Intellectual Property and Data
Rights Considerations: Contracting
with Small Business Owners --
Strategic Planning
Vicki E. Allums, Esq., Learning Director
Intellectual Property
Defense Acquisition University (DAU)
Phone: 703-805-4594
November 7, 2019
Agenda -- Introduction and Basic
Importance of Intellectual Property and Data Rights in acquisitions with small
business owners
Key Definitions
Government Licensing Rights (nature of technology & source of funding)
Government Purpose rights (“GPR”)
Specifically (aka “Specially”) Negotiated
Acquisition Approaches
Modularity, Segregability, Interoperability
SBIR and STTR Programs/Data Rights
IP Strategy
Emerging Technologies & IP (e.g. cloud computing, AI, Supply Chain,
Cybersecurity, Open source software)
DAU Strategic IP/Data Rights Education Plan
Importance of Data Rights
in Acquisition
Data rights can be crucial in total life cycle
management of acquisition
Appreciation of this sometimes only comes
long after initial contracting
Data rights laws/policy requirements are
complicated and changing
Careful attention to Data Rights/IP issues
during Data and Requirements Development
is critical
Intellectual Property v. Data Rights
Intellectual Property expression of a new and useful
concept; legally protected; originator (e.g. inventor, author)
granted certain exclusive rights “Intangible assets”
“Data Rights” shorthand way to refer to the Governments
license rights in two major categories of valuable intellectual
property (e.g. Technical data & Computer software). The
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) prescribe policies,
procedures and clauses pertaining to data rights for civilian
agencies and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations
(DFARS) for DoD
Key Data Rights Definitions
Technical Data” recorded information, regardless of the form or
method of the recording, of a scientific or technical nature
computer software documentation); Does not include computer
software or data incidental to contract administration (e.g. financial,
management information)
“Computer Softwarecomputer programs, source code, source code
listings, object code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow
charts, formulae, and related material;
enables the software to be
reproduced, recreated, or recompiled
; Does not include computer
databases or computer software documentation
“Computer Software Documentation” owners manuals, users
manuals, installation instructions, operating instructions, and other
similar items, regardless of storage medium, that
explain the capabilities
of the computer software or provide instructions for using the software
IP Subject Published Examples
Patents New technology
Yes a drug formula,
Blackberry® server
Copyrights Artistic expression in
tangible form
Yes music, paintings, novel,
blueprint of a house or
machine, software
Trade Secrets Any information more
valuable for business
due to its secrecy
No blueprint of a machine,
Coke® formula, a
customer list
Trademarks A name, mark, color,
pattern, sound
indicating a source of
goods or services
Yes KFC®, General Mills®,
Ownings-Corning® pink,
Intel,® sound,
milCloud,® DCS,
Defense Collaboration
Intellectual Property Common Types
Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software under the DFARs
SBIR and STTR Programs and STTRSS
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
Federal Agencies with extramural research budgets over $100 million have
a percentage reserved for contracts or grants to small businesses; Funding
contracts or grants
Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program
Federal agencies with an extramural research budgets in excel of $1 billion
SBIR and STTR Goals:
o Help certain small businesses conduct research and development (R&D)
o Stimulate technological innovation in private sector
o Encourage participation by socio-economically disadvantaged firms
o Strengthen role of small businesses in meeting Federal research and
development needs
o Funds cooperative research and development projects with small
businesses in partnership with small businesses in partnership with not-
for-profit research institutions (e.g. universities) to move research to the
o Bridge gap between basic research and the marketplace
SBIR and Data rights
DFARS 252.227-7018
SBIR data rights a royalty-free license for the [USG] . . . to use, modify,
reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose [TD or CS] generated under an
SBIR award as follows:
Limited Rights in SBIR Technical Data (TD)
Restricted Rights in SBIR Computer Software (CS)
SBIR license applies from contract award through 5 years after completion of the
project from which such data were generated.
If project ever ends, after the 5 years, the USG
has an unlimited rights license.
USG has Unlimited Rights in Form, Fit or Function (FFF) and Operations,
Maintenance, Installation or Training (OMIT) data
IP/Data Rights Issues/Challenges
DoD IP/Data Rights Challenges
Identifying IP/Data Rights needs (Process &
Obtaining Sufficient IP and Data Rights Data
Provided with Disputed Assertion of Rights
Lack of IP Expertise/Training
IP/Data Rights and Acquisition Planning
Source: IDA, “Department of Defense Access to
Intellectual Property for Weapon Systems Sustainment,”
May 2017
IP/Data Rights Issues/Challenges
The Problem for Industry …
IP overreach
GPR in everything (regardless of need)
Unlimited Rights when limited Rights may be sufficient
Failure to account for industry investment and business model
Change sustainment model
Failure to negotiate and inform industry
Forces industry to investment decisions without knowing customer IP plans
creating disconnect
Ambiguous and poorly defined contract terms
DATA RIGHTS” NOVEMBER 13, 2018 (DAU - LOG 465 Presentation James McEwen (LMC)
Data rights/
Vender perspective
Data Rights have value
Intrinsic Value valuing the companys IP
Competition Value
Revenue Source
Means of limiting competition
Working with the vendor (especially
important for small business owners)
Section 813 Review --
Congressional Mandate
FY 2016 NDAA establishes Government-industry advisory panel
Scope of Review
DoD doesn’t pay more than once for same work
DoD contractors are appropriately rewarded for their innovation and
Provide for cost-effective-re-procurement, sustainment, modification
and upgrades to DoD systems
Encourage private sector investment in new products, technologies,
and processes relevant to DoD mission
Ensure DoD has appropriate access to innovative products,
technologies, and processes developed for commercial use
Encourage use of Modular Open System Architecture (MOSA)
Section 813 Panel Report --
Tension Point Issues
Statutory and Legislative Recommendations
Regulatory, Policy, and Practical Recommendations
Cross-cutting Principles and Threads
Long-term IP Planning early in acquisition process
Specially Negotiated Licenses
IP Strategies
Education and Training
DoD Instruction 5010.44, Intellectual
Property (IP) Acquisition and Licensing
Section 4.1 IP Strategy
Identify and manage full spectrum of IP and related matters product life cycle
How program management will assess long-term program requirements, and total
ownership costs of IP deliverables and associated license rights for competitive and
affordable operation, maintenance, modernization, and sustainment (entire
product life cycle)
How IP and related matters necessary to support the program’s use of modular
open systems approaches; guidance on how solicitations and contracts will
Identify and require all major systems interfaces to be based on widely
supported and consensus-based standards
Requirements to include acquire appropriate IP rights in major systems
Appropriate requirements for other non-major systems interfaces (e.g.
