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June 2021
Most lenders require survey coverage. Unlike many title insurance companies, ITG does not
require an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey to provide lender survey coverage on residential
properties in most cases. See “When is a survey required?” section below for a very limited list of
conditions that require a formal survey. While a survey is rarely required, there are a few
circumstances that require a “real property inspection report” (“RPIR”) due to increased risk.
What is an “RPIR”?
Real Property Inspection Report (RPIR): A visual depiction of the guaranteed Land prepared
by a licensed surveyor or engineer showing the boundary lines, the location of any improvements
relative to the property lines, easements, building setback lines, property dimensions and any
See Sample RPIR attached hereto as Exhibit A. In this sample, concrete improvements
encroaching into the setbacks are depicted in yellow.
When is an RPIR required?
A recent RPIR is always required in the following circumstances*:
1. The combined lender coverage amount is greater than $750,000 (e.g., the lender first
coverage amount alone is greater than $750,000 or the sum of the lender first and junior
coverage amounts are greater than $750,000).
2. The total acreage of the guaranteed Land is more than 40 acres.
*In refinance transactions, ITG may accept an Affidavit of No New Improvements in lieu of an
RPIR. See next section for further details.
ITG may require an RPIR in the following circumstances:
1. A known boundary dispute exists.
2. A visible encroachment exists.
3. The parties failed to obtain the required, completed and properly acknowledged
Composite Mortgage Affidavits (“CMA”) from all titleholders and spouses, as well as all
proposed titleholders (buyers in a purchase).
4. As ITG otherwise deems necessary.
In the event neither an RPIR nor an Affidavit of No New Improvements (as applicable) is obtained
in the above circumstances, ITG may be willing to provide coverage, but the coverage shall not
include survey or easement coverage (the certificate shall include Standard Exceptions 2 and 3),
and the coverage shall also not include the Comprehensive 1 or Comprehensive 2 endorsement.
For field issued certificates, the field issuer must manually add Standard Exceptions 2 and 3 to
Schedule B, Part I and must also remove any comprehensive endorsement prior to issuing the
final certificate.
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June 2021
Affidavit of No New Improvements
In lieu of a new RPIR in refinance transactions, in certain circumstances ITG may accept Affidavits
of No New Improvements showing no external or structural improvements have occurred on the
Land or adjacent properties since the last RPIR was completed provided that the participant
obtains prior underwriting approval. ITG’s analysis will be completed on a case-by-case basis.
While limited exceptions may exist, ITG generally does not permit the use of the Affidavit of No
New Improvements if the prior RPIR was completed more than twelve months prior to the date
the transaction was first submitted to ITG underwriting. If a recent RPIR was completed and
approved by ITG, ITG, in its sole and absolute discretion, may determine that receipt of all of
following is acceptable in lieu of a new RPIR:
1. Affidavit of No New Improvements (Surveyor/Engineer): A signed and acknowledged
Affidavit of No New Improvements (Surveyor/Engineer) from the surveyor that prepared
the prior RPIR affirmatively stating that the surveyor has made a recent physical inspection
of the Land and can confirm (i) there have been no other improvements to the Land other
than those shown on the RPIR; (ii) no other structures exist on the Land; and (iii) the
improvements do not encroach upon any setbacks or easements. ITG will not accept
representations qualified with "to the best of my knowledge" language. The RPIR must be
referenced and attached to the affidavit as an exhibit. AND
2. Affidavit of No New Improvements (Owner/Seller): A signed and acknowledged
Affidavit of No New Improvements (Owner/Seller) from all current titleholder(s)
affirmatively stating (i) I/We am/are the owner(s) of record described in the Commitment
for title coverage; (ii) I/We have not made or caused to be made any structural
improvements or structural additions to existing improvements on the premises described
in the Commitment since [INSERT DATE OF LAST RPIR] except [INSERT ANY NEW
IMPROVEMENTS]; (iii) No structural improvements or addition to existing improvements
were made on any adjacent property, which encroach, however slight the encroachment
may be, onto the premises described in the Commitment since [INSERT DATE OF LAST
RPIR} , except [INSERT ANY NEW IMPROVEMENTS]; (iv) I/We further state that the
Real Property Inspection Report made by [INSERT NAME OF SURVEYOR], dated
[INSERT RPIR DATE] (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof), is a
correct and complete representation of all improvements now located on the premises
described in the Commitment and on all adjacent properties, except [INSERT ANY NEW
IMPROVEMENTS]; and (v) I/We have undertaken a complete and thorough investigation
as to the condition of the premises and do not claim lack of knowledge or ignorance of fact
should a difference, in fact, exist between the real property inspection report/drawing and
the actual condition of the premises at the time of this Affidavit. AND
3. Owner/Seller CMA: A completed, signed and notarized Composite Mortgage Affidavit
(“CMA”) from the sellers/titleholders, and spouses, if any. The CMA must not reflect any
unrecorded easements, contracts, easements, agreements, etc. and should confirm
there are no pending boundary disputes.
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June 2021
When should the RPIR be ordered?
ITG must be provided a recent RPIR prior to the close of escrow. ITG may amend the
commitment to except from coverage in Schedule B, Part II of the commitment any adverse
matters shown by the RPIR. Further, ITG may except from coverage in Schedule B, Part I of the
final certificate(s) any adverse matters shown by the RPIR. ITG strongly recommends ordering
the RPIR as soon as possible to avoid a delay in closing.
Who is responsible for ordering the RPIR?
Typically, the closer orders the RPIR but in many cases the field issuer and the closer are one
and the same. The field issuer and closer should communicate and coordinate a process to
ensure that the RPIR is timely completed. The field issuer must always inform the closer when/if
an RPIR is required. Whoever places the order shall share a copy with the closer, field issuer and
ITG for review prior to closing. If a closing protection letter (“CPL”) is issued, the CPL closer is
responsible for satisfying all commitment requirements, including obtaining an RPIR as
applicable. If the closer is not the examining attorney, the closer shall share the RPIR with the
examining attorney for review. The field issuer is independently responsible for satisfying all
commitment requirements prior to issuing the final certificate. If the field issuer is not the
examining attorney, the field issuer shall share the RPIR with the examining attorney for review.
What happens if the RPIR discloses an encroachment?
If an RPIR discloses an encroachment, the closer and/or field issuer shall consult an ITG
underwriter for further guidance. Any encroachments across boundary or setback lines shall be
excepted from coverage in Schedule B, Part II of the commitment and Schedule B, Part I of the
certificate. In rare circumstances, an encroachment or boundary issue is so severe that ITG may
be unable to provide coverage unless and until the matter is resolved of record.
When is a survey required (RPIR is insufficient)?
As mentioned above, ITG requires a survey in very limited circumstances. A list of these
circumstances is below:
1. The owner is requesting survey coverage through the Standard Exception 2 Waiver
2. The owner is requesting easement coverage through Standard Exception 3 Waiver
3. The lender and/or owner is requesting the Encroachment Endorsement.
4. The lender is requesting the Encroachment-Adverse Endorsement.
5. As ITG otherwise deems necessary.
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