigated thoroughly and if found true,
disciplinary action will be taken against the student, which can include
removal of the student from the Institute rolls and or handing over the
case to local state administration for further action as per law.
Any penalty levied will not be adjusted in the caution deposit amount
under any circumstances.
Students are required to pay an Academic Caution Deposit amount of
Rs. 10,000/- towards any unforeseen damage caused by him/her.
Students after the completion of the course are eligible to collect their
Academic Caution Deposit amount, provided they submit a NOC (No
Objection Certificate) which needs to be endorsed by the following.
Librarian (Has returned in good condition all the books borrowed by
him/her from the library and no Book is outstanding in his/her name and
returns the Library Cards).
Suggestion boxes are kept in prominent places in the Institute. Students
who wish to give suggestions for improvement can do so by giving them
in writing and dropping the same in the box.
Suggestion Box
Student Handbook 2023
System Administrator (Any damage to the PC and accessories handled by
him/her in the computer lab)
Course Coordinator (Has not caused any damage to the furniture/ fixture
equipment etc., during her/his study on the campus and has surrendered
the Identity card).
Based on the charges levied to the student for the damages and other
aspects, the refund amount will be arrived at and submitted to the
Accounts Department.
Once the accounts department receives all the NOCs of the particular
batch, they will process the return of the amounts through an appropriate
payment mode to the student within 90 official working days after the
announcement of the final results.
The Institute functions under the jurisdiction of the State of Telangana.
Therefore, all issues and disputes if any are subjected to jurisdiction or
appropriate authority at Hyderabad only.
Once the student is admitted to any course, it is deemed that he/she has
accepted the Terms & Conditions and Rules & Regulations prescribed by
the Institute in its Letter of Admission, Students Handbook, Hostel
Handbook (if applicable), and any other format that is put forth.
The student has to submit the self declared medical fitness form along
with medical fitness certificate issued by a qualified doctor possessing at
least an MBBS degree / Civil Surgeon Registered with the Medical
Council of India.
*NOTE: IIRM reserves the right to vary the policies, syllabus,
and timings without prior notice.
Student Handbook 2023
Financial District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, 500 032.
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*The information furnished above is indicative and IIRM reserves
the right to change the contents at any time