interfaces necessary to segregation and reintegration activities)
DoD Instruction 5010.44, Intellectual
Property (IP) Acquisition and Licensing
Section 4.1 IP Strategy
Customize IP strategies based on common, shared and unique
characteristics of the system and components
Consider use of specially negotiated licenses to acquire customized
IP deliverables (e.g. technical data, computer software) and
associated license rights
Developing an IP Strategy
Solicitation & Source Selection; Negotiation
Contract Performance
Delivery: Inspection & Acceptance
The Payoff: Retention and Reuse (and Recordkeeping)
Source: Intellectual Property Strategy Guidance Prepared by the
Department of Defense Open Systems Architecture-Data Rights Team August
The Key is Strategic Thinking!
Developing an IP Strategy
SBIR Acquisitions
Identify the Need Strategic Thinking and Planning
What type of data or technology do you need (GOTS, COTS or
How will you use it (short and long-term throughout program life
What data rights to you need?
Will the vendor need to reconfigure or integrate into a Govt.
platform or system?
Contract Considerations
Are all the stakeholders (e.g. KO, PM, Technical SMEs, Contracting
& IP attorneys) at the table during all contract phases?
Program Budget
Are requirements specific and ambiguities addressed in the
Data delivery and rights assertions
DoD Instruction 5010.44, Intellectual
Property (IP) Acquisition and Licensing
Section 3: The IP Cadre
Facilitates development and use of competent and
consistent approach to acquiring, licensing, and
managing IP
Provide timely expert advice, assistance, and
resources to the acquisition workforce on IP matters
Advise, assist, and provide resources to DoD
Components on IP matters at various stages of life
Emerging Technologies and Issues --
IP/Data Rights Considerations
MOSA, segregability and licensing
Open Systems Architectures (OSA)
OSA Approach” combines OSA technical design
with an “open business model”
Open Source Software (OSS)
No “restrictions” on use or re-distribution of the
code; But there may be conditions or affirmative
Cloud computing, AI, 3-D printing, cybersecurity,
supply chain
DAU – IP/Data Rights Education Plan
IP Learning Asset Review
Delete, Modify & Add
What are the customers needs?
Complying with DoD policy (IPWG)
Addressing new technologies and IP
Collaborating with industry (e.g. Industry-sector
Delivery Formats (e.g. online, in-class, Ted-Talk,
short videos, site visits, “Checklists,Lunch & Learn,
Brown bag, articles, scenario exercises)
Back Up Slides
Definition: Invention
An Invention/discovery is a creation of the mind.
What is a Patent?
A Patent represents the grant of an exclusionary property right to an inventor
that permits him/her to exclude others from making, using, or selling the
claimed invention for a limited period of time. U.S. Patents are issued by the
United States Patent and Trademark Office.
To be considered for patentability, the invention must be a NEW, USEFUL and
NON-OBVIOUS invention.
Statutory Subject Matter: Articles of Manufacture, Machines, Compositions of
Matter, Methods and Improvements thereof, for example, a drug, a computer
program, Polaroid development process and a rail gun
Basis: United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8.
Definition: A right granted by law to creators of original works of authorship fixed in any
tangible medium of expression. Owners of the copyrights are provided with the exclusive
right to control reproduction, display, performance, distribution, and modification of the
Works by officers or employees of the Government, as part of their official duties are not
protected by copyright in the U.S. Copyrights may not be registered with the Library of
Congress, U.S. Copyright Office. Government works are not in the public domain, there is
just no U.S. copyright.
Government is permitted to own or possess rights in copyrights established by third
parties – a license or transferred by copyright assignment, see Special Works.
Software can be protected by a patent, a copyright and may have trade secrets.
A copyright notice need not appear on the work. Assume copyright protection and seek
permission to use the copyrighted work.
CENDI, Frequently Asked Questions about Copyrights, and Open Source Software.
Copyrights underlie Data Rights (Technical Data and Computer Software).
Definition: A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or
design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the
goods of one party from those of others. A service mark is a
word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and
distinguishes the source of a service rather than goods.
Examples: brand names, slogans, and logos (e.g. Microsoft,
Apple, McDonald’s, DCS).
Do not expire after a set term of years; can last forever if file
specific documents and pay fees at regular intervals.
Trademark rights come from actual “use”